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Posted: 14-04-2009 23:18
by Nakisha
WOOPS... yes! Changed it, thanks. :)

Posted: 09-05-2009 18:20
by Nakisha
Bumpie for Fading Tracks. :)

Posted: 19-05-2009 00:27
by Fading_Tracks
((Sorry for the wait guys, I'm finally out of school and have way more time to dedicate to my rps.))

Rowena turned her attention abruptly toward the rather interesting looking male as he appeared baffled by her rank. She couldn’t help but grin lightly, but it was subtle as she pretended not to be amused by his flirtatious acts. Normally, being hit on wasn’t interesting to her, but when a rather strong male who had some class performed the deed, a bit of her true female colors shined through. Once he showed more respect by referring to her as Beta after answering her question, the smirk grew cockier. Pulling her head forward, she responded.

“Not recently no, I have just wandered from my pack momentarily to get some privacy, you lot were the first I have yet to encounter.” she responded.

Looking back to the pup bearing female, she noticed the flushed look across her face. She must’ve been due anytime now; she made sure that her pace didn’t outrun the female beside her. A warmer smile came to her maw; her soft spot for females, especially those with pups on the way, always seemed to tear down any façade she slaved to create. Once she started to fall farther back however, she turned her head, stopping entirely. Looking at her mate, who was growing more worried, Rowena wondered if his assumption was correct. Luckily, the lake hadn’t been that far from the pack, still, they had to hurry. Nudging her head in their direction, hopefully they would hurry so they could reach more confident of a birthplace.

“It shouldn’t be much further, but we should hurry.” she stated.

Once they finally continued their travels, Rowena approached the edge of the cliff before stopping. Below her was the huge crater-like canyon, full of caves and at its bottom had a rather immense valley. Since Starbeam wouldn’t be able to make it far with ease, Rowena decided to settle for one of the higher placed caves. Leaping down, she landed on the neared ledge, a few caves along the row. Looking back up, she placed herself closer to the canyons wall.

“Have Starbeam inch onto my back, I can help her land and take her to one of these caves.” she stated.

Posted: 31-05-2009 20:22
by alakai
He gave a worried look towards Starbeam. ''Are they acting up, darling?'' He frowned a little. ''You don't suppose.... they're coming already...?''
He stared at her round belly. If the pups would be born soon... it was double lucky that they had bumped into Rowena....
"I-I think so. They are starting to cramp on me a lot." She panted out, beads of sweat dropping from her fur. She looked up towards rowena, and pressed against her slightly, as she continued to swagger on. She really hoped it wasn't much further.
“It shouldn’t be much further, but we should hurry.” she stated.

Once they finally continued their travels, Rowena approached the edge of the cliff before stopping. Below her was the huge crater-like canyon, full of caves and at its bottom had a rather immense valley. Since Starbeam wouldn’t be able to make it far with ease, Rowena decided to settle for one of the higher placed caves. Leaping down, she landed on the neared ledge, a few caves along the row. Looking back up, she placed herself closer to the canyons wall.

“Have Starbeam inch onto my back, I can help her land and take her to one of these caves.” she stated.
They had finally reached the valley, and starbeam looked over the edge to the valley below." W-were gonna go down this??" she asked, slightly uneasy. But when she heard what rowena said, she felt slightly more at ease. She inched her way over the edge, planting her feet firmly against the rocky surface, and inched her way down towards rowena's waiting back." Don't let me fall storm.." she said. As she got closer, she rose her paw to place it over her back, when she lost her footing and started sliding down the embankment. She let out a surprised yelp, as she dug her claws into the rocks, trying to slow her descent. She landed hard on rowena's back, and she let out a groan of pain." Dammit..." she panted out, wincing in pain. She hoped that she didn't harm the pups, and cursed herself for not being more careful. She placed her head next to her neck and completely went limp, exhausted from her travels." oh god... I wish these pups would be out of me already!!" she grumbled out, as her eyes fluttered closed.

Posted: 31-05-2009 21:15
by SilverWolf92
“Not recently no, I have just wandered from my pack momentarily to get some privacy, you lot were the first I have yet to encounter.”

Hellfyre smirked. "Heh, and we're damn lucky we ran into you as well." he commented. And now with Starbeam probably ready to give birth, Hellfyre glanced her way a moment before back to Rowena. "Thanks for your tender care in aiding Starbeam, we'll be in your debt I imagine." She would take them to her pack, mere strangers. It was a blessing to have been found by a pack member. It would make the birthing so much more easier. Plus, it'd been a while since he'd been in contact with an actual pack..

