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Posted: 20-12-2011 00:02
by Leo
Eight watched blood closely as he sat talking to shade, he didn’t trust the dog as he didn’t trust any dog or wolf he didn’t know, he had seen things like this before, the fales friend ship that ends up being another way to control and hurt. But he had promised to respect her and at that moment she didn’t look like she needed him telling blood to beat it, so he watched with a dead wolfs eyes. When blood snarled at Scat for calling him soft eight didn’t react his threat was a empty one but when Shade tuched him, he moved his eyes traviling to shade now, a unviserbal shiver ran throw eights soul. That was not a good sign to him, but when Blood froze him self eight thought hard, ether he was a dam good acter which he could be or that had acherly made him stop, then once the sounds of the humans came he flinched.
Eight looked away now to his own crate waiting for it to open the urge to say something to the dog was quite strong, but his was good if he was acherly feeling something, might it be a small scrap of power they could use agest the dogs, but then. He looked back to shade how would she feel about that because she was not acting, he would talk with her later.

Scat mearly laughed at bloods snarl and stop, then once the humans came he scrambled to the door to his crate and started pawing it wanting to leave, he wanted to train.
“blood blood I want to see blood, not love blood but blood blood”, he sang to the crates.

George looked on in shock slight hurt on his face, she felt that to a dog yeah he saved her but for his own ends, he didn’t want any thing but more controle or wolf ass, that he felt sure of, how could shade not see that this was his job. He gleared at Blood his growl turning into a snarl. How dare he try that infront of him self, how dare he try that with shade it wasn’t going to happen.
He slammed his body into the bars making them rattle, hackles on end.
A loud snap from his collar made him jerk and stagger, as a quick blast of electricity was thrown throw him. Then the sounds of the humans, like a light switch it dragged all of the energy out of him, he was so powerless, he couldn’t protect any one throw bars and collars, he hadn’t been able to protect blacklight, he had been the one who had taken him. He turned abruptly as the door to his steel crate was opened and he walked in side tail low, once he was in the darkness and prives a soltery tear trickled down his face from his good eye as it shut trying to force the image of his brother out of his mind.

Spax saw the crostity on cardinal face and was pleased to see that she was at lest that far along, and when she nodded at him he smiled a evil grin.
“im sure we will be drawing some blood for her soon”, he added before they started to eat, he finished quickly and ignored the mother and son thing going on, he didn’t really care it didn’t mean any thing to him, the kid was fun but ether way he didn’t really mind him being there or not. He would make a good dog or fighter one day, if him self or his mother had any thing to do with it. He glanced at cardinal at the thought, once he was finished he went to Mistress who knelt down to him.

“we have fools to crush but before that I need you to tell Triple Eight that he will be training the wolves today”, she spoke quitly to him, and this was what she thought made her wolves often better she bleved that the dogs understood her, espeshly spax he seemed to under stand what she said to him, as mad as it made her look it worked or seemed to.

Spax nugged her chin in response, there eyes flashing the same fire. She then stood walked to cardinal and her pup, she didn’t kneel as it was still a little risky with this wolf, she looked down into her eyes, that rage that had burnt when she ahd been in a rage was still well and truly there, but it was controlled and focused. Whith out a word she walked to the front door and left letting john in in the presses.

John trotted in and sat by the door, waiting for ever one to head out, He nodded to spax and smiled at Cardinal, he had heard the young pup speaking but hadn’t made out what he had said to his mother before he had scampered off. Spax walked out and past john with out a word, nore noticing him all that much today to much to do. He had to get to the crates before they reach the training aier, he stopped out side in the corridor and waited for cardinal to say her goodbye or what ever. Once she had spoken with john he took the lead down the corridor he took the second door down and was in the back room of the other cells were the crates join the cells. He walked ovesly going past a cuple of cell blocks the different scents of the many wolves floating in from each one, some young some old, male, female, Scared, bord.

“This is what is behind each cell from here we can take there crates to were we need them to be”, he said over his shoulder as he spotted the humans pushing the crates of his mistress main wolves.

He grinned as he spotted them, he wondered how cardinal would feel seeing the crates with there covers on, knowning what was inside each of them, the humans stopped when they spotted him and he trotted up to eights one.
“wakey wakey Triple Eight, iv got some news for you”.
In side Eight turned his head to were the voice of spax was coming from, he dreamed of the day were there wouldn’t be bars separating them, and he would sink his teeth into the dogs flesh.
“iv got a little job for you”, and spax went into what it was, Eight stilled and his chest tightened.

“so if they die, its your fult”, Spax finished.

Eight didn’t say a word but he heard spax paw steps as he walked away, bastard.
Then after a heart beat the crates started to move again, his mind was racing now he had just had just been lumped with a load of extra weight on his shoulders, but in a way it was a good thing he thought. He sat there and thought it throw until he smelt the damp earth felt the elvater go down then the bright lights throw the sheet over his crate then his door opening infront of him.

He walked throw into the training arina and looked around ever thing was the same as always, humans watching with there clip bords and camras watching them closely, all the normal stuff apart from on thing, this time the arina had been left open no deviders, then as he heard the clicks and screeches of the other doors opening the others came out and there they were, together in the arina nothing separating them. Scat darted out looked around then sprinted at Eight, he moved like a bullet he was small and increble fast, Eight watched and stepped aside in a move that was automatic to him and at the same time grabbed the smaller wolfs scruff and throw him, using the wolfs own speed ageist him, scat rolled and slid to a stop giggling. Eight looked up to George then shade, his eyes stayed on her.

