broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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Post by Leo » 05-04-2011 22:21

"Tch... You know that's not the damn issue."

He blinked for a moment his mind was slower and suddenly as it came to him he smiled at his short sightedness, his tired mind had made him look quite foolish but he chuckled throw it his nasty grin there for all to see.

“rrrrr now I get what you mean, your worried about the others, well why do you even care you bearly no any of them, they have done nothing for you and they don’t know why you have done what you did”, he said looking at the pup as he spoke.

“who gives a fuck what those mongrels think”.


“many times, ageist other dogs and even wolves, iv had to fight wolves who were out of control, and a train often I cant do my job if I cant take on a wolf, I would be usless”, he said quite seriously.
He was very into his work, it was important to his mistress so it ment it was important to him.
“work be for play”, he said with his smile.
“you never no you might find your self taking pride in your work at some point”, he said chuckerling.

The images changed on the Tv now the fight had ended. Now the arena was still there but now two humans, tied to a chares were in the middle of the floor, spot lights on them both, the stands were empty come peard to what they had been before, it looked to be made up of trainers and there dogs. The human a man and woman looking to be in there mid twenty and were trembling in fear. And walking around them was a missve prue white wolf, Darcia. The humans didn’t seem to be able to see him thanks to the bright lights on them and he was in the darkness behind.
“so you hippys thought you could come here and try and reveal us to the world, animal actervists never learn, this gose deeper then you can imagon, but hay who cares no one”, came a voice from the crowed.

A large man was standing in the arena he hadn’t been talking, it was mistress farther, Darcia’s master, and the 5th cricals owner. His cigar was in hand as always his eyes cold and uncaring.
He rasied his hand and clicked his fingers and Darcia attacked and tore them both apart, going from one to the other in turn so not to kill them to quickly ovesly the wolf was enjoying it.

Spax took no mind to the Tv at all, he didn’t care and didn’t care to watch it, he had been there when it happened and had been cheering with ever one eals. So he carried on resting.
He layed his head back down again enjoying the sun as Cardinal went back to her bed, it was strangly nice to have company, even thow it might try to turn on him at any moment, he was resting but his ears were always lisening, always alert, and as he lay there a soft scratching came from the door, he knew who it was. He sat up not moaning, he had gotten a snatch at sleep and that would do, he had done it before and could do it again.

“come on in”, he called.

He got up and walked around from the sofa to great his friend.

Eight watched as shay kicked off, he didn’t say any thing nore did he apper to react but behind the surfis he sighed. She wasn’t doing her self any favors, the humans took little mind. Eight turned to his door as his crate was pushed to it infront of his training aier. There was a strange track going around the out side set into the floor with a block in it and the harness. He knew why he was doing weight pulling, if he was made to run he would work off the fat he was starting to put back on this would turn the weight he was building back up into muscle. His door opened and he went out got into the harness and with out waiting got to work, the whole time his exsprenion didn’t change at all. . It wasn’t as heavy as before he could move it but it was work and by the looks of it he could do it for some time, the humans would slowly over time add more weight as he went and as the days would go by, but they wouldn’t over work them as next they would want to move eight on to speed training. The same would be for the others. Shay would be having a very light day.

The old human was walking over with a small pistol in his hand at that moment, he was putting a small dart into the back of it. It was the same gun they had shot cardinal with the day she had arrived, but this time the dart was filled with fluids that shay needed salts, minerals. Basicly it was medisen. He walked up to her with out a fuss pointed the gun.


It would help give her back some of things she needed. George who had been watching her closely went mad went he saw the gun but as soon as it was over he carmed, he was being stupied it wouldn’t have been to hurt her, they wanted her same as him.
The human then walked away, he ovesly worked to the point with no beating around the bush.

Jolene who was watching and laying down looked over to dice, her tail swaying from side to side happerly they had had one wild night, done it many times over, from ever angle, then to make things intresting they went to the sex starved wolves and did it infront of them just for the fun of it.
“hay suger, how you feeling this morning”, she said with her sly smile, she ached all over but it was a dam good ach, her master had been a bit surprised and a little annoyed with the state of her when she had come back, but it was nothing he wasn’t use to and he had once tried to stop it and given up. So it was a wash then sleep.
What a night she had never climaxed so many times.
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Post by Nakisha » 05-04-2011 22:32

((You guys can skip me one turn, not much for Shade or Dice to do... Dice will respond to Jolene's question next turn. :)))
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Post by Shaydie » 05-04-2011 23:00

“rrrrr now I get what you mean, your worried about the others, well why do you even care you bearly no any of them, they have done nothing for you and they don’t know why you have done what you did”, he said looking at the pup as he spoke.

