broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 23-06-2011 22:36

The silence that proceeded was enough to make Riesling sit forward and clear his throat. Blood tensed, unsure of what his master would decide.

"Quite an admirable request, Gambler. To be honest I didn't take you for someone who would consider castrating a perfectly able dog, but please, do as you wish in Dice's respect. I have no interest in your overeager dog other than that he actively challenged mine. Any injuries on his part - due to his scuffle with Bloodhound or otherwise - are of no concern of mine either."
Gambler looked straight at him.
He wasn't sure what to make of Riesling; part of him had the nagging feeling he looked down on him. But that was fine; he wasn't a trainer, not yet. Not yet of their status.

They where almost behaving the same way their dogs did to one another... álmost. Because thát's where Dice and his master where different. Where Dice hated Blood's guts, Gambler respected Riesling for his rank. He never really had trouble with anyone, he was too tactic and calm to make a fuss or get into fights. It was a trait Dice could have used, too.

Well, at least Riesling didn't demand Dice's castration. In that case... there was no need, as long as Mistress agreed with him. Just doing some extra training with Dice would suffice, then. As long as Dice and Blood where able to get along later, that was.... or things would get more complicated.
He paused, glanced at the Gambler, then continued.

"Neither do I want your money, honestly. I have enough as it is from my other venues and wolves. Blood's paw will be treated and will heal in a few weeks time. In the meantime, I won't have a dog in the speed fights and the Mistress has an injured wolf - from what I hear, an extremely expensive injured wolf."

He leaned back in his chair again, linking his lands together over his chest.

"Therefore, my requests are as such. First, that you pay the good lady her compensation as she likes. Second... If you get your hands on any promising animal in your line of work - particularly a wolf, if you please - I'd like it offered to me first, regardless of who's first in line. A simple request, don't you think? Just one good dog or wolf... or otherwise. I hear you come across a few exotic animals every so often. And after that I will bother you no further, so long as Dice can keep himself in check."
- ''Hmmm...'' Gambler rubbed his stubby chin with one hand. ''Deal. I think I can manage that... If given proper time to find something worthy.''

Well, this wasn't half as bad as he expected. Sure, a good animal was expensive too, but it was not the compensation it could have been. Gambler did notice Blood's behavior, though; the dog seemed annoyed. Man, that dober sure hated Dice's guts.
"That said, Blood here will no doubt have some... discrimination against Dice from now on, but I have no doubt that he won't make any trouble unless Dice deserves it completely. Isn't that right, Blood?"

The doberman wuffed, though it was with such irritation that Cardinal couldn't help but smile ruefully.
With a glance at the dog, Gambler grinned. ''I hadn't expected otherwise.''

He then looked at Mistress; there was a good chance she would have demands, too. She hadn't said a word yet....
“well it seems to me you both have reached a deal, and im happy with what you propos gambler and I don’t think castrasion his the right thing at this point not that I haven’t thought about it, but as you no how I work things here I don’t alou things to go unpunished, he damaged my propity and I wont my pound of flesh”, she said her voice like a viper beautiful but oh so deadly.
As expected. Gambler tensed slightly. If she didn't want Dice's balls, then what DID she want?
“Il exspect him in the empty cell bloke with in the next 15 minets and il deal with him personal, don’t worry he wouldn’t have any serios lasting damage”, she said now pleased she had put on her sharper clawed hand.
Gambler tensed even more. No serious, lasting damage. That said enough.
He did not like the thought of his dog being harmed. It was almost a personal threat; his eyes narrowed slightly. But he knew better that to denie her her wish. She was powerful, the daughter of the boss. Dice had brought this upon himself, and there was nothing to be done. He would have to undergo his punishment.

- ''As you wish, then.'' His protest sounded subtile in his words, but he did not challenge or denie her in the least.
Her eyes then went over to Riesling and they didn’t change at all.
“im pleased that blood protected my wolves, I have great trust in him and faith that’s why I let him into my block and my cells, he dose great work. But I exspect when he is dealing with my employees work dogs or any of the dogs or wolves in my block, that he restrains not kills unless he has orders to do so”, she said nodding to Riesling in respect.
Gambler's eyes shot at Bloodhound right away. He had a feeling that dober somehow would understand those words... and that he'd be even more annoyed. But he himself was rather happy with the announcement. Sure, he knew it already. But at this point, it was a relief to have Riesling and Blood reminded of that fact again, too.

He didn't want to retrain a dog only to have him torn to shreds by Blood later, after all.

