Better the Devil You Know [PRP with K.A.T]

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Post by K.A.T » 02-06-2012 22:58

Siva was enjoying beating up the males that dared to hurt his little bird. The fact that he was so close to losing her and the fact that the cowards and bullies in front of him had the effrontery to continually say she was weak and how they were going to fuck her to death was more than enough reason in his book to kill them even. Even mangling then wouldn't be enough to satisfy his anger.
"Leave it!" She hissed after him, allowing him to nudge her into the shelter of the foliage. "It's not worth it!"
He smirked as he remembered her hissing that to him before he leaped into kick the males' asses. Ah how bold she has become in such a short time. Seems she was no longer frightened that much by him and for him that was a good thing. He didn't want her cowering at his feet, but wanted her stand proud next to him.

Was that too much to ask?

But maybe he should thank these useless males for making her realize how important she meant to him and perhaps how he did not mean her any harm, heck he was protecting her ass right now and even avenging it.

It was weird but in this situation he felt more than protective of his little bird...ranging on possessive and it was natural for him to feel possessive and even get angry that someone dared to touch what was his....but his possessiveness was coming from something other than anger....what was this strange feeling he was getting? He'd never felt it before and this foreign thing was starting to worry him.
"Siva!" Alondra shouted after him. "Stop it!"
His attention was diverted as he was about to lift his paw and smack another male around but he paused as she shouted his name and told him to stop.

Normally he would have been very upset at the fact that she used his name so intimately and ordered him about but for a second he actually wanted to listen to her, not because she was dominating but because he just wanted to do as she told him and make her happy....

....What was becoming of him? This is not how he was suppose to act...
"Stop it!" She repeated again, running and slamming into Siva with as much strength as she could muster, though her frail frame would likely make very little impression on his own bulkier one. "They're not worth it! And you're scaring me!"
His eyes were ablaze as he rounded on the males as they were scrambling over themselves to escape from his wrath...but what shocked him most of all was Alondra running over to him, well actually slamming into him with her might and he was scared for a minute she might have injured herself doing so. In comparison it was like a fly smashing into a rock wall. It must have jarred her slightly.

But her attempt succeeded in getting his attention and he turned his eyes to her as he allowed the males to whimper and run away from him.

Soon it was just him and her and her staring up at him in slight expression that made him realize that he was not only scaring the males but succeeded in pushing her away from him at the same time...
She stared at him, eyes large with fear, chest rising and falling heavily as she panted. The remaining males took the interruption as their opportunity to run, and run they did. When she looked back around the only trace left of them was the foliage falling back into place from where it had been brushed aside to make way for them.
Some unknown feeling rose in his chest as he stared down at her small figure compared to his. Why had she stopped him? He was sure she didn't feel pity for those males...but then knowing her personality, she probably didn't want him to kill them in spite of everything they had done or would have done if he didn't get there in time.
"Don't follow them," she cautioned him, pleading with him. "I'll do anything just...just don't start a fight. It's not worth it. I was stupid for letting them find me."
He didn't say anything, but he lowered his head to hers and lifted a claw, brushing it against her cheek as he stared at her, his golden eyes unreadable as he gazed.

"That was foolish thing you did, hitting me with your body. It would have caused you more harm than myself," he told her, his voice low but strangely gentle as he leaned in to sniff her.

When he did he pulled back and had a frown on his face as he slightly nuzzled her with his muzzle.

"You stink of them....I don't like that. And as per your request, I will not give chase, but in return, stay with me and do not run. That is all I ask and for the last time I will not hurt you, my little bird," he said as he proceeded to nuzzle her to make sure the scents of those disgusting males were replaced with his.

"If you detest it so I won't use the rope anymore, but you must give your word that you won't run from me," he said to her as he tried to pull her closer to him so that he could thoroughly wash her scent.

His own actions confused him...why was he acting so tender to her? She probably wanted nothing more than to run from him. Her eagerness to be by his side in time of need was probably the only reason she turned to him. He bet if those males didn't come, she'd be more than happy to be out of his company.
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Post by toki333 » 02-06-2012 23:24

She was relieved he had stopped, paw paused half-way off the ground as he went to smack another of the males. At least his attention was grabbed. She didn't care about the other males getting away. They could die for all she cared. But she DIDN'T want it done in front of her.

Her head was ringing from when she'd slammed into him, and she could feel a dull ache beginning to develop in her head, neck and shoulders. He was like a boulder, and running into him hurt as much as running into said big rock.

She felt her stomach flip as he looked at her, staring at her. Was he...was he going to shout at her?
He didn't say anything, but he lowered his head to hers and lifted a claw, brushing it against her cheek as he stared at her, his golden eyes unreadable as he gazed.

"That was foolish thing you did, hitting me with your body. It would have caused you more harm than myself," he told her, his voice low but strangely gentle as he leaned in to sniff her.
She flinched and froze as he caressed her cheek with his claw, still staring at her with an unreadable expression. Was he angry? Upset? Worried?