“shade im going to be the one to train you, to fight and kill”, he said in his normal blank hard voice, his face as set as ever.

“george you are to spar with scat and im going to watch”, he said then to George.
At this George looked back at Scat with a rickled nose, scat was now back on his paws, trembling in anticipation of training.

After a moment Eight spoke again.
“what are you two waiting for, fight, scat no blood”, he said and that was it Scat darted followed. He was so fast it was staggering, faster then shade had moved so far, and his moves were erratic, and completely random. George being taken aback by scats speed and stile was instently on the defence, he had unestmated scat.

“George rule 2 never under estmate any one”, eight said over the growls and snarls of there fight. All the blows were blunt, were normly fangs would have been beard they were replaced with headbutts manly.

Eight then turned to Shade and stood infront of her he wanted her full attion.
“shade your first fight has been brought followed and its soon, so Im going to teach you, all I can before then”, he said he had started to walk around her looking her over cheaking her for injurys from the other night, ones that might effect her proformance, also this was the first time he had been this close and been able to give her a thura look over.

He stopped his walk around infront of her, and looked into her eyes.
“don’t worry iv seen you move, you have what it takes, to become a fighter, you have a good basie instinced for it, now we need to teach you how to mold those instincse to your own style”, he spoke with a little more feeling in his voice then normal.

“there is a saying here amoung wolf fighters that have done well and seen much, “a good wild fighter is a ok ring fighter”, basicly if you were good fighter in the wild your ok in here that’s all”.

He nodded to Scat and George. George was still on the back paw trying to get the fight under control.
“in the ring there are basic stiles, speed, strength, endurance and balanced each has its strengths and weaknesses, you and Scat her all out speed and aglity, you might think scat there is faster then you, he isn’t, he just has learnt what to look out for to read a enamys moves so he acts faster. George is more of a balanced fighter, which in my mind is the best type of fighter. My self I try to be balanced but I lean to endurance”, he said this was like old times now, he rembered doing this with the young of his old pack in the out side encloser.

“you are strongest agest fighters that are power all strength, as they are slower, and you can hit them many times and they struggle to land a blow at all, but your weak agest fighters like me, as Im fast enuf to dodge or deflect you blows and I will out last you in enagy, Endurance fighters weakness is the power fighter as we are not as fast as the likes of you so they can land the hits and do great amounts of damage were we cant match there hits, and thow we can take a lot were not industracterbal, Balanced fighters on the other paw are a intresting lot, as they are good alrounders but don’t exsle in any particler skill which can be a weakness but if there good at all of them they can make up for that very easly”, he said watching the others fight, George had finaly got him self together and now as dancing with scat and trading blows properly.

“but none of that is set in stone its just a lose guide, and give you something to work on, so for starts to beat some one like me you have to become a quick thinker and very accrate, presision attacks will help you beat some one who is of Endurance, aim for under the legs, places that small wounds can do mage damage to there movment and there ablity to proform attacks”, he now looked at her, then walked around and stood once again infront of her ready.

“with this in mind attack me”, he said simply, he was a hard teacher, but fair, and he would make sure she learnt what she needed to no to servive and kill, because it was kill or be killed, only one way to leave the ring and that was with the blood of your foe on your fangs there body dead on the floor.

(shaydie im really sorry il get the start of Cardinals tour up as soon as I can this is just so nakisha can write a replie and keep it rolling, so don’t replie till I get cardinals bit up ok  )

Posted: 20-12-2011 17:38
by Nakisha
((Phew, this took a LOAD of time...! ;) :P))
He blinked, unsure of how to go about answering that.
Shade felt quite relieved to see that she wasn't the only one who felt so... well, confused, and awkward. Clearly, Blood was a prey to mixed feeling as much as she was judging from his body language. It made her feel a little more equal to him; he was her keeper and at the best side of the bars, but... if they both felt the same, they weren't thát different at least. She had to admit; that simple discovery made her see Blood in a whole different light. For a moment, she didn't think in dog-or-wolf terms as she looked at him. She had always considered dogs different... but maybe they weren't as different as she had believed.
Blood turned to look at him, growling and red eyes aglow with anger.

"Shut up you little pest. Or I'll show you how much squishy you have--"

He stopped rather abruptly at the feeling of Shade touching the side of his face with her nose. It was almost as if he had been electrified again, but this was oh so much more pleasurable. He turned back to look at her with a sort of shock that did not allow his throat to produce words.
Peeking at him from the corner of her eyes quickly, Shade was pleased to notice she wasn't the only one feeling awkward yet again.
The way he looked like her was actually enough to make her lift her head again; there was.. a spark, something she couldn't explain.

It was awefully confusing, all of it....

She was so taken by it all, that she didn't even notice Eight watching... Or George's raising growls, until it was too late.
George looked on in shock slight hurt on his face, she felt that to a dog yeah he saved her but for his own ends, he didn’t want any thing but more controle or wolf ass, that he felt sure of, how could shade not see that this was his job. He gleared at Blood his growl turning into a snarl. How dare he try that infront of him self, how dare he try that with shade it wasn’t going to happen.
He slammed his body into the bars making them rattle, hackles on end.
A loud snap from his collar made him jerk and stagger, as a quick blast of electricity was thrown throw him. Then the sounds of the humans, like a light switch it dragged all of the energy out of him.
- ''George!'' Shade cried out in surprise as he suddenly lunged at the bars; his collar quickly controlled his actions, but her heart hurt seeing him like this.

