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Posted: 09-06-2012 18:48
by Nakisha
As she sucked him she felt his cock twitch and throb and knew it was probably time to pull back. And so she did, slowly, teasingly slide her tongue and lips from his throbbing shaft and proceeded to coat the outside with rapid lips and laps.

The intense pleasure she was getting on her head was enough to send her to her own climax.

"F-Fuck!! Durango....I-I'm.." she bit out and a cry tore from her lips as she came at the same time he did, his tongue was working wonders on her and her legs were starting to shake, threatening to drop her right on top of him.

His ejaculation shot everywhere and Felony moved a paw in front of her face at the force of his load as it sprayed the ground and some on the wall. She probably spread her juices all over his face.
As if the overwhelming pleasure he was experiencing wasn't enough... she rewarded him with the ultimate experience as she, much to his surprise... came as well.

He lapped greedily at her, enjoying her juices as they quite richly flowed... he moaned softly at the pulsing feeling over her walls against his tongue and the sheer thriumpf of bringing her to a peak as well doubled his own pleasure.

This girl was AMAZING...!!!
She watched in amazement as his body produced another shot of his sperm and she was literally trying hard not to fall on his face as his tongue thrashed about wildly inside her.

Fuck she couldn't take much more. Having already cum once, she tored herself away from his tortureous tongue and turned around to face him. Then surprisingly so she just laid her smaller body on top of his and just laid there, panting hard as she stared at him.
It was over sooner then he liked; his pleasure ebbed away... and with a little whimper he let go as she pulled away from him.

But she surprised him yet again... laying down on top of him.
He instantly wrapped his paws around her, panting as well, the gaze in her eyes making it all worth while to honour her request.
"How was it big guy?" she asked him with a lazy smirk appearing on her cute face.
He grinned at her question.
- ''Didn't you notice?'' He teasingly nipped at her ear for a moment. ''You where amazing, Fel. I...'' He frowned slightly. ''I hope that wasn't too bad for a first time, for you?''

Ava moaned against his throbbing shaft, her hot breath breezing over his flesh as she felt his tongue inside her once again. She felt his strong paws gripping her hips as he dug his snout into her. Fuck!! She was so close now, even without his cock inside her, just his tongue was making it hard for her to hold on.

"Damn...y-you're good....I'm cum--" was all she said against his cock as she quickened her pace and sucked him harder, licking him until she almost wanted to devour him whole.
It had never been so intense... And even though he wanted nothing more to blow his load deep inside of her, this was more the agreeable... especially with her enthusiasm!
She felt his cock swell and pulled away and resumed licking the outside and his knot as she wanted to see him cum. It started throbbing faster, the beating of his blood getting faster due to his coming climax.

She heard him speak and suddenly after his growl his member shot forth a stream of white liquid that went everywhere. And he didn't just cum once, he came three times. At the sight of such an erotic vision of him cumming inside her and filling her, a groan escaped her lips and she came over his face as his tongue was still buried inside her inner chamber and she couldn't help but move her hips against his tongue as he continued to taste her.
He hadn't expected her to be so close... and as she suddenly groaned lustfully, he was surprised to feel her walls pulse and her fluids spill into his all too eager mouth. He closed his eyes as a strong wave of pleasure hit him and he sunk away in sheer extacy for a few moments.

She moved her hips; he moved his tongue along, glowing with pleasure and pride now that he found himself able to please her.

He had pleasured females before. But... this was unexpected, as was their entire mating...
After he had finished cumming and she was sure she decorated his face, Ava, with great reluctantly, lifted her hips off his face and then turned around to finally collapse on the ground next to him, facing him. She shivered as she felt the remainder of her climax leak from her and she was breathing hard as the fire in her eyes started to die down as she watched him.

"Satisfied Scorpius?" she asked him as she leaned in to lick some of her own juices from his face. A drop of his semen was on her white cheek and it was almost unnoticeable against the white fur but it dribbled down her cheek yet she didn't bother to remove it.
He stared at her beautiful rear as she pulled away... and watched her every move as she turned... layed down...
The sight of her ribs moving as she was panting, the way she looked at him...

She was perfect....

He suddenly noticed he had shot on her face... such an erotic sight!
Her tongue licked her maw and he felt almost hypnotized...

He gently stretched out a paw at her to pull her a little closer, and without hesitation began to clear her face from his own fluids with amazing care. His tongue was soft... gentle...

- ''More then that...'' He mumbled, and for a few seconds, he felt completely happy.

But that was when reality kicked in.

*WHAT am I DOING?!* He thought desperately as his eyes turned to the ground. *She... this... it all isn't real affection. Just lust. She's a female...*

He pulled away, forcing a little smile.

- ''You're one stunning lady...''

She tasted him, tasted her on him, and she moaned slightly as she bobbed her head against his erection that was so big and wide that she couldn't even fit the whole thing in her mouth. She settled for licking his knot and balls and just sucking on his shaft.

She didn't have to taste him long, she only sucked enough and he already exploded and it came into her mouth once before she pulled away and spat out some before diving in and licking the outside of his cock as he came powerfully.
She pulled away; he let out another frustrated groan.

The pleasure of a hot wetness around him when he came was now denied further.... yet, there was no stopping his orgasm anymore...

He wasn't sure he wanted to kill her... or just fuck her again....
Lilith was not in her right mind as she lapped at his dick rapidly as if drinking him in as he continued to shot his load onto the ground and some landed on her chest fur and white paws.

The sight of his ejaculation was erotic enough to have her cum and she felt her juices drip from her entrance as she moaned with her tongue wrapped around his throbbing flesh.
Unlike Durango and Scorpius, Crixus did not notice Lilith's orgasm; all he felt, was the odd combination of pleasure, anger, frustration, and even more lust....
Soon he had finished cumming and with his shrinking member, Lilith leaned in to give it one more lick before she pulled away from under him and fixed him with a heated look, her chest panting slightly as the semen dripped from her chest to the ground.

She looked into his eyes as she smirked at him.

"You sure came a lot," she remarked as she looked down and saw the cum on her chest and proceeded to wipe it to the ground.
As the pleasure slowly ebbed away, Crixus managed to think straight for a bit... and gazed at her.

The sight of her body... covered in his sperm... and the look in her eyes...
He instantly felt his lust returning to him again.

- ''Yes... I... was without it, for too long.'' He answered, his voice still hoarse.

He tried to decide what to do; part of him wanted to drag her up to that bar, tie her down... and fuck her again. The other part wanted to try and be a little more thankful at least... she hád offered him her virginity without hassle, after all...

But goddamn, so many mixed emotions....

Posted: 30-06-2012 22:41
by K.A.T
Felony laid on Durango's chest and stomach, the length of her body spread out along his larger one. The heat of their intercourse was still evidence by the hard breathing the both of them shared. Felony's face still had a bit of a blush on them as she recalled how she actually enjoyed their romp. The feeling of him penetrating her actually made her face flush as she remembered urging him on.

She laid her chin on her paws that were on his chest as she looked into his face. Truth be told, he wasn't as bad as she originally thought he was. Well he was certainly better than the other two at least.

For a split second she worried about her sisters but then again seeing as how those two were actually into getting it on -she remembered how Ava and Lilith were practically spilling pheromones- she decided not to worry so much.

Her nether regions ached slightly at the breaking of her hymen but the fact that he had taken her slowly was something she was ultimately glad for.
But she surprised him yet again... laying down on top of him.
He instantly wrapped his paws around her, panting as well, the gaze in her eyes making it all worth while to honour her request.
She was surprised when she felt him wrap his large paws around her slim waist and she blushed again as she stared at his face.

”...Perhaps I misjudged you. You honored my request....t-thanks,” she stuttered out her gratitude as she slide up a few inches on his body and leaned her face down to kiss him, wrapping her mouth around his and slowly letting her tongue meet his.

She pulled away soon though, after showing her gratitude and resumed resting on him.
He grinned at her question.
- ''Didn't you notice?'' He teasingly nipped at her ear for a moment. ''You where amazing, Fel. I...'' He frowned slightly. ''I hope that wasn't too bad for a first time, for you?''
Felony couldn't help but smirk at this as she chuckled, her body rumbling atop his as she wiggled against him slightly to get comfortable.

She let out a small sound when he nipped her ear and blushed at her own slip of mouth. To think that she wasn't satisfied yet scared her slightly. Apparently she was as much of a nympho as Lilith was much to her surprise.

She nipped his chest in response and drew lazy circles in his fur with her claw gently, watching his blue fur move as her claw passed through it. She fixed him with a heated look at she remembered how well he treated her.

”Might I say, that was a hell of a first experience. You sure know how to pleasure women. It was amazing Durango, thanks for asking,” she gave him a genuinely kind smile, her face lighting up at his gentleness with her as she looked like she watched to taste his mouth again.