"I...I'm not hurt," she protested, standing up straight. She frowned as he sniffed her, ears pressed back. She didn't like him being this close, with his jaws so potentially near to snapping at her and doing some serious damage.
"You stink of them....I don't like that. And as per your request, I will not give chase, but in return, stay with me and do not run. That is all I ask and for the last time I will not hurt you, my little bird," he said as he proceeded to nuzzle her to make sure the scents of those disgusting males were replaced with his.

Her ears remained flattened back as he continued to sniff and nuzzle her, rubbing his scent on her. She didn't like that.

Alondra pulled away, staring at him blankly. No matter how many times he said it, she still couldn't come to believe it. He was so... possessive of her. What if she acted in a way he didn't like, or chose someone else over him? Would he refrain from lashing out then? He clearly had a temper on him, as they way he dealt with those four males showed, and she didn't want to get on the bad side of that.

"I won't run," she said quietly, not liking saying the words - but what choice did she have? She could run, yes, as the rope was no longer around her, and those males would likely not give her any trouble even if they did find her again. But then...she owed him her thanks. At this very moment in time her situation could definitely be far less pleasant than it was if he hadn't shown up and saved her sorry backside.

She hated being in debt to him. Hated it. She felt guilty and weak for even letting herself get into this situation.
"If you detest it so I won't use the rope anymore, but you must give your word that you won't run from me," he said to her as he tried to pull her closer to him so that he could thoroughly wash her scent.
"I won't run," she promised again, with a bit more sincerity this time. He'd have to find the rope first, given that she had taken it off and discarded off it whilst running.

She allowed him to pull her closer, frigid as he made sure his scent was thoroughly imprinted on her, claiming and marking her as his.

"I owe you my thanks," she said without any emotion. "Anything...anything I can give you as payment, just say."

It was only fair. If he hadn't rescued her she'd have been raped and killed. Nothing he could ask of her would likely be any worse than that. And she did owe him her thanks, a lot of gratitude to be precise, and she would give him a 'reward' if he wished it so. Though what, exactly, she could offer him she didn't know. She certainly couldn't hunt him a meal as payment.
Posts: 1285
Joined: 10-04-2011 02:21

Post by K.A.T » 02-06-2012 23:39

Hmm he could tell that he still unnerved her despite whatever closeness she felt towards him before. As he had guessed, she was only so eager to run to his side due to the fact that he was more considerate of her than those four males. If those four males had been kind and were to rescue her...he had no doubt she'd be with them right now and now be sitting with him.

Ah...the strike of a twing of pain he felt in his heart...what in the world was it? There was no way he could feel jealous at the prospect of her being stolen from him. She didn't even like him, perhaps she tolerated him more but by no means did she hold any sort of attraction or likeness to him.

How sad....

Actually it did hurt his ego....but knowing how he was....he wouldn't show her how much her rejection made him uncomfortable.
"I...I'm not hurt," she protested, standing up straight. She frowned as he sniffed her, ears pressed back. She didn't like him being this close, with his jaws so potentially near to snapping at her and doing some serious damage.
He blinked slowly as he looked at her, seeing her to be braver than before. She spoke louder and more confidently. Or perhaps she thought he wouldn't hurt her....well in a since she was right, he wasn't about to hurt her physically or scare her. He only wanted her cooperation but of course he made it such a difficult task to convey that to her earnesly.

But the lord Siva wasn't earnest, he had never been taught that word and didn't know how to behave in a way that would get her to lighten up around him. Plus that fact that he did not look like your average wolf....gave her plenty of reason to distrust him and dislike him....

"I'm pleased to hear that," he told her calmly as he refused to pull away from their closeness, as he was still intent on making it known that she was his by his scent. But also he found that he liked the feel of her so close to him....this was actually the closest he'd ever been to another living creature and for the first time he liked this physical contact.
Her ears remained flattened back as he continued to sniff and nuzzle her, rubbing his scent on her. She didn't like that.

Alondra pulled away, staring at him blankly.

"I won't run," she said quietly, not liking saying the words
At least she was willing to cooperate...or perhaps she was just taking care of her debt to him for saving her life.

It was clear she did not take kindly to his close proxmity or his boldness to cover her with his scent. But she didn't put up much of a fight against him so he continued with what he was doing regardless of her dislike.
"I won't run," she promised again, with a bit more sincerity this time. He'd have to find the rope first, given that she had taken it off and discarded off it whilst running.

She allowed him to pull her closer, frigid as he made sure his scent was thoroughly imprinted on her, claiming and marking her as his.

"I owe you my thanks," she said without any emotion. "Anything...anything I can give you as payment, just say."
She had said it twice now, that she wouldn't run and Siva could feel her resistance to her own words, how it frustrated her to be in his debt and in his company merely. She was only saying how she wouldn't run to apease him and to make sure her debt to him was paid and over with.

He simply nodded his head as he then released her, letting her sit there on her own as he looked at her with a calm passive look on his face.

"Anything you say? Then how about this: listen to me and trust me," he stated to her and then went silent to hear her reply.

