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Better the Devil You Know [PRP with K.A.T]

Posted: 28-04-2012 17:34
by toki333
Outside the hollow where the female was sheltering, it was pitch black. The moon was barely visibly through the cloud cover, and the air was thick and damp with the threat of rain. It would be a rough night, she was sure of it, but all the more reason for her to move now. No one in their right mind would be out with a storm looming overhead and no moon or starlight to guide their way.

Alondra sat up in the cramped space she'd fixed up as a temporary shelter. A large tree, which had fallen and been hollowed out by other creatures and decay, had kept her hidden during the day. Now she would be on the move again, in search of prey, better shelter...anything.

Her stomach rumbled, the noise echoing around the hollowed-out log, and she groaned exasperatedly. The last thing she'd eaten had been a hare, and that had been two days ago. It hadn't satisfied her at all, and now her belly was making her pay for not seeking out food sooner. But she couldn't hunt - she didn't have enough skill or strength for the job - and all the carcasses she'd come across so far had been stripped down to the bones by other scavengers.

That was what she was now. A lowly scavenger.

Her lip curled in disgust as she left the hollowed tree, her nose in the air, scenting to make sure no one was about. Once she was certain the coast was clear she padded out into the night, her dark fur camouflaging her well. She should have stayed with the pack. She should have stayed and ensured her brother was safe. Both of them were safe, warm and well fed with those vile wolves, even if their Alpha had taken to beating the two siblings around unnecessarily each and every day.

Her nose twitched as she smelled food - a fresh kill, no doubt. She followed the scent across the plain, careful to stick to the shadows and remain unseen. Spotting the half-eaten kill, she hesitated, made sure no one was around, then ran out.

She sighed in relief her as she sank her teeth into the flesh of the deer. It was a small youngster, but even that would have been enough to satisfy one or two wolves. No doubt the owners had eaten all they could and left the remains to the carrion feeders - the crows, the coyotes, and the wolves incapable of providing for themselves.
Her ears remained perked as she ate, her eyes darting around nervously, searching the darkness for any sign of movement. She didn't want any trouble. If the owner returned and wanted her off their meal she would gladly (and swiftly) leave with her tail tucked firmly between her legs.

"There's nobody there," she told herself as she looked up from eating, licking the blood from around her lips. The more she told herself she was safe, the more she believed it, though that didn't mean to say she was about to let her guard down any time soon.

Once the carcass had been reduced to a pile of inedible bones, she left. She trotted briskly across the plains, always sticking to the cover of shadows and trees. She glanced up at the sky overhead at the sound of thunder rumbling ominously, and shivered as the first raindrops began to soak her fur. Soon the rain was falling in heavy sheets, drenching her.

The foul weather was welcome though. It provided extra safety. No one would be able to see her in these conditions, with luck, and her scent would be washed away by the quickly falling rain. Her pace quickened to a lope, confident in herself as she covered ground quickly. She'd head towards the forest where there was bound to be better shelter, and no doubt a multitude of small animals that could serve as potential prey. She'd eat anything she was so hungry. A rabbit, a squirrel, a boar, a fox - anything at all.

As she approached the treeline she padded along its edge, not yet venturing deeper into the woodland. The rain felt nice, refreshing, despite it being cold and - obviously - wet. Her fur was plastered to her thin figure, and as she sat down she shook the excess water off, smiling contently to herself.

She'd be safe amongst the saplings at the edge of the woods, she was sure. She remained alert for any sign of movement as she watched the clouds rolling overhead. They stretched for miles in every direction, covering the whole of the plains as they continued to drench the land in rain. There was something comforting about their size, as if with them being so large and thundering no one would be able to find and harm her.

Alondra was surprised at the sense of euphoria that washed over her. She hadn't felt this secure in a while. It wouldn't last though, she was sure. The second the rain cleared and daylight broke through the dark clouds, she'd be running to hide again.

Why? She didn't know. She'd just got it programmed into her head that the night was ALWAYS safer than the day...

Posted: 29-04-2012 00:47
by K.A.T
He had been wondering for a while now, waiting...for an unexpecting loner to appear in his path and unconsciously do something to put them in his favor....favor, what a word, more like servitude once he got his way with them.

Oh yes he loved to dominate others, that was how he worked, how he lived. He was a a god....a devil, the anti-god. How could he be a god? Satan was more like it, a dark lord, a master. Yes that was what he was....a dark master...looking for peasants to subjugate and satisfy his needs.

Siva turned his menacing eyes up to the sky to see the nebulis clouds rolling in and about to cause a storm. A twisted version of a smile appeared on his face at the idea of a storm. A storm was chaos, destruction, disruption, perfection in his eyes. Oh how he loved the sound of thunder, and the sight of was as if he were home....


.The memory of his home....Siva's eyes narrowed at the memory of the distance he felt between his brothers and sisters and even his own parents. How they treated him as a god, how they feared and cowered at his feet. It disgusted him the weakness of they could not meet his eyes and be the subjects he wanted....the family he wanted.

Taking his eyes from the sky as he felt the rain drops hit his thick pelt, he watched from the cover of trees and rocks as he watched his trap.