”Hope you don't mind,” she said as she pulled herself up towards him and descended her mouth to his, her tongue eager to roam his mouth once more as she kissed him hungrily, almost astonished at her own behavior.


Ava laid there facing Scorpius, panting from their rough sex as she recovered. A feeling rose in her chest as she stared at the large male laying across from her....a feeling she couldn't quite put her paw on.

She stared at him, marveling at his strength as she remembered how he felt inside her...his girth and size was wondrous.

The white female flushed slightly at the memories of watching him going in and out of her body. Her nether region throbbed at the physical memory as she moved slightly to try and stop the rising urge to fuck him again. God what was wrong with her?

She would thinking after watching how Lilith practically jumped at the chance to fuck Crixus, Ava couldn't believe her younger sister and now was in disbelief that she was acting as bad as Lily. To think that fucking a random stranger male would arouse her so much....perhaps she was a nympho as well.

The thought hit her and she wondered how her sisters were going with their partners. She had little doubt that Lilith perhaps raped her partner than the other way around. But Fel was her main concern as her baby sisters had been scared shitless at the prospect of losing her virginity to some random male.

But the slight movement from Scorpius brought Ava out of her trance as she fixed him with her gaze.
He gently stretched out a paw at her to pull her a little closer, and without hesitation began to clear her face from his own fluids with amazing care. His tongue was soft... gentle...

- ''More then that...'' He mumbled, and for a few seconds, he felt completely happy.
She slowly watched how his paw came towards her and how he pulled her towards his still hot body, crushing her against him and feeling how his muscular body rippled against hers. When his tongue touched her face she couldn't help but let out a small mew of content as he cleaned her with such gentleness. It just made her want him more and she wanted to mentally slap herself as she thought of wanting to go another round.

She was sure he wouldn't hesitate to impregnate her the second time around.

Her body moved on their own as she lifted her head and started licking his neck that was facing her. She lapped slowly at his throat and then made her way towards his mouth, to his muzzle as she tried to pry his mouth open for another taste of him.

It was as if she became addicted only after one taste and she longed for another. His scent, so masculine, so aroused her beyond her wildest imaginations.

But then he pushed again and she couldn't help but feel slightly hurt at his rejection. Perhaps his past was still making him unable to truly trust her despite their previous intimate episode.
He pulled away, forcing a little smile.

- ''You're one stunning lady...''
A playful smirk appeared on Ava's face as she leaned in quickly to catch his mouth for a hungry kiss, her tongue rough against his as she tasted him and then pulled away.

”Mmmm you're a pretty outstanding male yourself. One that doesn't disappoint,” she said as she placed a gentle paw on his chest where his heart would be. She felt the rapid beating of his heart beneath her paw as she looked at him.

With a bit of shyness she looked away, thinking of something before fixing him with her blue eyes again as a small blush decorated her white features.

”Thank you....for a wonderful first time...for me at least,” she gave him a genuine smile as she nipped his nose playfully and proceeded to a sitting position, looking down at his large body as it was spread across the ground.

Silently she let a few moments pass before she gazed at him.

”....So may I ask what are your plans for us now?” she asked him as she looked above the cavern and saw the mess they made on the ground and a small tiny smile spread across her features before being replaced by an expectant look as she once again roamed his body with her eyes until they came to a rest on his face.


God....Lilith didn't know what she wanted to do but a large half of her screamed for her to throw him against the wall and have fuck him again. She was surprised at her own little demon inside and how hungry it apparently was for Crixus.

Mmmm well meeting such a ferocious male was definitely a turn-on and the danger he possessed was even better.

The fact that she was dancing with a beast that could easily kill her just made her want to dominate him even more. She fixed him with a hungry look and licked her lips.

She wouldn't have minded a second go with him. The only problem was the lack of condoms for wolves. She was sure the second time around Crixus would not hesitate to hold her fast against him as he pumped his seed into her and if she did try to get away she didn't doubt he'd hurt her....

She stood there looking at him, her chest covered with his cum as she tried to get the sticky white substance off her fur. The look in his eyes as he watched her made her hot and she was sure it was making him just as uncomfortable.
He instantly felt his lust returning to him again.

- ''Yes... I... was without it, for too long.'' He answered, his voice still hoarse.
She lifted a white paw of hers that was covered with his sperm and for a split second her eyes darted to him, watching his expression as she brought her paw to her lips and she slowly licked his cum from her paw, her eyes on him the entire time as she just imagined how it would feel if he were to unload his package inside her. She shuddered at the arousing thought and moved her paw back to brushing off the semen from her chest fur.

”So I see. Well I must say for my first time you sure set a high standard,” she informed with with a smirk as she felt her nether lips still wet from their intercourse earlier.

After she got most of the mess from her chest she placed her paw down on the ground and looked at the tall male standing across from her.

The sexual tension in the cave was unmistakable and Lilith began to think if she didn't try and think of something she wasn't going to leave the cave anytime soon...especially if they were both feeling hot and bothered despite having sex already....

”Ironically, though you had the intent to rape me—it seems that I have to thank you for giving me a exceptional first time. I have to admit I quite enjoyed our little....tussle if I may call it,” she told him as her green eyes roamed his body again and just imagined fucking him again.

But she soon took her mind off as now she looked at him with question in her eyes.

”Now what?” she asked him curiously, wondering what plans he had in store for her or if she and her sisters were free to go now that they all had their fun.

Posted: 01-07-2012 01:19
by Nakisha
Durango watched Felony as she lay on top of him, feeling more at ease then he had felt in weeks.
Finally... finally the long needed release.... and now, this beautiful female, no longer afraid of him...

And she was all his...
She laid her chin on her paws that were on his chest as she looked into his face.

She was surprised when she felt him wrap his large paws around her slim waist and she blushed again as she stared at his face.

”...Perhaps I misjudged you. You honored my request....t-thanks,” she stuttered out her gratitude as she slide up a few inches on his body and leaned her face down to kiss him, wrapping her mouth around his and slowly letting her tongue meet his.
He let her; he closed his eyes, enjoying the kiss she shared with him, his own tongue gently meeting hers for a perfect afterglow kiss....

He was glad she felt so at ease now. So... happy. He liked smiling females, they where such beautiful creatures and their smile made them glow...
It was a far cry from her fear before....
She pulled away soon though, after showing her gratitude and resumed resting on him.

Felony couldn't help but smirk at this as she chuckled, her body rumbling atop his as she wiggled against him slightly to get comfortable.

She let out a small sound when he nipped her ear and blushed at her own slip of mouth. To think that she wasn't satisfied yet scared her slightly.

She nipped his chest in response and drew lazy circles in his fur with her claw gently, watching his blue fur move as her claw passed through it. She fixed him with a heated look at she remembered how well he treated her.

”Might I say, that was a hell of a first experience. You sure know how to pleasure women. It was amazing Durango, thanks for asking,” she gave him a genuinely kind smile, her face lighting up at his gentleness with her as she looked like she watched to taste his mouth again.
- ''Hey, I told you... I rather make love then fight...'' He said softly. ''I am glad it was to your satisfaction...''

However, his experience told him it wasn't to her fúll satisfaction... not yet, anyway....
”Hope you don't mind,” she said as she pulled herself up towards him and descended her mouth to his, her tongue eager to roam his mouth once more as she kissed him hungrily, almost astonished at her own behavior.
Her second kiss was... wilder. Lustful....
He answered it, calm at first but with more fire as she took the lead this time...

He gently pulled back, eyes sparkling as he looked at her; he made a gentle efford to get up.

- ''I don't mind, sweetheart.... but I have a feeling I could use my tongue better...'' He said, with a little grin curled around his maw. ''I'm sure something would like some... soothing...''

Her body moved on their own as she lifted her head and started licking his neck that was facing her. She lapped slowly at his throat and then made her way towards his mouth, to his muzzle as she tried to pry his mouth open for another taste of him.

It was as if she became addicted only after one taste and she longed for another. His scent, so masculine, so aroused her beyond her wildest imaginations.
She was intoxicating... surprising... unexpected. She was unpredictable...
And she was female... Sadly...

If only he had liked guys. Life would be so much easier....
But then he pushed again and she couldn't help but feel slightly hurt at his rejection. Perhaps his past was still making him unable to truly trust her despite their previous intimate episode.


A playful smirk appeared on Ava's face as she leaned in quickly to catch his mouth for a hungry kiss, her tongue rough against his as she tasted him and then pulled away.
Again she surprised him, her hungry kiss sparking the little flame that always burned. His eyes stared at her, surprised, and even as she broke off their kiss, he was still a little bit stunned.
”Mmmm you're a pretty outstanding male yourself. One that doesn't disappoint,” she said as she placed a gentle paw on his chest where his heart would be. She felt the rapid beating of his heart beneath her paw as she looked at him.

With a bit of shyness she looked away, thinking of something before fixing him with her blue eyes again as a small blush decorated her white features.