"I'm not completely unreasonable am I? I have given you no reason not to trust me as you can see. So do not go back on your word little lark," he said as he watched her with intense interest that he himself could not fully explain.
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Post by toki333 » 03-06-2012 00:27

"I'm pleased to hear that," he told her calmly as he refused to pull away from their closeness, as he was still intent on making it known that she was his by his scent. But also he found that he liked the feel of her so close to him....this was actually the closest he'd ever been to another living creature and for the first time he liked this physical contact.
He seemed to be enjoying this little bit of intimacy far too much for her liking. He wouldn't leave her alone, was intent and getting his scent on her as much as he could. She hated it, his smell filling her nostrils whenever she inhaled. She didn't want him on her, claiming her as his, but what choice did she have? If she ran away he'd only chase after her. And it was better for him to nuzzle her than to use other forms of marking her.

She shuddered at that thought. There always seemed to be a 'it could be worse' with him, though neither her current situation or the alternatives ever seemed to be particularly pleasant.

He simply nodded his head as he then released her, letting her sit there on her own as he looked at her with a calm passive look on his face.

"Anything you say? Then how about this: listen to me and trust me," he stated to her and then went silent to hear her reply.

Listen to him and trust him? She could do the first part but the second...? Trust had to be earned. It couldn't just be granted because it was demanded. He hadn't proved to be a threat to her so far - but how was she to trust someone who had, pretty much, abducted her from her own solitary safety, thrown a rope around her neck, and claimed her as his own? The fact he thought of her as his belonging set off alarm bells ringing in her head in any case. Anyone who thought of you as a possession was someone to be mindful of.

She nodded anyway, silent for a moment. Eventually, she spoke up again. "Fine. But trust has to be earned," she cautioned him. "If you cannot trust me not to run off, why should I trust you not to have bad intentions for me? You did kidnap me, after all."

She turned her nose up slightly in superciliousness, but her confidence wore off just as quickly as it came. Why could she be so authoritative and bold around those other FOUR males, yet act like a wimp and a pushover around Siva? He hadn't raped her, beaten her, or harmed a hair on her head. He was just...terrifying...and that was all.

"I'm not completely unreasonable am I? I have given you no reason not to trust me as you can see. So do not go back on your word little lark," he said as he watched her with intense interest that he himself could not fully explain.
She didn't like the way he looked at her, but she nodded again. "Perhaps. But I suppose in your mind you're meant to trust someone who takes you against your will, hmm?"
She wouldn't go back on her word though. Not until she thought herself strong enough to fend him off should she run and he hunt her down and punish her.

"And if I did go back on my word?" She asked, her tone implying that she was merely curious, not actually considering doing so.

What would he do? She was genuinely curious. He may say he would nothing so that she would run off and try it, or try and convince her he was not so bad. But at the same time, he might say he'd mutilate her or something or the sort, so as to deter her from legging it.

Her stomach growled and she felt her cheeks heat up under her fur, as she turned to smile at him nervously. "I'm hungry," she explained the noise coyly, lowering her head and sighing. If he was expecting her to hunt, then she couldn't. The most she could catch was a hare, and they'd been pretty scarce around at present.
Posts: 1285
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Post by K.A.T » 04-06-2012 19:28

Shiva had pulled away from her now, but still sat close enough that he could pull her to him any any given time, but he choose to give her the space she deserved and instead opted to just watch her, intrigued by her reactions and facial expressions.

He was starting to become attached to this little bird. Her personality spoke volumes, yet she refused to act stronger. If she did she'd definitely been able to get out of the situation with four males on her own without his help.

If she'd only stand up for herself more, now wouldn't she be the perfect one? The fire in her, the refusal to back down despite her cowardly personality. How he just wanted to change her....

And she was getting cheeky with him, perhaps he was getting lax, but still, it was very amusing to see her fighting back against him.
She nodded anyway, silent for a moment. Eventually, she spoke up again. "Fine. But trust has to be earned," she cautioned him. "If you cannot trust me not to run off, why should I trust you not to have bad intentions for me? You did kidnap me, after all."
Siva chuckled as her reaction was just as he predicted from her. Ah her fiestiness was lovely....just refreshing from all the shit he'd seen in the last year with his other little....pets.

"Hmm I knew you would answer like that. You are correct. I do not trust you much. Your eyes tell me that if given the opportunity, you'd bolt just like you did last time and the funny thing is, you'd probably get into trouble also. So we are even then that is true. Let me make corrections, all you have to do is listen and obey, you don't have to trust me. That will slowly grow in time anyway," he said to her with a chuckle at her argument against him.
She didn't like the way he looked at her, but she nodded again. "Perhaps. But I suppose in your mind you're meant to trust someone who takes you against your will, hmm?"
Siva barked out a laugh at her comment and his entirely frame shook from his laughter as his golden eyes glinted with amusement but with some respect at her audacity.

"Oh your fire burns little bird. You know my demented mind so well it seems. I trust those who do not disobey me, and I have yet to be kidnapped so I'm not sure how to respond to that kind of situation little one," he mocked her slightly as he smirked.

It was fun to mock her, to challenge her, and to see her fight back against him in defiance. Oh yes that defiance that was so evident in her eyes....the defiance where her little meek lark transformed into a ferocious hawk to challenge he was getting too attached for his own good.
"And if I did go back on my word?" She asked, her tone implying that she was merely curious, not actually considering doing so.
He chuckled as he leaned towards her and licked his lips.

