broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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The Shadow Hound
Posts: 879
Joined: 08-07-2009 20:17

Post by Shaydie » 01-03-2011 00:31

(Half of this was written before Kisha's post, so I dunno if there's anything in here that doesn't make sense. I apologize in advance!)

Cardinal vaguely registered Eight’s voice, but it was far away, not directed at her. Furthermore, it was calm. Had it been urgent, she would have whipped around snarling again despite herself. There was no room for error or slack here, and as badly as she wanted to be free, wanted to be out, she didn’t see any way to get by without playing their deadly game. Leaning heavily on the wall, she attempted to regain full consciousness. Her heart was hammering away in her chest, but that small problem seemed microscopic compared to the growing pain in her neck. Lack of action had slowed the bleeding, but it was still there, oozing silently along her underbelly. The only clear sound she heard was the metallic clicking of the Mistress’ claws. Funny how she could already differentiate the sound of her “master” from the sounds of the other humans. Even so… she didn’t enjoy it. The harsh sound was magnified by the remaining adrenaline in Cardinal’s system, and she growled softly as her ears twitched with each screeching click.

Then, after a moment of silence, the Mistress spoke, presumably about them. Cardinal caught the word “tests” and sighed. That word always meant touching. She hated them touching her with their brutal hands. At least the Mistress was softer with them… if only because she knew there would be no retaliation.

Stop trying to make her seem good.

Unfortunately it was more or less true. In this hell, the least evil seemed to be the Mistress. It seemed to Cardinal that even though the girl was bent on using them as weapons of entertainment, she was also fiercely protective of her “property.” Which, consequently, gave the four wolves the ability to enjoy a sense of stability. In any other situation here, perhaps, they would already be dead.

The paralyzing feeling burned into her bones again, and she just fell, not expecting it but welcoming the rest with open paws. Of course she growled as harshly as she could as the humans began their touching, wishing so deeply to tear their hands off as she had torn open the neck of the first wolf she had killed here. The sudden burning sensation quieted her, but only because the pain was great enough to strangle the sound right out of her throat.

Blood watched with minimal interest. This was all the same to him. He had seen this many times with both the Master’s dogs and the Mistress’ wolves. After the first training fight, the purple gunk would always come out and always the little pups squirmed like bugs under the pain. Blood himself had once had the “honor” of being treated by the stuff, and understood what kind of pain it was; however, he found it quite tolerable opposed to the alternative – infection, intense pain, and usually death. It was a curse among canines that their saliva usually carried enough sickness that an untreated bite could be fatal. Ah, se la vie.

Cardinal snuffled slightly as they dragged her back to her cage, annoyed that they didn’t let them up before then. Spax was waiting for her there – she wasn’t surprised.
“you did well, get your rest we will be giving you one last test later, you will no when you see it, to see if you truly want what we offered”
A sudden streak of worry crossed her mind. Another test? Surely not another strenuous one like the last few… surely they didn’t expect her to get up and take another beating? No, surely not… But then… what was the last test? And why only for her? Her amber eyes, filled with nervous energy, watched him go… then closed. Rest… She needed it so badly. At least she could get a nap before they got back.

Blood was sitting a few feet from Dice when Spax waltzed up; he had been careful to keep his distance from the jackass while offering some sort of convenience to his friend. He grinned as Spax mentioned that they would be busy with this batch of wolves; being busy meant less boredom. Then again, he would now be balancing training the wolves with fighting his own battles. And then of course there was Shade, the ever-confusing little girl…

And, speak of the Devil...
“Blood don’t for get to remind speedy over there of her place”
“Yessir,” he said jokingly, without hesitation. He wasn’t going to enjoy frightening her any more than he enjoyed feeling strangely around her. In fact, he hated the latter. It wasn’t what he was used to, and he hated it. But business was business… Time to go do business.

While the humans continued cleaning up and after Spax had gone, he padded up to Shade’s cage, his demeanor showing his annoyance. Growling as he approached, he made sure to tower over her as she lay there, his red eyes glaring. Just business… When he spoke it was a snarl, unbefitting of the uncomfortable rock in his stomach. He was sure she wouldn't register his words, at least not immediately, but orders were orders...

“Well, well, well. Looks like I underestimated you.”

He was quiet for a while, then got as close as he could to her and spoke in quieter tones that were no less menacing.

“I don’t know what you said or did to Spax to piss him the fuck off, but now I’M dealing with it, lady. I don’t like to damage other people’s property, but I will if I’m invited to, you get me? One more step in the wrong direction and I might have to teach you another lesson – which I SHOULD be teaching you right now.”

He stopped… sighed… A little steam was let off in that exhale, and the snarl ceased. The anger remained, however.

“Look, you wanna fuck with someone’s mind, fuck with mine. It’s fucking fool proof. But Spax? Don’t. Don’t ever. Or it won’t just be me chewing on your entrails.”

Again he fell silent, wondering if she'd actually heard any of it. It looked like she was in a trance. Most likely because she just killed something. Not a completely uncommon occurrence, but he hadn't the slightest memory of someone taking it that hard. The doberman watched her for a while longer, then snorted and left as a human began to move her cage.

Stupid girl.

Cardinal woke only when they had arrived back at their cell block, and only fleetingly. As the door open she slunk out of the tiny crate and into the nearest corner. Almost in sync with Shade, she collapsed into a heap. So tired...

Still, what Spax had said bothered her. Another test... she'd know it when she saw it... And that tone of voice he had, that smile. Something was definitely wrong. What in the world was he planning...?

A new male voice made her open one eye. A husky was standing there, and (without moving at all) Cardinal growled more menacingly than she thought she could. She was sick and tired of these dogs showing up whenever they wanted. But the deep rumbling soon silenced when she noticed that Eight seemed to know this one. The husky greeted Eight like an old friend.

Cardinal watched them for a while longer, then closed her eyes. Her ears were turned toward them, listening, but she'd rather stay out of it for the most part.
The Shadow Hound
Posts: 879
Joined: 08-07-2009 20:17

Post by Shaydie » 01-03-2011 00:32

(Half of this was written before Kisha's post, so I dunno if there's anything in here that doesn't make sense. I apologize in advance!)

