broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 21-03-2011 23:42

When the Mistress' hand moved to her face, at first Cardinal went rigid. Nothing good came of human hands. She watched it carefully as it moved toward her face, but she didn't bite - nothing good came of biting the hand that fed you, either; in fact, it came with dire consequences. The girl's voice was soft, but somehow Cardinal didn't trust it. Finally the fingers touched her fur, and she relaxed somewhat as they stroked her cheek. Now, instead of watching the hand, Cardinal's eyes turned to the Mistress. Though the human's face was no longer hard and cold, Cardinal's position on the matter didn't change, and neither did her icy expression. She did not intend to harm the girl, nor even challenge her authority, but was merely keeping close watch on the telltale signs of the human's mood.

"you are beautful"

"You are something spechal i can tell, something powerful and strong"
Definitely more praise. Sincere praise, too. Suddenly Cardinal tilted her head slightly, away from the petting hand. There was more to this girl than any of them had previously seen, and she knew she was the only one other than Spax that had seen or would ever see this calmer, gentler side of their mistress. No doubt there was evil in the girl, but Cardinal wondered if she even thought of the attribute as evil. Perhaps she, like many wolves, mistook the evil for strength. Even in that case, the wolf did not trust her.

And she was sure the Mistress knew that.

"get your rest, we have work tomorrow", she said getting up and walking over to her room, she looked back at them both and smiled, it was warmer and had the hint of fondness in her eyes, but that shadow of her cold heart always stayed there.

"Silent songbird".

She turned off the lights and shut the door behind her
Cardinal remained stationary and watched the Mistress quietly as she moved to another door in the series of rooms. The last thing she said, though...

A name?

Silent Songbird.

She turned it over in her mind. The wolf didn't know what it meant at all. But soon enough the light in the room suddenly disappeared, as if the sun had vanished. It startled her a bit, and she stood, but the Mistress was already gone.

It took a moment, but Cardinal noticed a sliver of light in a corner of the room. It reminded her strangely of the moon...


The faint cry from the blankets caught the wolf's attention, and she immediately went to comfort the crying pup. Apparently the darkness scared him - she could not blame him for it. Kei was young, too young for this place. He needed grass and sky and water and trees... other pups to play with. But he wouldn't have any of that. He'd have her though, and that's what counted. She nuzzled the pup softly and curled around him in the bed.

"Hushhh, hushhhhhh... It'll be okay now..."

It took quite a while to calm the pup down, but soon he was buried in red fur and snoring quietly.

Cardinal slept little that night, but for the most part the small amount she had was empty of nightmares... except for one.

She didn't have a collar on.

That was the first thing she noticed.

The second was that she was in a large room with several humans. They were laughing and talking to each other. By the smell they were all male. She watched them quietly for a few seconds, but then they noticed she was there. Instantly the room went quiet as they stared down at her, but she just sat, glaring back.

Then she became aware of the Mistress entering the room behind her. Suddenly the other humans vanished and the girl sat down in a chair, beckoned her forward. Like before, Cardinal approached slowly, and when she sat was presented with the stroking fingers of the human. But this time it was different. She couldn't explain it, until it was too late. Before she could move, the Mistress drew her hand back and slapped the wolf, hard. Cardinal reeled, stumbling to the floor.

All at once, Spax was on top of her. A terrible, horrible feeling washed over her, and then a serene warmth. No, no, no! She couldn't enjoy it! She closed her amber eyes, but it continued. When she finally gave up and opened them, Kei was there in front of her, watching, horrified...

It was then that her whole world turned upsidedown.

Enraged that Spax would even let the pup watch, she spun on him and went to bite, only to be met by the strange metal fangs of Darcia. Spax was gone, but where? Ignoring Darcia for some reason unknown to her, Cardinal whirled around, searching for the bastard dog... until suddenly she was on her back, Eight's fangs in her throat - or were they Shade's? No, Tsuna's...


Cardinal had awoken with a start. Throughout most of the night, she had been able to sleep rather peacefully. Why now, when abundant light shone through the slit in the wall, did she finally have a nightmare?

Kei stirred; he was now positioned in such a way that only the tip of his nose was visible, and the rest of him was underneath Cardinal, in between her forelegs. Not wanting to wake him, she stood slowly and left the bed, making sure to cover him in the strange, warm material that the Mistress had put in it. While waiting for Spax to show up or the Mistress to wake, the red wolf went about her business, finally taking time to explore the Mistress' quarters, sniffing at the dead wolves as she passed. Truly this place was horrific, but on the other hand it was warm and comforting.

It was true that one could not have everything in one place.
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Post by Leo » 24-03-2011 19:57

Spax was now quite tired, he hadn’t slept that night, he had been working, sorting out a group of wolves who had deiced to start killing each other early. So he had to be there wile they were moved into there own cages, from one of the out side yards. After that he had to sort out some dogs that had been having fun with a female, which wasn’t a problem but they had gotten over exsited and killed the female in the prosses.
He had reminded them of the rules then shown them what it ment to brake them, they could have there fun ruff them up some what but not kill them, that deicion or privilege lade with there human owners or the top ranking dogs.