”Thank you....for a wonderful first time...for me at least,” she gave him a genuine smile as she nipped his nose playfully and proceeded to a sitting position, looking down at his large body as it was spread across the ground.
For a moment, emotions stirred inside him, and he felt himself melt at her words. But this time, he kept his sanity enough.

He could never, éver loose himself with a female...
Not anymore....

However... the position she took intrigued him....
Silently she let a few moments pass before she gazed at him.

”....So may I ask what are your plans for us now?” she asked him as she looked above the cavern and saw the mess they made on the ground and a small tiny smile spread across her features before being replaced by an expectant look as she once again roamed his body with her eyes until they came to a rest on his face.
She... she was practically ASKING for it...?!
He could hardly believe her actions... but his body could. Oh yes, he felt some stirring inside his sheath again already....

He couldn't remember being so ready again so fast before...

However her question was genuine and demanded answer.

- ''Well....'' He stared into her blue eyes for a moment. ''I...''

He wondered. Should he tell her he meant to keep her? That her, and her sisters, where simply their posession now?

No... it would be cruel, after Ava's willingness to cooperate.
He would try a different approach, first.

- ''I was hoping that you, and your sisters, would stay for a while...'' He cleared his throat; he felt like a brute. It was wrong of him to make it sound like a CHOICE... especially since he wasn't willing to give her one.

Damn, why was he soft with her?! It was insane. And, probably, unneccesarily hurtful for her. And he knew all about hurt....

He was usually bluntly honest....

She fixed him with a hungry look and licked her lips.

She stood there looking at him, her chest covered with his cum as she tried to get the sticky white substance off her fur. The look in his eyes as he watched her made her hot and she was sure it was making him just as uncomfortable.

She lifted a white paw of hers that was covered with his sperm and for a split second her eyes darted to him, watching his expression as she brought her paw to her lips and she slowly licked his cum from her paw, her eyes on him the entire time as she just imagined how it would feel if he were to unload his package inside her. She shuddered at the arousing thought and moved her paw back to brushing off the semen from her chest fur.
Crixus couldn't help but stare as she did the unthinkable.
She cleaned herself from his fluids... yet, in a way that made his blood run hot...!!
Was she doing that on purpose...?
”So I see. Well I must say for my first time you sure set a high standard,” she informed with with a smirk as she felt her nether lips still wet from their intercourse earlier.

After she got most of the mess from her chest she placed her paw down on the ground and looked at the tall male standing across from her.

The sexual tension in the cave was unmistakable and Lilith began to think if she didn't try and think of something she wasn't going to leave the cave anytime soon...especially if they were both feeling hot and bothered despite having sex already....
Crixus said nothing; his growing need to have her again was slowly taking over his mind as he began to come forward, direct yet calm at the surface. But his eyes gave him away....

He wanted to tie her up and fuck her again....
”Ironically, though you had the intent to rape me—it seems that I have to thank you for giving me a exceptional first time. I have to admit I quite enjoyed our little....tussle if I may call it,” she told him as her green eyes roamed his body again and just imagined fucking him again.

But she soon took her mind off as now she looked at him with question in her eyes.

”Now what?” she asked him curiously, wondering what plans he had in store for her or if she and her sisters were free to go now that they all had their fun.
- ''Now..?'' He asked, hoarsly. ''Now... be a good girl... and come here...''

While he had meant to try and be rather gentle, his snout bumped clumsily into her shoulder as he began to steer her towards the bar... and the collars.

- ''You're such a little tease... I want to have you helpless and submitted to me, this time...'' He hoarsly mumbled. Goddamn... he hadn't had enough yet. Oh no, not by a long shot! Of the three males, his sexual appetite was the most demanding. Durango was the one to start whining first, Scorpius was the one to get cranky... but he, he was the one to explode once he finally hád it. When it was finally in reach, one time was not enough for him....

Posted: 01-07-2012 23:09
by K.A.T
Felony was almost scared she was willing to go for a second round. Gosh since when did she ever act in such a way? She almost didn't recognize herself anymore.

But she couldn't deny how good Durango made her feel. She had never experienced such pleasure as this. Much more pleasure than she got from fighting.

Gosh she was starting to think like Lilith now....if only there were condoms made for wolves. Mmmm then she wouldn't have minded if she felt the strong pulse of his climax inside her.

She shivered slightly just thinking about it, already feeling her nether lips getting wet at the mere thought of having sex with him again. Would they ever leave this cave she wondered lightly....
''Hey, I told you... I rather make love then fight...'' He said softly. ''I am glad it was to your satisfaction...''
She could only smirk against his lips in their kiss at his previous comment. Of the three males, she was glad she got stuck with this one. At least she knew he didn't want to freaking eat her alive or perhaps kill her. He just wanted a good time, and Fel couldn't deny that fact that having a good time sounded a lot better than fighting for dominance.

”Hmmm I have never met a male who talked as much as me. But I guess all that talking makes your mouth very trained for other things,” she breathed against his mouth as she ran her tongue over his own and wrapping around his, tugging gently as she moaned at the sensation.
He gently pulled back, eyes sparkling as he looked at her; he made a gentle efford to get up.

- ''I don't mind, sweetheart.... but I have a feeling I could use my tongue better...'' He said, with a little grin curled around his maw. ''I'm sure something would like some... soothing...''
Durango had tried to get up but Felony pressed her weight down and tried to keep him on the ground and on his back. A smirk graced her face as her eyes sparkled with mischief.

”Mmm I hope you are more than just words. I'll take you up on your offer, but just stay like this, I'd much prefer a comfortable position when my legs give away from your talented tongue,” she said as she stood and turned around and laid her body back down on his, this time her mouth facing his groin as her sweet lips faced his.

More than eager she poked her nose at his sheath, trying to coax his lovely member out as she breathed on his furry blue balls. Unconsciously she wiggled her hips slightly back and forth in front of his face as she eyed his sheath intently and licked her lips.


Ava had a feeling inside her that Scorpius didn't want to let her or her sisters go after such an exciting moment. While Ava didn't mind much she didn't want to be his cum dump either. The fact that they both received and gave pleasure was a nice touch though she could feel his hesitance to push things beyond just sex buddies.

Now why that would hurt her feelings was a mystery to her. There was now way she could have fallen for a male younger than her and more or less a perfect stranger that she just had sex with. Yet he had made her feel all warm and she feared her icy heart was starting to lose its touch.

From her sitting position she eyed him curiously, wondering what was going on in his head and if he even liked females besides for having sex. But then she mentally slapped herself for caring so much about his problems...something she would normally never do in situations like this...hell normally she wouldn't even be in situations like this.

She couldn't even think of the last time she willingly offered herself to a male just for sexual pleasure. This was the first and she wondered and doubt that it was the last.

Not with the way his eyes were slightly giving him away. She could see that he had no intention of letting her leave for a while.

When he spoke, she confirmed her guess and a small thought started growing in her head. Would she be in this place forever till she went blind and he got tired of her....the thought of that made her less than pleased.
''Well....'' He stared into her blue eyes for a moment. ''I...''

- ''I was hoping that you, and your sisters, would stay for a while...'' He cleared his throat; he felt like a brute. It was wrong of him to make it sound like a CHOICE... especially since he wasn't willing to give her one.
Ava couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his answer to her question. She leaned down and caught his mouth in a kiss again, not understanding why he tasted so good to her. But this kiss was gentle, uncharacteristic of her as she slowly enjoyed the feel of his mouth against hers. She wondered how he could treat her so gently yet be so untrusting of her at the same time. It was odd yet it made her want to know more about this male. Why she didn't know.

She pulled away from him, licking lightly at her own lips, savoring the taste of him as she pulled away to look at him from afar and to answer him.

”Strangely enough, I can see through your facade....while staying here for a while doesn't hurt...forever might...,” she told him as she sighed and then she laid her head on her paws as she faced him.

”Though can I ask you to listen to one request....I can see that perhaps I'm in no condition to be asking much, giving that you are suppose to be raping me and everything...but I take you as a reasonable fellow,” she left hanging as she eyed him trying to show him that she was sincerely asking for just one thing.

Although the more she thought about it, it seemed the more futile it seemed her request seemed.

”I doubt my request will be to your liking...but it is of....unyielding need,” she added as she blinked her eyes.

Her vision of him in front of her blurred from time to time yet she acted as if nothing was wrong. There was no way she was going to let him know of her weakness. Perhaps she judged him wrong and he'd take advantage of her weakness to monopolize her. That would not bode well for her or for her sisters.

Yet....she had to try her luck...


Lilith was getting heated again...and she blamed the extremely eager male coming towards her right now. God dammit if only he didn't look as good as he did, she would think twice about letting him inside her. But god forbid her partner was enough to make her toes curl at the thought of him taking her.

Shit....if this kept going on, she was sure she was going to let go one instant and then she'd make the biggest mistake of her life. There was no way she was going to let him impregnate her and then get away Scott-free with no responsibilities or shit....

