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Posted: 28-08-2011 20:03
by Nakisha
(OK forget my previous comment... Muse kicked in hard! ;) Here we go! Shade, let me know how you feel about what I typed for Therius, I can change it if you like.)
“yes I bet they will but that makes things to easy, I like a “good” work out”, she said licking her lips seductively, the talk was starting to make her fire up not just in the eyes.
Dice very much noticed the change in her. And in himself.
Jolene wanted a challenge, and a chance to get higher in rank. And so did he. She was obviously right; if it all went easily, nobody would be impressed. And they áimed to impress...
“that we will … and yes you are”, she said blowing a cool breath over his erect member, then she then took it in her muzzle watching her teeth as always, and let her tong feel around his member, then as she came up she sucked lightly on it. Once she was off of him she grinned and turned around in a play bow facing away from him.
A little groan came from his lips as his growing member pulsed with life. Even with all the aches, after the fight with Blood and the beating he got from Mistress, there was not a fibre in his body that could resist Jolene's charm...
“want to seal the deal stud, or did mistress knock it out of you tonight”, she said eyes glinting. To night would be a fun night she thought.
- ''We will have to find out... won't we...'' He whispered, slowly pulling back from her warm muzzle and getting to his feet. His ribs and back gave sharp protests, but the drug called Jolene worked it's miracles. He couldn't ignore her will, not did he wánt to... and his own fire began to burn as well, as he seductively circled her and gently nipped right behind her ears.'

This horrific day had a spec of light left in it, obviously....


Gambler strolled over the market quietly. He wore a dark cowboy hat, and it was low over his eyes. He didn't want to draw too much attention to himself; there was a chance unfriendly buyers or sellers would recognize him. And without Dice at his side, he didn't feel like meeting up with any of them.

It had been an hour drive to this market. It was held in a building that was believed to be under construction, the market itself as illegal and dark as the structure it was held in.
But it was thé place to find a special animal...

- ''Hey, did you see that cheetah?''

Gambler stopped and stared at a few cages, pretending to be interested as he overheard the conversation next to him.

- ''I saw him alright... You don't see something like thát every day. Must be a pricey beast.''
- ''I don't know... but I can't use it anyway. I don't do cheetah racing... and they're no more dangerous then our dogs when it comes to the fights. Better get myself a tiger if I want a big cat...''
- ''Yeah, I know what you mean. The paws. They're more like dog's then cat's. Cheetah's don't even have retractable claws or sharp nails...''
- ''The teeth are sharp enough though, they got some jaw pressure too I think... And you could trim those claws to be sharper, I guess... Don't you need something special?''
- ''I already bought myself an Amur leopard. I don't need more. But it's markings are gorgeous...''

Gambler finally walked on.
A cheetah... how would Riesling feel about that?

He walked on, passing a few cages with rare big cats; white tiger cubs, even a white lion cub. All very special....

But then he saw him.

The large cage with the cheetah stood at a prominent spot, fitting for such a magnificent beast. Every now and then, it let out a feral hiss as it looked around with big eyes. Poor thing... it was a scary envoirnment for every creature. It's grey and white coat looked stunning; whoever owned him, had wanted him to look his best for this market.

He walked up to the cage, softly humming a little tune to himself, casually lifting a hand, as if he held a treat for the animal.

Two beautiful, grey-blue eyes stared at him.

He, or she... was gorgeous. Gambler stood perfectly still, just looking at the animal's chest, not wanting to stare in his eyes and get him even more nervous.
He was stunned to see a marking on his chest, looking like a bat. And then there where almost wing-shaped markings on his shoulders... stripes instead of spots on the frontlegs, and spots that would fit a leopard more then a cheetah on it's rear.

Finally, he spotted the sex. It was a male...

- ''Interested?''

Gambler turned sharply at the voice; the cheetah let out a little growl as well.
A tall man, only a bit shorter then himself, was staring him straight in the eye.

- ''Perhaps... are you the owner of this cat?''
- ''That I am.''

Gambler nodded and leaned against a cage, which contained a beautiful golden fennec.

- ''Let's talk.''


Shade lay silently, looking asleep, ears perking every now and then when she picked up a sound. But she couldn't sleep anymore... the strange dream kept playing before her eyes.
The pup... she had felt such an intense bond with it. Love... love like she had only felt for her own mother...

Why was she so upset about it? Why did it intrigue her so? It had only been a dream. There was no pup...

Suddenly, the sound of little feet scurrying closer made her open one eye. She expected to see Jack; after all, he often dropped by...

But it wasn't him.

She opened both eyes and suddenly saw a rat she hadn't met yet. It was smaller then Jack... and it's fur was a combination of dark grey, black spots and a white muzzle. A large spot over the right eye gave the creature a bit of a naughty look.
It stared at her, one hand against the bars, as if it was pondering wether or not to enter her cell.


Shade lifted her head and tilted it slightly.

- ''Hello.'' She spoke softly, so she wouldn't disturb Eight, George or the new, insane wolf.

The rat took a few steps forward, holding one hand slightly up and her snout pointed up to Shade's face. Half-way in the cell, it stopped, as if it wondered wether or not to come closer.

- ''Hi.''

The voice made Shade's ears perk. It was a soft, feminine voice. This rat... was probably a female.
Shade smiled slightly, hoping she'd say more. The rat cleared her troath, then spoke again, her voice still soft.

- ''You... you where the one singing earlier.''
- ''Yes... I know. I'm sorry, did I disturb you with it?''
- ''Oh no, not at all! Can I... approach?''
- ''Sure. I won't eat 'ya.'' Shade joked, but she then realised that it really wasn't a joke at all to the rat in front of her. She smiled again. ''Please... feel free to come closer.''

