broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 11-03-2011 13:43

Dice was trotting through some corridors, curious to see where Jolene had went.
But his attention was soon drawn by a familiar smell, and by Spax's voice.

He stopped and raised his head, sniffing.

So... they had taken a wolf from the new group? Out here..?? Why?
He silently sneaked a little closer to one of the doors, and peeked into the room.
“rember I can take this away quicker then you can blink, also I exspect”,

*Hmmm...* Dice's eyes narrowed. He saw Cardinal, Spax and mistress, standing there... looking at something he could not see well. So... they had decided Cardinal would be something special? Too bad, no chance with her. But it was expected, they had noticed before that mistress had a special interest in the wolf.
“a more personal thank you for this as well”
Finally, Dice saw what was on the cusion. His eyes widened for a moment; then, he silently backed down, away, without being seen.

They had offered her a pup?! That was... unusual. He wondered why...
Well, for his sake, he'd better not say a word to anyone about what he had seen. Mistress probably had a good reason for all of this... and Cardinal wasn't taken away from the others for nothing.

He shook his fur, and hurried down some more corridors. First, he'd find Jolene... the rest could wait. For now... this would be his little secret.

“lisen here, don’t let it all get on top of ye, its all to heavy for that, ever one of you did what you “had” to do, there is nothing more in it, and there was nothing bad in what you did, it is how it is and Blacklight was happy it was you george and not some one eals you did him a good thing and shay, those wolves are broken, locked with in there own own madness”
Shade listened to the rat's fast words, but didn't move at all.
Nothing he could say would make a difference now. Something inside her had snapped, and she had no will to go on.

Pawsteps on the concrete came closer in the cage besides her, but at first, it didn't really sink in.
Completely unintentionally, both ears shot forward as George's voice said her name, asking for her.
She slowly moved her head to see him, and she felt a little relief, a little warmth travel through her body as she found him standing, recovering from the fight.

- ''George..''

Her voice was strange. Hoarse, soft. Not really her own.

She slowly rolled to her side, hoisting herself up for a moment, and walked over to the bars.
Without a word, she nuzzled him for a moment.

But her eyes where so empty. There was no feeling in them, not like before. And while the warmth of their touch was a blessing for her soul, it wasn't enough to get her out of her current state.

She needed more contact then this. A body besides her. But all she could do, was rub her nose against his face for a moment.

After a short lick over his muzzle, she let out a deep sigh and slowly turned, walking to the corner furthest from the front bars, but staying at his side of the cage, knowing he'd be as close as possible that way. She curled up into a ball there, her face under her tail.

She heard Jack. She heard Eight.

Cardinal was gone.
Tsuna was gone.
And her will was gone, too.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 12-03-2011 01:26

(So I've been brainstorming outcomes of this... some of them are kinda sad and badass at the same time, and others are... sexy. XDD Might write some of them. Anyway, here we go again! I'll take control of little Kei for a moment if you don't mind.)

The hallway was a long one, and time after time the Mistress stopped to chat with another human; Cardinal simply halted, not turning her head upwards to look at either of the humans in any instance. She did, however, take notice of some of the dogs that stared at her. Some of them had the shock and fear that she was beginning to find pleasurable. Others sneered, no doubt pleased that another wolf had broken - they didn't know her well enough. Perhaps in any other case she would have turned and killed them then and there - them and the ones that sized up her ass like it was some kind of doggie treat. But under the circumstances, she kept her muzzle pointed toward the floor and her face unreadable, forcing herself to think about other things.

Only when they reached the large wooden door did she finally look up. The scent that leaked from under the door was like old death - stale, but still present. When the door opened and the Mistress walked in, she hesitated, letting Spax go first. She trailed behind after a moment, all the hair on her back standing on end - except of course the parts that were caked in blood. Even as she walked in, the scent of death filled her nostrils. It was faint, as if not truly there, but... it was a strange feeling. She fell into step with Spax, suddenly more wary of the room than him. Then, in the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of fur. She twitched and looked up, seeing eyes staring back at her. She would have growled, but there was something about those eyes...

The wolf didn't move. At all. She couldn't hear any breathing. So was it dead? But... why was it standing?
“that’s Torak her first wolf and became her first champion”
So it was human magics that did this. She wondered if the wolf had died before or after it was put into the frozen state. She watched it a while longer, then continued on, following Spax and the Mistress.

The room beyond the hallway was blinding. It was like it was all covered in snow, but the room was warm. It was a welcome contrast to the cold, wet cell she had previously been quartered in. Still there were signs of death everywhere. Strange pictures of battling wolves, dismembered appendages... And yet there was something about the room that made her curious. She sniffed at the air, trying to get around the scent of death. Yes, there was definitely something...

The Mistress sat down on one of the structures, and it gave way... The seemingly soft nature of it made Cardinal weak. She was still exhausted from the tests, and the stress put on her wasn't helping. But she couldn't sit down, not here. The room made her more tense than the empty cell block. Tch... how ironic... No doubt the others think I'm having the time of my fucking life...