Cardinal vaguely registered Eight’s voice, but it was far away, not directed at her. Furthermore, it was calm. Had it been urgent, she would have whipped around snarling again despite herself. There was no room for error or slack here, and as badly as she wanted to be free, wanted to be out, she didn’t see any way to get by without playing their deadly game. Leaning heavily on the wall, she attempted to regain full consciousness. Her heart was hammering away in her chest, but that small problem seemed microscopic compared to the growing pain in her neck. Lack of action had slowed the bleeding, but it was still there, oozing silently along her underbelly. The only clear sound she heard was the metallic clicking of the Mistress’ claws. Funny how she could already differentiate the sound of her “master” from the sounds of the other humans. Even so… she didn’t enjoy it. The harsh sound was magnified by the remaining adrenaline in Cardinal’s system, and she growled softly as her ears twitched with each screeching click.

Then, after a moment of silence, the Mistress spoke, presumably about them. Cardinal caught the word “tests” and sighed. That word always meant touching. She hated them touching her with their brutal hands. At least the Mistress was softer with them… if only because she knew there would be no retaliation.

Stop trying to make her seem good.

Unfortunately it was more or less true. In this hell, the least evil seemed to be the Mistress. It seemed to Cardinal that even though the girl was bent on using them as weapons of entertainment, she was also fiercely protective of her “property.” Which, consequently, gave the four wolves the ability to enjoy a sense of stability. In any other situation here, perhaps, they would already be dead.

The paralyzing feeling burned into her bones again, and she just fell, not expecting it but welcoming the rest with open paws. Of course she growled as harshly as she could as the humans began their touching, wishing so deeply to tear their hands off as she had torn open the neck of the first wolf she had killed here. The sudden burning sensation quieted her, but only because the pain was great enough to strangle the sound right out of her throat.

Blood watched with minimal interest. This was all the same to him. He had seen this many times with both the Master’s dogs and the Mistress’ wolves. After the first training fight, the purple gunk would always come out and always the little pups squirmed like bugs under the pain. Blood himself had once had the “honor” of being treated by the stuff, and understood what kind of pain it was; however, he found it quite tolerable opposed to the alternative – infection, intense pain, and usually death. It was a curse among canines that their saliva usually carried enough sickness that an untreated bite could be fatal. Ah, se la vie.

Cardinal snuffled slightly as they dragged her back to her cage, annoyed that they didn’t let them up before then. Spax was waiting for her there – she wasn’t surprised.
“you did well, get your rest we will be giving you one last test later, you will no when you see it, to see if you truly want what we offered”
A sudden streak of worry crossed her mind. Another test? Surely not another strenuous one like the last few… surely they didn’t expect her to get up and take another beating? No, surely not… But then… what was the last test? And why only for her? Her amber eyes, filled with nervous energy, watched him go… then closed. Rest… She needed it so badly. At least she could get a nap before they got back.

Blood was sitting a few feet from Dice when Spax waltzed up; he had been careful to keep his distance from the jackass while offering some sort of convenience to his friend. He grinned as Spax mentioned that they would be busy with this batch of wolves; being busy meant less boredom. Then again, he would now be balancing training the wolves with fighting his own battles. And then of course there was Shade, the ever-confusing little girl…

And, speak of the Devil...
“Blood don’t for get to remind speedy over there of her place”
“Yessir,” he said jokingly, without hesitation. He wasn’t going to enjoy frightening her any more than he enjoyed feeling strangely around her. In fact, he hated the latter. It wasn’t what he was used to, and he hated it. But business was business… Time to go do business.

While the humans continued cleaning up and after Spax had gone, he padded up to Shade’s cage, his demeanor showing his annoyance. Growling as he approached, he made sure to tower over her as she lay there, his red eyes glaring. Just business… When he spoke it was a snarl, unbefitting of the uncomfortable rock in his stomach. He was sure she wouldn't register his words, at least not immediately, but orders were orders...

“Well, well, well. Looks like I underestimated you.”

He was quiet for a while, then got as close as he could to her and spoke in quieter tones that were no less menacing.

“I don’t know what you said or did to Spax to piss him the fuck off, but now I’M dealing with it, lady. I don’t like to damage other people’s property, but I will if I’m invited to, you get me? One more step in the wrong direction and I might have to teach you another lesson – which I SHOULD be teaching you right now.”

He stopped… sighed… A little steam was let off in that exhale, and the snarl ceased. The anger remained, however.

“Look, you wanna fuck with someone’s mind, fuck with mine. It’s fucking fool proof. But Spax? Don’t. Don’t ever. Or it won’t just be me chewing on your entrails.”

Again he fell silent, wondering if she'd actually heard any of it. It looked like she was in a trance. Most likely because she just killed something. Not a completely uncommon occurrence, but he hadn't the slightest memory of someone taking it that hard. The doberman watched her for a while longer, then snorted and left as a human began to move her cage.

Stupid girl.

Cardinal woke only when they had arrived back at their cell block, and only fleetingly. As the door open she slunk out of the tiny crate and into the nearest corner. Almost in sync with Shade, she collapsed into a heap. So tired...

Still, what Spax had said bothered her. Another test... she'd know it when she saw it... And that tone of voice he had, that smile. Something was definitely wrong. What in the world was he planning...?

A new male voice made her open one eye. A husky was standing there, and (without moving at all) Cardinal growled more menacingly than she thought she could. She was sick and tired of these dogs showing up whenever they wanted. But the deep rumbling soon silenced when she noticed that Eight seemed to know this one. The husky greeted Eight like an old friend.

Cardinal watched them for a while longer, then closed her eyes. Her ears were turned toward them, listening, but she'd rather stay out of it for the most part.
Posts: 1501
Joined: 24-03-2009 03:00

Post by Leo » 03-03-2011 23:09

Eight recovered him self quickly, and with it his exhusten came back, he walked to the side of his cage and lent on the bars wile sitting, his face as blank and unreadbal as ever, John meanwile looked at each of the others come in and lay down to rest as soon as the entered he wasn’t surprised, they all looked like they had just had a brutal training session.
Eight had his overly pumped up sense of pride, and honour that kept him on his paws for longer, so he didn’t look weak infront of john and the others.