Slowly, the female scurried closer until she was just a feet away from Shade. She then lifted herself to her hind legs, her whiskers twitching fast as she sniffed and looked at Shade. Curious black eyes observed the wolf, and Shade lay perfectly still, not wanting to scare her off.

- ''Eh...'' The rat hesitated. ''I'm... Lily.''
- ''Nice to meet you. I'm Shade. Are you a friend of Jack's, maybe?'' Shade tilted her head a little further.

The rat looked away, and Shade could swear she saw a blush.

- ''Oh... eh... no, I know about Jack, but... he doesn't know mé very well. But I know what he does... I mean... with the wolves and such.''
- ''I see...''
- ''I just... came to meet you.''
Shade smiled. ''That's very nice of you. Do you... work with the wolves, too?''
- ''Me..? No... This... is the first time I show myself to a canine.'' Lily admitted, softly.
- ''Well... I'm honoured then.''
- ''It was your singing.'' Lily said, softly. ''You... intrigued me. Your voice is quite beautiful.''
- ''T... Thank you!'' Shade was deeply flattered. ''You would have loved to hear my mother sing, then. She was the best singer I ever met..''
- ''I bet she was wonderful.'' Lily said, with a little smile. ''You're quite.. new, right?''
- ''Yes... I haven't been here very long. But every moment here is tó long...''
- ''I... saw what happened, earlier.''

Shade fell silent; she stared at the rat, realising they could see just about everything that happened in the cells. They never had ány privacy, at all. If there weren't other wolves in the other cells, there where always little eyes watching them.

Lily gulped and continued.
- ''I mean... mister Dice. And mister Bloodhound.'' She paused, then looked up at Shade again. ''I... I can't imagine what that was like for you. And you where very brave... thankfully mister Bloodhound saved the day.''

Now it was Shade's turn to blush; she looked away, feeling oddly uncomfortable.

- ''Yes... thankfully. But it's just... work, for him.''
Lily shook her head. ''The dogs can... well...'' She fell silent.
- ''I know, but I mean... Blood interfered because Dice was injuring me. That's all.''
Lily placed her hands in her side. ''Not so sure.''

Shade looked stunned for a moment; she wanted to ask what Lily meant, but the rat quickly changed the subject.

- ''I saw you like George.''

Shade blushed again. ''Yes... I do. Why?''
- ''It's good to have friends.'' Lily said, softly. ''Even better to have... well, fínd... someone to love.''
Shade gulped, but couldn't help but grin. ''Are you trying to match me with someone or something?''
- ''No... Just saying.'' The rat stared straight into Shade's eyes. ''I noticed you need it. Love, I mean.''

Again, Shade was stunned. This rat had been watching her, no doubt about it. She had noticed Shade's deep need for social interaction, for touching others... for being together.

- ''I don't think many wolves here will be lucky enough to find love. Let alone a mate.'' She said, slightly bitter. ''But I can manage without it...''
- ''Maybe...'' Lily didn't sound confinced at all. ''But you never know.''

Shade layed her head down to be more on the same level with Lily. ''Why do you mention it? Do you have a mate? Does it help surviving here?''

Lily took a step backwards, gulping.

- ''Eh.. no. I don't have a mate... But I know love. And yes, it helps.''
- ''Really?'' Shade, suddenly amused, lifted her head again and grinned. ''So, who's your love?''

Lily gasped, obviously not too willing to share such information....

((AAAAAND... I guess they'll be distrubed. XD))

Posted: 26-09-2011 07:48
by Shaydie
(Sounds good, Kisha. I was gonna play out Therius myself before I came down with whatever this is but my muse is kinda flopping about like a fish out of water. I wanna get back into these roleplays, see if it doesn't do me some good. Therapy, maybe. XDD)

Cardinal twitched when she saw the Mistress' normal look turn to a cold gaze after Kei had gone to bed. For a moment they locked eyes, Cardinal wary but more than just a little determined - while the human girl's look was full of displeasure. The wolf did not know why the Mistress had suddenly taken a disapproving air about her, but in less than a moment the girl's attention was again rapt upon the strange box with tiny moving figures within its lights. She did not look at Cardinal again.

The red wolf watched her for a while longer, even though the attention had moved on, then turned her gaze on Spax again. She huffed slightly, disapproving of his lax attitude in lieu of the harsh exterior she saw most often. Then again, he had been here since he was a pup. Much like Kei, perhaps. The thought of the little pup turning into a monster like the one sitting beside the Mistress made her shudder. Pushing the thought from her mind, Cardinal lay down a little ways away from the couch, turning her eyes on the glowing box. Two wolves were in it, same as before. Except they seemed to be evenly matched. Their styles were much too crude for her taste, but the power they wielded was much more impressive than that of her own. She cast a vague glance at the puppy now sleeping soundly within the blankets of the basket, mentally promising him that he'd be strong enough to fight and win against anyone. Strong enough to live... to live long enough to escape.

No, she had not given up on that aspect of her deal with the Mistress. But to attain enough information to make escape possible - if there was even a chance in the world - she had to be out of the sight of both the Mistress and Spax.

Cardinal's gaze abruptly shot to the flap that served as a door for Spax to walk in and out. Maybe she was allowed to wander? This would be the opportune time... with Spax asleep and Kei safe in the bed... All there was to do was test her limits.

She made her mind up quickly.

She stood rather quickly, trotting toward the door but stopping about a foot short of exiting the room. Cautiously, she turned to look at her captor, who - quite unsurprisingly but still unnervingly - was already looking at her with those dark eyes of hers. Cardinal tilted her head ever so slightly, as if to ask permission. For a while, silence hung between them...