Yes...he had placed an eaten piece of prey right smack dab in the middle of the field, waiting for someone to take the bait. To eat the food that contained crushed poppy seeds and would soon lull whomever to sleep.

The thought of finding another wolf, female hopefully and dominanting her, oh how fun that would be, how much excitement that would bring him, to make her bow to his whim and make her the perfect subject.

He would achieve his wish of the perfect subject. One that would be his servant and his alone, no one elses. Oh that made him shake and shudder from excitement.

Oh wait....there....he sees movement through the light rain and darkness and sees a small shape going towards his trap, ahhh the scent of a female, wonderful. Hungry too by the looks of it as he watched her wolf own the carcass so fast she was done within minutes.

Mmm good that means she ate much of those poppy seeds, she'd be knocked out soon enough, enough for him to follow and then collect while she was out.

She finished eating and Siva moved with a deadly silence from his hiding place and followed her, trailing behind and downwind so that she could not detect him. His presence was like a ghost, drifting, his eyes haunting as he trailed his prey.

She kept to the edges of the forest, not entering which was good for him for he did not wish to waste time wandering through a forest looking for his bitch.

For a while he followed her and he thought about how much time had passed.

She should be becoming drowsy soon, the effects of the crushed poppy seeds taking their toll as they spread to her brain, telling her to take a nap, all vulnerable for him.

He stuck to the forest, weaving in and out of the dark tree limbs, his eerie golden eyes focused on her as he made no noise but watched his prey like a hawk, once she fell, he would strike and claim her for his own.

But for now....

.....he would wait.....

Posted: 29-04-2012 11:36
by toki333
She continued watching the clouds, savouring the feeling of her belly being full. She couldn't believe her luck at having found food as easy as she had! Nothing ever tasted as good as your OWN kill...but that half eaten carcass had still been a delicacy in comparison to some things she'd eaten.

Eventually, she got to her feet and began walking again, sticking close to the treeline. The ground underfoot was a little slippery - mud and leaf litter all mixed into some kind of mushy muck by the rain. She slid once or twice, each time her heart skipping a beat and her eyes flying wide open in surprise. She managed somehow to regain balance before falling flat on her backside, but her ears remained flattened backwards at how uncomfortable the situation was.

"Joder! Stupid mud!" She growled irritably, shaking her paws which were covered in dirt and soggy leaves and pine needles. Great. Now THAT was going to hinder her while moving. She sat down to clean her paws off before setting off again, grumbling to herself as she went.

Finally she stopped again. 
She glanced around her to make sure no one was watching, pursuing, before heading a little deeper into the woodland, where the ground was firmer and the shelter greater. 

She walked for a bit, every so often her lips parting in a wide yawn. Perhaps she was feeling tired because, finally, her belly was full of food? Whatever the reason, she began looking for somewhere to nestle down. She didn't WANT to sleep, to rest, but if she was tired then...a small nap could do no harm.

Her gait had slowed down to a halting walk. She simply didn't have the energy to go any further. She yawned widely again, staring around her in confusion as the world swayed slightly. She dismissed it as her tiredness and imagination, and pressed on. Spotting a cave-like feature formed from two boulders and a felled tree, she quickly headed over to it, relieved to have found adequate shelter so soon.

Alondra sniffed around the entrance, padded inside to investigate then, reassured that it hadn't been claimed by anyone and thus was a safe place to sleep, curled up at the entrance.

She tucked her paws under her body and let her tail cover her nose, sighing heavily. Tiredness gripped her, and eventually she gave in, yawning one last time as her eyes slid closed and she drifted off into sleep.
"No-one's there..." she mumbled to herself, barely stirring as a lightning bolt lit up the sky and forest around her, closely followed by a loud, low rumble of thunder.

A little bit of sleep could only do her good...

Posted: 30-04-2012 08:41
by K.A.T
She was oblivious to his presence....a good thing for him, he did not want her to know that he was watching or following her. Why that would ruin all the fun of the hunt and the stalk....

...a sadistic bastard he was, toying with his prey before he actually caught it.

Siva had been observing the female quite meticulously as he trailed behind her at a slow pace so that she wouldn't discover him. He had noticed that she was quick to jump at the slightest movements and sounds, strange to see such a jumpy wolf.

From the safety of the forest, hidden by the overcast and tall shadows of the trees, Siva was hidden from sight as he soundlessly padded, one paw in front of the other as he followed her movements.

In the forest the ground was drier due to the coverage of the trees and he had a much easier time getting through the undergrowth than the female who decided to travel close to the forest edge and treeline where the ground was much softer and muddier.

More than once Siva watched the female slip in the mud and curse as she kept moving although his sharp nocturnal eyes caught the tensing of her body each time she slipped. Like she was expecting someone to jump out and attack her at any hint of weakness.

By god the fear scent was pouring off her; so much so Siva could almost taste it....

....Mmmm and it was a delicious taste.

Silently the monstrous male licked his lips and long fangs as he smirked a sinister smirk and continued to follow, silent as night.

