broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 12-11-2010 14:36

A rumble sounded from some were over head.
“thunder”, he said to him self more then any thing.
It was raining out side.
Still confused from her dream, not yet fully back into reality, Eight's voice seemed unnaturally loud in the silence.
Shade groaned and shook her head, as her confused thoughts tumbled over one another.

*Blood... no, fighting, Dice... Darcia...*

She shook her head again. The fragments of her dream still danced before her eyes. The look Blood had given her in her dream seemed to be burned in her head.
A rattling sound came from behind him, and throw out all the cages.
Breakfast was servied. Each of them having a different mix depending on what they needed.
Startled, Shade shot forward, away from the sudden sound, before turning and realising what had happend. The food... again.
She tried to force herself back into reality, and slowly, she began to truly wake up.

She went up to her breakfast, sniffing.
While she didn't know, her food was meant to build her some muscle. To enhance her best traits, speed and endurance, while also making her stronger, and without fattening her. A balanced meal....

She was surprised by the taste; it was better then last time. Or was that just because she was hungry...?
She gobbled it down quite fast, surprising herself. Had she adjusted so easily...? Was she already giving in, accepting this human-made filthy food?
“give them hell my good wolves” came the strong accent of jack some were in the whole in the wall.
Shade lifted her head and perked her ears at the sound of Jack's voice. He stayed hidden this time, but he had taken the time to give them this short peptalk... She smiled slightly and returned to eating, wondering what his benefit was in helping them. But she was sure glad he was there....

Done eating, she licked her lips, yawned and stretched.
Today was the day....
Fear began to grow in her chest, but she ignored it. She remembered what she had learned; show no weakness. Be strong....
Then with out warning the door of the cell crashed open, slamming off the wall, with enuf nose to wake the dead.
“Good to see your all up, as to day we see what your all made of”, spax sneered.
Two other dogs flanked him. Blood and Dice. Xor and any other dog would be waiting for them in the training aier, or would be meeting them half way.
So... it was time.
Shade perked her ears and sat down, waiting as Spax entered the room.
Dice and Blood entered as well; she suddenly realised her heart began to pound faster as she saw Blood. The image of her dream came back to her, but she dismissed it. That was a DREAM. Nothing but a dream. Whatever it had been that had made Blood look attractive in her head, was not reality. The real Blood didn't give a damn about anyone...
She turned her ears back, and waited.
Humans then walked in behind them going to each cage looking in making notes on bords, one going to the computer typing things in, checking stats on the screen of each wolf. The collars giving them live info on there condition.
Mistress stood in the door way watching as the three other humans did there work. Her eyes were alight with excitement. Her clawed hand tapping her braclet in a menacing way. The three humans happy with the condition of the wolves nodded to the mistress then left.
“Right my pets”, she said, spax interpritating for her.
“Today is your real day in this place, show me I didn’t waste my money on you”, and with that she hit a button on her bracelet and the back of the cages screeched open showing there crates.
The mistress... Shade hated to see her. She felt like backing down again when she saw her, but she refused to give into that feeling. No more weakness. Not showing fear, not even to HER.

As the cages opened once more, revealing the crates, Shade knew what was expected of her.
She sighed and turned. No use making a fuss about it.... she hated the cramped space, that always made her slightly claustrofobic. But it had to be done. She had to go.

Without hassle, she walked in and sat down in her cage, waiting for the door to close. She eyed the dogs; Dice was grinning as he watched them all. The bastard.
The door came down and locked her in the crate; it was time....

She was silent as the crate moved, and all the different, confusing feelings of being pushed, being in a lift and being taken to the training room overcame her. She just sat it out, her ears turned backwards. What else could she do...?

She took deep breaths. She wanted to stay calm. She wanted to stay strong. The fear for what was coming, the fear for the crate, she pushed it all away. There was no time for it now.... she couldn't give in to it...

She suddenly realised, with a shock, that she hadn't even looked at George this morning. How would he be..? Would he be awake...?
She concentrated on that thought, to keep her mind of what was coming. But it didn't work long...

Suddenly, they arrived.
This room was similar to the fighting arina but instead of being round it was squer. The size of half a football pitch. Again infront of each crate was a door, so wolves could be let out. Behind the crates stood humans that were walking away with crates with wolves in them, or doing work taking down notes wile watching, and ovesly Spax and the others were there.
The room felt dark and sinister the scent of blood and death very clear in the air. Stains covered the floor and walls, and it was very fresh.

Instead of spectators watching from all sides the walls were blank but for one large window but behind it no one was there, well no human any way. One monster was thow, the huge mass of Darcia was looking down at them a smile on his handsom face.

Mistress was talking with some humans.
As the cover was removed from her crate, Shade's eyes needed a moment to adjust to her surroundings. She then took in every detail, just to have something to do.
Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Darcia; why was that MONSTER here?! Hopefully, he wouldn't be part of training....

“Right welcome to training, this is were we see if you worth keeping alive, or worth keeping around as play things”, he said.
“you muts are lucky to be here only the best trainers and wolves get to use this training falsity”.

“Awere first event of the day is called the light run and as none of you haver ever done it, Eight here will be awere test subject”, he said sneering at him. Eights door slid open and he walked out on to the training floor. Finale he was able to get down to business.
She tried to forget about Darcia. Instead, she focussed on what she heard. 'The light run'. So... it was about speed, it seemed. Speed, fast turns, jumping and turning, most likely. Her best thing. That was at least a LITTLE hopeful... she had feared to be thrown in a pit and fight a dog, or wolf, and the winner would just go on to the next... training like that. But it seemed this was thought out... humans truly wished to test them. It was a bit of relief... and, at the same time, worrying on it's own. After all... it wasn't clear yet what the humans wanted from them.
Eight looked down at the floor, testing it slightly and as he did a square of light just big enough for him to stand in light up. It was extremely bright and dazzled him for a moment, thow he didn’t show it.
He looked back up at spax waiting to hear what this crap was all about. Spax mearly smiled.

The light went out, and as it did Eights collar awoke giving him a shoke that was enough to make his legs crumble from under him. Eight didn’t snare or retaliate just shut his eyes wile it happened that got back to his paws. It had been a quick sharp shoke nothing to bad.

“better stay on the light”, spax said simple.
Shade growled softly. OUCH... couldn't they just TELL what was expected?
Well, it was clear now... she was glad she wasn't the first one to do this. The thought of being shocked again made her shiver slightly; she hated that feeling so bad....
The light reapered then started to dart off along the floor the squear light up three at a time making a sort of trail.
Eight got the jist instantly as long as he stayed on the light he was ok, if he could keep up and got left behind he would get shocked. It was a speed and immovability test.

He chast after it, it darted left and right, with out any warning. Then out of no were it jump a squear, he didn’t have enuf time to jump it. A shock cracked throw him, his legs went and he hit the ground at fall speed rolling, he skidded back on his paws, his face the same as always. The lights didn’t stop he kept going.
Shade watched; her eyes could easily keep up with the unpredictable light. She realised she would indeed do well at this test... but how long would it go on? Where would it stop? Would the humans try to exhaust them... and what would happen then?

