broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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Post by Leo » 18-01-2011 00:53

Spax watched each wolf react to his or her meat, Eight eat his he expected that, Shay didn’t he expected that, cardinal didn’t he would have thought she would have seen the benefits of it, it wasn’t out of crulty the humans gave them wolf meat, to them it was a matter of cost, why use any thing eals when wolves were in abundents.

Tsuna eat his, he wasn’t sure if he would but he was happy he did, that was a good sign, they had made a good move with that one and a good move putting them in with eight as well. As the were let out into there arinas Spax got closer to watch the fight very carfuly this was important as the training they had just done this would show were there tecnike needed work, were there moves need fine tuning.

Eight stood ready and heard shay walk out to join him and the others enter there side as well, he turned back to look at shay his face blank eyes dead empty, she looked nerves at first then shocked at something, he then turned to Cardinal and tsuna they were both looking at him and shay ready for the fight. They thought they were going to fight shay and him self, how wrong they were. He gave the most slight of shake of his head, if you hadn’t been looking right at him you would miss it completely.

What im I doing what do I care think about your self eight not them, if they want to servie the will have to learn fast, he thought.

He looked back at the other side of the wheel that was opposite the crates Darcia still watching like a omen hanging over head enjoying the entertament.
The humans were quiet and eight was falling into him self, it wasn’t fear that took hold only a hightend sense of what was around him. The whisper of human tong, the sound of claws on a hard floor, the humming of the blinding lights above, shay’s breathing behind him, the scent of fear, exsitment and blood. His body langwige didn’t change he looked like he always did, from a ignorant wolf view Eight would look like he wasn’t ready at all, but under all that his body was like a coiled viper ready to strike, his mucles armed and ready to fire, thow he was ready he always kept his body relaxsed he blev in a fight the body must be like water lose and free so one can reacted with out resistens with out thought on minet it can move in any dircion it wishes into any shape and in the next come hammering down on a target with savage strength.

Il tteach the others that…. no look after your self.

He heard the click he had come to learn to lisen out for. Very hard to hear it was the click of the lock before the doors crashed open to quiet for a human to hear a struggle for a wolf to hear if they didn’t no what they were lisening for. It came a split second before the door opened. He shot followed the before the door had full opend he was followed, before the crowed had been ready, before any other he had moved. A wolf shot out of the whole, its looks didn’t fase at but it didn’t take any thing to relise what had happened to that wolf. The wide crazsed eyes, the throfing jaws, the ravness snarls and growls. What ever had made that wolf a indervigral had gone, its personality its soul was gone, a empty shell, the thing had been pushed to far and its mind had cracked and now was use for nothing more then a desposerbal training equipment, a true broken soul.

Eight jumped to the left then the right then faked a left and came from the right, the mad wolf was to crazsed to see and read the move. These wolves were fears compedators, hard, powerful, desprate and unprodicterbal but there in lied there weakness they would never become better then they were now there anger made them good but it was there anger that gave them a limet hense they wernt that good for the fights any longer. All rage no thought behind it all.

Eight twisted around his apponet as it past opened his jaws wide and sank his fangs into its neck, he brought is lendary jaw power down on the bones. Then using the wolfs momentum and speed tossed it back away from him but he didn’t stop he spun on the spot still using the momentum and faced the open trap door once more.
Throw out the charge, attack and spin eight didn’t bear his fangs nore make a sound, no snarl no growl, he ownly showed his jaws at the last second before they sank into flesh, then his face went back to what it always was blank and empty but hard, the only when he was in the blood rush would he show his fangs and snarl like a beast from the pits of hell.

Eight had found that one of the most important trates in a good fighter was to be able to read a oppents character, and the best fighters were exstremly good at that, it helped one prodict anothers moves and how to counter them. often to oppnents would enter the ariner and just stare each other down to try and figer the other out. This was the one of the main reasons why Eight had learnt to even in the heat of battle to keep his face and eyes blank and unreadbal, it helped him keep his opponent in the dark on what his plans were. This was a skill that no matter how hard you pratised it you would never truly master it no matter who you were, eight had gotten it wrong many at times and so did the pros hence the scars but another good trate was to be able to adapt instently to any thing in a fight and he had learnt that well to.

The bones in the wolfs neck didn’t brake but they cracked as they fracshered the whole ariner heard the sound, there was a strange slience after the move, was it in ora if the move, was it all to fast or was it that carm before they screamed. The wolfs legs gave way, it hit the ground rolled then slide straight at shay if she didn’t move the body would hit her, the wolf wasn’t dead but it was out of the fight. As the wolf body came to a stopped and eight finished his spin the humans who were just there to watch roared with exsiment, then ever thing happened. 3 wolves charged into cardinals and tsuna arinar.

Another wolf darted into eights and shays and went right, Eight went after it. A second ran in and went after eight the replacement for the dieing one ran in, was about to go after the others instead but it stopped and turned its head slowly to shay its eyes wide and mad, it charged at her.

(guys right your own fightrs :P )

The mistress stood next to spax watching just as closely to the fight, normal the owners would only let in a opponent for each wolf but she figgered if they couldn’t take more then one they wornt worth her time. She always added three for to wolves at first to see if they would work in a team if they did it ment they could enter the fights were they would have a ali and face more opponents and work in teams, if they didn’t it wasn’t a problem, once she figgered out if they did ither she would add a forth mindless drone to the fight so it would be four on two a true test.