All in all he was in a good mood, apart from the hasles things were going well all this sort of stuff was normal problems. He walked into mistress place into the front hall way and yawn stretching his back legs then his front, bones and joints cracking.
He then shock off vilontly, getting dust off his coat, then trotted towords the lounge. Cardinal was already up and moving around exsploring the many things that were on display.

“that skin you just looked at”, he ghestered to the one that was torn and ripped, and resembaled more of a rag then wolf coat.
“was Triple Eights sister, a good fight but was always to soft and kind hearted, she was a pola possite to Eight”, he said walking past her to the sofa, he hopped up onto the sofa and layed down with his head up.

“Sleep well?”, he asked looking over at her bed and seeing the pup in it.
“Looks like he is”, he said lowering his voice a little, no need to wake the pup up he could talk to cardinal now with out interruption.

“iv had a interesting night, teaching some dogs to follow the rules, and moving some wolves to a new cell block”, he said yawning again, knowing that she proberbly didn’t care or was lisening.

“you look better now, take it that you like the little one, named him?”, he asked his smile on his face, but he wasn’t being sinister now, just making conversion, trying to warm her up a little.

A cuple of moments later sounds started to come from mistress room, movment, running water, then quite for a little wile, now there converasion had ended if there had been one at all, spax was now snoozing, it was strange when he was a sleep he looked normal, no sinister grin, no anger or strange looks, just a canine well bilt and hansom a cuple of scars, and the dusting of his long night.

Finaly mistress opened the door of her room, black combats and a white singlet, her claws were already one her hand and the bracelet also on her wrist, her hear was still in the prosses of drying the dark hair running in strings down her back. She walked up to spax who had woken up and was wagging his tail, she ruffled his head and held ither side of his and kissed his forhead, he licked her.
He wasn’t worried about cardinal seeing this, if she told others it wouldn’t get her any were, blood knew, the dogs guessed and wouldn’t dare say any thing any way.
Also he held her with that pup, it had been there for a cuple of days and knew him, he had never been crule to it, quite the opposite he had played with it, laying down in front of it wile it tried to play fight with him as all pups did, he just gently played back. It would help if the pup like him, he wasn’t sure what the pups thoughts were on him but it didn’t apper to be afard but that might be it being to young to under stand any thing.

Mistress then looked over at Cardinal and smiled that warmer truer smile, she wouldn’t be able to do that to her any time soon. She then walked over to the blinds and opened them letting the sun flood the room, and showing the world out side, the forists in the distense and the mountins on the hirozon, true blue skys.

She then walked into the kichen and looked to be preparing food three bowls out infront of her, two the same size one small.

“aww breakfast I could do with some food”, spax said with another yawn.

Mistress then settled the bowls down by the large doors that showed the world out side and went to cook her own food.
The food was different here, it had the pellets in it but also real meat and good quality. Spax got up and went to his bowl and started to eat, he finished it quickly then went back to the sofa, sleeping again.

Mistress sat down next to him after some time a English breakfast on it, she turned on the Tv, it was a film of a wolf fight in another place, she half watched it half ate and inbatween that scratch spax behind the ears.
The fight was furosion both wolves built for power.

Eight woke with a start at the sudden sounds, he blinked and looked around ready, for ever was happing ready to defend him self, but it was shay she had thrown her self into the bars. She looked in a right state as well, she was sick.
“shay”, eight said in a furm voice trying and seeming to fale in the attept.

George awoke with a start and a snarl as well, thinking the dogs were there attacking one of them, but when he saw it was shay, he got up pushing his nose throw the bars.
“shay?” he said a small string of droll coming from his deformed jaws.

She didn’t apper to have heard any of them, Eight watch her drink some water then lay down on the floor again, he wasn’t worried for her health so much the humans would treat her, they wouldn’t let her die but he was worried for her mental health, his face remaned blank as he thought throw what he could do.
He didn’t no how to comfort a wolf with soft gental words but he did no how to be a strong protecter like figger was that all he could do, george would be the one to be the soft talker but that wasn’t about to happen.

After a moment he spoke again.
“shay look at me”, he said to her, in a voice that he hoped was gentla and reasoring. He hadn’t used it in years.
“we haven’t spoken yet at all, tell me about you and your home”, he said his eyes as soft as he could make them. It might hurt a little talking about her home but it might comfort her a little reminding her self of her family might remind her self of what she should be fighting for.
Also just talking was always good for taking your mind of other things. And he wouldn’t take silence for a awsner this time.
If she didn’t speak he would ask her again and wait pasently.

