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The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 08-01-2013 03:38

XD The structure for Broken Souls is all Leo. He's a roleplay genius. ;)
But I love how everything's unfolding for all the characters. We dunno how it's gonna end or what's gonna happen in the future, but it's sure gonna be fun getting there!

Ummm. I think all the characters are busy at the moment, but the quickest way to get in would be to have either a dog character or another wolf. Either you could jump in as a character that already existed within the facility OR since dear Riesling doesn't have any other pets in play besides Blood and Therius, you could be one of his dogs or a new wolf popping onto the scene. How he or she got there and whether or not they're cooperative is up to you, haha.

And as for how he became alpha, I do not know XD He was actually a really effective leader, and the pack wasn't exactly a traditional-style one, so I just rolled with it.

And that would be adorable :love1:
Maybe they could meet and this male wolf believes her ruse for awhile, but finds himself attracted to her, becomes confused... then finds out she's a girl somehow without her knowing, and THEN she starts believing he's gay... And then she falls for him and then THE WHOLE CONFUSING MESS STARTS.

...I think this could be a thing. :lol:
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Post by K.A.T » 08-01-2013 03:55

Tell me about it Leo is a genius since he created the plot line for Broken Souls as well as the Gifth Circle and whatnot :)

This story is suspenseful, who knows what's gonna happen next. Is gonna end badly or happy? Happy for some but bad for others? Lol

Hmm I'll dwell on the topic of either dog or wolf, or maybe both that could be fun. Hehe thinking of maybe adding a twist and making a female dog who joins the ranks of Blood and the other facility dogs and proves her worth. This female is not someone to mess with. Lol that and maybe a captured wolf, but we shall see.

Lol a gay alpha wolf, never say never. Although you would think another male would challenge him since he doesn't really produce heirs by being gay, although he could always have concubines haha

And Shaydie my friend you just read my mind. How great minds think alike. Will they be in a pack setting or like just wandering? Cuz just wandering wouldn't be a great plot, but I don't know if you already have something in mind. But I do enjoy the twist of "he falls for him, but then finds out its a her, and then she thinks he's gay but falls for him and the hilarity issues"

Oh I'm itching to start :D
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 08-01-2013 04:12

Haha, if you did that then maybe Shade could get a little jealousy action~? From one or the other XD I can see one of the girls getting pushy over Blood. No one likes Spax so it's okay~~~~ LOL

Yeah, he had concubines. No mate to speak of, but I'm not entirely sure of what was going on in that situation.

And that sounds amazing XD Um... I was thinking maybe one of them would be trying to get somewhere for some reason, like they'd heard of a place to go that was like paradise, and it was one of their dreams to at least see it. Then the other would tag along and they'd have a bit of adventure together on the journey. A pack situation would require more of us to play, I think, but I'm not opposed to that at all~ :D

I'm itching to start too X3 Good times, man.
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Post by K.A.T » 08-01-2013 04:26

Oh oh why yes. Having a female constantly around Blood, Spax, and Dice? Would surely cause some rumors spreading and such. Plus Blood and this female share the same owner so maybe Shade will be feeling a bit miffed. Or this could push Blood and Shades relationship to areas they've never dared to explore. Hehe oh the drama!!

Lol what an odd situation, though pretty sure this would not be realistic haha. In the wild that gay wolf would be the first to go, unless they were al good fighter

Got an idea. What if the male got separated from his pack and he's traveling to go back to them. He meets Median and tells her of how his pack gives equality to both females and males and perhaps this interests her and so she tags along with him. Along the way they get into all these situations, some funny, others a bit more serious and of course feelings fly and when they do make it back to the pack things get a bit more complicated since they find out he's actually next in line to be alpha and is betrothed to another female and so he finds a way to try and confess his feelings before things get out of paw. Lol

I'm imagining one of their adventures is getting captured by a horde of rats and at night the male overhears the rats saying how Median didnt have any bits :lol: and that's how he finds out haha
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 08-01-2013 06:01





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Post by K.A.T » 08-01-2013 08:57

Shaydie wrote:YES




lol such a drama queen shaydie :P

so I just finalized my idea and even got my male character. You'll love it, he's actually one that I've already made but never thought of using

if you remember This post

hehe it's my lovely family who value women over men. well doesn't that just sound perfect for lovely Median? hehe

so here's what the plot is seemingly going to be.

Draven, the greyish-blue male of the family, got kidnapped by some hunters and was being transported elsewhere. But during the trip, he managed to break free of the transport vehicle and is now on the run.