Eight cort up with the one that darted to the right, he span infront of it and it reared up, he matched it tussled with it before landing hit on its shoulder, he bit in quick did the damage the hopped away before quickly turned to face the one that had chasied after them, he did a simuler attack on that one then the first, he side step it bit down onto the back of its neck and let its momentum and his own strength to throw throw it to the floor as it went by then span around to face the other once more, exspect this time the wolf he throw wasn’t that badly injured it s only to get it out of the way for a quick second wile he fought the wolf in front of him. It charged at him with the madness that possessed it, Eight ducked down then lunged up so hit sank his teeth into his throat, he bit down thrashed quickly once then tossed the wolf aside, its throat now open its breath gergling as its death came flooding into its lungs.

The horrars of a battle not one on one, there were no quick deaths only fast ones so to move on to the next, worst mistake was like keeping a foe in your jaws to long, don’t over kill no need for a quick death it only left you destracted to long.
He span to face the wolf that he had tossed aside and only just in time, it was charging at him with blinding speed. This time eight did one of his other moves, he didn’t dodge it only move very slightly aside and offer the wolf a shot at the side of his neck were it was more mucel and fur, and if the wolf didn’t go for that he would grab the side of his shoulder. As the wolf collided with him, bitting into his fur eight did the same, but again used the wolfs momentum to rear onto his back legs still with the wolf in his jaws, lifting the wolf off the ground, then using his weight like a pendulum and his own power he lent back, arching his own back so not to hit it on the ground letting the other wolfs back take all the inpact. He slammed the wolf into the hard concrete, let go of it rolled back onto his paws in a flash then with out wasting any time tore the wolfs throat out. He rose to his paws turned but not fast enuf a wolf slammed into him knocking off his paws and onto his side.

He cursed his body and its state. He was exhursted it was effecting his speed, he was still malnourished so he was lacking all his speed and strength, what was keeping him alive in these fights was his exsprense and skill, which was enuf but he need his whole arsenal back. As he skidded the wolf tore into his side clusmsly it took to long, he pulled his back leg up and slashed it across the face, it howled and jumped back its eyes streming blood, eight got back to his paws not showing any pain and jumped for the wolf he grabbed by the back of the neck, instead of using his strength that he didn’t have he again used momentum he started to spin it around until he got some speed up and throw it at another wolf that was charging for him. As soon as he let it go he span once then ran after the wolf he had thrown. He before the wolf who he had thrown could get back up he jumped on it slamming it down and snapped its neck, then dived at the one he had thrown it into. He headbutted it hard, then slashed it across it across the face with his fangs, it was now on the back paw trying to walk backwords and get away from his attacks. Once he was saterfide it was to destracted by his attacks he grabbed it by the muzzle and put all his power down and twisted there was a horrbal crack and its muzzle broke, he then heved it and throw it across the ring, it was now no threat with out its jaws it was usless and dead.

He was feeling his body tiring fast the training had taken to much out of him he turn to have a quick glance at shay and the others. Why he cared he didn’t no.
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Post by Nakisha » 19-01-2011 20:52

"As you know, I'm assigned to the boy. I'm suppose to help him out with the basics. He /was/ after all in my unit." he paused. "But, I need extra paws. That's where you come in. I'm sure you've been assigned to him too am I right? If that's the case, we're going to have to split the time. Cuz I'm certain once we get that boy to know the basics of this joint, the higher of the food chain Spax is gunna take over." he mentioned. "So, what do you wanna take over?" he decided to ask. "Unless we want to just work as a simple team... Either way, we have to get him to the right spot for when Spax wants to prepare him.." he said.
Dice listened with interest. Ears straight up, eyes on the wolves, he took in Xor's words.

- ''Hmm... I think the boy is keen enough for us to team up on. Train him together... get the most out of his training time... and that way, we can each use our own specialisms to give him the best chances... don't you agree?''

He then finally turned his head towards Xor.

- ''Besides... I'd be honoured to work with you. I can't recall we've ever trained one wolf together before.''

He then turned his eyes to Tsuna, surprised to see him eat the offered meat. The kid had spunk... he WANTED to be a winner. It was amazing. Their would be little breaking to do... and that was a plus. They could train him right away.

- ''He has promise... look at him, eating...''


Shade tensed even more; she didn't know what the humans where waiting for. She licked her lips, she moved restlessly. Her body was ready, but her mind was not.

The next moment, Eight suddenly shot forward; a wolf seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. At least... if you could still CALL it a wolf. The poor creature seemed deranged, mangled, mentally broken. But it didn't make him less dangerous...

Eight fought with experience, darting around with what seemed like ease; Shade still stood frozen to the ground.
What was HAPPENING?!! Her eyes shot towards where Cardinal and Tsuna had to be.
Why... what...
The wolfs legs gave way, it hit the ground rolled then slide straight at shay if she didn’t move the body would hit her, the wolf wasn’t dead but it was out of the fight. As the wolf body came to a stopped and eight finished his spin the humans who were just there to watch roared with exsiment, then ever thing happened. 3 wolves charged into cardinals and tsuna arinar.
Shade leaped aside, her instinct realising what had to be done before her mind really understood, avoiding collision.

But she was still confused....
Another wolf darted into eights and shays and went right, Eight went after it. A second ran in and went after eight the replacement for the dieing one ran in, was about to go after the others instead but it stopped and turned its head slowly to shay its eyes wide and mad, it charged at her.
Shade, still puzzled and surprised by all the sudden happenings, realised by now that they where NOT going to fight against their friends.
No... they where to fight these broken wolves, these murdering machines.

She saw the third wolf charging at her just in time; she could already feel it's hot breath before leaping aside.
She snarled; teeth bared, she darted away with her attacker right on her tail.