Fortunately enough, the Mistress waved her hand in a "go on" motion, and said something Cardinal took as a warning not to make trouble. The waving hand rested rather ominously on the bracelet that controlled the wolves' collars... and Cardinal understood all too well. With no more than a tiny nod, she slipped through the flap in the door and was gone.


A while later, she realized which direction she was going in. Well, maybe not the direct route, but at least the direction: towards the Mistress' cell block. Where Eight, George, and Shade were most likely sleeping. The revelation shook her slightly, and she halted abruptly.

She had thought she was just wandering the halls. But after a few familiar corridors had passed, there was no doubt where her subconscious was leading her. But... why? She had nothing to say to them, right? They wouldn't even believe her if she tried to explain.

They are your friends.

The thought made her cringe. Friends... She hadn't known them for more than a few days, maybe even just a few hours - who knew in this godforsaken place? And yet... she couldn't help but worry for them... even as much as she hated Eight for condemning her so blindly. And Shade... The mother in the red wolf worried for her sake the most. Yes, perhaps it would be best to sort things out... at least try...

After all, she hadn't seen them since she'd...

A sigh escaped her, and her paws began moving again, still wandering but knowing the general direction.


Nina was still perched on the pipes when Cardinal passed below, snapping viciously at a passing dog that snapped back but thought better of fighting the larger wolf and continued on his way. The rat's interest piqued, gaze locking on that bright red fur... She'd seen it briefly in the Mistress' quarters earlier. So then... that was Kei's mother? Well, his surrogate mother, at least. In many cases, that was as much as pups got these days. But where was she going?

... It was "Cardinal," wasn't it...? Yes... Yes...

"... Mi... Miss Cardinal!"

The wolf stopped, looking around for the source of the summons, only to jump back slightly when it dropped down from the ceiling right in front of her. Nina was already flustered before she'd even started speaking, having looked up into those huge amber eyes and noticed the wildfire roaring behind them, contained but not quelled. She fidgeted briefly with her paws, fur standing on end, then blurted out whatever came to mind.

"Y-you're Kei's mother, right?"

Visibly surprised, Cardinal nodded, one brow raised. In her experience, the rats were not malevolent creatures. If this one already knew this information, it wouldn't hurt to confirm it, albeit briskly.

"Yes. Why?"

Now even more flustered but more in control of her words, the rat nodded and continued with her short interrogation.

"You're going to see the others, right?"

The rat shuddered when she saw Cardinal stiffen. Stupid, stupid, stupid! She rushed to explain herself, putting on the most friendly face she could think of to make.

"Uhhh! It's just that you're going that way... Well actually you're going kinda the wrong way but there's nothing else in that direction that I can think of that you'd wanna check out! Eh heh..."

Silence hung in the air. Any other dog still out in the hallways were far away, more interested in other things that time of night. Like sleep. Or females.

Desperate now, Nina began fidgeting with her chest fur.

"I mean if you're not--"

"No. It's alright. I am."

Finally, Nina exhaled, having realized that she had been holding her breath. Cardinal still seemed tense, but there was a different reason behind it... Shyness, maybe? Nina was about to say something else when Cardinal abruptly added an input of her own.

"Could... Could you take me there?"

The rat blinked.
Blinked again.
Once more.

"Um... to the other wolves? The Mistress' wolves...?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Ma'am? Just hearing that coming out of the mouth of a powerful wolf - let alone having it directed at HER - was enough to stop Nina's heart for a few beats. Luckily enough it started up again normal as ever. A more serious face crossed Nina's face then...

"They don't know what happened... why you did what you did..."


"... And you just want to talk?"

Cardinal nodded. "Explain, if I can, if they care to hear. If not, I'll be on my way."

The rat considered it for a few moments, looking into Cardinal's eyes as if she were looking into her very soul. Some rats said that was Nina's gift. To look into someone's soul and determine what kind of person they were. Nina herself disagreed, saying only that the eyes told a thousand stories. Cardinal's partially scarred pair were no different. She was a warrior. A proud one. But also a mother. Soft at heart, but strong-willed and wise. Nina was reminded of several other animals when she looked at Cardinal's eyes. None of them were the least bit malevolent. At least not on purpose. Finally, she nodded and scurried off down the empty halls, Cardinal close behind.


Cardinal stood there for quite a while. Far enough from the flap in the door that they wouldn't smell her just yet, but close enough to feel the tension prickling along her spine. Nina just sat beside her, looking up at Cardinal's unsure expression and feeling hopeless herself. She could hear a faint conversation going on inside, one voice very small - definitely a rat, like herself - but the other that of a female wolf. Shade, was that her name?

The red wolf licked her lips, wondering what she'd say, how they'd react to her. She knew full well what Eight's first thought would be: There's that traitor. It didn't bother her too much. If he didn't care to hear her explanation, or if he didn't feel it was good enough for him, then he was dead to her. Maybe she just wanted... someone to believe her. Someone to believe that she wasn't crazy. Or weak. Or a goddamned traitor. Maybe she was all of these things, but she didn't mean to be...

... Finally she gave up on trying to think of something to say. She'd let them have the first comment, if any. When she finally stepped forward, Nina was scampering toward the door with her, coming to the entrance before she did and slipping in just as Cardinal's nose pressed on the flap. Oddly, she saw her fellow rat first. This one she hadn't seen before, but that wasn't unusual in a colony of so many. She had been talking to Shade, but it seemed they had all gone silent. Nina glanced behind her, fidgeting again.

