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Posted: 09-10-2011 22:58
by Leo

Posted: 26-10-2011 22:39
by Shaydie
“the buttons are over there im sure mistress will let you use them, if your so willing to kill me do it, send me to my pack, go on dog then you can go back to you presos puppy in mistress warm home, happy knowing the wolf that “insulted” you pup is dead”, he said in his dead hard voice.
“life is cheap here, they will find another wolf to make them there money, maybe yours”.
It took all Cardinal had not to spin around and shove her face through the bars of Eight's cage and rip his face off. But she managed to keep reasonably calm and ignore him, instead keeping her attention on the others, though her fur was bristling dangerously and a growl threatened to rumble in her throat at those vile words. For a while, it was quiet enough. Besides the incessant rambling of the strange mangy wolf in one of the cells, no one spoke. For a moment, Cardinal thought that it was hopeless, that she would have to work on her own. But then, finally, George spoke.
“I undskaast rut, I hasskkkte huumannss and dookkksss”
Cardinal looked at him, trying to process what he'd said. I understand it... I hate humans and dogs? But that didn't make... In any case... At least it wasn't with the tone that Eight had taken. Disapproving, yes, but not angry. She could take that. But after his comment, it went quiet again. Eight said something to her, but this time she didn't even register it. She looked at Shade for a long time, waiting for a reply... But it didn't come, and Cardinal's gaze lowered to the floor...
- ''I don't want you to go.''
Instantly she perked up slightly, looking back at Shade with curiosity and thanks in her eyes, no matter what reasons Shade had for saying what she had.
''I don't care wether we all agree, or not. I give her the benefit of the doubt, for now. And I understand her reasons, as any female would. I refuse to believe she has turned on us.'' She straightend herself; her newfound gut made her feel better, stronger, and it shone off her. For the first time in her life, she felt MATURE, deep inside, and confident about her decision. ''I... I do need some time to think this all over. It's a lot to take in, and it's hard.'' She admitted. ''Netherless, I refuse to turn my back on ANY...'' Her gaze turned to George, to Eight, whom it rested on for several seconds, then back to Cardinal, ''... of my packmembers. You are all the family I have now. And even though you're considered a black sheep by Eight, Cardinal, I will withold judgement and see who you are. I want to believe you're the one I think you are. I múst believe that.''
Silence hung between them all once more. A few seconds passed, and suddenly Cardinal stood. Hesitantly, she took a step towards Shade, but thought better of it and hung her head slightly, as if submitting to the earthen femme's dominance. It was almost surreal. A small smile crossed Cardinal's face, and she took a step back.

"... Thank you."

Somehow just her saying that lifted her spirits astronomically. Now they were getting somewhere at least. Her mission complete, Cardinal nodded to each in turn, even Eight (though briskly), and made to leave. As her nose touched the door, however, she halted... turned... and with a wider, almost sheepish smile, said to Shade:

"Next we meet, perhaps I'll bring Kei. I... I think he'd like to meet you."

You'd be a better mother than I, Shade.

And with that, she left.


Nina finally exhaled.

The rat fell backwards, lying on her back with her legs outstretched. What a day! She could smell Jack - he was probably hiding somewhere. But she was too exhausted from all that had happened that she couldn't bring herself to get up. She just lay there, in Shade's cell, staring up at the ceiling.

She wondered what Cardinal would go back to. What the Mistress would say.
She also pondered how Cardinal was going to get Kei to the cell block.

So many questions in this place. Sometimes she asked herself why she was here, and not out in the world, surviving as her kind were meant to. By what the incoming wolves said, the world was a wonderful place...

Perhaps... if these wolves managed to escape... maybe she'd go with them. Start her own family, maybe...

(Short, but now we can continue!)

Posted: 27-10-2011 17:39
by Nakisha
((YIPPEE!!! :happy: Way to go Shaydie!!! Go Leo go!))

Posted: 28-10-2011 23:59
by Leo
Eight lisened to the others speak first george, he got the jist on what he said.
I understand but I hate dogs and humans.

Eight put more thought to it, did he under stand why she had done it, he got the whole save a pup thing he had felt the same ever time spax had brought one in to use as a tool to get him to submite but, to give up one’s honour pride, ever thing that makes you you, for a pup that isn’t even yours, isn’t even some from you no, just didn’t cut. There was to much to it then just save a pup to much history there, so much had happened in the past to him self. Besides to eight what had she saved him from, being a fighter, no he would become one. Dieing well if they hadn’t killed it there on the spot then she wouldn’t have ever known what happened to it so why care, and it still might die any way. To give it a tiny sniff at a happy life, yeah right that didn’t realy mean much in this place, once the pups world exstended to the rest of the place he would soon see that there was no happiness to be had. So in eights eyes she had saved him from bearly any thing, she had given up to much for to little.