The food rattled down the shoots behing them, he ignored it for now, it was early and after the yesterdays hard training they would be given more rest time. He knew that from exsprense.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 24-03-2011 20:43

After a moment he spoke again.
“shay look at me”, he said to her, in a voice that he hoped was gentla and reasoring. He hadn’t used it in years.
“we haven’t spoken yet at all, tell me about you and your home”, he said his eyes as soft as he could make them.
Shade felt strange, almost unreal. And Eight's voice, in a tone that almost made her believe she was imagining it, didn't help. Eight didn't speak like thát. In thát tone...

Still, she slowly began to realise that the concrete she lay on was real. That she was still in the cage and with bars on all sides. That Eight was next to her at one side, and George at the other.

Then, she slowly began to realise what Eight had asked.

- ''Me...? My home..?'' She rasked, her voice a little funny after the rough night. ''Oh... I...''

She fell silent; slowly, a frown came on her face.

- ''I... don't really... remember...'' She stammered, surprised by that fact. ''I... yes... I remember my parents... my siblings... but then I was alone... and then the cage... and then this place...''

She shook her head. ''I just... it's so hazy... I don't understand...''

She sighed and layed her head down. Her eyes ached, they where dry and tired after not sleeping at all.
*It will pass. I'll be fine...* She thought, but she didn't believe her own thoughts. She thought about the fight, about the wolf she had killed. That was everything she COULD think about...

The sudden hard sound of food rattling down in the bowls startled her for a moment, but she only moved her ears at it.

- ''Where's... Where's Blood? Did he combine the cages?''

The words had came out before she realised it; she turned her ears back, both in shame and surprise.
Had she just ASKED for BLOODHOUND?!! That was moronic! Who would ASK for a DOG? What would George and Eight think of her?!

No... it had just been about the cages, right? That was all.

She looked besides her at George, realising her question was silly. He was still there, behind bars.

She slowly lifted her head and gave him a quick nuzzle under the chin, ignoring a little drool landing on her snout. She then whiped it off with her paw, without much thought.

Oh, how she wished she could curl up against someone. How she wished that this place would just vanish. How she wished she had something softer to rest on then this concrete...

But her fever was now slowly breaking.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 25-03-2011 00:33

At first, Cardinal did her best to ignore Spax when he came in. He hadn't said anything yet and thus she had nothing to say to him. She kept about her business as she heard him shake out his coat at the room's entrance, stopping only for a split second to examine the gray, tattered coat that hung upon one of the walls. It smelled suspiciously like Eight, and yet...

She had made up her mind to continue almost immediately, but when she walked to other realms of the room, Spax finally made himself obvious.
“that skin you just looked at”, he ghestered to the one that was torn and ripped, and resembaled more of a rag then wolf coat.
“was Triple Eights sister, a good fight but was always to soft and kind hearted, she was a pola possite to Eight”, he said walking past her to the sofa, he hopped up onto the sofa and layed down with his head up.
That explained it, then.
Cardinal absently glanced at him as he passed, but otherwise kept reasonably to herself. She was tolerating him, at least. She had to - later she'd be all his, and there'd be no going back. Over the past few hours she'd convinced herself it was inevitable and she wasn't going to worry about it for the time being. In any case, Eight's sister... She looked back at the tattered coat with new interest. So the sister had died here. Did Eight know? Probably, but did he know how she'd died? Better yet, did he watch? It wouldn't surprise her, might have explained his usual bad temper.

After the brief moment of thought, she proceeded to other parts of the room, sidestepping furniture.
“Sleep well?”
Cardinal flicked an ear toward him and glanced over, laughed silently and coldly once as if to say "hell no," then kept analyzing the room. It was only when he mentioned Kei that she fully looked over, her gaze jumping between Spax and snoozing Kei over and over. She narrowed her eyes, but didn't say anything. Tentatively, she sat down next to a different piece of furniture than Spax was sitting on - a recliner chair - and surveyed the room from that angle.
“iv had a interesting night, teaching some dogs to follow the rules, and moving some wolves to a new cell block”, he said yawning again
She actually found it in her to look at him when he was speaking, mostly because she wanted him as far away from Kei as possible and would forcibly go about making him back off even if it meant a thrashing. Even more shocking, even to her, was that she actually listened.

"Mm. Hard work. Such a bother."

She didn't say it in a mean tone, just a sort of disinterested one. Honestly, she didn't quite care what he'd been doing the night before, but if anything he was the only real conversation she'd get from then on, unless the others miraculously forgave her, which was an amazingly long shot. Cracking her neck, she looked over at Kei. The little pup had rolled over, exposing his pink underbelly. It took all she had not to grin - it came out as a smile, though. How could such a cute puppy come out of this place?
“you look better now, take it that you like the little one, named him?”,

He'd have to try harder than that if he wanted to talk her her.