Her family would kill her if they found out she let some random male give her puppies. And after they were done with her, they'd go find him and no matter how strong Crixus was, he was no match against her entire family...even Draven could probably take Crixus down if her older brother was angry enough which she knew he would be if he found out his little sister got puppies but no mate to go along with the pups.

Yeah....she did not want to try her family's temper. Not only would she shame herself she'd shame them...and that was something that wasn't acceptable in their family...
Crixus said nothing; his growing need to have her again was slowly taking over his mind as he began to come forward, direct yet calm at the surface. But his eyes gave him away....
Lilith narrowed her eyes slightly, the heat of her green eyes giving away her desire to have him again yet she was wary as she was sure this time he wouldn't listen to her that well or let her off easy if she pulled away from him again.
''Now..?'' He asked, hoarsly. ''Now... be a good girl... and come here...''

While he had meant to try and be rather gentle, his snout bumped clumsily into her shoulder as he began to steer her towards the bar... and the collars.

- ''You're such a little tease... I want to have you helpless and submitted to me, this time...'' He hoarsly mumbled. Goddamn... he hadn't had enough yet.
Lilith couldn't help give smirk at him and lick her lips as she started moving too, towards him but in a circle as he walked after her. Like she'd give in to his whims like a bitch with her tail between her legs.

”Don't get me wrong Sugar....I don't mind going for another round, but I'm not liking the idea of you tying me down to get at my ass if I present it to you so willingly. I am anything but helpless as you saw from our tussle. I like to have it my way just as much as you like to have it yours, but don't tell me you didn't get aroused at the thought of me being on top. I'd gladly fuck you again....the thing long are you going to keep me as it seems I'm perhaps one of the only few who stick around long enough. If you get me pregnant how do things work then? I'm not about to give my first litter to you either less you are willing to be responsible...too bad there's no protection for us wolves like there are for humans.

So tell me your plans and then we'll talk about fucking again,”
she told him as she kept her distance, a teasing distance from him out of his reach if she chose to but she kept close so show that she wanted him as much as he wanted her but she wanted to take precautions obviously.

”What's it gonna be Crixus? Fuck again but no cumming inside...or are you willing to go the 63 days and let me go due to my overly large stomach because of your sperm?” she asked him as she wagged her hips teasingly but her eyes said that she was calculating as well.

Posted: 01-07-2012 23:52
by Nakisha
”Hmmm I have never met a male who talked as much as me. But I guess all that talking makes your mouth very trained for other things,” she breathed against his mouth as she ran her tongue over his own and wrapping around his, tugging gently as she moaned at the sensation.
Durango chuckled in her kiss, eyes sparkling yet again.
Oh, she was something!! And now that she felt at ease, he was starting to take a liking to her more and more....
Durango had tried to get up but Felony pressed her weight down and tried to keep him on the ground and on his back. A smirk graced her face as her eyes sparkled with mischief.

”Mmm I hope you are more than just words. I'll take you up on your offer, but just stay like this, I'd much prefer a comfortable position when my legs give away from your talented tongue,” she said as she stood and turned around and laid her body back down on his, this time her mouth facing his groin as her sweet lips faced his.
Durango gasped in surprise, but made no attempt to stop her as she, once again, pinned him under her beautiful body... yet, in a new, exciting position.

Sure, he had the strength to force her in any position he damn well pleased... but unlike Crixus, who wanted to be in total control, he liked to go with this new, unknown flow...

And, unlike Scorpius... he didn't fear she'd bite his dick off.
More than eager she poked her nose at his sheath, trying to coax his lovely member out as she breathed on his furry blue balls. Unconsciously she wiggled her hips slightly back and forth in front of his face as she eyed his sheath intently and licked her lips.
- ''Aren't you a giver...'' He whispered, his hot breath running against her wonderful, moist lips.
Oh, how he loved the sighed of her puffed up, wet flesh...

Her nose poked at his sheath, and his body instantly responded; the red tip slid out quickly, eagerly... and as he felt her breath on his balls, a little groan of pleasure escaped him.

He could see that their lovemaking had been new to her body. He could still spot a hint of blood here and there... and the almost bruised, swollen skin on her lips from their loving abuse...

He gently, slowly, ran his tongue over those poor lips... soft like satin, and gentle as the touch of feathers.
And while the pressure was high enough not to tickle, he soothed her skin as promised....

He closed his eyes; he breathed in her scent, sucking the air into his nostrils, into his mouth... the combination of scent and tase overriding his senses.

He felt himself swell down there... already coming to peek out even further....

Ava couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his answer to her question. She leaned down and caught his mouth in a kiss again, not understanding why he tasted so good to her. But this kiss was gentle, uncharacteristic of her as she slowly enjoyed the feel of his mouth against hers.

She pulled away from him, licking lightly at her own lips, savoring the taste of him as she pulled away to look at him from afar and to answer him.

”Strangely enough, I can see through your facade....while staying here for a while doesn't hurt...forever might...,” she told him as she sighed and then she laid her head on her paws as she faced him.
Her kiss was as confusing as her words.... and the thought of her seeing through him was making him nervous.
His ears turned back; his heart pounded a little faster.

He couldn't. He couldn't trust a female....

However, her last words made his ears perk.

- ''What do you mean...?'' He frowned slightly.
”Though can I ask you to listen to one request....I can see that perhaps I'm in no condition to be asking much, giving that you are suppose to be raping me and everything...but I take you as a reasonable fellow,” she left hanging as she eyed him trying to show him that she was sincerely asking for just one thing.
While Scorpius's usual distrust of females stirred it's ugly head, he couldn't help but stare deep into her eyes... sensing, even though his mind denied it, that she was sincere....
”I doubt my request will be to your liking...but it is of....unyielding need,” she added as she blinked her eyes.
- ''And...what would your request be...?'' He asked, his mind still warning him, while his heart was already willing to give her what she asked, whatever it was. But he had learned to keep his heart, his emotions, under an iron control. He would not, NEVER again, fall for the tricks of the other sex....

Lilith couldn't help give smirk at him and lick her lips as she started moving too, towards him but in a circle as he walked after her. Like she'd give in to his whims like a bitch with her tail between her legs.
Crixus, used to getting his way... found himself not getting it, yet again.
And it instantly brought out the worse in him... an annoyance, anger even. His lust was hard to control... and his temper even harder.

Why the héll was she teasing him... only to denie him what he wanted?!
”Don't get me wrong Sugar....I don't mind going for another round, but I'm not liking the idea of you tying me down to get at my ass if I present it to you so willingly. I am anything but helpless as you saw from our tussle. I like to have it my way just as much as you like to have it yours, but don't tell me you didn't get aroused at the thought of me being on top. I'd gladly fuck you again....the thing long are you going to keep me as it seems I'm perhaps one of the only few who stick around long enough. If you get me pregnant how do things work then? I'm not about to give my first litter to you either less you are willing to be responsible...too bad there's no protection for us wolves like there are for humans.

So tell me your plans and then we'll talk about fucking again,”
she told him as she kept her distance, a teasing distance from him out of his reach if she chose to but she kept close so show that she wanted him as much as he wanted her but she wanted to take precautions obviously.
He was quickly loosing his temper with her.

Who the hell did she think she was, making all sorts of demands..?!! Yes, he owed her some for willingly giving herself... but goddamnit if he'd be denied his need a second time!!

His eyes narrowed and turned cold; his body went a little rigid.

It was time to show her that HE was boss....
”What's it gonna be Crixus? Fuck again but no cumming inside...or are you willing to go the 63 days and let me go due to my overly large stomach because of your sperm?” she asked him as she wagged her hips teasingly but her eyes said that she was calculating as well.
Crixus managed to hold a growl, but began to drive her back to the bar netherless.

- ''It's going to be like this... you're going to do as I ask you.'' His anger shone through the tone of his voice. ''While I... appriciate, you... I wouldn't push it if I where you.'' He stared into her eyes. ''I like you... but testing me is NOT a good idea.''

His tail raised; he had a feeling she would put up a fuss. And he didn't like it. He wanted to fuck her... not to fight her. But if she insisted... he'd enjoy doing BOTH.

Posted: 02-07-2012 07:53
by K.A.T
Maybe she was drunk? Intoxicated? Whatever it was Felony knew that she was digging a grave for herself the more she continued to play along with Durango.

But once more couldn’t hurt right? Just some nice pleasure.

Strangely enough she trusted him not to take advantage of her and for Felony giving trust to any male other than her brother, father, and grandfather…it was rare and therefore special. She didn’t give out trust to males easily.

Other than her family, Felony was one of the hardest to earn trust from as she was cynical as well as very violence-prone.

The fact that she was willingly giving herself to Durango was a big deal, though obviously he knew nothing of it.