Next shade spoke eight looked from George to her, his face unchanged.
''I don't care wether we all agree, or not. I give her the benefit of the doubt, for now. And I understand her reasons, as any female would. I refuse to believe she has turned on us.'' She straightend herself; her newfound gut made her feel better, stronger, and it shone off her. For the first time in her life, she felt MATURE, deep inside, and confident about her decision. ''I... I do need some time to think this all over. It's a lot to take in, and it's hard.'' She admitted. ''Netherless, I refuse to turn my back on ANY...'' Her gaze turned to George, to Eight, whom it rested on for several seconds, then back to Cardinal, ''... of my packmembers. You are all the family I have now. And even though you're considered a black sheep by Eight, Cardinal, I will withold judgement and see who you are. I want to believe you're the one I think you are. I múst believe that.''

This wolf reminded eight of his sister more and more, thow Li had been more cut throat, more untrusting then shade it wasn’t by much, she had only been that way because like eight she had lived here all her life and it had made her like that, but despite that she would have said something simuler.

Well if that was the way she felt eight wouldn’t try and change her mind, wasn’t his way if things turned out not to be the way shade thought he would do all he could to help her, and what she had said taking out cardinal was comforting to eight thow he didn’t show it, it felt like yet another tension was realised with in him self, that his devotion to her was equeled in a child like way a deep way it made him feel better, thow he wasn’t really awere of it.
Black sheep that was a understatement, eight at that moment considered cardinal the same as he considered ever other dog in the 5th the same as spax, blood the lot. If it came to it, he would kill her, as he could guess she would do the same to him, and there in a very small way he could at the very lest respect her for that.

When she spoke to shade he kept watching not saying a word and when she went to leave and her eyes fell onto him self, he didn’t move didn’t change just sat there his eyes as dead as ever, she gave him a brisk nod, but eight was never one to give things away so he didn’t react.

Scat looked around at cardinal when she was leave he had been chewing on his tail again.
“ooooo OOOOO byes byes, rember a treat for me a treat for me”, he said hoping up on down on his four legs.

George watched her go, he nodded back to her with this bad side of his face. Once she had left, he looked around at them all him self, he layed down agest the bars to shades cell, and rested his head on his paws, they had training the next day so might as well grab some more sleep before then.

Eight looked at shade, and now they were alone again, he nodded to her his face softening some what.
“George has a point time to rest”, he said in his deep voice before laying down him self and closing his eyes. If shade wanted to talk to the reather relived rat she could he would never make her do any thing.

Jack up above sighed to him self, he turned to the rats that had been on hold incase Nina got into truble and ghestered for them to be on there way, he then looked back down at them all, and at his fellow rat.
She had to becareful not to put her self in harms way and not to get to close as they had a there place in this life after all. He turned and scampered off, he might talk about it with her later.

What only felt like five minets later there was a loud rattle in the cell which announced breakfast or what they called breakfast, scat moved first he sprang up from asleep as if he hadn’t been asleep at all, and went for the food so hard he slammed his muzzle in the bowl and sent his pelts every were in his cage, giggling throw mouthfuls of his crunch food he went around pouncing on all the pelts as if they were mice.

George didn’t get up he open his eye, growled at scat stretched and settled down again, the warmth throw the bars nice well as nice as it gets. Eight got to his paws and stretched, and took a drink first there was no rush, they always did this early, the mistress was proerbly only just getting up now.
He looked over at shade wondering how she now felt after last night, he hoped her mind would be on task later in training

Just then Scat looked over at shade struck by a thought, then he looked down as if it had never come to mind then look back up again just as quick.
“am I IIII family to as family is good and bad and middle”, he said in his normal crazy voice.

With in mistress room spax was already up and sitting infront of the large glass doors that looked out onto the grass and fence, plane then forest.
He was working over the days plans, he was thinking it was time to show cardinal more of the 5th as long as mistress didn’t need them both, he could hear sterings with in his mistress room as always at this time.
“time to get up song bird”, he said quite quitly as he didn’t want the pup to wake up quite yet.

Spax felt good today he had rested up, and feeling fine he was all well in the mood for a good day and he felt as he looked at cardinal that he would enjoy the day greatly, maybe he would play around with her today, enjoy his rank now he was awake enuf and his day wasn’t already full with things he needed to do.
If she was up he would just continue to look her over, if she was still asleep walked over to her and gave her a lick on the side of her cheek then moved away to the sofa, that would get her attion if she wasn’t up.

(its rather short and not much as of yet, but as its been a wile pluss peeps are sleeping im not sure I can do much eals XD once ever one is up il start with the day iv got planned *evil laugh* )

Posted: 06-11-2011 20:14
by Nakisha
(SURPRISE!!! :D I'm first, so...!!)
Instantly she perked up slightly, looking back at Shade with curiosity and thanks in her eyes, no matter what reasons Shade had for saying what she had.
Shade felt a warmth travelling through her body, Cardinal's eyes telling all she needed to know. They where, in her opinion, closer then ever before, even though she was in this cell and Cardinal at the other side of the bars.

Cardinal hád what she had came to desire. And yet, she was happy for her.

Silence hung between them all once more. A few seconds passed, and suddenly Cardinal stood. Hesitantly, she took a step towards Shade, but thought better of it and hung her head slightly, as if submitting to the earthen femme's dominance. It was almost surreal. A small smile crossed Cardinal's face, and she took a step back.

"... Thank you."