“How do you think im doing”, Eight said with his blank voice, he could be angry or happy for all john knew.
Johns face didn’t change ither he was looking at george again.
“I heard you and the others escaped, iv been told what happened but I want to hear it from your mouth”, john said now looking up at Eight, a sad look behind the old eyes.

He had known Eight and his old pack very well, he saw eight, Li, Six most of them as pups and grow. He him self had started out like ever other dog here crule evil twisted, but over time he had change more so in his later years, he started to see what he was doing and what he had become and he had changed.
Eight looked at him for a wile rembering how he had known john, the only kind one out of the lot really, he had been hard exstremly hard but not crule nore evil. He had looked after serten members of the pack when they had gotten into bother, stopped serten moments from getting out of hand, with out making the other dogs think he was helping them.
“Yeah we did, we didn’t get very far, we were tricked and lead into a ambush, then slaughtered ever one but me” he last words held the slitest hint of bitterness like he hadn’t wanted to live.

John peaused for a long moment rembering all the different members of the pack.
“I’m sorry Eight truly I am”, he said his words honest and true.
Eight just looked at him again you couldn’t tell if he was angry, upset or happy at the words.
Eight looked away after a wile feeling the exhusten taking a harder grip on him, he slumped down to lay down, john didn’t moved just watched him.
“what about you old man”.

“well as you no I was sold, I was sold to a human sled team, then moved on again to another were I made my home, we entered races in awere team, and won”, a smile now spread across his face with the memorys.
“I even sired pups, after that it was a nice life, but I was brought back by my old master, my body hasn’t got much left in it now no good for racing”, he said his smile now fading.
“master brought me and now im more of a old friend now”, he said some of his own bitterness coming throw.

“What you want to do what you use to”, Eight asked simpley
“no I don’t want be be a pet”.

There was a silence after that both canines thinking well mostly one, Eight was now to tiered to think strait.
John nodded and left after that.
Eight rested his head and soon as his eyes shut he was asleep.

Four hours past by the cell was quite full of the deep breathing from four wolves. Eight woke up he blinked and looked around, not sure what had woken him, unknown to him the collar had given him cardinal and shay a tiny buzz just enuf to wake them but that’s about it. He got to his paws his legs shaking he felt a little better some strength returned to him but his mucles now ached and left stiff. He went over to his water bollow and took a good long drink, he only stopped because he heard the sounds of approaching paws from out side the cell. The claws on the hard floor sounded loud, thanks to the whole place being dead quite.

Eights hard dead eyes watched the metal flap, it opened slowly and Spax stood there a smile on his face.
“are I see your awake good, I wanted to talk to you”, he said to eight. Eight didn’t say a word just watched him.
He walked followed and stood infront of his cage, his normal sneer playing his face.

“I heard you been talking to john, dam seeing that old timer here dose bring back memorys dosent it”, he said not taking his eyes off eight, he needed to steir Eight up and he knew just how to do it.

“you no back then I was only a pup rember back then you no what thinking back your pack was my favret you no why, you had some amazing females best looking you no”, he said a evil glint in his eyes.

Eight didn’t apper to react at all, but inside a fire had just lit driving away the achs of his body and replacing it with a growing anger.

“and the rest were so fun to tant, you no but my favret female was Li you sister now there was a fine peace of wolf ass, you no she was the first wolf I ever fuck she broke me in you no”, he said laughing.

Still eight hadn’t changed but so so slowly his body was become more and more still it was happening so slow it was almost inposserbal to catch, his tail that had been moving before had started to slow to a stop, his mucles were slowly locking up, his eyes were now still stairing at Spax.

“and guess what at first it was rape but after a wile she started to enjoy it you no, stopped putting up a fight and just presenting her self to me, she learnt that there was no point putting up a fight, she just went with it and let her self enjoy it”.

Eights puplies started to slowly shrink.

“she was so dam tight, some times she let other dogs join in I think once we had ever one of her wholes filled she was dam good”, now Spax was unsure he thought eight would be in a rage by now but he hadn’t even reacted he knew he was good at hiding his emoissions but this was crazy.

“I think I fucked ever one of her wholes you no but she wasn’t the only sweet wolf Six bitch was good to”, he walked up to Eights bars so he was bearly a inch away.
“you no what this reminds me, I heard a romer a wile back when you were a one year old wernt you raped by Darcia, and was it true that the humans got you to mate with your own sister”, he didn’t get another word out.

Eight jumped at the bars not giving any warning at all, he put all the strength he had at them and the tip of his fangs just hit Spax muzzle, he yelped out in pain and surprise at Eights sudden attack.
Eight let out a ravaness Snarl of rage, he was blind with rage standing there shacking all over ever part of his being wanting Spax dead.

“shut you mouth you sick bastard”, Eight hissed throw his fangs.

Spax recovered quickly a evil grin over his face.
“I take it that its true then”, he knew it wasn’t the humans were going to do that as Li and Eight would make a great pups as long as the pups didn’t come out messed up but it was worth a shot.
And the humans had the drugs to drive any wolf mad with lust.

Spax walked back a cuple of steps so he was in the middle of all the cages, suddenly the door to the cell opened and mistress stood there smiling as well.
Spax glanced Quickly at Cardinal his look leaving no dout. Eight completely missed it in all his rage.
“you think you your something behind those bars”, eight said his voice trembling.
“il tear you apart”.

“you think so? Do you mister Triple Eight the all so mighty Triple Eight the one whos been buggered by another male”, he laughed.

Eight snarled in pure white hot rage and throw him self at the bars again making them shake and sudder on the blows.
“you no what, you want a go”, spax said he suddenly barked and looked at his mistress, who then moved her braclet out but instead of shocking Eight she turned a button on the bottom side, it suddenly sprang apart and she took it off.

Eight froze as he saw it, Spax spread his legs apart read to fight.
Mistress put the braclet behind her back but kept her fingers on the buttons, Shay and cardinal would be able to see this from were they were.
“yeah you want that last test lets see if you got what it takes”, Spax said again his eyes darted to Cardinal again.