God she could only imagine the looks on her brother and other sister’s faces if they ever saw her like this. No doubt Draven would want to murder Durango on the spot and add a fang to his collection of defeated males.

Well Felony just hoped that sooner or later she could leave this place and return home, snuggle up with her big brother and forget this all happened.

Half of her loved that idea…the other half was reluctant to leave a male who could pleasure her so and be quite the gentleman about it…would she ever find a catch like this again?
''Aren't you a giver...'' He whispered, his hot breath running against her wonderful, moist lips.
The sensation of his hot breath against her wet lips made her gasp and shiver in delight, her mind spinning already and he hadn’t even gotten serious yet.

”It’s only fair after what you did for me,” she told him as she bent her head back towards his sheath to lure his member out.

She was already starting to pant and she could feel herself getting wetter in front of him.
Her nose poked at his sheath, and his body instantly responded; the red tip slid out quickly, eagerly... and as he felt her breath on his balls, a little groan of pleasure escaped him.

He gently, slowly, ran his tongue over those poor lips... soft like satin, and gentle as the touch of feathers.
And while the pressure was high enough not to tickle, he soothed her skin as promised....

He felt himself swell down there... already coming to peek out even further....
She saw how his body responded and watched intently as his pink member came peeking out of his furry sheath. Unconsciously she licked her lips as she watched it get bigger and elongate. She could just imagine his taste in her mouth again.

Just as she was about to bend down to take him into her mouth, his tongue touched her sensitive areas oh so gently and she lifted her head and gasped, the muscles in her nether region contracting from the feel of his tongue, causing more wetness to escape her cavern. His tongue…it was pure ecstasy!!

Small moaning sounds escaped her mouth and she struggled not to wiggle her hips against his tongue. The soreness had already left her once pleasure had taken over and now the slight sting from her stretched vagina coupled with his gentle ministrations made it difficult for her to even think straight.

Seeing his member now out to play, she didn’t hesitate as she lowered her head and started licking his flesh, coating his member with her saliva as she ran her tongue along the length of it, watching it throb and moaning at the masculine taste. She licked it, breathing on it and swirled her tongue around the tip and then took him into her mouth as she bobbed her head slightly, scrapping his cock lightly with her fangs as she tasted him.

As she tasted him, her hips moved on their own accord against his tongue and she breathed heavily as she used her forearms to spread his legs wide so she could get to him from every angle.


Ava had no idea why she was being so patient with this male. Normally she would have her way, fuck him once more and leave for good. Yet here she was, trying to reason with him and even asking for his fucking permission!!! Since when did she grow so soft? Only after one time of sex and she turned to goo? God how shameful!!

But there she sat, trying to understand him and perhaps try and get him to understand her. While she did not want to tell him that she was slowly going blind, she was still wondering how long it would take for him to get tired of her and throw her away like the other girls. For some reason that thought hurt…a lot more than it should and she didn’t like that feeling.
- ''What do you mean...?'' He frowned slightly.
She sighed as she watched his confused expression. Why was she even asking? She should be demanding to be set free along with her sisters. Did having sex with this male really make her a softie? If that’s the case she’d be afraid to have sex with any other male…god to think she could have a total change of character was quite scary.

”There is no easy way to explain this…I don’t even understand why I’m trying to explain. This isn’t how I normally am…what did you do to me?” she asked the last part almost jokingly as she eyed him with pretend suspicion but soon changed her expression to serious as she thought of how to tell him where she needed to be without letting him know why.
''And...what would your request be...?'' He asked, his mind still warning him, while his heart was already willing to give her what she asked, whatever it was. But he had learned to keep his heart, his emotions, under an iron control. He would not, NEVER again, fall for the tricks of the other sex....
Again her vision of him blurred until she saw three of him, but she slowly blinked it away like normal until she could clearly see just one of him again. How is it that she actually feared not being able to see her sisters again, her family, and even him? She feared nothing, she was Avarice, eldest daughter of the Amazon family and here she was cowering at the thought of never being able to see again.

”There is somewhere I need to be…this one specific place, where I need to get something…but it’s far, it’s dangerous, and there is no guarantee I’ll even come back alive. But it’s a chance I need to risk…I can’t tell you the whole story. Despite everything that has happened between us, like you, I don’t trust you 100% yet. This is quite a vague request…but if your plan is to keep me forever…I’m afraid I can’t do that…,” she explained to him with sincerity in her voice as she didn’t want to fight him on this matter.

She didn’t want to fight him to let her go…if he was willing to release her it would be the best…though she doubted it…how much was he willing to keep her with him? She still didn’t like the idea of being a cum dump or his sex toy for that matter…she’d much rather be something more to him but obviously asking a random male such a thing seemed like asking a cow to sprout wings and fly.

She stayed silent, watching his expression, waiting for his response. She had half a mind to expect him to reject her request and in the end chain her up in those collars she saw earlier…would she be willing to fight it even with her handicap?


Oh…Lilith had stepped on the tail of the tiger…she could feel the change in him instantly and although she knew she was taunting death…it excited her.

Fuck him. Who the hell did he think he was? Her father didn’t even order her around. She would never let some chump order her around. Fuck that!! She’d show him what it meant to mess with her. And now without Ava to distract her…she could go full out against him and not worry about anyone else. So what if he was larger and more powerful? She was by far faster and she was cunning. And fucking damn determined to show him his place.
Crixus managed to hold a growl, but began to drive her back to the bar netherless.

- ''It's going to be like this... you're going to do as I ask you.'' His anger shone through the tone of his voice. ''While I... appriciate, you... I wouldn't push it if I where you.'' He stared into her eyes. ''I like you... but testing me is NOT a good idea.''
She saw where he was trying to back her up to and she subtly changed directions so that she was moving slightly away, always facing him as she backed up, keeping the distance between them. The moment his eyes went cold, her eyes flared up as the heat slowly dissolved and was replaced with adrenaline and the thirst for a fight. Though Lilith was less blood-thirsty than Felony, she had her moments.

She scoffed as she eyed Crixus as he growled at her in such a demanding tone.

”Hey buddy fuck you. Since when do I take orders from you? Call me crazy, but I’m not some cheap ass female you can push around ya hear? And I’ll show you what it means to mess with me,” she said as her hackles raised and she lifted her lips slightly, facing him head on.

Didn’t matter that he liked her, didn’t matter that they just had sex a few seconds ago. If he was threatening her, she didn’t like it and she was not about to bow down to him like his servant.

”If you weren’t so difficult, but then that ruins the fun,” she said quietly to herself as she was starting to analyze ways to attack and perhaps send him into his own trap. But her eyes gave nothing away as her brain neutrons fired up to get her into fighting mode.

She’d show this son of a bitch that he was no fucking boss of her. In a small cavern like this, she had the upper paw and she was going to make him regret ever trying to threaten her.

"If you wanna fuck, all you gotta do is ask nicely," she smirked as her tail flagged up in warning and the fur on the back of her neck raised up. The heat of a battle was quickly killing her mood to fuck but this guy's attitude problem got on her nerves. The guy was a good fucker, but a poor talker.

((good grief, I'm kind scared that Lilith and Crixus are going to kill each other soon :o ))

Posted: 02-07-2012 17:44
by Nakisha
The sensation of his hot breath against her wet lips made her gasp and shiver in delight, her mind spinning already and he hadn’t even gotten serious yet.

”It’s only fair after what you did for me,” she told him as she bent her head back towards his sheath to lure his member out.

She was already starting to pant and she could feel herself getting wetter in front of him.
Durango's ears shot up in surprise.
What he had done for her...? Hé had been the one gétting pleasure... and she hadn't had a choice. And even though he understood what she meant of course, he felt surprised... surprised she saw it that way...

What an amazing girl...
She saw how his body responded and watched intently as his pink member came peeking out of his furry sheath. Unconsciously she licked her lips as she watched it get bigger and elongate. She could just imagine his taste in her mouth again.

Just as she was about to bend down to take him into her mouth, his tongue touched her sensitive areas oh so gently and she lifted her head and gasped, the muscles in her nether region contracting from the feel of his tongue, causing more wetness to escape her cavern. His tongue…it was pure ecstasy!!
Durango let out a little moan, enjoying the feeling of her amazing little tunnel responding so well to his tongue...

Hmmm....! She liked it... and he liked it even more....
Small moaning sounds escaped her mouth and she struggled not to wiggle her hips against his tongue. The soreness had already left her once pleasure had taken over and now the slight sting from her stretched vagina coupled with his gentle ministrations made it difficult for her to even think straight.

Seeing his member now out to play, she didn’t hesitate as she lowered her head and started licking his flesh, coating his member with her saliva as she ran her tongue along the length of it, watching it throb and moaning at the masculine taste. She licked it, breathing on it and swirled her tongue around the tip and then took him into her mouth as she bobbed her head slightly, scrapping his cock lightly with her fangs as she tasted him.
Durango's moans grew louder; she was AMAZING... His own tongue slowly swirled and played with that sensitive little nub he felt.... then went to sooth her warm lips again... and slowly even slipped in for a bit, enjoying her taste...