Why? Why did he do it?!
Her ears turned back, and she would have focused on his wellbeing... if her attention hadn't been so suddenly drawn to the sound of humans as well....
Before he could regain his composure, sounds echoed behind the walls. Humans moving things around to take the wolves away. He flinched visibly, eyes blank as if looking beyond the concrete walls and staring menacingly into the eyes of the humans. Unfortunately these were not Riesling's humans. These were the property of the Mistress, and he had no power over them. He looked back at Shade with disappointment. This was not how he had planned for the meeting to end.

"I've got to go..."

He muttered the words so quietly that she might not have heard them. The next were a little louder.

"But I'll come by and watch if I can."
Shade's ears drooped just a little; she too felt a pang of disappointment, which only confused her more. Disappointed to see one of her keepers go? She had to be out of her mind...
But his next words, as he looked at her, made her ears perk again.

- ''I... yes.'' She said, a little overwhelmed by the sudden broken moment. But she then added, softly. ''I hope so.''

Those words where out before she knew it; she was shocked to hear herself say it! Well, at least nobody else would understand. Thankfully....
He watched her for a few more seconds, waiting for a reaction, then turned and walked back out of the cell block.
As Blood turned away, Shade calmed down a little, the storm of confusing feelings, strange emotions, settling down. And as they did, she finally regained her normale sense; she had just been friendly with Bloodhound. The dog that helped the humans keeping her in here. Who had fought her. And who had sáved her.

She turned her attention back to George as she glanced besides her at him; he had suddenly became so violent...! Why? Was it because of her..?

She suddenly felt like a traitor; she turned away from the bars, not wanting to give Eight, George or Scat the idea she disliked seeing Blood go... even though that wás, in fact, the truth.

It was horribly, horribly confusing. And for the first time, she actually didn't fear the moment they'd be taken out of their cages; she feared Eight's or George's questions wáy more. Hopefully, they'd be out of here before they'd ask a thing...
Scat mearly laughed at bloods snarl and stop, then once the humans came he scrambled to the door to his crate and started pawing it wanting to leave, he wanted to train.
“blood blood I want to see blood, not love blood but blood blood”, he sang to the crates.


He turned abruptly as the door to his steel crate was opened and he walked in side tail low, once he was in the darkness and prives a soltery tear trickled down his face from his good eye as it shut trying to force the image of his brother out of his mind.
Shade peeked at George one more time, ears flat on her head, before entering her own crate as the door opened. She knew better by now then even TRY staying in her cell, and this time, she didn't want to either....

As she sat inside, the door closing, she overthought her actions.
George's enraged reaction worried her. Was it meant for Blood... or for her? Did he indeed see her as a traitor...?

She suddenly realized how painfully naive she had just been, engaging herself with the enemy. She sighed to herself, feeling guilty about it all. She had to apologize to George... and to Eight, probably. Oh, how could have she been so STUPID?!!!

But she still couldn't deny that she had... well, some kind of feeling when it came to Bloodhound. She couldn't explain it... but she couldn't pretend it wasn't there, either....

Oh, what to do...

She tried to curl up in the small cage as comfortably as possible, hating the narrow space.
She was só confused....

The cover was thrown over her crate and it began to move, but she payed no attention to it, too caught up in thought... until, suddenly, a familiar voice made the fur on her back stand up.
She raised her head and held in a growl, listening silently.

“wakey wakey Triple Eight, iv got some news for you”.

“iv got a little job for you”, and spax went into what it was, Eight stilled and his chest tightened.

“so if they die, its your fult”, Spax finished

Shade's keen ears picked up every word, but she made no sound at all. But her nose also twitched... telling her Spax wasn't alone.
Cardinal... she was sure of it. He was with her....

She forced herself to focus on what was being said. Eight was to train them today... and they weren't to die. Sure, that made sense... well, that last part, anyway.
She wondered if Eight would even agree; could they force them to spar together without someone watching them?

She waited as the crate moved again, and the now familiar but much hated feeling of the elevator made her feel awkward in her stomach. But soon, she could see the light changing through the cover, and she knew they where there...

As the crate came to a stop and opened, she didn't rush out. Instead, she calmly walked outside, blinking to the light for a moment, taking in her surroundings.

They where back in the training arena, watched by humans yet again. The strange, one-eyed black boxes, larger then the one in their cell, where there again. She knew by now that humans used those to watch them; it hadn't been too difficult to figure that out, give the fact the one in her cell moved with her every move. But something wás different... the arena seemed so much larger then before. She wondered how... or why...

Suddenly, fínally, she noticed she wasn't alone at all. Eight was there... and George and Scat also joined her. She perked her ears in surprise, not sure what to make of it all. Didn't humans usually pair them up, or train them individually...?

But before she could think it over, Scat was on the move.
Scat darted out looked around then sprinted at Eight, he moved like a bullet he was small and increble fast, Eight watched and stepped aside in a move that was automatic to him and at the same time grabbed the smaller wolfs scruff and throw him, using the wolfs own speed ageist him, scat rolled and slid to a stop giggling. Eight looked up to George then shade, his eyes stayed on her.
Shade turned her ears back. Stupid Scat... what the hell was he thinking? As if this was all a joke...

But she noticed that Eight looked at her, and calmly walked towards him. She showed no nerves or fear anymore, she had learned to hide that well by now. In fact; she had quite a calm attitude, as if it all didn't even concern her. And as she was only two feet from Eight, she calmly sat down, ears perked.
“shade im going to be the one to train you, to fight and kill”, he said in his normal blank hard voice, his face as set as ever.
Normally, she would have gasped. But in the presence of those damned humans, she would not give them the satisfaction of seeing her surprise. She did tilt her head a little though, amazed by Eight's words.
HE would train her...? To KILL?! That didn't sound very pleasant to her...