"Oh there will be a punishment if you do disobey despite giving your words. I do not take kindly to those who eat their own words mind you. I trust that at least you are smart enough to decide not to try my seriousness towards the matter. I may not physically harm you, but there are other ways to punish you than to physically hurt you. Ways that would make you lightheaded if I told you. So do us both a favor and do not try in the first place," he told her as then he heard a sound that made him blink and then smirk.
Her stomach growled and she felt her cheeks heat up under her fur, as she turned to smile at him nervously. "I'm hungry," she explained the noise coyly, lowering her head and sighing.
Siva stood up and in his full height he was like a tree where she was a rabbit. His shadow dwarfed hers as he beckoned her to stand.

"Come then, let us feed your skinny frame for a start. The more meat I put on your bones the better your condition will be to train for," he said as he led the way and expected her to follow since she gave her word.

But along the way, he decided he was slightly perplexed by something and turned to ask her what was exactly on his mind.

"Tell me something little lark. You despise me, detest me, loathe me, you can't wait to get away from me. is it that I am who you call when you were in trouble? I find it so odd that you would call the name of the one who kidnapped you, as you say, when you are faced in a dilemma. Why did you expect me to come to your aid when you were the one who ran from me? I could have left you to be raped or killed by them, yet you put your trust in my arrival. Why is that little one?" he asked her as his golden eyes held confusion as he stared at her.
Posts: 666
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Post by toki333 » 04-06-2012 21:46

She wasn't quite sure what was more awkward - him being so insufferably close, or him sat back watching her with that...scarily intrigued expression on his face. Possibly the latter.

She pouted when he laughed at her. It wasn't funny.
"Hmm I knew you would answer like that. You are correct. I do not trust you much. Your eyes tell me that if given the opportunity, you'd bolt just like you did last time and the funny thing is, you'd probably get into trouble also. So we are even then that is true."
She sniffed imperiously at his response, the idea that he was mocking her grating on her nerves. So what if she bolted at the first sign of danger? No need to continuously remind her.
"Let me make corrections, all you have to do is listen and obey, you don't have to trust me. That will slowly grow in time anyway."
"I was planning on interpreting what you said in that way anyway," she wrinkled her nose in disgust, not looking him in the eye as he continued to chuckle away to himself.

His laughter only heightened at her following comment and she could feel her teeth grinding together subconsciously in frustration. She did NOT like being laughed at. She may have little pride left, but what she did have she held with dignity. And she didn't like being mocked, taunted or made fun of one bit.
"Oh your fire burns little bird. You know my demented mind so well it seems. I trust those who do not disobey me, and I have yet to be kidnapped so I'm not sure how to respond to that kind of situation little one," he mocked her slightly as he smirked.
She had no answer to that. What was there to say? Instead she jerked her head away from him with a hmph! and settled on focusing her attention on something else other than him. She'd likely never hear the end of this line of events either. Knowing him he'd bring it up at every given opportunity, just to mock her for how stupid and low she was. Away from his side for five minutes, and succeeding in almost being raped by four males any other female should have had a good chance of fending off. Pah.

He chuckled as he leaned towards her and licked his lips.
As he leaned in again she backed off, ears flattened back as he ran his tongue over his lips. There was a look in his eyes that unnerved her, that much was for certain, and finding she couldn't hold his gaze she quickly diverted hers away.
"Oh there will be a punishment if you do disobey despite giving your words. I do not take kindly to those who eat their own words mind you. I trust that at least you are smart enough to decide not to try my seriousness towards the matter. I may not physically harm you, but there are other ways to punish you than to physically hurt you. Ways that would make you lightheaded if I told you. So do us both a favor and do not try in the first place."
"But what will you do?" She pressed, less confident than before. His threats were empty to her until clarified, though she still had no intention of giving him the opportunity to carry them out.
"And I never go back on my word," she protested, her lips curling slightly into a small half-hearted snarl.

"Come then, let us feed your skinny frame for a start. The more meat I put on your bones the better your condition will be to train for," he said as he led the way and expected her to follow since she gave her word.
She sighed with relief at his words and gladly followed him, staying close to his side, but with enough distance between them that she would have enough time to dance out of his way should he try and close the gap between them. She watched him as they walked, frowning as he looked like he was turning over things in his head. Was he deciding what to do with her next, maybe?

Then, he spoke, answering her unvoiced question.
"Tell me something little lark. You despise me, detest me, loathe me, you can't wait to get away from me. is it that I am who you call when you were in trouble? I find it so odd that you would call the name of the one who kidnapped you, as you say, when you are faced in a dilemma. Why did you expect me to come to your aid when you were the one who ran from me? I could have left you to be raped or killed by them, yet you put your trust in my arrival. Why is that little one?"
His question caught her off guard and she opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again realising she really hadn't any idea what to say back.
She glared at him for a moment then looked away in embarrassment. "A spur of the moment thing," she answered without much emotion. She looked at him in confusion though, this time her turn to be perplexed.