She wasn't sure what to do. Should she indeed fight..? Should she run..?

But then again... she was sure the humans wouldn't take her opponent away. She had to fight. It was either that... or run out of breath and die.

Part of her registrated Eight fighting the other two as she ran around. She was insecure; she was trying to think of a tactic. But what could she do..?

She kicked it up a notch, putting more distance behind her and her attacker.

Tears burned in her eyes. Damnit, they where all tired after training... why fight NOW? But she had no choice...

... it was like fighting the dog... the first time...

She suddenly turned so sharply that her attacker lost track; he crashed into a wall, but turned to go after her.
But this time, Shade was ready.

Before the wolf really knew what happend, Shade's fangs sunk deep into his shoulder.

He roared; he tried to snap at her, but she was already gone.

Another attack; this time, the wolf's backleg was pulled from underneath him as Shade janked it. He snarled; his rear hit the ground, and the next moment, teeth sunk into his neck.

But Shade couldn't give the deathbite.

First of all; she was too insecure to do so. She didn't want to kill... and second, the wolf was already snapping back at her, defending himself. She was fast... but he wasn't too slow either.

She leaped away. She snarled. She once more ran, but her opponent had learned from the first minutes and did not go after her. Instead, he tried to lunge at her very suddenly as she spun around; Shade had expected as much. Her fangs where faster then his; she tore at his chest, leaving a gash, blood gulping over the floor.

She was shocked by her own ferocity. Her heart pounded in her chest like mad.

She had to kill him. There was no alternative....

She was fysically able to do so.

Then why couldn't she?

The wolf attacked once more; Shade whirled around. It happend to fast for anyone to see; the sound of teeth clattering and a whimper. Shade then sprinted off again, leaving her attacker limp; his lower leg was bleeding badly. But limp or not, he was already going for a new attack.

Shade tried to build up courage as she created some distance between them.

*Kill him. You can do it... Kill him...* She thought, trying to be brave. But as she suddenly turned sharply and flew for his troath, she lacked the confidence.

This time, she didn't come out unharmed.

She bit the male's troath; the wolf gasped as his air supply was suddenly cut off. But in his struggle to live, his mad rage, his head snapped down to bite her neck back.

Shade whimpered loudly; blood was drawn. She let go of the male's troath; he simply tossed her away, smashing her into the nearest wall. He then lunged after her, to finish his job, but found her quicker once more; he cried out loud as she attacked his limp leg on the exact same spot; a loud crack echoed through the arena.


The male was now really on three legs; the other dangled uselessly right under the knee.

Shade backed down and growled.

What could she do...? She didn't know anymore. She felt hazy after her painful crash into the wall. She wished this would STOP...
She knew she had to kill, but the sharp pain in her neck had made her even more hesitant.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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Post by Leo » 23-01-2011 01:01

(bump come on dont make me drag this thing lol )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
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The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 24-01-2011 01:22

(Sorry, I have like no muse. Here's something that'll hold you over, I suppose.)

As Cardinal went back through her past experiences, trying a little desperately to find something that would help her put aside the fact that they were the closest thing to friends she had in that cold place, she caught the look in Eight's eyes...

The ever so slight shake of the head...

Her ears perked and her body went abnormally rigid. Wait...

Suddenly the gravity of the situation hit her. The next few moments were as if they were moving through water - slow, blurred, deliberate. The click of the other cages, behind Tsuna and herself made her swing around, but she couldn't help but feel that she was moving all too slowly. A pair of wolves, each war-torn and muscular (if a little skinny) shot out of their confinements and darted towards their enemies like raptors. Cardinal didn't have time to shout anything at Tsuna - he was on his own, no matter what the plan had been or was at the moment. She did, however, manage to meet her opponent head on.

The jet black wolf was taller than the other, lankier, but no less dangerous - as she quickly figured out as he made a mad dash for her throat just after they collided. Trying to recover from the recoil of the collision, Cardinal blocked his jaws with her own, snapping down on his bottom jaw and wrenching it sideways as quickly as she could. The result was a harsh, earsplitting yelp from the thin wolf as it jumped away, snarling. He seemed to favor his jaw now... It hadn't been dislocated, but just barely. The red wolf did not come away unscathed, however; the guy had managed to clip her own jaw with his teeth before she threw him away. It was now bleeding slightly, but such a wound was nothing compared to the thick gash that still plagued her neck from the last test. Having been twisted along with the jaw of the other, the gash was oozing blood again.

No time to worry about that, though.

In a flash, the black male shot forward again, and Cardinal met him in the middle. Instead of running headlong into him like he seemed to think she would, however, she turned sideways at the last second and simply glided under him as all four of his paws left the ground in a run. She had taken this move partly from Shade and partly from an old friend of hers, as well as adding an ending of her own: as the wolf bounded over her, she reached up and snapped down on his tail. Using the momentum of her slide, she swung him back around and threw him towards the wall. Although the effect was spectacular, the wolf didn't make contact with anything but solid ground, and was back at her again in a heartbeat.

She whined slightly, the amount of blood dripping from her neck increasing, but she continued anyway - she had no choice.

For a while they played the age-old game of dodge and block, neither giving an inch. They both had experience, and they were both reasonably weakened by hunger and illness. Cardinal briefly entertained the idea of asking him why he was still here, why he hadn't attempted to escape, but the crazed look in his blue eyes informed her that he would have nothing to tell on the matter.

Finally, breathing heavily, Cardinal had had enough.