Shade's ears perked in surprise. Cardinal... the female she respected and admired so much... showed hér respect. She lowered her tail halfway and smiled a little; there was no way she felt herself more then the blazing red female. On the contrary! Had she earned this much? She was honoured...

- ''Your welcome.'' She said, softly, tail wagging slowly.

Shade glanced at Eight for a moment; to her surprise, he didn't speak. He hadn't responded at all to what she had said; silent acceptance, it seemed. She was once more honoured and thankful for it; no matter how Eight felt himself, he didn't go against her. It was a very pleasant thought; they respected one another... and it surprised her.

It made her feel more... mature.

Cardinal nodded to each in turn, even Eight (though briskly), and made to leave. As her nose touched the door, however, she halted... turned... and with a wider, almost sheepish smile, said to Shade:

"Next we meet, perhaps I'll bring Kei. I... I think he'd like to meet you."

And with that, she left.
((I took it the cursive text was thought, not said))

Shade's ears perked once more and her mouth opened slightly, a smile curling over her lips, yet she found no words to say. But she knew Cardinal would understand; she was dýing to meet little Kei!
Scat looked around at cardinal when she was leave he had been chewing on his tail again.
“ooooo OOOOO byes byes, rember a treat for me a treat for me”, he said hoping up on down on his four legs.

George watched her go, he nodded back to her with this bad side of his face. Once she had left, he looked around at them all him self, he layed down agest the bars to shades cell, and rested his head on his paws, they had training the next day so might as well grab some more sleep before then.

Eight looked at shade, and now they were alone again, he nodded to her his face softening some what.
“George has a point time to rest”, he said in his deep voice before laying down him self and closing his eyes. If shade wanted to talk to the reather relived rat she could he would never make her do any thing.
Shade shook her head slightly as Scat began to ramble again, but this time, she wasn't annoyed with him. Maybe the poor guy deserved their pity...
She then smiled at Eight and nodded. ''Thank you... for respecting my opinion, Eight. It means a LOT to me.'' She said, softly.

Her tail wagged for a little while longer, the prospect of meeting Cardinal's new son filling her with joy, then she turned, still smiling, and walked closer to the bars, close to George, curling up besides him with a content sigh. She and Cardinal where fine... Eight had shown his very best side to her... and George's warmth so close to her made her feel save... and calm.
She was asleep before she knew it.

What only felt like five minets later there was a loud rattle in the cell which announced breakfast or what they called breakfast, scat moved first he sprang up from asleep as if he hadn’t been asleep at all, and went for the food so hard he slammed his muzzle in the bowl and sent his pelts every were in his cage, giggling throw mouthfuls of his crunch food he went around pouncing on all the pelts as if they were mice.

George didn’t get up he open his eye, growled at scat stretched and settled down again, the warmth throw the bars nice well as nice as it gets. Eight got to his paws and stretched, and took a drink first there was no rush.
He looked over at shade wondering how she now felt after last night, he hoped her mind would be on task later in training.
Shade woke too to the sudden sound; her ears perked up and her green eyes opened wide. However, she was pleasantly surprised to have slept so good. No dreams, no worries.
She yawned and got up, stretching slowly. Her muscles where still pretty sore after the fight with Dice; the wounds from his fangs where still achy. But she felt more at peace, mentally, then before. Stronger. Less scared...

She gently nuzzled George's cheek through the bars, smiling, then turned and walked to her bowl to eat and drink some.
Her thoughts wandered off; how would Cardinal be doing now? And... what had became of Dice after the attack...? And Bloodhound?

She felt a blush rushing to her cheeks as she thought about him. It confused her; she blinked her eyes and got herself back together. Rediculous. She was just thankful. Nothing else.

She then lifted her head, wondering what this day would hold.
Just then Scat looked over at shade struck by a thought, then he looked down as if it had never come to mind then look back up again just as quick.
“am I IIII family to as family is good and bad and middle”, he said in his normal crazy voice.

Shade turned her head to him, surprised... but didn't answer right away, tilting her head just a little bit. She thought deeply about the best answer, then smiled.

- ''You know... I think you are.'' She said, softly.

The guy, who had been called 'Scat', sure was crazy. And sometimes annoying. She wondered what mistress could possibly want with the poor chap. Yet... he was here, in their cellblock. Sure, he had lost his marbles... but he deserved some kindness too. She wondered if he had éver been shown any....

((Don't forget Gambler & Riesling! :) YAY, rolling again!!! :happy:))

Posted: 06-11-2011 23:05
by Shaydie
“time to get up song bird”
Cardinal had already been awake by the time he'd said it. Just a few moments before, really. But she refused to open her eyes or even acknowledge that she'd heard him. She kept herself curled tightly around Kei, who was still snoozing happily, kept warm by his surrogate mother's fur. It was only when Spax gave her a lick on the cheek that she responded, this time with a soft growl. Goddamned bastard...

Probably wanted his deal today.

Not wanting to wake Kei just yet, Cardinal grudgingly got up, careful not to move the pup around too much. Once she was out of bed and made sure that Kei was still asleep, she stretched herself, all her muscles cracking sporadically. She was still sore from the day before, having ripped apart those mindless drones after Darcia had threatened her. Not that it mattered here. Silent Songbird was still incarcerated, which meant there was no mercy for stuff like that. She flicked her ears back and forth, listening to the echoes of the sounds the Mistress was making in the other room. Nothing interesting.

