Something Fun as We Wait :D

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Something Fun as We Wait :D

Post by K.A.T » 31-05-2012 22:43

so recently I just read an ebook on my iPad, fantasy romance genre lol I'm a sucker for those. but as I was reading it I got hooked onto the idea that the author built around.

Imagine present day time, we humans are co-existing with all the lovely fantasy creatures we've all read in books and seen in movies, except now they're just walking among us. they have been integrated into our daily lives and some have even taken part in politics, there are wereanimals, vampires, and some fae that sit in government positions, working side by side with humans to ensure peace between the races and other continents

the book idea was marvelous and totally nice. If you guys have ever heard of the HBO series True Blood, it's a bit like that

we now live in a time were vampires and werecreatures, plus witches and fae are wanting equal rights to live along side humans, nice right? lol

so in the book creatures like wereanimals, vampires, fae, gods of all kind are actually real. the main character is a kickass witch who knows how to handle her monsters.

but anyway she has to go through this whole crime ordeal that involves a God and such and I was just hooked.

lol and my thoughts went wild. I was thinking if such a thing happened, well I for one would find myself a handsome sexy werewolf and be totally happy :happy:

so much so that I even made a simple pic


lol simple right? lovely beautiful white wolf with startling emerald eyes. of course he'd actually be a werewolf and not just some wolf. and when I mean werewolf I mean like the humanoid looking ones, not the ones that just transform into a wolf

like so ... wereul.png

so then shall we have some small chat fun?

so let's just pretend that this scenario is real, that these creatures are real and that you are thrown in the midst of it

will you fall for another creature that literally popped out from a story book? or will your lover be human :D

pray tell, write a story, this is your fantasy, ;) go wild. let your deepest desires surface into this make believe lover to release some pent up stress or feelings

for funsy fill in this template of your make-believe lover or perhaps who you would wish would be yours :happy:

Code: Select all

[b]Describe appearance (height, hair and eye color):[/b]
[b]Words to describe personality:[/b]
[b]How did you two meet?:[/b]
[b]Tell us your love story:[/b]
[b]What's the situation with you two?[/b]
[b]Powers he/she has:[/b]
[b]Extra tidbits:[/b]

:happy: have fun, throw your imagine wild and create your perfect lover lol :D :D

to get started, I'll do my own :love1:

some lovely helpful information:

wereanimals, fae, vampires, all have extended longevity. it is not uncommon to meet vampires 3000 years in age and in their years 300 is considered young. they all live for long long times though only few actually reach the 2000 as life gets boring after a while or they die unfortunately in unexpected ways. usually the longest living creatures are fae and vampire though weres are not far behind.

Vampires and Dhampirs
as for the species. vampires are obviously vampires but in this case, they're not considered undead. contrary to vampire in pop culture, these vampires are not dead. their hearts still beat, they still eat and drink regular food, they still reproduce. what remains true is that they do drink blood and they cannot walk in daylight, obviously unless they are a dhampir which is an offspring of a vampire and human, which are rare as the mating between a vampire and human usually don't produce offspring. but there are some.

so in a sense, vampires are just like regular people, besides with the boost of supernatural strength and senses, the blood drinking, and the no daylight thing.

now dhampirs are really like super humans. they still retain their supernatural senses and strength, but their need to drink blood isn't as great as full vampires and they can walk around in daylight. the thing that makes dhampirs weaker is that they are all relatively the same in terms of strength, there are no master dhampirs. and usually dhampirs have no extra abilities. the only way a dhampir might get extra powers is if they come from powerful bloodlines

now vampires, there are two kinds. there are regular ones, and there are master vampires. master vampires are powerful vampires with extra abilities like teleportation or psychic abilities. usually there are 3-4 master vampires that control each continent, usually a master of a particular city and then governing the cities around it. these are usually the strongest vampires, not necessarily the oldest but the strongest and their bloodlines are usually consisting of powerful vampires. even a dhampir bred from their line can be powerful

only some master vampires can fly, and they do not transform into bats :)

BIG DETAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vampires and dhampirs are only born!!! ONLY!!! which make things interesting. there is no way to be turned into a vampire! it is a hereditary thing in their blood, this is a reason why they are not considered undead and this eliminates a problem with humans trying to become vampires

Fae (my information is limited, please google "Fae creatures" to learn more :)

fae can include fairies, trolls, goblins, pixies, elves and things like that from fairy tales. the thing with faes is that they usually stick to themselves and do not interact much with humans unlike vampires and weres. the faes will work with humans but normally they are not as social. they usually stay away from weres and vampires too. they will interact more with humans with weres or vampires

now as for weres, the were society works in a particular way. there are some groups with only one species, and many others with a group of species together.

the groups are:
+the canines (include dingos, dogs, hyenas, jackals, wolves, also wolverines because they are large weasels)
-of the canines, the wolves, and the hyenas, are the largest groups and usually form their own clans/packs, the rest form canine groups. jackals and coyotes usually band together. the wolverines usually go with the wolves

+the big cats
-of the big cats, the tigers and lions usually band together, the jaguars and leopards usually form their own single families due to their large numbers. the rest again, remain in feline groups

+the avians
-the birds of prey and regular birds (those that don't eat meat) are usually separated and therefore form two groups

+the herbivores (large animals like horses, deer, elk, rhinos, elephants)
-of the herbivores the deer, elk, moose (other antlers) band together. rhinos and elephants (buffalo and such) band together, the horses and zebras are also together.