Sound of water from the Mistress' quarters ended any hope of conversation, and Cardinal was grateful for the small release. A little while later, Kei woke up and she finally had something to occupy her as he ran about the room, tripping over himself every few feet.

Once she looked over at Spax while he slept and found herself wondering how he turned out so terribly. He was... quite handsome...

Yeah but he's still a bastard.

Even so, she suddenly remembered her dream. Spax on top of her, that pleasant feeling-- No, no, no! Stop thinking about it! She forced her mind back to Kei and had to seek him out; the pup had already left her line of sight and had managed to get himself half wedged under the sofa. She was still trying to get him out without letting him back under the furniture when the Mistress finally appeared.

Cardinal suddenly took Kei by the tail and carried him, dangling, back to the bed as she showed her affection for Spax. She didn't care. Obviously they shared a relationship different than just business, so the red wolf didn't pay it much mind. Instead she just gave the Mistress a contemplative look as they locked eyes and nudged Kei to the food bowls when they were served.

Hungry, she wolfed the food down, surprised that this kind actually tasted decent, despite the dry pellets that were still riddled about it. When she was finished, she waited until Kei was done before trusting herself to look up, and what she saw made her heart leap, if only for just a moment.

The forest.

The outside.

Right there


And yet the absence of the smell of the outdoors made it clear that this was not the exit, only a vision of the outside, of escape. Still...

"Do we ever go outside?"

It was a flat question for Spax, not hopeful nor pessimistic. But if they could ever taste fresh air again... Ah, how nice would that be?

Gods, why didn't the others just do this earlier? The life was easier, more plentiful, better... and the access to the facility didn't hurt either. From here, she could plan her escape! Suddenly it made no sense to her to be locked up with her friends, if they could even be called friends. If anything, she'd find a way to get them out too. Eight could have had this. He missed an opportunity. It was just as well.

The sound of fighting dogs ripped her mind away from the outside to another of the humans' strange contraptions. This one had moving things inside it - two wolves, but much too small. And they kept flashing and changing. She picked Kei up and went to watch, putting him down between her forelegs as she lay down on the floor before the television.


Blood yawned and rolled over on the bed, his belly towards the ceiling. He slept on the Master's bed, as it was large enough to fit at least three people. They both slept comfortably and Blood's short coat left few hairs on the sheets and provided warmth when the Master needed it. A win-win situation.

He glanced over; the Master had already woken up, his half of the bed already smoothed down. Well, then he'd just go have breakfast, see if his human was still around. He slipped off the bed and trotted into the living room. The Master's quarters were not as spacious as those of the Mistress, but they were large enough for the two bachelors. The entire area was filled with white furniture and black decoration. The wall furthest from the door was even painted black. The kitchen was furnished with all stainless steel. Thus, the entire room looked sterile but oddly modern.

Blood found his Master in said kitchen, making something that smelled like an omelet to the dog. Bloodhound wuffed slightly and nudged his owner's leg, to which the man responded with a happy "good morning" and a piece of egg from the frying pan. The albino caught it in midair, swallowing the hot food before it could burn his mouth. He knew the bulk of his food would be kibble that day, on account of his return to the ring, but it always paid to have a hot snack before breakfast.

And later, he'd have to visit Spax, ask about what was going on on his end...
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Post by Leo » 29-03-2011 21:15

''Me...? My home..?'' She rasked, her voice a little funny after the rough night. ''Oh... I...''

She fell silent; slowly, a frown came on her face.

- ''I... don't really... remember...'' She stammered, surprised by that fact. ''I... yes... I remember my parents... my siblings... but then I was alone... and then the cage... and then this place...''

She shook her head. ''I just... it's so hazy... I don't understand...''

Eight watched her sitting up right, all his attsion on her, he under stood why she was struggerling all this to any one was a information over load, such a sudden change in worlds, new enemies new worries a whole new life had begun were George and him self knew this life better then the one out side the walls, the wild life that was alien to the both of them, Kami had showed him a lot but he still treated the out side world like this one, and many times it had made him come across as evil when really it was the only thing he knew.

“its ok, its exspect you will struggle with it all, but…”, this felt so wrong for him, he had so fare changed back to what he had been before, but even back then he had been able to be soft with his pack but now he was struggling to do it again.
Once bitten twice shy.

“but you have done very well, you are … stronger then they give you credit for”, he said again his small smile coming across his face, and a slight tail wag, thow it looked stunted.

''Where's... Where's Blood? Did he combine the cages?''

He hadn’t expected that at all, his smile changed to a slight confusen.
“no he hasn’t, he dosent have the power”, he said with a slight venom to his words, not directed at shay but at blood. He had no power, nothing and now he was soft eight would use that later.

“Shay Eat you need strength, you didn’t eat that meat and didn’t eat or drink last night”, he said slight hint of a leader saying a order to his blank voice, he then him self turned to his own bowl to eat his food, again it was very rich full of fats and protense to help him rebuild, and already he felt better, stronger more awake then he had in months. Thow his bones still showed he had started the path to recovery, and with the humans food and training it would be a quick one.

