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Posted: 12-01-2012 22:45
by Nakisha
"Of course, of course... And I'm sure it will be quite worth my time. You haven't failed to impress me yet."
That gave Gambler some hope. Hopefully, he hadn't disappointed this time, either.
It would soon be seen...
"Don't mind if I do."
This was it; Gambler managed to hide his tention quite well, but he knew that Riesling expected something big. Would it be enough? He knew WHY he had picked this particulair animal, but would Riesling see it the same way?

The door opened; Gambler waited, looking ever so calm and patient, but with his heart slightly pounding....
Riesling's eyes lit up at the sight of the black cheetah, and he clapped his hands together in pleasure.

"Well well! You've outdone yourself this time... Yes, definitely..."
Gambler felt a smile curl around his lips.
This was just what he had hoped for.
"You are a wonderous thing, aren't you...?"
Gambler leaned against the doorpost, not interfering with their meeting. This was Riesling's animal now; it had been an expensive one, but if it got Dice out of trouble, it had been worth it.
"Well done, well done! This is quite the catch..."

He stole another glance at the cheetah, who seemed to have lost some of his aggression and was now listening carefully to their conversation.

"I think this about makes up for Dice's... accident. I have to ask, though, is this a wild catch or did someone stir this one up in a lab? Makes no difference to me, just satisfying my curiosity..."
Delighted with the fact Riesling was pleased with the cat, Gambler smiled. Thank goodness, that meant his troubles where over... Well, apart from the fact that he'd need to spend a buttload of time training Dice to never make such a stupid mistake again.

- ''Hmm...'' Gambler rubbed his chin. ''Honestly, I'm not sure. But I can inform and find out.'' He narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the cat. ''The person I bought him from wasn't exactly the most decent of men, but... I have my ways of tracking their movements. I'm sure I can find out where this cat came from.''

As she snapped her head up to late relising what she had just done was a mistake, he would try to tackle her hard, he would make her roll back across the floor and then once she came to a stop he would stand over her, paw ether side of her head his own muzzle a inch from her own, there would be no snarl, no flash of teeth just his normal look, he didn’t snarl until he had his blood and there would be none of that here. He knew that the way he was standing over her must be horrfing for a scard female, but she would have to get use to it, learn to live with it ignore it and even use it to defend her self at some point, so he made no etempted to dull it down, he stood over her huge and powerful, there was no lust in him, no sent of it on him, but he was very male.
She had already expected it... and it happend. There would be no second chance from him....
Eight came for her faster then she had expected from such a large male. And while she did her best to dodge, she couldn't dodge fully.
He tackled her; her dodge made it less painfull as she hit the ground, but she still didn't get away. She rolled over the floor, only to find him towering over her when she came to a stop...

Loads of mixed feelings hit her; Eight was so much bigger then her and so masculine... and she felt helpless underneath such mass. It was intimidating, but... she knew by now he was her friend. Her FRIEND. She could trust him. Underneath his hard exterior, there was a good soul... and thus, she wasn't really afraid... just ashamed of her own foolishness.

“you are here to fight there is no stopping unless I let you”, he then hopped over to the side then ruffly put his muzzle under her and lifted her back to her paws, then in a blink jumped away putting that space there again.
She simply accepted his moves, growling softly, not at him but at herself for being so daft.

- ''I don't make this mistake twice...'' She said, simply, this time keeping her green eyes on him.
“Now attack me, don’t hold back, draw blood if you want”
She didn't hesitate this time.

There was no snarling or growling as she made only half a circle, sizing him up quickly before making her move.

She shot at him like a bullet, aiming for his hip this time. She had learned just now that males of such superior strength where not to be attacked from the front; she was too volunerable to his attacks if she did. Eight didn't need speed if she danced right in front of his fangs...!

And thus, she tried slamming her bodyweight, which was easily doubled by her speed, into his hip this time, aiming to get him out of balance... and wether or not the attack hit or worked, she twisted away quickly and, before she could think about what she wanted to accomplish... aimed her teeth at his flank.

If she was to bite down... she WOULD draw blood.

Posted: 24-01-2012 14:06
by Nakisha
(kickety. :happy:)