Yet, she only nodded and remained silent. She had no doubt Eight would explain himself.
“george you are to spar with scat and im going to watch”, he said then to George.
At this George looked back at Scat with a rickled nose, scat was now back on his paws, trembling in anticipation of training.

After a moment Eight spoke again.
“what are you two waiting for, fight, scat no blood”, he said and that was it Scat darted followed. He was so fast it was staggering, faster then shade had moved so far, and his moves were erratic, and completely random. George being taken aback by scats speed and stile was instently on the defence, he had unestmated scat.

“George rule 2 never under estmate any one”, eight said over the growls and snarls of there fight. All the blows were blunt, were normly fangs would have been beard they were replaced with headbutts manly.
Shade couldn't believe her eyes as Scat came into action; he was even faster then she was!! It was amazing...
Her green eyes followed his every move, curious to see his strategy, picking up every detail in order to learn from it. She wasn't surprised at all that George was caught unawares; if she had been in his place, she surely would have been, too. Who could have expected this from Scat?!

She was glad Eight had spoken out the ''no blood'' rule. And while she was actually curious to see what George would make of Scat, her eyes turned back to Eight as he spoke again.
Eight then turned to Shade and stood infront of her he wanted her full attion.
“shade your first fight has been brought followed and its soon, so Im going to teach you, all I can before then”, he said he had started to walk around her looking her over cheaking her for injurys from the other night, ones that might effect her proformance, also this was the first time he had been this close and been able to give her a thura look over.
It was yet another shock for her to learn that her first fight would be soon; she hadn't expected that! After all, they where only just in training...
But apart from sharply perking ears, she still refused to show her feelings. She had no doubt Eight would know how she felt; after all, he had been informed about hís first fight once, somewhere along the line, too.
But as he circled her, she felt uncomfortable. She was highly aware of his presence, of his superior size and strength... and, honestly, of the fact that he was a male. And while she didn't expect him to do anything out of the blue, to launch any surprise attacks now, she prepared for the worse. After all, nothing was certain in this place.

As his eyes travelled over her body, she got up and stood straight, preparing herself. She refused to show weakness, and even though she was still insecure about her own skills, she would NEVER show thát in front of humans!

But, just like Eight, she was painfully aware of the wounds Dice had inflicted upon her. She wasn't in prime condition now, a highly unfortunate fact. Especially her neck had been hurt, and it was still stiff. She could already imagine that it would hurt when training started... but she wouldn't allow herself to be a big baby. She had to do this; Eight wanted to prepare her for her first official fight, and nobody would cut her slack then.
He stopped his walk around infront of her, and looked into her eyes.
“don’t worry iv seen you move, you have what it takes, to become a fighter, you have a good basie instinced for it, now we need to teach you how to mold those instincse to your own style”, he spoke with a little more feeling in his voice then normal.
She was surprised again, yet extremely thankful for his words, boosting her selfesteem a little bit. She hoped he was right; she hoped she indeed had what it took. It was remain to be seen...
She nodded, feeling no reason to speak now. She was afraid her insecurity and shock would be heard in her voice, anyway, and she didn't want to show it.

In just a matter of minutes, she had been surprised just a little too often already.
“there is a saying here amoung wolf fighters that have done well and seen much, “a good wild fighter is a ok ring fighter”, basicly if you were good fighter in the wild your ok in here that’s all”.
Poof... gone was the little gut she had felt after his first words. She had barely fought at áll back in the wild... Goddamnit!
But she was very focused as she listened, full of concentration, knowing each and every word Eight told her now could come in handy in the future.
He nodded to Scat and George. George was still on the back paw trying to get the fight under control.
“in the ring there are basic stiles, speed, strength, endurance and balanced each has its strengths and weaknesses, you and Scat her all out speed and aglity, you might think scat there is faster then you, he isn’t, he just has learnt what to look out for to read a enamys moves so he acts faster. George is more of a balanced fighter, which in my mind is the best type of fighter. My self I try to be balanced but I lean to endurance”, he said.
Her eyes turned to the fight between the two males as Eight explained it all to her, and she took in every word like a sponge.
Speed. Strength. Endurance. Balance....
Determined not to forget it, she watched Scat and George very carefully. Since she was used fighting at high speed herself, she had the advantage of being able to analyze fast moves of others. Every detail in George's bodylanguage was picked up; Scat, however, was harder to follow. But she tried, noticing so many unexpected moves in his fighting style.

- ''I see...'' She said, softly, just to show Eight she was paying attention. She was thankful that her voice sounded calm, despite the fact she didn't féél calm at all.
“you are strongest agest fighters that are power all strength, as they are slower, and you can hit them many times and they struggle to land a blow at all, but your weak agest fighters like me, as Im fast enuf to dodge or deflect you blows and I will out last you in enagy, Endurance fighters weakness is the power fighter as we are not as fast as the likes of you so they can land the hits and do great amounts of damage were we cant match there hits, and thow we can take a lot were not industracterbal, Balanced fighters on the other paw are a intresting lot, as they are good alrounders but don’t exsle in any particler skill which can be a weakness but if there good at all of them they can make up for that very easly”, he said watching the others fight, George had finaly got him self together and now as dancing with scat and trading blows properly.
Indeed... she remembered her fight with the dog, the horrible first moment of killing someone. He had been huge, a brute, all about strength...