Sliding backwards from a well-placed headbutt on her opponent's part, she simply stood there, waiting for another attack. If he hadn't been faking his fighting style from the beginning, he'd simply rush her again, like she was expecting.

And he did. With a great snarl and air of certainty, the black wolf began a charge that would not end well for him.

Until the last possible second, Cardinal stood there, body poised to dodge. When she could practically feel his breath on her muzzle, she ducked down and leapt to his right. Again, it was as if everything moved in slow motion. The wolf, surprised, seemed to realize his folly - far too late. His blue eyes rolled backward, watching as Cardinal pushed off of the ground toward him and nearly did a u-turn on the spot. She aimed for his neck, and hit her mark. The momentum sent them both tumbling, he on top of her, halfway across the arena. When they separated, the black wolf was the first on his feet. Cardinal stood quickly as well, but wasn't too worried. She tasted blood in her mouth, blood that wasn't hers. Licking her muzzle, she looked back at her opponent, who was shivering.

Blood poured from his neck... but not as quickly as she had hoped. He still had life in him, enough for a few more moments - a few moments that would be critical. Starved for oxygen and blood, her body was quickly failing. Her enemy realized his fate, but snarled wrathfully and went at her once more.

This time, she didn't have enough energy to jump away.

They met head on again, the black wolf snapping at anything he could get his jaws around. She returned the favor, biting furiously at his stomach and legs. She thought she heard a rib snap, but couldn't be sure... Everything was so fuzzy...

The amount of blood around her was quickly increasing, and though most of it was the blood of her enemy, she knew the rest was hers. The wound on her neck was tearing, the exertion endangering the strength of her jugular. Her neck stained red, she bit and scratched and fought in the last way she knew how - the way a dying animal fought.

Not that she cared. He would die soon enough. She'd just have to outlast him.
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Post by Leo » 16-02-2011 23:32

Eight Glanced past over his fellow wolves, what he saw didn’t look promising. Shay seemed to be moving well, showing the human’s after her struggling at the pulling that it a wolf didn’t need super strength to be able to kill but there lied the problem she wasn’t killing her attacker she just fended him off and jabbed at him, she needed to land the kill rip his throat out.

Tsuna seemed to be doing well taking on two wolves at once but jugging from his moves he was acting on rage only and thow he was doing well he was reserving serious damage. Cardinal was fighting one rather large and aggressive one and her previes success at training was showing its tole, she was above the wolf and they were both in a frenzy tearing into one another there was blood all over the place. Eight felt a old fear he hadn’t felt In a long time, the fear of lose.

He had stayed static to long a wolf hit him in the chest biting into the wound corsed by the pull, as they tumbled the attacking wolf made a big mistake he held on to eight to long, as the rolled Eight grabbed the wolfs neck and used the momentum to throw the wolf aside. His recovering with any thing but elegant, he rolled and skidded to a hult on his side, he didn’t have the energy and strength to recover back onto his paws. He got to his paws once he had stopped as quickly as he could, just in time to face another wolf, he dodged him and spun around to face him once more. The wolf had stopped and turned next to the one eight had already thrown, they were both set to attack together.

“bring it”, he said under is breath.

Spax watched felling the blood lust getting to the whole room including him self, the excitement of the fights never failed to get his blood pumping. What he was watching wasn’t pleasing him but he was not surprised there was a reason his mistress hadn’t stopped the fight by now and why she was making them fight after such a hard training session, in real fights they would be at there limet beaten and worn yet they would still have to push on. There was a time which was more entertament then a ranking fighter were one fighter would be fighting with the clock, after each enemy it put down another would take its place until the timer reach zero then and only then was the fight over, and this was exactly what it was like, if they couldn’t servie this they wouldn’t servie the fights. With his mistress it was learn fast or die, but she hadn’t unleashed a four wolf to face them as he guess she knew they wouldn’t be able to take them all on.

The mistress watched on one hand holding the bars above her head Her fece very close to the bars. She watch and measured ever move, ever pease, ever strike watched like a hawk to see if it was wrong, right, over done, to early to late. She was one of the best earning trainers in the 5th circal and there was a dam good reason for it. She watched as Tsuna killed one of the two he was fighting, eight killed the two that he had been facing, Shay moved with incredible speed again and her wolf took another great chunk out of her apponat.

The humans kept clocking all of what was going on writing notes, talking about different aspects of there performances, taking pichers videoing ever move all of it being loged.

Eight staggered breathing hard thow his face was still blank and hard. He looked up from the two bodys that he had just put down, these to had cost him, he chest was bleeding heavily his back was torn, and he was now running on empty. He looked over at shay and the others once more, and something came back to him. He rembered moments this back with his old pack, how he had fought to protect them, shouting encourage ment to all of them, Six, raven. Ray and silver by his side.

He felt dizzy light headed, they had pushed them hard and eight felt it. He looked back up at shay the wolf was charging at her, she had had so many moments when she could have striked yet she hadn’t,. He had a sudden flash of silver, when she had been young still learning how to kill, she had gotten hurt. His eyes widened and he jumped.

Just before the wolf reached shay Eight came from the side sinking his fangs deep into its neck stopping the wolf dead, he slammed it down and twisted.
He looked up panting Three more wolves entered slowly watching them both closely, they had watched and learnt they were going to tred more carefully. His next move came with out thought as If his old self had never left it had always been there, awoken. These wolves were his pack, he couldn’t push them away, he would not fale them like he did the others. It was like they were the last of his old pack.