Eight snarled standing behind the door to his cage, there was a click but not from one door but another came from another Cardinals door as well. The small lights above the there doors turned amba.

“Bring it wolf”, Eights door shot open and Eight Shot out like a bullet going for Spax, a split second after Eights door swung open Cardinals did the same. But instead of Spax jumping to meet Eight he just stood there a smile on his face, Would Carindal get the test and show him what side her loyalties lied, after all his mistress had her foot and finger to put both of them down if they tried any thing. What a show this must be for shay he thought.
Eight couldn’t see any thing but his target he was under the blood rush but his anger had gotten him to it, he would tear that sick bastard apart.

If only he had been carm he would have seen the warning signs to this trap.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 04-03-2011 14:12

“Well, well, well. Looks like I underestimated you.”

He was quiet for a while, then got as close as he could to her and spoke in quieter tones that were no less menacing.

“I don’t know what you said or did to Spax to piss him the fuck off, but now I’M dealing with it, lady. I don’t like to damage other people’s property, but I will if I’m invited to, you get me? One more step in the wrong direction and I might have to teach you another lesson – which I SHOULD be teaching you right now.”

He stopped… sighed… A little steam was let off in that exhale, and the snarl ceased. The anger remained, however.

“Look, you wanna fuck with someone’s mind, fuck with mine. It’s fucking fool proof. But Spax? Don’t. Don’t ever. Or it won’t just be me chewing on your entrails.”
While she lay on the floor, still zoned out from the world, memories returned. How the humans had done their tests on her, the strange goo they had applied on her that still burned... and Blood's words.

What she had done to piss Spax off? Talk with Blacklight. She was blamed for his words and she knew it. But Blacklight was dead... and thus, Spax would take it out on her. The bastard.
But at this point, she didn't care anymore. Spax was just a nuisance, compared to what had just happend. And Blood's angry words, meant to intimidate her, and his ''advice'' in the end, where meaningless to her. She didn't care. Not anymore. They could go to hell, all of 'em. They could do whatever the hell they wanted with her.

She didn't care about anything anymore. If it was up to her, she'd never get up again and just die right here.


She stayed zoned out. Oh, she heard the voices around her, but they didn't come through. Words made no sense, as if everybody was speaking in a language she didn't understand.
She was too tired to stay awake, but too shocked to sleep. And thus, she just lay there, staring into nothing, silently. She stared without blinking until her eyes got dry and sore; then, finally, she closed them half-way, afraid to close them entirely and see the horrors once more.

She didn't notice how time went by.

It was the moment her collar buzzed that she finally realised that she was still even alive. She heard Eight move, drink. She heard pawsteps coming. Sounds now came through again, like normal... but she didn't feel like getting up.

She blinked her sore, dry eyes a few times. It helped; her vision became sharp once more and the irritation dissapeared.
“are I see your awake good, I wanted to talk to you”
Ah... Spax. Well, if he was here for HER, he could go to hell. She didn't move, and didn't respond.
“I heard you been talking to john, dam seeing that old timer here dose bring back memorys dosent it”
John? Was that the voice, earlier? Well, at least Spax wasn't here to torment her. He was here to torment Eight.

She still didn't move a muscle.
“you no back then I was only a pup rember back then you no what thinking back your pack was my favret you no why, you had some amazing females best looking you no”

“and the rest were so fun to tant, you no but my favret female was Li you sister now there was a fine peace of wolf ass, you no she was the first wolf I ever fuck she broke me in you no”, he said laughing.

“and guess what at first it was rape but after a wile she started to enjoy it you no, stopped putting up a fight and just presenting her self to me, she learnt that there was no point putting up a fight, she just went with it and let her self enjoy it”.

“she was so dam tight, some times she let other dogs join in I think once we had ever one of her wholes filled she was dam good”
Shade listened, taking in the information without blinking. Just hours ago, she would have been shocked, she would have gotten angry. But now, it didn't matter anymore. Nothing did. She just listened silently.
“I think I fucked ever one of her wholes you no but she wasn’t the only sweet wolf Six bitch was good to”

“you no what this reminds me, I heard a romer a wile back when you were a one year old wernt you raped by Darcia, and was it true that the humans got you to mate with your own sister”

Eight jumped at the bars not giving any warning at all, he put all the strength he had at them and the tip of his fangs just hit Spax muzzle, he yelped out in pain and surprise at Eights sudden attack.
Eight let out a ravaness Snarl of rage, he was blind with rage standing there shacking all over ever part of his being wanting Spax dead.

“shut you mouth you sick bastard”, Eight hissed throw his fangs.
This place was even sicker then she thought. Males raping males, well, homosexuality or bisexuality wasn't something unknown to her. She could have handled that. But being forced to knock up your own sister? She had no doubt in her mind that Eight would have NEVER done it if he could have helped it. They probably just forced him. Gave him some drug, or even just manhandled him. Whatever they did, she knew by now that humans where capable of ANYTHING. The sick bastards.

She was surprised to find her brain working. She was still too much in shock to care, though. She was like a tape, recording everything without caring, without doing anything with the information she got.

She heard the noise as Eight attacked. She heard the yelp as he somehow hit Spax. Normally, her curiosity would have made her watch. Now, she still didn't move and just lay silently on the floor.
“I take it that its true then”

“you think you your something behind those bars”, eight said his voice trembling.
“il tear you apart”.
*No you won't. You're as helpless as we all are.* Shade thought. But she still didn't even care to look.
“you think so? Do you mister Triple Eight the all so mighty Triple Eight the one whos been buggered by another male”, he laughed.

Eight snarled in pure white hot rage and throw him self at the bars again making them shake and sudder on the blows.
“you no what, you want a go”, spax said he suddenly barked.

“yeah you want that last test lets see if you got what it takes”

Eight snarled standing behind the door to his cage, there was a click but not from one door but another came from another Cardinals door as well.
Shade's eyes didn't even turn, but her ears registered everything.
She realised it was a trap the moment she heard two clicks. She realised that this was another sick joke, another trick.
“Bring it wolf”
Shade heard Eight charge. She wasn't sure what Cardinal would do... and she didn't understand why they even had let her loose. Somehow, they wanted hér to fight Eight, that much was clear. But she didn't get it.