“who gives a fuck what those mongrels think”.
Cardinal glanced at him every few seconds, but for the most part kept an eye on Kei. He was already prone to getting in trouble, and she didn't need any of that right now. At the end of Spax's little triad, she sighed in exasperation.

"I don't give a flying rat's ass what they think of me. What I do care about is them getting in the way."

Partially true. She was only expecting retaliation from Eight, not Shade. And she wasn't mad at the poor girl... She wasn't fit for this place. At all. She wondered how long the young female would last in that terrible cell. Not very long.

When the scratch on the door came, Kei immediately tumbled back toward Cardinal, growling as ferociously as he could at the door, which didn't seem the least bit bothered. Cardinal lifted her head to let him nestle near her chest and watched the door as Spax sat up.
“come on in”
Bloodhound hesitated for a moment, then slipped in.

The first thing he took notice of was Spax. Obvious. The second thing was the "ferocious" yipping of the tiny pup that lay beneath the red wolf's fur. Cardinal finally took annoyance to it and gently put a paw over the pup's muzzle. There was still a faint murmuring growl coming from the area, but for the most part it was quiet. As the albino entered, he grinned at Cardinal in his customary, sharp-fanged way.

"Good morning, beautiful! Have a nice night?"

Catching his drift, Cardinal growled at him for a moment... then smiled rather darkly. Fine, I'll play your game.

"He wishes."

Blood snorted, amused. "Well, well, well, lady's got herself a mouth." He turned to Spax, still smiling. "Surprising though."

The doberman stayed near the hallway, intent on a quick getaway should the Mistress reappear. But he sat down comfortably in either case, tail wagging slightly.

"So! I've come to see you to... to make sure you don't miss me too much if I die today. If I don't come back... tell... Tell Darcy... TELL HER I LOVE HER."

He feigned the morose act rather well, but afterward he burst out laughing. He was a good actor, at least. They both knew that he'd be fine during the Speed Fight that day, presumably after the Mistress had finished her training with her wolves. Blood scratched his neck, his new black collar rotating as he did so.

"In any case, what's the deal with Red over there? Didn't think she'd be in here so soon."

Cardinal growled again, but stopped rather abruptly.

His eyes....

There was no way...

Red eyes...

Red eyes like Kei's.

EXACTLY like Kei's!

The shock of it left her utterly speechless. So... So Kei was... He was BLOOD'S son?

She doubted that he knew. By his personality she guessed that he got around quite a bit. So then... Who was Kei's birth mother? Was it this "Darcy?" Perhaps. Not that any of it mattered. Kei was her's. Not his. Not ever.

(Gimme a second to set up George's stuff. In the meantime, have a piece of my post!)
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Post by Leo » 06-04-2011 00:20

"I don't give a flying rat's ass what they think of me. What I do care about is them getting in the way."

That made Spax rasie is head a look at her, he didn’t hide his surprise at what she had just said. That was surprisingly cold hearted very cold hearted, he didn’t think she would think of them like that, he had expected her to get pissy at his words. After a cuple of moments, he smiled at her, it was different a approving smile.

“it seems like we might get along just fine”, he said looking at her closely almost looking for something in her eyes.
“glad to see my mistress judgment in you is looking to be on the money”, he layed his head back down his smile still on his face.

That was a good sign to him, she wanted to get what she wanted, and as time past and she got to no him, there mistress and the job that trate would hope play very usful as long as she directed it in the right place, other wise it would lead her into a world of hurt, but she seemed bright enuf to no that.

"Good morning, beautiful! Have a nice night?"

Spax smiled at his words, there was a reason him and blood got on so well.
He liked his humor.

"He wishes."

