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Posted: 26-12-2011 23:23
by K.A.T
lol that is totally her :D thanks for the reference

Posted: 31-12-2011 04:05
by Leo
replieing tomorrow sorry about that wait :D

Posted: 31-12-2011 04:54
by K.A.T
it's alright i understand :) :)

Posted: 15-01-2012 11:59
by Leo
il be getting to this one later today so watch this space and sorry its taken mne sooooo long to get me ass in gear :P

Posted: 15-01-2012 20:31
by Leo
please for give me as iv been busy today, il have to replie on tueday as im away with work tomorrow :( sorry

Posted: 15-01-2012 23:09
by K.A.T
Oh no no no, please take your time Leo. No ones rushing you. :D You take care of your life first and foremost and when you have time, reply okay? It's no biggy :P

Posted: 02-02-2012 21:39
by Leo
Anthro Character

Name/Codename: Blake
Age: 35 (in human age)
Gender: male
Species: Shire Clydesdale mix
Affiliation: Crusaders – Leader of the Boulder unit

Physical Appearance:
Huge in ever sense of the word, Blake stands at 7ft and is built of pure muscle he is a very intimdating to see. His fur is black with a white blaze running down his face, his hands are white, along with his hooves apart from his left one which is just black.
He has shaved his main. He has a cuple of battle scares but mainly he is in good shape his coat is bright and well kept. As being of the draft hrose breed he dose have to keep the longer parts of his coat cut, like long fur that can grow over his hooves and hands.

Is completely opassit to the way he looks, he his a gental giant to those around him, he has endless amounts of patents for any one, and a lot of compassion for living things. Being brought up on a farm he is the deflation of hard work, even when he has time off most of the time you will find him working with the civilians to make there living part of the basie better and more homey. In doing that he has gain a lot of respect from the civilians, and is to as there voice to the crusaders.

He bleavs in the old Horse ways, back when horse were in herds living off the lands there race was one with the land very much like human native indans, as there was so many breeds of different sizes they all were brought up and tort a job that they would do and were tort to have a lot of pride in there work.
At the same time they were a very open minded race, who would let out sider of different speshies live with them as long as the followed there ways, they also didn’t force the types of work any breed was suppost to do, if they were a cob, which were farmers but wanted to be worriers that was fine, but slightly frowned apon.

They also bleved in only having mates with in the speshies, which blake also follows but as his ansesters tort, he dosent juge any one for being different.

But he Dose have a aggressive side other wise he wouldn’t be a solder, he is savgily loyal, and agest zombies he is relentless force of destruction many people who know him normal cant recornise him out in the field. He has very little regard for him self and has already sent others out and held the line on his own to get his team and others to safty but thanks to the rush team on that occasion he was saved from scrfising him self.


There isn’t to much to tell about his past, his mother was a shire horse, his father a Clydesdale, he has a brother. The were brought up on a farm, but Blake loved the stories of the old worrier horse and wanted to live that life, so he joined the army and has been in there since he was 21 (human years), then when the out brake hit he became a crusader. He has decided now that after this war is over and he servise he will start a farm of his own and a family but only after his job there is done.

Thanks to his hard work and commitment and loyalty he has worked his way up to captin of the bolders. And thanks to his compaission he is one of the most loved solders in the crusaders from the civilian point of view.


His last main weapon failed on his last mission so he laft it behind so he is currently waiting for his new replacement.

Side arm

Close quarters weapon

Last resort

Posted: 13-02-2012 15:56
by Leo
nearly finished the heavy arms bio then we can get back to the fun also the army rp is now been rewriten if you didnt spot it

Posted: 13-02-2012 16:05
by Leo
Name/Codename: Heavy arms
Age: 63 human age
Gender: male
Species: wolverine
Affiliation: Crusaders, gun smith, and runs the main firing range and armour.

Physical Appearance:
Thanks to him being a wolverine His build is short but very stocky, but his body as seen much better days. His dark browns and honey browns are flexsed with greys and dark lines which hide his scars that run over his body, his fury is ragged and aged. His gut also is starting to show his age but he is still in revertivly good health minus a couple of things.

The right side of his body was very badly damage when he was in active military duty when he was younger and thanks to this, his right eye, right arm, his rib cage, and right leg is prosthetic.

His new lims are all desighed for the job he now dose, engineering not for fighting or looking completely nachral.
His right eye is very strange, instead of the out part of his eye being white like normal it’s a blood red, his iris is now a vibrant blue, and his pupil is Silver and star shaped and the stars points are thing and go right out to the corners of his eye. it can move full 360 in ever direction and its main feacher is that it can read all sorts of dater.
Regarding many things from heat of objects to people, vital signs, distense and measurements, stats on objects weapons vircals and want not.

His arm is like Erez top of the line in its fild of use, its built for engineering so its incredibly strong, and powerful when it comes to lifting and crushing power in the hand, it can have attachments installed to the finger tips , ratchet scribers drills and all sorts.

Then there his leg and this is were it really isn’t that great for him, when the did the op to attach his new leg, he came down the a problem that can happen when join prothetic lims to bodys, the nerves react to were they join the new ones and corse discomfort and restrict movment of the line, this makes the old wolverine limp and at times some pain. Only his leg has fake fur on it. His arm is all metal.

In a arm wreasal with Erez Heavy would more then likely win but in a fight he would lose, as his arm thought strong his extremely heavy and no were near as fast.

When the old man is walking around in the base and not in his armour he weres a eye patch so not to scare they civilians as his apprence is rather freighting.

Gruff, stubbon and old he has been around along time and says what he thinks, he is friendly to the people he likes and can be aggressive to those he dosent. Thanks to his history he has a deep dislike in humans, but when it comes to work he treats them no different, exspect he lets them know he dosent want to talk to them or likes them.
He only gives out one warning before he punches some one in the face, and thanks to his breed he is strong and very tuff.
To those he likes he enjoys chatting with them, and is a nice guy will joke and all the normal things.


He has spent his whole life in the military, he started off as a privat and worked his way up, when he was 21 he applied to join the speashal forces of Aniopolis. He was trained then aloud in and work throw there most of his life, leading many missions and seeing a hell of a lot of action until once mission went horribly wrong, ambushed by humans he was serviliy wounded, thanks to another member of the unit he was in saved his life but later died of his own injurys, he was captured, received medical attion and survived but lost his eye arm and leg, he was a prisoner for many years until he was reslied throw a prisoner trading deal. When he came out he was on croches and was still very much the same anthro but far more aggressive he was given new limes and then he train in the gunsmith art. When the zombie outbrake hit he signed up to go there and was aloud, he is a respected member of the anthro army hense he was loud to continue his military career even after he came back. And that is why he has had upgraded limes and still servies to this day.

(his history is very qucikly writen if you want to find out more deatal ask him ;) )

Posted: 13-02-2012 16:58
by K.A.T
Love the characters :happy: