Better the Devil You Know [PRP with K.A.T]

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Post by K.A.T » 06-06-2012 05:47

"Thank you," she said

Not paying much attention, he gave a curt nod of his head in recognition as he left quietly to get water. He had no idea that his silent quick leave would set her on edge so quickly.

He almost forgot that she had a slight fear of being left alone. Though she didn't tell him that straight up, he could easily tell from the way she behaved around him.

Siva's ears twitched when he had gone to get water and the barest of whispers greeted his ears.
"Siva?" She called out, though barely loud enough for anyone to hear if they were around.
She sure was a bit bipolar...the thought popped into Siva's mind as he saw her reaction to his nanosecond disappearance from her side when he went to get a drink of water. He had just left for a drink of water, surely she would realize that his scent followed him to the stream...

One minute she would give him this glare with a fire inside, and the next she'd be retorting, talking back to him, and then the next her tail would wag in greeting as she seemed so relieved he didn't leave her.

Like before, when she was snapping and growling at him, hating his very existence. Once he let her go, she bolted from him like she was running from the devil himself. And then no more than 5 minutes later, she was calling his name and then smiling and wagging her tail when he came to her rescue.

Yeah...she was definitely a strange one.

Although Siva hardly minded as she definitely was an interesting one--odd yes, but definitely interesting. At least he wasn't being bored to death by her presence.
"I suppose you could call it exciting," she smiled lop-sidedly, the expression partially forced as she went to his side.
A light chuckle escaped his lips as his attention drifted away from his thoughts to rest on her as she ate with hunger. He was amazed at how fast someone her size could eat but then from judging her past experiences, this was probably the first time she could eat a meal in piece without fear of someone stronger than her taking her kill.

There was a small silence when he looked away from her again but felt her stare on him.
"Do I ask too many questions?" She pressed, shifting slightly so that she was facing him, rather than to his side. "Would you rather I didn't talk? I don't mind, you know."
He spoke without looking at her as he was looking at a hawk that was soaring above them gracefully. How he wished he could fly free like that majestic bird of prey.

"No I actually enjoy hearing your voice. Plus I would much rather you speak to me than to remain silent, it would irk me more if I had to speak to a rock everyday. Besides our banter is amusing to me," he answered her, just imagine how it would feel if she all of a sudden just stopped speaking and everyday he would speak to her and she would never respond. How agonizing that would be. He would not like talking to a mute very much as he rather liked when she argued back.
"Why are you helping me? Truthfully? You can't be doing this out of the kindness of your heart, surely. No one does this sort of thing for free. And...I don't mind if there is a price. I was always taught to pay what I owed others," she gave a small shrug. "So if you were expecting something in return - for me to stay as a companion or to be a mate to you or to eventually hunt for you as you did for me...I'd rather you said so now."
She voiced her thoughts and Siva's ears twitched as once again he turned to regard her closely. He could tell she was confused, a bit distraught and perhaps suspicious of his motives. He himself was a bit confused to by his own actions. And he found it very difficult to convey his true intentions towards her.

He furrowed his brows as he opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know how to say it so he closed his mouth to ponder his words more.

"I'm sure you know already little bird, that I am not the most friendly person nor I am the easiest to get along with. It's quite a long long story, something that I won't bore you with but also I'm privy to; I'm not sure I want to tell you yet. Though perhaps if you stick around long enough, you might come to understand me more. Those before you that have been in my company have called me names far worse than you. They never stuck around too long. Your price I have already told you, I only request your presence by my side. Is that too much to ask? Or perhaps you doubt how I could ask such a simple request. I am really quite simple my little bird, just...obviously I have a reputation to keep up so I can't become too soft. Maybe if you get your hopes up, I'll let you go one day, to fly like the bird you are. But only when I tire of you. Eat your meal while it's fresh, it's been a while since you had something like this I'm guessing," he told her as he then proceeded to lay down on his size, bathing in the sun that was peaking through the leaves up high.

He trusted her not to run away with his guard down. So he didn't bother keeping an eye on her. Siva wanted some time to think about some matters, some concering her. But he didn't need for her to know of such things.
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Post by toki333 » 06-06-2012 13:39

It was frustrating how he always seemed to be thinking. It made for there to be little for her to say to him, other than to ask him what he was thinking about - and she supposed that was one question he'd never answer. Somehow she got the feeling he wasn't the sort of wolf to sit back and explain himself to everyone, open up so everyone knew his emotions, his feelings, his thoughts.