He waited for both of them to fall silent, then got up.

- ''Well, I guess that rounds it up then. I thank you both for your time, and I'd like to apologize once more for all of this chaos. Rest assure it will not happen again.'' He looked at Mistress. ''You'll find Dice in the sickbay.''

He then turned around and left the room swiftly.
The muscles in his shoulders where tense; he didn't like the thought of what was about to happen to Dice, and he couldn't wait for it to be over.


Sleep... a deep sleep.
Shade's paws moved slightly as she dreamed. She dreamed of the forest where she had lived; she could féél the grass under her paws. Smell the scents of the forest... hear the river in the distance, the birds above her head.

Oh, how she had missed this...

Suddenly, he saw her.


The dark shewolf smiled brightly as she saw her daughter; Shade let out a scream of happiness as she ran to her.

In the cellblock, only a soft whimper came from her maw.

The two shewolves rushed up to one another; they cuddled, they playfully wrestled. Her mother's clear laugh rang in her ears.

- ''Mom... I missed you so much....''
- ''Shhhh... my daughter...'' The two both fell back to four paws; her mother rested her head on Shade's shoulders. ''You know what to do. Remember... remember it...''
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 23-06-2011 23:50

(Aw, Leo that's a cute song! Love it~)

Nina was still watching Kei and John as they romped around when Jack snuck up behind her. She was completely oblivious until she heard his voice. At first, the blonde-furred rat jumped, fur standing on end and fluffing out slightly. She gave him an angry look as she smoothed down her fur... but... Oh, so he was playing THAT game, huh?

"Please don't start THAT again."

After that, she played along, oblivious to the fact that now both John and Kei were watching, the little pup peeking his head out from under the couch and gazing upwards in complete rapture. He couldn't help thinking that Miss Nina was a very good singer, and Jack was too. They had squeakier voices than John, but they were still very good. He thought. He still hadn't gotten a very good grip on "songs" yet.

At the end of the song, Nina sighed wistfully... Then, her expression abruptly changed.


A deep red blush covered her cheeks and she covered her face, embarrassed. And her fur fluffed out again. Joy.

Kei giggled for a few seconds, then wriggled out of his hiding spot and set about exploring the room again, stopping in front of the stuffed wolf. He peered at it... then sat down, tilting his head back and forth as he tried to figure out why this wolf didn't move.

''Hmmm...'' Gambler rubbed his stubby chin with one hand. ''Deal. I think I can manage that... If given proper time to find something worthy.''
"Fantastic. Thanks for your business, sir."

Riesling crossed his arms behind his head as he leaned back in his chair, pleased with the outcome of the otherwise destructive events of the past few hours. Of course he'd have to answer to other high-ranked people in the Facility if they hadn't already been informed, but he wasn't too worried about it. He hadn't heard of any special guests besides the guy from the partner ring, and to be honest he had nothing to do with Riesling's affairs. He had a feeling the Mistress was far more pissed about everything than he was.

Blood was seething already, fur standing up on his spine. A girlish laugh rung out from somewhere in the room, and he shot an angry glance at Cardinal, who was as guilty as sin. She smiled slyly at him, but said nothing. For a dog who was friends with Spax, Blood had a temper problem. And Cardinal was more than happy to exploit that weakness as long as she was as highly ranked as he was.

They all listened as the Mistress made her deal with the Gambler, Blood and Riesling staying very well out of it and Cardinal beginning to glare at Gambler with some sort of ferocity that was evident only in the fact that she wasn't moving. At all.
Her eyes then went over to Riesling and they didn’t change at all.
“im pleased that blood protected my wolves, I have great trust in him and faith that’s why I let him into my block and my cells, he dose great work. But I exspect when he is dealing with my employees work dogs or any of the dogs or wolves in my block, that he restrains not kills unless he has orders to do so”, she said nodding to Riesling in respect.
Riesling looked over at the Mistress as she spoke, his arms falling back to the table. He nodded amiably when she finished, a loose, relaxed smile on his face.

"I'm sure we won't have a problem in that respect, ma'am."

There was something in his voice when he spoke; something hard and cold underneath. Blood looked up at him, ears flattened against his skull. He wasn't sure if that coldness was directed at him - a warning against dealing with Dice further - or at the Mistress for God knows what reason. Though Riesling's expression was as friendly as could be, his dog was unsure of what was going through his head... and the man gave no hint as to the direction of the frigidity of his tone.
''Well, I guess that rounds it up then. I thank you both for your time, and I'd like to apologize once more for all of this chaos. Rest assure it will not happen again.'' He looked at Mistress. ''You'll find Dice in the sickbay.''