Poor Eight... he was much bigger and heavier then she was, and in bad condition. He had already been in bad condition when she met him... but now, after the last fight, it was even worse..
His face was still unreadable his eyes set on his task, but his body was starting to shout at him, as always he ignored it, his body would fail before he did.
Now his body was screaming, his breaths coming in short ragged gasps his sight was starting to blur his muscles felt like lead.
His left leg with the Triple Eight brand gave out from under him, he slammed into the ground again the lights running away from him as he did. This time the shock hit him for longer and stronger. His back arched his eyes shut, teeth clenched but not beared. No sound came from him no snarl or yelp, it was creepy nothing.
Shade watched the amazing preformance Eight put up. And when he finally gave in... they shocked him bad.
She turned her ears down. So... no matter how well they did... they'd still be shocked. Why even bother doing it, then?
But she knew better then to refuse. Humans would surely have something even worse in store for those not cooperating....
“Is that it Eight is that all you have to show, maybe I should give you some insentive maybe another pup would help you, GET UP”, he snarled.
And Eight, indeed, got up again. Shade perked her ears as he continued, going on and on... ignoring his exhaustion and pain.

Her eyes strayed to Mistress; she seemed damned pleased with herself. Eight was doing well, it seemed. Well, at this test, she would surely please her as well. But... what about the other tests?
She sighed; this was going to be a busy day... no doubt.

Dice was sitting patiently, grinning. But he only watched Eight with a half eye. He knew the wolf was amazing... one of the few wolves he respected around this place. But it where the females he was really interested in.

Spax was already walking up to Cardinal's cage, talking to her. Dice turned his ears slightly back. It was so sad that she was a favourite of the Mistress... he actually had a thing for her. But then again... the things you can't have always looked more appealing.. they always sparked his interest the most. He grinned to himself. Who knows, maybe he'd get his way with her after all, sooner or later...

His eyes then turned to Tsuna. The young boy was watching too, and Dice wondered how he would do himself. He sure had a mouth on him, ensuring them all that he had what it took...
He took a beating by Darcia yesterday. Dice had already heard about that... and the way the boy had defended himself. Admirable...

His eyes then strayed to Shade's cage.
She was the smallest of the group... and probably fast. She was expected to do fine at this test... Hm, that'd be a bit of a downer. He didn't want her to get to certain about herself. That would work against the plan he had with her...
He licked his lips. Oh yes... SHE would at least be his, sooner or later... he'd make sure of that. She'd be his toy...
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 12-11-2010 20:41

A rumble sounded from some were over head.
“thunder”, he said to him self more then any thing.
She flinched not at the thunder, but at the sound of his voice. She'd been awake for a while now, and watched Tsuna and Shade get to their feet. Cardinal wondered what the agenda would be for the day, how they would be trained. She expected some sort of test of their skill, but which ones? It seemed to her that they all had some promise of speed, and Tsuna of strength... and Eight had been there before, so no doubt the humans knew what he was capable of. So then... would they be running? Her ears flicked back and forth absently as she pondered how the day would go, and as the minutes passed, she fell deeper and deeper into her thoughts...

Until the rattle of food came.

The smells were different this time. Each bowl seemed to have a different concoction. Hers smelled... almost good. She looked at the bowl of kibble for a while, then finally grew tired of craning her neck and walked over, sniffing curiously. Yes, it smelled much better than that tasteless junk from before. It wasn't the aroma of fresh meat, but it was definitely appetizing after a long night without food. She took an experimental bite, and was somewhat disappointed by the taste. It tasted a bit like trout, but then a bit like some other kind of meat... poultry.... maybe red meat. But it had a bitter bite at the end that made her cringe. She took another bite, taking enough time to savor the first tastes but not allowing the bitterness to grip her taste buds. She ate quickly, not knowing that the purpose of her meal was to add shine to her coat while adding muscle to her mass.

As she finished, Jack made his little comment without drawing any sort of reaction from her. The rat was just a sidenote to her now - an ally when she needed one, a fairytale when she didn't. And she didn't need anyone today.

Cardinal was ready for anything they threw at her.
Then with out warning the door of the cell crashed open, slamming off the wall, with enuf nose to wake the dead.
“Good to see your all up, as to day we see what your all made of”, spax sneered.
Two other dogs flanked him. Blood and Dice. Xor and any other dog would be waiting for them in the training aier, or would be meeting them half way.
The red wolf looked up with very little emotion, unamused by the dogs that morning. Too early to care, perhaps.

Blood, too, was somewhat melancholy at the moment, a thing evident as he sat down on the right side of the doorway as the humans filed in. True, he'd had a spectacular night - first of sexual pleasure and then of casual conversation (a strange but possible combination). But today was different. It was another one of those days that they watched the new wolves get accustomed to the rules, as well as getting the hell shocked out of them. The first few times Blood had the opportunity to watch this, he'd been very pleased. But the events quickly lost their luster until now it was just another day. Besides, Shade was running today...


Why was he being so sensitive? It was just a wolf. He chanced a glance at her and noticed something different in her eyes. Still resentment, but for something else. He stared at her quizzically, but said nothing. He hadn't seen her all night... What could she possibly have against him now? Eight seemed in a similar mood, except this was directed at Spax. But soon enough all four of them were filing into their transport cages, and thus they began the walk to the training arena. He made it a point to follow Shade's cage more closely than did Dice. He didn't trust that bastard. Not by a long shot.

Cardinal, in the meantime, was fidgeting severely. She wanted out of these blasted cages. Even if it was to fight, she needed to run, DO something. Hopefully this wouldn't be a waste of her time...

And it wasn't. The arena they entered was not that much different than the fighting arena, except that it was a different shape. And it was dark. Too dark. Cardinal kept very still, as if when she moved there would be dire consequences.
“Right welcome to training, this is were we see if you worth keeping alive, or worth keeping around as play things”, he said.
“you muts are lucky to be here only the best trainers and wolves get to use this training falsity”.
Darcia. A look of loathing crossed her muzzle as she stared at him. He just HAD to be there, didn't he... No matter. She returned her eyes to the arena. He, like Jack, was a sidenote. A nightmare. None of her concern at the moment.
“Awere first event of the day is called the light run and as none of you haver ever done it, Eight here will be awere test subject”, he said sneering at him. Eights door slid open and he walked out on to the training floor. Finale he was able to get down to business.

The floor felt strange under his paw, it had good grip but felt cold and it wasn’t steel. Eight looked down at it, testing it slightly and as he did a square of light just big enough for him to stand in light up. It was extremely bright and dazzled him for a moment, thow he didn’t show it.
He looked back up at spax waiting to hear what this crap was all about. Spax mearly smiled.

The light went out, and as it did Eights collar awoke giving him a shoke that was enough to make his legs crumble from under him. Eight didn’t snare or retaliate just shut his eyes wile it happened that got back to his paws. It had been a quick sharp shoke nothing to bad.

“better stay on the light”, spax said simple.

The light reapered then started to dart off along the floor the squear light up three at a time making a sort of trail.
Eight got the jist instantly as long as he stayed on the light he was ok, if he could keep up and got left behind he would get shocked. It was a speed and immovability test.
"I see..."

Cardinal didn't have to watch for very long to figure out what was expected. Stay on the light path and there was no shock. Leave it, and there would be consequences. Interesting.

But she wasn't watching for very long before Spax found her again. And again, the same question: had she thought about the offer. She glanced at him with less of a loathing look than she had for Darcia, but loathing just the same.

"It's always the same with you. Yes, I have thought about your damn offer. No, I have not even CONSIDERED Darcia's."