"Why did you come to my aid, then, if you could quite easily have left me?" She could feel her boldness growing back again. It was nice to feel like she had some sort of upperhand in the situation, even if those moments lasted for only a few seconds, until Siva spoke again.

Maybe...maybe the reason he was so protective and demanding of her was because he did have some sort of underlying feeling towards her? No. No that couldn't be it. She doubted anyone like him could ever feel any sort of emotion except contempt, fury and smugness. And if he did, he needn't think she'd ever return those feelings. She'd hate him until the day she died, she was certain of it, and no matter of him coming to her rescue would ever change that. He still stole her, still was horrifically terrifying to look at and, most importantly, he was still a male - and that sort were never to be trusted.

"You'd n-never...never use me for...y-y'know," she said slowly, her mind half-elsewhere as she asked the question, her old stammer sneaking back in again on occasional words. She didn't want to look at him when he gave her the answer, so she looked away and added with a shrug: "úsame para el coito?"
Posts: 1285
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Post by K.A.T » 05-06-2012 17:45

Well compared to how she was behaving before, Siva would say that Alondra had a very big change to her. Whereas earlier she would cower at his feet, grovel and even snivel, begging him to let her go, now she had the audacity to stand up to him. An amusing effort she was putting up and he must say--it was certainly quite entertaining to watch her argue with him.

Actually...Siva couldn't remember the last time that someone had the guts to stand up to him. In his previous pack, everyone was just too eager to fall to his feet and obey his every command. No one would dare say anything against him and at times--it was downright boring to be in a place like that.

And not just arguing. Most of his pack mates wouldn't even dare make eye contact with him or even look at him when talking. They would stare at the ground while they spoke to him and he even heard others telling others that when they engaged him they should never make eye contact with him for it was disrespectful.

Well!! Siva found it more rude to just blatantly not look into his eyes when he spoke to people.
And while Alondra was doing a marvelous job of avoiding his eyes, at least she had the galls to challenge him right up. Not hide behind something and treat him as if he were some other other entity entirely.

And while he could easily see that Alondra was still scared of him, at least she wasn't scared enough to avoid talking with him.
"I was planning on interpreting what you said in that way anyway," she wrinkled her nose in disgust, not looking him in the eye as he continued to chuckle away to himself.
Siva chuckled slightly as he tipped her chin towards him so that he could look at her face.

"My my, the little bird is getting cheeky. How cute. It's been a long time since someone put up an attitude with me. How quaint," he said as he dropped his paw and continued walking.
"But what will you do?" She pressed, less confident than before. His threats were empty to her until clarified, though she still had no intention of giving him the opportunity to carry them out.
"And I never go back on my word," she protested, her lips curling slightly into a small half-hearted snarl.
Siva paused and turned to regard her carefully. Why did she seem so interested in his answer? Would she act differently depending on how he gave his response? If he told her he'd rip her apart would she be better around him? If he told her he'd be lenient would she then try to underestimate him? So many questions that this little girl caused to arise.

"You seem so eager to know how I punish those who disobey me. I trust that you won't but do you really want to know in great detail? I assure you you are more than welcome to try and see what will happen first-hand. It's a bit....much to say in words...but you remember how I told you I would extract carnal pleasure from you? Well the opposite could be said when I use it on you as punishment. For females, the sheer torture of estacy can be very much used like torture and punishment. Does that answer your question little bird?" he asked her as he moved on ahead of her, in search for scent of prey.
His question caught her off guard and she opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again realising she really hadn't any idea what to say back.
She glared at him for a moment then looked away in embarrassment. "A spur of the moment thing," she answered without much emotion. She looked at him in confusion though, this time her turn to be perplexed.

"Why did you come to my aid, then, if you could quite easily have left me?"
A small chuckle escaped him as he turned his head back to glance at her as he continued to walk.

"Spur of the moment? Lots of trust in me for a just a slight. You had no idea if I would come for you or not. Yet you called for me, so I honored your call. I may be..a 'monster' or a 'freak' as you have called me before, but I have some honor and I do not allow what is mine to be touched by anyone other than me. Since you willingly called me, as your lord I came. But by now I figured you disliked me call you 'my pet' or making you call me 'master' so I'll be lenient with you on that. I'll call you 'little bird' instead and you can call me by my name, I rather like hearing you say my name," she speculated as he sniffed the air and scented some wild boar nearby.

When she spoke again he turned to regard her and raised an eyebrow when she started using her own language again.
"You'd n-never...never use me for...y-y'know," she said slowly, her mind half-elsewhere as she asked the question, her old stammer sneaking back in again on occasional words. She didn't want to look at him when he gave her the answer, so she looked away and added with a shrug: "úsame para el coito?"
Siva shook his head lightly at her.

"I have no idea what you said but from the context I assume you mean for sex. I don't particularly see any of that in your future. It is highly unlikely as I do not feel the need to have sex all the time like other lowly males I've met. Rest assured, I will only take if you give," he told her as then he started heading right towards where the boar scent was stronger.