He then turned around and left the room swiftly.
Riesling didn't watch him go, didn't even move as he passed; he kept his eyes on the opposite wall. Only when he was gone did Riesling budge, looking at the Mistress again, this time without a single hint of aggression. Perhaps the earlier coldness HAD been directed at Blood...

"Ma'am... I'm not entirely sure that we've heard the last of this. The Gambler is a good man - as good as they come in this place, of course. But I'm not convinced that his dog can be trusted."

Blood growled in agreement. Riesling glanced down at him for an instant, hesitated, then continued.

"Not many dogs are stupid enough to take on Blood - nor lucky enough to injure him and survive. That dog snapped. ... I suppose what I'm getting at is that we should keep an eye on him ourselves. Perhaps not directly, but..."

He trailed off, lost in thought. Blood was interested now, eyes flickering between his Master and the Mistress. Cardinal was doing the same, less interested for Riesling's sake than her own. Finally, the man snapped out of it and sighed.

"Excuse me. Perhaps I'm being paranoid."
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Post by Leo » 27-06-2011 01:39

John laughed as they finished the song he loved these rats they really were the only light in this place, the only down side to them was that they helped the dogs with info here and there but he wasn’t angry at them for that after all this was there world and they were happy in the fact they were safe and well fed.
He enjoyed that song and as she bushed he couldn’t help but laugh again.
Jack grined to laughing him self.
“aaa lassy I do have that affect on others I no I no”, he grined.

His eyes then followed the pups and from up were he was he could see that the pup was looking at the stuff wolf, his smile srank just a little, john followed his gaze got up and walked to see what jack was looking at, when he saw he let out a sigh, this was the problem with this, the pup inosence was going to be so sort lived and how was he suppost to exsplane to him that the wolf he was gazing at was dead and stuffed.
He would try and leave the queston for his mother to awsner if he could help it.

He trotted up to the pup and sat down with him.
“whats up kiddo”, he asked in his deep old voice looking down on him.

Meanwile jack turned to Nina.
“shame init, but ay we can keep the dag young with a little sang”, he said with a smile to her, this was life here, he felt bad for the wolves and the ones like Eight and Shade he like very much, but here his connely had a good life and he would never risk that.

''Well, I guess that rounds it up then. I thank you both for your time, and I'd like to apologize once more for all of this chaos. Rest assure it will not happen again.'' He looked at Mistress. ''You'll find Dice in the sickbay.''

Mistress nodded to him when he left she knew he wouldn’t be happy about dice but that’s how she worked no one crossed her and got away with it that was how it was, those who had gone after her and ment it she had crushed, if she was soft she would never get any were but stuck under her fathers shadow and never get out, thanks to her ways she had already made a name for her self, she wasn’t a bitch to be fucked with.

"I'm sure we won't have a problem in that respect, ma'am."

She also heard his voice of corse he didn’t like threats like that she wouldn’t ither so he didn’t really mind and payed it no heed at all, he didn’t scear her he wasn’t a threat they had to much business to gether, if they had problems they would both lose a lot with fights, money.

She looked over at Riesling after gambler left he had seemed to have lost the eage to his voice and was no relaxsed again.

"Ma'am... I'm not entirely sure that we've heard the last of this. The Gambler is a good man - as good as they come in this place, of course. But I'm not convinced that his dog can be trusted."

"Not many dogs are stupid enough to take on Blood - nor lucky enough to injure him and survive. That dog snapped. ... I suppose what I'm getting at is that we should keep an eye on him ourselves. Perhaps not directly, but..."

"Excuse me. Perhaps I'm being paranoid."

She lent followed thinking he had a point.

“hmm well I think you have a point, il keep a eye on him, and after im done with him later he wont soon forget this, if he snaps again he will seal his fate”, she said seriously again stroking cardinal again her soft warm fur destracting her for a moment looking down at her wolf, a moment late she looked up at Riesling smiling a smile that wasn’t the same as the one she gave to cardinal in her room, this was a genuine smile but it was one for ever one eals not the ones she cared for.

“don’t be overly parinoded, you boy is a tuff one, it was a real shame I was looking followed to his fight it has been a wile since Iv seen him dance”, she and Riesling were good friends off the fighters field they good chat and joke with each other.

She would spoke with him for a little if not she got un said her good byes to him and left for the med room her face and body lagwige getting darker and darker as she walked, she would bring that dog to the floor tail tucked and quaking she was furios.

