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New RP Leo and I came up with

Posted: 20-09-2011 22:03
by K.A.T
Zombie Apocalypse Introduction

This story takes place on a different universe. A universe that is inhabited by human beings but also anthro creatures. Different countries have different species of anthros and different races of humans. There are lots of countries but our story will only involve three major ones. The major anthro country Aniopolis, the major human country Holiopolis, and the mixed country of humans and anthros Pease.

Throughout history, humans and anthros mostly stay on their own countries unless they are involved in trade. The only place where humans and anthros actually interact on a daily basis is on the country of Pease. Pease is actually a very large island that is separated from the other countries by vast oceans. The citizens of Pease get along quite well, humans and anthros alike.

Of course there is never peace without conflict. There have been wars between these two kinds of creatures before. It seems that anthros of Aniopolis have decided to just leave the humans be, but the humans of Holipolis are actually jealous of anthros and human scientists have been trying to devise a serum, a medicine that will allow humans to be like anthros, have their abilities without changing their physical form. They also created a serum that will degrade anthros to a human level.

For years human scientists of Holipolis have been working on this serum, until they one day got it. They sent some scientists to Pease to test out their new experiment. They captured an anthro and took a human volunteer and injected the serum into both of them. At first signs could be seen, but then everything went bad and the serums went wrong. They attacked the bodies of the victims and turned them into mindless zombies bent on destruction. The two zombies immediately lost all capability of rational thought and killed the scientists, mauled them and chewed them up.

The problem doesn’t end there. It seems like the bit of an infected individual is capable of turning a victim into a creature like itself. Even if the victims are chewed up and almost dead, as long as their heads are intact, they can reanimate and rise from the dead. So this plague spread across the country of Pease. It was devastating and now 40% of the population is infected.

The infection works like this: the infected bites but doesn’t kill the victim. The victim then has 3-5 days (3 for human and 5 for anthro) to seek a cure and then return to normal, otherwise after their limit is up they will be transformed into a living corpse. If the infected kills its victim, the victim reanimates in less than 5 minutes and joins the ranks of the undead. It seems as though the zombies aren’t all that mindless, they seem to be controlled by something, or someone. But who, neither people of Aniopolis or Holipolis know.

New got around and soon the two major countries heard of the news and knew they had to stop this madness. Begrudgingly, the anthros and humans team up to put an end to this zombie infestation. The humans agreed to create a antidote for the zombie bites since they were the ones who started this whole mess. The anthros volunteered their physical strength and abilities to aid in killing the zombies and capturing of specimens to be tested.

Both countries send their top people into Pease to form The Crusaders. There on Pease they established an underground base where the priorities of their organization is the preservation of living life on Pease, the destruction of hostile and infectious zombies and the capturing of Mercy zombies. The Crusaders work in teams of two, one anthro paired with one human and usually go on missions with multiple teams. Teams specialize in certain divisions, close range, long range, medical team, scout team, etc.

It is up to the Crusaders to put a stop to this madness, but will madness be only outside their protective walls?

Posted: 20-09-2011 22:57
by Leo
we have borrowed zombie classes from this web comic so all credit for zombies go to this fantastic comic and here are the zombie classes

The contry of Pease is the size of the united kindom with the same populaion level 63,000,000 and 40% of that are zombies so that makes a ruff 37,800,000 so yeah watch your selfs out there

Posted: 21-09-2011 05:08
by K.A.T
ok so here are my characters, so far. I don't know if I'll make more or not

Human Character

Name/Codename: Vivian Anise/Hack
Age: 25 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Human with slight genetic modifications
Affiliation: Crusaders – Team Rush with Erez
Physical Appearance: ... _Woman.jpg

Personality: Will be revealed through roleplay.

History: Newly trained soldier sent to replace Erez’s old partner who was unfortunately turned into a zombie. She spent years training, preparing herself for this mission as her father is one of the head military officers of Holiopolis. Having no brothers and being a single child, her father decided to send Vivian into the military and then to Pease to help solve this zombie infection. Although her father has a huge dislike of anthros, Vivian doesn’t share his same view. Naturally humans dislike and are jealous of anthros, but Vivian seems eager to meet one as she has never left her country of Holiopolis before.

Her first meeting with an anthro is her Crusader partner Erez Michaelis, who turned out to be nothing like she expected from an anthro. The two of them have been partners for a few months now and seem to be working fine together.

