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If only you could see the world throw my black eyes (any 1 )

Posted: 19-11-2010 23:38
by Leo
The sun was high in the sky, a stark contrast from the beautful prue blue skys. the winds were gental and easy, blowing the salt air throw the air, for any nose who enjoyed the scent of the sea. One of those noses belonged to a young sea lion who was laying on his back on the beach.
He couldnt be in a better place, stunny fine sand long endless beach, with a small plain then a forest behind that. he had been sitting there for some time enjoying the weather and a morning snooz.

a way out in the great sea bearly above the water line a pair of black lifless eyes, like doll eyes, was watching the sealion. then in a heart beat the head and eyes had vanished with bearly a ripple. from the sore no one would have noticed it unless they had exstremly sharp eyes and been looking at the exsact spot.
under the waves something massive was moving deep along the sea bed heading for the beach and ganning speed.
Still the sea lion snoozed completly unawere the there was somthing truly horrifing heading his way, fast!

what happened next happened so fast and so exsposivly that it would stune any one stupid who had been watching. As the sea got shallow a shadow was moving towords the seal at staggering speed then a long dangeros looking fine broke the water.
hearing it the sea lion looked up and barked in suprise and panic, but to late. A great white shark smashed out of the water sending water ever were. its jaws wide, its eyes white.
The sea lion didnt stand a chance of getting away. Then the shark did something very strange just before it landed on the sand legs came down and skidded it to a hult as the fangs sank into the yelping sea lions side.
What ever had the seal in its fangs shock its head visosel side to side like a real shark would tearing a massive chunk out of the seals side, it swolloed the chunk then grabbed the seal by the neck and did it again. The seal now dead hanged from the beast jaws, it dropped the seal to the floor then shock its body getting the exsess sand and water off its body. Ears rasied up on its head and it suddenly looked more like a wolf then a shark... but it had a shark tail eyes teeth the works.
Its dead eyes scanned the trees slowly, it didnt seem to be in any rush, it moved up the beach out of rang of the waves and lade so it could see the ocean and the forest and started eating his catch in a more wolf like way then what he had just a second ago.

The thing was a massive 4.5 meters long, it wasnt as wide as a normal great white but it was two wolves standing side by side wide and then a little more. id didnt make a sound as it ate, its tail slowly moving side to side moving the sand around absent mindedly.

(did restart it for mak but got confused so its open to any one now lol XD)

Posted: 21-08-2011 23:40
by Leo