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A Speck of Hope (Moon) (S mature)

Posted: 21-05-2011 20:32
by K.A.T
A lone wolf prowled the outskirts of the human village. His amber eyes scrutinized everything--needing a clue, some kind of hint to his brother's whereabouts. His dark fur blended into his dark surroundings as he watched some humans and their dogs go by. Good thing he was downwind.

Since morning, Jared had been scouting the land, sniffing everything and trying to blend in with the dog community to try and find out what happened to the wolf family that lived up in the mountains. It had been 2 years since the killing and he was still vague with the details. All the village dogs could tell him was that the humans found wolves up there, send up some massive number of hunters and dogs and took the wolves out.

Jared had been shocked to find out that humans were the cause of the death of his family. But the real question he wanted answer was, where was his brother? And his brother's mate? Where was Lili? Surely since she was a human's dog she would be around. He should have seen her. But he hadn't and that got him worried.

It was dark and late at night as Jared one again went into the village to try and coax the village dogs to give him the details of the incident and whatever happened to his brother. Good thing he always visited at night or else the village dogs would have gotten suspicious of him, with him looking like his brother and all.

One thing was for certain. Jareth was around, his body wasn't found so he had to be alive somewhere. Jared just hoped that his twin was safe. Off he padded into the night, hopeful that he could find his brother, and rescue him from whatever was keeping Jareth from him these 2 years.

In the cellar of a small house at the farthest side of the village, wolves were being caged up and starved. It was a dismal place down there, no light, no windows, only some candle light in the hallway separating rows of iron barred cages each with a wolf inside, some death, others emaciated and starving. Many were crying out, some where new to the imprisonment, others were used to it. There were some young and there were some older. The young ones, the new cried out and tried to escape while the older ones remained quiet, given up on escaping.

Evidence of their attempts to escape were prevalent on the walls and at the stone floor of the cages, as well as the bloody paws some wolves had from digging. A silent old one laid in a cage, his once lively jade green eyes, now sullen and zombie like. He no longer ate, only drank to sustain himself, but he wished to end his life. How much longer would they keep him, keep them in here for the human purposes?

Jareth glanced through the bars to the nearby cages. He saw the epitome of death and despair in these parts. There were corpse in some cages, the reeking smell of the dead repugnant and disgusting. Jareth had long grown numb to the sounds and smells. The humans treated them very poorly, rarely coming down to clean the cages or the waste. The food they gave the wolves were pitiful, meager helpings that were probably drugged from what he had seen.

So this was it, this is where he would end his existence, what is the use of living if he could never escape this hellhole.

Posted: 22-05-2011 20:05
by Moon
Cruel, biting hands wrapped around her muzzle, pulling and tugging at whatever they could reach. Adelaide struggled, outrage showing in her golden eyes as she tried to fight her captors. The humans were stronger then her though, and there were more of them. For a moment the hands loosened around her muzzle and Ade jerked out of their grip, catching someone's wrist in her jaw with a lucky strike. There was yelling and suddenly she was slammed to the ground, a choke chain forced over her neck.

She was dragged to a kennel and shoved in hastily. "Damn, that bitch's got so fight in her." One of the men chuckled, "Not for long."

Adelaide struggled to her feet, gasping for breath as her head spun. Everything had happened so fast--what seemed only an hour ago she'd been hunting and then she'd felt a stabbing pain in her side, a strange scent, and she'd passed out. The next thing she knew humans were pulling her out of a crate and dragging her across the concrete floor.

Where was she?

Posted: 23-05-2011 00:44
by K.A.T
A door banged open, jarring its hinges against the stone wall behind it. All the wolves in the cages stopped their frenzy to see what was going on. Some were silent, others growling and snarling, snapping their vicious teeth at the vile beings who were the reason they were trapped in the first place.

Men dragged something across the stone floor of the hallway, looking for a cell to throw the pest in. Jareth's green eyes watched from the shadows of his cell as the humans yelled, cross that whatever they were holding was putting up a good fight.

Some of the other wolves were snapping at the humans and trying to lunge at them, slashing at them with their claws, arms stretched through the bars as they pawed at their captors. That only earned them a kick or a whip. Whines and howls were heard. The place was a ruckus.