That made Spax laugh out loud, another good thing in his eyes, she was loosening up a little, a joke a good sign, he looked over the sarcasum in her words, she knew and so did he that when he came calling she would do as she was told, not that he wanted it quite like that but ither way he would lose sleep over it.

Blood snorted, amused. "Well, well, well, lady's got herself a mouth." He turned to Spax, still smiling. "Surprising though."

"So! I've come to see you to... to make sure you don't miss me too much if I die today. If I don't come back... tell... Tell Darcy... TELL HER I LOVE HER."

Again spax laughed out loud at that his own tail wagging.

“oh don’t worry my firend il be sure to let her no your last words, were for her”, he said in a moke tone of understanding and care.

He grind walking over to his friend.
“me and you both no that ant going to happen, I look followed to seeing you in the ring again, lets hope your appoint give you a good challenge, I want to see some blood”, he laughed.

"In any case, what's the deal with Red over there? Didn't think she'd be in here so soon."

He look back over at cardinal his smile still in place.
“yeah there is hope for her yet, I think mistress has made a good move, I think she has the mind to enjoy the type of work….”, he stop when she had growled then suddenly stopped. That was strange how she suddenly stop and a look of surprise hit her face.
He look from her to blood then shrugged it off.
“so my friend you set for your fight, rember no mating before a fight”, he joked walking back into the room and gestering for him to follow. Mistress knew they were partners so to speak she didn’t mind, blood was proberly the only other four legged beast other then darcia that could come in, well darcia could come in when he pleased, spax had to be in there for blood to enter.

He jumped on the sofa.

“you seen the new mask’s, lot nicer then the old one speshly after what happened to it”, a fight had broken out with another wolf fighting site owners dog and it had gotten nasty blood had won but the mask had gotten rather totalled In the proses.

“Reds got one to”, he said nodding to it.
“im looking followed to seeing her wear it”, he grind looking back at cardinal again.
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Post by Nakisha » 06-04-2011 00:30

Shade felt how humans rolled her cage away; she growled softly, her eyes shooting from left to right. She tried to catch a glimpse of George, but couldn't find him in the chaos.

She was taken to her own part of the arena; no other wolves, this time.

Instead, there was something else. It reminded her of the pulling-machine she had seen earlier... But different.
There was a strange, square block waiting for her, with a harness that looked most like the ones sleddogs used attached to it.

She was let out of the cage; she knew what she was supposed to do right away. It was obvious. And yet, she wasn't willing to do it.

*MAKE me.* She thought, angry and sad. *I won't do ANYTHING. Whatever you do to me.*

She layed down; humans frowned.

- ''Maybe she's simply to weak.''
- ''Don't get sappy, shock her!''

The strong correction of the collar made her fall on her side; electric shocks traveled through her muscles and her teeth clattered from the pure force of it. But she didn't move, not even as it stopped. She just lay there, refusing to get up.

- ''Again.''

Another correction; Shade could barely take the pain. But she still refused to move; she refused to work for them.

*KILL me, idiots.* She thought. *What are you WAITING for? I won't break... not this time...*

There was only bitterness in her head, and sadness. But no anger, no fear. She felt completely empty.

- ''Alright then... paralyse her, strap her into the harness. We'll try a different approach...''

She felt the change in the collar; unable to move a muscle, under the influence of the feeling she hated so much, she could do nothing but just wait.

Would they put her back in her cage...??

But no; they dragged her towards the harness. The touch of their hands no longer filled her with disgust; she simply didn't care about it any longer. And as they began to strap her into the harness, she still didn't even wánt to move, even if she hadn't been paralyzed.

The humans retreated, and the collar's power over her was lifted again.

She just looked around. She saw the ones doing this to her, and she knew what they wanted.
She had to drag the block behind her. To build up some strength. Develop some muscle. But she wasn't willing to do it... and she wasn't willing to make the humans happy anymore.

- ''Give her some small shocks.''

Shade couldn't help but whimper softly as the mean little stings of the collar tried to encourage her to get up. But even though she rolled on her belly, she didn't raise to her paws.

Why should she? What did shé have to work for? To LIVE for..?

- ''HARDER, damn it!''

She let out a loud cry of surprise and pain as the pain got far more intense; it burned in her skin. She flinched; she tried to turn her head to snap at the collar, but she knew she couldn't reach it.