"Come, I smell food up ahead and just for today you may rest while I fetch you food, but don't expect me to baby you every time little one," he said as they walked along.
Posts: 666
Joined: 26-09-2009 17:52

Post by toki333 » 05-06-2012 18:29

He always seemed to be pondering something or chuckling at whatever she'd said, she decided. He was certainly a strange male, unlike any she'd met before. The fact he hadn't taken advantage of her weakened state was perhaps the most surprising, and confusing, of all his actions. He had every opportunity to harm her, rape her or kill her like those other males had intended on doing...and yet he chose not to?

She growled quietly to herself. No. It was a trick. She couldn't let herself get sucked in like that, to put her trust in him when really she didn't know who she was or what he was capable of. She'd stopped him before he'd had a chance to do some serious damage to her four attackers, and thus far he hadn't used any real physical violence against her, so she hadn't seen him really angry or worked up into a fighting state. For all she knew, she could slip up any minute now, and he'd be upon her tearing her apart.

She glanced aside at him, studying him nervously and averting her gaze whenever it looked like he was about to turn and face her. No...he didn't look like the sort of wolf to do that to her. If anything, she suspected his way of harming her was more mental than anything.

Alondra flattened her ears as he tipped her chin up to him so that he could stare into her face, and she had no choice but to look back at him too. Why was he so intent on touching her face all the time? It was unnerving to say the least.
"My my, the little bird is getting cheeky. How cute. It's been a long time since someone put up an attitude with me. How quaint," he said as he dropped his paw and continued walking.
She pouted in response to his teasing, jerking her head away as his paw slipped from underneath her chin. Cute. He had the audacity to call her attempts to stand up to him cute.

"You seem so eager to know how I punish those who disobey me. I trust that you won't but do you really want to know in great detail? I assure you you are more than welcome to try and see what will happen first-hand. It's a bit....much to say in words...but you remember how I told you I would extract carnal pleasure from you? Well the opposite could be said when I use it on you as punishment. For females, the sheer torture of estacy can be very much used like torture and punishment. Does that answer your question little bird?"
She stared at him in confusion, a worried expression on her face. Maybe it was time to stop asking him so many questions, 'less she wind him up too much and elicit an unpleasant reaction from him.
"I...I suppose," she stammered quietly, turning over his words in her head and having trouble digesting them.

"Spur of the moment? Lots of trust in me for a just a slight. You had no idea if I would come for you or not. Yet you called for me, so I honored your call. I may be..a 'monster' or a 'freak' as you have called me before, but I have some honor and I do not allow what is mine to be touched by anyone other than me."
"I'm not yours," she spat with more hostility than she'd first intended, "so stop saying that I am. You do NOT own me!"
She glared at him for a moment, furious, before she backed down again, side stepping away slightly to put more distance between them. She walked along, sulking to herself, her lip curling in disgust as he continued to talk. If only she didn't honour keeping her own promises so much, she would have run by now. But, she'd given him his word, and she didn't particularly fancy enduring whatever it was he intended on doing to punish her should she go back on it.
"Since you willingly called me, as your lord I came. But by now I figured you disliked me call you 'my pet' or making you call me 'master' so I'll be lenient with you on that. I'll call you 'little bird' instead and you can call me by my name, I rather like hearing you say my name."
I shan't be calling you anything, she silently said to herself, glancing across at him with a look of resent plastered on her face. The more she spoke with him and the more she thought about the situation she was in, the more her old hatred for him and his plans for her began to set in again. She didn't want him, and now she didn't really need him. The threat of those male wolves was gone, and she could quite easily find her own food if he'd just let her - though bringing it down on her own was another matter.
"I have no idea what you said but from the context I assume you mean for sex. I don't particularly see any of that in your future. It is highly unlikely as I do not feel the need to have sex all the time like other lowly males I've met. Rest assured, I will only take if you give."

She nodded shyly in response to his answer. Well, that lifted a bit of weight off her shoulders, she supposed. But then he could just be saying all this without any meaning behind it. She studied his expression, eyebrows furrowed, before nodding again. No, she was certain he was sincere about that. Though it was a pity for him he wouldn't be getting anything from her - not now, not ever.

Her stomach grumbled again as the smell of prey filled her nostrils, and her mouth began to water. Whatever it was, it smelled good, and she only hoped it was on the menu for lunch.
"Come, I smell food up ahead and just for today you may rest while I fetch you food, but don't expect me to baby you every time little one," he said as they walked along.
She nodded again dutifully and began to trot along beside him, closing up the gap between them by a few inches. How she was meant to hunt when he expected her to she had no idea - she was a hopeless hunter, with very little strength to bring down anything larger than a big rabbit. Everything else either evaded her or overpowered her and fought her off.

"Boar," she grinned as they approached where the prey was, and her ruffled tail began to wag back and forth slowly at the thought of food. Without needing any instruction she settled into the cover of some shrubbery to wait for the hunt to be over and done with, lying down gingerly and wincing as her bones ached slightly. There'd been too much adrenaline and action for one day, she decided, and watched Siva drowsily as she rested her head on her paws, her pink tongue licking her lips sleepily.

