this is my place (any is welcome)

The Chaka desert is a tough place; the heat, the blazing sun and the wide open terrain with nothing but sand. Finding one of the secret oasiss is the best way to stay alive.
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Post by damenster » 25-07-2009 15:12

Adire sits down before the brute and didn’t pay any attention to hellfyre. “you want to hear my story” growled she soft “you do fink that I chose this place this hell. I’m only living here because I don’t have a choice. If you want to see me as the alpha from this place that is fine but I’m not the alpha.” She stopped with correcting snare and walks to the water she looked down in to the water and sights. If the brute want to hear her story than needs he to cool down a little bit.

{sorry for the short post}
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 25-07-2009 18:42

"Rank and calling doesn't matter if you're going to act the part anyway, madam."

The way he said it, there was so much contempt in his voice - and this time it was real - that you could almost reach out and touch the words as they fell to the sand. Still, he held his ground firmly enough. His ears flattened against his skull as she suddenly stopped. How long was she going to put this off? Suddenly he let out an exasperated sigh, obviously frustrated.

"I don't have time for this. If you're not going to tell me anything then I'll just have to stay here while assuming you're just an idiot who wandered into the desert because you thought it would be fun. And since I'm almost positive it didn't happen that way, I strongly urge you to SPIT. IT. OUT."

He was still bigger than she was; he wondered why she remained so defiant. Perhaps that was a good sign... perhaps it wasn't.
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Post by damenster » 25-07-2009 20:14

Adire did just sit there beside the water and she did hear the words that snare did say. She lets her self fall down. A little splotch sounded when her head hits the water. Sights deeply and a tear left her eye why needed she to live with 2 of those males. One male that don’t want to leaf her alone and an other that can live with her. “yes I’m an idiot that did do the wrong thing” sights deep before she continued “the wrong thing is to be born”. She looked sad to the water why was that stranger not planning to accept her of if she is. Now was the only thing that she wants to be was gone from those males ore maybe not events alive. She looked back to the stranger. Maybe was it a idea to attack him and maybe will he rip her apart and free her from her suffering in this world.
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 25-07-2009 21:23

Snare... So that was the stranger's name. Huh, well, Hellfyre gave a slight smile as Snare went over to Adire. Following, Hellfyre was quiet as a mouse. Sure Adire had said fo Hellfyre to leave, but Hellfyre deserved as much of a story as this stranger. However, since this was between Adire and Snare, Hellfyre would just sit quietly, watching and hearing the conversation going on.

Adire apparently seemed to still be steaming. So she'd probably have to cool off a bit more before anything would come. But Snare wasn't one for waiting. He already stated the obvious. Not going to tell, he'll stay. Tell, and a better attitude and positive way would come. Ears perking, Hellfyre watched as Adire and Snare continued their conversation. Ears slightly dropping, it already looked like Adire was back to the way things were before Hellfyre met her. Wanting to be taken away from this cruel world. Was there nothing that the two of them (Snare and Hellfyre) could do to pursuade her? Hellfyre sighed to himself.

She was stubborn, why couldn't she see hope in the slightest of corners..? He wouldn't speak now, but he did come foward. He seemed to sit near Snare, probably knowing the older wolf would soon move on and speak some more. Hellfyre hated this dreaded silent feeling, but he knew it was for the best.

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Post by damenster » 30-07-2009 12:52

Adire looks to the males. She can do nothing thy are literally her boss. Everything that she wants to do is going watched carefully. “you want to know my story” says she loud “I’m only her to survive but I cant survive any longer. I’m out of energy I needed to do everything alone I needed to hunt for my self I did tray to find a way out of here but I had no idea where I needed to go to” she sights and looked to the water “I told you that I had a story but with out memories is there no story” she can’t remember who she ended up here she cant remember why she travel in to the dessert “if you wand to release you anger on me than will I not stop you” sights she wail she looked in to the water.
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 02-08-2009 03:08

(I am so so so so so so sorry. ;~; I have a LOT of RPs to reply to...)