After a moment and more slipping in the mud, the female finally decided to head further into the woodlands where it was drier, firmer ground and more chances for her to seek shelter....and rest...

Oh yes....he could just feel her listlessness beginning to settle in. The crushed seeds were working their magic now, he saw her movements slow and he paused behind a tree and observed her movements some more before catching up.

As he followed her, a wide smirk appeared on his face, his abnormally long white fangs bared in an open sneer as he stopped about 10ft from where she was and then waited patiently, watching the female's next move.

Siva's golden yellow eyes trailed her as the slight female moved towards an abandoned cave.

Perfect....he would wait in his spot while she went to sleep.

The rain pouring onto his body didn't even bother him as he was too excited by the prospect of having another captive. Anyway the rain felt good as it pounded on his body.

Slowly the female approached the cave, cautiously, and then went inside. Siva hunkered down as he watched her, being so patient it was a wonder to all.

As crash of thunder sounded overhead he crept closer so he could watch her fall asleep and then go claim her for his own.

He found a good spot and his dark fur combination blended him perfectly with the dark surroundings. He laid his head on his large paws, his eyes fixed on the female as he almost willed her to sleep.

And sleep soon claimed her as sher eyelids started drifting shut as thunder roared overhead, lightning brightening up the place and almost giving Siva's position away if he didn't close his almost glowing golden eyes. But soon the thunder and lightning died down, now a mumble as the female fell into a slumber.

Siva waited for about 15 minutes, just to make sure the female was out cold, and then he moved. Slowly he stood up from his hiding place, fur damp and moist but that was the least of his worries as he walked towards the cave and the female.

The cave was much to small for his large size as well as for the both of them. This wouldn't do.

He leaned his head into the cave and with surprisingly gentleness clasped his fangs into the female's scruff and lifted her out easily for she was much smaller and lighter than he and he was powerfully built.

(she's still out mind you :P )

With her dangling asleep from his jaws like a mother carrying her pup, Siva walked further into the forest to find a bigger cave, and soon he found one, quite a large one at that and walked in and deposited the female in the innermost part of the cave and then bent his head to retrieve something bound around his leg.

Some rope was wound around his leg and he unwound it and made a loop with the ends. He had watched humans perform this and had learned how they could use this to keep their animals and dogs with them. This is how he would keep his prey.

He walked over to the female with the rope and looped the rope around her neck like a collar and tightened it slightly, not enough to choke her and then took the loose end in his mouth and walked back to the mouth of the cave and laid down right in the path of the entrance/exit so that the female had no hope of escaping him as his large form nearly blocked the entire entrance already. He laid down and tucked the rope beneath his heavy body so that if she tried to escape the rope would tighten around her neck anyway and she'd have no way of pulling it out from under him, he was quite heavy.

In the morning, their little fun would begin.

Posted: 30-04-2012 17:17
by toki333
Although she was out cold, and her sleep was deep, it wasn't peaceful. She mumbled incoherent things to herself as she slept, her eyes darting frantically about under her eyelids and her head throbbing enough for it to hurt even in her dreams.

She was completely, and blissfully, unaware as a strange male approached the cave she'd sought refuge in, barely stirring as he grabbed her by the scruff and began to move her. She shook her head every so often, and her legs twitched restlessly, but aside from that she hardly moved, or gave any sign of having recognised she was being carried away from her shelter.

Alondra murmured fitfully as she was set down in another, larger cave, and a rope was looped around her neck. Her eyes slid open every so often, but nothing around her was registered as her mind continued to dream up nightmares.


She must have been asleep for at least an hour, most likely far longer, as when she woke daylight was beginning to pool into the cave. It took her a while to wake, and as she lifted her head to look around she growled irritably as her head pulsed with agony.

She groaned and rested her head on her paws for a moment longer, licking her lips sleepily as she closed her eyes again, willing her headache to go away and leave her in peace.

Once the pain had died down she tried lifting her head again, a small triumphant smile growing when she realised this time she succeeded in doing so with only a small stab of pain at the back of her skull.

It was then she noticed something around her neck.

"Qué coño?" She grumbled, trying to place a paw through the loop to loosen it. It wouldn't budge, however, and she snarled at it in frustration. She realised there was some sort of lead coming off of it and she followed it to where a large male wolf was lying, blocking the way out of the cave.

She jumped to her feet.

"Who are you!?" She demanded, skittering backwards until the rope became taught and began to choke her. This wasn't even the cave she'd gone to sleep in - so it couldn't have been the owner who'd returned to 'deal with her' for invading his territory.

What was worse was how horrifying the male looked. His pelt was a combination of unnatural colours, with some form of tattoos or birthmarks on his neck and shoulder. He was also far larger, and hugely more muscular, than Alondra. She couldn't help but shudder.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" She snapped again, trying to muster as much courage as she could, but her voice wavered and betrayed her fear. She stepped back again, stretching out her neck to try and stop the rope for cutting off her air supply. She wanted as much space between her and this monster as possible.

"I haven't done or taken anything - te prometo!" She pleaded. Maybe her safest bet was to look as unthreatening as possible.