Well... what did she care, anyway.

(Enter major depression mode, last emo-stuff from her once this gets solved. She's changing now. XD)
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
Posts: 879
Joined: 08-07-2009 20:17

Post by Shaydie » 05-03-2011 00:13

Cardinal listened to them for a while, but none of it registered in her exhausted mind; not even her subconscious reviewed the data sent to it as she gradually fell into a shallow sort of sleep. She didn't know how much time passed, but she was so on edge that every sound - every snore from the others, every drip of water hitting the floor - woke her for a few seconds. It seemed to her that she didn't get any sleep at all, and soon she was truly awake again.

Her amber eyes opened onto an empty room. She wasn't quite sure what had woken her, but the pain in her neck was buzzing lazily. The purple gunk they had forced into their wounds had been painful at first, but Cardinal now felt as if the deep wound on her neck was days old - sore and painful, but the dizziness and disorientation was mostly gone. Perhaps that was because of the seemingly short rest that they'd had, but she doubted it. She was ready to go back to sleep when the metal flap to the cell block opened and she heard that bastard's voice...

“are I see your awake good, I wanted to talk to you”
Cardinal looked up with fury in her eyes, but it seemed he wasn't talking to her. Instead his eyes were locked on Eight, and for a moment the red wolf wondered what Spax could possibly have to say to him. Then came the realization that it couldn't be something good. Though she had only known the dog for a short time, she knew with every fiber of her being that he was incapable of any sort of praise that didn't directly affect him. And so the next events were entirely unsurprising.
“I heard you been talking to john, dam seeing that old timer here dose bring back memorys dosent it”, he said not taking his eyes off eight, he needed to steir Eight up and he knew just how to do it.

“you no back then I was only a pup rember back then you no what thinking back your pack was my favret you no why, you had some amazing females best looking you no”, he said a evil glint in his eyes.

Eight didn’t apper to react at all, but inside a fire had just lit driving away the achs of his body and replacing it with a growing anger.

“and the rest were so fun to tant, you no but my favret female was Li you sister now there was a fine peace of wolf ass, you no she was the first wolf I ever fuck she broke me in you no”, he said laughing.

Still eight hadn’t changed but so so slowly his body was become more and more still it was happening so slow it was almost inposserbal to catch, his tail that had been moving before had started to slow to a stop, his mucles were slowly locking up, his eyes were now still stairing at Spax.
Cardinal watched with some interest. She found it amazing that Eight could even resist snapping hatefully at the dog. If it had been her in question, she already would have been slamming herself into the bars with such fury that she might have killed herself.

Furthermore, Spax seemed a little more confident today... and somehow it made her tense. She sat up, suppressing the whine when her sore body screamed against any movement.

The bastard kept pushing. Talk about Eight raping his sister, being raped by Darcia (the last made her shudder), finally made the wolf snap. Cardinal twitched when the bars of his cell rattled and rocked in their hinges. Surprisingly (and yet not so surprisingly) the bars didn't give way. Spax barked and the Mistress walked in - that was when Cardinal began to understand.

Her heart sunk.

They wouldn't...

Spax's glance at her forced her to realize the truth. They wanted her to fight Eight. In this condition! True, they were both injured, but... she doubted she'd hold out against him without the Mistress' intervention... and would she even step in?

The bars on Eight's cage continued to shake and shiver, and Cardinal stood up, eyes wide. The guy was made of pure rage. There would be no stopping him if he got within an inch of Spax or the Mistress... and if Cardinal wanted that puppy...


She shook her head vigorously. No! Ruby was either dead or long gone! There was no going back! This was all there was now! She must save that one little life, no matter the cost. The determination was in her heart, but not in her mind. Still she hesitated, edging closer to the door of her cage but still refusing to believe that they wanted her to go after her own "mentor."

The Mistress removed the dreaded bracelet, but Cardinal saw her claws sitting on that button... Which meant that either way, someone would suffer. It might as well not be her.

It would be better for everyone that way...

The chorus of clicks sounded from her cage and Eight's, and as the doors swung open they were both off like a shot - Eight at Spax.... and Cardinal, fangs bared and ready to kill if she had to, at one of her only friends in this harsh place.

(( Slight godmodding time, I apologize in advance! ))

She jumped and caught Eight by the neck, ramming into him at full speed. The two of them tumbled sideways, Eight rolling on top of Cardinal, nearly crushing her in the short time she was underneath. But soon momentum had rolled him off of her and she flew over the other wolf, feet toward the ground. She forced her body to stay in this position and thus landed reasonably on her feet. The damage she had taken earlier, however, was still present. Nearly as soon as she landed, pain shot up through her right foreleg and her front half fell, right leg tucked under her and left leg striking out in front. She was snarling wrathfully, glaring at Eight through glassy eyes, but there would be no way for her to stand and defend if he retaliated, much less move in time to block his attack on Spax and the Mistress a second time.

It struck her then that she had betrayed her own kind to save another. Gone in with the humans. But it was all for the best. Her body was no longer her own. It belonged to Spax, to the Mistress, in some ways to Darcia, Blood, and Dice... and to that puppy. Especially to that puppy...

Through her snarl, a meaningful stare deep within the fire of her eyes glared out to Eight. She didn't need him to understand, didn't need him to spare her. She just needed him to know there was something else at work other than loyalty to a human.

Besides, she wouldn't be telling either him or Shade anything about her deal with Spax any time soon.
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Post by Leo » 06-03-2011 00:15

Eight rolled and stuck the bars, his inraged mind was confused he had no ider were that had come from what had sent him off corse. he got back to his paws looking arounb serching for the attacker.
His snarl was on his face muzzle rinckled teeth beared, not a normal exspresion for him even in battle that joined with his scares made him look like a prue nightmare. to a weak hearted wolf he would have sent them yelping to the likes of the wolves of this 5th circal he was the norm.