She followed his line of vision to where a hawk was circling, on the lookout for its prey. Little bird, that's what he kept calling her. But she'd never fly like a bird. Definitely not actually, and probably not metaphorically either. If that's what he was expecting her to do, he had a long wait. She doubted she was about to sprout wings and fly off any time soon, and as far as mindset went she was too used to giving in, giving up and rolling over and let others do as pleased. Fleeing was more in her nature, not standing her ground - though on odd occasions, as demonstrated, she could be bold if she wanted to.

Though that was very rare.
"No I actually enjoy hearing your voice. Plus I would much rather you speak to me than to remain silent, it would irk me more if I had to speak to a rock everyday. Besides our banter is amusing to me."
"A rock," she furrowed her brow. She doubted she could ever be a rock. All he need do was snap at her and she'd bolt. Staying still in one place, never uttering a word just wasn't her. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Well I'm glad you find it amusing," she added dryly.

He seemed to be having trouble with her next question, however, opening and closing his mouth as he seemed to be overthinking his answer. It was a simple thing really. Either a 'yes' I expect other things from you, or a 'no' I truly am helping you for no other reason than that I wish to. Unless he was trying to find a way to put his real intentions delicately...
"I'm sure you know already little bird, that I am not the most friendly person nor I am the easiest to get along with. It's quite a long long story, something that I won't bore you with but also I'm privy to; I'm not sure I want to tell you yet."
She listened carefully, curious as to where exactly this answer was going. She hadn't asked for a story, she'd asked for a simple answer. Or not even that, just an indication that he did have other plans for her.
"Though perhaps if you stick around long enough, you might come to understand me more. Those before you that have been in my company have called me names far worse than you. They never stuck around too long. Your price I have already told you, I only request your presence by my side. Is that too much to ask? Or perhaps you doubt how I could ask such a simple request."
She wouldn't have stuck around long, either, if only he hadn't thrown that stupid rope around her neck, and if only she hadn't run into those assholes while fleeing from him. The only reason she stayed now, with every opportunity to run, was that she honoured her word too much. Though she would run eventually, she was sure of it. She wasn't about to wait for him to grow bored of her and toss her away - she'd leave on her OWN accord, and not by anyone else's.

She nodded though. Yes, she did doubt that his request could be that simple. So...he wanted her companionship? That was it? That wasn't too much to ask for, and it seemed almost suspicious. She supposed it depended on what he wanted 'by my side' and companionship to include. To her it was friendship, but for could mean anything, for all she knew. He could want her as a pet, or a servant, or a mate. He could just want her as a little wolf who followed him around everywhere. She didn't know, and he didn't seem like he was going to elaborate. And yet he continued on...
"I am really quite simple my little bird, just...obviously I have a reputation to keep up so I can't become too soft. Maybe if you get your hopes up, I'll let you go one day, to fly like the bird you are. But only when I tire of you."
There it was. 'When I tire of you'. And when would that be? She doubted it would be any time soon. And even then there was only a small chance he'd let her go. She'd probably have to win him over, become fond of him first before he even contemplated doing what she wanted, what was best for her. And then...would she want to leave, if they'd grown attached to each other?

Her shoulders slumped. This was a mess. A horrible, horrible mess.

Still, a small smile played on her lips. "Too soft? I can't imagine you ever being the slightest bit soft at all, so you needn't worry about that."

"Eat your meal while it's fresh, it's been a while since you had something like this I'm guessing," he told her as he then proceeded to lay down on his size, bathing in the sun that was peaking through the leaves up high.
She nodded, bowing her head slightly as she slipped away and returned to her meal. Her belly ached from having so much crammed in it, so fast, already. But it had been a while since she'd been able to eat freely like this, and had a whole meal to herself. He wasn't going to disturb her any time soon, by the looks of things, so she settled down to eat, starting on another leg. Her enthusiasm and hunger had died down now, though, and her eating efforts were merely her chewing absent-mindedly on the meat and bones as she watched Siva.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked eventually, sitting up. He seemed content yet thoughtful as he lay there. Hesitantly she headed over to him, paused, then lay down at his side, her body ever so lightly pressed against his. The warmth from him was comforting, and she began to relax, her muscles slowly becoming less and less tense. His fur was also surprisingly soft, and she had to resist the urge to turn and nuzzle at it. That was too much. He might interpret those actions as something else, and she certainly didn't want that.