Maybe she was being too hard on him. He did seem intent on looking after her, and that was all. Who was she to deny him that? Providing he didn't start demanding things back in return, the thought of being looked after was quite nice, even if it meant her liberty was theoretically taken from her. But what liberty did she have when she was alone and starving, anyway? She couldn't do what she wanted to do, then - she had to do what she had to do, to survive. And he had come to her in her time of need. What he said was true - he really didn't have to help her, but he chose to and she owed him her gratitude for that.

Though the idea that he thought of her as possession was very irritating, and she was going to make that as clear to him as she could without getting into trouble. After all, the last thing she wanted was to provoke him into becoming violent and rough.
Posts: 1285
Joined: 10-04-2011 02:21

Post by K.A.T » 05-06-2012 23:54

Siva had a feeling he was going to enjoy Alondra's company for a long time. She was spunky, refreshing, new, someone who was totally different from what he was. Some parts of her he would never change, yet he did not like how she was weak yet did nothing to make herself better.

He knew she could if she wanted to, but perhaps she never had the right push. The right push to get her going on the track to success. She could be so much more, an alluring female with a fire that could be untamed. Not even he could smuther those raging fires that burn behind her eyes.

And perhaps that's when Siva had made a small decision.

He decided he would train her, make her stronger, a person she could look at and be proud of....

...and let her go.

Surely he was made for thinking such a thing. But the more he thought about it. He despised his old pack because of the ways they treated him, like he was a god, like he was some kind of demon who was to be feared.

But he wasn't, though it was hard to break habit now, he really wasn't what he seemed to be on the outside.

And meet Alondra he decided that once he got that fire burning, he'd release her. There was no point in keeping that fire with him when she could soar so much better without him to chain her.

He was so busy thinking, being in thought that he had no idea that she was watching him so closely. She could never guess what went on in his mind. How much different his thoughts were from his actions...and how difficult it was for him to express his sincere feelings without dishing out orders or mocking and putting others down. It was a forced habit that he could probably never break.
She pouted in response to his teasing, jerking her head away as his paw slipped from underneath her chin. Cute. He had the audacity to call her attempts to stand up to him cute.
She was indeed cute. Not just physically but the way she acted was adorable, though he would never tell her that aloud. The way she pouted and became angry at him when he would say something that slighted her, she would make him know that she didn't like it. It was amusing to watch.
She stared at him in confusion, a worried expression on her face. Maybe it was time to stop asking him so many questions, 'less she wind him up too much and elicit an unpleasant reaction from him.
"I...I suppose," she stammered quietly, turning over his words in her head and having trouble digesting them.
Siva chuckled as he watched her reaction, finally seeing the result of her questions.

"Like I said, if you want more demonstration, please be my guest and try me," he voiced to her with a laugh as he pressed on. Making fun of her was such a tease, giving him a good laugh. He'd never met a girl like her before.

Hell scratch that, he'd never met another wolf like her before.
"I'm not yours," she spat with more hostility than she'd first intended, "so stop saying that I am. You do NOT own me!"
He shrugged away her hostility with a mere backwards glance at her, with eyes that said they knew a lot more than what he seemed to know.

"I saved your life, you are indebted to me. Let's just leave it at that shall we? The fire in your eyes is hot enough to burn," he remarked as he looked ahead and saw a small herd of boar nearby grazing.
"Boar," she grinned as they approached where the prey was, and her ruffled tail began to wag back and forth slowly at the thought of food. Without needing any instruction she settled into the cover of some shrubbery to wait for the hunt to be over and done with, lying down gingerly and wincing as her bones ached slightly. There'd been too much adrenaline and action for one day, she decided, and watched Siva drowsily as she rested her head on her paws, her pink tongue licking her lips sleepily.
Listening to him like he had asked, she patiently moved to the side and waited for him. He saw her and smirked slightly as then he padded off slowly towards the boar, his odd coloring the perfect camoflage to hide him from sight despite his large form.

He was downwind of the boars and decided to choose the plumpest, the most tender one. And he settled for a female that had yet to give birth so he would feel no qualms in taking her. With a rush he darted forward, his large form and long legs taking him far, landing in the midst of the herd and with his eyes set on the female, he aimed towards her.

The boars, thoroughly surprised and then scared shitless, scrambled, not even the lead male would stand to defend his herb. The pigs ran over others in their scramble to get away and Siva had easy pickings as he reached the young female and ended her life quickly without a struggle.

The lifeless boar hung from his jaws as he watched the rest run away. He looked down and saw how a young baby boar had been trampled in the stampede of boars in a frenzy and almost felt pity for the young life.

He dug a small grave and placed the young body inside and covered it up. He was getting soft.

With that he walked back to where Alondra was waiting in the shrubbery and laid the female boar before her.

"Eat up little bird. You'll need your strength. Have as much as you can handle," he told her as he pushed the meat towards her and went on the look out for some water to quinch his thirst at a stream not far from them.

He lapped at the cool crystal clear water and as he drank he saw an eroded rock that was in the shape of something that could hold water. Taking the rock he filled it with water and went back to Alondra and laid the rock with water near her, within reach and then he laid down across from her.

