broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 29-10-2010 00:23

As Tsuna returned to his cell, Cardinal summed up the past few seconds in her mind with only a handful of words: Darcia was fast. Extremely fast. And big. Perhaps comparable to a bear with the speed of a human "car." It was unnerving to say the least, but she'd watched with very little emotion, even though in her heart she was terrified. Utterly terrified.

So when Darcia left Tsuna to himself and turned to her, she tensed up. Her hackles instantly raised, her eyes cold, heartless... Her entire body coiled into an unintentional spring, ready to dart away despite the fact that he couldn't immediately reach her. She did, however, manage to stay sitting. Only about six inches from the end of his muzzle, it was hard to keep still. Her body begged her to move, but her mind told her to stay. Hard to tell which was better...
"now thats a pritty peace of ass, i no why Spax has his eyes on you so much", he bent down lower fixing his black eyes on her.
Her amber eyes locked on his black ones as her entire coat bristled with tension. His scent filled her nose... no, her whole being. It was like being shoved into a rosebush, except the scent was all wrong. Cardinal felt... almost infected by it. Such an unnatural thing, not even worthy of being called a wolf any longer. And that voice of his. Ugh. Just like all the males here so far. Just looking for that temporary pleasure. Something in Cardinal's brain piped up then, and was silenced, murdered just as quickly. It wasn't just males who had that urge, sometimes. But not here. Not with these... things.
"and i wonder wether that nice peaces of ass has made her mind up yet", he said with out whispering and not letting the others hear ither.
"why dont you come here and tell me what you think, do you want a little puppy to call your own again, i can help that happen as well you no, spax can get you one, but i can make sure you get to ither "pick" which one you want or make sure you get choice of males", he said his smile getting wider, his eyes intense.
"come here and tell me or show me that it is werth my time to get you a pick of the litter", he said quitly loving the fact the others could only ponder at what was being said.
Her mind was again sent back to that small, helpless puppy from earlier. The memory was already fuzzy from sheer exhaustion, but she could remember the cries clearly enough. For a moment, her ears went back in partial submission, but flicked forward in a second. Her pick or a choice of males, he'd said, offered, grinning that bloodthirsty grin. The choice of the litter was... tempting... That dominant part inside of her, the mother, wanted so badly for a pup, so badly for a pup that wouldn't die here, leaving her alone again. Ruby, her heart mourned, is gone. So why not raise another? Ruby would have left the pack soon anyway. She knew she was betraying herself, but still... Why not? Then again, the last thing he'd said, about showing him it was worth his time. A growl rumbled in her throat - she knew EXACTLY what he meant. Amber eyes glaring, she finally spoke, just loud enough for the others to hear.

"I'm not going to be your pretty little whore if that's what you mean."

She hesitated, then continued in a quieter tone.

"But I'll be sure to live long enough to give you something more... interesting to fight."

The words were laced with acid. Yes, she knew there was no beating him, but eventually she would fight him. And by then, she'd be dark enough and strong enough to give him a run for his money. Not like Tsuna, the overambitious pup. There would be blood when she fought him. Both of their blood.

(I have a feeling Cardinal's gonna end up having her own puppies by the end of this. Heat is a strange thing. :/)
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 02-11-2010 22:42

"Whats wrong little wolf, lost your way? Can't think of anything else to do?"

Tsuna's ears were pinned to the back of his head. Damnit. Who the hell did Darcia think he was? He hesitated once, moving his paw up to take a step forward, but stopped himself. As much as he disliked being told that he was pretty much now the odd one out, he wouldn't lie that he wasn't. He growled lightly, obviously angered and ticked that Darcia decided to mock him. Fucking ass.

As his ears had perked, it was all too sudden. Darcia had suddenly come straight at him, and the young wolf's eyes widened before he losely tried to dodge. The first head butt he managed to evade, even if it had just been by a second. But Darcia was not through. With quick pace, Tsuna could only confront the large wolf as another powerful headbutt ensued, and Tsuna was hit. He let out a yelp automatically, the bleeding cut on top of his maw from earlier ached once before his eyes whirled and his body spun.

Darcia seemed to be having a jolly old time using head butts and physical attacks. Tsuna felt slightly dizzy by the time it was all over. His body was not broken, but it certainly took a bruising. The poor chap found himself panting, blow after blow (which most had been to his face) before he stood there on wobbly legs. He dared not to give in, letting his legs shake from exhaustion after being bashed upon. His eyes were cold and they stared daggers at Darcia as the older wolf spoke; when all Tsuna could muster was just a faint breath.

"Learn how to bite before your bark, boy."

Tsuna growled lightly to this, but he dared not answer back. This was not the time to be back talking the stronger of the pair. As Darcia motioned Tsuna to return to his little cell, the sand colored wolf tried to move, but his body ached from the sores and the beating, that only the faintest sound of a hitched breath caught before he was legitimetly thrown into the cell, the doors shutting behind him. He hit the metallic floor with a thud, and gave a small groan before he lay on his stomach. His tail was swishing lightly in aggitation once before his ears lay to the back of his face, now silent once more.