"Do we sleep in the cave you took me to?" She asked, trying to picture the place in her head again. If they did, and they returned there each night, she could start to pick up on all the little trails leading away from the place. Then, when the time came, she could steal away in the night along those paths, away from him and back to freedom and the open again. And he wouldn't know until the morning came, if she was stealthy enough...
Posts: 1285
Joined: 10-04-2011 02:21

Post by K.A.T » 20-07-2012 18:21

Mmm if only the world were not so narrow-minded, so closed off to things beneath the outer surface. But then again this was like asking for a miracle, for all war to stop, for all peace to be achieved...yeah...not likely to happen..


Who was he kidding? Did he really think that if he kept her against her will long enough she might see a speck of his true self? Did she care to find out his true self? The answer was blatantly simple..


She didn't give a rat's ass about him and although his actions and attitude towards her didn't not garner her affections, she still wouldn't care. He was a brute simple as that. He had known the truth from the time he was born and he had spent his puphood in that retched pack of his. That monstrosity he couldn't even call his family.

Was he born to be alone the rest of his life? It didn't show on his features, but the thought of it saddened him. He was lonely...not that he'd ever admit to that though.

Was it that the ones who put all their feelings on their face got the best lives? Always the ones who smiled brightly, held no troubles, lived a joyous life, they had everything. While those who struggled with their lives, pleading for someone to understand them...just didn't....

Fuck life....
"A rock," she furrowed her brow. She doubted she could ever be a rock. All he need do was snap at her and she'd bolt. Staying still in one place, never uttering a word just wasn't her. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Well I'm glad you find it amusing," she added dryly.
He didn't turn to look at her, he only quirked the corner of his mouth in a smirk as he heard her reply. So true, she could never be a rock. More like rabbit who couldn't sit still and would bolt at any moment's notice. Hmm yes maybe he'd let her go sometime soon, it was obvious that he wasn't going to get anything out of her besides her hatred of him.

But maybe he'd teach her to be on her own, then might as well let the bird fly.
Still, a small smile played on her lips. "Too soft? I can't imagine you ever being the slightest bit soft at all, so you needn't worry about that."
He glanced at her quickly and chuckled ever so slightly it could be imagined.

"Hmm I suppose you are right," he said a bit absent-mindedly as he was still thinking of how in the world he could get her to be stronger....
"What are you thinking about?" She asked eventually, sitting up. He seemed content yet thoughtful as he lay there. Hesitantly she headed over to him, paused, then lay down at his side, her body ever so lightly pressed against his.
The giant monster opened one eye to look at her as he felt her warmth near him. How surprising, he didn't think she would ever take the initiative to come close to him on her own.

"Thinking about you little bird," he replied simply as he watched her, wondering this time what she was thinking as she laid down near him. He caught her looking at his fur quizically and just thought what it would be like to sleep with another's warmth near his side, pressing against him.
"Do we sleep in the cave you took me to?"
He shrugged his shoulders as he continued to just gaze at her, with some hint of wonder in his eerie golden eyes.

"Doesn't matter really. We can even sleep out here if it makes you comfortable. I don't really care either way," he said nonchalantly as he settled down to rest and closed his eyes again.

It seems now that if she wanted to bolt, he wouldn't rush off after her, seems as if he were giving her the choice now.
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Post by toki333 » 21-07-2012 19:07

Trying to get conversation out of him now was like trying to get blood out of a rock. Fruitless, and near impossible. Not that she wanted to talk, of course, but silence was always unnerving to her if she wasn't alone. Silence gave her companions time alone to think and plot and scheme in those minds of theirs. And the idea that Siva might be thinking and plotting and scheming, especially against her, worried her a little.

She stared at him, as if begging him with her eyes to just say something. He simply smirked at one of her comments, then seemed to turn his attention to whatever it was he was thinking about.
Alonda gave a quick grunt of frustration and looked away again, pouting slightly. Next time he wanted to talk to her she'd be this quiet and difficult too.

