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Posted: 02-07-2012 23:09
by Nakisha
Felony threw her head back as she continued to grind her hips against his, causing her vagina to kiss up to his cock so intimately. The lubrication on his shaft was so well she almost felt like he was too slipperly to feel good but the thought of having her juices coat him was just amazing.

This didn't feel as good as him inside her rubbing against her walls, but it came damn well close as the sensation of his hot throbbing cock against her swollen lips was fueling her erotic imaginations that was driving her towards her second climax for the day.
Durango stared up, at her face, panting.
He loved the look on her face... the way she enjoyed this... it send shocks through his system, pleasure rising fast....
At his cry she hissed in pleasure as he began to move his hips in time with hers, doubling their pleasure. She leaned her head down, a difficult task considering their position and her tongue lashed out to lick the pre dripping down his tip and she groaned at the taste as she pulled her head back up only to slow down her pace but grind harder against him, she wanted to feel that intense pleasure again, the pleasure of her climax and the force of his ejaculation against her nether lips.
She was so sexy, so flexible as she licked the pre from his cock... and he couldn't help but stare openly, watch her... féél her... the intensity driving him closer and closer....
"Damn!!!" she managed to cry out as she kept on watching the sight of her vagina moving up and down the length of his large cock.

She whimpered slightly as she felt him press her down on top of him and she just wanted to take him inside her but knew that would only spell danger for he might just explode the minute he was in. No she couldn't take that chance. This would have to do.
Her cry almost send him over the edge; the proof of her pleasure... of THEIR pleasure...

His cock throbbed voilently; he could feel heat spreading through his entire body....
Ah!! She felt the accidental intrusion of him but he quickly removed it to her happiness for she wasn't sure she could hold on if he entered her.

"W-wise choice," she said to him referring to his instant removal of his tip and she began to rub against him harder and faster now, feeling her edge coming on soon, oh so very soon.

Hmm his flesh was throbbing harder now, she could tell he was close. The wet sounds of her lips lavishing his cock was music to her ears and made her blush as she thrust against him and pressed down, grinding her lips against his cock.
His head spun. Wise? No... he wanted nothing more then to thrust in DEEP... to feel her tight walls around his cock and fill her belly with his cum...

But he couldn't. He wouldn't. The look in her eyes, the expression on her face.... he couldn't destroy her trust in him....
"Oh shut up and just move," she barked out hoarsely as she bent her head and grabbed his mouth with hers, immediately trying to open his maw to taste him as she continued to thrust against him, rubbing and wiggling her hips at the same time to add more pleasure.

A moan escaped her as her body twitched to prepare for her climax.
His kissed back with the same hunger, his flesh hot and ready underneath hers... as he felt it coming close, as he felt a familiar feeling rising from his sheath....
"Mmmm...D-Durango....I'm close," she breathed against his mouth as she licked his fangs and pulled at his tongue, all the while listening to the wet sounds of flesh against flesh between their closely pressed bodies, the light scratching of their fur just added to the overwhelming sensation.
- ''F... FEL...'' He breathed between their hot kisses. ''FEL... I... I'M... GONNA...!!''

He couldn't warn her further; his cock suddenly tried to press upwards, the pleasure reaching it's ultimate peak... and the next moment a hot jet of cum sprayed over his belly, a cry of pleasure muffled in her kiss....

The muscle underneath his cock spasmed against her hot lips as he came, pumping out another jet of cum....

"Wasn't my intention trust me," she said realizing the irony of what she said as she waited for his ultimate decision.
He gave her a blank look, wondering if she meant that... but he could see she was holding her breath.

This WAS important to her. She stared into his eyes, hopeful... and yet, to his surprise, every now and then her eyes shot over his body.

He felt that little flame inside grow as she did....
A small smile that leaned on the edge of sadness graced her lips as she looked at him.

"Where we are going...IF you say in the high frigid mountains. There is something I need from the top of those peaks and if you think about the terrain, the coldness, potential blizzards, perhaps lack of good can see why it's dangerous. As why I need to go there...perhaps you will find out soon enough. The more time passes I'm sure you can see the signs of it. IF you say yes, I realize you are risking your life and I am thankful. Make no mistake that I will not deprive you of pleasure even if we take on this little trip. I'm sure you've noticed that I enjoyed our moment as much as you. The question is now....what is your answer?" she said to him as she sat there unmoving.
Scorpius narrowed his eyes.