She rolled onto her back, the tension on the rope slackening somewhat, and tucked her limbs in close to her body. If this male attacked her she could still defend herself, but maybe - just maybe - if she appeared to be of no threat or trouble to him he'd let her go.

But that still didn't explain the rope...

"Why have you put a rope around me?" She questioned, her ears pressed back in fear. What if he hadn't? What if someone else had - a wolf, or even a human - and he'd rescued her?

She took another look at him and felt her stomach flip with horror. No. He didn't look the sort to go and save damsels in distress.

Posted: 30-04-2012 23:28
by K.A.T
Siva awoke from the sounds of the other wolf's slightest movements. Immediately he brought his head up noiselessly and turned his golden yellow eyes onto his prey that was stirring in the innermost part of the cave.

The large male remained silent, delighting to see what kind of reaction she will have to her current situation. Oh the thought of her fear made him tingle all over as of course this guy was a major sadist and loved other people's pain and misfortunte. He laughed at their misery for in the end they come crawling to him for mercy and help and that is how he feels powerful.

He was indeed a god to them and he rejoiced in the fact that they were so frightful they called him Master, or at least he would insist they call him Master or Lord.

The female groaned and was moving about now, coming out of her stupor and intoxication of poppy seeds. Ah his medical knowledge never failed to impress himself. He spent months watching a human village, particulary the medical man with all his herbs as well as the wranglers and from there he picked up how to tie rope with his teeth and what herbs to use to get the desired results.

Quite resourceful for a crazy lunatic wolf....but that's what made him so dangerous and scary....

The fact that he was willing to use any method to get what he wanted.

The female smacked her lips, licking them as she struggled to wake up. Initially she had a smile that could only be described as triumphant on her face but soon it disappeared as she realized that she was not in her cave any longer. Her eyes went wide and Siva silent smiled as she soon came to realize that she was not alone in the cave.
"Qué coño?"
What a strange certainly wasn't proper English that's for sure. Siva's ears twitched silently as he watched the girl as she gasped at the fact that she had a rope tied around her neck.

Well bloody...he hoped that she knew some English or else how was he suppose to command her when they didn't speak the same tongue. Soon he saw her eyes follow the rope to him and a smirk appeared on his face at the sight of her shock and horror.
"Who are you!?"
A deep rumble that was a chuckle sounded from Siva's chest as he stood to his full massive height that literally towered over the small female. The muscles rippled beneath his tall lean muscular frame as he came closer to her, showing her his prowness and power. One large monstrous paw was stepping on the rope end so that she could not run away but it was unlikely for she had come to realize that if she tried to run she'd be choking herself to death.
"Who are you, and what do you want?" She snapped again, trying to muster as much courage as she could, but her voice wavered and betrayed her fear. She stepped back again, stretching out her neck to try and stop the rope for cutting off her air supply.

"I haven't done or taken anything - te prometo!"

"Why have you put a rope around me?"

Siva patiently waited until her little rant of hysterics was over before he spoke to her.

"Silence! Enough of your meaningless pattering, it gets annoying quickly. I am Siva, but to you I am either Master or Lord do you understand servant? You should be honored that I have choosen you to be my pet, you should be kissing the ground I walk on for if it were not for me you'd surely have perished out there. Look at your frail useless form. How do you expect to survive against the wild like that?

Therefore I have heard your inner plea my faithful minion. I have rescued you from certain death and now you are to serve me until I am satisfied with your conduct. Do not bite the paw that feeds you my pet.

And stop your moving unless you want to faint due to lack of oxygen. I will not harm my minion so you'd do best to not upset me. From this day forward, I am your Lord, your Master, your God. And in exchange for your service, you will be rewarded greatly pet. Now as for the rope, obviously it's to condition you, to train you to not leave my side else you want to be punished,"
he told her as he stepped closer to her, all the while keeping one paw on the rope leading to the loop around her neck.

He leaned a bit closer but not close enough to be in close proximations with her and sniffed her, recoiling at the weak and unhealth scent she gave off. That would not do, he would not have such a disgraceful servant working for him. He'd fix her up yet.

"Pick yourself off the ground serf. I may have asked you to worship the ground but that does not mean bathe in the dirt. Get up, grow some backbone will you? What is your name servant? Tell your master so that he may know who will be serving him," he commanded her and gave her a look that said she had no choice but to answer.

He was ruthless and he was going to show that to her now. That she had no chance of escaping him unless she took her own life and she was much too cowardly to commit suicide. And he had given her many good sides to working for him, food, protection, company, shelter. It seemed like the perfect exchange. Servitude for a life of living well.

"This is not a negotiation serf, this is my command. Oh and do not use your nonsensical language while around me, I'll have none of it, comprende?" he barked at her as he gave a sharp tug of the rope to bring her close to him and using his free paw loosened the rope slightly so that she could breathe properly.

He leaned down to her near as he breathed and whispered to her, "Don't even try to escape, your life is in my paws now," he said as he snickered and then pulled away, his eerie golden yellow eyes staring down at her in a condescending manner.

Posted: 01-05-2012 00:36
by toki333
Alondra regarded him, eyes wide with terror, as he chuckled gruffly in response to her question. Already she was terrified of him. Her tail was curled as far under her body as she could manage, her ears were pressed firmly back against her skull, and her fur was stood on end. His apparent amusement at the whole situation made it even worse.

As he stood, revealing just how tall and muscular he was, she stepped back in fear. Her legs were shaking, making it difficult for her to stand properly, and every inch of get body was tense in anticipation of an attack. The closer he came to her, the further back she stepped, however the rope restricted how far away she could go, and soon she felt the cold surface of the back of the cave pressed up against her haunches.

There was nowhere to run.
She snapped out of her panic and turned to face him again, evidently shaking with fear. Her golden eyes widened, her pupils narrowed to nothing but a mere pin prick as she stared at him in shock.

This couldn't be happening. This was all just a nightmare. She couldn't possibly have been stupid enough to have let her guard down...?
Enough of your meaningless pattering, it gets annoying quickly. I am Siva, but to you I am either Master or Lord do you understand servant? You should be honored that I have choosen you to be my pet, you should be kissing the ground I walk on for if it were not for me you'd surely have perished out there. Look at your frail useless form. How do you expect to survive against the wild like that?"
Master? Lord? Who did this vile prat think he was? If she wasn't scared shitless of him she'd have plucked up enough courage to tell him EXACTLY where he could stick his ''master" and "lord". She also felt disgusted that he referred to as a servant. She was a coward, yes, but under NO circumstances was she owned by anyone! 

As it was, however, her mouth was sealed shut and too dry to produce anything but a measly whimper or croak, and she didn't fancy being beaten - not when she'd seen how his muscles rippled menacingly under his oddly coloured fur. 

She shivered, lowering her head slightly and squeezing her eyes shut. Maybe if she willed him - this 'Siva' - to go away, he would.

At the mention of her fitness, however, she felt her stomach flip with anxiety. She couldn't have hoped to have hid it from anyone - how weak she was, that is - but she'd at least thought there may he a chance that someone wouldn't use that to their own selfish advantage.
"Therefore I have heard your inner plea my faithful minion. I have rescued you from certain death and now you are to serve me until I am satisfied with your conduct. Do not bite the paw that feeds you my pet."
She opened her mouth to speak but could think of nothing to say. Should she protest? Agree? Make some sort of indication that she understood him? 

She opted to stay silent, yanking every so often on the rope to try and get free, though she only succeeded in choking herself any more. She coughed and gagged from the cord, and shook her head to try and loosen it.
"And stop your moving unless you want to faint due to lack of oxygen. I will not harm my minion so you'd do best to not upset me. From this day forward, I am your Lord, your Master, your God. And in exchange for your service, you will be rewarded greatly pet. Now as for the rope, obviously it's to condition you, to train you to not leave my side else you want to be punished."
She immediately stopped moving at his command, her heart pounding frantically against her ribcage from exertion, stress and panic.

Service? Reward? She didn't like the sound of that. What service could she provide him, other than the despicable obvious? She couldn't hunt, she was fragile enough to break at the slightest heating or exertion, and she had no real talent. 

Maybe he was going to kill her, and this was just the game he played before doing so? 

She glanced at the rope as he mentioned it, her mouth parted slightly as she panted heavily, her breath coming in rasping spurts as she tried to breathe around the rope constricting her airways. 

She was pretty sure she didn't like the idea of being punished, either.

"S-service?" She couldn't help the stammer, and she swallowed nervously after she'd spoke, dipping her head again to try and make herself look as inconspicuous as possible.
He leaned a bit closer but not close enough to be in close proximations with her and sniffed her, recoiling at the weak and unhealth scent she gave off.
She froze as he approached and sniffed her, not daring to so much as blink I'm case the smallest of movements should provoke him to attack. When he recoiled she flinched, expecting him to snap, and gave a sort of pleading whimper.

"Pick yourself off the ground serf. I may have asked you to worship the ground but that does not mean bathe in the dirt. Get up, grow some backbone will you? What is your name servant? Tell your master so that he may know who will be serving him," he commanded her and gave her a look that said she had no choice but to answer.
Hesitantly she got to her feet, still eyeing him wearily with her tail between her legs and her ears flattened. At the look he shot at her she shuddered again, unable to speak for a moment.

A....A...Al....Alo..." The word, no matter how she tried, would not come out, and her belly ached and clenched with fear as she began to shake uncontrollably again.

"This is not a negotiation serf, this is my command. Oh and do not use your nonsensical language while around me, I'll have none of it, comprende?" he barked at her as he gave a sharp tug of the rope to bring her close to him and using his free paw loosened the rope slightly so that she could breathe properly. 
Her ears remained pressed back and she yelped as she was yanked forwards by the rope around her neck. She shied away from his paw as he loosened the loop, and she stared up into his eyes with evident confusion and terror.

"Voy a hablar cómo me gustaría!" She managed to muster enough strength and courage to snap the words at him, but instantly shrank away back to her former shy, frightened self again, watching him like a deer stood in headlights.
He leaned down to her near as he breathed and whispered to her, "Don't even try to escape, your life is in my paws now," he said as he snickered and then pulled away, his eerie golden yellow eyes staring down at her in a condescending manner.
"P-p-please don't hurt me!" She cried, tears springing to her eyes as he leaned in close to her. His wicked laugh tickled and pricked at her skin and she whined pitifully again. 