After a moment the red wolf noticed Spax's eyes on her, and she scoffed and turned away from him, putting the couch between them as she strode towards the window to look out at the world beyond.

How much had she taken for granted...


Bloodhound, too, was up far before he was needed.

The white doberman was already pacing around his master's room when Riesling awoke. Mechanically, he reached for his phone the same way he did every morning. For some reason, the most important messages arrived during the night, without fail. But most often his phone was empty in the morning. Today, however, Riesling found the text from Gambler. He read it quickly, smirked, and sat up to tap him a reply.

"I'm available for the next three hours. I hope you brought me something interesting, my friend. - Riesling"

My friend was more of a sarcastic comment than a true phrase of friendship. The Gambler was a valuable ally, yes, but as for being a friend... Riesling didn't have friends. He had acquaintances. And associates. But not friends. Blood served to offer a means of communication when things troubled him, but unlike other people, Bloodhound did not reply with hollow explanations or meaningless words of affection. Blood was no-nonsense, but loyal. Riesling liked to believe that the dog really did have a sort of affection for him. And it was no secret that Bloodhound was his most prized and loved companion.

The Gambler though? As a friend? What a joke.

He rolled out of bed and ran his hand through his short hair. What a morning he was having already. Gambler had brought him his compensation already. What fun. Briefly, he wondered what it could be. A rare canine, perhaps? Or maybe it was a cat. A lion. Riesling grinned. A lion would be interesting, but not to his tastes. Strength was not his strong suit. Only cunning and speed and agility. Bloodhound, he realized, had all of these things. He looked at the doberman, who was now sitting a few feet away, wagging his long tail.

"Well, aren't you in a good mood this morning."

Blood gave a mumbling "woof" of agreement, but in truth he was still worried about Shade. He tilted his head back and forth, as if to ask if he was needed that morning.

Riesling picked up on it instantly, and laughed. A genuine laugh this time.

"Have somewhere to go?"

The albino flicked his ears back and stopped wagging his tail, lowering his head. Usually, he never dared ask to go off on his own, just took it when it was given to him. But this morning was different. He didn't know how Shade had fared the night before, and he wanted to know how she was. After a moment of consideration, Riesling sighed and nodded, standing up and stretching his hands over his head to crack his back.

"Go on. I need you back in two hours though. ... Don't make any trouble."

So he knew. Of course he did. Riesling wasn't stupid. But Blood took the offer without hesitation, giving his master a small woof before darting out the door. Despite his sore paw, he was off like a shot down the hallway, startling more than one other early bird dog traversing the corridors that morning. He reached the Mistress' cell block in record time, panting. He took a moment to compose himself, then slowly maneuvered himself through the flap.

He was instantly relieved to see that Shade seemed to be okay. She even had a smile on her face, though he didn't know why it was there. Maybe that's what he liked about her. The innocence. The ability to act happy here, whether or not it was even possible for someone else. She was different from the rest, that was for sure.

He looked at her for a moment, then padded over to her cell and sat down, head tilted slightly. For the most part he ignored the others up til this point.

Now what? What the hell was he gonna say to her? He had gotten here so fast that he hadn't thought of his game plan. Mentally, he smacked himself. How stupid, stupid, STUPID! But he managed to find words anyway, though he sounded kind of muddled when he said them.

"I... came to check on you... to make sure you were okay."

He waited, tilted his head the other way, then continued.

"Dice is a fucking bastard. I'm sorry I couldn't... get to him sooner."

And he said it in front of the others. As if it mattered. Shade was the only one here privy to his mercy. Any of the others tried fucking with him and they'd regret it. What they said, however, suddenly didn't matter to him. The word "freak" still stung, but that was just it. Just a word. And anyway, why couldn't he have feelings for someone and do his job at the same time? It didn't make sense that he could only have one or the other.


Nina had slept above the cellblock, not because she didn't have anywhere else to sleep or because she was worried about them all, but because she was so exhausted by the time she had gotten up there that she felt she couldn't make it back to the colony. So the rat had curled up along the path and fallen asleep. Blood's voice woke her quickly, though, and by now she was peering out of the hole the rats had made to enter and exit the room, watching the exchange.

Somehow, she couldn't help but grin. Blood liked Shade. A lot. She knew it because usually the doberman was as cold as Spax, and just as ruthless. Seeing him like this gave Nina hope that Shade could have something special too, like Cardinal did. It would be hard for everyone, but hopefully things could work out. And in the wolves' favor, too.

Nina knew she was a dreamer and too sympathetic to these creatures. But how could the rats even live without taking a side? They didn't have to show it, and could still play both sides of the field, but didn't they all have to choose who to befriend at the end of the day? It's just that Nina was more aware of that fact than the others.

Jack always went on and on about how they couldn't get close to the wolves. Nina thought differently. Sure, they died all the time. But so did the dogs. And the rats. So why couldn't she choose to feel for these particular wolves? It was just a matter of playing the part of informer, and keeping shreds of information from the dogs. After all, she didn't report to anyone in particular. Perhaps she'd be overlooked.