- ''I see. We need to go far, tread dangerous grounds... and be there fást, too....''

He was a fool for even consídering this.
The high mountains... a barren, frozen land. She was right, it was fucking dangerous. A fool's errand. And still she refused to even tell him why....

But this could not be a trick. He had far more chance surviving out there then she had. If she merely wished to escape, or even kill him... there where easier ways.

No... she was genuine, odd enough.

It confused him. A genuine female was all against what he believed...
"If you don't believe me I don't blame you, it is a farfetched story...and trust is not your cup of tea...still..." she left off as she stared at him.
Scorpius sighed.
- ''I'll be honest with you, lady.'' He said, calmly. ''I don't fancy long journey's, mountains, icey cold and dangers, all for something I don't even know about.''

He paused, watching her silently.

- ''However....''

He paused again; his eyes narrowed slightly.

- ''IF it is that important to you... and IF you're so determined to go there... and if you keep refusing to tell me WHY....''

He licked his lips unconciously.

- ''Then tell me... what is in it for me? What do I gain by following you on this crazy quest... What will you give ME, in return?''

A sting of shame hit him. He knew all too well he was taking advantage of this situation... but his cold heart demanded it. Females where just for sex. They could not be trusted...

... and he was doing her a mighty favour.

- ''... I trust you will give me my pleasure... yes. But will you give it to me unconditionally? Will you give me everything I want, whenever I want? Will you submit yourself willingly?''

He awaited her answer calmly. He could not possibly imagine she would say yes to such a request. It was impossible. For a female who had demanded him not to cum inside of her, she would never willingly become his... well, his sexslave.

But at least he would know now how important this réally was to her.

Lilith chuckled as she circled him, making sure she was far away from the collars as she could be. Hell like she was going to get tricked and be chained up. What would be more hilarious is if he accidentally got locked up and she got her way with him....oh that would just make her that would make her week. Her eyes twinkled evily as she now tried to think of a plan to get him into those harnesses....

Hmmm she wondered slightly if he was strong enough to break out of them if he was made enough...

"I gave myself the choice buddy. And I'm gonna have my choice whether you like it or not," she replied to him as her tail wagged back and forth slightly in anticipation of his assault.
Crixus, blissfully unawares of any of her plans, couldn't believe she really dared all this....
But then again, he was underestimating her even now, thinking she'd fall for the same trick twice...
Lilith welcomed the challange as she immdietely lowered her body once he finished speaking. He came closer but she still remained tauntingly out of reach even if he lunged at her.

And he did. And yet again it seems he repeated the same mistake he did when they first met. He underestimated her skills and she would show him how he was also dancing with the demon.

As he leaped at her, she waited till he was close enough and immdietely darted underneath him, her quick speed allowing her to get away from his grasp. He was too slow in realizing his mistake until she was right beneath his belly and with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she lifted her head and let her cold nose poke at his furry sheath before darting between his legs and ended up on the other side of the cave from him.
FUCK! His agitated state of mind had left him careless...
She so easily slid underneath him... and for a second, he couldn't even breath... realizing all to well what power she had underneath him...

He was an IDIOT!!!

But instead of taking the opportunity, she just nudged his sheath, reminding him of how dangerous she could be... and as he hit the ground and turned sharply, the shock could still be seen in his eyes.
Silently, her green eyes ablaze, she watched for his reaction and for his retaliation of her slight assault on his manly bits. She wanted to let him know how easily she could have bitten them off due to his mistake and misjudgment of her.
There was no doubt Crixus had gotten the message; his eyes where giving that away...

And thus, as he snarled and came for her again... he no longer lifted himself off the ground.

Instead, he attacked her now like he would have attacked a male.

Using his weight and mass, he came at her like a tank... aiming for nothing but her neck, just wanting to force her down, to the ground... But at the same time, he was now certain she would launch a counterattack, and was ready to sway his head aside to protect his throat if need be...

Posted: 03-07-2012 07:18
by K.A.T
Felony's eyes were glazing over as she was overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure she got from just the friction of their bodies rubbing against each other. Hell she didn't get this much of high the first time they did it but it seems now that she's had the first taste she wanted more.