But his snarl fultered when he saw who had stopped him.
"cardinal", he said his exspresion showing shock, strange seeing any exspresion on his face at all. But like a speeding bullet it was gone and replased with if posserbal more rage, he had been betrayed again and again by a canine again by some one he had just only let into his bared heart.
He looked at the sneer on spax face then back at cardinal the rage blinding him to her meaningful eyes.
"HAVE...YOU ...NO...HONOUR", he roared to the cell he dived for cardinal but this time it was spax turn to come to the rescue. he jumped slammed eight down into the dirt. Eight was not his full strenght Spax at the top of his game could handle eight like this, it would be a diffrent storie if he was in good health.

The was a click from mistress, she had put her braclet back on and it the buttons Eights body went still lifless but his eyes and throat contined to snarl and look daggers at them all.

"shut up Eight", Spax said stepping hard on his muzzle.

He then started to drag eight back into his cage, all the wile looked at cardinal with eyes that looked like they could kill.

mistress turned to the wolf and crouched down on her hunches coming to the females level. She moved a hand to the wolfs face slowly, and rubbed the side of her cheek.
"you are a amzing creacher far greater then any of these wolves, you have beauty streanght and power, like me come my dear il show you to what you wanted", she said smiling.

it was amazing how gental her hand was how warm, and those green eyes were showing somthing other then a cold hard cunning, but a bright gliter, she didnt yet love this female like she did spax but she could see that she could easly do, if this wolf warmed to her. Spax came up along side cardinal smiling as well.
"come on then", he said following the mistress who was already walking down the corridor.

High above the sense jack the rat stood watching what had just happened, he wasnt suprised it was amazing what this dogs and humans could get dogs to do. but he looked over the three that were left in the cell. he felt for them all.

Eight who was now standing and shacking all over despratly trying to carm down shay who was now numb dieing in side and george he was morning.
He ran quitly down to them all and stood in the middle of the room, his cocky smile wasnt there more a warm sinsier one.

"hay guys, shay, eight, George look at me".

Mean wile walking down the fecherless coridoor, spax looked at cardinal.
"you did a good thing, you will get comforts that pup and pups of your own if you want, and soon with time you will get the same rank as my own, if you play your cards right and dont do any thing stupid", they were walking to a door at the end of the coridor it was oak with a brass handle.

(im going to do it so il be righting the rps sepratly till they come back to geather and stuff, this is the joy of the way im playing things :D loven the rp its realy getting jucie now :) ) [/b]
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Post by Leo » 06-03-2011 00:15

Eight rolled and stuck the bars, his inraged mind was confused he had no ider were that had come from what had sent him off corse. he got back to his paws looking arounb serching for the attacker.
His snarl was on his face muzzle rinckled teeth beared, not a normal exspresion for him even in battle that joined with his scares made him look like a prue nightmare. to a weak hearted wolf he would have sent them yelping to the likes of the wolves of this 5th circal he was the norm.

But his snarl fultered when he saw who had stopped him.
"cardinal", he said his exspresion showing shock, strange seeing any exspresion on his face at all. But like a speeding bullet it was gone and replased with if posserbal more rage, he had been betrayed again and again by a canine again by some one he had just only let into his bared heart.
He looked at the sneer on spax face then back at cardinal the rage blinding him to her meaningful eyes.
"HAVE...YOU ...NO...HONOUR", he roared to the cell he dived for cardinal but this time it was spax turn to come to the rescue. he jumped slammed eight down into the dirt. Eight was not his full strenght Spax at the top of his game could handle eight like this, it would be a diffrent storie if he was in good health.

The was a click from mistress, she had put her braclet back on and it the buttons Eights body went still lifless but his eyes and throat contined to snarl and look daggers at them all.

"shut up Eight", Spax said stepping hard on his muzzle.

He then started to drag eight back into his cage, all the wile looked at cardinal with eyes that looked like they could kill.

mistress turned to the wolf and crouched down on her hunches coming to the females level. She moved a hand to the wolfs face slowly, and rubbed the side of her cheek.
"you are a amzing creacher far greater then any of these wolves, you have beauty streanght and power, like me come my dear il show you to what you wanted", she said smiling.

it was amazing how gental her hand was how warm, and those green eyes were showing somthing other then a cold hard cunning, but a bright gliter, she didnt yet love this female like she did spax but she could see that she could easly do, if this wolf warmed to her. Spax came up along side cardinal smiling as well.
"come on then", he said following the mistress who was already walking down the corridor.

High above the sense jack the rat stood watching what had just happened, he wasnt suprised it was amazing what this dogs and humans could get dogs to do. but he looked over the three that were left in the cell. he felt for them all.

Eight who was now standing and shacking all over despratly trying to carm down shay who was now numb dieing in side and george he was morning.
He ran quitly down to them all and stood in the middle of the room, his cocky smile wasnt there more a warm sinsier one.

"hay guys, shay, eight, George look at me".

Mean wile walking down the fecherless coridoor, spax looked at cardinal.
"you did a good thing, you will get comforts that pup and pups of your own if you want, and soon with time you will get the same rank as my own, if you play your cards right and dont do any thing stupid", they were walking to a door at the end of the coridor it was oak with a brass handle.

(im going to do it so il be righting the rps sepratly till they come back to geather and stuff, this is the joy of the way im playing things :D loven the rp its realy getting jucie now :) ) [/b]
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Post by Nakisha » 06-03-2011 14:06

Shade listened as Cardinal made her move.
So... she had decided to do the human's bidding. Maybe it was a smart choice... they had seen what the humans could do to them, after all.

The snarls of Eight and Cardinal filled the room, and she finally lifted her head slightly to look at them, with empty eyes that no longer showed any feeling or emotion.
"cardinal", he said his exspresion showing shock, strange seeing any exspresion on his face at all. But like a speeding bullet it was gone and replased with if posserbal more rage, he had been betrayed again and again by a canine again by some one he had just only let into his bared heart.
He looked at the sneer on spax face then back at cardinal the rage blinding him to her meaningful eyes.
"HAVE...YOU ...NO...HONOUR", he roared to the cell he dived for cardinal but this time it was spax turn to come to the rescue. he jumped slammed eight down into the dirt. Eight was not his full strenght Spax at the top of his game could handle eight like this, it would be a diffrent storie if he was in good health.
*Coward.* Shade thought, as she stared at Spax after his attack. *Damned coward.*

But she still didn't move at all. There was no will to move, no will to do anything. The horrors somehow didn't touch her.
The was a click from mistress, she had put her braclet back on and it the buttons Eights body went still lifless but his eyes and throat contined to snarl and look daggers at them all.