- ''There, see... she has some power left! Don't stop.''

The sharp pain made her angry, restless, scared. She shook her head voilently, unable to escape the constant series of stings. She then, finally, got up.

It was no use... they where stronger....

She felt herself sinking back to her state of depression; she sunk deep within herself. She suddenly gave no more response to the painful stings; she just began to walk, her eyes empty. A state of accepting, of simply going with it.

The block was a fair weight; she could move it around. It was heavy, but not too heavy. She had to work hard, though, and she dragged it behind her, walking in circles aimlessly.

They had won... they'd always win....

This place was hell. No touch of her own kind... no rest. No sky, no grass... Only killing, death, pain, and sadness.....

Somewhere very deep inside, her soul hid.

“hay suger, how you feeling this morning”
- ''Ah... my darling...'' Dice felt remarkable charged after their wild night. He had expected to be drained and exhausted, but he felt renewed after a wild night of lust. ''I couldn't be better, beautiful... how about you?'' His eyes had a naughty sparkle. He then turned his eyes to the arena, though. He knew he would have to train Shade soon. And maybe the red one, too... so he had to keep up with their progress...

Yet, he watched Jolene from the corners of his eyes. She was fár to good to let go...

Still, Dice watched the wolves with interest. Eight doing his thing, and doing it well without a hassle.

Shade, on the other hand, had refused to move at all. He had to admit; it was the first time the girl showed some spirit. It wasn't fear that had guided her decisions this time; she had simply REFUSED.

But of course, she was forced to drag the block. Naturally... and he knew that would build her some good muscle all over; they'd probably let her do this every day for a while.

He grinned to himself; the girl down there was like an empty shell... broken, yet not even aware of it. Just doing as she was told, without facing the world, pulling back within.

This was a great time to break her spirit... once and for all.

His tongue ran over his lips. Maybe thís was a good time to seek her out... He hadn't seen Spax or Blood this morning, so he had some opportunity.... And if they returned, he could at léast take her away for some training this afternoon....
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 06-04-2011 22:37

“it seems like we might get along just fine”, he said looking at her closely almost looking for something in her eyes.

Fat chance, she thought. Besides the usual wolf-like behavior - the inherent hatred of dogs - Cardinal didn't like Spax's demeanor. Had he been somewhere else, some sort of different dog, maybe just a harmless pet, THEN perhaps they would have gotten along. Now, though, with all of this happening? No chance in the world.

Would she ever tolerate him? Perhaps. But act buddy-buddy? Nope.

In the meantime, though, Cardinal kept to herself, making sure to keep Kei well within her reach. Perhaps the fact that she knew who his father was... could be used as leverage. Maybe. But for now it was best to keep that secret.

Blood caught the look in the red wolf's eyes, but as she turned away he forgot about it and turned back to his friend, grinning.
“oh don’t worry my firend il be sure to let her no your last words, were for her”

“me and you both no that ant going to happen, I look followed to seeing you in the ring again, lets hope your appoint give you a good challenge, I want to see some blood”
"Oh, trust me, I'll paint the walls red."

He winked one of his deep crimson eyes, licking his lips as if he was already covered in the warm liquid. Ah, how brilliant it'd be! Returning champion, Bloodhound, slicing through an entire league of dogs. He was finally getting excited again.

The conversation tilted towards Cardinal then, and though his smile was still plastered on his face, there was a twinkle of interest in his eyes. Indeed, the girl was beautiful - no doubt that was one of the reasons the Mistress had shown such interest in her progress. And then of course there was that attitude... Yes, definitely a matter of time before Spax got some tail from her, whether she liked it or not. And who knew? Maybe someday HE'D get lucky...
“yeah there is hope for her yet, I think mistress has made a good move, I think she has the mind to enjoy the type of work….”
He shrugged.

"I dunno, she's got an attitude on her. Might have to keep an eye on this one."

It was normal for stronger-willed wolves to cling to their origins far longer than any of the trainers liked. Blood once had a brief brush with one such wolf, ending in serious injuries to both parties. True, the doberman was lightning fast and strong, but he was no wolf killer when it came down to it. He liked his feral prey weaker than himself... preferably behind bars until he got a real good look at them. Shade was the exception.