His ears had perked however when Darcia began to speak to Cardinal. He raised his head up a moment to listen, and growled. Who the hell was he to go and talk down to her like that? Geeze, was it like that for every female? /Damn sexists/ Tsuna had thought to himself.

"I'm not going to be your pretty little whore if that's what you mean."

Tsuna snickered to himself once. Good comeback. Finding himself tired from the previous bashing, he rested his head down once more between his paws and by this time just stared at the floor. What more was there to do now other than rest and wait for tomorrow..?

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Post by Leo » 03-11-2010 14:59

Eight watched the pups beating with his hard dead eyes. No Emoission showed throw, but under neath, under the cold exstrore images, memorys were flashing back with ever hit the pup took. Known of them wanted.

All should simula things happening to his old pack, young ones getting beaten into submission, old wolves getting beaten just for kicks, Li getting it just because she was his sibling. Bodys hitting the floor, blood smear and splatters, screams. All of the horrars from old.

Why did he care for them, he shouldn’t it be a weakness he could afford, a weakspot in his armor. He needed to be stand alone, not tise to any one so he could act with out fear for those he cared about getting hurt.

“but it made you stronger”, a voice that sounded like Li’s sounded in his mind.
A image of her getting slammed into the ground. His ear flicked, the first move from him since Tsuna beating started.

“I cant go throw that again”, he said back to the voice.

“then you will die alone”, the voice said back harsh and angry.
A cold wash spread over him as it said it, like something had left him, his face didn’t change, the reflection of Tsuna finale resting back in his cage showed in his eyes. He looked at the pup and nodded, his face unchanged.
He then looked back over at Darcia who had walked to Cardinal.

"I'm not going to be your pretty little whore if that's what you mean."

She hesitated, then continued in a quieter tone.

"But I'll be sure to live long enough to give you something more... interesting to fight."

His smiled didn’t fade but his eyes lit up a noch. He stepped a little closer to her bars looking down at her.

“guess you will be getting a runt, if any thing sad”, he said his voice unchanged, its cool firm sound unfulted. If that voice had come a more nachral good hearted wolf it would melt the hearts of females all around, but from him it was unnerving.

“what was that little puppy your mistress should you, I think il pay it a vistet, have a snack”, he turned chuckerling as he went walking past all of them towords the door, he stopped before he left turning looking at them all.

“Intresting to fight?, it would take three of you to have a chance agest me” as he said it he looked at Eight who frowned.

“ask Triple Eight there, him and his friend tried and failed”, he said with a smile, then he reared up on his back legs, he was tall enuf to hit the humans button on the door, a heart beat then a click and the door swong open on his weight. He didn’t look back he strod off letting the door slam shut behind him. The bang was loud enuf to wake the dead.

Eight snorted.

“Beast has no sence of honour”, he said before laying down letting sleep creep up on him.
If any one spoke to him he would talk, other wise let sleep take him away to his awaiting nightmares.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
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umm you all rock :D
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 03-11-2010 18:24

"I'm not going to be your pretty little whore if that's what you mean."

She hesitated, then continued in a quieter tone.

"But I'll be sure to live long enough to give you something more... interesting to fight."
Ears perked, Shaydie watched and listened as Cardinal handled Darcia.
She heard Tsuna snicker; she too felt Cardinal had given Darcia the right reply. That bastard....
His smiled didn’t fade but his eyes lit up a noch. He stepped a little closer to her bars looking down at her.

“guess you will be getting a runt, if any thing sad”, he said his voice unchanged, its cool firm sound unfulted. If that voice had come a more nachral good hearted wolf it would melt the hearts of females all around, but from him it was unnerving.

“what was that little puppy your mistress should you, I think il pay it a vistet, have a snack”, he turned chuckerling as he went walking past all of them towords the door, he stopped before he left turning looking at them all.
Shade felt tired... unnerved... and sad. Too tired to growl as Darcia threatend to kill a pup.
*Am I this far in already...?* She wondered. *Not caring wether a baby dies or not..?*
She sighed, and looked at Darcia from her dark corner.
*No... I still care. I wouldn't give it a second thought if I didn't... But I can't help that pup. I can't do anything...*

She glanced besides her, looking at George. He still hadn't woken up...
She then looked at Tsuna. Poor, poor Tsuna... beaten up and exhausted. But at least it was over now... For them, at least.

“Intresting to fight?, it would take three of you to have a chance agest me” as he said it he looked at Eight who frowned.

“ask Triple Eight there, him and his friend tried and failed”, he said with a smile, then he reared up on his back legs, he was tall enuf to hit the humans button on the door, a heart beat then a click and the door swong open on his weight. He didn’t look back he strod off letting the door slam shut behind him. The bang was loud enuf to wake the dead.

Eight snorted.

