a song about a young fox.

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a song about a young fox.

Post by Leo » 24-12-2009 01:25

The city streets played the same music it always played to its self. the drone of cars, the crys of sirens, the horns of inpassiont anthros trying to get to there places to be. it was the constent sound track of this city.
Down in the allys of the city it was quiter thow only a low drone in the distens. it was also slightly warmer in the allys, but not this one a chill was in the air, that seemed to follow death around just to unerve the living.

But one soul it didnt unnerve was a old black wolf that was leaning agest the wall. He wore a long black cout, a black shirt and trousers and a cowboy hat pulled low over the wolfs face. his head was hung low a gitar leaning agest the wall at his side like a old friend. in front of the wolf was yellow police tape and a white outline were a body had once been, and be for the body a young fox had stood sceared and alone.

The old wolf didnt move for quite some time, only the wind blow around him, kicking up news papers that had more murders on the front page. his coat swayed around him and his fur followed with it.
This wolf was some called the black wolf, fantom and many other strange names. He seemed to apper out of now were, with his gitar and play his music, then like a leaf on a brezz he would dirft away and out of sight. he had even been known to prech to some anthros and the wolf always knew what was the problem with the anthro he was talking to. he seemed to apper some times before a big gun fight, or after. he never intervens thow, he will just come and play a song or lean down by the dieing and be with them in the finle moments.

This is what he had done for the young fox.

Suddenly as if he had come out of a trance he rasied his head, the gray on his muzzle showing his age and wisdom. he picked his gitar up and put it around his neck and started to play and sing.

"I found him by the railroad track this morning
I could see that he was nearly dead
I knelt down beside him and I listened
Just to hear the words the dying fellow said

He said they let me out of prison down in Frisco
For ten long years I've paid for what I've done
I was trying to get back to Louisiana
To see my Rose and get to know my son

Give my love to Rose please won't you mister
Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes
Tell my boy his daddy's so proud of him
And don't forget to give my love to Rose

Tell them I said thanks for waiting for me
Tell my boy to help his mom at home
Tell my Rose to try to find another
For it ain't right that she should live alone

Mister here's a bag with all my money
It won't last them long the way it goes
God bless you for finding me this morning
And don't forget to give my love to Rose

Give my love to Rose please won't you mister
Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes
Tell my boy his daddy's so proud of him
And don't forget to give my love to Rose".

When he finished he tuched the front of his hat and nodded at the markings were the fox had layed, telling the black wolf his last worlds.
The wolf turn and walked out of the ally with out another look back, he crossed the road behoned the ally, then a bus went by and when it had gone, the back wolf had vanished.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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