She reached the door and looked down at cardinal.
“let me handle this one, il show you why im not to be messed with, and give you a reason to trust me to”, she said to her this wolf was strong and she was only doing this for that pup she knew but if she showed her that she had strength as a human it might make her trust her mistress more and show her that she and her was the same.

She barged throw the door open sending a small trolly flying, soon as she saw dice she stood strong, her face eyes full of a terrfing rage, it was this pathtic fool who had lost his cool and damaged one of her most promising wolves.

“you snizling male”, she said with the same ice carm that made the souls of most quake.
She started towords him.
“you damaged my propity now Iv come to remind you of what happens to those who do that”, she reached down with her clawed hand and grabbed him by the scruff letting the points dig into his flesh, she then swang around and throw him across the room, with suprsing strength, she used mostly momentum but she did work out and train.

If he attack her she would fight him she was wearing her chain mail selves after all and if she started failing she had silent songbird and the braclet if all eals failed. This would be a beating of his life, and she was just getting started.

(kasha I can continue if you like as I realis there isn’t much in my post for you to replie to sorry )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 03-07-2011 18:18

((Leo; feel free to add a little bit to what Mistress is doing to Dice before I reply. :) I'll then come in again. Terribly sorry for all the delays, I'm glad to be able to come back finally!))
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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Post by Leo » 04-07-2011 22:59

When he hit the ground she strod after him not letting up for a second her face was still quite carm but eched with her rage, her eyes burned like the pits of hell.

she grabbed him again and slammed him into the floor then throw him into a trolly, she made sure to throw him were he wouldnt do any serios damage to him self at the worst cuts and burses.

She grabbed and throw him again and again and again, each time striving to make it look effortless as she could, then she stoop breathing hard towering over him.

"you better learn from this dog, or other wise", she grabbed him around the troat, and this time she lifted him with one arm using the wall to push him agest to bear some of his weight and this time she couldnt hide how hard it was to lift a dog of that size with one arm but she managed it. she used her normal hand and pushed him into the wall his head at her head level.
"you will lose something very pressos to a male", and with her voice shacking with the effort of holding him, she put her clawed had like a cage over his sheth and grased his balls the razer sharp points of her claws digging into the soft skin there, not drawing blood but enuf to let him no what she ment by it. then she let go of his letting him fall back to the floor.

she knelt down.
"condsider this a friendly reminder", and with that she slashed har claw hand across the side of his face, leaving gashes in her wake, she made saw that if any of her claws went over his eye it wouldnt blind it. blood covered her claws and she breathed hard.

"you may fuck my property but not damage it", then she turned and walked away.

(if you dont want those slashes to last use the gel stuff to heal it faster and it dosent have to scar :D just thought it would be dromatic hehe )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
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umm you all rock :D
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 09-07-2011 20:57

((I might just leave him slightly scarred, I'll think about it. :)))

As Gambler return to his room, he was more then just tense. He slammed the door open, stomped in, slammed it shut behind him and threw a chair through the room.

- ''GODDAMNIT!!!''

With a loud crash, the chair smashed to pieces on the floor. Gambler stood there panting hard for a moment, then sunk down to the ground, head in his hands, shivering slightly.

*Okay... calm down. That wasn't as bad as it could have been...'' He thought. But it was the thought of what was happening to Dice right now that annoyed and worried him so.

*Damnit, Dice... you stupid dog... You'll be so sorry..* Gambler thought, teeth gritting. *You'll regret the moment you layed a paw on Blood and that wolf...*

He wrapped his arms firmly around himself, rocking back and forth slightly.
Gambler shared a special bond with his dog. And the thought of what was going to happen to Dice was almost as if it was happening to him, too...

But after a while, he finally calmed down. He sighed and looked up at his desk. He knew he shouldn't get so worked up. After all... Dice was just a dog. A dog like all others. He had to remember that....

But now matter what he would tell himself; to him... Dice was special.

He groaned, got up and walked to his pc, turning it on. There was no use in dwelling on thoughts or worrying about Dice... He could better use the time to find a good animal to repay Riesling. And besides... time would go faster, being occupied....


At the same time, Dice was just laying idily in the sickbay. But he knew better then to expect everything to be just fine. Something was about to happen; he could féél it....

And so it did.

As the door swung open, he quickly raised his head and pinned his ears to his skull.
As expected... the Mistress herself came for him.

He gulped; this wasn't going to be pleasant....