The last was a complete lie. Although she resented the fact that she might have to give herself up for Darcia's offer, there was a guarantee that she would get what she wanted in a pup. Or so he said. So yes, she had considered it, but by no means was she ready to make that kind of decision.

Her throat pained her slightly, and she paused, watching Eight continue to struggle through the course.

"And again, I answer with a question of my own: what the hell do you want me to do?"


As soon as Eight fell the first time, Blood hopped up onto Shade's crate for a better view. Besides, this would make it easier to keep Dice away from her. He wouldn't dare screw with her in front of him. But to his surprise Dice seemed to have eyes for Cardinal. He chuffed quietly, wondering if Spax would have the same reaction that he himself was having. After watching Spax talk to Cardinal for a few minutes, he looked back at the arena and began to watch Eight move about. He was truly more agile than he looked, but he had a long way to go... He glanced at Shade.

"I imagine you're disgusted by this."

It was a matter-of-fact tone. He really didn't care one way or another what she thought about it - it wouldn't change the fact that she'd be running in a few minutes either way. But he hated silence almost as much as he hated Dice. Almost.
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 19-11-2010 06:15

sorry for extreme lateness guys. school work + stress + online and irl drama = not a very muse filled silver OTL; ]]]

On top of feeling rather crappy this "fine" morning, it all continued to slowly go downhill when the sound of booming thunder erupted from the skies outside, and the flash of lightning streaked across the tainted clouds above... Not like they could see it anyways. Still, the scenerio felt photogenic in Tsuna's mind. Perhaps that was a good thing? his ears perked, twitching. The sounds... he could almost feel himself smelling the faint scent of the rain that hit against the building, providing that musky scent. But alas, the picture fainted from his vision when the sound of food had been placed down for himself and his cage mates.

Bleh... this food. He took one sniff of it and his brow furrowed and his nose twitched. He had a grim look on his face, but he proceeded to eat the food nonetheless. He wanted to become stronger, and so he would. He had to take this like a man. Still, with each bite, it became harder and harder to swallow. The first swallow was like paste. He could barely get it down let alone be able to breathe afterwards, smacking his lips together like he'd just tasted a bad case of peanut butter.

As he had eaten breakfast, it took a whole lot of amount to finish, and when he was done he wiped his maw and pushed away the bowl as far as it could go before his stomach rumbled. That food did not go well with him. Shit.

His ears had perked however when the door opened, and in came humans ... and Spax. That damned wolfdog mutt... Tsuna lowered his head a moment, eyes staring at Spax with disgust before his ears flickered anxiously. Today was the day... He half listened to what the misstress had to say, but all the more groaned as Spax translated for them. Great. It was time to show what he and the others were made of. Half of him felt anxiety, but who wouldn't? It was just like when hew as put into the large area, the wolves around him scared just as he was, but when put to the test they had instantly lunged, attacked, and realized just what kind of animals they had become in order to survive this place.

As the covers went over their cage once all of them had entered the crates, Tsuna gulped. What were they going to be told to do? There could have been so many different options... his mind was reeling. The scent went from musk to earth... wet, dampness all around. The sounds of footsteps all around made Tsuna hesitate at first, before he lifted his maw. A cavern...? Was that what they were travelling through?

As the covers had then been pulled off, Tsuna's eyes squinted before he inspected the scene ahead of him. The room was square patterned, and rather large just like the arena. The scent was the same here now; the scent of rust mixed with wolf's blood.

From the corner of Tsuna's eyes he saw the others there then, besides Blood and Dice, there was Xor. The big wolfdog was rather silent, his eyes staring at all who had just entered. He glanced to Tsuna once before making himself look to the rest. He licked his lips. And grumbled a bit as Spax had spoken. "Tch. We should have let them find out for themselves what this test is all about. If they're smart they'd catch on rather quick." he said roughly.

The task was simple. To stay on the light. If you didn't? Tsuna watched carefully what happened to Eight. A shock. This actually almost sent a small heart beat jump, racing across his chest, startled. He watched the pattern, the light mostly going left and right, left and right, until suddenly the course of it had changed. The shocks proceeded into Eight's body, and Tsuna winced once as the wolf fell to the ground. Eight had gotten up however, recovering and continued. Tsuna could barely believe his eyes... He gulped. Would he be able to do this..?

All the while watching Triple Eight go Tsuna's mind reeled. Would he be able to stand the heat here..? And if he didn't.. was this the place where he would die?

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Post by Leo » 20-11-2010 22:26

Eight hit the Deck again shocks raging throw his body, still he didn’t yelp or growl just shut his eyes waiting for it to pass. He wasn’t impressed with his proformce it was disgraceful in his eyes, but not unexspected thanks to his condision.
He tried to get up again to run on, his left leg shock vilontly the pain screaming to his brain. His brand was on fire, bleeding again, his neck was raw. He got to his paws again looking up straight on his breaths deep, his eyes firce face blank as ever.

The mistress was standing oppasit him she was smiling very happy. She was pleased with his proformce he still had his fire, he would be great fighter and she bet he would help ither directly or indircly with the others.

The lights he was standing on didn’t move just stayed still humming. Eight took a step followed on his right leg, showing his human masters that he wouldn’t stop even if it would kill him he wouldn’t stop. He went to take a step on his front left leg and it shock the whole time and when he put his weight back down on it, he stumbled.

“fuck”, he thought he hated HATED his brand it was is aklies heal.

The mistress smile winded and she pointed back to his crate, he didn’t move for a moment then turned and walked back to his crate. He forced him self to not limp, he walked normaly. But it was costing him a lot a hell of a lot in enagy and controle.

He got back into his crate and layed down, the door slamming shut behind him.

He layed there panting, he would be ok in a wile, his brand would settle down and he would be ready for the next exsersize.
Mistress then turned her green eyes on shade, she was exspecting a good proformce from her she was all speed, she would more then likely be better then Eight as he was in such a state.

Spax watched Eight fall and finale get back to his crate, good that was pleasing to see that. he saw that his mistress was pleased as well, even better.
“not bad Eight but is that all you got really?”, he said over the others to eight, who looked over at him eyes dead and blank but a stillness falling over his body.

Spax mearly chuckled.

“You ready girly, don’t upset awere mistress other wise il rember what you and blacklight were talking about and make good of my word”, he said with a very dangeros look in his eyes and a cold venom in his voice, he was still standing next to Cardinal crate, business was first then he would talk to her about the deatals.

The crate door screeched open and the lights came on.

"It's always the same with you. Yes, I have thought about your damn offer. No, I have not even CONSIDERED Darcia's."

“Watch your tone, my mistress might like you but dosent mean you can talk shit to me”, he said in the same voice he had used on shade.
He wasn’t up for crap from any wolf, and he never was, there were still ranks to matain regardless of what was being talked about.

"And again, I answer with a question of my own: what the hell do you want me to do?"

He looked at her, his eyes not as cold but more of a serching look as if to see if she would indeed be what his mistress what her to be, to see if she was willing. He saw her cold eyes her scars, are determnasion and her desprasion for a pup again.

“I want you to prove to me that you want what my mistress offers, the chance for a pup in return for your servivse to her, you would be like me working but one difference being that you would spend more time by her side, as I am to busy to do that”, he said quitly to her.

“And to prove to me that you are willing to do that I want you to show it”, he said fixing her with a now very seros look.

“you will no what I mean when the time comes, but the queston is how bady do you want this pup and a rank with power, you haven’t showed me much commitment yet, with all your trash talking”, he was watching what was going on in the arina wile talking to her now, his face side on to her crate.