“Beast has no sence of honour”, he said before laying down letting sleep creep up on him.
If any one spoke to him he would talk, other wise let sleep take him away to his awaiting nightmares.
Shade was glad he was gone.
She had no doubts that he could, indeed, take three of them on at once. She had no illusions...

She flopped down, glad that they where finally left alone. She was tired and wanted nothing more then to sleep... sleep, and just try to forget about today, even if it was just for a few hours....
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 10-11-2010 15:59

Triple Eight's friend... Tsuna had glanced up to stare at Darcia through the bars, his eyes cold and hard. Triple Six right...? Once again that wolf was spoken of. He had to wonder, this Triple Six fellow.. where was he in all of this and where exactly did he stand other than being one of the second best now that Darcia was around? A chill went up his spine as the younger wolf thought. If he could barely take on Darcia' play and it would take all three of them to even somehow get a chance to stand up to him... He shook his head mentally to himself. Triple Eight and Triple Six could not bring down Darcia... a scary thought indeed.

As Darcia had finally taken his leave, Tsuna let out a deep breath of relief. his presence made everyone so stiff in the room; and now that he had his ass handed to him Tsuna was definately feeling much more sore than earlier, probably because the adrenaline rush was finally leaving his body. Too tired to think, he shuffled his body a bit over, leaning himself against the cold bars before his eyes drooped. He wanted to ask about this Triple Six fellow, for he seemed like a rather intruiging sort of guy; especially someone who was linked to Triple Eight's past.

Still... his eye lazily looked around the room. Shade and Cardinal already seemed to be going to sleep. Muttering a small, "Good night everyone," Tsuna shifted his head back to the front of the bars, closing his eyes and finally drifting off into some form of rest... Would it be a good night? He doubted it, but the fact that sleep was needed overtook the assumptions of nightmares tonight.

(lalala he'll ask about six tomorrow i'm sure :) HOORAY GUYS we finally made it through the another "day"! )

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Post by Leo » 10-11-2010 21:03

Part 1

(this will be in two parts, look at the bottom for more deatals)

As the others drifted off so did Eight, falling back into the world of dreams that he hated so much, it was a place that wasn’t real and only stirred up bad memories of horrible things in his past.

He was in complete darkness, nothing it was rapped around him, pressing down on him, it almost felt like he was drowning in it. Then something appeared in front of him. He took a step towards it. Oasis.

He fiery red coat blazing in the blackness. His heart leapt in his cheast. He called her name she turned and smiled at him. The darkness didn’t matter any more she was his light the only one he needed. He ran to her, his heart alive and dancing. But as he draw up to her, his paw sank into the black, like he had stepped into thick mud.
What what was this madness, he tried to heave him self out, but his other paws started to sink to.
“NO”, he snarled looking back at Oasis who was still smiling.
The blackness under him started to move and ripple then as if it was dripping from a ceiling it started towards his collar. He tried to fight it, pull him self lose but he couldn’t nothing worked. It touched his collar and suddenly turning into a chain thick and heavy.

Then a cold started to rush throw his body. Oasis suddenly looked fearful, that in it self was frightening. Then anger spread over her face. She was like him and thought like him, to show fear was weak.

Then a pure white dog appered behind her. Blood.
Eight snarled in rage, in his dreams he could show any emoission he needed.
“DON’T YOU DARE TUCH HER”, he growled.
Blood kept on smiling walking up behind her head low and sniffing the air. Eight eyes widen his pupils going small. He was erected, his member out of its sheath.
Eight thrashed and roared, but it didn’t worked the blackness holding him was starting to creep up his legs, in his depression to brake free hhe went down to bite at his leg, he would tear it off if he could get to her. But as he did the blackness went into his mouth covering his jaws, it was cold and thick.

He looked back up at Oasis, blood was right behind her now, and it seemed that what ever was holding eight down was holding Oasis as well. Blood sneered at Eight, then mounted Oasis completely.
Oasis eyes were now screwed shut fear showing throw her. Eight tried to call out to her but he couldn’t shout or call, the blackness had filled his mouth and some how stopped him from talking. He snapped his jaws trying to get ride of it but nothing.

Blood then pushed followed and entered her and in one savage thrust his hole length entered her. As he did it Oasis eyes snapped open the fear and horrar filled her eyes. Eight tried to thrash again but he could bearly move now.
He had never been this angry he felt like his blood was boiling, all he could think was death, and blood that he would draw out of the dog.

His body was shaking with rage, ever fiber screaming to get lose but he couldn’t.
Blood started slow enjoying him self, then slowly sped up until he was going all out. Then to Eights horror pleaser spread across Oasis face. Blood was nipping at her neck and she reached back and licked his cheek.
Eight closed his own eyes, screaming roaring with all his might, but he couldn’t no sound at all. He looked back. It was no longer Oasis but Li, Eight choked, then raven.
Then Oasis again. Li and Raven brought back disturbing memories, of when this had happened to them for real.

The blood changed to Darcia, and something in eight snapped completely. He was trying to thrash with all his might.
Oasis change to Li again then Raven, then Shade, cardinal then flashed Tsuna.
He couldn’t brake free, his eyes blurred tears, but no sobs.