Cardinal flicked her ears back, listening without participating in the conversation. Kei, however, was busy growling quietly from somewhere in his mother's fur.
“so my friend you set for your fight, rember no mating before a fight”
Finally Blood followed Spax into the room, passing Cardinal without so much as a glance - obviously she'd figured out how things work, otherwise she wouldn't be so sure of herself.

"Please, please, you think I'd waste that kind of energy? Nah, I'll save that for later..."

Tonight there was a different gal he had in mind, one not behind bars... and one just as gorgeous as Jolene and FAR more willing. She was new here, some human's dog... Rumor had it she was already playing the field. So, he'd just have to play a little dirty...
“you seen the new mask’s, lot nicer then the old one speshly after what happened to it”,

“Reds got one to”, he said nodding to it.
“im looking followed to seeing her wear it”, he grind looking back at cardinal again.
Augh, masks. They were too cold, restricted his vision. But they did provide a nice, intimidating touch. His old one had been trashed a while ago, but recently the Master had obtained a newer one. It had the same design as before - gleaming silver with sharp black etching - but this one included razor sharp "fangs" along the bottom. Of course he hadn't tried it on yet, but yes, he had seen it.

"Looking forward to using mine, eventually... And I bet Miss Red wants to try her's too, am I right."

"Suuuuureeee..." Came the sarcastic reply. Cardinal couldn't understand why they talked so much.
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Post by Leo » 08-04-2011 19:40

As Eight pulled he kept catching site of Shay refusing to do as she was told, then once she finaly did he got a good look at her eyes, they were turning into the same eyes as his own dead lifeless. He looked back to the same old track infront of him self, how his eyes had turned like that he didn’t no, had they aways been dead, or had the changed happened with out him self relising it. He felt for her, comeing to grips to this hell was as hard and damaging as the place it’s self. It was something she would have to get throw on her own that was for sure, he had tried all he could do with out being able to be with her, so she would have to fight her way out, or it would comsum her and might cost her her life, and if that was the caise he hoped he could be there to protect her.

The human infront of him made the command for him to stop which he did, then to lay down, which he did with out fuss. The human looked a little taken aback by the good behaver. After a moment he perlised him and entered taking him out of the collar then put away the block and put the floor back to normal. Then as he left eight was aloud back to his paws. He felt his mucels ach but there was loads left in them, he could feel his strength again he could feel the rich food giving him his energy back, he was on the mend.

He shock off and waited for his next task, the floor lite below him, the light run. And off he ran it wasn’t as fast as yesterdays and less darty, it would repet parterns like it was trying to teach eight new moves or give him inspurion to try something new, it was alos giving him a good run which he needed. Losen his mucels off after there long sleep.

It felt good to be moving again and not being pushed to his eage, he could feel his endurance there, he could feel his well train sure place paws under him moving well kowing when to put the claws down for grip, how much weight to put on each one.

''Ah... my darling...'' Dice felt remarkable charged after their wild night. He had expected to be drained and exhausted, but he felt renewed after a wild night of lust. ''I couldn't be better, beautiful... how about you?''

She smiled letting her lushes tail curve and roll behind her, she was watching eight move, if he was a exspert at the fights she was a exspert on how to move her body to look good.
“after last night, I couldn’t be better”, she said stretching putting her rump in the air suggestively, before laying down again.

“I see you making eyes at the little lass over there, what you got planed for that girl”, she said no anger or jelosey she knew the score and how this place worked she didn’t care, she wanted to no. maybe she could find some fun in his planes.
“something I might help you get in the mood for…or help with”, she said nuzzerling him under the chin and at the same time flicking her tail down his back.

"Oh, trust me, I'll paint the walls red."

Spax laughed darkly.
“I cant wait to see it”, he said looking at the tv as Darcia tore the last human apart.

"I dunno, she's got an attitude on her. Might have to keep an eye on this one."

He knew what he ment by that, there was a risk with her, but the cards he held her loyalty with were good ones and once the pup was a little older he would have a collar like ever one eals and then his mother would be a fool to try any thing when it was just a bottons push away to kill her pup.