It all made sense, but she felt even more nervous as Eight explained about endurance-fighters. How could she prepare herself for them? Luckily, she had this opportunity to train with Eight now to learn, but... he was painfully right. She could exhaust herself, fighting a fighter like that... and then be killed. She would have to learn how to deal with that, find a strategy....

She still watched George, who now got himself together and showed his own skill. She was amazed and impressed, and as she saw him move, she tried to remember his technique; she was certain it would come to use some day.
“but none of that is set in stone its just a lose guide, and give you something to work on, so for starts to beat some one like me you have to become a quick thinker and very accrate, presision attacks will help you beat some one who is of Endurance, aim for under the legs, places that small wounds can do mage damage to there movment and there ablity to proform attacks”, he now looked at her, then walked around and stood once again infront of her ready.

“with this in mind attack me”, he said simply, he was a hard teacher, but fair, and he would make sure she learnt what she needed to no to servive and kill, because it was kill or be killed, only one way to leave the ring and that was with the blood of your foe on your fangs there body dead on the floor.
She tensed; this was it....
Eight had just given her some valueable guidelines to prepare a strategy against an endurance fighter; now, she had to show what she was worth...

But her nerves made it hard for her to think clear, now that the moment had came. Her tail twitched slightly, giving her emotional state away for a second.

- ''As you wish.'' She sounded way more confident then she felt.

Aim for the underside. Compromise his moves and his ability to attack...

But the way Eight stood there, confident and proud, was already intimidating. And, given the fact he was also a friend, she didn't wánt to attack. She wished she could just return to her crate...

She growled, not to him but to herself; ENOUGH. It was time to shape up and FIGHT. She wasn't a pup anymore; she knew how to train without doing damage!

And thus, she spurted off very suddenly.

But as she came near to him, her usual style and instinct, wanting to avoid an actual fight like any wild animal, took over; she jumped to the side, snarling, creating quite a distance between them. Where, in the wild, such display could prevent unnecessary injury and bloodshed, she realized right away that she would have to let go of this natural instinct.. forgood. STUPID! It didn't work here, she knéw that. She had to fight for real. She had to learn never to let that instinct take over again... suppress it from now on.

- ''URGH...'' She skidded nicely and stopped, growling to herself, shaking her head briefly. ''That was stupid... Forgive me. Let me try again.''

But her head snapped up, a part of her expecting Eight to launch a counterattack... and if he did, she was at least prepared.


Gambler had méant to hurry. To be first.
As he left his quarters, dressed in black trousers, a pure white shirt and a grey overcoat, he almost felt naked without Dice; his dog would stay in sickbay just a little longer. But dismissing that feeling, he walked the corridors with his large, firm steps, showing no signs of discomfort or nerves; a trait he had kept from the markets.

But he spotted Riesling already at the room as he turned the corner; a little smile curled his mouth. Of course; Riesling was never late. Hopefully, he'd be impressed by the cheetah. Impressed enough to forgive that damned dog of his for hurting his priced dober, at least.

- ''Riesling... punctual as always, huh.'' He grinned and stretched out his hand for a firm, quick handshake. With his other hand, he already fished his keys from his pocket. ''Well, I assure you; this will be worth your time.''

He stretched out the hand with the keys towards the door, then suddenly changed his mind and grinned, offering the keys to Riesling in his open hand.

- ''Maybe you'd like to reveal your new addition yoursélf...?''

Posted: 25-12-2011 22:25
by Leo
Spax watched the crates leave, and chuckled he loved this job so much it was always fun and intresting. He turned back and looked at cardinal, his smile one his maw.
“well with that little job out of the way lets start this tour of the place”, he trotted off behind a cuple for cells then down between two to another door and went throw it back into the main corridor.

“So cardinal what do you think of your knew job and son, think you could learn to enjoy it”, he said over his shoulder. He reached the end of the corridor to were a large heavy metal door with the same to lights on it as the collars one red one amber. The red one was lit as they walked to it, Spax collar flashed red once then the lights on the door went from red to amber. He pushed the flap open once throw he turned and held it open with his head.
“your collar wont open this door”, he stated once she was throw he let it slam shut.

They were in a courtyard, walled in by buldings on ever side, there was another door oppsit the one they had come throw. It was simple a bricked path with shrubs ether side of it. The weather was nice, the sky blue.
Spax trotted to the other door and passed throw it again holding it open. The next building was made up of a main hall with Tv screens all over the place, a bar, and tables. The floor above that looked down into it held meeting rooms.

“this is were masthers can meet watch fights and desucus business, all the wings of the main trainers meet up to this building”, spax said pausing were he stood for a wile letting shaydie take it in. many humans and dogs looked one as they passed, seeing this wolf out and walking made a lot of them raise there guard, they were awere of mistress new pet, but were of it many hands rested on there bracelets just incase.

He then walked to large duble doors pushed throw them and stood on some steps and waited for cardinal.
“the 5th circal”, he said looking infront of them. In front of them was another huge set of buildings and surrounding the lot was high fence with razor wire, the grounds were kept well in modern comtempery way, well the gardens that where walked on by guests and what not, to the left of were the to canines were standing were in closers wiched housed wolf packs that were broken with threats to there kin.

“that’s were eight started out his time here”, he said walking over to them.

“you see braking wolves is a art here, one I take quite seriously, many wolves that come in with a group are best kept that way, some form bonds so we move them into these, makes them easier to brake and control”, he said smiling all the wile.

