M25 snowy warms the heart

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M25 snowy warms the heart

Post by Leo » 01-12-2010 18:44

Well here I sit, this is probably the first and only time il ever write were im sitting now.
The a road were traffic normally travels at around 70mph but at the moment is at 0 and hasn’t moved for about a hour. I started driving today at 2:30am on Tuesday morning to go to Holland. Its now 3:30 am on Wednesday and im still not home, I should have been back at around 11pm Tuesday night but oh well nothing can be done.

Normal this traffic on this motorway snarls with anger the cars, van and trucks tossle and fight for the fastest rout, swearing and flaing fists all the wile, no a relative carm and almost untied feel has come about as drives get out of the metallic beast and talk comparing there hours, were they started and how long they got to go. Feeling strangly good that they have farther to go then the other, the other comes back with a replie of well iv only got to go 1.5 miles to get to my turn off, that is equle impressive for some strang reason. Well iv got a long way to go, it sounds like the main road to my home is the M23 and that is just as bad if not worse. The wedsday morning rush hour traffic has still to come. Ooo my what to do.

Well I have my laptop sleeping bag and thoughts of replies for role playing sites and other things to keep my spirits up, iv already gone throw my new storie cds that had 6 hours of play time on them.

Iv just laugh a van in front of me. Ovesly a father and is teenage son. The father just walked out to move some mattress in the back, shortly after is son comes around with a blanket jumps in the back and heads off to sleep lucky soul. A poor guy behind me now cant start his van not going well for the travellers of the snowy night.

Well iv finale managed to get back, tired hungry but happy to finale be able to make my way home from work its 6:45am now, I got off the boat at 9pm last night so that was one good drive.

I managed to help geat the guys van restarted by giving him a quick tow to jump start him. Its strange were normal you would be snarling and growling at one another on a motorway to suddenly for people to be helping others to get going again, pushing cars out from getting stuck on ice, restarting vans and all sorts.

Nothing like a bit of snow to warm a heart.

(just something i wrote wile stuck on the motorway for 4 hours with out moving in the snow lol )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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