He stepped back and over Shay so she was under him, his size help him with this move, he stood over her his four legs like a father standing over his young. He could feel her under him again flashes of his past.
The blood from his wounds ran down his body and feel onto shays back.

“lisen Shay”, he said his deep used voice rumbling in his chest, he spoke throw his heavy breathing but it was still strangely blank but a very slight softness was hidden with in his words.
“You must fight and kill, as much as you don’t want to these wolves are no longer living, there minds are lost the kindest thing we can do for them is put them to rest”, he said as the three wolves stepped closer.
He lowered pressing down above her protecting her as he spoke, he wouldn’t move till he had finished and she was ready.

“deep in those shells they beg for freedom, death will take them away to that freedom, the humans will only make you suffer if you don’t, show them what you can do when they let you off the lesh”.

One of the wolves pounced at Eight he didn’t move off of shay, he knocked him aside with his own mizzle blocking his attack the next jumped at him going low, eight raised and bit down on his neck and slung him aside.
He couldn’t kill them like this but he could hold them off for a little.
The therd sank his fangs into eights back, Eight twisted and grabbed his back leg and dragged him of and throw him away.

HE lent down again his panting deeper more labered, god he wanted to sleep about no, his cage was look soft grass in his mind about now.

“You are stronger then you think, more powerful then you can imagon, il help you become what they want, il help you servie”, he said this time he let the blood wash around his mouth he tasted it properly and felt his heart rate increase, he didn’t want to do this but he needed the boost.

Two of the wolves charged at them and it was time for Shay to strike her self, she was hidden under him, she would be like a trap and eight would go for the one comeing from the side.

He let out a snarl of rage the sounded throw out the arina like thunder.
“SHOW THEM WHAT IT MEANS WHEN THEY FUCK WITH YOU, DROP ALL THAT STAND IN YOUR WAY, SERVIE, LIVE AND IL PROTECT YOU”, he jumped up on his back legs and leap at the wolf coming from the left letting shay take on the one comeing from the front.

Spax smiled perfect, Eight had given in to his fears of letting wolves in, and now that had given him yet another tool to get the wolf to do as he wanted. It was the blood rush that allowed Eight to talk was such emission but he knew the wolf ment it, intresting to see how the others reacted and how Eight would react later when he got one wolf to betray him.
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Post by Nakisha » 22-02-2011 21:08

Shade was too insecure to know what to do next. Her now crippled opponent came once more for her...
She got ready to dodge.
He felt dizzy light headed, they had pushed them hard and eight felt it. He looked back up at shay the wolf was charging at her, she had had so many moments when she could have striked yet she hadn’t,. He had a sudden flash of silver, when she had been young still learning how to kill, she had gotten hurt. His eyes widened and he jumped.

Just before the wolf reached shay Eight came from the side sinking his fangs deep into its neck stopping the wolf dead, he slammed it down and twisted.
As Eight came to her aid, there was no more need to dodge, or to fight.
The unexpected turn of events brought her once more of balance; she stood frozen, staring at both Eight and the now dead wolf.

This was like a nightmare... a horrible, bloody nightmare filled with death...
A strong feeling of guilt swept over her. She felt responsible for the wolf's death, even though Eight's fangs had killed it. Well, at least partly responsible...

When would it stop...?

She felt herself crinch; she backed down until her rump was almost against the wall and lowered herself to the floor. A combination of fear, shock and exhaustion, after everything that had happend since they had been brought in, began to take it's toll.
The wound in her neck ached; she wished it would STOP....

She knew she had to fight... more wolves where coming. She heard it.
He looked up panting Three more wolves entered slowly watching them both closely, they had watched and learnt they were going to tred more carefully. His next move came with out thought as If his old self had never left it had always been there, awoken. These wolves were his pack, he couldn’t push them away, he would not fale them like he did the others. It was like they were the last of his old pack.

He stepped back and over Shay so she was under him, his size help him with this move, he stood over her his four legs like a father standing over his young. He could feel her under him again flashes of his past.
The blood from his wounds ran down his body and feel onto shays back.
She had expected almost anything in this crazy place... but never this. Eight sheltered her like a helpless pup, and somehow, it made her feel lots better. Her thoughts drifted off to George for a moment; the only other moment of calmness, feeling SAVE, she had felt here.

She waited; she could smell blood. She knew it was staining her fur, and she knew it was Eight's. But somehow, she didn't mind anymore. That itself was haunting... but she was too shocked to care.
“lisen Shay”, he said his deep used voice rumbling in his chest, he spoke throw his heavy breathing but it was still strangely blank but a very slight softness was hidden with in his words.
“You must fight and kill, as much as you don’t want to these wolves are no longer living, there minds are lost the kindest thing we can do for them is put them to rest”, he said as the three wolves stepped closer.
He lowered pressing down above her protecting her as he spoke, he wouldn’t move till he had finished and she was ready.
She listened, silently. Her own head spun with questions. Where they really? How could taking another life EVER be okay, unless it was to eat, to survive...

A realisation of facts slowly began to hit her.
“deep in those shells they beg for freedom, death will take them away to that freedom, the humans will only make you suffer if you don’t, show them what you can do when they let you off the lesh”.
Like the dog... them, or her. Survive... SURVIVE...