Unmoving, almost blending into the cell, the humans thought his cell was empty and they unlocked his door. Silently Jareth watched as they threw in something. A wolf. One sniff. Jareth narrowed his eyes, and a female at that.

The humans then laughed evilly and left, banging on cell bars and jeering at the helpless wolves who snarled back at them. Jareth remained unmoving as he tried to see the girl they threw in with him. His cell, the lucky bastard, was the one nearest to the torch that served as the light down there in the depths. The light from the fire was enough that Jareth could see the girl, but not clear enough for full detail.

Immediately Jareth tensed as he gazed at the girl, even without full detail, he could tell she was a beauty. "They caught you," he said, it wasn't a question. "Pity," he said in a deep voice that had a tiny hint of Scottish accent.

The other wolves were now either back to trying to escape their prisons, or more interested in seeing the newbie who joined their misery.

(imagine a dungeon in the old english times. Take those cells, shrink them a bit and that's what you have. They aren't kennels, they're trapped in iron barred cells that are side by side, floored with stone tiles)

Posted: 23-05-2011 05:21
by Moon
(ahh, alright.)

Adelaide scratched at the cell door, stretching her arms through the bars, even wrapping her teeth around the cold iron in an attempt to find a weak spot--to escape this hell she'd found herself in.

It reeked of death and filth, the smell of mold curled inside her nose and made her cough and her eyes water. Suddenly her shoulders slumped and Ade turned away from the bars. It was a fruitless effort.

"They caught you," "Pity,

The she-wolf jumped back in surprise, "Who...who are you?" She could feel the other captives eyes on her, but she ignored them and stepped towards the stranger. At least she wasn't alone now. "Where are we?"

"What do they want with us?" The questions ran together without pause and Ade's mind spun with hopes. He'd probably been here longer then her--maybe he knew something. She took another step forward and sat, wrapping her bushy tail around herself. What meager light there was shone on her, illuminating her gold eyes so that they seemed to glow in the darkness.

Posted: 23-05-2011 17:00
by K.A.T
The she-wolf jumped back in surprise, "Who...who are you?" She could feel the other captives eyes on her, but she ignored them and stepped towards the stranger. At least she wasn't alone now. "Where are we?"

"What do they want with us?" The questions ran together without pause and Ade's mind spun with hopes. He'd probably been here longer then her--maybe he knew something. She took another step forward and sat, wrapping her bushy tail around herself. What meager light there was shone on her, illuminating her gold eyes so that they seemed to glow in the darkness.
Jareth didn't move from his spot as he analyzed the female in front of him. Young, and naive she was. The kind to be innocent and optimistic. How drab. He didn't need that kind of personality in this hellhole. It was enough that there were desperate wolves intent on escaping. They didn't need a young pup trying to exert their positive attitude in this gloom. It'd onlyl make things worse.

"Who I am is of no concern to you pup. But as for where we are. Welcome to hell girl," he said as he finally sat up from his position, the candle flames lighting up his features. Even after 2 years in this prison, he still looked handsome, but the wear and tear on his physical wellness could be seen on his body.

His once sleek beautiful fur clung to his body, his ribs showing, shadows under his eyes from lack of sleep. His muscles have gone lax from lack of use. He didn't look half the male he was before all this happened. Jareth scoffed. If his brother saw him now, Jared would be so disappointed.

Jareth saw her attempts to escape as well and sighed. "Your attempts to escape are futile. These cages we're in, are impenetrable. The walls and floor are made of stone, our claws are useless. The bars are made of iron and coated with years of disease and mold, our fangs will do us no good lass. You're in Kingdom Come now girl, only coming, never leaving," Jareth said as he gazed at her with sullen green eyes, the light gone from them.

Once he was lively, his jade green eyes portraying his energy. Now they were dull green eyes, beaten down from the 2 years of torture he lived.

To answer her second question, Jareth cast a look around at all the other wolves in cages near them. "What do they want from us? Everything. They'll take all you care about, slaughter them. Then they'll take some of us, and turn us into punching bags for their hunter dogs, beaten and killed before long. And others, they'll use to breed hybrids, hybrids to be used against our own kind. This is the human's maliciousness," he told her, his deep voice echoing throughout the dungeon.