She barged throw the door open sending a small trolly flying, soon as she saw dice she stood strong, her face eyes full of a terrfing rage, it was this pathtic fool who had lost his cool and damaged one of her most promising wolves.

“you snizling male”, she said with the same ice carm that made the souls of most quake.
She started towords him.
“you damaged my propity now Iv come to remind you of what happens to those who do that”, she reached down with her clawed hand and grabbed him by the scruff letting the points dig into his flesh, she then swang around and throw him across the room, with suprsing strength, she used mostly momentum but she did work out and train.
Dice squeezed his eyes shut and did not make a sound as her claws dug into his skin. And as she threw him, he couldn't do anything but try to make the most of his training, trying to fall the right way and protect his body as much as he could.

But after the fight with Blood, and being so injured, the pain cut through his body like a knife as he was thrown and hit the ground hard.
He yelped; his back especially was painful, and he knew Mistress would not go easy on him....
When he hit the ground she strod after him not letting up for a second her face was still quite carm but eched with her rage, her eyes burned like the pits of hell.

she grabbed him again and slammed him into the floor then throw him into a trolly, she made sure to throw him were he wouldnt do any serios damage to him self at the worst cuts and burses.
Dice was like a ragdoll; not once did he try to even tense his muscles. He knew what he was punished for... and why. And he would take it like a male.
Never, EVER would he even think of attacking a human without his master's specific order. Especially not the mistress...

Whines and whimpers filled the air as his body was tossed, slammed, crashed into things. He suddenly saw Cardinal; the fact that she witnessed all of this, made it all the worse.

But there was nothing he could do...

He cut himself as he slammed into the trolly; a little blood trickled down his shoulder. But he didn't even attempt to get up, knowing that Mistress would come and grab him again....
She grabbed and throw him again and again and again, each time striving to make it look effortless as she could, then she stoop breathing hard towering over him.

"you better learn from this dog, or other wise", she grabbed him around the troat, and this time she lifted him with one arm using the wall to push him agest to bear some of his weight and this time she couldnt hide how hard it was to lift a dog of that size with one arm but she managed it. she used her normal hand and pushed him into the wall his head at her head level.
Dice could only stare into her eyes, too shocked and hurt to do otherwise. He gave her the pleading look that only a dog could make; showing the white of his huge eyes, while his ears where pinned to his head.

Sure, he knew she would have no mercy. But it was an instinctive reaction of submission to a human far greater then him...

"you will lose something very pressos to a male", and with her voice shacking with the effort of holding him, she put her clawed had like a cage over his sheth and grased his balls the razer sharp points of her claws digging into the soft skin there, not drawing blood but enuf to let him no what she ment by it. then she let go of his letting him fall back to the floor.
Dice's eyes became twice as large and a stretched, tormented whimper raised from his throat.
Never before he had he been this scared. Adrenaline rushed through his veins and his maw was wide open in a grimace of fear. His sack crinched, his balls retreating back into the safety of his body as his body shook and trembled.

He was thankful as he painfully slammed back into the floor, another whine escaping his maw. He looked up, not knowing when this torment would stop... or where.
she knelt down.
"condsider this a friendly reminder", and with that she slashed har claw hand across the side of his face, leaving gashes in her wake, she made saw that if any of her claws went over his eye it wouldnt blind it. blood covered her claws and she breathed hard.

"you may fuck my property but not damage it", then she turned and walked away.
Another sharp yelp as her claws raked over his face and cut the tender skin. But even after that, he didn't defend himself.

Instead, he actually raised his head, his tongue licking over his nose in submission, hoping she had enough of punishing him... and thankfully, she had.

As she turned, his eyes shot at Cardinal. Another shudder went over his spine; his tail curled around his body, trying to protect his manliness.

Part of him feared she too would take her revenge, now that he was not in the position to defend himself.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
Posts: 1501
Joined: 24-03-2009 03:00

Post by Leo » 13-07-2011 05:27

(bump )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
The Shadow Hound
Posts: 879
Joined: 08-07-2009 20:17

Post by Shaydie » 13-07-2011 07:04

(Sorry! I haven't been around lately because I've been trying to get a summer job. Today was my first ever interview... Wish me luck!)

“hmm well I think you have a point, il keep a eye on him, and after im done with him later he wont soon forget this, if he snaps again he will seal his fate”, she said seriously again stroking cardinal again her soft warm fur destracting her for a moment looking down at her wolf, a moment late she looked up at Riesling smiling a smile that wasn’t the same as the one she gave to cardinal in her room, this was a genuine smile but it was one for ever one eals not the ones she cared for.