Trouble is, he has no idea where he is and due to the overdose of tranquilizers the humans used on him, his memory is hazy and he is having trouble remembering where his family is.

So he's just wandering towards where he thinks is the right direction when he bumps into Median, how I don't know yet lol

So they meet, chat and Draven tells the new wolf of his family, where women are many and held in high esteem. Obviously Median finds this very interested and joins him on his trip home. Draven, thinking Median is a male, assumes that the male wants to come along to meet his sisters and perhaps woo one. Not that he minds..

And along the way they get into all sorts of trouble. Rats, swamp, other wolf pack, weird things that happen, bear attack maybe lol. The two bond and whatnot and Draven has this strange attraction towards Median and he's kinda shi**ing his fur thinking he's becoming gay. Until something happens and he finds out the truth about her sex.

Well for some reason he doesn't tell her and they continue their way to his pack. And now Draven finds it funny to flirt with Median, causing her to think he's gay but at the same time fall for him and thus causing massive headache and confusion....and then we continue from there :P :P :lol:

what say you shaydie? :D
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Post by Leo » 08-01-2013 18:40

Kat its easy to bring you in as the humans are always buying new wolves, there are so many dogs there you can become one of them, there loads of rats to so its nice and easy really. i think having a wolf and a dog is a cool way to start cos then you get to play both sides which would be awesome lol

mistress has loads of dogs under her so you could be one of them or a rivel trainers. there is already a girl dog running around jolene she is got her own little sceem with dice to put blood and some others in there place, but theres always room for more females in the dog side of things :D as jolene would get jelos with another female dog around :) or you could be a young human who works for mistress that has her own dog, if you have any iders send me a pm and we can work on it :P

and thanks for the kind words i ready them on my moblie wile at work and it really made me smile, kinda made my day lol

well i still got loads of iders for the plotlines and new things to happen to keep the boat rocking, so il get reading, remind me how it was wile we were all rocking and rolling then start a new one under the orginal title as lets face it, it was the best title lol


i dont remeber that shadyie im trying to think but i love that ider il be reading that one wile you girls rp it lol

*runs off to start reading*
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 08-01-2013 19:10

Kat that sounds perfect~ And yes I am a drama queen! And weird like that! And I'm PROUD OF IT! :lol:

But yeah, I can see this all panning out pretty nicely. I kinda picture them meeting randomly, while Median is unaware of Draven's presence. Maybe rolling around alone in a field somewhere, just having fun and not bothering with her little ruse, when Draven trots up like "Hi which way to the nearest wolf pack" and she freaks out and has to stumble back into her masquerade. XD Besides, if she's on her back while Draven's there, I can imagine it'd be pretty easy to get suspicious even WITH all the fluff.

Or maybe she gets into some kind of trouble and Draven has to come and help out. Who knows~

Man is it good to be back here. My brain's running a mile a minute just thinking of all the stuff that might go down soon. :)

Oh, by the way, Leo, just watched that video of yours. Nice bike! :P Call me crazy, but that engine purr makes me wanna jump on the back of a motorcycle right now, haha. I haven't ridden in so long... Might end up getting my own sport bike eventually, especially since it's better gas mileage - prices are eating my wallet at the moment. Unfortunately my mom has a cruiser so neither of us have any idea about what would be good for me if I wanted to start with a sport bike. Any ideas?
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Post by K.A.T » 08-01-2013 19:12

lol I need to reread Broken Souls just to make sure I know the gist of things.

At the moment I created a female dog with some wolf blood to be used as a guard dog. I'll probably have Mistress bring in another female dog.

my girl, Nyx, lol she and Jolene are gonna be bitches to each other lol I doubt Jolene is happy that another girl is stepping onto her turf

Plus I'll have a male wolf get captured so that would give me two characters to work with. It should keep me busy for a while, and I do have other Rps to keep track of :D

btw Leo would you mind giving me a run down of how Broken Soul works again? Like the plot line?

Thanks for that. Working on my girl now and she'll be done soon :P
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Post by K.A.T » 08-01-2013 20:58


This girl work? Her name's Nyx. Beautiful Belgian Malinois x Saarloos Wolfhound female. Single scar across her snout from younger days. Uh her age is around 1.5 to 2 years old. I guess I'll develop her more once I know where to put her :D

Jolene, Shade, Cardinal...be wary ladies, a new girl is in town. :lol:

Now on to my captured male wolf

Actually I might bring in another dog character. From Shattered Souls I had the character of Nimrod, I might recreate his design but I want to reintroduce him along with Nyx :D Hope that's okay with you guys

right now deciding what kind of personality my wolf should have
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