"I'll pamper you this once, for I know you had an exciting day," he told her with a slight smirk as then his eyes moved away from her to look around them, once again deep in thought.
Posts: 666
Joined: 26-09-2009 17:52

Post by toki333 » 06-06-2012 00:32

"Like I said, if you want more demonstration, please be my guest and try me," he voiced to her with a laugh as he pressed on.
She lingered as he walked on, shaking her head to herself solemnly. No, she didn't think she fancied trying his patience and getting on his bad side. His 'good' side was daunting and terrifying enough, without the added temper and punishments.

How he could laugh about such a thing, though, she'd never know. There was nothing funny about talking about hurting her, that was for sure - whether it was emotionally or physically. But then, it was HIM who was threatened, insecure and vulnerable, was it? No, he was the one dishing it out.

She had to stop thinking so hard on these things. The more she thought, the more her resentment began to grow, develop and evolve into some sort of even deeper anger towards him. He may have thought of it as jovial teasing, but to her it was mocking - and again, while she may have been weak and a "peasant", she still had pride.

She was torn between whether she should be feeling sorry for herself, sulking or answering him back.
"I saved your life, you are indebted to me. Let's just leave it at that shall we? The fire in your eyes is hot enough to burn," he remarked as he looked ahead and saw a small herd of boar nearby grazing.
Fire. What fire? There was never any fire in her. There was a small spark, but that was more often than not snuffed out by her overwhelming cowardice or by others constantly mocking her, patronising her.

"Hmph," was all she had to say in response to that. Indebted did not mean he automatically had ownership over her. Clearly he needed to take a step back and rethink things a little, if he thought it did.

She tried not to dwell on things while she waited for him to catch dinner, her stomach rumbling away to itself, the hunger pains getting stronger and stronger the closer Siva edged to the boar, to a successful catch, to her food. She could get used to this, being fed, though being dependent on someone was not something she liked, and she didn't intend on it being that way forever. She'd build up her strength to hunt for herself, not for him. That way she could run, and wouldn't have to worry about starving to death away from his care.

It made her sick to think that she actually did need him. Just looking at herself she could tell she was thin. Her skin clung to her bones - not enough for her to look fully like a skeleton, but enough to highlight that she really wasn't in a fit state.

How had she let herself become like this...?

"Eat up little bird. You'll need your strength. Have as much as you can handle."
Her train of thoughts was interrupted as Siva spoke, pushing the caught boar towards her. She stared at him blankly for a moment before setting on the carcass without so much as a word of thanks, sinking her teeth into the hide and tearing at it hungrily, placing one paw on the pig's side so she could get better leverage on the meat.
A small grow emitted from her throat as she tore ravenously at the flesh, making short work of the prey. Her ears remained perked and her eyes alert for any danger, the habit of literally wolfing down her food before anything could take it away from her too hard to kick.

She began to slow down when it finally occurred to her that no one was about to take away her meal and, tearing off a leg, she padded a little way away from the carcass and settled down to gnaw on her piece.

"Thank you," she said then, realising Siva was gone, got to her feet and stared around looking for him, eyes wide as panic began to set in. He'd LEFT her? Why!? Or was this some kind of trick, to her entice her into running?

"Siva?" She called out, though barely loud enough for anyone to hear if they were around. It was then she spotted him drinking from a clear stream nearby, and her pounding heart settled a little.
I was stupid to think he'd leave me for one minute. He seems too paranoid of losing his 'possession', she thought bitterly, returning to chewing on the leg again, the meat all but stripped from it and her strong teeth making short work of the bones.
"I'll pamper you this once, for I know you had an exciting day," he told her with a slight smirk as then his eyes moved away from her to look around them, once again deep in thought.
She smiled at him as he approached, her tail brushing back and forth slightly in greeting. She stood up to drink from the little bowl-shaped rock he'd brought to her, watching him closely out of the corner of her eye as she did so.

"I suppose you could call it exciting," she smiled lop-sidedly, the expression partially forced as she went to his side. She sat down, glancing up at him every so often. He was so much bigger than her - it was as if she was a mere pup, and he some overprotective adult, such was the height and attitude difference between them.

"Do I ask too many questions?" She pressed, shifting slightly so that she was facing him, rather than to his side. "Would you rather I didn't talk? I don't mind, you know." She hesitated for a moment, then looked at him again, this time managing to meet his gaze and hold it. "Why are you helping me? Truthfully? You can't be doing this out of the kindness of your heart, surely. No one does this sort of thing for free. And...I don't mind if there is a price. I was always taught to pay what I owed others," she gave a small shrug. "So if you were expecting something in return - for me to stay as a companion or to be a mate to you or to eventually hunt for you as you did for me...I'd rather you said so now."

She really did find it hard to believe that he'd do all this and not ask for anything return. Loyalty and trust from her was nothing. That was no sort of 'prize'. Companionship was, yes, and with that came loyalty and trust. For her to be his mate, that required those two things too. He couldn't just want those small things from her though - she could quite easily say she gave him her loyalty and trust and be done with it. That was that. Debt settled. She could be loyal to him and trust him, but not be anywhere near him. So unless he intended on just letting her go for whatever purpose, and whenever, there had to be something bigger behind it all that he sought.

Unless she really was reading him all wrong.
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