She shuddered. What if they made her go back there? Well... if they did, Eight could take his own head and shove it right up his ass. He didn't understand, and she didn't feel like explaining anything to the self-righteous bastard.

She was looking around, sort of pacing, when Spax stepped in front of her. The look she gave him was faintly rebellious, but she swallowed it.
“rember I can take this away quicker then you can blink, also I exspect”, he peused as if searching for the right words.
“a more personal thank you for this as well”, he then stepped out of the way.
Cardinal listened with little patience. She had had enough of his talking. She'd done what he wanted - what the Mistress wanted - why couldn't they just leave her alone for a while? But when the dog stepped aside, all complaints instantly disappeared. One tiny puppy, black body and white head, lay in the center of a large cushion. For one very long moment, she just stared at him. So innocent, so tiny... and hers, apparently. Then, suddenly, she began to step forward.

The little pup had been watching her. When they had locked eyes, it hadn't whimpered, hadn't growled, just watched. Now, as the big thing approached him, he growled and snapped in its puppyish way, not really aggressively but rather defensively. But by the time Cardinal was standing directly over him, he just looked up at her, in awe of the large red wolf with yellow eyes. It was then that Cardinal noticed the color of his eyes...

They seemed familiar, but she couldn't place them... Instead, she reached down with her nose and nuzzled the little pup. He shivered under the cold, wet nose, but then yipped and nuzzled her back, soon romping around her legs.

The acceptance of a new wolf was amazing - and unnatural. But the facility itself was unnatural, and so Cardinal just accepted it. A smile - a real one, soft and motherly - grew on her muzzle, and she licked the pup's face once.

So... naming...
His white face and black body intrigued her - it looked demonic, to say the least. But his heart felt so pure... Ah. That was right. There had been a name she had been planning on using, but she hadn't had another litter since... It meant "white" in some language from a far off place, and the pureness of the meaning was perfect...


She muttered it more to herself than the pup, but the raspy, rumbling tone she had said it with made the puppy hesitate for a moment. He tilted his head back and forth, then growled playfully and turned on his belly. Cardinal just smiled and nuzzled him again.

But Spax's presence was anything but faint. She felt him watching, remembered his "expectations." Her smile faded, but she didn't look at him.


She let her eyes glance upwards, toward the opposite wall.

"I work for the Mistress, not you... I shouldn't give a damn about what you expect..."

She hestitated...

"I shouldn't..."


"... but I suppose I don't have a choice, do I..."

It was a fact, really. He could tear Kei from her so quickly, have her shoved back into the cell block, have her fight Eight, kill them both, just by whimpering or growling or snarling in front of the Mistress. She hated him for it, despised him... but it was true. It was like learning the rules of the world all over again, in a world where the primary force was the Mistress, and his ambassador, Spax.

"... What did you have in mind."


Blood trotted past the Mistress' door without much surprise. He didn't look in, didn't stop and listen. Spax had been adamant that this would happen, and Blood hadn't doubted it. When the Mistress got something in her head, she would attain it. So the scent of Cardinal and a puppy floating out of the room didn't phase him one bit.

He really didn't know where he was going. After talking to Shade like that - after talking to ANY female like that - he felt like shit. He didn't intend to apologize - the damage was done. So now he was simply wandering around. His first fight in a long time was closing in; the next day, the Master had said. But he felt less excited than he should have. No doubt he'd have a hard time of it, coming back after so long, but he didn't feel nervous either. The lack of emotion about the huge event annoyed him; the combination of annoyance and anger at himself had driven him to leave his Master's quarters and attempt to blow off some steam.

The Labrador that had crossed him a while ago passed him again. The dog's jaw was wired shut so the bones could heal, but with the medication the humans provided it would be fine within the month. Until then, he was perpetually pressed against the wall, avoiding Blood at all costs. The doberman snickered as they passed each other, but that was the end of their encounter.

That was when he caught a wiff of Dice.

A faint one, albeit, but distinct. Blood assessed where he was in the facility. Nothing was nearby but the Mistress' wolf cages. Of course Dice could have been going to see Jolene. Actually, that was probably it. Yeah. The albino continued on his way, convinced that the mutt had been off to see that... sexy piece of work...

But the fact that the cages were nearer kept nagging at him, even as he kept wandering aimlessly... or so it seemed. Subconsciously, he had walked all the way to the door that opened into the wolf cages. Suddenly finding himself there, he simply sat. It surprised him less than disheartened him. Why was he so worried about this?

He heard that little rat talking to them, but it was faint enough through the flap that he couldn't make out what he was saying.

In the meantime, Blood wondered whether or not to peek in... just to make sure Dice wasn't in there...

...the bastard.
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Post by Leo » 12-03-2011 13:51

Spax watched as she walked slowly up to the puppy then nuzzled it the smile spreading across her face, it was surprisingly not annoying to watch as he had expected it to be, reminded him of him and his mistress when he had been young there were still times in the priversy of this room were they would play like old times but due to them being so busy they were few and far between. Her words thow drove those memories away in a flash.