He then drank from his water, taking in a lot, with the hard training he need a lot of fluids, after that he started to do something he hadn’t done in years not since he was last here. He started to strech, not a normal wolfs streachs but very deliberate ones doing each muscle, in his legs and back and even his jaws. He had a lot of pride in his jaw strength he hadn’t seen any other wolf able to crush another’s skull completely.

George watch for a little wile after eating his own bowl then looked back at shay, he was worried about her, he didn’t like seeing her so low, it didn’t seem right for the wolf, when he had last seen her in there crates the shine of life had been exstremly strong with in her now it was but a flicker of its formal strength to george he could see her being a strong wolf even a leader she had that care for others, but she was just young.
“are you okccsss”, he said moving his tong and throat to form the sounds the best he could.

Spax was supprised it seemed as if Cardinal was starting to get the point and getting with her new life, well at lest starting.
When she laughed at his queston of her sleeping, he smiled him self he had known the answer before asking it.
And more suprsingly still when he was talking about his night she acherly looked at him and lisened, that was a surprise and a good start.

"Mm. Hard work. Such a bother."

She didn’t add any sarcasum to the words thow it was in the stament, nore did she put any anger in it, it was just dissent as his she was half lisening. It was a big inprovment and he decide to take it, might as well help along the small thread of something that had started to form.

“tell me about it, I cant rember the last time iv had a whole night sleep, or a complet sleep for that matter, times are busy at the moment”.


Again a inprovment, so he just smiled at her, not sinister as his normal smile a more genuine one, but it still had that sinister eage to it as that was just the way he smiled.
“good, it will be nice to had others in the room apart from my self, dose get a bit boring at times, cant rember the last time iv been able to play with young”, he said with no hint of venom or danger it was a honest word, all the pups he delt with were property and tools, it was exstremly rare there was a pup he could treat as a pup.

When he had finished his food he went back a little ways and sat behind the sofa in the sun light that shone on the floor, enjoying its warmth.
Working in darkness was quite a bother, and life at the moment gave him very little time to enjoy the sun and out side world so he took what he could get.

"Do we ever go outside?"

He looked at her a smile on his face, now that queston left no dout on what she was thinking and it made him laugh a little.
“yeah we do, but there is a electric fence, guard towers, guns, us gard dogs and of cores a false safe, if you get to a sertan distance the collars paralyse you, it even dose that to us, in case a dog decides to wonder off, it happened to me a couple of times, but yes we do I think mistress is ordering a fense to go around this aier just out side so the pup can wonder around”, he said laying his head down again, not atal worried about her escaping or any wolf for that matter, it had happened once, and after that they had brought in the collars and revamped the security.

After a moment, the sound of mistress eating her breakfast and reading a magerzin floated to them and it seemed to remind spax of something as he rasied his head again.
“oh yeah that reminds me, aware first job of the day is to sit in on a meeting mistress is having with other humans, I don’t exspect you to act just watch me and take it in, I hope you like that mask over there as we will both be wearing one by the way”, he smiled his sinister smile again.

“after that its another day of training for you”.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 29-03-2011 22:33

“its ok, its exspect you will struggle with it all, but…”

“but you have done very well, you are … stronger then they give you credit for”, he said again his small smile coming across his face, and a slight tail wag, thow it looked stunted.
Shade turned her eyes towards him; she had to admit she was glad with every little bit of friendliness she got. But it couldn't tear her out of her depression; she sighed deeply for a moment. She felt so LONELY, despite being around two friendly males. The bars between them where the cause; she could hardly TOUCH them.

Strong? Pah. She didn't feel strong at all...
In fact, she felt weaker then ever.

She thought about the pulling-training, and looked down at the concrete floor.
Strength... it was something she lacked. She found some under the influence of adrenaline, sure... but that wasn't enough. She was no match for the others....

Damn, she felt so worthless...

He hadn’t expected that at all, his smile changed to a slight confusen.
“no he hasn’t, he dosent have the power”, he said with a slight venom to his words, not directed at shay but at blood.

“Shay Eat you need strength, you didn’t eat that meat and didn’t eat or drink last night”, he said slight hint of a leader saying a order to his blank voice, he then him self turned to his own bowl to eat his food.

He then drank from his water, taking in a lot. He started to strech, not a normal wolfs streachs but very deliberate ones doing each muscle, in his legs and back and even his jaws. He had a lot of pride in his jaw strength he hadn’t seen any other wolf able to crush another’s skull completely.
She tried to hide her shame about her question, acting as if it wasn't asked at all, looking straight ahead. She had to admit that she was glad that Eight focussed on his food; at least he wouldn't ask questions, then.

So... she had to eat. Or so he said...
But she wasn't too willing to obey this wish. Or this order, whichever it was.