In any case, it was for moments like these that Nina lived. In all this darkness and coldness, happiness could be found in bits and pieces. You just had to find them and take hold of them.

Posted: 09-11-2011 21:47
by Leo
''Thank you... for respecting my opinion, Eight. It means a LOT to me.''

As Eight was laying down to rest he looked to her as she spoke, once she had done one of those very small subtitle smiles warmed his face.
He let his own tail sway side to side for a moment a very slow movment as if it had lost the memory on how to do it.
“shade you are part of my pack, and that means I respect your opinion, actions and you”, he rested his head then his tail no longer moving and as his eyes closed like a wave over his fechers his face turned back to stone.

When Eight looked to shade in the morning she seemed well, better rested stronger, her eyes a little brighter if posserbal in his place. That was a good sign she needed to get use to this place and he took the signs as a inclnasion that she was indeed comeing to terms with the routins of this place. Eight then looked away as one of Scats pelts bounced into his own cell and came to rest by his paw, scat meanwile was play bowing watching the pelt by eights paw like a dog dose waiting for his ball to be kicked. Eight flicked it back over the the crazsed wolf and turned to his own breakfast.

''You know... I think you are.'' She said, softly.

Scat yipped and yapped in delight he rolled onto his back and begain scratching it on the floor, then stopped his mouth open tong hanging out legs in the air.
“hehehehe family I am in, family you are in, watch what we are in, as that are in will be father in”, he said in his sing song voice.

George now got to his paws, and yawned, it was so nice to have some one to sleep by, espashly shade, when she had nuzzled him he had returned it, basking in its warmth, giving her the best side he had.

Up above the wolves jack placed a soft paw on Nina shoulder as she looked down watching the wolves bellow, when he had woken up and found out she hadn’t come back to the colony last night he went out to find her, he hadn’t been to worried, this rat wasn’t daft in the lest, she knew how to look after her self.

“ever thing ok darlen”, he said quitly.

“noticed you didn’t come back last night got me a bit worried”, he said a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. He handed her a large lump of furit, he knew she didn’t like to eat wolf meat like the rest of them did, as it was a food that was plenterful, they only took it from the dead wolves, he had told the very wolfs below them this when he had first met them. So with that in mind he had stopped by a human dwelling and nicked some food, which they didn’t do to often as it was exstremly dangeros and they never wanted to attract to much attion to them selfs. He him self had grabbed a chunk of cheese, he sat down next to her watching the wolves bellow as well.

He chuckled at scats last words.

“you no that dag is smarter then they think, he just given them all a warning, in his own bloody crazy way”, he said smiling at nina.

“you seem might attached to this lot”, he said in his fast way of talking but he said it very off hand and wile throwing a bit of cheese in his mouth, not making a big deal out of the statement at all, as if he was just observing something.

Spax grined at her growl subon one arnt we, he thought as she walked away from him, he didn’t much care at the moment as she would learn in time, things were still early days for her as for her pup, he looked down at it he had spent time with it before she had arrived play fought with it. Oh how the next cuple of months would be intresting soon or later the mistress will start wanting to train the pup into a fighter or maybe a roll of a dog.

“oh mistress is setting up a fence so you can take your son out side if you behave, a little garden for you to to play in, if you care”, he said hopping up onto the sofa and resting his paws on the back of it so he could look out of the glass and at her at the same time.

“your going to love what I have planned for you today, a small tour of some of the places out side this arier, a chance to see that you have it goo…..”, he tailed off as he heard mistress voice from the other side of the door, she was on the phone it sounded like and she was angry.

“fined…what the fuck do you mean fined”, she slammed the door open hard in her anger it bounced off the wall with a bang.
She had her combats on and her bra so far that was it, her slinglet was in her hand, she stopped her claw hand on the telly looking out over the kitchen at nothing inpatiular.
“for corsing a danger to the fislity what a load of bullshit, the fucking twat that opened the door did that”, she was glearing into space her normaly ice cold eyes full of a fire, a rage.

“I stepped in to resolve….i don’t give a fuck if my father gave the ok for this……”.

“how much… stop talking and tell me how much”, she said the tips of her claws sinking into the plastic of the tv.

Spax watched her not scared of her anger more like matching it joining it, what ever angered her angered him, and he knew what this was about, when blacklights and Georges owner had stepped into the ring to get involved, and some one had pulled some favors to get this penalty put into affect.

Suddenly mistress throw her phone across the room, it smashed into peaces that scattered ever were. She pueased looking at spax, there eyes locked and it was almost as if they were talking with each other they were indeed a good match. She then turned her eyes to cardinal thinking, her green eyes burned with the rage but her body was relaxsed, when she lost it it wasn’t a lose of controle more like a exslosive ball of controlled rage, she didn’t let her self fly of the hook like a fool, and this is what made her so much more deadly then many others, when she was like this it ment war one way or another.
She stood there for a moment thinking, she knew who this was who had done this to her, and she would send them a message. She relaxsed and walked over to the kitchen wile putting her singlet on. She started to preper breakfast for them all, will all the time thinking hard.