"Let me go!" The tears came flooding now as she worked herself up into distressed hysterics, her body quivering and quaking as she mumbled incoherently and incessantly. "I'm of n-no use to you! I will s-s-stay out of your territory, I promise - just don't harm me!" 

She lay down on get stomach, trying to make herself as small as possible. Between his legs she could see the cave mouth - her freedom. Tears streaked dark stains down her cheeks as she stared at the trees outside, before she turned to look pleadingly up at this 'Siva' again.

Posted: 01-05-2012 06:50
by K.A.T
The female was quivering at his feet just mere moments ago. And Siva wasn't stupid, he was far from stupid, many think he might be a genius with the way he worked....well at least a messed up super genius.

Once he had seen a small spark light up inside the female's eyes, a fire of objection, the spirit of her fight....but no sooner had it come it had gone and he was left facing a spineless female cowering in fright.

Oh...that got his attention....what he would do to get that spark out of her, to make her realize how blessed she was to be gifted with his presence, his protection, his teachings.

Oh yes....he would fix her, he would fine tune her, mold her into the perfect servant, one worthy enough to stand by him and worship him. Mmmmm how he would relish in the fact that he brought someone from the level of dirt up to the level of he could completely dominant this girl and forever make her his...yes...

....That would be perfect.....

She seemed choked and Siva loosened the rope around her neck slightly with a long black claw and lightly touched her cheek with claw as if in a caress. He smirked down at her as he chuckled, the rumbling noise vibrating from his chest.

"Why yes, service. Not the service you may be thinking of when a male asks such a thing of you. Hear me out, I have no interest in your body as of now, there is no sexual service needed for YOU to perform for ME. I am a god and I do not stoop to such low levels. Rather, your only service is to remain by my side, and obey my every command. And in return for your servitude, as I mentioned, you will be well fed, well rested, protected, until I am satisfied. But heed my word if I ask for some....carnal pleasure....I'll be sure to get it, and to return it as well," he told her as once again he ran his hideous claw down her furry cheek and then took his ginormous paw away from her and placed it on the ground.
A....A...Al....Alo..." The word, no matter how she tried, would not come out, and her belly ached and clenched with fear as she began to shake uncontrollably again.
The edge of his lip raised in slight annoyance at her incapability to pronounce her own damn name. There was a degree of fright but this was too much, he wasn't going to even blasted hurt her for crying out loud and yet she looks like she could shit rats like no one's business.

"Stop that sniveling. You are a servant of Lord Siva and I'll have no pet of mine sniveling like some inferior being. Pronounce your name right and let me warn you that I do not take kindly to cowards. There is no need for you to fear me as long as you do....all...that...I...command," he said to her in a surprisingly gentle voice but beneath it hid the ruthlessness of an anti-god with a twisted mind set yet was more good than he seemed to be despite him not showing an ounce of that goodness.
"Voy a hablar cómo me gustaría!" She managed to muster enough strength and courage to snap the words at him, but instantly shrank away back to her former shy, frightened self again, watching him like a deer stood in headlights.
Siva was surprised to say the least. His golden yellow eyes grew slightly wider but soon returned to normal as he started chuckling and then turned into laughing, his body rumbling as the cave echoed the sinister sound of his laugh.

"Ahhh what fire you possess eh my pet? Why did you not show that fire before? Must I force it from your mouth? I may not speak whatever language you just used, but I can understand the gist of it. And may not speak how you wish, for it is I that commands how you will live, how you will breath, how you speak, am I understood?

Or you know...if you wish to try your luck with me....oppose me...I'd love to see you try, serf. If not I suggest you listen to me and listen well,"
he said with a menacing growl right in her face as he had lowered his huge self to her shorter-than-life level.
"P-p-please don't hurt me!" She cried, tears springing to her eyes as he leaned in close to her. His wicked laugh tickled and pricked at her skin and she whined pitifully again.

"Let me go!" The tears came flooding now as she worked herself up into distressed hysterics, her body quivering and quaking as she mumbled incoherently and incessantly. "I'm of n-no use to you! I will s-s-stay out of your territory, I promise - just don't harm me!"
Siva stared at her a hard coldness in his golden eyes as he stared. There was no expression on his face, it was passive but his eyes showed annoyance.

"Did I not tell you that I to not take kindly to weakness? I said no cowering. Get your sorry self off the ground and stop being a disgrace in my presence. You are a servant of Lord Siva, at least show some dignity. And if you beg me not to hurt you one more time I might just will. I told you before I will not harm you less you disobey me and I'm tired of you trying my patience. Save your breath and stop begging for your sorry life that I could end in a matter of nanoseconds. Why not be grateful that you are still alive and breathing and able to serve me with your useless life? Pathetic ingrate. Just be's time for your transformation to begin my pet, come," he said to her and the annoyance in his eyes began to dwindle as he bent and grabbed the rope between his teeth and tugged her roughly along but not enough to choke her, enough to made her scrambling in his wake as he walked out of the cave and pushed deeper into the forest.