A voice sounded in his mind, it was Li’s again.
“You were stronger when you protected something, let them in”.
Eight shoke feeling like he wanted nothing more then death to come for him.
“Let them in, you no you want a pack again, trust me”.

He shut his eyes trying to pull him self together.
She was right he needed them as they needed him.
He opened his eyes once more, He pulled followed trying to walk again. Oasis was now under Darcia, her front down in a play bow, her eyes shut in bliss.
Along side eight Cardinal, shade and Tsuna appered then they blurred into Eight. He pulled his paw out of the blackness, then the other then the other. He pulled on his chain, his eyes intense trying to burn a whole into Darcias neck.

The chain broke he charged, jaws wide, he brought them together.
It was cold and bitter and…hard.
He blinked, his sight was blurred again.
Bars, scent of 3 other wolves, fear, anger, death.
A Dream.
He fangs had found one of the bars to his cage, he let go of it walking backwords.
He blinked tears, only in dreams he cried. He rubbed his paw over his eyes again wipping all trace of them away from his face. His face back to blank and hard.
He looked around. Ever one appered to be asleep in there nightmares of there own. It was still along way till morning by the feel of it. He paced for a moment, unable to settle. He wouldn’t be sleeping again to night not after that, his anger was real. The rage making his blood boil. He paced on. The dream and the momorys it brought playing over in his head, That kind of thing had happened to Li and raven. And would more then likely happen to the girls. But they didn’t enjoy it like his dream had. Yeah when some dogs were feeling crule they would make there bodys betray them.
That thing had happened to Eight to but way back in his very young years before he had gotten his reptasion and his fighting skill. It was more of a domaince thing back then as there hadn’t been collars.

He finale sat down stairing straight ahead at the door, his body as still and hard as a mountin. It looked unmovabal. His eyes as blank and dead as a corps.
Let them in, he was stronger when he had something to protect hay. He flicked a ear. Could he go throw that again. Could he.

(um going to post this just to keep you guys cool for now lol, but part two will be up more then likely tomarrow, but if you are desprate to post your own dreams let me no via the rp chat, and il wait  )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 10-11-2010 21:50

((YAY for weird dreams! :P :P))

Shade's ears twitched; her paws moved from time to time. The muscles in her muzzle twitched and moved every now and then, and she even yipped softly in her sleep from time to time. Under her closed eyelids, her eyes moved rapidly.

She was dreaming.

Dice. Blood. Spax.
She couldn't see them... but she knew they where there.

She was in the ring, alone. The ring where George and Blacklight had fought to the death... where Blacklight had died.
The blood was still there... staining the ground, the walls, everything.

She took a step backwards, whimpering, not knowing what would happen. She expected someone to attack her... but it was silent. Too silent.
She then heard Spax's laugh.

- ''Seriously... how weak.''
- ''Told you.'' That was Dice's voice. ''I told you she was worthless. She won't make it out here. Never.''

She whimpered again.
A metal screech; her ears flickered and her eyes turned in the direction of the sound.

It was George; he slowly stepped out of his cage, growling.
She leaned backwards, putting her weight on her hind legs, showing some submission as her tail sunk down. She was ready to run.

- ''George... I don't want to fight you!''

George growled; his face twisted in a horrific snarl that seemed unreal. Too large... to strange.
Like Darcia, he had metal fangs... but it weren't just his fangs that where metal. ALL his teeth where. Strange, glimmering in the light.
George turned the bad side of his face towards her, drool running down his jaws freely. The metal teeth where terrifying.

Her eyes widened and she whimpered again.

- ''Ah... yes...''
She shrivelled at Darcia's voice. Was HE here..? WHERE??
But as she turned her head to look... George attacked.

Cold, sharp teeth sunk into her back. She cried out loud as George tore a big chunk of flesh from her; she gasped as she saw him with it in her mouth. Her own fur showing on a large piece of bleeding meat...

Like Eight, he began to eat it. It sickened her; she tried to back away. She could feel blood running down her body rapidly; her back was one, large spot of pain. It made her feel woozy and ill. She tried not to hurl as she tried to drag herself off. She wanted to flee... to run...

She tried to dodge him as George attacked again, but her legs where like lead; she couldn't move at her normal speed. It was like she was glued to the ground.
George snarled and bit her shoulder... tearing off another large chunk of her. He spat it out, and it fell on the ground; a sickening pile of meat and fur. He then grabbed her tail and bit off half, swallowing it whole; she just cried, whimpered and squirmed under the abuse.

She wanted to die.
She wanted the pain to stop... the horrible pain....

Suddenly, George changed. He grew; his fur changed colour.
It was Darcia standing in front of her.

- ''I want to know what gives you pleasure...''

She gasped; wounded and scared, she tried to drag herself away. She wanted to retreat into a cage. But all doors where shut...

- ''Worthless, as I said.'' That was Dice's voice again.
- ''If she doesn't control her emotions, maybe...'' That was Blood.