During her trainee years she had allowed herself to be a lab rat to test enhancements in humans. Her strength was enhanced and that allows her to wield a fairly large broadsword like nothing.

-Strategically mind
-Enhanced strength to wield her broadsword
-Very agile and nimble
-Use of technology to get her and her partner out of trouble
-Also very handy with a rifle, carries a Beretta pistol with her


Anthro Character

Name/Codename: Erez Michaelis/Hellhound
Age: 54 years old (which is like maybe 27 human years)
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf anthro
Affiliation: Crusaders – Team Rush with Vivian
Physical Appearance: ... 0_full.jpg

Personality: Will be revealed through roleplay.

History: Erez Michaelis was born on the anthro country of Aniopolis. His father was a successful trader though and would take Erez with him on many of his exchanges and trips, many times to Holipolis or to Pease. Once he was old enough, he was enlisted into the Aniopolis military because he found school and college too easy. He worked his way up in the ranks and is a top ranking soldier.

Once the outbreak of the zombie plague broke out he was one of the first to be sent over to Pease to settle this problem. Few shifters have a bone to pick with humans, Erez is one of them. He doesn't hate them but at times he does look down upon their incompetence.

His first partner was a female human by the name of Eliza and the two of them were in cahoots at times. But that ended when Eliza was attacked by zombies, Hunters to be exact, and she was killed in the process, immediately turning into a zombie.

Erez had no choice but to kill his partner himself. After that Erez worked along for a few months before the officials told him he would get a new partner soon. He met Vivian and the two hit it off well and work together nicely.

-Anthro senses – heightened senses of smell, sight, and hearing. He specializes in hearing
- Can use echolocation
-Super strength as well as speed and stamina but has more strength.
-Has a left metal arm equipped with a retractable sword, darts, and other small gadgets
-Wields two long swords effectively

Posted: 21-09-2011 21:52
by Leo
Anthro Character

Name/Codename: Rosie Haus or Rose
Age: 23 years old (in human age)
Gender: Female
Species: Hare
Affiliation: Crusaders – In the last throws of training top in her class and already going out on scouting missions
Physical Appearance:
Tall with and with out ears, slender, strong athletic build, bright green eyes.
As with all hares she dosent have a massive chest but at the same time there not small ither, she is beautiful bunny and always as a narty glint in her eyes. Her cloathing when she isn’t out on missions is normal, singlets and tank tops, combats and jeans, she dosent were any jewrey, some times she has her ears in a ear band that bring them together and make them flop down behind her head. The only flaws on her body are scars made by a human berserker that clawed her. The frist five lings go across her belly and run up across the bottom of her rib cage and finish at her side going to the left. The others start in the middle of her chest above her breasts and go up to her shoulder.

When she is out on missions she wears all black standard issue uniform making sure to dull any whites that show so she can move as stealthy as posserbal.

Personality: Will be revealed through roleplay.

History: Rosie comes from a extremely wealth and happy family, who were well known in the highest circals of politics and wealth in Pease. Her family was highly respected, by humans and anthros of peace alike and old there family go back centuries. Her perents were good anthros helping others with what ever they could trying to make the world a better place, her farther owned lots of property and many different businesses some of them being medical, manufacturing, public transport. The wealth wasn’t all built up by him a lot of it is old money made from the many different fathers of the Haus family line, there family even made headline news when it adopted a human baby, which sparked a debate across the contry and the world.

The family lived on the family estate which was deep in the contry side surrounded by forests lakes, filds and streams, they were bring the children up to be gentalmen and ladys, they were all tort at home, math, sciences, history, geography, music and all the other things lords and ladys needed to no. like how to sit at a dinning table, how to use silver wear, how to ride a horse, how to speak properly to ghests human, anthro, predator or herbivore. And in turn what ever the young wanted to learn they would teach them, no mater what it was. They did all this with love and pacents, it was all meant to be enjoyable. There mother did all the teaching as the farther was running the family empire. Rose was the wild card of her brothers and sisters but a good child learnt well and did as she was told. A very out going and happy bunny who loved to meet people she was privileged to meet and would take any opportunity that was given to her, she was very gifted with music, Geography and sports, being a bit of a tom boy when she was aloud to be. The perents were so proud of the many children and all was looking bright and happy until the out brake.
Rosie at this point was now in her late teenage years.