“don’t be overly parinoded, you boy is a tuff one, it was a real shame I was looking followed to his fight it has been a wile since Iv seen him dance”
Riesling nodded charitably when she agreed with him, pleased with her decision but not so much that it required a smug smile. In fact he kept quite a straight face, unlike Bloodhound, who could not hide the rather evil grin spreading like wildfire across his muzzle. Cardinal just regarded them with a passive glance, scoffing irritably when she saw Blood's pleasure in his expression. The doberman just chuckled and tilted his head at her, a dark twinkle in his eyes. Cardinal didn't know what to make of it, so she bared her fangs slightly, then continued watching Riesling. Quite the interesting human. Something like the Mistress but with a strange tinge to his allure... Almost like there was some kind of ulterior motive behind his eyes.

Kind of like the red wolf sitting next to the most powerful woman in the facility. Her compliance was not without its thorns...

Cardinal wondered if Riesling had thorns of his own.

Aware of Cardinal's watchful gaze, Riesling looked down at her. He smiled, admiring her coat, even as her gaze turned to a glare.

"Quite the catch..."

The man's comment wasn't really meant for anyone, just an out-loud thought. Absently, he stroked Blood's head a few times, then abruptly stood. His dog followed his lead, standing a little less enthusiastically. The doberman kept his weight off of his injured paw for the most part, wincing when he placed it on the floor. His master bowed deeply, the theatrics only allowed for the Mistress.

"My lady..."

He straightened up again.

"If I may take my leave, I'll get out of your hair so you can... handle your business."

He winked in a friendly way, held the door for the Mistress and Cardinal as they left, and then exited the room himself, walking the opposite direction as the girls. He could tell his dog was beside himself with joy that Dice was getting what was coming to him. It was in his step, really. Most dogs cowered and whimpered and limped when they were hurt. Blood was walking almost normally, besides the limp on his injured paw. In fact, there was a bounce in him. Riesling laughed quietly, bending down for a moment to pat Blood before continuing on his way.

What a day...


Cardinal was following the Mistress again, this time rather grudgingly. She wanted to go back. To see Kei. Her ears were flat against her skull despite her willing pace. At one point she wondered where Spax was in all this. Good gods, wasn't this his job, too?

Then again, what had she expected? Butterflies and rainbows?
This was goddamned slavery.

Once they reached the next door (and, Cardinal hoped, the last), the Mistress looked down at her with that same, strange look. Except now it held anger.
“let me handle this one, il show you why im not to be messed with, and give you a reason to trust me to”
She held her stance, still eager to get back to Kei, but the girl's words sparked her interest. She could smell Dice behind the door...

Hm. This could be interesting.

So, when the show began moments later, she watched intently. The first throw was impressive. With those lanky human appendages, Cardinal had not expected such strength befitting of a warrior of her kind. Without the honor, of course. Dice was cowering, tail between his legs even before she'd touched him. Traditionally, at least in her pack, that was referred to as surrender. But not here...

Again and again, Dice was thrown across the room. Twice, Cardinal had to dodge to avoid impact. For a moment, she was sure Dice would die...

But then the Mistress held him against the wall and grasped his balls in her clawed hand. A crooked smile grew on Cardinal's face as Dice squealed like a pup. Something in the back of her mind quietly reminded her that she was acting so much like a dog, but she ignored it easily. She licked her lips, wanting to join the thrashing. That bastard hurt Shade. An innocent girl just trying to get by! Oh, how Cardinal wanted him to regret ever SEEING her! Displeasure surged through her when the Mistress dropped Dice. No lasting damage today then...

But soon.

Very soon.

In fact, sooner than she thought, albeit not as intense as she'd have liked. Claws raked over Dice's eye, bright red slashes burning through his fur. The red wolf scoffed as he yelped. What a pup. The marks would scar, surely, but it could not have been that painful.

And she knew all too well what it felt like to almost lose an eye.
As she turned, his eyes shot at Cardinal. Another shudder went over his spine; his tail curled around his body, trying to protect his manliness.
As soon as Dice looked at her, her fur bristled sharply. The urge to thrash him severely washed over her...

But the Mistress was leaving.

Growling intensely, she bared her fangs in a snarl, her countenance rather frightening with her mask still firmly in place.

"You're lucky I'm on a short leash today. But if you ever touch Shade again, I'll rip your balls off so fast you won't even have time to tuck your tail beneath your legs."