Cardinal stepped into the room with a little more grace and dignity than Nina. But instead of looking at any one of them in particular, she stepped forward and sat directly in the middle of the cell block, staring at a slight downward angle at the floor in front of her. It seemed to her that the silence was literally thick. Thick enough to plug her ears. All she could make out was a dull ringing. Not even the breathing of the others could beat on her ear drums.

She waited patiently for someone to say something. If no one did, she'd wait longer, all through the night if she had to.

Nina just watched, looking around at everyone, pleading silently for everyone to understand, to be civil... Her gaze alighted on Eight the longest, and the look in her eyes grew slightly sad. No doubt he misunderstood Cardinal's plans. But the red wolf had promised that she'd try to explain. Hopefully they'd let her do that.

(Ugh that was horrible. But we can continue now, hopefully. Sorry everyone. As far as my muse goes, I'm just kicking a dead horse. Sorry if I forgot any details, tried to remember what's been happening. Kisha, I'll respond with Therius if you need me to; also, Bloodhound will return to the roleplay after this scene plays out and the next day comes around.)

Posted: 26-09-2011 22:40
by Leo
''We will have to find out... won't we...''
She smiled and wished her tail around infront of him as he circaled her, she loved all of this. She didn’t care what others thought of her because of it, this was her way to unwind to have fun, to feel alive. She moaned softly as he nibbled on her ear a little, she cocked her head slightly and reviled her self for him, her heart begain to race.

“come on baby, lets lose awere selfs like only we no how to do”, she whispered back at him.

“fill me, fuck me, cover me, make love to me”, she groaned out now losing her self in the heat of the moment.

Eight cocked a ear and opened one eye when he heard voices, it was only a rat one he had never seen before talking with shade, he couldn’t make out what they were say as they were talking quitly so he closed his eyes and let him self drift down once again. The soft wave of sound from there words was comforting and helped him to sink back into sleep.
It was the same in his pack if he could hear them talking it ment they were safe, and it had always helped him sleep soundly. In the unacherly quite of this human place were there was no rusling of leaves on a brezs, or the sounds of life out in the dark. He always had found he hated the silence more then most things.

As songbird left Mistress watched her leave then looked back at the tv thinking about things over in her mind. She flexsed her clawed hand, it sometimes felt stiff and painful, her fingers cracked as she did. Then she traced the scar down her face absentmindedly as she watch the wolves destroy each other. What was she planning to do with her wolves, who would be the next champ for her, eight could now only fight other champions, which yelded high profits but normal ment that he wouldn’t last for very long, as those fights to the word brutal to another level, as both wolves were so highly trained and skilled, she had high hopes for eight, in her eyes he was the best she had ever seen, maybe he would be the record of 3 fights after becoming champ well she would see. Then there was the small female what would she do with her, she was ovesly struggling with it all.

“hmm”, she thought to her self.

Maybe, now that was a ider give her a teacher as such if he would do it that was, he seemed to be soft towords the other wolves yes she would try that tomorrow see how it went. She got her laptop and started writing a email to her second in command to inform him of her ider.

Eight drifted around in his sleep until he heard the sound of the metal dog flap, it was a subconios thing for all the wolves, when they heard that they would wake up in a instent. And sure enuf George, Eight and scat all awoke with a start.

Scat sat up and looked at the red wolf.
“OOO OOOOO OOOOO a wolf a wolf come to make my day”, he said in his high twich voice.
“is this the treaty dice promised meeeee I think”, he said giggling as his head turned this way and that to see her from different sides.

George me wile relaxsed some what, seeing cardinal but was still weary on what was to happen next, after the last time she was in this cell and what he had seen her do when darcia had torchered eight, he was unsertan, he looked over at eight.

Eight had sat up in a flash and apone seeing Cardinal, his body stilled as if it was rock, his face unreadabal his dead hard eyes the same as always.
He watched her, and he could almost still feel her fangs around his neck holding him down when she had made that move. Why was she here to gloat, to ask for forgivness.

He didn’t care she had crossed a line and he was now determind to protect the wolves in this cell as best he could and now this red wolf was on the other side of the bars and so was a threat.

“what do you want, dog”, he said in his deep voice, that what she now was, her fur was clean and she smelled clean no smell of a prue wild wolf, but he could see her fire still the wild fire of a wild wolf, the fire his eyes had lost. He wondered how long to hers went out like his own.

“you got some bravado coming back here, after what you did”, his voice held the most vage hint of venom, almost to fint to hear.

Posted: 26-09-2011 23:13
by Nakisha
Gambler slammed the car's hinddoors shut; he had just unloaded the huge crate from his special 'creature-car', as he liked to call it; a large minibus with enough room for crates like these. He then turned and pulled the crate, resting on a large cart, looking behind him at the uncomfortable cheetah from time to time as he took him inside.

It hadn't been easy to purchase the rare feline; the price had been high. But he had a feeling he had done the right thing buying him; this animal was absolutely stunning, and unlike any other. Hopefully Riesling, with his preferance for speedfights, would appriciate him.

- ''Hush there, it's okay...'' He mumbled at the cat, as he pulled the heavy crate down the corridor. ''You'll be alright... Better then you where, anyway.''

He couldn't blame the cheetah for being nervous; the rolling cart, the whole place that smelled of canines and any sounds that could be heard where either growls and snarls or the metal sound of the cart's squeeking wheels on the corridor's floor, echoing off the walls again. It had to be disturbing for any living being... like it was disturbing to the wild wolves that where brought in from time to time.

He quickly took the newcomer to a quiet room; he stopped the cart and got behind it, pushing the crate in there slowly. The light was dim; Gambler hoped it would help the cat to calm down and get used to his new home. He had had enough excitement for one day, and Gambler didn't want him to be stressed out any further.
He placed him in a corner, carefully filled the waterbowl hanging from the bars without coming into the cheetah's reach, then stepped backwards and took some distance from the amazing creature.