As he spoke a human walked over to mistress holding something in his arms, it was a tiny little pup it was mostly black but with a white head and paws. She took it and held it up in front of her face inspecting it, paw size, build and weight.
She looked resonble happy with it. Her eyes traviled then to Cardinal as she held it now to her chest scratching it behind the ears. Its eyes were open and it was fumbling around, trying to chew on her fingers.

Spax watched then looked back at Cardinal to.

“that one belonged to the mother Eight killed, one of the pups she had thought she had lost, a lucky one”, he informed her.

Then a something cort his eye and he looked over at the door into the training aier.
Another wolf dog mix had just strod in. one dog that had been walking past stair at her trying to catch her eye and in the prosses walked straight into his masters leg who wasint impressed.

Jolene looked at the sene in front of her. 4 wolves one in the light run, spax, blood and dice present along with a lot of no-bodys. She smiled and flicked her tail. She was stunningly beautiful, slim well built, strong toned body, with elgant lines. Soft clean coat, strong brown eyes. She was one of the few female dogs that wasn’t a breeding machin. No male with brains messed with her, what she laked in mucle she made up for in cunning, ice cold cure bit and her stunning body, it had taken her a long time to clame her spot in the peaking order and she had fought hard to get it, a lot of males had lost there balls to her jaws. She often was a partner to the spax, blood and dice when she was up for it. But she was here to see what all the fuss was about with the newbies. Eight she new about, but the others girls and one boy she was keen to meet.

She trotted elegantly over to Spax first.
“how are they coming along”, she said her voice as beautiful as her looks, she could change it from soft, seductive, firce and cold. Any thing she wanted it to be. At the moment it was serios and to the point, they were at work.

She looked at Cardinal over, she like her females and her males as much as the other, she wasn’t to picky, and this one was a good looking one.
She smiled at her not in a horrbal way just a smile, before looking back at spax.

“well at the moment”, he said shortly.
Getting the hint she nodded and trotted off stopping at the young male wolfs cage, he looked nerves and exstremly cute to her.

“You ok sweetie”, she said in a soft careing tone.
She wanted them to do well to inpress the mistress. Her goal was to one day move up from the ever day working dogs to one of her dogs, it would get the dirt males off her back, she was getting fed up tearing balls off, when a new dog pushed his luck, she was looking for rank.
And to do that she needed to work for the mistresses intrests.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 20-11-2010 23:32

Shade wasn't too surprised as Blood approached, hopping on top of her crate with ease. But she didn't think much of it; she took the fact that he took her crate to sit on as sheer coincedence. It could have been anyone's crate...

She ignored him, at first... but felt her heart pound faster once again.

*No. Focus.* She said to herself, silently. *FOCUS.* And she kept her eyes on Eight, who had to be completely exhausted by now....
"I imagine you're disgusted by this."
As Blood spoke, she looked up, trying to see him.

- ''Disgusted... no. I know what it's like around here, by now. But I'm... confused.''
For the first time, her voice wasn't hostile. She seriously answered him, thereby giving him a glance into her thoughts and confusion.

She hesitated; why was she sharing her thoughts and feelings with him? Maybe he'd think of it as weakness again. She was making herself to volunerable even talking to him! But then again... she needed to talk to SOMEBODY.

She was suddenly painfully aware of Blood's presence above her. His scent, the warmth of his body so near. And even though she refused to show it, she suddenly felt a deep longing to touch someone.
Maybe, even with all the torture around here, the lack of touching another living being was the hardest to her. She needed it; she had been used to living in a pack, with the little social nuzzles, the curling up together to sleep... and being all alone in a cell most of the time, with nothing but concrete floors and metal bars, was one of the worst things they could do to her.

And... the lack of social chitchat, mostly because of everyone's exhaustion last night, wasn't doing her much good either. She was becoming lonely, even being amongst the others. She needed social interaction.... as much as breathing. And now that Blood had given her an opening to interact with him, she realised she took it gladly.

At the same time, Dice didn't miss how Blood seemed to stay around Shade all the time. He had seen how he had followed her crate as she was moved to the training room... and now, the dobermann had chosen position on top of her crate once again, being with her, talking to her...
His eyes narrowed slightly. Hmm... he seemed so determined to stay near her. Why? It's not like HE could get to her right now...

He couldn't remember Blood taking such a special interest in a wolf before... Shade was no different then any other bitch, in his eyes.
He felt a grin curl around his maw. Somehow, this girl meant something to him. Probably professionally, or so he assumed. But still... it'd be great to tense him up a little about it. Just as he had planned... fuck his girl. Just for the hell of it. Just to annoy and anger him. See what would happen...
But he'd be careful about it. Not challenge him openly... the dobermann would kick his ass if he did. Even being a good trainer, he couldn't take on a speedfighter champ...

But unaware of all of it, Shade continued her conversation with Blood.

''I... don't understand something.'' She perked her ears; Blood had to know the answer. ''He runs until he can't no more... then he gets shocked and squeezes out the very last energy left. But.. will they keep doing that, even if he doesn't get up anymore?'' She sighed, and looked back at Eight. ''I mean... what's the use if you get punished for working 'till you drop?''

But before she could await his answer, and get the much needed information... Things happend quickly.
The light stopped as Eight gave in. And as he did, much of her question was actually answered. It WOULD stop, at some point.. it WOULD cease...
He was send back to his crate.... and with a shock, she saw Mistress's eyes travelling towards her.

Mistress then turned her green eyes on shade, she was exspecting a good proformce from her she was all speed, she would more then likely be better then Eight as he was in such a state.

Spax watched Eight fall and finale get back to his crate, good that was pleasing to see that. he saw that his mistress was pleased as well, even better.
“not bad Eight but is that all you got really?”, he said over the others to eight, who looked over at him eyes dead and blank but a stillness falling over his body.

Spax mearly chuckled.

“You ready girly, don’t upset awere mistress other wise il rember what you and blacklight were talking about and make good of my word”, he said with a very dangeros look in his eyes and a cold venom in his voice, he was still standing next to Cardinal crate, business was first then he would talk to her about the deatals.

The crate door screeched open and the lights came on.

Shade felt a shiver run down her spine at Spax's words, but chose to refuse even looking at him, refused to aknowledge him. She knew she was showing him disrespect with it, but for a moment, she didn't care.

Instead, she stepped out of her cage. She threw a quick looking at Blood over her shoulder, and then walked up to her spot.

She gulped, but showed no other signs of her fear as she stepped into the spotlight.
She was ready... ready to go. Her feet tapped the floor lightly, getting her muscles ready.


And with that, the light suddenly shot away. Shade darted with it, following it, making it almost look easy. Her body flowed with her movements in an amazing, elegant way.
The light shot from left to right, even made sharp turns... as Shade showed her skills.
She was great at this. Her small, slender body turned and twisted with remarkable ease, her feet so fast that they hardly seemed to touch the ground for the ones looking.

But Shade, absolutely focussed on what she was doing, felt how hard this actually was. The light was finicky, unpredictable, unthrustworthy. It did things she couldn't expect... much like an enemy, perhaps. She often had to force her body to turn faster then she liked, which could easily affect her accuracy. But she managed.