It was time to turn this useless female into someone he could call his servant. Let the games begin....see how long this one will last....he longed to see that rare fire in her eyes again...

Posted: 01-05-2012 19:53
by toki333
Alondra flinched as he lifted his paw to loosen the rope around her neck a little more, then caressed her cheek toyingly with his claw. Her breath came ragged, shaky, but she managed to calm herself just a little. It he intended on killing her he would have done so by now, surely.
"Why yes, service. Not the service you may be thinking of when a male asks such a thing of you. Hear me out, I have no interest in your body as of now, there is no sexual service needed for YOU to perform for ME. I am a god and I do not stoop to such low levels. Rather, your only service is to remain by my side, and obey my every command. And in return for your servitude, as I mentioned, you will be well fed, well rested, protected, until I am satisfied. But heed my word if I ask for some....carnal pleasure....I'll be sure to get it, and to return it as well."
Her ears flattened back at his words, but the small relief was evident on her face when she found out the service he was to be demanding of her was not sexual. She watched him carefully, her golden eyes wide, as he spoke to her, and she shrunk away from his touch as he continued to stroke down her cheek.

It didn't seem so bad...being looked after...but that was the situation she'd been in before. She'd been healthy back then, but she hadn't been allowed more than a metre from the Alpha's side. And he hadn't even had a rope to keep her there.

"Satisfied?" She managed to say the word without any mumbling or stuttering. "When will you be satisfied?"

Truly what use could he have of her if it wasn't for anything carnal? She was clearly not fit to hunt or fight, and no doubt she'd be an awful companion too - aside from questioning his intentions, she didn't plan on saying much else to him. And how else could he be satisfied if it wasn't in a sexual or hunger way?

"Stop that sniveling. You are a servant of Lord Siva and I'll have no pet of mine sniveling like some inferior being. Pronounce your name right and let me warn you that I do not take kindly to cowards. There is no need for you to fear me as long as you do....all...that...I...command."
She was surprised how gentle the tone of his voice was, despite his words being less than kind and his expression showing clear irritance.

She drew herself up to her full height, looking him in the eye as she tried to control her legs, which felt like they may give away at any moment. It was taking all the courage she could muster to do anything but cower. It wasn't in her nature to be bold or brash.

"Me llamo Alondra," she answered, her voice a little stronger than before.

She glowered as he began to laugh, the sound bouncing off the surrounding walls and echoing around the cave menacingly. What was so FUNNY?
"Ahhh what fire you possess eh my pet? Why did you not show that fire before? Must I force it from your mouth? I may not speak whatever language you just used, but I can understand the gist of it. And may not speak how you wish, for it is I that commands how you will live, how you will breath, how you speak, am I understood?

Or you know...if you wish to try your luck with me....oppose me...I'd love to see you try, serf. If not I suggest you listen to me and listen well," he said with a menacing growl right in her face as he had lowered his huge self to her shorter-than-life level.

She shrank away as he growled in her face, almost stumbling over her legs as she skittered backwards, falling back onto her haunches in surprise. Her ears turned back but she met him with some form of defiance.

She may be frightened of him, but he would NOT dictate how she would speak and what she would say. She pouted in response to him asking for clarification on her understanding.

"Cabrón," she muttered under her breath, hopefully not loud enough for him to hear. Her fear and hatred was obvious in her eyes, but she could feel herself calming down the more they talked together - even if her responses were lacking and less...aggressive than his. He hadn't made to harm her yet, so surely there was nothing to be afraid of?

"Did I not tell you that I to not take kindly to weakness? I said no cowering. Get your sorry self off the ground and stop being a disgrace in my presence. You are a servant of Lord Siva, at least show some dignity. And if you beg me not to hurt you one more time I might just will. I told you before I will not harm you less you disobey me and I'm tired of you trying my patience. Save your breath and stop begging for your sorry life that I could end in a matter of nanoseconds. Why not be grateful that you are still alive and breathing and able to serve me with your useless life? Pathetic ingrate."
She picked herself up off her haunches again, her head held low as she stared up at him. His words weren't comforting or reassuring in any way and she could feel her old fear being instilled in her again. Servant? She wasn't servant. She hadn't nominated herself for that.

She winced at his insults, her ears remaining turned back and her tail tucked between her legs. This was awkward. She was used to grovelling with her old 'master', the Alpha. He'd wanted her to cower in fear and beg him not to hurt her. He'd tried to rape her, beat her senseless, terrify her into obeying his every word.

She had no idea how to act now she was faced with this new, different situation. She couldn't run and she couldn't fight. She couldn't even roll on her back, whimper, and hope for the best.

So what was she meant to do?
"Just be's time for your transformation to begin my pet, come," he said to her and the annoyance in his eyes began to dwindle as he bent and grabbed the rope between his teeth and tugged her roughly along but not enough to choke her, enough to made her scrambling in his wake as he walked out of the cave and pushed deeper into the forest.
Her claws scrambled against the rocky floor of the cave as he grabbed the rope around her neck and began to yank her out of the cave and into the surrounding forest.