+the small mammals (rodents, marsupials, etc)
-of the small mammals, the rodents are the most numerous, with the rats and weasel family being the top. the rats have their own packs. the weasels (including ferrets, stoats, martens, etc) form their own. other small mammals, like rabbits, porcupines or what nots just band together to make small mammal groups

+the marines (large sea animals, dolphins, sharks, whales, sea lions, sea turtles)
-these weres do not have a humanoid form, only a larger version than their natural cousins. they only transform in the waters, never on land. marine weres can adapt to any marine environment regardless of their natural habitats. they band together as a single pod of marine weres

of these groups, the most common ones are the canines, cats, and small mammals. usually the avians and herbivores there are less of them than there are the others. the rodents reign supreme in their numbers, but in terms of strength of numbers, the wolves and cats dominate. the least common were are the marine weres.

a natural born wereanimal's transformation is fast and painless as it is in their blood and part of them. a turned were's transformation is usually slower and more painful due to the forced theiranthrophy blood. weres are able to transform their bodies completely or only a certain part of their bodies like their arms or feet. powerful weres have the ability of also assuming their natural animal form along with their were form (humanoid). there are some weres that can only transform into their natural animal form as a were form is not as ideal. such as snakes, they don't have a humanoid form, but transform into a very large, much bigger snake, bigger than their natural cousins.

BIG DETAIL!!!!!!!!
usually weres are born, but unlike vampires, weres can also be transformed through a ceremony and the infamous bite. full bred weres are naturally stronger than turned weres and turned weres sometimes are unstable due to the overwhelming power of the were genes that in many cases dominant the human genes and cells and cause the body to fight against itself and sometimes drives them crazy.

weres are usually forbidden to perform the turning ceremony or bite people unless given permission by the law, the preternatural law not human law. successful turned weres are weaker than natural weres and do not have extra powers like natural weres sometimes have

for the Gods. they are usually up there somewhere in their own realm, rarely do they come down to earth unless of course one of them is wrecking havoc but otherwise they mind their own business and just sit, drink wine, party, and watch us from above :D usually they reside in their individual pantheons, such as the Greek pantheon, or Norse pantheon.

Witches and Wizards
ok so witches and wizards are essentially humans with special powers. these powers can either be born or be taught, though being taught usually takes years and years of learning, the average about 40 years as when someone actually becomes a witch or wizard, they can lengthen their lifespan by 50 years or so. being born a witch or wizard is sometimes rare since to get a first generation which or wizard, it is usually the offspring of a human consorting with a God, first generation are somewhat like demi-gods/ from that first generation, they will then breed with humans to create more witches or wizards though sometimes the passing is not 100%

these are probably the least common preternaturals around. there are always wiccans and such, but they're not really considered "real" witches by preternatural terms

The thing with interbreeding:

obviously when humans and preternaturals reside together, it's natural to expect interbreeding. fae and humans and interbreed no problem, usually resulting in fae/human hybrids. in these cases the offspring have chances of gaining special abilities or will be very much like humans. the fae encourage interbreeding due to the fact that too much inbreeding will weaken them. fae will breed with humans, they can also breed with weres and vampires but these pairings are rare as the fae do not actually like weres and vampires, well generally speaking, there are always exceptions :)

if fae do couple with a were or vampire, it's a 50/50 chance of inheriting either, never a mix as their bloods don't mix well. so if a fae and wererat were to have children, the children would either be were or be fae, it can't be a fae-were hybrid

vampires can interbreed with humans, but mostly they breed with their own kind. the chances of a vampire and human offspring becoming a successful dhampir is low and they usually die early as the vampirisim destroys the child's cells. dhampirs are rare creatures, only handfuls are alive. but it is much easier for a dhampir and human to produce a child and in this case it would either be a human baby or a vampire baby, the vampirism gene can never be breeded out of the gene pool. dhampirs do not create dhampirs!

vampires can also breed with weres but the chance of a child are even lower than a vampire/human coupling. vampire-were hybrids are even more rare than dhampirs as the two bloods are actually destructive when in the same body and any child born usually dies within 24 hours of birth. there are only a couple of hybrids around. hybrids can breed with either a were or a vampire but which one they breed with will result in that kind of baby, either a vampire or a were baby, never a mix baby. a vampire-were hybrid is rare due to their low numbers but because of the miracle balance of were and vampire blood, these hybrids are incredibly powerful, probably more so than either of the parents and gifted with powers from both races and usually none of their weaknesses

weres can breed with humans, but like vampires, they usually breed among themselves. Due to the the theiranthrophy gene, the were genes are much stronger than human genes and will dominant. the offspring of such a coupling would either be were or be human, never a mix with a higher chance of being were than human.

when weres breed among themselves, the laws of animal breeding come into play. only weres of the same species may breed to create hybrid weres, like a weretiger and a werelion would make a sterile/infertile wereliger. the most common interbreeding that creates hybrids would be species breeding, sometimes between genus but that is rare. now that is only for hybrid weres. if per say a werefalcon were to mate with a wereweasel, the offspring would either be a werefalcon or a wereweasel as there is no way a hybrid can come from this.

the gods can breed with humans and usually humans only and although rare, the result would be a demi-god or first generation witch or wizard. these don't always roam the earth and are usually with the rest of the gods somewhere above the clouds

Good grief this is a long post!!! I can write a freaking story on this!!!