What was the use in eating? Becoming strong for the humans?!
George watch for a little wile after eating his own bowl then looked back at shay, he was worried about her, he didn’t like seeing her so low, it didn’t seem right for the wolf, when he had last seen her in there crates the shine of life had been exstremly strong with in her now it was but a flicker of its formal strength to george he could see her being a strong wolf even a leader she had that care for others, but she was just young.
“are you okccsss”, he said moving his tong and throat to form the sounds the best he could.
She lifted her head slightly to look at George; then, she nodded silently.
She didn't want him to worry to much about her... and thus, she slowly got up and pulled herself towards her waterbowl. Damn, her shoulder still hurt from the collision with the bars...
She drank for a while, rehydrating her body, but didn't even look at her food.

She wasn't hungry, and she didn't feel like eating.

She then walked to the front of her cage, pressing her snout through the bars for a moment.

If only she could go outside... see the sky....

Her thoughts drifted off; quick images shot through her head. The forest... the cage. The fight with the dog. The killing of the wolf. Bloodhound sitting on her cage.


She pulled her head back, shook it slightly, and returned to her corner.
Why did she even think about that guy?! Damned dog....

She curled up again.

Whatever those damned humans had planned for today... she wasn't going to cooperate. Not that she was in any state, either. And for once, she sincerely didn't care what they'd do to her. They could kill her, for all she cared. There was NOTHING to live for, here.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 01-04-2011 00:33

“good, it will be nice to had others in the room apart from my self, dose get a bit boring at times, cant rember the last time iv been able to play with young”
At that, she bristled slightly and stared at him. After all that, her pup would still be influenced by the bastard dog. It just HAD to be Spax! Still, he didn't seem particularly malicious about it, so she calmed slightly. If he ever hurt Kei, so help her... she'd rip his throat out faster than he could blink.

Again her attention turned to the sun. Such warmth... like a hot summer day. No wind, though, no scent of fresh air or soft grass or even clean water. Just the faint scent of death and metal. And, of course, whatever the Mistress had been eating. A sharp bark came from the television, and she twitched, wondering briefly whether or not the dogs could jump out of that box...
“yeah we do, but there is a electric fence, guard towers, guns, us gard dogs and of cores a false safe, if you get to a sertan distance the collars paralyse you, it even dose that to us, in case a dog decides to wonder off, it happened to me a couple of times, but yes we do I think mistress is ordering a fense to go around this aier just out side so the pup can wonder around”
An ear flicked in annoyance. She didn't need a description of the odds of her escaping, even though she knew very well that Spax was already on to her. All she had asked was if they could ever set foot on the grass again, and that part of the answer was pleasing to her. Of course there would be no running, no carefree playing. Even so, outside. Ah, something she could look forward to. Ignoring the strange moving images on the box, she began to gently bathe Kei with her tongue, much to the annoyance of the little pup. He didn't squirm, though, still a tad wary of the big red paws.
“oh yeah that reminds me, aware first job of the day is to sit in on a meeting mistress is having with other humans, I don’t exspect you to act just watch me and take it in, I hope you like that mask over there as we will both be wearing one by the way”, he smiled his sinister smile again.
Her mind flashed to the mask the Mistress had showed her, but she kept running her tongue over her son (her son.... how strange that she could accept that so soon) and refused to worry too much about anything just yet. But that smile of his... it was the same one she had come to hate. She bristled again, her muscles tense.
“after that its another day of training for you”.
Finally she moved, her head snapping up rather too quickly. Another training day? Now? After they had nearly killed themselves trying to please their damn human? And HER, of all wolves! Betrayed her own kind, only to be thrust back into the ring with the very friends she had left behind.

No doubt she'd have explaining to do, if she could even get anything out. She had no doubts in her mind that Eight would not be pleased with her return.

"So I'm the bodyguard, the pet, and the bear trap..."

She snorted quietly, obviously annoyed.

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Post by Leo » 05-04-2011 00:05

"So I'm the bodyguard, the pet, and the bear trap..."

He fround at her, what did she exspect at the moment she wouldn’t cut it as mistress wolf, she didn’t have the polished fighting skills mistress wanted, also she would still fight and need to fight and become stronger.

“of corse you are, what eals do you exspect, your not at the level she wants you at, you must be train on more complexes commands, and become stronger, did you think your training days were over just because you had become her pet”, he said not angry but like she was being quite stupied.

“iv done it, iv been trained as well, so has ever dog in here”, he said laying his head back on his paws.

Mistress finished her breakfast and diserpiered into her room once more to finish getting ready, twenty minets past and she came back out, her chain male long down to her hands and her face in place.
“stay here iv got to take care of some things first”, she said to spax who had started to rise who layed greatfuly back down again with a tail wag.

“thinking about it the commands are quite simple when she flicks her fingers or taps her claws, if the moment is tense attack the thing she is looking at until she flicks her fingers again, then its all the normal sit and stay”, he said with his eyes still shut.