Damn!! If she didn't get him to cum soon then her own hold on her climax would require him to penetrate her and she did not want to go that direction...Oh but he was putting up a effort to last a while...she would make him shoot his load soon...she could almost taste it.
His kissed back with the same hunger, his flesh hot and ready underneath hers... as he felt it coming close, as he felt a familiar feeling rising from his sheath....
Hmm his return kiss was delicious and just added on to their already built up heat and pleasure. Oh he was getting close, and so was she...the rapid throbbing of his shaft and the pulse of blood in his knot and balls was signal enough that he was about to explode.

Just thinking of the sight of his ejaculation made her want to cum and envelope his cock in her juices.

"Mmm...oh my feel.....soo...good," she whimpered out as she shimmed, his cock gliding across her lips like a buttered up morsel. She moaned and groaned as she thrust against him, loving the feel of his tip brushing her stomach fur and decorating it with his pre.
''F... FEL...'' He breathed between their hot kisses. ''FEL... I... I'M... GONNA...!!''

He couldn't warn her further; his cock suddenly tried to press upwards, the pleasure reaching it's ultimate peak... and the next moment a hot jet of cum sprayed over his belly, a cry of pleasure muffled in her kiss....

The muscle underneath his cock spasmed against her hot lips as he came, pumping out another jet of cum....
Her body spasmed as she prepared to cum with him and she cried out in esctasy as he breathed out her name and shouted his climax.

In a split second his cock throbbed and she felt it move and then felt the pulses as semen shot from his tip onto her chest and his belly.

"AHH! Shit!!" she cried as she also came and her juices exploded against his tightly pressed cock. She had pulled away from their hot kiss and her entire body shuddered at the feel of his cum between them and her climax against his flesh. She felt his shaft throb again as he let out another stream and she had to move her hips back so that her juices could leak freak onto his cock, dripping down to his base to coat his knot and coating the fur on his balls.

She screamed out her pleasure and felt the esctasy ebb out of her and soon she was spent, exhausted as she flopped down onto him and panted, staring at him with a smirk as she licked her lips that were coated with his juices.

Her cum dripped from her entrance to dribble down his body that was pressed beneath hers.

"Geez...if only there was a way," she muttered half to herself as she just imagined him cumming inside of her and just filling her to the brim.

Panting and tired and not wanting to move, she just laid on him and didn't move.

" my breath...," she told him as she saw the white cum on his chest and languidly licked it up and then placed her chin down on his chest as she closed her eyes and just recovered.


Ava started tapping her paw lightly on the ground due to anxiety and once she noticed she tried to stop and she succeeded and returned her attention to him.

There was another silence as she watched him digest her words and think about it....perhaps he was giving it some thought and that could mean a good thing for her....but knowing him he would throw out some conditions and she would have to agree to them....

By now she didn't care if he wanted to fuck long as she didn't get pregnant she couldn't care less. Anyway if he insisted on wanting to cum in her, she could always appeal to him that taking care of a pregnant female would be a lot bigger hassle than taking care of her normally.
''I see. We need to go far, tread dangerous grounds... and be there fást, too....''
She had a slight sheepish look on her face as she nodded her head to his comment.

"That is the gist of it," she answered him as she went silent again to wait for his answer.
Scorpius sighed.
- ''I'll be honest with you, lady.'' He said, calmly. ''I don't fancy long journey's, mountains, icey cold and dangers, all for something I don't even know about.''

He paused, watching her silently.

- ''However....''
She couldn't help but lean towards him as he spoke again, eager to hear his final answer and she moved slightly closer to him out of instinct but stopped herself before she got too close to invading his personal space.

Ava nodded her head to what he said but didn't say anything as she had a feeling he wasn't done speaking quite yet.

Like she predicted, he was a logical and practical fellow and he was giving this lots of thought. That impressed her as at least he had brains and intelligence.

But when he said however...her eyes went slightly wider and anticipated what he would say next.
He paused again; his eyes narrowed slightly.

- ''IF it is that important to you... and IF you're so determined to go there... and if you keep refusing to tell me WHY....''

He licked his lips unconciously.