"I work for the Mistress, not you... I shouldn't give a damn about what you expect..."

She hestitated...

"I shouldn't..."


"... but I suppose I don't have a choice, do I..."

"... What did you have in mind."

How dare she, after. His eyes widened then burned with anger his hackles stood on end, he was about to jump at them both for that but her last words reminded him of him self, and told him that she was learning if not slowly.

He rolled his shoulders relaxing him self again, he knew she hated it when he talked but he didn’t care he would teach her the rules of his there world.

Mistress noticed spax sudden reason, but she didn’t ract to it. She didn’t tell the other trainers or her farther what she thought of the wolves as they would think she was mad, but she knew they could speak with one another as much as humans could with each other. She had witness to much of there interactions to doubt it, Spax and her shared a bond he could under stand her she knew it, the way he carried out her orders how he was around her, and she could read him like a open book. She had rasied him from a pup, he had had no canine perents he was her dog throw and throw and they shared that bond thanks to it she bleved.
She did tap her clawed finger on the lamp that stood next to the sofa, it had a metal plate around it so you could put drinks on it, it rang out reminding them both that she was still there and watching.

“you no you wolves amazes me, how you are when you arrive here, full of your selves like you gods gift to the world you in how your will means ever thing, and its amazing to what you all brake and you all do, ever one of you.
You, Eight, Shay, Tsuna ever one of you not one wolf who has been here hasn’t been broken in by us and trust me we have had ever sort you can think of, but you you are a intresting one indeed”, he said making sure that the danger in his voice was there for her to hear.

That ice venom.

“im thinking you were a leader of a pack, a very proud one at that, not use to being spoken down to well iv got news for you your not in your world any more your in the humans world my world, most of the wolves in this place would die to get what you have now, would kill there own blood to get the freedoms you will be getting, and after me helping you get this, after me going out into the livery to look for your real pup you have the nerve to talk to me like that”, he said taking a step towards them both his face not hiding his anger, but his body langiwed wasn’t that of a attack.

“im her voice to the creachers of this place, im her paw in this place so yes you do work for me and in time you will learn the rules of this world”, he had set his warning down and now he relaxed his anger fading from his eyes and face and replaced by his sinister smile, the change was like a light switch.
“and in time I think you will find out that you can enjoy it”.

He walked back over to his mistress and sat at her side still watching her closely.

“and to what I had in mind i don’t think its hard to guess”, he said his sly smile now spreading over his muzzle has mistress scrached him behind the ears.

“we don’t have to fight all the time you no, no reason we cant get along, but I don’t expect you to get along with me for a wile, for now I expect you to do as your told and get with the fucking program then once we no we cant trust you, you will really start to see the joys of this way of life”.

Mistress saw the tension had faded so she retched over to the desk and picked up the to strange helmets sat the one with the black eyes on the sofa and turned the one with crimson eyes over in her hands looking it over then looking at Cardinal, as she did it showed the other eye of the mask. The right eye had the same scars eched into the steel as Cardinals but they were made to look more flowed like ribbons twirling in and around one another but still matching cardinals.


As she nuzzled him he shut his eye and let out a breath all his problems seemed to fade away, with that tuch it was just her and him the bar wernt there any more. Nothing eals mattered just this tuch and the feeling it gave. But then it was broken she licked him and walked down the bars to the corner, and layed down.

Something wasn’t right, something was wrong he could tell it in her eyes, he looked at her from the good side of his face, she must have had her frist fight, he thought. It was the only really posserblity, she wasn’t the right mind for this place to kind to young but he wouldn’t talk about it with her, no point she needed alone time he could see that clearly but he would lay with her, feel her warmth from the other side of the bars, they could morn together.
He walked down to her and layed down his body pressed agest the bars her on the other side.


Jack and Eight watched them wile they talked, jacks face broke into a small smile and he looked up at Eight.
“looks like little george might have him self a girlfriend”, he said in a child on a play ground, he spoke quitly so not to disturb george and shay, so only eight would hear. The humor in the rats voice, watching the two of them stered eight a bit carmed him down, and he almost smiled a little, jack saw the twich and the eyes litten a little.
“wow I don’t bloody blev that almost worked”, he said with a laugh and a clap of the paws.

There was a gergling sound from the celing and jack made a squek.
“that be me callen to leave, il see you all tomarrow”, he said scampering off. Eight knew that sound, they were about to have a shower and sure enuf the sprinklers all turned on making it rain heavyerly in the cages, thow this water was luck warm and smelt very fantly of human chemicals, now they were all playing there game they ovesly were now trying to get them back to health, Eights coat was still a mangy mess and they were all covered in dryed blood.