“I no what you mean, but I think she knows what the score is, I just wish she would stop being so negertive about it and maybe lighten to it, I think she has the personality to enjoy it, what do you think blood?”, he said looking from cardinal to blood, he was talking to blood but making it clear she was aloud to join in.

"Please, please, you think I'd waste that kind of energy? Nah, I'll save that for later..."

He laughed out loud, these times were good it wasn’t often he got to talk with his friend, normal it was all work and nothing eals.
“well I had my douts if you wouldn’t be tempted, I no your “best” mate dice was having fun with Jolene last night”, he said laughing again he knew there was no good feeling between the two of them, he was just having a laugh.

"Looking forward to using mine, eventually... And I bet Miss Red wants to try her's too, am I right."

"Suuuuureeee..." Came the sarcastic reply. Cardinal couldn't understand why they talked so much.

He smiled at the both of them, he like his mask, he only wore it when helping mistress with human problems, it was just to make them look more menasing then normal, and with there sizes that wasn’t normal a problem any way.

“well she’s going to get her chance very soon well when mistress gets back, she has her first duty”, he said sneering.

Then looking back at blood, a sudden thought hitting him.
“that reminds me, we need a puppy sitter wile she be at work, could you fetch john, he’s the only one not doing any thing these days, his old has been and soft so perfect”, he knew john wasn’t great with pups but he had left then come back, he was one of the kindest if that was the right word for it, dogs in this place and spax was sure he had already met the wolves as it was. Pluss he was retuered and not doing any thing so this way he would have a job.

Mistress then returned, she looking down on the four of them, she didn’t mind blood being there she knew him and spax were friends, they had played together as pups she could rember. She walked past them patting blood on the head, giving spax a scratch behind the ears, then started rumiging throw her paper work, finding a letter of some sort which she begain to read. She was working now there was no doubt.
Hard focus and ruthless in what she wanted, she put the letter down walked over to the masks and pick up spax would seeing this walked up to her tail wagging.
“well my boy we have some piss takers to take care of, no one fucks with us and gets away with it do they”, spax barked.

“well blood looks like im to work”, he turned to him quick.
“il see you before you fight”, he grinned “give them hell tonight”.

Mistress then put his mask on, it did make him look a lot more sinister. The sharp fangs and lines, the blank eyes.
Mistress then pick up cardinals one and patted her leg, there wasn’t that softness from the night before this was work and the strnehgt and power in her eyes was telling ever one in the room she was the boss and she wasn’t one to fuck with, but at the same time there was no aggression in her orders, she was just in business mod.

Spax looked to Cardinal but thanks to the mask there was no way of telling what his exspression was.
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Post by Nakisha » 08-04-2011 20:45

As Shade worked hard, unawares of Eight watching her. She just went on and on and on. And slowly, she became more aware of her surroundings.

No Spax, Darcia, Xor or Blood. Just Dice.. and a female she had seen before, but didn't really knew. She wondered where the others where; maybe they where working with other wolves? Was that how it worked...? In that case, they'd finally get more peace and quiet...

She smiled letting her lushes tail curve and roll behind her, she was watching eight move, if he was a exspert at the fights she was a exspert on how to move her body to look good.
“after last night, I couldn’t be better”, she said stretching putting her rump in the air suggestively, before laying down again.
Dice saw her move from the corner of his eyes, and for a moment, he forgot to watch Shade and licked his lips as he looked at her.
“I see you making eyes at the little lass over there, what you got planed for that girl”, she said no anger or jelosey she knew the score and how this place worked she didn’t care, she wanted to no. maybe she could find some fun in his planes.
“something I might help you get in the mood for…or help with”, she said nuzzerling him under the chin and at the same time flicking her tail down his back.
- ''Ah... my beauty...'' Dice came closer to rub his head over her neck. ''The little wolf... she's pretty useless, don't you agree..?'' He grinned a sinister grin. ''Not much of fighter material... at least not yet. And maybe she never will be...''

He then laughed softly.

- ''But... I've found a use for her... a very good use...'' He placed a paw on Jolene's shoulder and licked her ears. ''And though I admit she'll make a nice toy... I have even bigger plans this time...''
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 12-04-2011 00:07

“well I had my douts if you wouldn’t be tempted, I no your “best” mate dice was having fun with Jolene last night”
Blood snickered. Of course Dice went for the loosest female around. It was all he could get without having them strapped into the breeding apparatus. Sure, Jolene was drop-dead gorgeous, but they'd all had some of her at one point or another. And not bad sex either. Just a little... predictable.