In the first incloser was a twelve wolves, a middle aged male has been talking with a young female, looking to be about two and a half.
And as spax approached the older wolf stood over the female.

“hello there Ben you thought about my offer not that there is much to think about”, spax words made the older wolf snarl.

“I will not bring pups into this world, you sick freak”, he spat out.
His eyes darted to cardinal, a wolf out and wondering with spax.

Spax eyes drifted down to the light gray female.
“well im sure I can find some one eals to breed, if your not up for it”, the female wimpered and the male snarl got louder.

“shes not old enuf you scum bag, how could you even think that”, the male said in disgust.

Spax just laughed at him.
“well no problem, no harm in starting them early now is there, of corse I might not have to if you want to help it”, he said his voice growing deadly.

The male wolf was strong looking and well built it was clear why some one would want to breed him, the wolf growled again, seeing his barriers melting away.

“well il let you think on it I guess, and I might be seeing you later”, he said to the female who cowered further under the male as spax turned and walked away.

When they were out of ear shot, he turned back to cardinal.
“bet you are all angry at me, but get use to it, you will be doing this soon as well, all part of the job, you might be able to have some fun your self”, he said knowing she proberbly growl at that.

(again sorry and this is weak, next replie shade il do the next stop on the tour and I hope its better then this, I hang my head in shame )

Posted: 25-12-2011 23:58
by Nakisha
((LOL I'm confused... where's Shaydie's post? Or are we just out of order..?))

Posted: 26-12-2011 00:04
by Leo
this is the part shade was waiting on from me :) )

Posted: 26-12-2011 00:20
by Nakisha
(Ah, thanks! Shutting up now, leaving it to Shaydie to reply.)

Posted: 26-12-2011 23:00
by Shaydie
Leo had to finish his post. He posted the other half so you could go. Anyways I can't go yet because my comp is still fried. I'll see if I can sneak a round on my mom's computer but otherwise all my RPs will have to wait. Sorry. ))

Posted: 07-01-2012 23:25
by Shaydie
“we have fools to crush but before that I need you to tell Triple Eight that he will be training the wolves today”,

Spax nugged her chin in response, there eyes flashing the same fire. She then stood walked to cardinal and her pup, she didn’t kneel as it was still a little risky with this wolf, she looked down into her eyes, that rage that had burnt when she ahd been in a rage was still well and truly there, but it was controlled and focused.
Even as the Mistress walked over to her, the fur along Cardinal's spine stood completely on end - not in aggression or fear, but in anticipation. She didn't growl; in fact, she took a half step backwards, but kept her eyes on those of the Mistress. For a moment they studied one another, and the red wolf recognised the look in the girl's eyes. One of rage and determination and intelligence... Much like the look that saturated her own optics every so often. Indeed, they were much the same, when things came down to brass tacks. A small yip made her turn, but it turned out to be a sound Kei had made after he had gotten stuck trying to squeeze under a chair. Before Cardinal could move toward him, he managed to unstick himself, and by the time she looked back towards the human girl, she had already gone. In her place, John had arrived. Cardinal allowed herself a little smile, as always, and nudged the side of John's nose with her own. After a brief silence, Cardinal cleared her throat and said loudly enough that Kei could hear:

"Kei would very much like you to go and find him."

She lowered her voice, smiling freely now. Her smiles were only for John and Kei now. Perhaps one day she would have the ability to smile for others. True smiles. Not today, though.

"Thank you, again."

Cardinal waited for a reply, then trotted around John and followed after Spax.

In no time the two of them were trotting down the corridors, claws clicking on the hard surface of the floor. The second door they came to proved to be the one they had come to see first, and Cardinal followed without question, although the growing scents were all too familiar.
“This is what is behind each cell from here we can take there crates to were we need them to be”,
Cardinal did not answer him, but gave a silent nod to the affirmative. At the moment she was very much entranced by the covered cages that were wheeling toward them, a human behind each one. The scents coming from within them were enough to tell Cardinal exactly who was present in the hallway. For a second she felt... divided. She felt like she should be with them, not out here. But in the end, she would eventually cultivate connections that could be useful for the others in the future, if not useful for herself. So she swallowed her feelings and sat next to another cage - Shade's, by the scent - while Spax conversed with Triple Eight.

Suddenly another scent joined the others. It was faint, very faint, as if someone else had been with the wolves earlier on. The smell was familiar, but... she couldn't quite place it. Quite familiar...

All at once the cages began to move again, snapping Cardinal out of her reverie. Again she began to follow Spax, looking over her shoulder only once at the retreating cages.


It didn't take long for the Gambler to arrive, much as Riesling had expected. The man had a good sense of time, and a good sense of ettiquette. It had not been in the blonde-haired man's intentions to outdo his accquaintance, and in all respects Gambler had impressed him with his punctuality. Now, if only he could impress him with his payment...
''Riesling... punctual as always, huh.'' He grinned and stretched out his hand for a firm, quick handshake. With his other hand, he already fished his keys from his pocket. ''Well, I assure you; this will be worth your time.''
With an expecting smile Riesling took the offered hand and shook it firmly.

"Of course, of course... And I'm sure it will be quite worth my time. You haven't failed to impress me yet."

The Gambler had a talent for this sort of thing - procuring the best animals at the best prices. Riesling had always been happy with business done with him, to be sure. But this... this was different. He was expecting something interesting, and it had better be something to make up for Bloodhound's absence from his returning fight.