Her pupils became smaller as her maw twisted into a snarl, without herself realising it. Something began to kick in; an ancient will to survive, to live and breed. To BE. To EXCIST...
One of the wolves pounced at Eight he didn’t move off of shay, he knocked him aside with his own mizzle blocking his attack the next jumped at him going low, eight raised and bit down on his neck and slung him aside.
He couldn’t kill them like this but he could hold them off for a little.
The therd sank his fangs into eights back, Eight twisted and grabbed his back leg and dragged him of and throw him away.
Her brains registered the fight Eight was putting up. The attacks on him. The will to live began to stir even greater, overruling all thoughts and questions, all hesitations. Something deep inside began to change as Shade's blood began to pump, her heartrate quickly increasing.
HE lent down again his panting deeper more labered, god he wanted to sleep about no, his cage was look soft grass in his mind about now.

“You are stronger then you think, more powerful then you can imagon, il help you become what they want, il help you servie”, he said this time he let the blood wash around his mouth he tasted it properly and felt his heart rate increase, he didn’t want to do this but he needed the boost.

Two of the wolves charged at them and it was time for Shay to strike her self, she was hidden under him, she would be like a trap and eight would go for the one comeing from the side.
His words sunk in, even in her now trance-like state. Her muscles began to tremble and slowly, she rose to her feet.
Her eyes wide open, pupils tiny and teeth bared, she found herself thrown back to the most basic instinct of all.

He let out a snarl of rage the sounded throw out the arina like thunder.
“SHOW THEM WHAT IT MEANS WHEN THEY FUCK WITH YOU, DROP ALL THAT STAND IN YOUR WAY, SERVIE, LIVE AND IL PROTECT YOU”, he jumped up on his back legs and leap at the wolf coming from the left letting shay take on the one comeing from the front.
Had she been sane, had she been able to think, then she wouldn't have chosen to do it.
But under the circumstances, she was making the most important step of all.

The wolf that came straight at her probably never knew what hit him. He probably had never expected it. How could he? He too was taken by the urge to fight and kill, to survive; eyes wide open, jaws ready to strike.

Shade darted forward with the speed of light. She was like a blur; his shoulder was torn open, a large chunk of flesh just dangling by a small layer of skin, before he realised she was that close. He gasped as he realised you could see right to the bone.

A whimper escaped him, but he wasn't to give up. He tried to turn to face her once more. Deadly mistake; another hit in the chest was dealt. He snapped at the strange, earthy blur that flew besides him, but missed. How could a wolf be so fast?!

He didn't even feel pain, but the huge flow of warm liquid made him stare down in shock; a deep wound, right on his chest, gushed out blood at a sickening pace, the floor quickly turning into a red puddle at his feet.

It enraged him; snarling furiously, he now spotted his enemy; Shade stood stil. She stared at him, green eyes wide open and fangs bared, nose wrinkled. But it was as if she didn't really SEE him.

He came closer; a shadowattack followed. He had expected her to dodge, to at least do SOMETHING. But she did absolutely nothing and just held her ground, as if she was waiting...

He snarled; eyes widening even more, he looked insane as he went for her.

Shade didn't dodge. She didn't run.

The two wolves collided; rolling through the arena, furious snarls and whimpers filled the air. Blood spattered off the two of them, as they bit each other everywhere they could hit.

Shade didn't come out unharmed, but she didn't feel the pain; she was in a state where everything seemed to go in slowmotion. She was waiting for her moment... and it came.

The rolling ball of wolves suddenly came to a very abrupt and unexpected stop; the male let out a bonechilling cry and fell to his side; Shade had torn his troath.
She got back to her paws, and stared at her victim, still in the same trance as before.

Still alive, but just barely, he crawled away from her; one front leg seemed broken as he dragged himself; both his hindlegs didn't work and just hung behind him; paralyzed from the waist down. Blood gushed out of several deep wounds. She had done so much damage in so little time...

Gasping for breath, but choking in his own blood, the wolf still tried to drag on with his one good front leg. But instead of letting him suffer and die, knowing death would come quickly, she rushed forward and ended his misery with a swift, but unneccessary hard bite to the neck, one that was dealt so fast that the humans could hardly even see it; but they could HEAR it. The cracking of bones was so loud that it even snapped Shade out of her trance.

Slowly, the world around her began to turn faster again, at a normal pace. Slowly, she began to realise that she was wounded, even though not severly. She began to féél te pain. Several bitewounds bled, and she felt the warmth of her blood running over her skin. Her muscles trembled as the adrenalinerush slowly began to fade away.
She then realised her jaw ached from biting down so hard on bone. She was surprised her teeth didn't ache as well.

Then, as she blinked a few times, she saw the wolf she had just killed, as if she saw him for the very first time. What she had just done slowly began to sink in...

She took a step backwards, but she was still hanging inbetween her trance and sanity. It would hit her later....
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 23-02-2011 01:36

At some point Cardinal was fed up with the constant barrage of bites and scratches of this dying wolf. His struggle was slowly beginning to slow as the lifeblood poured from his wound far more quickly than Cardinal's. Finally, Cardinal pinned him down and bit down hard on his neck, adding strangulation to his epitaph. Of course, the damned shell struggled a little longer, his breathing bubbling to a stop seconds later.

And then, no sooner had this enemy died than another took his place.

The second wolf exploded out of nowhere, shouldering Cardinal directly in the side even as her jaws loosened on the dead wolf's neck. She was sent rolling all the way to the other side of the arena, where she made a painful contact with the wall, her blood smearing over the solid mass.

"By gods... It HURTS!"

The thought passed through her mind passively, the strangeness being that such an intense thought could be ignored so easily. Perhaps it was then that Cardinal absolutely lost it.

Much later, wolves and dogs alike would tell her about the strange, calculating frenzy she had locked herself in. It was different than the rushes of bloodlust that Eight had or the survival instinct of wolves like Shade. Instead, it was borne of an intense hatred and intolerance of the pain she was going through and hell bent on killing quickly and cleanly rather than powerfully and messily. In either case, she would not remember anything that happened from the point that she stood up to the end of her fight.