- ''You sure are something... I hope Riesling will like you.'' He mumbled, softly. ''I'll let you be for now... I'll be back for you later.''

He closed the door gently, and closed off the room with a soft key-click.

He had bought a special creature... very special. The question was; would Riesling like him?

She smiled and wished her tail around infront of him as he circaled her, she loved all of this. She didn’t care what others thought of her because of it, this was her way to unwind to have fun, to feel alive. She moaned softly as he nibbled on her ear a little, she cocked her head slightly and reviled her self for him, her heart begain to race.

“come on baby, lets lose awere selfs like only we no how to do”, she whispered back at him.

“fill me, fuck me, cover me, make love to me”, she groaned out now losing her self in the heat of the moment.
Jolene's pleads where irrisitable. Even with his aching body, there was no way he could refuse her.

- ''As you wish...'' He whispered, his voice deep. He mounted her, but it wasn't as fluent as he usually did; his muscles popped and rolled and the pain made him grit his teeth. However, it didn't stop him as he took his grip on Jolene's slender waist, pulling her slightly backwards against him, his hips curving so the tip of his awokened manhood grazed against the fur on her rear, grazed against the flesh of her sex.

- ''Ah... Jolene...'' He groaned, clenching his teeth together. His hind legs tapped the ground restlessly as he tried to penetrate her.

Damned Bloodhound...!! His back ached, his legs ached...

But suddenly, he hit his mark; the tip of his manhood slit into her waiting folds, and he groaned out loud as he began to grow, his erection stretching itself out to fill her needy slit, digging into her depths quickly.

Pleasure seemed to dull the pain as he grew bigger and harder quickly; his hips began to move slowly, but fiercely, each thrust pushing deep, and increasingly deeper as his erection grew.

- ''JO... LENE...'' He hissed, between clenched teeth.

Lily was saved by the bell; her talk with Shade was suddenly interrupted as the dogflap moved.

Shade lifted her head at that sound, surprised and disturbed, expecting either Spax or Bloodhound to come in; Lily hurried to hide behind her, disappearing as fast as she had came.

Shade's ears perked in surprise as the first thing she saw, was a rat... a rat she hadn't seen before. And for a moment, she thought it was just a rat-to-rat visit, that the new one came for Lily....
Eight drifted around in his sleep until he heard the sound of the metal dog flap, it was a subconios thing for all the wolves, when they heard that they would wake up in a instent. And sure enuf George, Eight and scat all awoke with a start.


Cardinal stepped into the room with a little more grace and dignity than Nina. But instead of looking at any one of them in particular, she stepped forward and sat directly in the middle of the cell block, staring at a slight downward angle at the floor in front of her. It seemed to her that the silence was literally thick. Thick enough to plug her ears. All she could make out was a dull ringing. Not even the breathing of the others could beat on her ear drums.

She waited patiently for someone to say something. If no one did, she'd wait longer, all through the night if she had to.

Nina just watched, looking around at everyone, pleading silently for everyone to understand, to be civil... Her gaze alighted on Eight the longest, and the look in her eyes grew slightly sad. No doubt he misunderstood Cardinal's plans. But the red wolf had promised that she'd try to explain. Hopefully they'd let her do that.
Shade's jaw dropped slightly; a shock went through her body as she saw Cardinal enter their cellblock. Instantly, the new rat was forgotten. But she quickly closed her mouth again, refusing to show too much surprise or any form of weakness whatsoever; yet, her mind was racing.

CARDINAL... here??! How?! And... now?? WHY?!

It was quiet for a while as Shade slowly got up; she was about to finally find the words when the insane wolf spoke first.
Scat sat up and looked at the red wolf.
“OOO OOOOO OOOOO a wolf a wolf come to make my day”, he said in his high twich voice.
“is this the treaty dice promised meeeee I think”, he said giggling as his head turned this way and that to see her from different sides.

George me wile relaxsed some what, seeing cardinal but was still weary on what was to happen next, after the last time she was in this cell and what he had seen her do when darcia had torchered eight, he was unsertan, he looked over at eight.
- ''Oh, just shut up you...'' Shade mumbled softly, aimed at the rambling crazy canine. She could see George from the corner of her eyes; he looked at Eight for support. Shade herself, however, just focused on Cardinal. But before she could say a thing, Eight began to move.
Eight had sat up in a flash and apone seeing Cardinal, his body stilled as if it was rock, his face unreadabal his dead hard eyes the same as always.

“what do you want, dog”, he said in his deep voice, that what she now was, her fur was clean and she smelled clean no smell of a prue wild wolf, but he could see her fire still the wild fire of a wild wolf, the fire his eyes had lost. He wondered how long to hers went out like his own.

“you got some bravado coming back here, after what you did”, his voice held the most vage hint of venom, almost to fint to hear.
Shade's nose twitched slightly, smelling what her mind refused to believe. Some kind of flowery-stuff... soapy, like the humans... and the smell of Spax and Mistress...

The facts hit hard. What she had refused to believe all this time, seemed to be true. Cardinal... hanging out with THEM...

- ''Cardinal...'' The word was soft, and full of surprise. Shade wasn't exactly sure what to say, or ask. She had so many questions, so many things she didn't understand... She wanted to scream, to plead, to get the answers to it all. But her green eyes just looked at the female in front of her, full of disbelieve, staring at Cardinal's coat which seemed more blazing red then ever, her appearance so different from before.