So this wasn’t to bad just annoying after a wile in which had stayed on his paws to let it really get into his fur, they turned off and he shock him self off hard, it did feel better but no the floor was soaked. He looked over at the other two again, then down at the floor he would look after them now he had decided there in the ring cardinal well there was nothing he could do about that but when he got the chance which he would get he will slaughter her with the rest of the dogs in this place, she will share there fate. He need to be stronger thow so, he would step to there tune like he and his pack use to do what they asked don’t queston it, and in turned they would help him become stronger again, and with that he can help those others become stronger.
He would have to close his him self to others again, only look after these wolves any other didn’t mean any thing.

He found the driest peace of floor he could and layded down on it, it felt like there was a under floor heating making it dry faster. Lot had change since he had been out of this place.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 12-03-2011 16:49

He walked down to her and layed down his body pressed agest the bars her on the other side.

Shade was thankful to have him so near. More thankful then she could say. But even that couldn't comfort her now...
She wished she could cry, but there where no tears. She wished she could feel SOMETHING, or nothing at all anymore, if she could just die.

Feeling nothing, feeling so numb and strange, was the most unreal sensation she had ever experienced.

Broken... like Spax had said.

She didn't even perk her ears as sounds startled Jack, causing him to rush away.
More horrors, probably... but the next thing she knew, water came down from the ceiling... like rain from the sky.

Even though there was an odd smell to it, the water was nice. Not cold, not horrible. Blood washed from her fur, cleaning it, then soaked through to her very skin. She didn't move, at all.

She could hear Eight shake off, but she didn't bother to look.
She wasn't cold. And even though she lay in a large puddle of water, she didn't move at all.

Through the bars, she could feel George's warmth. It was a bittersweet consolation; while it felt very nice, it just sparked up her desperate NEED to have fysical contact with others, yet it was denied to them both by those bars. Light touches was all they could share. No chance they could curl into one another, like a big ball of fluff. No way they could cuddle, or rest their heads on each other's shoulders.
And thát... thát was what she réally needed.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 15-03-2011 00:21

The red wolf listened as Spax spoke down to her, as always. None of what he said surprised her, but nonetheless her ears were plastered to her head. Her expression didn't change much, except that it wandered from purely blank to mildly irritated. The dog simply repeated everything he had already told her, had already told the others: that she would be broken, that any wolf would kill for her position - as if that mattered, they would kill anyway. He mentioned Ruby, and she twitched. She needed to forget her... if she was going to survive...

How odd... that none of them had ever discussed escape seriously... it had only hit her just now that not one of the four of them had ever talked about getting out. Only about survival. Perhaps it was intuition that kept them rooted to the fact that there was no escape. But Eight escaped... Only to be recaptured and plunged back into this hateful place. Well... Perhaps there was a way out, and Eight had just gotten unlucky... Or extremely lucky. Quite too bad that she had already made up her mind. This was going to be her life. If there would be escape, it would be sudden, not planned. There was no planning for a maze like this. Unless... unless, of course she could use her position to find the exit...

Spax's harsh voice dragged her from her thoughts - actually the lack of it. He had walked over to the Mistress as she had been lost in her own mind. She looked away from the puppy who was now rolling in the blankets of the bed and up at the dog, pure hate in her eyes. She might be working for him, but she didn't have to like him... just had to do what he said.
“and to what I had in mind i don’t think its hard to guess”
She just stared. It hadn't been so much of a surprise as it had been a confirmation... and the fact that it did indeed confirm her fears crushed her. Those dogs in the hall hadn't been the only ones sizing up the space below her tail. She had known it before she'd even asked, but still...

And she had no way of refusing without sacrificing everything.

Her eyes went back to the pup, but she didn't move, hardly breathed. She swallowed. For a very long time, the room was quiet, the only noise being the whining and playful growling of the little pup now called Kei. Once, she looked up and saw the strange wolf mask. It was like looking at her own reflection in a still pool of water.

The silence was deafening. The gravity of the situation suddenly fell quite heavily on her shoulders: she had no friends, no allies at all; she was trapped in a dark place where dying was your only way out; she had sacrificed her freedom, her morals, and her mind to serve a human and her dog, becoming no more than a dog herself, all for the good of one tiny life. She was no longer a wolf at heart...

Despair... for these are the words of a dog.

Absolute terror gripped her chest, and she visibly twitched but otherwise managed to hold herself together. Business was not yet finished...



The sound of running water came from the room before him, and he just waited. No sense in getting wet.

A few dogs passed, and he nodded absently whenever an acquaintance greeted him - his lack of emotion sent them on their way without conversation. A few quietly asked what he was doing, but he had simply shook his head and waited until they were gone.

Finally, when the pitter-patter of the sprinklers stopped, Blood stood up. It was in the same manner that he had stood when Shade had first been let into the ring. This time, however, there was no one around to see the intensity of his posture. Nevertheless, he stood like that for quite a while, wondering whether or not he should even go in...

... Yes... it would bother him to no end later if he didn't.