She could make the threats now, oh yes. She was the wolf of the Mistress. Sure, she had no experience, but she was also an asset. She understood that. Something no dog dared damage permanently. On the flip side, she figured that eventually she could do what she wanted.

Like Darcia.
That bastard.

With a final snarling sneer, she followed the Mistress out.

“aaa lassy I do have that affect on others I no I no”, he grined.
Nina's blush only deepened at his words. Forcing her face out of her paws, she straightened up, visibly rigid as she tried to smooth down her fluffed out fur.

"AHEM! Yes, well..."

She looked down at Kei, seeing him gazing up at the stuffed wolf. She held her paw gently over her mouth. Goodness, how were they going to explain that to him? He was still so small... He deserved to know, but... What would KNOWING do to him?
“whats up kiddo”, he asked in his deep old voice looking down on him.
Kei looked up at John for a moment, then back at the wolf who seemed to stay still all the time.

"Who's that?"

Nina watched, surprised that the pup's first question was not "why is it not moving?" Perhaps he already knew? But... how could he? Her other paw wrapped itself around her waist. Poor thing...
“shame init, but ay we can keep the dag young with a little sang"
Nina glanced at him, looked back at John and Kei... Then smiled a little at Jack, spirits restored by a small amount.

"Perhaps... But eventually we'll just have to keep him company. Seems like Our Lady has special plans for him."

She lowered her voice to a whisper so low that John wouldn't hear.

"I heard a couple humans talking about new technology that would make bracelets obsolete. Something that uses a dog's emotions to gauge their compliance... And evidently if they think about disobeying..."

She trailed off, the rest of the sentence clear in her sad eyes.

"Apparently it's Riesling's idea. I didn't take him for such a monster."

(And that's where Kei's barcode comes in. I think I explained part of that in the first section of Deliverance.)
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Post by Leo » 15-07-2011 23:49

Mistress was happy with dice submission and felt a lot better that she had had a chance to stretch out a bit had been a wile when greoge had attack her she hadn’t really been able to let loose like she would have wanted. She heard song brid snarl at dice before leaving which made her smile, the wolf was proberbly wanting a go her self but thow the ider wasn’t a bad one she didn’t give her the oder, she had kept her promise that no lasting damage was done. She quickly sent gambler a message on her braclet then started walking off towords her rooms.
What a day it had been she was looking followed to dinner and her warm bed.

Spax was thinking the same thing as he trotted back to mistress and his own room, he felt exhursted not only did he have next to no sleep the other night it had been a full on day that day to, he had kept him self out of dice fuck up as he had had other things to sort out eals were. He thought of cardinal and her sweet body but alas he sighed he didn’t have the enagy for it that night, as thow on cue he came out of a corridor and along side mistress and cardinal.

Mistress scratched him behind the ears and gave him one of her true smiles before walking on again, she could see he had had as ruff day as she had had. He fell in next to cardinal.

“what a day huh”, he said to her not caring if she didn’t respond.

“bet you have had a good one haven’t you?”, he looked at her with smile.
“how’s dice did he get his lesson”, he said then chuckling he stopped to scratch his cheek.
“he will never learn that dog, no surprise if he trys again give him credit for spirit makes up for his lack of brains I guess”, he said grinning.
He had been as angry as mistress at the news but it had been done the punishment delt so no point dwelling on it.

"Who's that?"

John blinked also surprised at his queston but he looked from the pup to the dead stuffed wolf that stood frozen in a pose that he didn’t die in.

“that was torak or howl as he was some times called”, he really wasn’t sure how much he should tell the pup how much would cardinal be happy with him telling him, john might be good with pups but not when it came to questions like this, he was to blunt for it he thought.

"Perhaps... But eventually we'll just have to keep him company. Seems like Our Lady has special plans for him."

She lowered her voice to a whisper so low that John wouldn't hear.

"I heard a couple humans talking about new technology that would make bracelets obsolete. Something that uses a dog's emotions to gauge their compliance... And evidently if they think about disobeying..."

She trailed off, the rest of the sentence clear in her sad eyes.

"Apparently it's Riesling's idea. I didn't take him for such a monster."

“hmm”, jack said at Nina words, he had heard runmors of this to but not much more, he looked at her his smile some what smaller.

“poor little kiddy but he wont be able ta stay like this for ever” and that collar sounded worse a lot worse, he was sure that would fuck up a lot of wolves.

“well all we can do is help them were we can”, he said to her his rats were his main worry he just liked the wolves and tried to help some of them, he wouldn’t risk the good life his colany had on them. When mistress entered he turned and started to make his leave.