Posted: 27-09-2011 01:26
by Shaydie
As she had stepped in, a new wolf - well, new to the cell block as far as Cardinal knew; probably not new to the facility by the looks of him - crooned rather insanely at her, babbling on about treats and Dice and what have you. For the most part she managed to ignore him, but his demeanor troubled her... What in the world had they done to him?
Eight had sat up in a flash and apone seeing Cardinal, his body stilled as if it was rock, his face unreadabal his dead hard eyes the same as always.

“what do you want, dog”, he said in his deep voice
Cardinal visibly flinched at the brazen insult, but managed to keep mostly still and her eyes directed at the floor. Her ears flicked toward him, however, and a low growl rumbled quietly from her throat for a split second. This is how you knew he would react, just calm down...

Nina put a paw on Cardinal's, and the big red wolf seemed tranquilized by the little rat's encouragement.
“you got some bravado coming back here, after what you did”, his voice held the most vage hint of venom, almost to fint to hear.
Again, Cardinal's temper simmered to her chest. She didn't growl this time, her muzzle instead curling into a silent snarl. That bastard... That BASTARD... She began to tremble with anger, so much so that Nina backed away slightly, still fidgeting with her paws.
Finally her eyes shot up - not at Eight, but Shade. She stared into those green orbs, suddenly a bit more placated. She couldn't bring herself to look away for a very long time. Finally her ears fell back against her skull and she sighed, returning her eyes to the ground before they closed in contemplation of what she'd say.

".. You think me that WEAK..."

It came out as a rasping growl. She meant it, but only towards Eight, the only one who had already condemned her.

"... that I would just throw my lot in with them... that I would throw my honor away without a second thought... that I would leave you all, betray my own kind..."

Her eyes flashed dangerously as she looked up into Eight's dead eyes, fury raging just below the surface.


The shouted, grating words hung in the air for a few seconds before Cardinal let out a grim chuckle.

"You're no wolf. You call me dog and yet you look at me in your all-knowing self-righteousness and only see a traitor. What about the pain that I saved you from - saved ALL of us from - when I pushed you from the Mistress while you were blindly rushing forward like some untrained mongrel pup? What about those puppies that you failed to help because of your goddamned stubbornness? What about the one that's waiting for me back in that hell hole, the one that calls me 'MOTHER?' Hm!?"

The next words were so quiet that even Nina, now backed against the bars of Cardinal's old, empty cell, had to strain to hear.

"A true wolf seeks good in everyone. ... You are no wolf. You are blind. To everything around you. And if you would rather wallow in your own self pity than listen to my intentions - only LISTEN - then you will be of no use to any of us. Us WOLVES."

She glanced around at the others.

"If you tell me to leave, I will leave; you won't hear from me again. And you will all die here. But not by my fangs, directly or indirectly. ...I refuse it."

Nina shuddered. Cardinal was imposing, to say the least. But Eight more imposing still. Beside her, she could feel Shade's presence. A softer one, to be sure. A mediator? She flinched once - a little hop of nervousness - then scurried over to the brown female, ignoring the instinct to stay far enough away to prevent injury to herself. Instead, she scampered right up to Shade and whispered frantically.

"Please listen! Cardinal isn't bad. She's trying to think everything through, trying to help everyone. The Mistress gave her a pup to raise. She's his only chance at innocence. And right now she just needs you to understand her. Okay? Just give her a chance..."

Posted: 28-09-2011 00:48
by Leo
".. You think me that WEAK..."

It came out as a rasping growl. She meant it, but only towards Eight, the only one who had already condemned her.

"... that I would just throw my lot in with them... that I would throw my honor away without a second thought... that I would leave you all, betray my own kind..."

Her eyes flashed dangerously as she looked up into Eight's dead eyes, fury raging just below the surface.


The shouted, grating words hung in the air for a few seconds before Cardinal let out a grim chuckle.

"You're no wolf. You call me dog and yet you look at me in your all-knowing self-righteousness and only see a traitor. What about the pain that I saved you from - saved ALL of us from - when I pushed you from the Mistress while you were blindly rushing forward like some untrained mongrel pup? What about those puppies that you failed to help because of your goddamned stubbornness? What about the one that's waiting for me back in that hell hole, the one that calls me 'MOTHER?' Hm!?"

The next words were so quiet that even Nina, now backed against the bars of Cardinal's old, empty cell, had to strain to hear.

"A true wolf seeks good in everyone. ... You are no wolf. You are blind. To everything around you. And if you would rather wallow in your own self pity than listen to my intentions - only LISTEN - then you will be of no use to any of us. Us WOLVES."

She glanced around at the others.

"If you tell me to leave, I will leave; you won't hear from me again. And you will all die here. But not by my fangs, directly or indirectly. ...I refuse it."

Eight listened to her words as the crashed throw there air like thunder, the mesion of the pups he had let die hurt in a blunt kind of way, the rest he just lisened to his face not changing, his eyes unchanged, if he were a different wolf he would have returned the snarl with his own but he stay still and unreadabal.

He let her finish and noticed throw the corner of his eyes that the rat she had entered with ahd scampered up to shade to talk but he was focused on the red so called wolf infront of him.

“Tell me something, what would your old pack think of you now, sleeping in a humans home, eating the food they prepare for you, doing as commanded, getting pets and scratches from one, getting bathed by one”, he said his voice level but its deep rumble held a creepy carm ora about it at that moment.

“you say I am no wolf, maybe you are right, this is all I have ever known. You have been here for what 3 days a week, and you are already standing on the other side of the bars, all for a pup, what about the wolves in here that you shared a cell with, was that pup worth us, was it worth you pride you honor”, he said he knew he had lost his own here but he held onto it in the knowledge that ever day he trained and killed he was becoming stronger, and when the opportunity arose he would use it ageist them all, and he was not standing one the other side looking in honour was ever thing to eight and he knew the dogs of the 5th had known..