So, apprehensively, he took a step forward and stuck only his head through the flap in the door. Instantly the signature smell of wet wolf filled his nostrils. The room was still wet, water dripping from some parts of the ceiling. This, though, was not what stopped him from going any further into the room.

There, in their two cells, George and Shade...

His heart sank. He didn't know why. It hurt, though, seeing them like that... like they loved each other or something... And why him? He was just as much of a monster as he was... tore apart his own friend...

And there he went again. Comparing himself. He frowned, though... Of course he didn't stand a chance. Wolves were all alike. They hated dogs and humans without question. Of course he didn't stand a fucking chance...

In that light, he slid the rest of the way into the room and briskly stepped toward the boundary between the two cages. Without saying a word to or even looking at any of them and ignoring any reprimands or jeers, he set about sniffing at the base of the bars. The bottoms of the doors that opened to let the wolves out had a small space beneath to let them slide back and forth. He slid his claws into that space... and wondered if the bars that separated George and Shade had the same ability. He tilted his head to see, but couldn't find anything that suggested the cage walls opened at all. Still, he searched for a few more moments, even looked at the walls separating the cages of Shade and Cardinal - the latter whom might not ever come back to that place. In the end, though, he couldn't find a way to let George and Shade at least be able to touch each other.

He realized then that he had been moving rather quickly for his usually laid back or irritated demeanor. His red eyes fell on Shade. If he hadn't had fur, he would have blushed.

"Erm... Sorry... Just...."

He stopped for a second and looked away - her eyes were too dead; it made him nervous.

"... Just looking for a way for you guys to um... For a way to combine your two cells..."

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

He watched her for a while longer, sighed, then excused himself, leaving a bit more quickly than he should have.

In the hall, he grumbled and cursed himself. He was getting soft! Maybe he just didn't like seeing girls that way. But then again he hadn't reacted this way to any of the other fighting girls...

AUGH! Just face it! You like her!

The thought shocked him. It was probably true though...

Still didn't stand a chance.
Posts: 1501
Joined: 24-03-2009 03:00

Post by Leo » 16-03-2011 21:15

Spax watched with a mix of satisfaction and vague annoyens as Cardinal thought throw what he said, the twitches as he mention sertan things. As always the power to do that was always enjoyerbal but he did get a little fed up with it at times. There so called pride that just seemed to stop them from adapting to there new worlds, granted Cardinal had made some good first steps at it, but all the resistense she was putting up was just annoying. He didn’t exspect her to like him just to get with it and stop with all the glears. He would only put up with that for a little wile, but at the same time he didn’t want to pull the rope to tight, they had to work together now after all, so he hoped after awile she would get use to her new life and with it, get use to him and get along to a degree. He shrugged it off, it didn’t really matter ither way, ither way he would get her tail, it would only mean how much she enjoyed it and if there was any thing behind it.


That was the brake right there he could see it in her.
He smiled.
“when ever I feel like it really, and there’s no need to sound so worried about it, no reson you cant enjoy it as well”, he said with a shrug.

He got up and stretched.
“time for me to go back to work, no rest for the wicked”, he said with a laugh, he trotted away from mistress and cardinal and stop just before he left the room turning to face her again.
“il leave you to”, he ghestered to her and the pup.
“to get to no each other and im guessing mistress will want to get to no you to”, he said then left.

Mistress had watched them talk and then watched spax leave a faint smile on her face, she then glanced at the picher of the girl and the pup with a fondness. Then went back to the mask in her hands, she grabbed a tube of polish and a rag and started to work it into the steel. She wanted to give the wolf some time with her new pup. She had done what she wanted of her for now and would give her a chance to get to no her new pup. Wile she polished she thought about how she would train the wolf.

She would need a lot of aobedents and pasents, she needed to be able to trust the wolf with her life and to no what to do and when. When to watch, when to protect, when to attack, when to be intimdating. Like her farther she wanted the wolf with her to make her strength and skill with the animals known and unlike her farther she would do it her self, not with scientist, she would do it with her own brain and skill as a trainer. Of corse she would still train the wolf in the arina let her fight with in it, that way she would be kown amusted the wolves and humans alike. Then what of the pup she had, she wouldn’t let it just be her child and not do any work when it got of age, but at the moment it was to young, she didn’t no what to do with it. She wouldn’t put it in a cage like the others it would upset the wolf to much, and she liked the wolf and wanted to come to love it like she did spax, But for that to happen it would have to be two sided.

She finished polishing the mask it was now bright and deadly. It made her look back up at the wolf and her pup, mistress lent back on there sofa arms resting on the back of it. What would she call her, the wolf would have a name in her on tung for sure but there was no way of finding that out so what to name her, one of the humans that brought her in said something about a red death, that was to oves. She would have to think on it for a wile find a good name.

Been a wile now she had given the wolf time to be with her new young time for her to get to no her wolf.
“wolf come here let me get a look at you”, she said her voice not as business like as before a little more relaxsed but still held her authority. She sat followed watching the wolf, she patted her knee, she wanted the wolf to stand or sit there so she could look her over and talk with her.