Spax looked back at cardinal to see how she reacted to this, it would be intresting to see how much she cared after all in time mistress hoped she would be to her as spax was and for that to happen, cardinal would have to care for the human to.
“well”, he said after a moment.

“looks like things are going to get intresting by the sounds of it”, he face serios.

After a wile mistress put three bowls down for them with there food in and in amust it was some rosted chicken from a cuple of nights ago as a treat, she made her self a simple breakfast of toast she had a lot that needed to be changed and sorted out.

The first fights for her wolves would have to be moved followed as now her bank balance after buying them and now the fine which was eye watering, she was running low on funds, the wolves needed to start earning. That was risky they wouldn’t be up to the standard she wanted them to be, but she didn’t have a choice pluss it would weed out the weaklings.

Spax ate his food and when he was done he layed down next to the doors to the out side world.
“like i was saying il show you around to day, then some fun I think then some training, well which ever way round you want it”, he said with his smile playing his face.

Mistress was ovesly planning, or thinking over what had happened so spax didn’t have to worry until she called on him, and if it was important for that moment she would have sprung into action already, so he stayed relaxsed and to his game plan for the day.

Today was going to be a little bit of a test to cardinal, he was going to push her to see if she could hold, let her off the lesh so to speak and see her reaction and again test her commitment, It was going to be a fun day. He got up and streached as he heard a scratch at the front door, he knew who it was john waiting out side, he would wait there till they left, glancing to mistress who looked at the door then back down at her breakfast, comfermed his decision.

“so read to go on awere little date”, he said looking back at cardinal, mistress was now getting ready to go, throwing the empty bowl in the sink and grabbing her leather jacket.

Eight had just finished his own breakfast when the dog flapped opened, he looked around blood, standing there looking over at shade again. It was clear from yesterday and now there was something going on with blood, he watch but didn’t say a word as he spoke he sounded like he generally cared for shades well being, but eight had seen this before, but at the same time blood wasn’t the type to use a method like that, it would make him look to weak to ever one eals the usely used lower ranking dogs for the getting to close then using you approach. Was he really getting soft spax wouldn’t like that.

George growled soon as blood entered and the closer he got to shades cage the louder his growl became, wile scat had taken notice when he had entered and gone back to his sniffing around till he heard what blood said, he giggled.

“aaaawwwww bloody getting softy, he have squishy in sidey”, he said playbowning at blood tail wagging behind him.

A sound then entered the cell, from behind the walls, humans ovesly getting ready to take them to training.

Posted: 06-12-2011 18:39
by Nakisha
((YAY finally! Ohhh and the wolves are about to fight, so exciting...!!! ^_^))
As Eight was laying down to rest he looked to her as she spoke, once she had done one of those very small subtitle smiles warmed his face.
He let his own tail sway side to side for a moment a very slow movment as if it had lost the memory on how to do it.
“shade you are part of my pack, and that means I respect your opinion, actions and you”, he rested his head then his tail no longer moving and as his eyes closed like a wave over his fechers his face turned back to stone.
Shade's ears perked and a warm feeling spread through her body, a smile appearing om her face.
Part of his PACK... they belonged together now. All of them! It was true. Even in this unnatural place, they where still wolves... and still a pack.

- ''Thank you...'' She whispered, smiling.

It had been a good evening.


It was early morning as Gambler's phone suddenly buzzed; he groaned and reached for it, barely awake. Blinking his eyes, he tried to focus as he looked at the screen.
A message....
"I'm available for the next three hours. I hope you brought me something interesting, my friend. - Riesling"
Gambler's mouth curled into a content grin. So... Riesling's interest was sparked. Now, the question was... would he be happy with the cheetah...?

He got up, reached for his shirt and pants with one hand, and began to text back with the other.

''Let's meet in a few at room 142. See you there.''

Scat yipped and yapped in delight he rolled onto his back and begain scratching it on the floor, then stopped his mouth open tong hanging out legs in the air.
“hehehehe family I am in, family you are in, watch what we are in, as that are in will be father in”, he said in his sing song voice.

George now got to his paws, and yawned, it was so nice to have some one to sleep by, espashly shade, when she had nuzzled him he had returned it, basking in its warmth, giving her the best side he had.
Shade listened to Scat, confused by his words. She wished she understood ANYTHING that silly wolf was saying....

But she quickly lost her interest in him as a sound catched her attention.
Her ears perked straight up in surprise, and as the flap moved, she instinctively took a step back; after all... it usually meant bad news.
However, part of her hóped it was Cardinal...

... her heart skipped a beat as she saw the white, tall figure of Bloodhound coming in.
He looked at her for a moment, then padded over to her cell and sat down, head tilted slightly. For the most part he ignored the others up til this point.
Shade's ears stayed perked at first when she saw Bloodhound; she suddenly felt oddly excited.
Then, her ears turned back again and her smile dissapeared.

She had such mixed feelings seeing him. Of course... she was thankful for what he had done for her the night before. Véry thankful, in fact... and she had noticed that she felt... well, she wasn't sure WHAT she felt, HOW she felt, exactly... but that she felt SOMETHING when she thought about him since he had rescued her.
And now that he was here... Feelings she didn't really understand came over her; of course there was a little fear, like usual when any of the dogs appeared... that was only fair, considering they usually meant bad news. But also a strange kind of promising feeling... excitement... And with a shock, she realised she was actually, in a strange way she could not comprehend, HAPPY to see him.