Darcia followed her slowly. He sniffed near the stump that was left of her tail; a deep fear filled her to the core.

She collapsed; one leg seemed broken.
She tried to hoist herself back up...

Darcia came. He stood over her... she could see his shadow on the ground, his shadow falling over her...

- ''No...'' Her voice was nothing but a whisper, even though she was screaming. Hardly any sound came out of her mouth...

Darcia suddenly layed down on top of her; she felt his immense weight on her open backwound, and she screamed out in terror, pain and fear.
She tried to cover her backside with what was left of her tail, but every movement of that stump hurt like hell.
And it was no use.

Something immense poked at her vaginal entrance... something that was obscenely large and strange. Something that was unnatural and unreal, as much as the beast that owned it. Something impossible...

The next moment, she felt like she was torn in two. He penetrated her, ripping her body apart. She heard a sickening sound as skin tore away and ripped and her insides began to tear and bleed.
She felt nothing but immense, unbareable pain and an enormeous, hot bloodflow as she began to bleed to death. Blood gushed from her shoulder, from her back, from her tail, from her insides... the ground began to dissapear in an enormeous puddle of her own blood. She didn't understand; how could she still be alive...??

The weight on her back was gone.
She didn't knew if Darcia was still inside her, or not. But if he was... he didn't move. But the pain was still there; the immense pain as blood filled the entire ring.

She didn't want to die...
She didn't want to drown in her own blood...
But the pain was unbareable....

The pain.... it got worse with every heartbeat...


Nothing. Nothing at all....

Then, she realised the pain was gone.

She blinked her eyes; a soft light was luring her. Slowly, she got up. She looked at her shoulder; no more wounds... she was fine. How could that be?
She began to walk, slowly, following the light. Her ears moved restlessly, as part of her feared to be attacked again.
But it was... different, here. Calmer. Warmer...

A door... half open. And from inside, she heard laughing, happy sounds, wolves groaning and whispering.
She carefully peeked around the door; a strange scene unfolded in front of her....

Cardinal was there. But... Spax was on her back. He was mating her... slowly, gently. She groaned with pleasure and so did he; she didn't understand. Shade gasped; HOW could this BE? Had she allowed him to mate her...?!!

She gasped again. Eight was also there. He was mating as well; a beautiful large female, about his size, her fur a pure white, was enjoying his hard thrusting. He groaned even louder then Cardinal and Spax as he gently bit his mate's neck.
Shade's eyes locked on the female. She seemed so willing... so pleased. She leaned backwards, pushing herself against her partner as he thrusted on and on.

She suddenly realised... she didn't knew what it was like.
What was sexual pleasure like...??

She then saw Tsuna.
He wasn't mating... yet. But two females, one with floppy ears and spots, and another with tipping ears and a brown coat where busy courting him. The spotted female was licking his genitals, but she couldn't see much, since her head blocked it from view. The other one was licking his muzzle and he licked hers back in a passionate, intimate way...

She took a small step into the room.
Nobody seemed to notice her...
She watched the couples for a bit. She realised she felt a strange tingle somewhere deep inside.. a feeling she didn't really understand. It was... pleasant, but teasing at the same time.

Suddenly, she realised Dice and Blood where there as well.
Dice lay on his back, a female laying on top of him. They seemed to be mating as well, despite their unusual, awkward position.

And then there was Blood... he lay there, silently and alone, staring at her.

She stared back at him.
She didn't knew what to do. Should she go towards him...?

She hesitated. She turned her ears back and growled softly. She didn't trust him...

But the way he kept staring at her made the strange feeling grow. Somehow, she began to feel drawn towards him.... she began to desire to be near him. To feel his warm body against hers....

She took a step... and another one...

But the next moment, her dream shattered as her eyes flew wide open.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
Posts: 879
Joined: 08-07-2009 20:17

Post by Shaydie » 11-11-2010 01:48

(LOL Blood is gonna get some interesting reactions today.)

It was her old packlands, just as they had been before the end. She knew it was a dream, knew in her very being that this was just a glimpse of something that once was and would never be again, but all the same she opened herself to it and made herself believe the illusion without knowing why she was lying to herself. She strode through the soft grass, watching the red and gold leaves flutter past in the crisp autumn wind. No one was around. The clearing was as silent as the cell block. She supposed she knew why, but she brushed that knowledge away and began searching through the treeline for something - anything - that would be familiar.

She found nothing. Around each and every turn she felt more and more lost, as if she were wandering into strange territory even though she was just frantically running in circles. Soon enough, the clearing had turned into a hellish place. Barren ground, steaming with heat that did not originate from the sun that lay somewhere beyond the rainclouds that refused to give up their moisture. Her throat suddenly felt dry, and her stomach empty. She felt as if she had been walking for weeks - her pawpads were worn down and bloody and her muscles ached so badly that she abruptly fell down and could not get up.

In an instant, Cardinal felt as if it was the end of her.

