this is my place (any is welcome)

The Chaka desert is a tough place; the heat, the blazing sun and the wide open terrain with nothing but sand. Finding one of the secret oasiss is the best way to stay alive.
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Post by damenster » 01-06-2009 16:24

Why was this male not giving up on her, he didn’t know her "can you not leaf me alone” Mumbles she. But when the male started with asking her why she did wand to die in this oasis did she snap with a quick out rolling reaction did she tray to grape his throat. She did hope that he than stops with asking al those things.

{{it will stay with this I want to know first that adire grapes Hellfyre throat before finishing the post}}
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 01-06-2009 23:12

Hellfyre was suprised when suddenly Adire went directly for his neck. Without being able to react in time, Hellfyre immediately found teeth near his throat. But there weren't any puncture wounds, as his fur was very strong. "What the hell?!" he cried, snarling as he was suddenly pinned down. She had a firm grip. "Let me GO." he snarled.

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Post by damenster » 01-06-2009 23:56

By all the word that the stranger did say did she feel her self offended. “why will I let you go” she growl “I will not let you go before you know what I’m doing her” she growls evens louder “do you fink that I’m here voluntarily if you fink so than are you wrong” she say’s with sniffing a tear away “you are saying that I want to live here and that I want to die her completely on my own… that is not trough” she stop’s and closed her eye’s “I don’t want to die here but this is my jail and I’m locked op in the oasis… if I leaf this place than will I die in a view days, if I stay here I can survive it nearly” she closed the throat of the stranger for a view second and throws him than away from her “now get out of my eye side before I kill you for real” she was bragging with that she was not strong enough to do that it was to long ago that she did eat something.
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 03-06-2009 00:11

“do you fink that I’m here voluntarily if you fink so than are you wrong” she say’s with sniffing a tear away “you are saying that I want to live here and that I want to die her completely on my own… that is not trough” she stop’s and closed her eye’s “I don’t want to die here but this is my jail and I’m locked op in the oasis… if I leaf this place than will I die in a view days, if I stay here I can survive it nearly” she closed the throat of the stranger for a view second and throws him than away from her “now get out of my eye side before I kill you for real”
Hellfyre was suprised, before he was thrown away. Instantly coming to his paws, he stared at her in disbelief. He felt more angered now than anything other than sympathy. "I never said you wanna. But by the looks of how DAMN stubborn you are, I'd take it you WANT TO." he snarled. "I didn't ask for a sob story. I didn't come here to know that you just have given up. This your jail. TO HELL WITH THIS! You ain't locked up." he said. "With a bit of help you can get outta here. You can escape. You don't gotta be stuck here forever. Believe me, if you can just believe that you can make it through." he told her.

"Survival alone is one thing... but with the help of another, things gradually become easier. I'm tellin' ya, I ain't leavin' until you get outta here and get your sorry ass moving." he said. Sure, it wasn't the best way to coax her out of this place, but he didn't want to see a wolf like her, miserable and alone think they needed to die in a place like this.

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Post by damenster » 03-06-2009 20:37

After killing almost this male did he sill stand and trying to help her. but his help was not needed this is her place and she will not come anywhere ells. She was to wake to travel but wail she was trying to get the male of her land did she waste to match energy in it. She shaking on her legs wail she looked to hellfyre “be happy you don’t have to wait long” not far after she said it did she fall down on the ground. She did became to tiered to stand any longer. She looked up to hellfyre “I hope that thy are on time”. She is not ready to die she want to live longer but she had not a choice.
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 05-06-2009 03:59

He was suprised when suddenly Adire had suddenly collapsed. His ears folded back for a moment, before he carefully approached her. Sighing, he bent down before he said, "You're not gunna die. Not on my watch." He went back to the dead rabbit, before he'd picked it up and came back over.

"You had better NOT give me any trouble." he muttered as he tore the rabbit apart into smaller pieces. He then placed a paw on her mouth before prying it open. She obviously didn't have any strength left, so he'd have to force feed her. "Just work cooperatively with me.." he said, before he started stuffing the food into her mouth. "Now you'd better swallow that or else I'm going to have to do more DRASTIC measures."

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Post by damenster » 05-06-2009 22:56

Adire didn’t like to be forced sins that male was here did thy become only deeper in the problem so deep that adire killed almost her self. “release me ore I’m going to do nothing” did she growl wail hellfyre pressed meat in her mouth. she did try to pres the meat out of her mouth with her tough but the males pawl was stronger “I will kill you when I get my strength back” growled she hoping that the male stopped with pressing her mouth full with meat. But suddenly when she breathe in did there roll a pieces of meat in her air channel and makes her suffocate. Wail she was suffocating did she make a power full movement back warts and throw all the meat out her mouth but the that peace that was in her air channel. She is looking around and trying to cough the pieces out of her air channel but it didn’t work. Was this male bringing bad luck to her? ore did she do this to her self.
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 05-06-2009 23:28

"Ah crap!" Hellfyre immediately backed off when she suddenly spat out the unwanted food. But he noticed she was suddenly choking! "If ya'd listened to me you ungrateful hound you wouldn'tve choked!" Instantly coming to her he patted her back a few forceful times before he knew that was futile. The only way to get something out was to force it right?

Knowing this was a bad thing to do, but the only way, he instantly came around and mounted himself on top of her. His paws wrapped around her stomach and he pushed against her in attempts for the meat piece to fly. And indeed, within a few seconds the meat piece flew across the desert floor, and rolled away on the ground. Getting off immediately, Hellfyre looked more annoyed now than ever. "If ya'd just listened to me and did what I asked you to do you wouldn'tve choked. What the hell is your problem?" he snarled. "Fine. You wanna die? Be my guest. I'm done helpin' and all it does is give a shitload back in my face. BY YOU." he said, snapping his maw at her with teeth clattering. Storming away, Hellfyre began his way across the oasis, and onto the other side.

He'd had enough of this crap. No more mister nice guy.

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Post by damenster » 05-06-2009 23:59

When the piece of meat did fly out of her mouth was she happy to breathe again. When the male released her again did she make space between them her tail is between her legs and he ears pressed down on her head. She didn’t say a word only whine to him. The fight was over she had lost. She looked how the male did walk to the other side of the oasis and than to the meat. She walked over to the meat and started to eat from it. When she was done did she search for the far and darkest place in the oasis to sleep. When she found a spot did she rolled her self up and closed her eye’s. but when the male did lay on top of her did she feel something that she had fell never before she feel her self horny. It was a strange feeling but also pleased.
Silver of the Mist
Posts: 2297
Joined: 12-01-2009 03:01

Post by SilverWolf92 » 09-06-2009 18:55

As Hellfyre had made his way across the oasis, and began to walk away, all the anger and rage suddenly started to be drained from his body. He let out deep breaths, before he sighed and shook his head. He was a bit away from the oasis now, and he stopped with his tail hanging. He glanced back, and saw the small figure of Adire. She seemed to be lying again. His eyes closed before he sighed again. He took a few paws foward, before he found himself walking back. He figured he might as well apologize for his outburst...

Making his way back, he was quiet about it. She didn't seem to notice him, especially hen she rolled over and closed her eyes. He was surprised, as his ears suddenly perked. His focus off her for a moment, a small curve came across his maw as a smile came. She'd eaten the food. Good. He looked around for something else now. But since it was night, everything was silent so there wouldnt' be anything. He finally decided in he morning he'd go search again for something. Maybe there was hope after all..

Coming over to where Adire seemed to be sleeping now, did he merely just lie down beside her, as quiet as he'd come so as not to disturb her. Maybe he'd stick around here for a while.. just until he was certain about a few things.

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