Oh, she was wonderful... amazing...

He began to pant, his member swelling further for her to play with. Oh, she was GOOD at this....
As she tasted him, her hips moved on their own accord against his tongue and she breathed heavily as she used her forearms to spread his legs wide so she could get to him from every angle.
She was so wonderfully eager! He followed the moving of her hips willingly, his tongue playing along by either penetrating her, or treating her clit to a now firmer licking.

Pleasuring her... it was so new and exciting...!! He felt himself reach quite a length, his sheath a little bulged as his unswollen knot was about to come free...

”There is no easy way to explain this…I don’t even understand why I’m trying to explain. This isn’t how I normally am…what did you do to me?” she asked the last part almost jokingly as she eyed him with pretend suspicion but soon changed her expression to serious as she thought of how to tell him where she needed to be without letting him know why.
Scorpius was openly wary... yet, at the same time, intrigued.
She wanted something... from him. It was new. He had always been the one wanting something in the past... And this turning of tables put him a the position of power... like raping a girl, did, too....
”There is somewhere I need to be…this one specific place, where I need to get something…but it’s far, it’s dangerous, and there is no guarantee I’ll even come back alive. But it’s a chance I need to risk…I can’t tell you the whole story. Despite everything that has happened between us, like you, I don’t trust you 100% yet. This is quite a vague request…but if your plan is to keep me forever…I’m afraid I can’t do that…,” she explained to him with sincerity in her voice as she didn’t want to fight him on this matter.
Scorpius listened and didn't answer directly. But his expression was serious.

A short silence fell as he pondered her request.

- ''So...'' He finally said, his voice not giving anything away. ''You're telling me you need to go far away, to a dangerous place to do something, or be somewhere... and clearly, it is of utmost importance to you...''

He tilted his head a little.

- ''And... how did you intend to do that? You want me to let you go... What about your sisters? And do you intend, IF you survive... to come back?''

He couldn't help but be sceptical. Surely she just wanted to escape him... right?
She saw where he was trying to back her up to and she subtly changed directions so that she was moving slightly away, always facing him as she backed up, keeping the distance between them. The moment his eyes went cold, her eyes flared up as the heat slowly dissolved and was replaced with adrenaline and the thirst for a fight. Though Lilith was less blood-thirsty than Felony, she had her moments.

She scoffed as she eyed Crixus as he growled at her in such a demanding tone.

”Hey buddy fuck you. Since when do I take orders from you? Call me crazy, but I’m not some cheap ass female you can push around ya hear? And I’ll show you what it means to mess with me,” she said as her hackles raised and she lifted her lips slightly, facing him head on.
While his own annoyance and anger had the better of him, and he was determined to get his way... his eyes flashed with surprise for a moment.

Crixus had expected her to struggle and refuse... but instead, she suddenly challenged him openly. If he wanted to push through, she'd fight him... and without even a shred of doubt!

Was she crazy? Didn't she know he could seriously injure her...??!
”If you weren’t so difficult, but then that ruins the fun,” she said quietly to herself as she was starting to analyze ways to attack and perhaps send him into his own trap. But her eyes gave nothing away as her brain neutrons fired up to get her into fighting mode.

"If you wanna fuck, all you gotta do is ask nicely," she smirked as her tail flagged up in warning and the fur on the back of her neck raised up. The heat of a battle was quickly killing her mood to fuck but this guy's attitude problem got on her nerves. The guy was a good fucker, but a poor talker.
He moved slightly aside, trying to assess how serious her threat was and at the same time eyeing her.

- ''I take that as a 'no' to just being a good girl...'' He said, eyes slightly narrowing. ''Too bad...''
His tail raised, and a ridge of fur stood up all over his back, making him look larger then he already was. He was tense... and agressive. He could barely keep his lip from curling up, and little wrinkles around his snout made that painfully clear.

He was about to come forward... but suddenly thought better of it.

- ''Ask nicely... Well, then... Would you PLEASE go that bar and take the collar, then? I assure you I'll untie you afterwards...''

The words came out between clenched teeth.

Fuck... she was something.
He wanted to overpower her, show her hé was in charge. She was his prisoner now... and he would not take any crap from her. If she insisted in refusing, he had no choice but to make her submit...

Yet, her bravery was amazing....

Posted: 02-07-2012 19:34
by K.A.T
Mmm so now Felony was starting to understand the term "fuck buddies". May seen odd to be thinking of such a think in a situation like this but she couldn't help it.

I mean let's face it. She was enjoying this as much as he was, they were both willing to give...the only thing missing was the lovely mushy-gushy feeling called love.

Hmm well she didn't hate the guy, but could she say she liked him? So far he had been overall considerate and playful with her and she liked that very much. She would much rather jump Durango than either of the other two anyday.

Oh but she was getting quite addicted to his taste...mmmm the taste of a male...the thought may have sickened her before this, or perhaps it was the guy she was basically licking up like an icicle, but she felt like she couldn't even think straight.
Durango let out a little moan, enjoying the feeling of her amazing little tunnel responding so well to his tongue...
His moan urged her on as she slowly ran her tongue up and down his member, torturing him with the agonizing slow pace. More than once she touched her cold nose to his hot throbbing flesh before going back to licking it as if she were thirsty for more of him.
Durango's moans grew louder; she was AMAZING... His own tongue slowly swirled and played with that sensitive little nub he felt.... then went to sooth her warm lips again... and slowly even slipped in for a bit, enjoying her taste...

He began to pant, his member swelling further for her to play with. Oh, she was GOOD at this....
His moans echoed off the cave walls, making them louder and she blushed as she thought of what she was doing to him and what he was doing to her.

A groan escaped her lips as she felt him torture her lower half, licking her clit and delving inside to swirl around her tight walls. Her muscles just wanted to suck his tongue right inside. Then he went slow and she moaned at how she wanted him to just fuck her again....

But that wouldn't do....he probably wouldn't hold back a second time and she could not risk getting pregnant no matter how good the sex was.
She was so wonderfully eager! He followed the moving of her hips willingly, his tongue playing along by either penetrating her, or treating her clit to a now firmer licking.

Pleasuring her... it was so new and exciting...!! He felt himself reach quite a length, his sheath a little bulged as his unswollen knot was about to come free...
Ok she was reaching a point where she wanted to feel his hot throbbing flesh against her entrance but she couldn't take him inside. She had to think of something before she went on a frenzy and fucked him silly, but of course she was sure he wouldn't mind that at all.


She pulled herself away from his lovely tongue and turned around to face him, her face flushed as his juices coated her lips as she looked down at him.

"Ok so no entering, but let's try this. I really need to feel you," she gasped out and without hesitation she lowered her hips but only to press her nether lips right up against the base of his throbbing member.

They were going to do this friction style. No entering but the friction from their intimately pressed up sexes would be enough to send them over the edge.

She placed her paws on his chest as she began moving her hips, rocking them back and forth and causing her lips to move up and down his member. Her juices were coating his dick now and she looked down at them.

Felony saw his pink member, large and dripping, with her lips pressed sweetly against his knot and length, rubbing against him and she couldn't help but move a bit faster at the erotic sight. Her moans turned into mews as she rocked her hips.

"Damn you Durango! What did you do to me?" she asked him hoarsely as she playfully glared at him whilst moving faster. She could feel her climax coming soon but she tried to hold off because she didn't want to be the only come reaching her peak and letting him know how good he made her feel.


Ava looked troubled, it was obvious from the expression on her face that as much as she wanted to get him to see things her way, she couldn't without telling him more than he really needed to know. She was beginning to get annoyed but not at him, more at herself for not being able to think of a solution to this mess that didn't involve destroying the delicate balance the two of them sorta found at the moment.

Oh how she hated asking so nicely....why she was even doing it for him was beyond her. She felt like he had control over her and she didn't like it. Technically he didn't, his friends had advantage over her sisters and that in a sense was control over her.

Yet he had listened to her request and gave her great sex to boot. She would try to placate him.
''So...'' He finally said, his voice not giving anything away. ''You're telling me you need to go far away, to a dangerous place to do something, or be somewhere... and clearly, it is of utmost importance to you...''
She sighed slightly as he spoke, feeling that the way he reworded what she said seemed hopeless for her... idea struck her but as she glanced at him...the likeliness of that chance happening was less than 1%. God she would be like begging a frog to throw up her herbs or magically wish she was a male instead of a female....

She doubt that this would work....but she had to try...
He tilted his head a little.

- ''And... how did you intend to do that? You want me to let you go... What about your sisters? And do you intend, IF you survive... to come back?''
She stayed silent for a moment debating whether or not to ask truth he was giving her no options that seemed to be in her favor, which was expected of course. Why would he give her a chance to escape.