Dice narrowed his eyes as he watched her.
She was doing GOOD... FAR tó good, in his opinion, especially for an untrained newbie. He had never seen a new wolf doing this good...
Damned bitch. He didn't want her to get too certain of herself. She had to be shown how weak she was... how puny, compared to the others... he had to DO something...

But at that moment, he was suddenly distracted.... by the arrival of Jolene.


He licked his lips, but he didn't look the same way at her as he did at other females. He respected her for what she was, even though it had took him a while to learn to do so.
He didn't knew her too well, but he wanted to know her BETTER... he still remembered the beating she had given him that one time he had dared to make a cheeky remark at her. She wasn't to be messed with... yet, she could be oodles of fun. He knew she sometimes offered herself to the guys... and he hoped it would be his turn soon.
Damn... she was SO fine!

But to his dissapointment, she went straight up to Spax... to inspect the wolves.

*Puh...* He thought, grumbling to himself, looking back at Shade's preformance. *Not my lucky day, it seems...*
And the sight of Shade's lightrun didn't make him much happier.

Shade was still dancing with it, running, spinning, turning. She had been out there for 15 minutes already... and still going strong.


Shade heard the human voice, but had no idea what they where saying... but she suddenly FELT it. The light darted away from her like a rabbit about to be given the deathbite; the last, adrenaline-filled sprint an animal in mortal peral would give. The sprint that often saved their lives.

She forced herself to go on, to follow. But it was becoming increasingly harder... and even though she managed to follow it a good five minutes, it suddenly shot in an unexpected direction... leaving her, litterally, in the dark.

The shock that hit her seemed to be way worse then any shock she had experienced before; her adrenaline-filled body seemed to make it hurt twice as bad. She slammed to the ground, twitching, but it didn't last long. Almost panicing, she took an amazing leap, jumping back into the spotlight and went with it once more.

But the shock had affected her focus.

It didn't take long before she missed it again. And once again, the shock smashed her to the ground, her legs stiff and twitching.
She hated this feeling more then anything. She wanted it to STOP... she would do ANYTHING to make it STOP....
She knew she had to come round quickly, that she didn't have time to recover from it. She had to go on... go on, make sure this wouldn't happen again... make sure they had no reason to torture her with it once more...

Her own thought gave her the power to get up once more as the shocking ceased; she leaped back into the light and showed what she was really made off, imagining the light was a prey, something she needed badly, something that could save her life...

One minute...
Five minutes...

She had been out there for thirty minutes already, doing double speed for a good ten minutes. She was becoming tired; her heart pounded like mad. She was untrained, and though extremely good at this, she didn't have the stamina yet. Still, she knew she was doing well. It couldn't be that they where dissapointed with her... she was sure of it. It HAD to be good...

She panted heavily; her tongue swung from left to right as she darted after that light, her feet hitting the target each time, going on and on as she lost sense of time completely...

Her breathing became different; a wheezing, rasking sound began to echo through the chamber. It was getting hard to breath. But she didn't give in....

Bloody foam began to form at the corners of her mouth. She had bitten her tongue, somewhere along the way, but hadn't even noticed. She almost choked in her own blood, making her breathing even more noisy as she almost choked. She tried to swallow it away and gasped for more air, but still didn't give in as minute after minute went by....

Her legs began to tremble in exhaustion, she had trouble focussing on the right spot as she followed the light. But she still managed....

She suddenly let out a snarl, mostly to force herself to keep it going, to go on.
She had been out for fourty minutes already, not realising how increadibly long she was lasting, especially at this speed....

Her heart seemed to drum so fast that it seemed about to burst out of her chest. Her legs weakened and her vision became blurry as she couldn't get enough oxygen in her lungs.
And still, she went on... and on...

''STOP. Before she kills herself.''

The light stopped; Shade skidded, and her exhausted body collapsed on the spot, in the light.
She fell to her side with a thud, without a hint of elegance, completely exhausted. Her whole body pumped and pumped at her fast breading, the rasking sound echoing through the room, her mouth wide open, her tongue laying on the floor, but her green eyes wide open.

She knew she had done well....

It took her a full minute to get up; she tried a few times, but fell back to the ground each time. She had strained herself too much, she has asked everything she could from her body. Then, she finally got back on her shaking legs, and dragged herself to her cage, and collapsed in it.

It was done....

She wondered what Mistress would say.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 21-11-2010 06:00

''Disgusted... no. I know what it's like around here, by now. But I'm... confused.''
Well that was surprising.
Blood looked down at her, amazed by the fact that she wasn't being actively hostile to him. Maybe she'd just figured out that it was no use to fight with dogs on the other side of the bars. He forced himself to believe that - and even as he did so his eyes wandered over to where Spax and Cardinal were talking. They both had sour looks on their faces. He smirked slightly. Not all wolves learned that lesson so quickly, but that condition rarely ever took hold of females so quickly. Usually they were scared little mice. Not the red one though. She meant business. Something like the little male - Tsuna, right? - except less hormonal and more like wisdom. Wisdom. They needed more of that around. At some point he looked away from them and back at the ring, where Eight had gone down again. Just another day at the "park..."

"So we're talking nice now, hm? ... Well I'll just have to humor you and hope you don't try to bite my balls off... What are you confused about?"
''I... don't understand something.'' She perked her ears; Blood had to know the answer. ''He runs until he can't no more... then he gets shocked and squeezes out the very last energy left. But.. will they keep doing that, even if he doesn't get up anymore?'' She sighed, and looked back at Eight. ''I mean... what's the use if you get punished for working 'till you drop?''
The doberman rolled his eyes a bit. Silly girl.

"It does stop, eventually. Humans aren't as innately evil as they might seem to you - see?"

He motioned to the ring. The light had stopped as Eight tried to give his last bit of energy into his training. Apparently that pleased his Mistress, who motioned to his cage. Blood watched as the massive fighter retreated soundly into his quarters. Throughout this the doberman remained entirely uninterested... until the next runner had been decided.


He sat up quite suddenly, then went rigid, realizing that he had shown his surprise. Stupid stupid STUPID! He couldn't play it off now, so he loosened up and just sat there, listening as Spax spoke to the little wolf below him. He didn't growl or bristle at his words - Spax always talked like that to newbies. As his friend, Blood knew that quite well. He did look at the wolfdog with a serious look on his face, but he turned away as Shade took off.

She had... serious speed. It seemed to him that she had become even faster than she had been when he had fought her. Now, just with that speed, she could be a more interesting fight for him. But not his match. Not yet. But she would be...

Cardinal, in the meantime, was livid.
“Watch your tone, my mistress might like you but dosent mean you can talk shit to me”, he said in the same voice he had used on shade.
She was pissed now, but she managed to hold her anger in. How dare he--! Taking a deep breath, Cardinal fought the urge to snap back at him. After a few more breaths, she proceeded to adopt a more maleable attitude.

"... Excuse me, then. But you have to give respect to get it. And I don't mean this business... stuff."

That wasn't what she wanted to say, but it would do. And that would be the end of that conversation. The look he gave her then made her self-concious. It was a searching look, the kind that someone gave you when they were trying to read your mind. Suddenly, she felt violated. She looked back at him with an angry - but not furious - intensity fitting of someone who doesn't like to be looked at that way.
“I want you to prove to me that you want what my mistress offers, the chance for a pup in return for your servivse to her, you would be like me working but one difference being that you would spend more time by her side, as I am to busy to do that”, he said quitly to her.

“And to prove to me that you are willing to do that I want you to show it”, he said fixing her with a now very seros look.