“and tell me this, is that pup full wolf?”, he let that hang for a second.

“and in you mind do you think you have saved him, if you like it or not they will make him fight make him kill, as they will make you fight and make you kill your own kind, this is how iv always lived but you, I thought a wolf from the wild, a alpha, a mother would never stand on the other side of the bars and look in, not for any thing”, his voice was starting to grow in his own anger and if his voice was changing it ment he was fucking angry.

“Do you “see” me wallowing in pity, no ever day I fight ever day I stand, ever dam day of my bloody life I have stood and fraught for the ones I loved, my pack at all costs, I had to stand and help them after they were beaten, raped, there friend and my own friends killed and still I frought on, even after we got out, yeah got out and ant life a bitch they were massacred in front of my eyes then im back here and I still fight, il die before I let any one of the wolves in this room get hurt, and I would have for you if you had heard me”, he was keeping his voice down but he was shaking him self. He had never lost his cool like this with any one on the other side of the bars he guess it was because she was a wolf so it made his blood boil over, it hurt and to make it worse he had let her in opened up to her then she had done what she had done pup or not she had walked away with humans.

“So you come in here and talk to me like im some wolf who is hiding cowering in fear, when in truth im the one standing up”, his eyes were now blazing like forest fires, they had come alive and the effect from the dead to living eyes was frightening, as it wasn’t a nice look.

“You are now working for the very things that put you here, the things that make wolves fight each other to the death for mear kicks, make dogs rape wolves, make sisters breed with brothers, take the minds from wolves, skin wolves alive”, the last words he spoke sent a jolt of pain throw him self he hadn’t ment to have said it, as it awoke his earliest memories and the only one he had of his old true pack his parents thow he didn’t rember there faces he rembered what had happened to them, he could still hear it and feel the wet drip.

He stop the memory had stop is anger he just stood there shaking.

“I truly hope that pup is worth it cardinal, I hope he grows up to become something great, as you sure have sunk low for him”, he said finally, she had hit him low so he would repay the favour, he had dug to deep into his own anger said to much to her, and thow his eyes had become that of a corpses once more his face hard and blank he felt raw and open.

He now sat down and watched her seeing if she had more to say, now he was coming off his anger run, he wasn’t sure what he felt towords this wolf now. Fool he thought as he looked at he.

way above Jack watch his face one of consetraction he had a small team of his strong rats with him, as he had heard Nina was down there and there was truble browing, so he was keeping a watchful eye in case things got out of hand, he wasnt much bothered at that moment what the wolves were fighting about even if it was eight and cardinal one of his rats was in a risky spot and thats all that worried him for that moment.

When dice mounted her she pushed her bum up and streached her front legs out, she loved the feeling of the weight on her back it was comforting, exsiting, and electric all at the same time.
She shivered in attisipasion as he dice was finding his way then when he hit gold she gasped, feeling him slide into her and start to grow with in her. She pushed back into meet him and with ever thrust she gasped and moaned in delight, she would make his night like no other bitch could, make him feel a true male once more. He wasn’t on his game as much as normal thanks to his beating but he still felt wonderful, she loved this feeling she was a slave to it, the thrusts that made her rock followed, the fillness the warmth.
“more”, she groaned low.

His thrusts were slow but powerful and she loved it, the force as it pushed her followed, she gasped moan and almost squecked with ever hit.

''JO... LENE...''

“ooooo dice”.

Posted: 28-09-2011 13:34
by Nakisha
Shade couldn't do a thing about Eight's insults, nor about Cardinal's anger that was the result of it.
Yet, she wasn't willing to helplessly let it all unfold in front of her eyes.
Finally her eyes shot up - not at Eight, but Shade. She stared into those green orbs, suddenly a bit more placated. She couldn't bring herself to look away for a very long time. Finally her ears fell back against her skull and she sighed, returning her eyes to the ground before they closed in contemplation of what she'd say.

".. You think me that WEAK..."

It came out as a rasping growl. She meant it, but only towards Eight, the only one who had already condemned her.

"... that I would just throw my lot in with them... that I would throw my honor away without a second thought... that I would leave you all, betray my own kind..."

Her eyes flashed dangerously as she looked up into Eight's dead eyes, fury raging just below the surface.


The shouted, grating words hung in the air for a few seconds before Cardinal let out a grim chuckle.
- ''Enough...'' The word was too soft to be heard by any of the wolves, and she knew that as soon as it had left her lips. This quarreling would get them nowhere...

She wanted to know why. Why Cardinal had joined them. WHY....
"You're no wolf. You call me dog and yet you look at me in your all-knowing self-righteousness and only see a traitor. What about the pain that I saved you from - saved ALL of us from - when I pushed you from the Mistress while you were blindly rushing forward like some untrained mongrel pup? What about those puppies that you failed to help because of your goddamned stubbornness? What about the one that's waiting for me back in that hell hole, the one that calls me 'MOTHER?' Hm!?"
Nothing could have prepared Shade for this; all her senses where suddenly on full alert as adrenaline exploded within. It explained it all; in a female's mind, there was no other reason needed and no more pressing argument then that.
A pup... Cardinal had a pup! Someone depending on her to grow up healthy, both mind and body... depending on her to SURVIVE in this hostile place...
Was it wolf? Oh, what did it even matter. It was a pup...

To her shock and surprise, a strong feeling of jealousy came up. A deep desire to have someone to love and care for, as well. Her dream flashed before her eyes as if it was real, as if it was a pleasant memory, and she couldn't suppress a whine of desire. She turned her eyes to the floor, ashamed, hoping nobody had heard it.