It confused her greatly; WHY?! Was it because he had saved her..? Did she swoon so easily?! He had saved her because it was his JOB... right? No need to make it any more romantic then it was... He would have done that for ányone...

And besides... He was still one of the dogs. The dogs, who acted so high-and-mighty. The dogs that worked for the ones who had enslaved them... Their cruel guards, who enjoyed their sufferings even. They where just their prisoners to toy with. And she hadn't forgotten how he had put her in her place, that first fight...

Still, as these confused thoughts tumbled through her mind, she didn't back away from him, like she usually did whenever the dogs came into the cell. She stayed where she was, looking at him... and for the first time, she didn't growl at him.
"I... came to check on you... to make sure you were okay."

He waited, tilted his head the other way, then continued.

"Dice is a fucking bastard. I'm sorry I couldn't... get to him sooner."
Shade's ears perked straight up again in immense surprise.
Bloodhound... he was here, to.. check up on hér...?

Her heart began to pound even faster, that strange mix of emotions whirling through her system.

She came forward now; her face was soft, yet her ears where still slightly backwards in both confusion and unease.

- ''That's... very kind of you.'' There was a little surprise in her voice. She hesitatently stuck her snout a little bit through the bars, ready to pull back if he did anything unexpected... then lowered her voice, so the others couldn't hear what she said next; it was meant for his ears only. ''I... I didn't think you'd care...''

She tried to make sure the other didn't see her flashing a little smile at him. She wouldn't want to be accused of working with the dogs; she had seen how Eight felt about Cardinal, after all... But it felt weird, yet nice to talk to Bloodhound like this. There was nothing of the usual high-and-mighty-show the dogs put up in their presence; she actually belíeved that Blood meant his words this time...

It was confusing; she didn't really dare to trust ány of the dogs... and a little voice in her mind already scolded her for being so damn naive. What was WRONG with her? Of course he didn't care. He couldn't... Right...?

But... it felt like he did...

*NO. It's his JOB. Remember? He's just here... to see... well, if you're okay, because he's meant to make sure you're okay. You're an investment. Come ON. Don't make more of it!*

Yet, despite these thoughts, she felt... well, háppily excited...
George growled soon as blood entered and the closer he got to shades cage the louder his growl became, wile scat had taken notice when he had entered and gone back to his sniffing around till he heard what blood said, he giggled.

“aaaawwwww bloody getting softy, he have squishy in sidey”, he said playbowning at blood tail wagging behind him.
The moment was rather brutally disturbed by Scat; Shade had taken George's growling as a sign he cared, that he meant to protect her as she would protect him. But Scat... well, he was something else.

Before she knew it, she reached out to touch the side of Blood's maw with her nose; she then backed down just a little, surprised by her own actions. She blushed slightly, looked at the ground and smiled slightly.


Sure; it was normal wolf language; a way to calm someone, or in this case, prevent Blood from getting annoyed by Scat's words. But... touching him... it was more intimate then she had méant to get...
A sound then entered the cell, from behind the walls, humans ovesly getting ready to take them to training.
Her ears perked; oh no... that sounded like trouble....

Posted: 13-12-2011 21:31
by Shaydie
“oh mistress is setting up a fence so you can take your son out side if you behave, a little garden for you to to play in, if you care”, he said hopping up onto the sofa and resting his paws on the back of it so he could look out of the glass and at her at the same time.
Cardinal flicked her ears sideways so she could hear him properly, but otherwise didn't turn her head or alter her position. It was good that Kei would be allowed outside, even with boundaries. He deserved to feel grass underneath his feet. Taste what was his birthright. Eventually, Cardinal hoped, he would be free of this place. If she was able, she would teach him to hunt. To interact normally with the world. It would be hard getting into a pack, with his dog ancestry, but she was confident someone would find it in their heart to at least speak with him.

It would not be her pack, though.

A rush of sadness welled within her again. Her pack... Ruby... She missed them terribly. She knew that most of her family was dead, but she still refused to believe that Ruby was anything but alright. She was a smart girl. Not tough on the outside, but her mother's daughter through and through. She would be fine, Cardinal reassured herself, and continued gazing out through the window as Spax chatted to thin air.
“your going to love what I have planned for you today, a small tour of some of the places out side this arier, a chance to see that you have it goo…..”, he tailed off as he heard mistress voice from the other side of the door, she was on the phone it sounded like and she was angry.
The Mistress' voice finally caught her attention. It was loud. Brutal. Fiery. She could not make out a few words, but got the gist of it. She tensed when the door flew open and slammed against the wall, but did not jump. Kei, on the other hand, snapped upwards and ran for Cardinal, tripping over himself all along the way until he skidded to a halt safely under the red wolf. Cardinal nuzzled him briefly, to reassure the pup, then cast her eyes on the Mistress as the girl began yelling at the thing in her hand. It sure made her angry... Whatever it was, it spoke to her. Quietly. But whatever it had said must have been infuriating, for she threw it across the room at an opposing wall, where it splintered into a thousand pieces. Some shrapnel bounced across Cardinal's back, but it had lost most of its momentum and merely dropped to the floor.