He watched patiently as the other man went through his keys and offered the correct key to the door... But suddenly Gambler seemed to change his mind, and for a moment Riesling tensed. The keys were offered to him, and his smile left his face for a few seconds as he took them. He examined the keys, finding the right one, looked at the door... Then, thankfully enough, his smile returned, although a hint of suspicion marred the friendly outward appearance.

"Don't mind if I do."

With a steady hand he inserted the key into the door, unlocking it in one swift movement. As he opened the door, he made a mental note that this was a cutthroat business, and the Gambler was no fool. In any case, the room proved to be empty except for a very large cage... And in it was definitely the most interesting feline he had ever set his eyes on. Riesling's eyes lit up at the sight of the black cheetah, and he clapped his hands together in pleasure.

"Well well! You've outdone yourself this time... Yes, definitely..."

He approached the cage with his usual certainty, crouching down to look the creature in the eye. The cheetah looked back at him from a corner of the cage, teeth bared and eyes burning with hatred. There was a curiosity in him, however, that Riesling did not fail to notice. It was the same with the Mistress' new wolf... Silent Songbird, had she called that mutt? Yes... And from the sound of things, that one had been quite... cooperative. Perhaps it would be the same with this cheetah.

"You are a wonderous thing, aren't you...?"

The cheetah gave a toothy snarl and attempted to retreat farther into the darkness of the cage's corner, to no avail. Riesling just grinned, pleased with the fire. He stood, still smiling, and turned to Gambler with a certain bounce in his step.

"Well done, well done! This is quite the catch..."

He stole another glance at the cheetah, who seemed to have lost some of his aggression and was now listening carefully to their conversation.

"I think this about makes up for Dice's... accident. I have to ask, though, is this a wild catch or did someone stir this one up in a lab? Makes no difference to me, just satisfying my curiosity..."

“So cardinal what do you think of your knew job and son, think you could learn to enjoy it”
"... Perhaps."

It was the truth, after all. MAYBE she could learn to enjoy it, but only in the absence of her other life. If she could take it back from them, if she could escape... of course she would take that opportunity in a second... But as for right this moment, if this was all there was to be... of course she could find a little FUN here... The killing was good, at least the killing of mindless drones and foolish, meatheaded dogs. So yes, perhaps she could learn to enjoy her time here...

They came to another door, but this one seemed... stronger than usual. She watched as Spax went about opening it, snorting at his remark that her collar wouldn't open the door. But when it opened, her jaw dropped. Fresh air billowed in, fluffing her fur. Sunlight, true sunlight, beat down on her as she followed Spax through. Outside, she thought, looking up at the blue sky. It was so nice, the feeling of being here. But there were still walls here. Large ones, unscaleable. Perhaps they could dig beneath them, but who knew what was on the other side? So, even though she was loathe to return to the dark, cold, musty hallways, she followed Spax through the door, dismissing the thought that the courtyard may be a means of escape.

The tour continued through more buildings, more rooms, until at last they came to another burst of outdoors... A large lot with a high fence, but one that wasn't solid. There were plants here as well, athough they all seemed unnatural to her. It took her a moment to realize that there were other wolves here as well.. But these were still completely wild... Not broken, like she was. She had no doubt that the humans and dogs would find some leverage against them, and her heart sank. At what point would these monsters stop?

She followed Spax over to them, head held low not for him, but for respect of these poor fools, captured as she was and resisting in vain the power of the humans.
“hello there Ben you thought about my offer not that there is much to think about”, spax words made the older wolf snarl.
So there WAS leverage.
“I will not bring pups into this world, you sick freak”, he spat out.
His eyes darted to cardinal
Instantly she tensed, fur standing on end. A growl rumbled in her throat instinctively, but she made no move to say or do anything. She pitied them, truthfully, but... how to act around them, she did not know. Eventually, she thought, she may have to kill one or all of them. But she did not doubt that she would be seeing them again someday. Alive or as corpses.
Spax eyes drifted down to the light gray female.
“well im sure I can find some one eals to breed, if your not up for it”, the female wimpered and the male snarl got louder.

“shes not old enuf you scum bag, how could you even think that”, the male said in disgust.

Spax just laughed at him.
“well no problem, no harm in starting them early now is there, of corse I might not have to if you want to help it”, he said his voice growing deadly.

The male wolf was strong looking and well built it was clear why some one would want to breed him, the wolf growled again, seeing his barriers melting away.

“well il let you think on it I guess, and I might be seeing you later”, he said to the female who cowered further under the male as spax turned and walked away.

When they were out of ear shot, he turned back to cardinal.
“bet you are all angry at me, but get use to it, you will be doing this soon as well, all part of the job, you might be able to have some fun your self”, he said knowing she proberbly growl at that.
Cardinal followed him away with one wayward glance back at the others. When he asked if she was angry, she growled quietly, but as he went on the growling stopped all together, and she went silent for a moment before finally speaking.

"Why torture them with such nonsense? I imagine they will be forced to breed eventually, so why not tell them the truth? If they choose not to believe you, fine. But toying with them so..."

She trailed off. Trying to talk to Spax was like talking to a cliffside. Useless. She didn't expect him to take anything from her words other than insubordinance, so she put a little more space between them, still following but now wary.[/i]

Posted: 11-01-2012 19:21
by Nakisha
((Bump for Leo. It IS Leo's turn right? Please don't tell me you're waiting for me, because I'm very anxious to see this one rolling again. :)))

Posted: 12-01-2012 00:02
by Leo
As Eight exsplaned things to shade, he was happy to see her really taking it in, she stood there strong and bold, she was ready to learn the last couple days had been hard but it had made her hard, as a wolf she had made a good start to becoming ready to be a fighter.