Some other captives have turned their heads to look and listen to him. The newbies' faces went pale at his words. The older ones looked and nodded their heads in agreement. "You're a pretty one lass, they'll probably use you as the bitch to mate with their dogs. Tis a real pity you're in here girl," Jareth said as he returned his attention to her.

Damn pity it was. As she sat in front of him the light from the candle flame allowed him to see her in greater, but not full, detail. She was a beauty. Young, innocent, beautiful. Shame she got caught by these filthy humans.

Elsewhere outside, Jared was nosing around the human village. He never went near the house by the farthest edge of the village because it reeked of death and unnameable stench. He stayed clear from there, hoping that his brother wouldn't be there. Jared poked into dog houses and talked to birds and other animals too.

Soon the sun would come, another day would arrive and he was still nowhere close to finding Jareth.

"Where are you brotha?" (they do have a slight accent and I'll type it like it would sound if they were talking)

"Jareth, if only I had a clue ta where you are. Dammit, I'm getting nowhere fast," the male said as he gritted his teeth and continued his search.

Posted: 23-05-2011 17:00
by K.A.T
The she-wolf jumped back in surprise, "Who...who are you?" She could feel the other captives eyes on her, but she ignored them and stepped towards the stranger. At least she wasn't alone now. "Where are we?"

"What do they want with us?" The questions ran together without pause and Ade's mind spun with hopes. He'd probably been here longer then her--maybe he knew something. She took another step forward and sat, wrapping her bushy tail around herself. What meager light there was shone on her, illuminating her gold eyes so that they seemed to glow in the darkness.
Jareth didn't move from his spot as he analyzed the female in front of him. Young, and naive she was. The kind to be innocent and optimistic. How drab. He didn't need that kind of personality in this hellhole. It was enough that there were desperate wolves intent on escaping. They didn't need a young pup trying to exert their positive attitude in this gloom. It'd onlyl make things worse.

"Who I am is of no concern to you pup. But as for where we are. Welcome to hell girl," he said as he finally sat up from his position, the candle flames lighting up his features. Even after 2 years in this prison, he still looked handsome, but the wear and tear on his physical wellness could be seen on his body.

His once sleek beautiful fur clung to his body, his ribs showing, shadows under his eyes from lack of sleep. His muscles have gone lax from lack of use. He didn't look half the male he was before all this happened. Jareth scoffed. If his brother saw him now, Jared would be so disappointed.

Jareth saw her attempts to escape as well and sighed. "Your attempts to escape are futile. These cages we're in, are impenetrable. The walls and floor are made of stone, our claws are useless. The bars are made of iron and coated with years of disease and mold, our fangs will do us no good lass. You're in Kingdom Come now girl, only coming, never leaving," Jareth said as he gazed at her with sullen green eyes, the light gone from them.

Once he was lively, his jade green eyes portraying his energy. Now they were dull green eyes, beaten down from the 2 years of torture he lived.

To answer her second question, Jareth cast a look around at all the other wolves in cages near them. "What do they want from us? Everything. They'll take all you care about, slaughter them. Then they'll take some of us, and turn us into punching bags for their hunter dogs, beaten and killed before long. And others, they'll use to breed hybrids, hybrids to be used against our own kind. This is the human's maliciousness," he told her, his deep voice echoing throughout the dungeon.

Some other captives have turned their heads to look and listen to him. The newbies' faces went pale at his words. The older ones looked and nodded their heads in agreement. "You're a pretty one lass, they'll probably use you as the bitch to mate with their dogs. Tis a real pity you're in here girl," Jareth said as he returned his attention to her.

Damn pity it was. As she sat in front of him the light from the candle flame allowed him to see her in greater, but not full, detail. She was a beauty. Young, innocent, beautiful. Shame she got caught by these filthy humans.

Elsewhere outside, Jared was nosing around the human village. He never went near the house by the farthest edge of the village because it reeked of death and unnameable stench. He stayed clear from there, hoping that his brother wouldn't be there. Jared poked into dog houses and talked to birds and other animals too.

Soon the sun would come, another day would arrive and he was still nowhere close to finding Jareth.

"Where are you brotha?" (they do have a slight accent and I'll type it like it would sound if they were talking)

"Jareth, if only I had a clue ta where you are. Dammit, I'm getting nowhere fast," the male said as he gritted his teeth and continued his search.