While her mind blocked out all input from the outside, Cardinal's body stood and glared intensely at this new threat - a large female wolf with a traditional grey and brown coat. Her teeth bared in a rage unfamiliar to her, her pupils shrinking to pinpricks. But instead of charging blindly at the other female, Cardinal simply waited. For a very, very long time, it was a staredown, the other female simply growling and Cardinal's body snarling and foaming like a mad dog. No thoughts crossed her mind other than the urge to end it right then and there. The lack of conscious thought gave her an unbelievable advantage - no emotion, no unnecessary calculating. Just pure prey drive.

So, when the other female finally charged, it was inevitable that Cardinal - or rather her subconscious - would win.

The last clash was a quick and merciless one. The red wolf never moved until the last possible second, and even then her paws never left the ground. The other femme stopped rather abruptly as they met, her neck arched upward and her eyes wide. In an instant, Cardinal's jaws had clamped down on the girl's neck, twisting upward as they did so. Now the fragile appendage was only inches from breaking. Why she had stopped there, Cardinal would never know, but as the threat raised her paw to hit Cardinal full in the face, the red wolf snarled and twisted forcefully, the snapping sound drowned in the scream from the other half of the arena.

Her ears flicked back and forth, listening for a further opponent. Hearing none, she dropped the corpse and glanced around, adrenaline still pumping through her body, the roaring in her ears drowning out the mutters of the crowd.

Slowly her mind came back, but as she looked at the carnage around her and as the pain sunk in again, she felt no remorse. At least it was over. Her eyes glanced to Tsuna, who was as victorious and beaten as she. Further examination determined that Eight and Shade were equally appeased. It seemed as though their test had been won. The cost, however, had been much of her own blood. Her legs shook visibly and the dripping crimson liquid still oozed from her neck.


She couldn't hear much, or see much now for that matter.
Still, though, was it over? There didn't seem to be any more wolves in the ring, but... this day was getting weirder and weirder.

"Weelllll damn... Are we done?"

She couldn't stop herself from saying it out loud. Her mind wasn't working quite right now for lack of blood. She listened to the silence for a second, then turned and rested her forehead on the wall, ears thrown back, still listening for more "trials" to begin.
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 24-02-2011 22:38

posting for leo :) ]]

The last wolf fell to the floor from Triple Eights jaws, it hit the floor with a splat, fullen into the blood of one of his fallen peers. He panted his legs shock his heart was still hammering like a wood pecker on a tree.
He looked around at them all making sure ever one had made it.

Shay had made her first kill, she looked slightly shocked as it all began to sink in, Cardinal looked like she was on the verge of colaps, Tsuna looked like he him self felt, tong hanging out legs shacking also, bloody and out of breath.
They had done it all of them had servived there first lesson. If he had been more in his own normal mind relfie would have carmed him, but the blood rush was still pumping throw his body, his pain was there in the back of him mind threatering to being him down, but like always it was pushed down with in him self.
But his body couldn’t do that, his legs showed the signs but his face did not.

He looked around at shay.
“well done”, he said to her with a nod that made him feel dizzy.

Spax was exstremly pleased this had gone very well they had all servived, and shown true protenchal, even shay had shown her strength and wow what speed she had, Cardinal had shown them that she had a flip side, that would come in useful, tsuna had shown them that all that they saw in him was true and there for all to see. He looked up at his mistress tail wagging.
She looked down a smile on her own face, she was also exstremly pleased. The training was over and she felt like the next year would be very profitable.
All the other humans in the room were watching her waiting for her to issue commands, she paused for a moment deciding what she wanted done with each of them. her metal clawed hand tapped on the bars, the only sound other then the panting of the wolves. A deep sparkle was gleaming in her green eyes, a frightening beauty, her eyes priced into each wolf in turn. Moments drifted by and just as the humans began to look at one another she looked up and clicked her fingers calling for attension.

“See to there wounds, I wont blood tests, there foods altered according to your findings, I wont the young male taken to the exstrem training block, the other three take them back to there cell, I wont this done in a less then a hour then I want you all in the meeting room to de-bref”, her eyes traviled over Xor who would deal with Tsuna training along with his master and the humans who did that sort of training, it was exstremly hard, unforgiving, most died but she had a feeling the male would serive the hellish ordel, it would bring him up to speed faster, wile the others she wanted to do custom training skeams.

She hit the buttons on her braclet and watch as each wolf hit the ground as the collars parlizsed them all, then all the humans around her sprung into action going about there work.

Eight growled as his body became numb, went out of his control after such a work out theres muscle were sure to cramp after this.
He hit the ground and watched as team’s of humans briskly came into the arina, the wall that had split them apart was pushed back, and the humans went about there work. One in each team taken tempritchers, blood and cheaking there eyes with a torch. Wile the others pulled a nasty purple looking sap. Eight rembered this stuff well, and the memory and the scent of the stuff didn’t fill him with any happiness.

It was made from a plant and cemicals, they took a long thin scoop out stird it up a bit, then on each wolfs wound, would push the thick gel deep into each wound until it was filled. Then slowly a burning pain would start to spread, it felt like a hot poker was starting to heat up with in the wound.
What the stuff did was clean the wound, stopping it from bleeding, filling it so no stiches were needed. and the stuff would fade away as fast as flesh healed so it made healing faster, safer and with out needed to return to the same wound again. Only draw back was it made the flesh more pron to scaring, but that depend on each wolf.