- ''Then tell me... what is in it for me? What do I gain by following you on this crazy quest... What will you give ME, in return?''
Hmm she expected as much. And since he was a male she had the answer but before she could speak he spoke again.
''... I trust you will give me my pleasure... yes. But will you give it to me unconditionally? Will you give me everything I want, whenever I want? Will you submit yourself willingly?''
She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding...yet again...and then fixed him with a look.

She inhaled and then prepared to speak her piece.

"The only...ONLY thing I have to make that getting me pregnant is not the wisest decision. I doubt looking after a pregnant female is something you look foward too. But for Pete's sake you can fuck me and cum after I find the blasted thing I'm looking for! But before inside but I agree to become your...for lack of a better word that good enough for you or still no? Ok okay I know that all you want to do is to fuck me silly and shoot the load...just not inside please....other than that if you can have me whenever, how you want it, and I'll cooperate.

That's my final answer Scorpius....what's yours?"
she finished as she was slightly miffed that all he could think about was filling her with his semen and then dumping her off like garbage. It hurt slightly to think that ejaculating inside was something he cared more for than responsibility of what came 63 days after the deed.

"Fuck...why can't humans invent protection for wolves...sure would come in handy right now," she grumbled out as she stared at him, praying he'd accept. For Heaven's sake she was practically offering her ass to him on a gold platter minus cumming inside. That to any male was like the golden ticket!!

Geez if he wanted more...she didn't know what more to give him...what did he want, her first born pup?


Oh the shock written all over Crixus' face was pure priceless. Lilith had to smirk at his reaction. Geez to think a smart guy like him would make the same mistake twice...he really need to meet her family...gosh if he thought she could give him a run for his money...just wait till he met Cobriana or his mother...heck even Granny could teach this boy a lesson.

He really was teetering on the edge of being sexist...lack of respect for females, treating them like a cum dump to empty his load anytime he wanted. They had to flip their tails and beg when he barked and probably were expected to kiss his ass daily.

Geez why did she get such a huge desire to fuck this guy? Why would she ever be attracted to a chauvanist male like him? It was well beyond her and she was starting to question her own sanity.

Did he really take her for a chump? Some useless whiny dick-less thing that was suppose to bow and obey his every whim. God....he needed some therapy....and sticking him in one of those collars and knocking his high-and-mighty-guy-pride down a few notches would do just the trick...

.....or just make him all the more pissed off. There seemed to be no getting through to this guy...perhaps she should have taken a chomp when she had the chance. She doubt he'd repeat it a third time...if he did.....she shook her head at the thought.
But instead of taking the opportunity, she just nudged his sheath, reminding him of how dangerous she could be... and as he hit the ground and turned sharply, the shock could still be seen in his eyes.
She smirked and shrugged her shoulders, body ready to roll as she was rolling her shoulders so they didn't cramp up.

"Told you," she said simply as she saw him about to charge her.
And thus, as he snarled and came for her again... he no longer lifted himself off the ground.

Instead, he attacked her now like he would have attacked a male.

Using his weight and mass, he came at her like a tank... aiming for nothing but her neck, just wanting to force her down, to the ground... But at the same time, he was now certain she would launch a counterattack, and was ready to sway his head aside to protect his throat if need be...
Oh a change of tactics. He learned...but she was ready for him.

((please excuse the slight god-mod, I'm trying to stall until Scorpius agrees to Ava's suggestion and they come to break up the fight before one of them gets killed :P ))

This time he charged her head on, not leaving the ground and acting like a bull, angling his head towards her as he charged.

She saw where he was aiming, her vitals, especially her neck and she focused blood and adrenaline in her legs as she shot towards the left out of his reach. She ran along the length of the cave wall and in an instant changed directions to the right and quick as a flash was on the other side of the wall. But what she did next was dangerous and only few could pull it off.

Using her light weight and speed plus momentum to her advantage, she leaped onto the side of the wall, and rebounded off. Gravity pulled her down and with her momentum she angled her body towards his and hit him right in the back and immediately was able to step on him and get away, leaping to another wall, running off and basically running zig zag and everywhere around him.

She was smaller, faster, lighter, and in a tight area she had the edge. She was aiming to confuse him enough to get him to charge right at her as she was in front of the collars. She just hoped it worked.