But the world went dark, and she was on her feet again.
'Only a dream,' she told herself, but somehow she couldn't make herself believe it anymore.

She could hear fighting in the distance - vicious, bloody fighting. The sense that someone was nearby overcame her, and suddenly she was bristling, whirling about in the dark. Her eyes struggled to see through the blackness, but by the time she saw her attacker it was far too late. It had been Shade, but not Shade. It looked like her, but Cardinal had the feeling that it was also Tsuna... and Eight, and Bloodhound, and Spax all in one. She barely had time to move. Frozen, she felt her lifeblood begin spilling out onto the floor from her severed jugular. Though she shouldn't have felt anything, the pain was almost unbearable.

But she wouldn't die.
The blood kept flowing, the pain growing with each passing second. Within moments, she was screaming. A feeling of absolute terror overcame her, and she heard the voices of the others in her head.

"You're just a girl, why are you the favorite!?" Tsuna.
"You'll never make it, girl." Eight.
"So beautiful... I wonder how long it'll be before she's begging for something to screw her..." Dice.

"What a pretty piece of ass."

She looked up, still trembling from the pain, terror in her eyes. She couldn't muster the same confidence, not now when she was dying. Darcia was there, grinning horridly. After a moment, she noticed the blood on his muzzle... She let her eyes wander down, and stopped breathing when she saw the tiny dismantled puppy staring at her with its dead eyes. She heard Darcia laugh.

"Thought you'd like the pick of the litter!"

Cardinal's eyes snapped open and she sat up abruptly, gulping in a breath of air. Apparently she really hadn't been breathing. But the act of breathing so suddenly sent a jolt of fresh pain through her neck. For an instant, she thought her throat was slit... But an instant later she realized that her throat was sore from its exertion the day before. She wasn't used to talking yet, and she was paying for it.

Licking her lips, she fought off the jitters of the night's dreaming and looked over at the others. Shade seemed to have just woken up, and Tsuna was still asleep - not a surprise, since he'd had the worst of it the day before. Her amber eyes fell to Eight, who seemed to have been awake for a while. She watched him for a while, then shivered and stood up, pacing around her cage to warm up.

Training day.
Silver of the Mist
Posts: 2297
Joined: 12-01-2009 03:01

Post by SilverWolf92 » 11-11-2010 16:20

There was loud cheering blaring from all sides, the pounding of his heart beating against his breast. Tsuna stood there in the middle of the ring, the scent of blood all around him. It was a mixture of his blood, as well as the enemies he had slain that were coming his way. His eyes had that look of a killer. With his breathing hitched, his ears perked as another gate was opened and the enemy began to come at him. The snarling sound filled and Tsuna turned his head, watching as the enemy approached. A sneer appeared on the boy's face, and instantly he lunged straight at the wolf that had come at him. He instantly leapt, grabbing the wolf by the neck and breaking it completely, a simple whimper before death took its course over the poor soul.

Blood continued to flow, spilling from the body as Tsuna not only destroyed the neck, but delve to the body itself, ripping and tearing limb from limb. Yes, a cold blooded killer had been made. He couold hear in his mind the praise from the Misstress, the shock and awe from the crowd members, the laughing and spite and the fear that came with the wolves who fretted their turn against him. He could hear Triple Eight give short praise, but not only that but gave out advice. Dice was shouting words that Tsuna seemed to ignore considering his mentor didn't shut up. Xor was seen above, his keen eyes on the boy.

All seemed to be at the young wolf's paws. He had finally done it. He had finally achieved his goal. Suddenly though, Tsuna felt himself become detatched from his body, and suddenly... he was facing himself. Tsuna couldn't understand this. It was like he was in spotlight twice, and realized something. He was losing himself. The Tsuna that stood before him was coated in red, eyes concealed by hatred and spite. There was a low rasping breath as liquid foam dripped from the Fighter's lips. Tsuna saw this in himself, saw the raging beast that had formed from the training, waiting to be unleashed. Behind him, a simple breeze began to blow, and the voices of his past, his family called out to him. He dared not look back, for fear suddenly ran through his body.

What was the Fighter within... it began to form. Tsuna watched as his dark side began to convulse and shudder, a wheezing noise escaping as his body seemed to be ripped apart, and out of the blood that sputtered there appeared none other than... Darcia. How could this be!? Just moments ago it WAS Tsuna. He felt himself suddenly filled with the same fear and terror once more sink back in. The ones that he tore from limb to limb began to rise from the depths of their blood, coated in maroon. With wide, horrified eyes, Tsuna felt himslf getting backed into a corner. Not even the bars that held him back suddenly could be able to save him now. Darkness began to seep with every step that Darcia had taken.

"No.. .stay back!" the young wolf cried out, whining as he continued to back away.

"What's the matter boy? Can't handle the pressure? I thought you said you had what it took in you. I guess you were lying now weren't you?" he said with a cackle. Tsuna growled, shaking his head.