Posted: 23-05-2011 23:53
by Moon
"Who I am is of no concern to you pup. But as for where we are. Welcome to hell girl,"

A chill went down her spine and Adelaide gulped, her initial fears reinforced. The candlelight illuminated the male's features, clearly handsome once and now worn with deep shadows under his dull green eyes. His fur was dirty and his ribs showed, seemingly deepened by the shadows that engulfed the stone cell.

Was this what she was to become here?

"Your attempts to escape are futile. These cages we're in, are impenetrable. The walls and floor are made of stone, our claws are useless. The bars are made of iron and coated with years of disease and mold, our fangs will do us no good lass. You're in Kingdom Come now girl, only coming, never leaving,"

Adelaide shook her head furiously, clenching her bottom lip between her teeth. "That can't be true! Nothing's impossible...there's got to be a way out of here. " But looking around Ade knew her words were just pitiful attempts at reassuring herself. There were so many prisoners here; the male spoke the truth. Nothing but iron and cold stone surrounded them. There was no hint of the outside world left in this barren place. The only colors were the fearful, tormented eyes of the captives and the flickering candle flames.

"What do they want from us? Everything. They'll take all you care about, slaughter them. Then they'll take some of us, and turn us into punching bags for their hunter dogs, beaten and killed before long. And others, they'll use to breed hybrids, hybrids to be used against our own kind. This is the human's maliciousness,"

His deep voice seemed like the narrative to a nightmare, echoing out through the cells. "Why are you telling me this?" Adelaide bowed her head now; she didn't want to hear anymore about this hell she had found herself in.

"You're a pretty one lass, they'll probably use you as the bitch to mate with their dogs. Tis a real pity you're in here girl,"

The last part of this nightmare clicked into place and Adelaide felt her blood run cold. A brood bitch? Unbidden, flashes of what she had hoped to be future flashed through her mind: a loving mate, a family of her own, the peaceful wilderness, until they were replaced with dark images of the stone cells, unwilling couplings with males, poor, skinny pups...

A sob caught in her throat and Adelaide squeezed her eyes shut.

Posted: 24-05-2011 00:50
by K.A.T
The other wolves in the cell have stopped howling and were now staring at Jareth's cage with the new female. Almost all the ones caged down in the prison were males. The females were taken to a different prison and kept guarded there for breeding. The humans didn't want any unneeded coupling between the captured wolves. So this girl was the only female in there as of now.

Which wasn't a good thing. Some of the males in here haven't seen a female in ages, and now their hormones have started acting up again. Not a good sign. A few cackled at Jareth and the male snapped his green eyes towards them. If they even suggested something about the current situation...

"Wha're you lot laughing at? Something funny in hell?" Jareth said in a death serious tone that shut most of the laughing wolves up. Cept for a few stupid ones who liked to poke the tiger.

"Yeah ya know what's funny Orange? That you're stuck in there with a girl. Lucky bastard you are eh fellers? He's the only one with a girl, in the same cage. Man if she was in here with me I---," one of the stupid young males said but was cut off by Jareth's snarl.

"Shut yer trap mutt. That's no way to talk to the lass. Why don't you stuff yer own tail in the mouth and zip it. Do us all some good," Jareth coldly said getting some laughs at the idiot male from the other wolves. The young male retreated with his tail between his legs.

"That can't be true! Nothing's impossible...there's got to be a way out of here. "

Jareth slowly shook his head. "Lass, most of us have been here for years. Look at their paws. Bloody, claws torn off, pads ripped and infected, worn to the bone, literally. We've tried everything girl. Unless we get help from the outside, we're as good as dead in here. Mark my words," he said as he sighed.

Some of the neighbor wolves showed her their paws, ripped and torn. Their claws were missing, bloody nubs and their pads were discolored and smelled disgusting from infections. They had nothing to treat the infections either. Many wolves had to amputate their own limbs. Some older males had a stub for a paw or a foot.

At this some of the other wolves started whining and howling again, causing a ruckus with their mourns of despair. Jareth rolled his eyes and turned to the girl again, feeling sorry for her. The females had it rough. Getting raped and forced to breed. And it was true, he hadn't seen a female in weeks. But that didn't mean he had no control over his damn body.