Mistress walked down the corridor swiftly back in business mode were she would be for the rest of the day till she was back at her aparment. She wanted to get the wolves to training quickly her training team could handle it with out her for a wile. She got to the room were all her human team were, the meeting room/brake room. When she entered the all stopped talking straight away, and there dogs all looked to her as well. She told them what she wanted them to do and they went off heading for the wolfs cell, they were to be taken down to there and the real training would begin not as exstrem as the last days, that was a test to day would be properly carried out and messered.

Eights ear twitched as he heard them the humans comeing, he sat his face blank and as hard as ever. Three entered going to each wolf cheaking them over visaly. The one at shay paused.
“she dosent look great”.
“hmmm” said the man looking at Geroge, he was a old thin man looking to be in his mid to late fiftys he was the the superviser to the human team.
He looked her over then went to his braclet parlising the wolf, he briskly entered and looked her over. She was dehydrated, and hadn’t eaten. His old brown eyes looked at her coldly.
Stress more then likely she was running hot to, this wasn’t uncommon for a fresh wolf, but was often a sign of weakness, if she didn’t get over it soon she it would be clear her personality would be a weak one and there for wearthless.
She had shown a lot of promise the previese day as well.

“the mistress will want her to go to training, she will have to have light training watching the others, we might try her on slow lights”, he said turning and leaving the cage. As the door shut behind him the doors at the bake of the cages opened to revile the crates.
Eight had watched the old human closely wile he delt with shay, not that he could do any thing he would destract him if he went to hurt her. George had growled the hole time.

It looked like they still wanted her to go to training, no rest for them not even in sickness, but he guessed leaving her alone in here wouldn’t do her any good ether lesser of to evils.
He turned and entered his own crate, with out a fuss. George was waiting for shay.

“don’tggsss worry il eee rrightsss with you”, he said to her the best he could.

Once they were all in and moving Eights mind drifted back to blood, he had acted strange last night, he often felt something for shay, that would get difcult later, he thought sadly of the moment she came to heat, if she had shown promis by then she would be used to breed if not just more half-breeds. Eight aloud him self a sigh, he wondered would would happen to the trator when she went in to heat. He guess he would be seeing her at some point later, he would dance to mistress tune for now so he would kick off unless he could get at her then well.
He scented the damp earth then the scent of the training room they were there, and as the coveres were thrown off and the light blinded them for a moment, the arina came into view again. This time the arina was sepprated into four different parts for each wolf.

Eight looked to shay making sure she was alright then around the place, cheaking which dogs were there. Jolene was already there looking very happy. He cast eyes around for the others, to cheak ones surrounding was important, part of life and this was no different.

(forgive me its quite poor )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Post by Nakisha » 05-04-2011 00:20


Shade's ears perked before she could help it, then turned backwards. She had already learned to pay attention to the sound of humans... It was despicable! She turned her head away, the deep feeling of sadness still within.

She knéw she was depressed, but she simply didn't feel like fighting it...
Eights ear twitched as he heard them the humans comeing, he sat his face blank and as hard as ever. Three entered going to each wolf cheaking them over visaly. The one at shay paused.
“she dosent look great”.
Shade backed down a little an lay down, lacking energy.
But she found herself surprised; the idea of having to stay in this cell also bothered her. She díd want out... but she knew she'd be worthless for training....

Well... what did it really matter, anyway.
“hmmm” said the man looking at Geroge, he was a old thin man looking to be in his mid to late fiftys he was the the superviser to the human team.
He looked her over then went to his braclet parlising the wolf, he briskly entered and looked her over. She was dehydrated, and hadn’t eaten. His old brown eyes looked at her coldly.

Stress more then likely she was running hot to, this wasn’t uncommon for a fresh wolf, but was often a sign of weakness, if she didn’t get over it soon she it would be clear her personality would be a weak one and there for wearthless.
She had shown a lot of promise the previese day as well.
She would have whimpered the moment she was paralyzed; why always that damned feeling?!! MONSTERS... But there was no sound from her. And even as the human looked her over, she wasn't as bothered as she had been before.

She simply cared less...

*Just kill me, why don't you...* She thought, both bitter and sad.
“the mistress will want her to go to training, she will have to have light training watching the others, we might try her on slow lights”, he said turning and leaving the cage. As the door shut behind him the doors at the bake of the cages opened to revile the crates.
Eight had watched the old human closely wile he delt with shay, not that he could do any thing he would destract him if he went to hurt her. George had growled the hole time.

It looked like they still wanted her to go to training, no rest for them not even in sickness, but he guessed leaving her alone in here wouldn’t do her any good ether lesser of to evils.
He turned and entered his own crate, with out a fuss. George was waiting for shay.