Cardinal tilted her head when the Mistress looked at her, as if to question as to what was wrong. The fur on her back stood up slightly on instinct, but her face remained calm. Seeing the girl that way bothered her somehow. She had not seen that kind of uncontrolled fury that was doused so quickly, except in herself. Perhaps they were more alike than she cared to acknowledge.
“well”, he said after a moment.

“looks like things are going to get intresting by the sounds of it”, he face serios
Cardinal glanced at him, nodded, then licked Kei on the head when he peeked out from the curtains of fur that folded around him. While the Mistress cooked and all was quiet, he edged out from underneath Cardinal and sat near the kitchen, watching for pieces of scraps that she might have dropped. When the bowls came, however, he jumped around happily and ran back to Cardinal, taking some of her leg fur in his mouth and tugging her towards breakfast.

"Come on, momma! It's time to eat!"

Cardinal smiled and allowed herself to be pulled forward, walking on her own accord toward the bowls when Kei could no longer stand it and let go of her to dart toward his food. They ate quietly, the usual pauses only for telling Kei to slow down. Cardinal had to admit that the food was good. Dry at points, but familiar and warm at others. It was not fresh meat, but palatable none the less. When she was finished she nudged Kei's bulging belly playfully and sat down to watch while he finished his food.
“like i was saying il show you around to day, then some fun I think then some training, well which ever way round you want it”, he said with his smile playing his face.
So, tour, sex, training. Somehow Cardinal thought that unfair, training her after... well... that. But to delay it was to give her time to think about the horridness of it all, so she would have to deal with it. So she nodded briskly and continued watching Kei until the last morsel had been stripped from the bowl, at which point she nudged shook her head. What a little piggy. But he would need that nourishment eventually.

A scratch at the door caught her attention, and she allowed herself a little smile at John's coming.
“so read to go on awere little date”, he said looking back at cardinal
She looked at him as though he were a bug on her fur, but nodded anyway and gave Kei a quick bath with her tongue.

"Now, you be good for John. I'll be gone all day, but I'll be home before you go to sleep. Okay?"

The pup had rolled onto his back, plump belly to the air. He wiggled to and fro in an attempt to get up, but only managed to do so when Cardinal pushed him over.

"Yes, momma! ... Tell Mr. John to come find me!"

He gave her a lick on the nose before going to hide somewhere (this time behind some curtains). Cardinal watched him go, amazed by his innocence yet again. After a moment, she looked back at Spax.

"So, then. Where to?"


Blood recoiled a little at Shade's reaction to his visit. It wasn't completely unexpected, but he was sort of... disappointed. In a way he didn't really understand. But eventually she came forward, much to the displeasure of the others, he thought.
''That's... very kind of you. I... I didn't think you'd care...''
He blinked, unsure of how to go about answering that. Usually he DIDN'T care. But she was different in so many ways from the other wolves here. How was he supposed to explain THAT to her? That usually he just left injured wolves in their cage to rot but SHE wasn't like that and yeah! Yeah that would go over well. He thought that maybe he had an answer for her when the mangy wolf Scat butted in.
“aaaawwwww bloody getting softy, he have squishy in sidey”, he said playbowning at blood tail wagging behind him.
Blood turned to look at him, growling and red eyes aglow with anger.

"Shut up you little pest. Or I'll show you how much squishy you have--"

He stopped rather abruptly at the feeling of Shade touching the side of his face with her nose. It was almost as if he had been electrified again, but this was oh so much more pleasurable. He turned back to look at her with a sort of shock that did not allow his throat to produce words.

Before he could regain his composure, sounds echoed behind the walls. Humans moving things around to take the wolves away. He flinched visibly, eyes blank as if looking beyond the concrete walls and staring menacingly into the eyes of the humans. Unfortunately these were not Riesling's humans. These were the property of the Mistress, and he had no power over them. He looked back at Shade with disappointment. This was not how he had planned for the meeting to end.

"I've got to go..."

He muttered the words so quietly that she might not have heard them. The next were a little louder.

"But I'll come by and watch if I can."

He watched her for a few more seconds, waiting for a reaction, then turned and walked back out of the cell block. On the way back to Riesling's quarters, he forgot to breathe once, and had to suck in a breath to avoid dropping dead.


Riesling himself, however, was already showered, dressed, and ready to meet the Gambler. Today his outfit was an open white duster coat, black jeans and a black tux shirt, accented by a white tie. His blue eyes scanned the room instinctively for anything out of place. When he found nothing, he grabbed his phone off of his nightstand and placed it gingerly in one of the coat's pockets. After that, he exited his quarters and locked the door behind him, heading at once towards room 142.

He got there before the Gambler, although he had planned to be early. No particular reason for it. Perhaps he was just excited to have a chance to procure a new animal for his collection.

Posted: 16-12-2011 08:52
by Shaydie
(bump for leo. Also, sorry I forgot about Nina X3 I'll see if I can edit it before you post. If not, just slide over it and I'll catch up next round.)