"No.. no.. I'm a fighter.. I'm a damned Fighter!" he felt himself break out into a fit of rage, hoping and praying that the adreanline rush would suddenly over take him. With a shaking paw he took a step forward, and stared at Darcia who intimidated him so. With a sudden howl, Tsuna charged forward, blindly letting the Fighter in him take over. But as he came forth, he stopped, seeing Triple Eight and Cardinal suddenly forming, Eight a few feet away while Cardinal was by the Misstress.

Everything seemed to be combining together in a mixture of what could be seen as insanity and madness. The ring itself began to change to nothing but a simple prison cell, all walls were around just himself and Darcia. Hesitating once, Darcia snapped.

"What are you waiting for boy? COME AT ME!"

With that said, Tsuna let out another howl, his body rivetting before he came forth. In an instant however, just as he had charged at Darcia, the feeling of his neck snapping filled the air, before everything became black.

Tsuna jerked forward, body smacking against the bars as he gasped for breath, eyes opening..He looked around bewhildered, feeling a short crane in his neck where he had felt himself getting split. He saw Eight, Shade, and Cardinal. Eight seemed to have been awake. Calming down, breathing heavily, Tsuna got up from the cold floor before shaking off his body, panting, pacing. What the hell just happened? Was it a premonition maybe..? Was it an insight to what Tsuna could be? What could happen to him? ....

Finally settling, he sat where he was, processing everything he had dreamed of. During that short time, he wondered how everyone else's night was, just to try and get things off of his mind. His body was visibly shaking. Damnit... he grumbled to himself. Where was that shit food when you needed it...?

Posts: 1501
Joined: 24-03-2009 03:00

Post by Leo » 11-11-2010 23:49

Eight stayed sitting his face as blank and hard as ever, his composer normal the only thing that gave away his anger was that he was so still. frozen as if his cold dead body had been taken by ice.

He lisend to the others nightmares, growls, groans of pain and pleaser. Could he open his heart to them was it that easy, he didn’t want to show weakness or put him self in danger of feeling that pain again.
Of losing ever thing, that night he lost ever thing that was good in him, Oasis and Kami brought a lot of it back but no all not yet.

His eyes flicked to each in turn as they sprang awake, as if some one had turn there collars on. His eyes would then go back to the door, he wanted out, he wanted his training he couldn’t site in there any longer. He needed to vent to relise the anger the dream had put into him.
A rumble sounded from some were over head.
“thunder”, he said to him self more then any thing.
It was raining out side. Out side felt like such a strange thing to him now, he hadn’t seen “out side” in months. No fresh air, no brezz nothing.
A rattling sound came from behind him, and throw out all the cages.
Breakfast was servied. Each of them having a different mix depending on what they needed. Eights was extremely rich with thing that would help his body get back what it had lost, so in turn tasted extremely rich not in a good way.

He turned with out a word, and ate. Ignoring the flaver, ignoring the unachral crunch of the pelts. It ment nothing. Eating had become nothing more then a mean to live, they was no hunt to enjoy no meat to saver. Eight didn’t miss it because he didn’t think about it. It wasn’t nessery to think about that, it didn’t help him there and then to pine for what he had learnt out in the wide world.
He was back in his world…..his world.
This was were he was rasied, were he learnt about life, as disturbing as it was to itmit it this was his only true home.
The thought made his anger ster again. But it was true.

He turned back to the door again sitting back down, glearing at it.

“give them hell my good wolves” came the strong accent of jack some were in the whole in the wall. He didn’t come out to talk there wasn’t enuf time, he would be watch what he could of there training as he had a lot to do being the leader of the rat clans, he looked over them for a moment. Feeling no sorrow for them really only pitty, it was life in this place and he would do what he could to make it easyer on them, but nothing more.

Then with out warning the door of the cell crashed open, slamming off the wall, with enuf nose to wake the dead.
“Good to see your all up, as to day we see what your all made of”, spax sneered.
Two other dogs flanked him. Blood and Dice. Xor and any other dog would be waiting for them in the training aier, or would be meeting them half way.

Humans then walked in behind them going to each cage looking in making notes on bords, one going to the computer typing things in, checking stats on the screen of each wolf. The collars giving them live info on there condition.
Mistress stood in the door way watching as the three other humans did there work. Her eyes were alight with excitement. Her clawed hand tapping her braclet in a menacing way. The three humans happy with the condition of the wolves nodded to the mistress then left.
“Right my pets”, she said, spax interpritating for her.
“Today is your real day in this place, show me I didn’t waste my money on you”, and with that she hit a button on her bracelet and the back of the cages screeched open showing there crates.

“in you get”, spax added, his enjoyment showing throw clearly. His eyes fell on Eight who was stairing right at him. Spax saw the look in his eyes and walked over to his cage stopping so there muzzles were bearly a inch apart.

“don’t make me say it again”.
Eight didn’t move, the dream was raw in his mind.
“You better make me bleed”, Eight said his voice unreadabal. But his stillness showed his mood and Spax knew him enuf to recornise it.

“oh you bet I will”, Spax said nastily.
Eight turned his back on him and with a swish of his scruffy tail walked into the blackness of his crate and out of site of the others.