"shut up Eight", Spax said stepping hard on his muzzle.

He then started to drag eight back into his cage, all the wile looked at cardinal with eyes that looked like they could kill.
''Coward.'' Her lips made the word, without a sound. Her eyes where on Spax only. The sickening human pet. Oh, how she despised him.
mistress turned to the wolf and crouched down on her hunches coming to the females level. She moved a hand to the wolfs face slowly, and rubbed the side of her cheek.
"you are a amzing creacher far greater then any of these wolves, you have beauty streanght and power, like me come my dear il show you to what you wanted", she said smiling.
Spax came up along side cardinal smiling as well.
"come on then", he said following the mistress who was already walking down the corridor.
Shade felt confused as she saw Cardinal with the female human. Obedient... like Spax. Her pet, somehow. And even though she didn't fully understand what the human said, it was clear to her that Cardinal was promised something.

But what?

She then sighed, and turned her head away. It didn't matter... nothing mattered.
High above the sense jack the rat stood watching what had just happened, he wasnt suprised it was amazing what this dogs and humans could get dogs to do. but he looked over the three that were left in the cell. he felt for them all.

Eight who was now standing and shacking all over despratly trying to carm down shay who was now numb dieing in side and george he was morning.
He ran quitly down to them all and stood in the middle of the room, his cocky smile wasnt there more a warm sinsier one.

"hay guys, shay, eight, George look at me".
She recognized Jack's voice right away, but his request was ignored. She didn't want to look. She didn't want to move. She just turned one ear, trying to show she wasn't ignoring him as a person. It had to do.

She breathed, slowly.
Eight, Cardinal, Tsuna, George, Jack... Spax, Blood, Darcia, Xor, Dice... what did it all matter. What did she really have to fight for? Her life? She was a lonewolf, she had nobody left in the world. Why should she?
She had killed another wolf, over absolutely nothing. For human entertainment. In her trance, it had been just like killing the dog... and that scared her.
She didn't want to live this life. If this was all there was, killing just for the pleasure of others, she didn't want to live at all.

And thus, she closed her eyes. She was prepared to listen... but that was it. As far as she was concerned, she had died inside.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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Post by Shaydie » 06-03-2011 17:31

Cardinal just stared into Eight’s wild eyes as he slowly registered that it was his friend that had stopped him from tearing apart the only thing keeping him trapped. It quickly became obvious that he didn’t understand exactly what she had done as his anger swelled again. He looked at Spax and by the time he looked back at her, Cardinal’s snarl had disappeared and her eyes had gone dead, like Eight’s. What have I done? she thought. The anger that Eight had was unmistakable and misinformed, but understandable. As he dove at her, she didn’t try to move. In that split second, she had temporarily made up her mind that she would rather be dead than go a moment longer living as a traitor.

The fact that his fangs never touched her was shocking. Spax had repeated Cardinal’s diving protection and had pinned Eight to the ground. Cardinal let out an inaudible whine, but watched with a straight face. The big wolf was trying to get at her, trying to get at them all. She knew that he would never trust her again. He hadn’t seen her meaning, hadn’t cared to. Her own rage suddenly flared up in her chest. How could he think that suddenly she would just pledge her whole life to the Mistress and that bastard for no reason? But Shade… Tsuna…. Where is Tsuna anyway? She didn’t care much for George or Jack, who she could smell but didn’t care to look for, but Shade and Tsuna and Eight… They had been in it together, fought together. And now she would be on her own.

No. Not on her own. She’d be surrounded by dogs and humans and other filthy creatures. Her mind churned rapidly in regret, rage, and apprehension. But it didn’t matter. She watched as Eight went down and was pulled back into his cage. She didn’t care. As far as Eight was concerned, she could rot in hell. So she’d return the favor. Cardinal’s dead eyes fluttered to Shade for a fleeting moment then closed as she felt the Mistress’ cold touch.
"you are a amzing creacher far greater then any of these wolves, you have beauty streanght and power, like me come my dear il show you to what you wanted"
Cardinal had no doubt in her mind that none of the others heard her voice. She didn’t quite understand some of it, but the gist was easy to glean from the tone of voice: praise; true praise, not businesslike approval like the words of Spax. Somehow the voice was soothing, like her touch. It scared her a little, and she shuddered when the human hand pulled away. Her eyes opened, but they were glassed over. From another’s point of view, her expression was unmistakably similar to Eight’s: dead, hollow, a void of hatred and sadness. Spax ushered her on as she stood up, and she left with them as in a trance. As the door closed behind them, the only part of her that remained was a tiny spot on the floor where a tear had fallen.


She stared blankly at the floor as she walked.

There she was, the great captain of her old pack’s warriors, reduced to the pet of a filthy human. But had she not intervened in that room, there would have been great suffering for everyone involved. And no doubt the pup would be torn apart. Maybe they would have even forced her to kill him herself. She and Eight would have been punished severely. The others would not have known why she was being included, and honestly she never would have said anything to them – for had she failed to please the Mistress, the pup would be dead and she would die with it one way or another.

But with her sacrifice came life. And that was good enough for her. She could find company elsewhere. And she would become stronger. Stronger than any of them. If she ever had the chance, she’d become strong enough to kill Triple Eight—

No. That rage was too sharp. She forced it down. Eight was not at fault. She understood… though it pained her a little to think that no wolf would ever trust her again. In that case, she would make sure that no dog dared cross her. Ever. Again.
"you did a good thing, you will get comforts that pup and pups of your own if you want, and soon with time you will get the same rank as my own, if you play your cards right and dont do any thing stupid"
Cardinal looked at him, fire in her eyes in a flash, but didn’t say anything. Words again were unneeded for now. Her gaze returned to the floor. He honestly thought she was in it for the highroller, materialistic bonus of being the Mistress’ pet. But he needn’t worry about her doing something stupid. She already had, and it would be the last stupid decision. Her paws kept walking, but it felt like she was floating. So alone so suddenly…

I wonder what the others will they think if they ever see him…

That was right… She’d never thought of a name… Something strong. And short. And meaningful.
Posts: 1501
Joined: 24-03-2009 03:00

Post by Leo » 10-03-2011 21:05

The cooridor turned out to be quite busy for such a late time, there were doors going down its length on ether side, there was about four metal ones that held wolves then the rest were all sorts of different rooms with different purposes. Vet room, food prep, exsersize rooms just to name a handful. Humans kept stopping mistress and speaking with her, in quick but respectful tones, she would answer back in her business like voice, and they would go about there way, all these humans worked for mistress and this corridor and all its rooms belonged to her. Dogs were going about work as well, some on guard others caring things to places, some looked like they were off duties and going about fun or other wise wondering.