She didn't belong in this hellhole, none of them did. Yet that didn't change the fact, or the truth of the matter.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Jareth turned sympathetic green eyes to the girl. "So you'll know what to expect. I'll wager you have a good few weeks before they'll need another breeder. Savor life as you have now before then," he said as his ears perked. Somebody was coming. "Shadows!" Jareth called out and all the wolves in the cages backed up, pressing against the back walls where they were obscured by shadows.

Jareth moved forward and gently pushed the girl against the back. In the cages he was one of the oldest and the most assertive so the others looked to him to warn them of things. The wooden door clanged open and 3 humans came down with their meager rations for the day.

The humans walked past and steel bowls clashed to the floor as they shoved them through the bars with poles. They were smart enough not to use their hands. They shoved a bowl of porridge, a small plate of meat, and a bowl of water into all the cages before leaving the dungeon.

Immediately the wolves in other cages set upon the food with abandon. Ravaging the small portions and fighting with their cell mates for survival. Jareth frowned at the chaos and stared at the girl and then the food. He turned away and padded to a small patch of hay and laid down. "Food's yours lass. Keep up your strength, you'll need it more than me," he said as he left her to the food and just laid there.

After a moment he spoke to her, but didn't lift his head or show any signs of moving. Though he did leave a small batch of hay for the girl to rest on, much more than he had. Even if his spirits were broken, he wasn't about to become a jerk to a poor lass. "I'm sorry that yer in here lass. Truly," he said and then became quiet again. The sounds of the other wolves fighting, snarling and whining the only noise surrounding them now.

(sorry I posted twice, stupid computer)

Posted: 24-05-2011 01:46
by Moon
Adelaide hunched into herself further, pinning her ears as she heard their cackles. Unexpectedly, the male's serious voice cut most of the laughing short.

"Wha're you lot laughing at? Something funny in hell?"

"Yeah ya know what's funny Orange? That you're stuck in there with a girl. Lucky bastard you are eh fellers? He's the only one with a girl, in the same cage. Man if she was in here with me I---,"

"Shut yer trap mutt. That's no way to talk to the lass. Why don't you stuff yer own tail in the mouth and zip it. Do us all some good,"

She gulped, suddenly realizing how lucky she'd been to end up in his cell. Anywhere else and her introduction into hell could have been made ten times worse. It seemed like the other wolves respected him and listened, idly she wondered how long he had to have been here to earn such respect out of the prisoners. Ade loosened up bit and gave him a small smile of gratitude.

"Lass, most of us have been here for years. Look at their paws. Bloody, claws torn off, pads ripped and infected, worn to the bone, literally. We've tried everything girl. Unless we get help from the outside, we're as good as dead in here. Mark my words,"

Proving his claims the neighboring wolves held up their mangled limbs, infected and swollen paws, missing claws, and sometimes nothing but a bloody nub. At this the wolves began to howl again, their moans making sending shivers of fear down her back. There was true despair in their whines and groans--she couldn't bring herself to think of the horrors they' had faced to have such anguish in their voices.

"So you'll know what to expect. I'll wager you have a good few weeks before they'll need another breeder. Savor life as you have now before then,"

That was supposed to be a comfort?

Before she could comment he shouted out a command, "Shadows!" Obediently all the wolves retreated to the dark corners of their cells, pressing their bodies against the cold stone walls. The male gently pushed her back and she stayed there, crouched low to watch as the humans made their rounds and passed out the wolves meager meals. Ravenous, they fell on them and Ade turned around once they were gone, expecting her cellmate to do the same.

"Food's yours lass. Keep up your strength, you'll need it more than me,"

Ade disagreed, pressing her lips into a firm line. "I'm used to be hungry--we can split it." She refused to be selfish, if the humans didn't find out, he'd suffer for her presence in the weeks to come and Adelaide wasn't about to condone him to starvation. Truthfully, she was very hungry, having been about to hunt for the first time in days when they'd shot her, but he didn't need to know that.

"I'm sorry that yer in here lass. Truly,"

She flattened her ears but continued eating her small portion. When she was finished Ade pushed the bowls to him and settled down on her patch of hay, tucking her nose into her furry hindquarters and closing her eyes. "Sleep well."