After each team finished they dragged each wolf back into there crates and such the doors then went off to clear the floor of bodys.
Spax was waiting next to Cardinals crate for her, once the door was shut and the humans had gone, he looked down at her, the blood now stopped flowing but now drying on her fur, they would get cleaned by the sprinklers in the cages later.
“you did well, get your rest we will be giving you one last test later, you will no when you see it, to see if you truly want what we offered”, he said with a smile then he turned and trotted off to Xor.

“Your in charge of the boys intense training don’t let awere mistress down”, he said with a respectful nodded. He looked at Dice and blood at that point and grinned.
“looks like were going to be busy with this lot”, he said he was in a very good mood now, as he trotted off.
“Blood don’t for get to remind speedy over there of her place”, he said to his friend, it wasn’t a order just a reminder.

“so what do think of that then, we got some winners here”.
He watched as the humans pushed there crates away to taken them back to there cell, then watched as Tsuna’s was pushed away from the others they wouldn’t be seeing them for a long time now.

Soon as Eight was dropped to the floor by the humans his collar gave him back his movment, but the pain of the gel was still corsing throw his body, it was hell he hated this stuff for some reason it made him scar one of the reason all of his mager wounds had stayed on his body and the fur had never covered them all. After a cuple of minets the heat of the stuff started to easy and he layed in a more comfterbal passion, it was great to lay down and rest, his body was Roaring its protests at what it had just gone throw, his mind was spinning and he felt dizzy it was all so much and he wasn’t in any condission to cope with it properly. The Crate started to move underneath him as it was pushed heading back to there cages, and the blanket was thrown over his crate once more. He felt him self slip away into sleep, he didn’t ask for it it just swpet over him taking him away.

No time later there was that squrech as the doors of his cage and crate opened, he got to his paws and walked into his cage, it took a lot of effort and soon as his door had shut behind him he sat down, he wanted to make sure before he rested that ever one easl was ok. His face showed no discomfort at all he looked normal apart from his pocher that was slightly hunched. Thanks to how he was it took him a wile to notice that there cell wasn’t completely empty, he suddenly looked up as the scent hit him.
He knew that scent it was like a old memory coming back to him.

John the old large black and white husky was standing were George was laying, he had been watching the wolf as they were put back, he looked up face hard but his eyes were soft, gray fur was flakeing at his fechers. The old dog looked at Eight then to the others.

Eight was shocked to see him, he had been sold to his understanding back when Eight had frist been here, that was just before they escaped.

“Nice to see you again Triple Eight”, he said his low deep voice was softer then eights gravily voice. It was like that of a old grandfather that would read you a storie before bed but there was no real kindess in his voice but again no harsh sneer or evil bit to it like the other dogs.

George had moved since he had been put in, his scared side of his face was the only side you could see as he was curled up in the corner, looked like he was asleep.

John looked around at the rest.

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Post by Leo » 26-02-2011 23:31

(thanks for posting my replie silver :) )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Post by Nakisha » 27-02-2011 21:01

“well done”
Words seemed to echoe from far away as Shade trembled on her paws.
She didn't see Cardinal, as exhausted as she was, bleeding badly. She didn't see Eight. She wondered how injured she was, for a moment.

Then, she finally realised the cold truth. She had just KILLED a wolf. A creature just like her, torn apart by this place... a prisoner as much as the rest of them. And SHE had taken his life.
She hit the buttons on her braclet and watch as each wolf hit the ground as the collars parlizsed them all, then all the humans around her sprung into action going about there work.
After asking so much of her poor body, the paralyzing was worse then ever. Her muscles burned, ached, she had a feeling her heart would stop beating. Her mouth was wide open as she just tried to keep breathing, but she somehow felt like she couldn't even do THAT.
Humans came, and once again the humiliating test where done... but she didn't even care. She would have layed perfectly still during it all if that could have just prevented this horrific feeling...

She felt how some kind of gel was pushed into her wounds; luckily for her, they weren't too deep. But the burning sensation matched the horrific burning in her muscles. How much pain did those humans want to cause them?!!! She would have groaned, but she had no control. Helpless...
After each team finished they dragged each wolf back into there crates and such the doors then went off to clear the floor of bodys.
Everything that happend next seemed a blur. She was dragged to the cage and FINALLY, the horrific feeling of the paralyzation was gone. Too exhausted to look up, she didn't even notice Tsuna was taken from them.
She had no idea what happend next, all she felt was pain and an intense sadness and guilt. She closed her eyes, but kept hanging between conciousness and sleep.

She didn't notice the crate moving, or the blanket being thrown over it.
She hardly noticed the screeching of doors as she was back in her cell; she just acted on instinct as the door of the crate opened, and waddled to the larger space, happy to be out of that horrible small space that always made her feel claustrofobic.

She then crashed to the floor. She panted, but not even as much as she had expected. She just lay there on her side, as if she was close to death. But she was just drained, every bit of strength sucked out of her, and in shock. She couldn't get her muscles to move again and she didn't really try anymore either.

She was back in the cell. She'd be left alone for a while... and for now, it was all she wanted....

But as she closed her eyes again, the horrific images of what she had done returned to her. The fight. The deadly precision of her attacks, the kill.
She opened them again; tears began to stream down her face, but she didn't even notice. She felt so empty....

Suddenly, a voice rang in her ears. A voice she never heard before. But she was too drained to respond, too shocked to care. She turned back into herself, hiding deep, deep within her mind, blocking the world out.

She wished she was dead.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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