“you will no what I mean when the time comes, but the queston is how bady do you want this pup and a rank with power, you haven’t showed me much commitment yet, with all your trash talking”, he was watching what was going on in the arina wile talking to her now, his face side on to her crate.
So basically she would have his job, with the "honor" of staying with the Mistress. Well then. That didn't sound too bad. Not bad at all. But she worried about the others. How would they fare without such a planned course of action? She looked back at the ring. Shade was doing well. Very well. Maybe she'd be okay after all. Eight would no doubt be back to his old self in no time, and Tsuna... He was a strong boy, both in body and spirit. He would do fine, in time. So what was stopping her?

Right about that time, Shade bit it, the shock nearly visible in the dark. But she took up the "chase" again. And kept going. And going. And all the while, Cardinal was thinking. Not about this deal but about other things, trying to get her mind off of this, because as soon as Shade began feverishly running along she realized that it would soon be her turn. Time to show what she was made of. Inwardly, she hoped whatever she was made of hadn't turned into moss and butterflies and rabbit fluff during the short time she had been imprisioned. Somewhere in her conciousness she noticed a female nearby, but she ignored her. Focus...

And just like that, it was over. The light stopped and Shade collapsed, and Cardinal stood up, hoping that Shade hadn't been exhausted too much, maybe to the point of dying...

But Shade was still alive. Cardinal watched her try to get up... and fall again. She whined, concerned for the younger female.

"Come on, girl."

She said it loud enough for Shade to hear, but she doubted that it made any difference. In time Shade made it to her cage...

And the door on her's went up.


She said it before she knew she had. She took a deep breath. Another. And looked at Spax.

"It's a deal then. I'll do my best, give the Mistress what she wants... and you get me what I want."

And with that she stepped into the light. For one long moment, all was still. Cardinal waited for what seemed like an eternity, honing herself, bracing her muscles. One long, hard run. Nothing unusual for someone of her experience, but in such strange patterns... This was going to be the run of her life. Come on, come on..


Almost on cue, the light danced forward, and she went after it. The squares lit up like a trail, jumping this way and that. She wasn't as graceful as Shade, not as fluid. But she used her muscles with a precision that called forth only just enough energy to keep going. No access energy. None. She promised herself that. At first, following the trail was easy - the turns were few and far between. But then they came more often. And more often. And at one point she turned on her own trail in a complete circle twice in a row in a span of five seconds. By that time the red wolf was panting, but still showed an attentive determination.

She wasn't going down so easily, not now.

Blood had jumped down from his perch and was alternating in watching Shade and watching Cardinal. He was concerned for the little earthen female. She'd run amazingly well for someone without training. In time she'd be fantastic. In the meantime, the other female was showing less speed but more strength and precision. Definitely not a canidate for the Speed Fights, but maybe... He shook his head. She wouldn't stand a chance against the biggest fighters, but maybe against the smaller heavies like himself and Spax. It was true, she showed promise, but she would have to really prove herself to get to the top. Until then, he turned his eyes back to Shade.

"You did good, if that means anything. You need practice, but..."

He stopped. She probably just wanted quiet.
She earned that request. His attention was reverted to Cardinal, who was still going.

She was panting still, and slowly tiring. Very slowly.

Damn these turns! she thought, barely making it around a sharp u-turn in the middle of the arena. It was like her dream. Her lungs felt like she was dying, but she was unable to die. Her determination was too strong for that.

Twenty minutes now. A human said it. She wondered what it meant.

The shock of her life came not a second later, and it wasn't even from her collar.
The light had been going on, as usual, except that it was going remarkably straight. Too straight. She'd noticed it a second too late. Suddenly the light stopped... and went back the opposite way, without turning onto a different track. The next moment was like in slow motion. She couldn't skid to a stop. That would send her flying out into the dark. NO! She couldn't do that to herself! So she used a trick that she had invented herself back in her early days. As she came to the last lit square, she put her left forefoot as far to the left and down as she could. Then she used that point to literally skid around in a 180 degree turn, pushing her back end around and behind her. And as soon as she was in line, she put her right foot down and she was off like a shot again, using no unneeded strength. Just like the first time.

Twenty-five minutes.

She felt her body begin to shut down, but refused to give up. Just a little while longer, she told herself.

Thirty minutes. Thirty-five.

Her heart was beating so quickly she thought it would just stop without warning. She caught a worried glance from a human on the outside who was looking at a box of light. Was she doing something wrong?

Maybe not, but it was all over a second later, and not by her own choosing.

The lights skipped a space.

She was already too far forward to realize it in time, to jump in time. But she realized where she was going to step next. Instead of trying to skid to avoid it, she took it in stride, barreling straight into the dark square simply because she knew she had no other choice.

The proceeding shock was heavy, and it should have sent her reeling, but she just stood there, twitching as it pulled at her tired muscles. Mercifully, it and the light stopped dead a second later. It was quiet. Very quiet. She stood there, panting, shivering.

Thirty-eight minutes. Done.

The light stayed on, though. Without thinking, she stepped toward it. Again. And again. She was halfway there when it went out, and only then did she realize that they expected nothing more from her. Nothing more. She looked at the Mistress, almost hurt. She could still run! ... But in her mind she knew she couldn't. Her body was ready to collapse. So, with nothing more to do, she walked back to her cage, angry at herself for failing at the last second.

As the cage door shut behind her, she wrathfully kicked it with her back paw, the ensuing BANG ringing across the arena.

"Not good enough," she said bitterly, more to herself than to Spax.

She sucked in a breath, held it... then exhaled slowly and leaned against the side of her cage furthest from Spax. She wasn't ready to go down yet, but she was still tired. A warrior does not give up that quickly.

And the fact that they did not let her continue bothered her more than anything.

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Post by Nakisha » 29-11-2010 00:52

Gentle nudge for this one. :) Wouldn't want it to die...
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 03-12-2010 02:17

I'll be back on the 5th of december for RP. If there is no reply here by then, this RP has been idle for 2 weeks.
In that case, I'd like a group-meeting to discuss some things. I seriously do NOT want this RP to die because people loose interest or something... :(
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 05-12-2010 04:46

If it wasn't the nerves that was getting to the boy, it was definately the sheer adrenaline rush that he saw everyone doing. Perhaps that is what got Tsuna so aggitated. Perhaps it was the fact that he witnessed everyone doing something he felt he alone would not be able to face. He could feel beads of sweat drip down the sides of his face, his tongue licking at the now dry lips and gulping the saliva he had to keep himself from feeling sore. This wasn't some kids game like he'd witnessed during the first day he was here, in that room... filled with all of those wolves. He shook his head once. Tsuna needed to stop living in the past. His body felt rigid, like if he didn't stand straight something would happen.

He had observed what needed to be done.

The object was simple. Run for as long as you could.

The only problem? Getting shocked.

First it had been Triple Eight to demonstrate it all. And boy, what a feel that had been. Tsuna watched with slight enthusiasm, occassionally licking his lips once in a while. He felt himself trembling from anticipation. It was obvious he was going last. This gave him a great opportunity to think, watch, replay, and try to plan something. He took note to what everyone was saying, ears moving forward and backward now. He watched as the lights lit up, the pattern seeming to be quite simple. Left, right, left right, backwards, forwards, diagonal. A constant pattern was set, but it seemed to be random every single time you had tried out for it. Maybe if Tsuna studied them long enough he'd be able to figure out where the light would land on.