''As you wish.''

Eight didn’t move from standing infront of her, he wasn’t going to make this easy at all, he was going to put her in posions were she would feel vonrabal, intimidated, helpless as she would need to learn these feelings and how to get over them. Eight new that his size and him being male, must be very hard for her but to eight this was good, as again she would learn to get use to this as for a female there was always that problem in the back of the mind, and things could always happen even in the fights, it wasn’t unhard of for things to go from deadly to nasty and deadly.

She snarled and charged at him, he was ready him self he followed her then as she jump away and put the distente between them he watched, soon as she had stopped he moved.
He understood why she had done that, but there was no time for it, she was here to learn how to kill, and they were now fighting, it was sparing but it was still a fight and there was no time to stop and chat unless he said so, if she wanted to talk she would have to do it will on the move.

And he would teach her this.

''URGH...'' She skidded nicely and stopped, growling to herself, shaking her head briefly. ''That was stupid... Forgive me. Let me try again.''

As she snapped her head up to late relising what she had just done was a mistake, he would try to tackle her hard, he would make her roll back across the floor and then once she came to a stop he would stand over her, paw ether side of her head his own muzzle a inch from her own, there would be no snarl, no flash of teeth just his normal look, he didn’t snarl until he had his blood and there would be none of that here. He knew that the way he was standing over her must be horrfing for a scard female, but she would have to get use to it, learn to live with it ignore it and even use it to defend her self at some point, so he made no etempted to dull it down, he stood over her huge and powerful, there was no lust in him, no sent of it on him, but he was very male.

“you are here to fight there is no stopping unless I let you”, he then hopped over to the side then ruffly put his muzzle under her and lifted her back to her paws, then in a blink jumped away putting that space there again.

“Now attack me, don’t hold back, draw blood if you want”, he said knowing she would no what he expected now, he had learnt that in this world one had to learn fast, and being this hard and in a sense unforgiving was a good way that a mistake would not be forgotten in a hurry and there for not made again as easly. In training mistakes could be forgiven but not forgotten in the real fight, a mistake was not forgiven and was not forgotten, and could lead to your death.

If she did managed to dodge him he would stop and as a reword for dodging he would let her regain her self and get back to her paws, but say the same thing as before.

George was now into the flow of fighting scat, but scat was visbly winning, he was getting far more hit in, and moving better, even thow it was so eratic.
George mind wasn’t all there, he was still back in the cell with blood and shade, it was still stuck on blacklight and the loss. The humans and Eight had spotted this in him, and it made Eight worried as a loss like that could brake a fighter, they could lose the eage in fights and it was looking like George was falling down the slipperly slop.

John smiled back at cardinal as he walked in, he was happy to see her smiling made his day a little better when he saw it, made his old joints feel a little easyer.

"Kei would very much like you to go and find him."

"Thank you, again."

“I see il be doing that then, and your more then welcome, it makes me very happy to have a good job again”, he said as he walked in and off to find the young pup.

“now were has little Kei gotten to”, he said loudly.

Spax mearly look inpasent as the exchanged took place, it still amazed him to see how much john of all dogs had gotten so soft in his older years, he had been a brutal dog in his day, as ruthless as the best of them, and now he was content with the puppy sitting life, spax promised him self he wouldn’t go that way, as they stord off on there days work.

"... Perhaps."

Wow what a way with words she had, another thing that made him laugh to him self, the arrgants of wolves did make him chuckle, but he guessed that was a improvement do he went with what she said.

“glad to hear it, there are lot or perks to be had for those who work for them”.

He smiled at her reachion to being out side, he knew what she felt he felt the same as he stalked the corridors more then the out doors so it was always nice to be out side in the breeze.

“it is a nice day isn’t it”, he said as a joke that wasn’t ment to make her laugh.

As ben and spax had spoken the young female had looked to cardinal and shrank further in fear, the young girls eyes a baby blue, strange for a wolf but they were fresh and untainted by this world. Ben on the other hand look at cardinal twisted by a mix of feeling he couldn’t get a hold of, a wolf standing along side Spax a wild born wolf.

He growled after them both as they walked away, and once they were out of ear shot, his ears folded and he look down to the female, what a nightmare this place was.

Spax listened to cardinals words after she stopped her useal growling at ever thing.
"Why torture them with such nonsense? I imagine they will be forced to breed eventually, so why not tell them the truth? If they choose not to believe you, fine. But toying with them so..."

He stopped walking and turned to face her, he was pleased to see she wasn’t talking in anger that was a improvement.

“Its not nonsense, at all I will go throw with any of my threats if it gets the job done, some treats are nicer then others to do”, he said his face serios, his voice was carm but firm this was important she got this down.

“all we done must be thought throw, if I tell them the thuth and give them a nice ride they will take the piss, if they fear me, they will remember not to cross me. And if they do they pay the price, its all part of braking a wolf to do as its told and to kill on command. What I do isn’t all slung together each wolf I watch and see its ways learn what it loves, misses or wants and I use that to my advantage, you will have to learn to do the same”, he said simply again there was not anger or telling off in his voice it was fact, and the way things were.

He wanted it to come across that if she spoke carmly she would get awensers from him, it was the first little privlage she had earn with her new rank.
She could even discus it with him if she wanted, as long as she watch her tong.

“pluss its good fun”, he added.
“you might learn to enjoy it to”.