Snare felt the heat in his stomach rise threateningly to his throat, and he forced his muscles to stay put, his fangs to keep covered. Slowly, he vented his anger at Adire's obvious lack of confidence by exhaling, his one eye glaring at Adire as if she were a demon. Perhaps she was. Probably not. He cast a glance at Hellfyre, as if to ask how he had dealt with her so far, but quickly stood again and turned abruptly, facing away from Adire.

"I see how it is... Absolutely pitiful... I don't even feel like ending your meaningless life... It'd be such a waste of my time... This oasis, however... would serve very well as a territory... I'll be taking it, since you don't seem to want to live any longer..."

He kicked a fair amount of sand in Adire's face with one of his hind paws before wandering off, searching for scent markings to replace. Of course, he had no intention of staying here, but he could think of nothing that Adire would hate more than taking her grounds away from her, or perhaps just meaningless humiliation.
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 04-08-2009 23:03

Hellfyre's ears drew back hesitantly. Adire went through her speech of release once more from this world and onto the next. He gave a heavy sigh. Why did she have to be this way? She even said that Snare could kill her if he wanted to.

Snare didn't like that, and he seemed much more aggresive in words. It was pitiful of her to sink so low, a waste of precious time. He even said he would be taking over this place. Hellfyre's eyes widened. Was Snare really going to do this? Ears perked, he watched as Snare had hit her with sand across her maw before he began to go off on his own. Hellfyre glanced to Adire for a moment, a small sadenned look before he rushed after Snare.

"Are you really going to take this territory from her?" Hellfyre asked in a low whisper, a rumbling from beneath him. "Don't you think you're going a little too far..?" he added then. "Show some mercy... what has she done to you to make you treat her like dirt?" he asked. Sighing, he shook his head before he glanced away a moment. "The way you're going about this.. it almost reminds me of my brother.."

(heheh... :3 )

The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 04-08-2009 23:21

(Btw, The green hatchling isn't mine... I abandoned it a while back since I didn't have enough publicity to hatch it. I haven't changed my sig since then. X3 AND HERE WE GOOOOO. XDD)

Snare was already sniffing around when Hellfyre caught up to him. At his words, he sighed heavilly and turned his head slightly towards the smaller male, obviously annoyed that he had to continuously explain himself.

"No, no I'm not. And mercy will be in order when she figures out that it would be better to live than to die like an abandoned lapdog. It's not about what she's done to me, it's about what she's doing to herself."

He continued to skirt the territory, looking for scent markings, but stopped dead, frozen to the spot, when Hellfyre mentioned a brother. Something deep, deep down in his shriveled little heart suddenly felt as if it had been scraped by an icy fang... Images of Bullet swam behind his eyes, blurred by time and secret mourning... Bullet... his brother... Snare exhaled sharply and turned rather abruptly.

"You have a brother...?"

The only reason he asked was because he'd felt so tied to Bullet... It was strange to him that Hellfyre wasn't with his. He hoped very much that they weren't in the same boat...

(In any case.. I'm trying to find a hatchling to start with... One that's already hatched. Think you could spread the link around if I get one?)
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Post by damenster » 07-08-2009 21:55

{go ahead I'm low on must to RP}
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 07-08-2009 22:22

sure i can try :) and ok damanster~ )

"No, no I'm not. And mercy will be in order when she figures out that it would be better to live than to die like an abandoned lapdog. It's not about what she's done to me, it's about what she's doing to herself."

Hellfyre blinked, before his ears slightly lowered. Snare was right, Adire was the one to figure out really what she was doing. Hellfyre could never change her opinions on her life, even though as much as he had tried to he had almost been able to get something. But now that he thought about it, Snare was ruining everything. Still, he did have a point And the older wolf was right in his ways, but Hellfyre just felt treating her more like dirt would immediately make her feel and become like it, and that wasn't what Hellfyre would want for her, or for anyone for that matter.

"I guess... but still, I just think maybe it's a bit. . . rash." he mumbled slightly. His ears perked though when Snare had asked him about his brother.

"Yeah.. I do." Hellfyre said, before his slowly narrowed his eyes. "What's it to you?" he asked, eyebrow raised for a moment. "I mean, I meant no disrespect I was just... wondering is all." he added then. "You got one too?" he asked then. Considering Snare had asked him of his brother, Naynali, Hellfyre figured Snare had one as well.

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