Ava looked up and fixed him with a determined gaze, her icy eyes searing him.

"If you won't let me go alone...then how bout you come with me then? Will that work for you?" she asked him, taking a chance and jumping into the danger zone.

"My sisters stay here with your two friends. They are your key to ensuring my cooperation and not running away. But I need someone to go with me in case anything happens. You're a male, you're strong, I could use the extra paw. This is my offer, and I have showed you that if I give my word I keep it. I willingly gave myself to you, gave us both pleasure...but I need this...Scorpius," she said as his name escaped her lips and she was mildly surprised she would use his name this way.

She wasn't begging...just asking...hoping, praying for him to maybe accept so that she had a chance to save her vision.


Lilith knew she was dancing with the devil right now. And knew that at any moment in time he could very well kill her and end her existence forever. Not the best way she'd like to go, but at least she died fighting, fighting for her pride and honor.

If she died a whelp that had submitted and allowed herself to be raped by him...she was sure she'd be a ghost and linger in the world of the living forever, haunting the bastard for what he did.

That wasn't what she wanted...hell like she would spend her afterlife haunting the chump...
He moved slightly aside, trying to assess how serious her threat was and at the same time eyeing her.

- ''I take that as a 'no' to just being a good girl...'' He said, eyes slightly narrowing. ''Too bad...''
His tail raised, and a ridge of fur stood up all over his back, making him look larger then he already was. He was tense... and agressive. He could barely keep his lip from curling up, and little wrinkles around his snout made that painfully clear.
Lilith shrugged her shoulders as she watched him carefully.

"I thought you knew already, I'm not a very good girl if you couldn't tell from me wanting to be top," she reminded him as if it was common sense.

His fur spiked up and Lilith smirked slightly at the challenge in front of her. Oh if she could get him to submit to her...the feeling she would get from fucking him, from topping him....mmm it made her hot just thinking about it.

Her sisters might as well call her crazy. She was surely facing odds that were at her disadvantage, but she wasn't afraid of this guy...if she was going to go, she would go with a bang!
''Ask nicely... Well, then... Would you PLEASE go that bar and take the collar, then? I assure you I'll untie you afterwards...''

The words came out between clenched teeth.
Lilith couldn't help but laugh at his play to her earlier wishes to ask nicely. Oh he was good, but that wasn't what she was hoping for and she would let him know.

She shook her head as she kept herself a bit further than paws length away and chuckled as she licked her lips.

"Nuh-uh, that wasn't what I was waiting to hear. More on the lines of, "Please ride my cock till I pop" was more of what I wanted to hear from you. I said I wanted to fuck you not to be tied down like a human's horse," she threw at him verbally, wanting to see how he'd react to her eagerness to fuck if only he knew how to ask her.

Hmm she really wondered how things were going to turn out between them.

Posted: 02-07-2012 19:59
by Nakisha
His moan urged her on as she slowly ran her tongue up and down his member, torturing him with the agonizing slow pace. More than once she touched her cold nose to his hot throbbing flesh before going back to licking it as if she were thirsty for more of him.
The sensation of hot and cold against his flesh made him shudder; he was loosing himself in this little game of theirs....

His tongue became more and more eager...
His moans echoed off the cave walls, making them louder and she blushed as she thought of what she was doing to him and what he was doing to her.

A groan escaped her lips as she felt him torture her lower half, licking her clit and delving inside to swirl around her tight walls. Her muscles just wanted to suck his tongue right inside. Then he went slow and she moaned at how she wanted him to just fuck her again....
He knew he was teasing her, but she was teasing him, too... and he didn't mind a single bit!
What a sexy lady she was... not crying and whimpering, but anticipating in the fun he called ''lovemaking''....

He felt his knot slowly popping free from his sheath again....

Oh for fucks sake... he wanted to just drive that cock back into the little love tunnel that his tongue was ravaging so eagerly!!
She pulled herself away from his lovely tongue and turned around to face him, her face flushed as his juices coated her lips as she looked down at him.
Surprised as she pulled away, he gasped between his heavy pants and he stared at her with hungry eyes.

He wanted her badly... and she seemed to want him...!
"Ok so no entering, but let's try this. I really need to feel you," she gasped out and without hesitation she lowered her hips but only to press her nether lips right up against the base of his throbbing member.

She placed her paws on his chest as she began moving her hips, rocking them back and forth and causing her lips to move up and down his member. Her juices were coating his dick now and she looked down at them.
And she surprised him yet again...
No entering... his ears only slightly moved back at the light sting of disappointment, but his curiousity was greater.
And as she pressed her sex down on his swollen flesh... those ears shot back forward and a tortured moan escaped him.

- ''Oh fuck, yes...'' He hissed, pressing his hips up instinctively to push himself nice and firmly against her hot lips as she rubbed up and down his cock...

Damn it... it felt so good! He badly wanted back inside of her... but he was willing to let her decide this time, and he decided to go along...

Pre dribbeled down from the tip to his belly, and he lifted his head to stare at the amazing, sexy sight....
Felony saw his pink member, large and dripping, with her lips pressed sweetly against his knot and length, rubbing against him and she couldn't help but move a bit faster at the erotic sight. Her moans turned into mews as she rocked her hips.
- ''Good girl...'' Durango moaned softly, his front paws gently pressing down on her hips. ''Oh, you're driving me mad...!''
"Damn you Durango! What did you do to me?" she asked him hoarsely as she playfully glared at him whilst moving faster. She could feel her climax coming soon but she tried to hold off because she didn't want to be the only come reaching her peak and letting him know how good he made her feel.
- ''Uhhnnn... fuck!'' He groaned. ''What did I do to YOU? What are you doing to mé!'' He began to move his hips along with hers, increasing the friction. His cock throbbed voilently underneath the pressure of her body, her wet, hot lips providing a new, stunning sensation....

He was getting wilder; he accidentally bucked his hips a little hard, pulling back too far and pushing back too fast... and his tip slid into her, just one inch, just for a moment.... But he pulled back right away, panting at the sheer torture.

- ''Fel... you're... you're driving me MAD!!!'' He gasped.

She stayed silent for a moment debating whether or not to ask truth he was giving her no options that seemed to be in her favor, which was expected of course. Why would he give her a chance to escape.

Ava looked up and fixed him with a determined gaze, her icy eyes searing him.

"If you won't let me go alone...then how bout you come with me then? Will that work for you?" she asked him, taking a chance and jumping into the danger zone.
Scorpius's eyes widened a little.
Come... with her? Was this some kind of trick...?

He didn't nééd to go anywhere... he could just keep her here, or even tie her up... and fuck her beautiful body all day. She was his for the taking...

"My sisters stay here with your two friends. They are your key to ensuring my cooperation and not running away. But I need someone to go with me in case anything happens. You're a male, you're strong, I could use the extra paw. This is my offer, and I have showed you that if I give my word I keep it. I willingly gave myself to you, gave us both pleasure...but I need this...Scorpius," she said as his name escaped her lips and she was mildly surprised she would use his name this way.

She wasn't begging...just asking...hoping, praying for him to maybe accept so that she had a chance to save her vision.
- ''Flattery won't get you anywhere..'' He mumbled, but it was clear to see he was thinking.

He surprised himself in even thinking about this silly request. Going somewhere, far away ánd dangerous... just because some unknown female who was in his grasp anyway asked him too...

But she wás an amazing female... she had proven that already. She was so different from all he knew....

And, if he was honest... part of him wanted to please her, for some reason he did not understand.

He turned his eyes to hers, trying to make sense of it all.

- ''If... and I say IF I said yes...'' He slowly began. ''Will you then at least tell me why it's so important to go to this far away, dangerous place? And will you tell me whére it is, and whý it's dangerous...?'' He frowned a little. ''If you expect me to risk my life for you.. I'd like to know why.''

He wondered if she'd even answer it. He had understood by now that she was hiding something, and his first thought had been that she was just making up a story to run away. But it was clear now that she wasn't...

Still.. it could be a trap...

Lilith shrugged her shoulders as she watched him carefully.

"I thought you knew already, I'm not a very good girl if you couldn't tell from me wanting to be top," she reminded him as if it was common sense.

His fur spiked up and Lilith smirked slightly at the challenge in front of her.
The girl was not afraid of him... not at all. And that annoyed and intrigued him at the very same time...

As she reminded him of their fun earlier, he felt his manhood slip from his sheath for a moment, then retreat back.

What a little witch she was... like ány female would have ány power over HIM... Pah, the idea....
Lilith couldn't help but laugh at his play to her earlier wishes to ask nicely. Oh he was good, but that wasn't what she was hoping for and she would let him know.

She shook her head as she kept herself a bit further than paws length away and chuckled as she licked her lips.