She tried to resist, but the more she pulled against him the more the loop tightened around her throat. She coughed and spluttered, gagging as she eventually gave in and followed him with as much space between them as possible.

"Transformation?" She raised an eyebrow, the fur along her spine raised in fear as she stared around her at the forest. It had been a while since she'd been out in daylight. Her stomach was tying itself in knots at the thought of it: daylight meant trouble, being caught, being harmed.

But what other ill-luck could be-fall her? She'd already walked into the arms of a monster - how could this get any worse?

She continued to reluctantly follow him, her feet dragging in the ground. She wanted to be as far away from him as possible. She tugged back at the rope, clamping her jaws closed around it and yanking on it fiercely, willing it to snap. If she could just break it, she could RUN...

Posted: 12-05-2012 18:45
by K.A.T
"Satisfied?" She managed to say the word without any mumbling or stuttering. "When will you be satisfied?"
He turned to her and gave her a passive look, one that held no anger nor annoyance but just speculation. His eerie golden eyes roamed her body as if thinking of the answer to her question yet the way he looked at her wasn't in a sexual way, rather he was just analyzing her physical condition in addition to his answer.

How long would he keep her? Why she asked such a contemplating question.

Yet he already knew the answer.

"I'll be satisfied when I'm satisfied. But I have a goal in mind and perhaps once that goal is reached....but then again, don't count your luck I may just decide to keep you with me forever as I seem to have taken an interest in you. Why? So eager to be out of my presence already? You wound me my pet," he said to her with a smirk as he leaned in close to her and sniffed, inhaling her scent.

Ah she was still scared of him, but it seems it has died down to just mere confusion and a hint of desperation to escape. Perhaps he'll see to it that she'll want to stay with him voluntarily, oh how nice that would be.

"I will not hurt you my pet. I cannot see why you would prefer a life of suffering on your own than with a benefactor. Would you rather I leave you to starve and die? I can assure you that life with me will be more pleasant than your previous life," he told her as he dragged her along.
"Me llamo Alondra," she answered, her voice a little stronger than before.
At this Siva smiled as he stopped pulling on her rope and turned around to face her fully. Finally the woman speaks her name, and the fact that she used her foreign language didn't seem to bother him now, rather it made her all the more interesting. He'd let her keep her language.

"Ah so then, Alondra, you have a very resonating name. And I have decided you may keep your language as I find it more interesting than bothersome. I like to be interested but mind you I can pick up fast so don't try to slander me with lowly words, that is something I might not like very much though it would be very interesting to see you try," he told her as he looked, more like stared at her, taking in her everything.

Alondra....a very nice name, almost made him want to moan her name when he pleasured her.....oh and he will. A master's job was to make sure his peasant was content and satisfied and of course he would satisfy her, not the other way around.
"Cabrón," she muttered under her breath, hopefully not loud enough for him to hear.
Siva let out a laugh as she probably, most likely just cursed him out in her language. Oh how interesting. He laughed and then returned to looking at her with a smirk on his face.

"I'll let that slide today. Next time I'll be sure to know what that means although I have a pretty good idea already. But anyway, let us proceed, the day does not wait for us and time is precious," he said as he tugged her rope and pulled her along with him.

He was now consious of the fact that he was much bigger than her and moving too fast for her to keep up so he slowed his pace so that she was not being dragged along the ground like some ragdoll. A lord didn't have to be cruel to his minions, Siva didn't want to kill her so of course he would keep her alive for him.
"Yes my pet. A glorious transformation for you. You will be a different person with me Alondra, it is my goal to transform you from your sniveling self into someone that will not disgrace my name. You are my servant and you will look and play the part. I will train you, hone your skills and become your guide to becoming the perfect servant. One day you will find yourself wondering if you could have ever been the low whimpering coward you are now. I want to bring that fire inside of you out, let it burn and engulf you, I know there is better inside," he told her.

It was strange, what he just told her gave away his strange personality. How cruel he acted on the outside yet his motives for such things were the complete opposite of how he acted. The mere fact that he wanted to help her and make her better did not correlate well to how scalthing his words sounded. The fact that he was interested in her and wanted to make her better, totatally went against how his character seemed. He was certainly one confusing male.
She continued to reluctantly follow him, her feet dragging in the ground. She wanted to be as far away from him as possible. She tugged back at the rope, clamping her jaws closed around it and yanking on it fiercely, willing it to snap. If she could just break it, she could RUN...
He felt the resistance on the rope and did a little pull of his own so that she would get the hint.

"Do not try to escape my pet, you are in no condition to run from me and I'm sure you know it very well yourself. Stop fighting me, I do not like resistance. You will obey and be obedient. If you keep fighting me I'll take back my thoughts on using you for carnal pleasure. Only those who disobey me will I tear apart, physically and emotionally. But you, if you choose to obey, you will be greatly rewarded, heed my words Alondra," he said to her as he walked over small hills and crossed a stream.

They were headed towards an area were the trees were less dense and the land was not flat. A training area....Alondra's transformation would begin soon....