“don’tggsss worry il eee rrightsss with you”, he said to her the best he could.
Shade was utterly surprised to find a crate waiting for her; as the door opened, she lay still, looking. But as she noticed George waiting for her, she realised both of them would be punished if she didn't come into action.

At least she wouldn't be spending all day here... but... what did they WANT from her..? She was in no condition to fight...

She hoisted herself up, then slowly walked into the crate, knowing there was no refusing human wishes, either way.

As the crate slammed shut behind her, painful memories returned once more; she suddenly saw the eyes of the wolf she had killed before clearly.

No glance of a wolf in mortal terror, realising his life was about to be ended. Just the eyes of a killer, of someone who had lost it... and the flicker of surprise and shock before her teeth had ended his life.

She lost herself in the horrid memory, growling, shaking in both anger and fear, until the curtains where lifted from her cage.

Just the look of the arena suddenly set her off with the force of an atom bomb.

She snarled; the next moment, she lunged and trashed around in the space that was too narrow for a panicking wolf. She let out cries and growls as if she was being murdered, but it didn't last too long.

Only a minute or two... and she calmed down.

She panted heavily as she sat in her cage, head low. Her body ached from slamming herself into the bars of the narrow cage; she realised once more that she had to control her emotions. That she had to control fear, panic, anger....

She shook her head, trying to get herself back together. Killing a wolf, then a night without sleep, it was taking it's toll.

She stared at the arena with an empty gaze.

She'd see what they had in store for her...


Not far from where Jolene was, Dice also sat, licking his lips with a huge grin.
The memory of last night was enough to keep him in a great mood as he watched the wolves arrive.

He grinned even wider as the earthcoloured female suddenly snapped and rampaged around in the cage. Good... hehe. She was developing EXACTLY as he had hoped. Showing weakness... showing she couldn't handle it. All he had to do, was make sure she'd break...

He snickered.

*Oh yes... Bloodhound... Your girl will be MINE...* He thought, his tongue running over his lips again.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 05-04-2011 19:06

(Come to think of it, Cardinal hasn't had a bath. XDD Oh well... Let's assume she did so we can get on with this.)
“of corse you are, what eals do you exspect, your not at the level she wants you at, you must be train on more complexes commands, and become stronger, did you think your training days were over just because you had become her pet”
Cardinal listened, her ears turned back flat against her skull. What a stupid dog. Couldn't even grasp at what she was getting at. Perhaps she had overestimated his intelligence. But perhaps not. Better to wait and watch him further.

"Tch... You know that's not the damn issue."

She wasn't worried about the training itself. In fact, she had expected some sort of further examination and building of strength. But the way Spax had said it had only made her flinch because it thrust her back into that cell block with the others. And if she went back to the others... Not that she was afraid of either of them - especially not Eight. What she WAS afraid of - well, maybe not afraid - was the fact that she'd most likely be reprimanded for something she'd had no choice in doing or not. Had she not turned on Eight, there would have been terrible punishments for both of them... and Kei...

So let him hate her. He didn't understand what she'd done at all.
“iv done it, iv been trained as well, so has ever dog in here”

So he'd fought, like she would be? Not something she expected from him, but useful information at least.

When the Mistress left, Cardinal watched her go, then left the strange moving box and wandered away, Kei following close behind. She settled down back in the bed of blankets and watched the pup waddle around, occasionally coming back to sniff her and then waddle off again. Such a little darling. It struck her then that there would be no one to watch him while they were gone. Maybe the Mistress would take him with her? She snickered slightly... Yes, probably... Kei would end up doing more damage than he was worth if they left him alone.

The human returned and Cardinal barely flinched, waiting instead to be called to move. When Spax stood, then sat back down, Cardinal's eyes returned to Kei. Soon enough the girl was gone, and finally Cardinal relaxed a bit.

For just a moment.
A soft scratch at the door...


Blood had finished his breakfast, which had consisted mostly of dog food but included a healthy dose of eggs (which, inevitably, had raised his spirits considerably). After accompanying the Master to the couch for a few minutes, he nudged the man with his nose and promptly left the room. He'd be back in a few minutes anyway...

The short journey down the hallway was a quiet one. Not many dogs with free time had woken up yet, and the only live thing he saw was a single female human who looked like she was in a hurry. In any case, he reached the Mistress' quarters just as the girl was leaving. He gave her a wide berth, then stood at the door watching her until she disappeared down an adjoining hallway.

Once she was alone, Bloodhound carefully pawed the wooden door, making extra sure that he didn't scratch it with his claws. Hopefully Spax would hear - he didn't feel like barging into the Mistress' quarters without her being there (though if she HAD been there, he wouldn't have stopped by at all... creepy lady...).

He heard a tiny growling noise behind the door, probably from the puppy he had seen around the Mistress for the past few days. He smelled the pretty red wolf in there as well. A grin grew on his muzzle as he wondered whether or not Spax had gotten any the night before. If he hadn't, he would eventually.
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