He watched Shade begin, off to a good start. The minutes that passed seemed like a lifetime, neck craning as he felt his knees lock and his bones scrape against one another in irritation, teeth grit as he swayed side to side in anticipation. He wondered if he could keep up the same time as well... On and on it had gone, and by the time Shade was finished, the timer had stopped at around a good fourty minutes.

Afterward, it was Cardinal to go next. On and on she had went, he watched her dodge as much as she could, sometimes getting shocked or falling, but never truly showing any signs of defeat. He envied her, as much as he had envied Shade. How could they suddenly be able to hold their own? So easily... it looked like they had done it for years. Envy, loathing, hatred began to form in him once more; the inside wishing to rip and tear what he now called as despised wolves. He shook his head, feeling the inner conflict once more. What was he doing? Instead of being good, instead of being someone who cheered his fellow companions on, no, he was sparking with madenning rage. Rage of wondering if he could hold his own. He may have had the strength and the speed, but did he have the will power was the question.

He gulped, tail low before he let out a growl to himself. Mustering up the strength to say something he roared, "C'MON CARDINAL. IS THAT THE BEST YOU'VE GOT?" as he watched her. It was suppose to be more like a sign of encouragement, to continue on. At least, in his ways anyway. He watched as she had ended as well at about fourty minutes. With paws ancy, and hesitation rising, the cage to Tsuna's doors burst to life springing upward, and the sand colored wolf came onto the scene.

Finally, the real test began.

It was time for Tsuna to show what he was truly made of.

He looked around the room, his eyes lying on the others that were spotted around him. Dice, Spax, Xor, Shade, Cardinal, and Triple Eight. His eyes narrowed lightly before he looked to where the dimly lit spot was. Approaching it with caution, he heard Xor snarl, "What are you waiting for boy? GET. ON. THAT. SPOT."

With ears pressed backwards, Tsuna muttered a low grunt before he picked up his pace to a light trot, and having himself stand on top of the bright light made him look around once again, as if to show that he was going to do his best and succeed, surpass all that had gone before him... or at least get to fourty minutes just as everyone else had. For half of it of course was because of his pride and such.

The Mistress seemed to be looking on, perhaps in expectation that he would live up to the expectations like all the rest. Licking his lips, and feeling a bead of sweat run down the side of his face, Tsuna let out a small growl, shaking his fur and cracking his neck before he got into a position, ready to sprint.

"Finally." the grumbling of Xor said before the light instantly moved forward.

Hoping for a good reaction time, as soon as he felt the light underneath him shift he instantly leapt off his paws and found himself back on the light spot. So far so good. It was only quick seconds that Tsuna had time to think let alone react. On and on the lights went. Front, side, across to the left, to the right. Tsuna followed it as best as he could.

Fifteen minutes passed, and he felt his body slowly beginning to work off the disgusting shit he ate earlier. What a nice way to get rid of the after taste eh?

Twenty minutes and Tsuna felt himself panting, his chest heaving as he breathed both inward and outward either from his maw or from his nostrils, legs pumping and eyes alert as his nose twitched every so often. He felt that the pattern of his light trial was something expected, and as he went for the light once more, it had played tricks with him. Like it had done to Triple Eight, it had done to Tsuna.

He felt himself fall on the wrong square, the light diagonal across from him having skipped two steps now, and the surge of electricity coursed through his veins. Eyes squinting shut from the sudden impact, he felt his body twitch in pain as his muscles tightened and his lip quivered. He had to pick himself back up from this as soon as possible, and after picking up his prickling body from the cause of the shock, he leapt right back onto the spot, body shaking as he waited in anticipation for the light to move once more.

Now the real games began. Going at it still, now with the time being at thirty five minutes, Tsuna realized that he had to be much more careful, he had to think on his feet. It was now either one step or two. Perhaps timing it right would be a way of going about things, but Tsuna was too .... /less/ bright than he would have liked to believe.

On and on the game progressed, and Tsuna at this point felt his legs were aching. His lungs were trying to find air to breathe, an escape path out of this exhaustion. Even still, the sand wolf continued his movements, eyes twitching and feeling dizzy after a while, but Tsuna tried to shake it off as he continued. On and on he went, his speed increasing. He felt like from this trial the exercise was actually helping him with his senses. He felt like his dodge rate and evasion had increased even if he was slowly dying from exhaustion by now.

He could only hear a mumbled word from a human, signalizing he had hit another five minute marker. So what did that make him at? He wasn't able to convert wolf times to human, but he figured he was at least at the time that the girls had been too. Wanting to continue, Tsuna went on still, and somehow felt his body now burning. It was a mixture of burning and numbness. Was that even possible? A sickness feeling came over the boy. He wanted to go further, to go faster, to have a time that went over that of the females.

He was a male after all, it should have been that at least Tsuna could get a bit more than they could... Otherwise, where was his true manliness? Where was his manhood then? Progressing onward, he felt his body go to the limit, reaching out to the light. He was at the right square to go to, but somehow his body instantly shut down from complete exhaustion. He felt himself body slam on the wrong panel, his paw only about a few inches away from the designated spot before he felt the electricity surge once again through his body.

It felt like his muscles were being torn, like his insides were lurching. His lungs were captured and taken by hands that wished to choke the very life out of him. Body spazzing, he felt his legs twitching and his maw silently moving in the shape of a howl, but he refrained from any kind of sound. As if gasping for breath, Tsuna found himself lying there after the light died down, and the shocks from the previous square died down as well. Panting, he glanced up to see the wolf dogs staring down at him, and he growled lightly to them.

There was no way in hell he would ever give them his loyalty...

"Misstress," a human called after the paneled floor finally finished "This one finished with a time of 42 minutes 6 seconds." he declared.
Did he do it? Was he able to surpass the females...? Half of him wanted to rejoice, but the other half simpl wished for something more than just batting glance. Lying there, tired, he was forcefully gottn up due to almost being run overed by the other wolf dogs trying to drag his sorry ass away.

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Post by Leo » 06-12-2010 19:47

Spax watched as Shade was highlighted for the next event, after he had said his words top her she darted out and began her run, but he didn’t look at her he kept his eyes on blood. He had just done something very odd, when shade had been called up he had reacted. He knew that he liked her but he had been thinking it was just because he wanted to have her later. Spax knew his friend didn’t like the rape stuff, but that reaction didn’t match with him just wanting to sleep with her, that looked like a shadow of concern, then the serios look he had given him after words. In its self wasn’t a problem at all, there friendship aloud them to dicagree with each other about things, blood some times gave spax advise and his own thoughts. But all of that just didn’t sit right with spax.

“hmm”, he would keep a eye on that, he wasn’t to worried he trusted his friend not to get to attached to a wolf in his charge but still he would keep a eye on it.

He glanced back at shade she was doing exstremly well. She was fast and light on her paws, her focus was good to. Exslent this was just what he wanted to see from her, and with training she would only get faster and stronger as the weeks went by.

"It's a deal then. I'll do my best, give the Mistress what she wants... and you get me what I want."

He didn’t say a word, her words before were fuming with in him, but he didn’t want to make her lose conctraion before it was her turn, he needed her at her best and focused. He watched as she cheered shade on, he logged that down incase he needed that later. She was starting to care for them, to bad what she had just agreed to would destorie any friendship they had been building.
When she looked at him before leaving he looked back, that serching look again.