Still, she wasn't feeling much like company anyway. She wanted to slink away, have some time to herself. She felt tired, her abdomen felt taught as if she was overcome with fear - only....not.
"Hmm I suppose you are right,"
His mood had changed a little, she sensed, and he was even more pensive now. Him being silent was perhaps more unnerving than him yelling at her, and Alondra shifted uncomfortably as she watched him. If only she could read his mind....but then again, perhaps it was just as well she couldn't. Whatever she saw going on in that head of his she may not like.
"Thinking about you little bird,"
He was ever so warm. Comfortingly so. She nuzzled into him further, resting her head on her paws and sighing softly as she let her eyes closed. Her ears twitched when he said he was thinking about her. Her? What about her? Was he...thinking of what to do with her, or about the day's past events, or maybe just about the things she'd said to him in the past minutes or so?
"What about me?" She pressed, lifting her head a little to stare at him. She was feeling a little bolder now. He had hardly reacted to her lying down next to him so either he didn't care, or he liked having her so close but was keen to respect her and not try and make anything out of the small gesture.
"Doesn't matter really. We can even sleep out here if it makes you comfortable. I don't really care either way,"
"I'd like to go back to that cave," she insisted, licking her lips gingerly. But only so I can familiarise myself with the surroundings, and make my getaway, she added in her head, eyeing him up suspiciously as he gazed at her then settled down. Almost as if in resignation. She could run now if she wanted to...but how far would she get? A few feet perhaps, before he'd catch up with her? And then what? He would punish her, she was sure of it. Or maybe he wouldn't follow her, and would instead leave another wolf to find her and make short work of her. She gave a small shudder, pressing against his side further, seeking that reassuring presence at her side. She tried to tell herself it was her mother, or siblings. Anything comforting like that. Anyone but Siva, that monster.

(OOC: Urgh. Fail post is fail. Sorry!)
Posts: 1285
Joined: 10-04-2011 02:21

Post by K.A.T » 22-07-2012 05:36

Hmm he wondered if he was ignoring her too much. Well he couldn't exactly say ignoring her...he was responding to her questions...with as little words as it may be but least he wasn't completely quiet and just sitting here staring at her as if contemplating how to eat her; well-done or raw?

Jokes aside he really didn't know what to do with her. She didn't seem like she wanted to improve no matter how many times he put her down and told her she was just useless. Perhaps reverse psychology didn't work on those who already were down in the dumps.

God was she that disgusted and revolted by him? He could practically taste the fear and desire to run away just coming off her in clouds. Man...what was a guy to do to get the girl to take a massive chill pill?


He could feel her staring at him, intensely, burning a hole into his body and he glanced at her to see her having the expression on her face; like she wanted to pry open his mind and just see what was going on in his dark and evil brain. Well if that were possible he was certain it would give her the shock of her life.
She nuzzled into him further, resting her head on her paws and sighing softly as she let her eyes closed. Her ears twitched when he said he was thinking about her. Her? What about her? Was he...thinking of what to do with her, or about the day's past events, or maybe just about the things she'd said to him in the past minutes or so?

"What about me?" She pressed, lifting her head a little to stare at him.
How odd? Just a few minutes ago she was frankly repulsed by him...and now? He was suddenly turned into her pillow? Really he wondered if this girl was dropped on her head as a pup. Maybe...Oh god there she goes again, those fear scents coming off her in waves. Gah he was going to gag.

"Oh I don't know little bird. What should I do with you? Should I keep you? Is it worth it? Things like that...I am not going to eat you or kill you if that's what your thinking," he spoke to her without opening his eyes and raised a paw to scratch absently at his throat.
"I'd like to go back to that cave," she insisted, licking her lips gingerly.
This time he did open his eyes to fix her with his golden gaze, his mind working behind those eyes already at the meaning behind her words. Ah he knew what she was up to. That nervous lilck of hers gave her away. So many plans she could be thinking of. Trap him in the cave once he was asleep. Run away after memorizing the way. Bolt away once he was inside and give her a head start. So many ways.

And yet...he was surprised by how little he cared if she did get away. Since when did he give up? He'd have to change that.

"Fine then. If you want," he said as he stood but then jerked his head towards the stream.

"Before that though, you should get a drink since you just wolfed down one-third of that pig. I'll eat while you can go fix yourself," he told her, it was a silent dismissal as he bent his head to begin to fill his belly a bit.

Of course he trusted her not to run away, but would she prove his trust right?
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