Eight didn’t say a word as blood walked into the cell, he didn’t have the enagy to wast on the dog. But he watched.
He was acting very strangly not his normal self at all, he was sniffing around shays cage under the door the bars separating George from shay. Did he want his way with shay, he didn’t need to go throw all of that to get in, just hit the button on the floor and bark at the camra then the tower would noterfi the mistress and he would be let in or not. He knew that.
This strange behaver brought eight to his paws again, he sat up and watched his movements, this was very interesting.

"Erm... Sorry... Just...."

He stopped for a second and looked away - her eyes were too dead; it made him nervous.

"... Just looking for a way for you guys to um... For a way to combine your two cells..."

Eights ear twitched at those words, if he was able to react like a normal wolf his eyes would have lit up and maybe a smile would have spread over his maw.
The dog was getting soft, he had feelings there for them or shay, he didn’t think the dog was bi so it must be shay.

“your getting soft blood, whats brought on this sudden change of heart”, he said in his blank deep voice. He looked over at shay his exspreion not changing he hoped he was making her feel safer, he wanted to let her know that she could call him eight now as well, he would do that in the morning he thought.

“If you want them to gether why not ask us all to be put into my old yard”, he said again if he was able to put emoisons into his voice easly he would have said that in a moking way knowing the dog didn’t have that power.

George mean wile had looked up when blood had entered and at first had growled at him when he looked like he was trying to get into shay cage.
He would have said “you dare if he could talk”, instead he flashed his missing face at him as he growled letting that do the talking but when he had spoken he had stopped growling, and frowned. What was that all about he couldn’t get his head around it, must be a trick or something.
He watch as eight spoke to him but at the same time pushed closer to shay. In the back of his mind a hope sparked, and he knew he should let it, it would never happen but it would be a gift the best thing they could ever do.
“shay”, he whispered again.
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Post by Nakisha » 16-03-2011 21:43

As Blood came into the room, Shade's ear twitched almost unnoticeably.
She was already used to the sound of Blood's pawsteps, his scent. She knew he was there... even though she didn't look up to see him.

Was he here to scold them some more?
In that light, he slid the rest of the way into the room and briskly stepped toward the boundary between the two cages. Without saying a word to or even looking at any of them and ignoring any reprimands or jeers, he set about sniffing at the base of the bars. The bottoms of the doors that opened to let the wolves out had a small space beneath to let them slide back and forth. He slid his claws into that space... and wondered if the bars that separated George and Shade had the same ability. He tilted his head to see, but couldn't find anything that suggested the cage walls opened at all. Still, he searched for a few more moments, even looked at the walls separating the cages of Shade and Cardinal - the latter whom might not ever come back to that place. In the end, though, he couldn't find a way to let George and Shade at least be able to touch each other.
While Shade had no idea what was in Blood's mind, her dead eyes registered him. She saw him, she noticed his odd behaviour.

Somehow, it woke a little spark of curiousity.
What was he doing..?
He realized then that he had been moving rather quickly for his usually laid back or irritated demeanor. His red eyes fell on Shade. If he hadn't had fur, he would have blushed.

"Erm... Sorry... Just...."

He stopped for a second and looked away - her eyes were too dead; it made him nervous.

"... Just looking for a way for you guys to um... For a way to combine your two cells..."
Shade's spark of curiousity grew, and even though her body showed no change, she was somehow touched by the new Blood she saw here. A Bloodhound she never saw before... a more caring Bloodhound.

Combining their cells..? Would he DO that for her? Why? Did he knew she needed contact so much? Did he knew how she longed to feel the touch of another body against hers...?

“your getting soft blood, whats brought on this sudden change of heart”


“If you want them to gether why not ask us all to be put into my old yard”

George mean wile had looked up when blood had entered and at first had growled at him when he looked like he was trying to get into shay cage.
He would have said “you dare if he could talk”, instead he flashed his missing face at him as he growled letting that do the talking but when he had spoken he had stopped growling, and frowned. What was that all about he couldn’t get his head around it, must be a trick or something.
He watch as eight spoke to him but at the same time pushed closer to shay.


He watched her for a while longer, sighed, then excused himself, leaving a bit more quickly than he should have.
Her ears, once more only barely, moved. She silently wished Eight wouldn't call Blood ''soft''. This kind of behaviour shouldn't be discouraged...

Dang, why did she even care so much?! She was becoming soft hérself?!
No... she didn't care. Blood was just a dog, like the rest of them...


She felt George move besides her; she was thankful for his presence.
But somehow, Blood had just hit a soft spot with his words, and her mind was with him for a bit. She wondered, silently, why he had said it. Why he had cared... if he did, at all....

Her dead eyes shifted slightly as Blood quickly left the room.
Was this the Bloodhound that had scolded her, just a while ago...?
No... this was a different Blood.