When they'd come to the area, Hellfyre felt his eyes would pop out of his head. Holy crap, when Rowena said the pack was called Craterstone, she really meant it! There was a huge gap going downward, and it looked like a joyride in his opinion. But then again, with Starbeam due, things would get complicated. Sure, he'd have fun, but he bet Beta Rowena and Starbeam wouldn't be so thrilled. "So.." Hellfyre mentioned rather softly. "We just uh, leap down this steep track or wut..?"

Posted: 31-05-2009 21:56
by Nakisha
"I-I think so. They are starting to cramp on me a lot." She panted out, beads of sweat dropping from her fur. She looked up towards rowena, and pressed against her slightly, as she continued to swagger on. She really hoped it wasn't much further.
Rowena had everything planned... that was a relief. Starbeam couldn't hold on much longer... Storm stayed right besides her, ready to help if need be.
Once they finally continued their travels, Rowena approached the edge of the cliff before stopping. Below her was the huge crater-like canyon, full of caves and at its bottom had a rather immense valley. Since Starbeam wouldn’t be able to make it far with ease, Rowena decided to settle for one of the higher placed caves. Leaping down, she landed on the neared ledge, a few caves along the row. Looking back up, she placed herself closer to the canyons wall.

“Have Starbeam inch onto my back, I can help her land and take her to one of these caves.” she stated.


They had finally reached the valley, and starbeam looked over the edge to the valley below." W-were gonna go down this??" she asked, slightly uneasy. But when she heard what rowena said, she felt slightly more at ease. She inched her way over the edge, planting her feet firmly against the rocky surface, and inched her way down towards rowena's waiting back." Don't let me fall storm.." she said.
As Rowena waited for Starbeam, Storm followed right after his mate, to help her stay on her paws the best he could.
It was a steep way down....

As she got closer, she rose her paw to place it over her back, when she lost her footing and started sliding down the embankment. She let out a surprised yelp, as she dug her claws into the rocks, trying to slow her descent.
''STAR!'' Storm did his best to grab her tail as she suddenly slipped, but missed by a hair. His heart started pounding like crazy; this couldn't be happening... not now!!
She landed hard on rowena's back, and she let out a groan of pain." Dammit..." she panted out, wincing in pain. She hoped that she didn't harm the pups, and cursed herself for not being more careful. She placed her head next to her neck and completely went limp, exhausted from her travels." oh god... I wish these pups would be out of me already!!" she grumbled out, as her eyes fluttered closed.
Storm came slipping down as fast as he could. ''Star, are you alright?! Star!!'' He ran towards her, just in time to hear her groaned statement.

He felt so helpless. And with Hellfyre still up there, it would be hard to move her. ''Star... are you still with me? Are you there?'' He asked, hoping she hadn't lost contiousness....

Posted: 31-05-2009 22:01
by alakai
((Hellfyre nakisha, hellfyre!!! XDD))

Posted: 31-05-2009 22:06
by Nakisha
((I feel so DUMB... :oops: Thanks Alakai. I'm so used to Rping with Naynali that I keep calling Hellfyre Naynali too!! URGH... I'll try do it better next time.))

Posted: 01-06-2009 07:37
by Fading_Tracks
As Rowena watched Starbeam as she began to descend the cliff, she could see her belly shift beneath her. Feeling more concerned the longer she watched her, she placed her front paws upon the canyon. With her hind legs supporting her, Rowena leaned up higher, making sure Stars landing was a graceful one. Then, with one quick slip of a stone, Starbeam fell from her position. Quickly moving all feet back to the earth, Rowena steadied herself for impact. And just barely she kept Star from hitting the solid rock below, but even more so prevented her from tumbling downward. Even with the other safe, Rowena felt a surge of pain in her back. Grumbling in annoyance, she slowly shifted out from underneath the other; she would be no use to her lying beneath her.

Looking at her mate, she sighed lightly before turning toward the rocks edge. A light crowd of her pack had gathered to see the commotion. Locating Mirna below, she called out to her. “Mirna, report here immediately, we have a pregnant female with us!” she barked firmly. Looking back toward the female, she nudged her maw until it was underneath Stars stomach. With a few maneuvers, she managed to get Star rested across her back. “She’s fine, her breath is steady, but we need to get her to a cave. My omega will be arriving shortly to assist her.” she stated boldly before walking toward the cave.

Her voice sounded cold, but it wasn’t intentional. That was just Rowenas tone whenever she wanted to keep order. To remain collected, she had to rid herself of her emotions, which over time had become increasingly easier. Entering the dim gloom of the cave, she gently laid herself against the cold soil before allowing Star to roll lightly off of her. Walking back toward the entrance, she sat coolly outside. She was never that good with pups, but she would stay watch to keep all others out except for Mirna.

Posted: 09-06-2009 03:40
by Fading_Tracks
((Um...bump everyone! XD))