For them it came quick and fast they thought it was just roits at first then it became clear it wasn’t that simple. The manner was attack by berserkers, the family was torn apart she was the only one left standing she ran into her fathers study were he had told her to go and there they were his mother father sisters and brothers all on the floor being torchered slowly. Her father screamed for her to run, but a sad trait in all hares is the freezing under fear, but with a desperate look and another scream for her to go she managed to run, and boy did she run. Being a hare and anthro meant she was quick real quick could out run the human berserkers but she was scared young and paniced. She was running throw the woods that surrounded her families estate and she stumbled for only a second and the thing was apone her, it sank its fingers and nails into her stomach and chest opening her up, but just as it was about to sink its teeth into her she was saved by a group of survivors.

You would have thought then that she would be safe but no, she was nearsed back to health by the group and it turned out the group of males that lead it were twisted and would only give those in the group protection if they did what they said with out questoning, the horrors that were put apone all the members of the group were disgraceful but what were they to do, it was better then being alone and defenceless, so they learned to live with it and submitted. Wile Rosie did this out of many reasons, shock out of what was happening and what happen to her family, fear and all the other things that would go throw her mind. She was with the group for quite a wile and grow up fast. She didn’t tell any one who she was and what family she was from she kept it all to her self, she was only known as Rosie. She never had the chance to morn for her family properly and that was the biggest thing that changed her so fast, from one horra straight into another it tort her that people could and would change if there backs were to the wall they could become monsters them selfs.

After some time the group was picked up by a team of Crusaders and taken to a safe place, there the leaders of the group were juged for there crimes to the rest of the group and Rosie was finally given time to morn and find her self once more.
By the time the Crusaders had found and she had a chance to heal and recover she surfied as a completely different hare even her family would no longer recogniser her. She showed interest in the crusaders who weren’t that keen on her at first being a servitor with no military training, but after showing off her skills in navigation and the survival and fighting skills she had learnt wile with the group they soon let her train, and she was top of her class in most things, her mother had tort her that if you wanted to learn something or do something you did it will all you had no matter what and that had stuck with her. So after some time she was let out on low risk missions in teams to train her in the filed and slowly has been working her way up, she has been baptised in combat and nose her stuff well.

If you thinking there is gaps in her history with the group and what not your right but hay if your wondering what happen you can always ask her your self.

When she was young she was polite, out going, well spoken, girl all the things a young lady to be should be. But when she was saved by the crusaders she was a different person interly.
Once she had held from what she had been throw and made some new friends, she was abrupt, blunt, wouldn’t take shit from no one. Out going loved to party, joker, loud, fowl mouthed, cocky (but has the stuff to back it up), confident, short temper, very un Hare like really many people said she his more predator then herbivore now. She has a very high sex drive (she is a bunny after all) and will pretty much do any thing and isn’t ashamed to itmite it, she has the body to get it and doesn’t mind taking it.
When fighting a darker side of her comes out, she becomes brutal merciless, not shying from anying, taking out zombies with a little to much hatred. One time they came across a young wolf pup who was a zombie the other trainess were shocked and didn’t no quite what to do with it, she walked straight up and blow its head stiate off with out even a twich only a “Dead is dead”, that got her quite a repertasion for being a cold hearted bitch witch she could be to those she dosent no very well.

She still keep her identy to her self they were a well known family and she never felt like telling any one about it.

With regards to humans she resents them quite abit once she found out what they had done she became very biter, but once again her perents words came back to her this time her fathers.
“if you are going to hate people hate a group not indervigal people so you hate humans fine but when you meet one don’t hate them get to know them that one might be different”.

You can find out the rest by meeting her ;)

Rosie is a excellent navigator, map reader and so on, this comes from her mothers teach and having a good knack on knowing were she is.

Being a rabbit she is VERY fast at a run, can jump high and land from high drops, she has trained hard as a kick boxer and is very strong and her kicks are bone shattering, she also enjoys free running and has put it to great use out in the filed (making it so she can scale building with a good run up, and keep her speed up wile running throw citys and what not). She has made a excellent scout and that has been her main job so fare.

Good eye sight, ok sense of smell (not as good as a canine), top notch hearing with her long ears.

When working she will get the job done and always dose her best in ever thing she dose. But when the heat is some what off is good at keeping jokes flowing and moral up. But rember her humor is cold and blunt she isn’t very pc.

And she is still learning so watch this space.