I will post my character up soon :D in my next post as currently I'm writing it and I can feel my cheeks blush at the simple words i'm typing, that and it's going to be long so might as well put it in the next post :happy: :love1:
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Post by Nakisha » 31-05-2012 22:57

Oh, oh, OHO... I have only read half of this yet but... I got a fantasy-type of werewolf/wolf in my head... had it for a long time... even special ways how to become one and such... I'm gonna do this one!!
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Post by K.A.T » 31-05-2012 23:08

Nakisha wrote:Oh, oh, OHO... I have only read half of this yet but... I got a fantasy-type of werewolf/wolf in my head... had it for a long time... even special ways how to become one and such... I'm gonna do this one!!

oh please tell, i'd love to hear your ideas as these are a mix of the author's ideas and some of my own :D

i'm making mine as we speak but he's getting pretty long lol quite a story to tell me and my lover boy, wolf vamp boy I mean :happy:
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Post by Nakisha » 31-05-2012 23:32

OMG but it'd be a long story... but well here goes part of it...

In my fantasy werewolves are creatures that can have one or two different morphs. They can change into anthro-wolves (let's call them type A), or réal wolves (just big ones, we'll call them type B), or both (let's call them AB types), depending on factors.

A few ways to be a werewolf:

1) You're born with it. You can be born as an A, as a B, or as an AB, depending on your parents and their morphs. The werewolf gene is dominant, meaning children will get them from either parent; a human mother who had a child with a werewolf father will likely have a child that has the werewolf gene. If dad is an A, the kid will be an A, if dad is a B, the kid will be a B, etc etc....

2) You can be given the bite. (To explain more about the bite I'd need the mature zone. :P) Depending on who bites you, you can get A, B or AB, but to become either of those, you'll need to be bitten by someone IN THAT FORM.


Human female gets bitten by a werewolf male in A form. Then she'll get the A form and ONLY that form, even if the male is an AB himself. He'd need to give her a SECOND bite in B form too to give her both morphs.
Of course, if the male is only A or B, he can just give his one type to her.

Werewolf females can bite human males too, but because of the way the bite has to be given (once again, mature) it's much harder for them to give a correct bite at the exact right time. Therefor, most werewolf females prefer having children to ensure their species.

Well that's it in a nutshell, minus the way the bite has to be given as that would require mature content.
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Post by K.A.T » 01-06-2012 00:00

ohh i like that idea :D the bite is relatively the same as in my reference but the style of the bite isn't which makes it interesting. it's actually very like the one I wrote, with the forms and all as only certain ones have one form while others are two :) great minds do think alike

if you wouldn't mind PMing your idea of the bite :lol:

my version, in order to make turning humans more challenging and not as common, the ceremony was formed.

in my case even if a human was bitten by a were, if the ceremony wasn't performed the bite would be meaningless

this reason is due to the fact that as condition for giving the weres their equal rights, the humans requested that there be something to monitor the numbers of weres so that the humans wouldn't be completely dominated.

are you going to make a make-believe lover? ;) i do love reading your writing

I'm writing mine in a story fashion and I'll probably post in the mature story section and link it to here since it will get pretty steamy in my story lol
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Post by Nakisha » 01-06-2012 00:07

K.A.T wrote:ohh i like that idea :D the bite is relatively the same as in my reference but the style of the bite isn't which makes it interesting. it's actually very like the one I wrote, with the forms and all as only certain ones have one form while others are two :) great minds do think alike

if you wouldn't mind PMing your idea of the bite :lol:

my version, in order to make turning humans more challenging and not as common, the ceremony was formed.

in my case even if a human was bitten by a were, if the ceremony wasn't performed the bite would be meaningless

this reason is due to the fact that as condition for giving the weres their equal rights, the humans requested that there be something to monitor the numbers of weres so that the humans wouldn't be completely dominated.

are you going to make a make-believe lover? ;) i do love reading your writing

I'm writing mine in a story fashion and I'll probably post in the mature story section and link it to here since it will get pretty steamy in my story lol
I will be reading your first post completely tomorrow as it is bedtime for me. But yeah, for me too, a simple bite (as in saliva-blood contamination) would mean you would create were's in a fight and that's unwanted. :P So I added a dimension.

As for my were lover... yes I'd love too. I've had one in my fantasy forever... :D

Oh and I'll send you a quick PM about the bite. :P
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Post by K.A.T » 01-06-2012 00:11

lol coolio, can't wait to read what you come up with :)

mine is getting lengthy hehe

btw replied to our Second Chance and await for your reply tomorrow ;)

things just got really interesting
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