This... this was a Bloodhound she wished to get to know...
“shay”, he whispered again.
She moved her ear towards him, to show him she had heard. She then let out a very deep sigh, a sigh that came from somewhere deep inside.

She was so confused...
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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Post by Shaydie » 17-03-2011 17:14

He smiled.
“when ever I feel like it really, and there’s no need to sound so worried about it, no reson you cant enjoy it as well”, he said with a shrug.
She hated that evil little smile of his. And he honestly thought she could enjoy him! As if she would ever enjoy being underneath that slimy, fork-tongued beast! The prospect of it sickened her, but at the moment she would have to swallow that and buckle down for what was to come.

Besides, she had what she wanted... what she needed...

She mostly ignored Spax's annoying voice for the last few moments he was present, preferring to nudge Kei around like a pillbug. The pup seemed entertained by this and rolled back and forth freely, making pleased whining sounds as he did. When Spax was finally and truly gone, Cardinal glanced at the Mistress, locked eyes with her for a moment. She searched for something in them. She didn't know what; maybe a clear emotion (besides the obvious fondness for Spax), maybe a weakness. But she found nothing and finally flopped down, half on the bed and half off. She hadn't noticed how hard it was to stay standing until then.

Kei was momentarily buried in the red wolf's fur, but managed to wiggle out and begin romping about the blankets again. Once, he tumbled out of the safety of the bed, and Cardinal was immediately on her feet. She followed him as he waddled around the general vicinity of the bed, then finally picked him up by the scruff of his neck and carried him back. When he plopped down onto the soft blankets, he kind of pouted, then forgot about it and snuggled up to Cardinal as she laid down again.

"Mm.. mmmm.. Maaama."

Cardinal's heart melted. She licked the little pup lovingly - after all, she was his new mother. But still... Suddenly she wondered what had become of his old mother. Most likely dead or dying somewhere in the facility. In either case, she was all he had. And "mother" didn't always apply to blood relation. So all in all, she was comfortable with the pup calling her "Mama." Continuing to run her tongue all over him, cleaning away Spax's scent that inevitably came from being in the same room he was, she was happy. Finally, if only for a moment.

"My little Kei..."

Feeling warm and safe, the pup soon fell asleep. Which was just as well, since Cardinal heard the Mistress stir.
“wolf come here let me get a look at you”
The new mother looked up, ears forward. She didn't quite understand what the girl had said, but she stood anyway, being careful not to disturb the sleeping pup. The voice she had used was... different. Calmer, more... whole, she guessed? Before this it had always been the hollow, business-like tone that Cardinal had begun to attribute to all humans. But somehow the Mistress' voice had changed, and with it Cardinal became more inclined to approach her.

And with the patting motion of the girl's hands, Cardinal stepped forward.

Granted, it was slow progress. Wary of human hands, she sort of wandered left and right, reluctant to get nearer but knowing she must. Finally she managed to force herself to the Mistress' feet and sat down, ears back - not in aggression but in tension. The collar around her neck was all too noticeable. One wrong move, and pain. So much pain...
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Post by Leo » 19-03-2011 00:02

Mistress watch out the corners of her eyes how the wolf played with her pup, cared for it loved it, watched over it. It heart warming to see such care from a beast that was so deadly, the scars on her face showed had showed her there was a fighter with in her, and she had the moves and power yet, here right now she had the softness and care only a mother could have.
When she called her over she looked at her but not with her normal caculating eyes just a look that showed more of her self, then wonder of the wolf.

"you are beautful", she said moving her hands very slowly, from what this wolf had seen she was a evil human, only reason this wolf wasnt trying to kill her was fear and respect.
She slowly moved her hand and strocked down the side of the wolfs face gently.

"You are something spechal i can tell, something powerful and strong", she said in a soft voice.
If the wolf let her she would move to rubbing behind her ears a normal soft spot were they enjoyed a scrach, if she didnt she stayed were she was looking into those powerful wolf eyes.

She knew this wolf wouldnt trust her yet but over time when she followed them on there jobs she might see her diffrently, as tomarrow she planed for her to accopmany her with spax to a meeting, with a trainner and a better who had been taking the piss, she would make sure they learned there place.
and at the same time the wolf could watch and learn. After a moment of imaganing what it would be like to have her with her, she lent back letting the wolf go back to her pup, it was now early and she would need her rest, trainning and this job was going to be tomarrow.

"get your rest, we have work tomorrow", she said getting up and walking over to her room, she looked back at them both and smiled, it was warmer and had the hint of fondness in her eyes, but that shadow of her cold heart always stayed there.

"Silent songbird".

She turned off the lights and shut the door behind her, it didnt go pitch black but a silver light came throw a curtan behind the sofa she had sat at, they were drawn but behind it was a garden then the fence the past that a fild of nothing then the forest.
it cast the room into a creepy silvery light but the moon was still comferting one a old friend of the out side none the less.