"Nuh-uh, that wasn't what I was waiting to hear. More on the lines of, "Please ride my cock till I pop" was more of what I wanted to hear from you. I said I wanted to fuck you not to be tied down like a human's horse," she threw at him verbally, wanting to see how he'd react to her eagerness to fuck if only he knew how to ask her.
- ''I see....'' He took a deep breath to try and contain himself. ''And WHAT made you think you'd get a choice, hm?''

Damn her for confusing him like that! Acting like if she was all willing... just to denie him! It drove him mad...!!! He wanted to have her... HE WANTED HER NOW..!

He now came closer, his lip tensing and showing only some front teeth.

- ''Seems we might have to do this... the hárd way...''

He lunged for her, but he only meant to try and pin her by surprise. However, the moment he had kicked off, his intincts warned him she would not go down without a fight... and that she wasn't the kind of girl to be easily surprised...!

Posted: 02-07-2012 20:51
by K.A.T
Felony threw her head back as she continued to grind her hips against his, causing her vagina to kiss up to his cock so intimately. The lubrication on his shaft was so well she almost felt like he was too slipperly to feel good but the thought of having her juices coat him was just amazing.

This didn't feel as good as him inside her rubbing against her walls, but it came damn well close as the sensation of his hot throbbing cock against her swollen lips was fueling her erotic imaginations that was driving her towards her second climax for the day.
- ''Oh fuck, yes...'' He hissed, pressing his hips up instinctively to push himself nice and firmly against her hot lips as she rubbed up and down his cock...

Damn it... it felt so good! He badly wanted back inside of her... but he was willing to let her decide this time, and he decided to go along...

Pre dribbeled down from the tip to his belly, and he lifted his head to stare at the amazing, sexy sight....
At his cry she hissed in pleasure as he began to move his hips in time with hers, doubling their pleasure. She leaned her head down, a difficult task considering their position and her tongue lashed out to lick the pre dripping down his tip and she groaned at the taste as she pulled her head back up only to slow down her pace but grind harder against him, she wanted to feel that intense pleasure again, the pleasure of her climax and the force of his ejaculation against her nether lips.

"Damn!!!" she managed to cry out as she kept on watching the sight of her vagina moving up and down the length of his large cock.
''Good girl...'' Durango moaned softly, his front paws gently pressing down on her hips. ''Oh, you're driving me mad...!''
She whimpered slightly as she felt him press her down on top of him and she just wanted to take him inside her but knew that would only spell danger for he might just explode the minute he was in. No she couldn't take that chance. This would have to do.
''Uhhnnn... fuck!'' He groaned. ''What did I do to YOU? What are you doing to mé!'' He began to move his hips along with hers, increasing the friction. His cock throbbed voilently underneath the pressure of her body, her wet, hot lips providing a new, stunning sensation....

He was getting wilder; he accidentally bucked his hips a little hard, pulling back too far and pushing back too fast... and his tip slid into her, just one inch, just for a moment.... But he pulled back right away, panting at the sheer torture.

- ''Fel... you're... you're driving me MAD!!!'' He gasped.
Ah!! She felt the accidental intrusion of him but he quickly removed it to her happiness for she wasn't sure she could hold on if he entered her.

"W-wise choice," she said to him referring to his instant removal of his tip and she began to rub against him harder and faster now, feeling her edge coming on soon, oh so very soon.

Hmm his flesh was throbbing harder now, she could tell he was close. The wet sounds of her lips lavishing his cock was music to her ears and made her blush as she thrust against him and pressed down, grinding her lips against his cock.

God!! Help her she wanted this guy!!

"Oh shut up and just move," she barked out hoarsely as she bent her head and grabbed his mouth with hers, immediately trying to open his maw to taste him as she continued to thrust against him, rubbing and wiggling her hips at the same time to add more pleasure.

A moan escaped her as her body twitched to prepare for her climax.

"Mmmm...D-Durango....I'm close," she breathed against his mouth as she licked his fangs and pulled at his tongue, all the while listening to the wet sounds of flesh against flesh between their closely pressed bodies, the light scratching of their fur just added to the overwhelming sensation.


Ava watched for his reaction, wondering how he would respond. Would he agree to go with her and take the risk? Did he really want to keep her that badly? Or would he refuse and just chain her up to fuck her again like some piece of meat?

She hoped for the former, but the chance of the latter was looming overhead and could not be ignored.

She didn't even know she was holding her breath, waiting for him to speak as her icy eyes were fixed on him in an unwavering gaze.
''Flattery won't get you anywhere..'' He mumbled, but it was clear to see he was thinking.
A small chuckle escaped her as he misinterpreted her use of his name. She didn't mean to seduce him into going with her, it wasn't her intention but she smirked slightly.

"Wasn't my intention trust me," she said realizing the irony of what she said as she waited for his ultimate decision.

Silence passed between them and Ava didn't know how much longer she could last when she realized she wasn't breathing and took a breath, her eyes never leaving his. But once in a while they roamed his body and remembered the heated moment they shared just not too long ago. What it feel like to take him again?

She slapped herself mentally as she focused on the pressing situation at paw. Think about fucking him later and just hoping he would accept.
He turned his eyes to hers, trying to make sense of it all.

- ''If... and I say IF I said yes...'' He slowly began. ''Will you then at least tell me why it's so important to go to this far away, dangerous place? And will you tell me whére it is, and whý it's dangerous...?'' He frowned a little. ''If you expect me to risk my life for you.. I'd like to know why.''
A small smile that leaned on the edge of sadness graced her lips as she looked at him.

"Where we are going...IF you say in the high frigid mountains. There is something I need from the top of those peaks and if you think about the terrain, the coldness, potential blizzards, perhaps lack of good can see why it's dangerous. As why I need to go there...perhaps you will find out soon enough. The more time passes I'm sure you can see the signs of it. IF you say yes, I realize you are risking your life and I am thankful. Make no mistake that I will not deprive you of pleasure even if we take on this little trip. I'm sure you've noticed that I enjoyed our moment as much as you. The question is now....what is your answer?" she said to him as she sat there unmoving.

She didn't want to try anything with him less he thinks she was trying to seduce him or trick him in anyway. She just fixed him with a determined and sincere look as she waited.

Kissing him would be out of the question as he would definitely think she was trying to get under his skin to run away or something.

"If you don't believe me I don't blame you, it is a farfetched story...and trust is not your cup of tea...still..." she left off as she stared at him.

Everything was teetering on the edge of his answer....what would it be?


Lilith was just waiting for him to make the first move...then she'd have him running for his money. He thought she was some weak-ass whimpering female who would present him her ass whenever he freaking barked for it. Hell no!!!

That was not how she worked!!! If this guy thought she was like the rest of those walking ovaries...he was wrong and he was gonna see why soon enough.

She could almost taste his annoyance with her in the air but then there was something else as she didn't sense the desire to murder her....yet at least.
As she reminded him of their fun earlier, he felt his manhood slip from his sheath for a moment, then retreat back.
Her green eyes darted down just in time to see a flash of pink of his member before it slipped back inside his furry sheath. That brought a smirk to her lips to think that he didn't forget how much fun they had just a while ago.
''I see....'' He took a deep breath to try and contain himself. ''And WHAT made you think you'd get a choice, hm?''
Lilith chuckled as she circled him, making sure she was far away from the collars as she could be. Hell like she was going to get tricked and be chained up. What would be more hilarious is if he accidentally got locked up and she got her way with him....oh that would just make her that would make her week. Her eyes twinkled evily as she now tried to think of a plan to get him into those harnesses....

Hmmm she wondered slightly if he was strong enough to break out of them if he was made enough...

"I gave myself the choice buddy. And I'm gonna have my choice whether you like it or not," she replied to him as her tail wagged back and forth slightly in anticipation of his assault.

If he was blinded by lust and rage enough to charge at her without thinking, she could easily get him to go head first into the collars and she could get the change to top that thing around his neck easy peasy....but she knew he wasn't that stupid....or was he?

Only one way to find out...
He now came closer, his lip tensing and showing only some front teeth.

- ''Seems we might have to do this... the hárd way...''

He lunged for her, but he only meant to try and pin her by surprise. However, the moment he had kicked off, his intincts warned him she would not go down without a fight... and that she wasn't the kind of girl to be easily surprised...!
Lilith welcomed the challange as she immdietely lowered her body once he finished speaking. He came closer but she still remained tauntingly out of reach even if he lunged at her.

And he did. And yet again it seems he repeated the same mistake he did when they first met. He underestimated her skills and she would show him how he was also dancing with the demon.

As he leaped at her, she waited till he was close enough and immdietely darted underneath him, her quick speed allowing her to get away from his grasp. He was too slow in realizing his mistake until she was right beneath his belly and with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she lifted her head and let her cold nose poke at his furry sheath before darting between his legs and ended up on the other side of the cave from him.

Silently, her green eyes ablaze, she watched for his reaction and for his retaliation of her slight assault on his manly bits. She wanted to let him know how easily she could have bitten them off due to his mistake and misjudgment of her.