Spax turned to look at the others.
Watching them in turn, he could wait to get them to the training arina they had new methods that not even Eight had tried before so it would be fun.
The mistress green eyes flashed after the last of the wolves had entered its crate.

Again covers were thrown over the crate and they were pushed down corridors, the wheels ratter ling and shaking, The din horrbal ear splitting.
This time thow the scents changed, it became earthy and damp. Sounds change to eccos. More clangs and screeching of steel on steel, then suddenly the started to drop slowly. A human lift.
Again it stopped and they were pushed on, the floor was smoother now. Then they stopped and the covers were pulled off.
This room was similar to the fighting arina but instead of being round it was squer. The size of half a football pitch. Again infront of each crate was a door, so wolves could be let out. Behind the crates stood humans that were walking away with crates with wolves in them, or doing work taking down notes wile watching, and ovesly Spax and the others were there.
The room felt dark and sinister the scent of blood and death very clear in the air. Stains covered the floor and walls, and it was very fresh.

Instead of spectators watching from all sides the walls were blank but for one large window but behind it no one was there, well no human any way. One monster was thow, the huge mass of Darcia was looking down at them a smile on his handsom face.

Mistress was talking with some humans.

“Right welcome to training, this is were we see if you worth keeping alive, or worth keeping around as play things”, he said.
“you muts are lucky to be here only the best trainers and wolves get to use this training falsity”.

“Awere first event of the day is called the light run and as none of you haver ever done it, Eight here will be awere test subject”, he said sneering at him. Eights door slid open and he walked out on to the training floor. Finale he was able to get down to business.

The floor felt strange under his paw, it had good grip but felt cold and it wasn’t steel. Eight looked down at it, testing it slightly and as he did a square of light just big enough for him to stand in light up. It was extremely bright and dazzled him for a moment, thow he didn’t show it.
He looked back up at spax waiting to hear what this crap was all about. Spax mearly smiled.

The light went out, and as it did Eights collar awoke giving him a shoke that was enough to make his legs crumble from under him. Eight didn’t snare or retaliate just shut his eyes wile it happened that got back to his paws. It had been a quick sharp shoke nothing to bad.

“better stay on the light”, spax said simple.

The light reapered then started to dart off along the floor the squear light up three at a time making a sort of trail.
Eight got the jist instantly as long as he stayed on the light he was ok, if he could keep up and got left behind he would get shocked. It was a speed and immovability test.

He chast after it, it darted left and right, with out any warning. Then out of no were it jump a squear, he didn’t have enuf time to jump it. A shock cracked throw him, his legs went and he hit the ground at fall speed rolling, he skidded back on his paws, his face the same as always. The lights didn’t stop he kept going.

Thanks to kami he had gotten better at running like this, it was art in of its self. Noing when to put your claws down, and how much and on which paw, It wasn’t the same for ever leg, to be a pro you need to ajust ever step differently. He wasn’t a pro at it yet thow as it was a skill he was still learning and the last time he had pratist was before he got cort. But he was quick and had learnt a great deal, the main thing happening his performance was his bodys condition his mangy fur, his showing ribs made it harshly clear he wouldn’t be able to keep up any real pace for to long.
His face was still unreadable his eyes set on his task, but his body was starting to shout at him, as always he ignored it, his body would fail before he did.
Now his body was screaming, his breaths coming in short ragged gasps his sight was starting to blur his muscles felt like lead.
His left leg with the Triple Eight brand gave out from under him, he slammed into the ground again the lights running away from him as he did. This time the shock hit him for longer and stronger. His back arched his eyes shut, teeth clenched but not beared. No sound came from him no snarl or yelp, it was creepy nothing.

“Is that it Eight is that all you have to show, maybe I should give you some insentive maybe another pup would help you, GET UP”, he snarled.

The shocks now passed Eight got to his paws with out a word Face blank. His body was in a bad place his heart was hammering agest his ribs, he was panting hard. He didn’t let his body shake, he kept his pain hidden under his cold dead eyes.
Pain was weakness.

Eight had heard his threat about the pup, his anger sparked but he didn’t need that threat to keep on going just the thought of becoming stronger so he could maybe one day kill spax was enuf. The lights came on he ran on.

Mistress was pleased, he was doing extremely well for a wolf in his shape, the rumours about him had been very true. The wolf would kill its self before itmiting its falier. She expected the other wolves to do the same or better, she would be pleased with ither.

Spax in the mean time looked away from eight, and trotted over to Cardinal Crate. There creates were spaced apart enough that he could talk to her with out the others hearing him, pluss the sounds of humans, dogs, wolves and eight hitting the deck again was enough to drown out his words.
Tsuna was next to Cardinal then Triple Eights now empty cage, then Shades.

“talking about pups have you thought about my proposal and Darcia’s”, he said in a seros voice.

Mistress liked her, he liked her promis and her looks, and saw what his mistress saw, she would be good for what they had in mind.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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