With that she drifted off, finding a brief respite in her dreams. She was running through the trees, chasing after a stag, far away from the hell she had found herself in.

Posted: 24-05-2011 02:43
by K.A.T
"I'm used to be hungry--we can split it."

Jareth wanted to protest, but he guessed her type of personality. Headstrong, and unwilling to admit a weakness. She would never admit she was hungry. And she was considerate. Probably didn't want him to starve either. He scoffed at the thought. He'd been starving for 2 years now, one more day won't kill him (unfortunately).

As the girl's back was turned to him, he opened his green eyes and gazed at her. Longing. She reminded him of Lili, his past mate. With her innocence and naivete. A pang of hurt struck his heart at the thought of Lili. Sweet Lili, lost to him forever. And then here was this girl, similar, so similar it hurt him to even look at her.

"Damn you Gods!!! If this isn't torture then I don't know what it is. I just know that it's cruel to flaunt her in my face when I know canno' have her," he thought and cursed to the heavens.

He pretended to rest, closing his eyes when he noticed she was finished eating her portion. Through a small crack in his eyelids, he watched her nestle up in the small patch of hay and go to rest. That was good. It'd put her mind and heart at ease to escape from reality for a while.

"Sleep well."

Jareth blinked when she said that. It'd been a long long time since anyone said that to him. "And to you," he whispered to her. He quietly watched her as she drifted off. Once he was sure she was fast asleep, he rose from his bedding as quietly as he could and moved towards the food she left him.

God....why would anyone want to hurt him like this? First take away his mate and now give him an exact copy and watch him struggle against himself? The girl was almost exactly like Lili. Lili was a beautiful girl, with brown and white coloring, like this girl has. And their temperaments and personalities were so similar they could be sisters. But he knew Lili had no siblings, she told him so herself.

He silently ate the tasteless porridge, but left the meat for her. He went behind his batch of hay and pulled out a dock leaf that his little friend Whiskers the mouse got for him. It was a pretty large leave and he placed the meat in and wrapped it up nicely. He then placed the wrapped up package next to the girl as she slept. For her if she woke up hungry.

He knew she was lying when she said she was used to being hungry. No one was used to it unless you're one of the prisoners. She was young, at least 2, how could she have experienced such misgivings? So he pushed the package gently near her and drank some water. She was so young, yet had a heart of gold. He was nothing to her, a stranger, yet still she wouldn't let him starve. How marvelous that was.

Jareth stood above the sleeping girl and looked down at her innocent sleeping form. His green eyes stared with longing at her. He wanted nothing more than to just nuzzle up against her, breathe in her fresh scent and nestle with her. Why? Why did she have to look so much like Lili? Was this truly hell where even the humans knew how to mock him?

After gazing at her long enough, he made sure the water was within her reach, picked up the porridge bowl and put it back near the bars for the humans to pick up. They got pretty mad they the wolves didn't listen. Then he went back to his bedding and laid down. Jareth closed his eyes for a second to rest.

"Psst, psst Jae. It's me Whiskers,", a tiny voices said quietly into his ear. Jareth opened his eyes and turned his head to see a small grey mouse sitting near his paw. A small smile came onto Jareth's face. Whiskers, his tiny friend had kept him company since he got here two years ago. Lately Jareth had been sending Whiskers out to see if any help could be found outside and to bring him supplies like the dock leaves.

"Whiskers, how are you little friend?" Jareth whispered as he turned to face the wall where there was a tiny crack just large enough for Whiskers to fit in. The mouse rubbed his face and whiskers and gazed at the wolf. They had a small history together. Jareth promised never to eat Whiskers and in turn Whiskers did small favors for the wolf. "How are things on the outside?" Jareth asked.

Whiskers went into the crack and came back out carrying a small bundle wrapped in leaves. "I got these for you, some berries and herbs the humans grow to stave off hunger, they'll last you for a few days in case no food comes. And it seems now you have to share. I'm still looking for help. I heard some of the village dogs say that some newcomer has come by asking for this place, but was given no information. I'll look into this," the little mouse said as he placed the small bundle down, patted Jareth's nose and left through the crack.

Jareth smiled, pulled the tiny bundle near him and looked at the crack. "Thank you, my friend," he whispered as he made sure the bundle was between his paws and he rested, keeping half of his mind awake in case something happens.