“make this count wolf”, he said coldly.

He glanced over at shade again, she had gone on so hard that mistress had had to tell them to cut it off as she was about to kill her self, good very good that was exslent that’s what he wanted to see, now he needed to turn that same determison to a determinion to kill. This was going well.

He turned to watch Cardinal as she did her 180 spin, that was impressive, she had ovesly been a fighter in the wild to no moves like that intresting. He watched her till the lights had gone off and she was still up for more. Good. Soon as she had walked into her crate he turned to her his eyes ready to kill.

“lisen here girl”, he said in a low dangeros voice that was the type of voice that didn’t need to shout with to show is anger and how thin the ice she was standing on was, he wanted to talk to her now wile she was like this, she wouldn’t not hear him, he knew she was to sharp for that.

“you not in the fucking forest any more, wolf ways don’t work here, your in the human world now, you in no place to tell me that I must ern your respected, you respect your masters full stop, I can turn it all around on you in a heart beat, kill that pup mistress has in her arms right here and now, I can tell dice to join me in enjoying you, I can make you into a shell a empty soul with nothing left, and if you think im lying look at boney over there, he thought he was unbrakerbal, 3 months he lasted then he fell like ever single wolf dose here”, his eyes were like a knife eage sharp enuf to slice throw steel.

“you are getting a chance that wolves here would kill there mates for, and rember who is helping you get it,”, he said. He then turned to walk away but stopped and looked back at her, his face softer.
“that was good you did well, keep that up and I might forget what was just said”, he wasn’t sure why he felt he need to say that but he figgered it best not to make her complety despise him. Then he trotted of to his mistress, who had been watching. She was no in a very good mood, her eyes now on the young male who looked like he was going to exsplode unless he got out there, he was swaying.

Spax wanted Xor to be his mane trainer, he seemed to have away with the young males and he had taken a personal interested in tsuna and his training hense why he had taken a step back to be with his mistress. He looked up at her, she was stroking the pup still who was now asleep, she looked down at spax and smiled scratching him behind the ears.

“well done boy there on good form this could be my best batch yet”, she said, he could here the exsitment in her voice.

Jolene wasn’t surprised the young male hadn’t noticed her not that that happened a lot, but she couldn’t rember seening a young wolf so worked up over the training. She shruggled and stretched yawning as well, showing her body and rump off as she always did. Another normal work dog nirly fell over his own paws as she did it.

She looked around,spax was now with mistress, blood was with his new thing, that left dice who was standing back from the crowed a little. Making up her mind she trotted over to him, smiling and curling her tail as she did.
“hay baby hows the show”, she said curling around him like a cat then laying down along side him.

Triple Eight was slowly regaining him self, he watched shade in a blur as he regained his breath, she had done exstremly well, so had cardinal and at that current moment Tsuna was doing just as well. Eight found him self supprised as he got to his paws once more seeing Tsuna run coming to a end, he was still panting but his face was blank as ever.
The next event would be intresting as he was now well used up his legs were burning. Once tsuna had finished the humans started moving again. Two walked out into the arina and opened flaps in the wall and pulled out, harness. In side eight growled he had a ider what this would be about.

It was a strang harness at that, a strong bar stuck out of the wall that held the harness in there air and all that was was one hoop, eight new why this was so he could put his head throw and no human would have to strap him up. Eight glanced at spax who was sitting next to his mistress with out moving. He fixed eight with his venoms eyes.
Spax knew that eight new what this one was all about so he didn’t have to tell him. Eight hadn’t done this before but it was so oves.

Eights door once again screeched open, his collar gave him a quick sting to tell him to go and he walked over his face blank as stone. To those watching it looked like he had never run now, he was suppressing his earg to pant, and his pain in his legs was regesting in his mind but he blank it out complety, his body would give up before he did.

He got to the wall and turned to face the others now who were oppsit him. He pused to make sure they were watching, they would need to no what to do, even if it wa plane. He then put his head throw the hoop, the br that held it up rested over his back and the hoop rested bellow his collar, the whole thing felt wrong vile human. Eight dug his claws in and put his weight agest it, ready.

His eyes were set looking at blood as he happened to be there, he wanted a target something to use to keep him going, the urge to reach the albino dog would be good, he wanted him dead and to eight the bars were no longer there, he wanted that dog in his jaws to tear him apart. His collar stung him again and he throw his weight into the harness.

The resistens was controlled by the humans, it started off so he could pull it out, it took a lot of effort but slowly step by step he pulled once the bar had come out of the wall it was nothing more then a strong rope being held tort by what ever was holding it with in the wall.
Ever step was getting harder and harder, Eights eyes dead as ever his face blank but hard. The harness creecked as he pulled. It was exstremly uncofterbal cutting into his flesh.
Step, step ……step, step…..step. A little part of him was eating away at the back of eights mind. He had grown so weak, he was struggerling already, he had lost so much muscle when they had starved him. He must look pathtic. His ears were rawing as he felt his head begin to pound as the harness cut off cerclaion.

Step…..step….step………he sliped back a inch. Still his face was blank. Blood il kill him, il tear him in half he will be my kill my meal.
Step…..step. blood started to form around the harness were it met his skin. He needed to pant now with the effort. That was the only emoision on his face.
The mistress was still pleased and yet a little annoyed at Triple Eights stubbeness if he had only broken sooner he would have been fitter and she wouldn’t have to need to work on him so much.
Step….Step……..slipped back a inch.
“no”, he said to him self.
A drop of blood hit the floor with that wet plip sound.
He couldn’t take another step he began to shake with the effort he was putting into it. Still he couldn’t move it.
Another drop of blood, the scent started to head into his nose.
Dam it come on
“come on”, he said again to him self, his hackles now on end. His face still blank and hard.
He needed to kill blood, his legs shock more vilontly. The run had taken his toll on his body along with his ill health.
St..ste…..s..step… he slipped back again, this time foot, he left claw marks in the floor, as he pulled followed with all his might again. Strenght and endorents was is main ablity so why cant I, he thought he knew why.
He slipped again then he lost footing completely the harness shot back into the wall and eight was slammed into the wall it had come from.

Now his eyes were shut and he was panting hard, his paws ether side of his head. Pathtic was that it was that all I had.

His sight once again had gone foggy, he saw blurrs heading over to him. He tried to get up but then his collar stung and his body went limp and he slammed back to the ground again.

Spax was trotting over to the now parlised eight, he was happy with how he had done not that he showed or told him that.
“that all ou had, cant wait to see the others show you how weak you are”, he sneered.

“blood get the harness of his neck”, he said to blood who he had ghestered to accompany him into the arina, the harness had sank a little way into his flesh and as it was pulled off of him it showed a buld and bleeding mark around the front of his chest. Spax grabbed him by the scruff and dragged the parlised eight back to his crate and throw him rufly into it. He suprsed a grunt of effort thow eight was under weight it didn’t change the fact that he was a massive wolf.
Once the crate door slammed shut again the collar turn off allowing eight to move again, stayed were he was panting, once again trying to regain him self throw his sher exusten.

As spax passed Shades door he stopped and looking in with a sneer.
“your turn little wolf”, he knew she wouldn’t be good at this one. He then left throw the door were his mistress was.
He nodded to blood, as he came out as well.
“what do you think”, he said before his friend walk away.

(sorry shadiy for god modding a bit there I couldn’t think of another way to do it)
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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