"So I heard. But then again its not very impressive of him. Jolene'll spread her legs for just about anyone when she wants it."

He winked.

"The only thing that would surprise me is if he got some hot virgin bitch without having to tie her down."

God he hated Dice. He was a bastard and a slimeball and as far as Blood was concerned he could be ripped to shreds and be worth more as dog food than a trainer. Now, Xor, THERE was a trainer by the heart of Spax and himself. No doubt he'd have the young male wolf fighting in the ring sooner than any of them could.

Cardinal listened intently to their conversation. So Dice and Blood weren't friends - that was obvious enough by their attitudes a day earlier in the cell block. But by the sound of things Spax wasn't entirely pleased with him either. And no doubt she'd meet up with him again someday, most likely with him wanting to get a piece of her ass. Well, since none of them were friends, maybe she'd get away with ripping his balls off. Good to know. She smiled to herself and began to groom Kei again.
“well she’s going to get her chance very soon well when mistress gets back, she has her first duty”, he said sneering.
"Tch. Well, good luck with that. Don't snap at first chance, mmmkay, Red?"

Finally Cardinal spoke up, irritated by the fact that they kept calling her "Red." She half turned to them, fangs partially bared.

"My NAME... Is Cardinal."

Blood just grinned toothily, not bothered by her attitude.

"Well now, that wasn't so hard. Hear that, Spax? I got another one to give me her name. I'm moving up in the world."

At that moment, Blood's ears turned back and he craned his neck toward the door. When the Mistress entered, he lowered his head a little, but not enough to show obvious discontent. She patted him on the head and passed to Spax, then began shifting through some papers. As the atmosphere in the room seemed to plummet in temperature, Blood stood and shook himself, readying to leave.
“well blood looks like im to work”, he turned to him quick.
“il see you before you fight”, he grinned “give them hell tonight”.
He licked his chops and nodded; with one final grin, he slipped out the door and into the hallway and was gone, off to find John for Spax before he returned to the Master for a few hours in preparation for the fights.

Cardinal had sat up when the Mistress walked in, and after Blood left she watched the girl put Spax's mask on him. He looked... quite different. Intimidating. She licked her lips slightly; would she look that way? In any case, she was summoned by the Mistress' hand; this time she went quickly, sensing the force behind it. Here was a different human than the one she had "met" earlier. And this one was not to be trifled with.

(Let's say Blood found John because I have NO idea where he is.)
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Joined: 24-03-2009 03:00

Post by Leo » 14-04-2011 21:46

''Ah... my beauty...'' Dice came closer to rub his head over her neck. ''The little wolf... she's pretty useless, don't you agree..?'' He grinned a sinister grin. ''Not much of fighter material... at least not yet. And maybe she never will be...''

He then laughed softly.

- ''But... I've found a use for her... a very good use...'' He placed a paw on Jolene's shoulder and licked her ears. ''And though I admit she'll make a nice toy... I have even bigger plans this time...''

Jolene looked back at her watching her pull her weight around, if the female didn’t get out of the slump she would be useless and soon would be made to be a breeder and a training for with no sanity left at all.

“she seems to be, she better get with it or mistress wont be happy”, she said, then turning to look at dice at his next words a smile spreading her face.

“any thing I can help with baby”, she said again rubbing her tail down his body, she enjoyed messing with wolves it was always good fun.

Eight ran well moving better then he had in a a wile the humans looked pleased any how with his movements as he jumped dived and darted around like water.
Now he had seen shay working he was complety focused on his training he couldn’t help her if he was weak him self, he need all that the humans could give him. Once he was strong he would wait for the right moment to strike back the perfect moment all the wile being a good well behaved wolf winning fights and doing as he was told. In away the humans in making him stronger were tighting the noose around there owns throats like they did last time and would do again.