“well its time for me ta talk to Darcia”, he nodded then disserpered into the whole in the wall.

“he was a…. fighter a good one but he got ill and this is a…. model of him”, he said not sure one what to say. He turned as the door opened and mistress walked in followed by spax and cardinal, spax simple walked past them both, giving the pup a quick wink and a smile, the pup had lived in the room for a wile before cardinal had come along so he knew the pup all ready, they had play fighted to gether but spax wasn’t around to get the no the pup that well.

John now blinked at cardinal now she was clean and maskless she looked very pretty, he smiled at her.
“I was just telling kai here that this was Torak and he was a good fighter but died of a illness and this is a model of him”, he told her this so she could make her mind up on what she wanted to tell the pup, he hoped what he said was ok.

Mean wile a beautiful husky had just stuck her nose into the med room.
“Dice baby what happened to you”, Jolene trotted up to him her body moving with grace of a angle, she licked the wound on his shoulder not wanting to tuch his face, it would hurt a lot.

“tell me baby maybe I can help”.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Post by Nakisha » 28-07-2011 17:47

As soon as Dice looked at her, her fur bristled sharply. The urge to thrash him severely washed over her...

But the Mistress was leaving.

Growling intensely, she bared her fangs in a snarl, her countenance rather frightening with her mask still firmly in place.

"You're lucky I'm on a short leash today. But if you ever touch Shade again, I'll rip your balls off so fast you won't even have time to tuck your tail beneath your legs."

With a final snarling sneer, she followed the Mistress out.
Dice just looked into her eyes, and finally nodded quietly. She wasn't going to attack... not this time. And he wasn't willing to give her a chance, ever again.

He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

As they left, he lay silently on the floor, slowly calming down. The aches from the numerous throws and the fight with Blood was still there, but his racing heart began to slow down once more, until he finally retook himself.

Slowly, he tried to get up. Everything ached... but if he didn't move at least a little, his muscles would be even worse tomorrow.
He hád to move...

His hoisted himself back on to his paws, gritting his teeth in pain, as a sudden sound made his ears perk; his head shot up... and his heart skipped a beat.
Mean wile a beautiful husky had just stuck her nose into the med room.
“Dice baby what happened to you”, Jolene trotted up to him her body moving with grace of a angle, she licked the wound on his shoulder not wanting to tuch his face, it would hurt a lot.

“tell me baby maybe I can help”.
OH NO...
Normally, he would have been absolutely extatic to see her. But now that she saw him like THIS... he felt nothing but embarrasment and shame.

- ''Jolene...'' Her warm tongue on his shoulder made him close his eyes for a moment, a moment of sheer bliss. But one of the sharp wounds from Mistress's claws across his eye stinged in response, and he was quickly reminded of his situation. ''Oh Jolene... I wish you hadn't seen me like this. I've been an idiot.'' He turned his ears back and forced himself to look at her, even though he felt ashamed to. ''I've done stupid things. Really stupid things. I guess I just got what I deserved.'' He sighed. ''I ruined it. With my master, with Mistress, with just about everyone, I guess... But I will NEVER be such a fool again... I can assure you.'' His tongue quickly brushed over her cheek, almost too ashamed to touch her, now that she saw him at his weakest.

He suddenly thought of Bloodhound; he almost growled in both anger and frustration... and a new found, deep hatred.

But he forced himself to stay calm. NEVER again would he allow himself to snap... NEVER!

He couldn't find more words as he looked at her, and admired her once more. Even though he wished she would have never seen him like this, having her so close was a little comforting. At least not EVERYONE was out to kick him in the nuts, it seemed....

One day, he would have his ultimate revenge. On Bloodhound, on Shade, and on EVERYONE who had ever looked down upon him. But he wouldn't be lead by frustration, anger and lust again.

He had learned.


In the cages, Shade slowly awoke from a nice sleep.
She yawned, and found the muscles in her jaw a bit painful. It quickly brought back the memories of what had just happened...

She slowly got up, and walked to her waterbowl to drink. She found herself full of questions, thinking of Blood once more. She quickly dismissed all those thoughts. It was pointless to dwell on them; she had to survive out here. It was time to toughen up... and she had shown Dice that she was no pushover.

She looked over her shoulder at Eight; now, she would watch over him, while hé slept.

It was a good feeling to know that the wolves in the cell kept an eye out for one another... even though they all knew they could face eachother in the ring sooner or later.

She then turned her head and looked into George's cage.
She wondered how hé was, now...
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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