All of the humans payed Cardinal little mind as they already knew what she was doing there, but the dogs were either surprised, sneering or indifferent. Cuple of them turned when they past to get a good look at cardinal. Spax didn’t pay them to much action he knew that they wouldn’t dare do any thing dumb around him.
The were walking down to the then away from all the main activity, It seemed up this way the humans and the dogs didn’t linger around. They reached the end and there was a wooden door with a fine brass handle. Mistress pulled a key out unlocked it and walked in, letting the other two follow in turn.
It was her quarters and right opposite the front door in the hall was a stuffed wolf. It was a big one at that slightly bigger then Eight, a mix of grays, blacks and silvers in his coat, his eyes were glassy and empty not unlike eights, but all traces of life was missing from this wolfs eyes. He was in a walking or been put in that posision at lest forever stuck on a jerny to a unknown place.

Spax look at it to cardinal his smile growing a little.
“that’s Torak her first wolf and became her first champion”, he said shacking off quickly and walking off down the hallway. The floor was wood as well the walls painted a slightly off white, very modern looking decoration, it was a stricking contrast to the dark corridor out side. On ever wall ever shelf was objects surround the fights, paintings, skins, teeth, tropys, photos all sorts.
As the walked a scent like triple Eights lingered over a skin that was hanging on the wall, it was a very tatty skin full of wholes and tears, and resembled more of a rag then any thing, who that had belonged to had been torn part. It was the type of scent that a family has, similar but not the same. On a shelf on the wall oppasit the skin was a wolfs leg that was on a stand, it was brown and massive who ever had owned that would have been bigger then Eight.

Then they walked into the lounge, the was no wall separating it from the kitchen/dinning room it was all just one big room. Leather sofas, table in the middle of them a fire place, Tv, desk covered in paper work and a laptop and two strange looking helmets, that looked like wolfs faces, the top of the head ears, top of the muzzle and the sides that ended in fangs, the eyes were made out of one way glass, one had black eyes the other had crimson.

There was another stuffed wolf along one corner that had a spiked collar on it, the same as all of theres bar the spikes. A wolf skull sat above the fire place, a photo of a young wolf in the middle of a killing strike was above that, on the wall behind the dinning table was a pitcher that was undoubtedly a much young Triple Eight many scars were missing, his ear was still all there, but his eyes were the same just like the stuffed wolf, but two other wolves were at his side, a massive brown one with three six branded into his forhead, he made eight look like a migget he was so big and he was just as scared as eight, then on the other side of him was a grey wolf that looked like eight but was female, all three of them were in a fight taking on many wolves, blood covering there jaws and fangs, all there fangs beared apart from eight who looked like he did when he was in his cage, in that photo he wasn’t under the blood rush yet.

More paintings on the walls and photos, One was of a young girl with a young puppy that look very much like Spax. The mistress sat down on one of the sofas and watched cardinal closely wondering how she would ract to the room, and also what was laying onto of a very large cusion made for canines to sit on. Spax stood in front of it though.

“rember I can take this away quicker then you can blink, also I exspect”, he peused as if searching for the right words.
“a more personal thank you for this as well”, he then stepped out of the way. A small puppy was looking around innocently in the blankets that covered the cushion.
The rat looked around at them all and for the first time in a long time was struggerling to pull words together that would help them all.
“lisen here, don’t let it all get on top of ye, its all to heavy for that, ever one of you did what you “had” to do, there is nothing more in it, and there was nothing bad in what you did, it is how it is and Blacklight was happy it was you george and not some one eals you did him a good thing and shay, those wolves are broken, locked with in there own own madness”, he said looking at her his eyes still sharp as normal but a sparkle was there.
George looked down at the floor his eyes blood shot from tears but there were none after all he was a fighter but his heart was broken he couldn’t get over what he had done, if blacklight had wanted it or not he had still killed his closest friend. There hadn’t been a day they had spent apart. He had killed many but he couldn’t get his dieing friend out of his mind nore the feeling of his fangs sinking into his flesh.
He looked over at who the rat was talking to after him and was shocked to see her again the grey her name was shay. He looked at her laying then and his ears feel back, what had happened to them, he forgot his own problems and got to his paws and walked over to the bars that linked there to cages together.
“shay”, he could say her name with out needing his lips for that, his good side of his face looked down at her. He felt sore it hurt to walk but nothing to bad they looked like they had hell thrown at them to.
The rat was pleased to see george on his feet he had been worried about the wolf for a wile now, looks like he had found him self a friend. Jack turned to Eight who had now managed to carm down, he was now sitting again his exhustgen back in its fall. But his body was still tense you could tell, well jack could he had kown the wolf long enuf to learn the tiny tells of his mood.
“You ok big boy”, he asked his paws on his hips but his face straight.
Eight looked down at him and breathed out and then looked over at the others then looked back down at the rat again.
He wanted to talk about what he felt talk to shay like he use to with his old pack, but even back then he could only ever do that one on one with no one around and with jack and george and shay there he couldn’t, so his face remand blank his heart hard. All his darkest memorys had been brought back some he had forced out a long time ago, he felt like he had been opened for all in the room to see weaknesses layed bear, humiliated.
“yeah il kill them both when I get the chance”, he said his expression darkening. Jack just sighed slightly, a normal Eight replie.

(feel free to decorate the room a little more or have your dogs in the corridor :D )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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