Main weapon
Rem 870 tactical shotgun

Side arms
Beretta 92f
Throwing Knives
Standard issue Derringer for oves reasons
Then all the normal kit you would exspect from a scout/navgater/soilder
the normal stuff

Posted: 21-09-2011 22:04
by K.A.T
i like her already :D she'll get along swell with Erez my wolf anthro

Posted: 21-09-2011 23:11
by Leo
Human Character

Name/Codename: Jake Stuarts AKA Doc
Age: 28 years old
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Crusaders –Medic
Physical Appearance:
He is a man of average hight around 6ft, dark spiky hair, strong musclar build, blue eyes, he would be a good looking guy if he didn’t look so dam tired all the time, he likes to be clean shaven but as things gose he dosent get a lot of time to stop and do that sort of thing. When he is in the ward were the injured are brought in he is wears a army green trousers and white shirt, with his black boots and medic mark is acherly tattooed into his right arm.

He is a good guy who wants to save lives, and help those in pain the best he can, he dosent care if there human or anthro he dosent have a problem with ether. He is a follower not so much a leader when it comes to the field quite soft spoken unless its when he is doing his job then he changes to a leader and barks commands as if he were a dog anthro, but that’s only when lives are on the line. Off duty he kind of keeps to him self and drinks him self to sleep, the zombie out brake and the constent need of his time is realy starting to wear on his mind and enagy he dosent complane nore stop he keeps going, but he has started to have truble sleeping nightmares and what not plage him so before he bunks down he hits a cuple of strong vodkas and a cuple of ciggrets or cigars to get him to sleep.

He is also a in the closet furry meaning he dosent find humans attractive at all he finds anthros attractive but were he is from that is seriously frowned apone and in some cases illegal, so he watchs the hot anthro ass from the bar but dosent say any thing, any human attention male or female he either dosent notice or ignores.

History: he was born in Holiopolis and had a pretty normal up bringing, he went to school did well had a real gift for biology and liked the ider of going into medicine, he then went to collaged studied got a degree but the the military called it seemed a lot more exsiting to be a medic in the army the a doctor in a town so he went with that. After studying there he quickly became a good medic/docter and even sergian, his rock stedy hands and his knowing of the human body made him one of the best, and wile out on the field he if there was some one in need of help he was unwavering to try and save that person. He was a good solder to. The only real thing about him was the fact that he was a furry, and in Holiopolis that was something considered desgusting but he couldn’t help it, it was just what he liked. He even found a underground adult bar that instead of humans had anthros, they wernt there of there own free will so to say but he pushed that to the back of his mind.
So when the zombie out brake hit he signed up to go pease instently, it was the only place he knew of that let anthros and humans become mates, it wasn’t common but it was aloud. So he joined the Crusaders, and became one of the top medics there, he found he knew the anthro body just as well as the human.
He was has been there since the beginning but he hasn’t found any anthro interested nore has he had time to really look, he is constently out on missions and working with the injuryed in the wards. Its really taking its toll on him and the fact he nolonger has a bar to fill his anthro lust that has been getting him pent up as well. But the drink and smokes help him cool down. Even with the drink and worrys he still has the steel hands and the nerves in the field, he changes when some one needs him, he pushes his tirdness aside and dose his job and that’s that in his mind.

- A+ field medic/doctor/ surgeon
-exstremly stedy hands make him good a good medic a good shot and good at eny job that needs them
-a good all round soilder
-good and strong for a human
-when he needs to be on the ball to save some one he becomes 110% focust

A Larger then normal first add kit (much bigger then they are expected to carry but the normal issued one is in his mind crap)
All the normal kit a solder has.

Main weapons
Side arms
colt 45

combat knife

Stand issue derranger for last resort

Posted: 22-09-2011 00:02
by K.A.T
dang leo, a doc who knows how to handle a gun. I like them both XD you have great creativity for characters :D

Posted: 22-09-2011 00:04
by Leo
many thanks lol i drive a truck all day so i have a lot of time to go over them and peel away at them i like making them deep if i dont i dont feel like there complet lol

Posted: 22-09-2011 00:11
by Nakisha
I'm going to follow this for now... I need to take a moment, sit down and read this all through, but it sounds like you two have a nice RP idea going and I hope to see it put into work! :D

Posted: 23-09-2011 07:00
by K.A.T
Nakisha wrote:I'm going to follow this for now... I need to take a moment, sit down and read this all through, but it sounds like you two have a nice RP idea going and I hope to see it put into work! :D

hehe yup we are gonna rock this story :)