It might take years to find his moment to fight back, but it didn’t matter when it came he had to be ready for it. And so would shay and George. The lights went out so he stopped, a small fap opened up in the back wall, water. He moved over and took his fill making sure not to take on to much other wise it would give him cramp and other problems.
Then he wait in the middle of the floor, his eyes focused still, he looked like he was almost in a trance, he was letting his mind relaxes some what, and in doing so opening up, the more one tense the more resistens they created with in there body’s the ider was to be, lose relaxsed be like water. Flow with out hindrance with out thought, then when it was needed you could come down like a thundering rapids.

As he stood a wolf was let into his arina, eight didn’t move at all.
The wolf was mad like the rest, what was left of his body showed the world that. But he was different then the others, he was more with it more in tune.
He cercaled eight watching him closely, then suddenly with out warning he jumped for eight and out of no were Eight brust into movment dogeing comeing around and attacking as smooth as silk, like he had done these moves so many times, the training time and time again. But instead of bitting down on his target he throw it aside, not ripping flesh. No point killing it to quick that wouldn’t be any use for training.

"So I heard. But then again its not very impressive of him. Jolene'll spread her legs for just about anyone when she wants it."

Spax laughed at that, he had a good point that female seemed permanitly horny, she was always up for some fun and she was always great, she must work on her body to keep it tight and together.
“that’s true”, he said still laughing.

"The only thing that would surprise me is if he got some hot virgin bitch without having to tie her down."

Spax laughed louder at that, that was all truth as well, he knew blood hated him and it only made it a lot more funny.

"Tch. Well, good luck with that. Don't snap at first chance, mmmkay, Red?"

Finally Cardinal spoke up, irritated by the fact that they kept calling her "Red." She half turned to them, fangs partially bared.

"My NAME... Is Cardinal."

Spax smiled at blood, knowing cardinal wouldn’t dare, but it was intresting hearing her shout her name out like that.

"Well now, that wasn't so hard. Hear that, Spax? I got another one to give me her name. I'm moving up in the world."

“that you are my firend soon you two will be taking moon light walks across the yards”, he said sniggering.

“…or she will be trying to lead you across the yard by ya balls”, he laughed.

Once his friend had left he was watching Cardinal closely, throw the blacked out eyes, if she made any wrong moves he would be taking her down before she could draw any blood, he hoped that he wouldn’t need to.

Mistress mean wile was looking at cardinal hard, this was a big step to see if the wolf was willing and if there was the first shred of trust.

She knelt down to her level her clawed hand and her normal one holding onto the mask.
“my silent songbird, your are beautiful and deadly, you are made for this, you might not see it, but me and you together will be the most respected women in this place, and this is your second big step”, she spoke softly but it was strong at the same time, but this time spax stood behind them both translating her words into wolf tong.

She held up the mask paused, incase the wolf paniced, then lifted it over her head ready to lower it, again pausing giving the wolf time.

Then if she was ready she lowered it and fitted it to her head, it sat on with one strap going under neath the chin, the inside was comfertbal breathing wasn’t hindered to badly at all really the only real difference was that it made vision slightly red thanks to the tinted eyes. Once mistress was happy with it, if the wolf let her she rested her own forhead agest the wolfs forhead, the cold metal agest her skin.
She then stood up.
“watch spax and follow this lead, and learn”, she said her eyes glinting.

There was a soft scratching at the door once more, and when spax called the dog in it wasn’t blood but a large old husky, he looked over at them all nodding at spax and cardinal with respect.

“are john good, you are puppy sitting the little one there”, he ghestered his armoured head at the pup.
“yes Spax im glad I fainly have something to do”, he said in a deep gravily voice that showed his age.
Spax smiled his sharp sinister smile, he respected this dog due to him servivng this long into old age, and his straight to the point following orders attuied. But it didn’t change the fact that the old mut had gone soft, to the wolves not that spax was angry with him for it, he would have been if he had done something stupied but the old wolf and done nothing more then try and make the wolves exsistense in the place easyer for them were he could.

So he let it go.

Mistress disserped into her room and spx followed leaving the other two alone.
John looked at cardinal in her mask, his face passive the grays were going throw in force around his face and over his body, his fur was showing it now as well, but his body still held its power, but as the dog walked you could see the tole of its life in its stiff limes and slight limp.
“il take good care of him don’t worry, im not like the others here”, he said walking up to cardinal but not past to the pup he would wait for her to let him pass.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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