Eight watched Blood leave in a rush and now he was gone he frowned slightly, more of a ghoast of the exspresion but it was there.
That was intresting and maybe something that would play to the favor one day, blood had just showed a weakness he was getting soft, strange he must have seen something in shay he must haved liked. He looked back over at her, her eyes had changed turned to eyes like his own. sad but not suprising it was bound to happen, she wasnt a born killer this must be all new and horrfieing.

"shay, what i said before the frist day we met, dont worry about it, call me Eight", he said and for the frist time in a long time well longer then he could rember, he smiled. It change his look completly, it wasnt the sinister grin of the killer Triple Eight it was the real grin of Eight, he shut his eyes and cocked his head slightly, with his scruffy apperence it made him look a lot younger and real.
Like he had screamed out on the battle fild he would protect them let them in, and he would open up to them. one of the reason's Eight was so cut in side was that Cardinal had just betrayed them just as had let her behind his armored heart, she had hit him harder then any of them knew, but he had berried that already. It opend old wounds to like the dog who he had followed that night.

But here shay and george were his pack and some were tsuna. he would do all he could for them, teach them make the stronger.

"shay you did well today, dont let it cut you up to bad, you dont want those eyes, those eyes are to good to let die", he said with his smile and a nod, knowing she wouldnt feel better on his word but it might help her heal. He layed down and rested his head on his paws and again as soon as his eyes closed he was asleep, his breathing deep and slow.

they all needed rest tomorrow was going to be another hard day.
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 19-03-2011 22:21

"shay, what i said before the frist day we met, dont worry about it, call me Eight", he said and for the frist time in a long time well longer then he could rember, he smiled. It change his look completly, it wasnt the sinister grin of the killer Triple Eight it was the real grin of Eight, he shut his eyes and cocked his head slightly, with his scruffy apperence it made him look a lot younger and real.
While she only moved her eyes towards him, and one ear slightly turned, she didn't move.
First day? Said? She didn't remember anymore.
She suddenly made the mistake to close her eyes, just for a moment. Painful images of her kill flashed before her eyes and made her open them again.

So tired... unable to sleep, unable to rest.

"shay you did well today, dont let it cut you up to bad, you dont want those eyes, those eyes are to good to let die", he said with his smile and a nod, knowing she wouldnt feel better on his word but it might help her heal. He layed down and rested his head on his paws and again as soon as his eyes closed he was asleep, his breathing deep and slow.

they all needed rest tomorrow was going to be another hard day.
While she would have smiled at such a compliment at any other time, it did nothing to her. Nothing.
She just heard his words, registrating them. But there was no response.
And as the others besides her began to fall asleep, she was unable to sleep at all.

Each time her eyes fell shut, the snarls rang loudly in her ears and the flashes of the fight played before her eyes; automatically, they flew back open, only to fall shut a few seconds later, letting the whole process begin again.

As the night crept by, her exhaustion made her delirious.
She began to see things. She saw Spax in her cage; a strange, gurgling growling escaped from her dry troath. She needed to drink, but she didn't get up. She had no saliva left; her mouth was dry and her tongue like leather.

She didn't realise a fever struck. Exhaustion, stress; it was all a little too much for the poor wolf. She had given up, her mind broken, and was now paying the price.

During the night, she saw more and more horrors in her cage. Spax, Blood, Dice, Darcia, Xor... they where all there. They grinned, they circled her. Blood fought with her again, but it wasn't her. It was a shadow of herself, somehow, fighting in front of her eyes.

Her mind kept playing tricks on her... and as a the very first signs of morning dawned, it happend.

Suddenly, the wolf she had killed re-appeared. She saw him again. He was here... in her cage... ready to kill her...

Her eyes narrowed to slits. She slowly got up; swaying on her legs from the rather mild fever and the dehydration, she snarled at the wolf she saw, an image projected by her delirious mind. He snarled back, unnaturally loud, so much sound that her head ached.
She swayed forward, slowly. She had to kill him... kill him again...

She growled, but her troath was so dry that the sound was to soft to wake anyone.
She swayed from left to right, as if to distract the enemy.

She had to kill him... NOW....

The next moment, the entire cell was filled with an explosion of sound as Shade lunged at the bars of her cage.

She hit them so hard that they trembled and shook, ringing loudly.
A sharp pain shot through her shoulder, through her neck, through her back. She cried out loud and collapsed to the ground, utterly confused.

Where was he? Was she dead..? Had he killed her...?

Unawares of her surroundings, unawares of the others she had probably awoken and unawares wether or not they spoke to her now, her eyes stared into nothing; she was no longer hallucinating, but she wasn't fully concious either. She was confused, exhausted, slightly feverish... and had to drink.

She very slowly lifted herself back up, limping badly at one front leg. Nothing broken... just a sharp pain after hitting her shoulder so hard. She then dragged herself to water, and lapped up some, before collapsing back into her corner. She curled up into a miserable ball of fluff, as she slowly became aware again of where she really was.

She was in no condition to fight today.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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