Oh... if only...!!
"A true wolf seeks good in everyone. ... You are no wolf. You are blind. To everything around you. And if you would rather wallow in your own self pity than listen to my intentions - only LISTEN - then you will be of no use to any of us. Us WOLVES."

She glanced around at the others.

"If you tell me to leave, I will leave; you won't hear from me again. And you will all die here. But not by my fangs, directly or indirectly. ...I refuse it."
Shade took a step closer to the bars, the intense desire still very much there. She didn't want Cardinal to leave... she wanted to know more. Know it all. And hear more about her pup... about her reasons...

- ''Cardinal, I...''

With a shock, her mouth slapped shut; she realized she had been about to ask her how she, too, could get on the other side of the bars... out of this horrible cell where claustrofobia and the hopeless feeling of being absolutely powerless ruled. She took a step backwards, horrified and disappointed in herself for even thínking such a thought. Was she that easy?! As if she was willing to become a human servant... As if she COULD. She could never work for them... She knew that. Why was the thought so painfully appealing, even just for a moment?!
Just... for some freedom? The freedom to walk, but never leave...?
And... a pup...?

A pup...

Nina shuddered. She flinched once - a little hop of nervousness - then scurried over to the brown female, ignoring the instinct to stay far enough away to prevent injury to herself. Instead, she scampered right up to Shade and whispered frantically.

"Please listen! Cardinal isn't bad. She's trying to think everything through, trying to help everyone. The Mistress gave her a pup to raise. She's his only chance at innocence. And right now she just needs you to understand her. Okay? Just give her a chance..."
Shade didn't notice the rat at first, too shocked by the discoveries in her own mind and too obsessed with Cardinal's words and presence. But as she spoke, she turned her head back down and perked her ears.

- ''A... pup.'' She tried to say it casually, but again, a shimmer of her desire could be heard in those words. ''Yes... I...'' She lifted her head and forced herself to get it together. ''Alright... I.. I understand.'' Her ears turned backwards. ''Cardinal... please, let's...''

But her words where suddenly interrupted, as Eight, who had stayed remarkably calm and quiet, finally spoke as well.
“Tell me something, what would your old pack think of you now, sleeping in a humans home, eating the food they prepare for you, doing as commanded, getting pets and scratches from one, getting bathed by one”, he said his voice level but its deep rumble held a creepy carm ora about it at that moment.

“you say I am no wolf, maybe you are right, this is all I have ever known. You have been here for what 3 days a week, and you are already standing on the other side of the bars, all for a pup, what about the wolves in here that you shared a cell with, was that pup worth us, was it worth you pride you honor”, he said.
Shade fell silent, not only in respect to Eight, but also because she couldn't say a thing against his first words. She looked at him with ears pinned against her head. This had to be painful for Cardinal.. yet true. She was staying with a human on her own accord. For a great reason, though....

But as he began to speak about the pup, her ears perked. Part of her tended to agree, in a strange, angry manner... but she realized with a shock that was because of sheer jealousy. She wanted to be like Cardinal.. free to roam around and having a puppy of her own. The fact that Cardinal had that, and she didn't, stung. It made her wish Cardinal would loose it too, that she'd be thrown back into that cell with them...

It was a shock that a thought like that even crossed her mind! Her ears drooped in shame. How could she think such thoughts?!! This wasn't her... She wanted Cardinal and her pup to do well... She had never wished anything ill on anyone but the dogs and humans of this horrible place. How could she turn on a fellow wolf like this?! It was horrible of her...
“and tell me this, is that pup full wolf?”, he let that hang for a second.
- ''EIGHT!'' Shade gasped, in shock; his words helped to pull her out of her confused, angry, jealous state for a moment. ''What on earth does it mátter? The pup...'' But she then looked at Cardinal, ears back again, knowing she'd probably have a say about that matter as well; and if she felt anything like Shade, she'd be angry....

Shade braced herself for an explosion, but she showed no anger, no fear. She held her ground.
“and in you mind do you think you have saved him, if you like it or not they will make him fight make him kill, as they will make you fight and make you kill your own kind, this is how iv always lived but you, I thought a wolf from the wild, a alpha, a mother would never stand on the other side of the bars and look in, not for any thing”, his voice was starting to grow in his own anger and if his voice was changing it ment he was fucking angry.

“Do you “see” me wallowing in pity, no ever day I fight ever day I stand, ever dam day of my bloody life I have stood and fraught for the ones I loved, my pack at all costs, I had to stand and help them after they were beaten, raped, there friend and my own friends killed and still I frought on, even after we got out, yeah got out and ant life a bitch they were massacred in front of my eyes then im back here and I still fight, il die before I let any one of the wolves in this room get hurt, and I would have for you if you had heard me”, he was keeping his voice down but he was shaking him self.
Again, Shade fell silent, as she looked away from both Eight and Cardinal.
It was utterly painful to realize that she wanted Cardinal to be one of them again out of nothing but jealousy. And Eight's words only strengthend that wicked, wrong part of her... It came back up like a monster, consuming her. She shook her fur hard; she refused to let her own desires make her turn on a wolf, a friend. NO. She wasn't like this! She wouldn't be.
“So you come in here and talk to me like im some wolf who is hiding cowering in fear, when in truth im the one standing up”, his eyes were now blazing like forest fires, they had come alive and the effect from the dead to living eyes was frightening, as it wasn’t a nice look.

“You are now working for the very things that put you here, the things that make wolves fight each other to the death for mear kicks, make dogs rape wolves, make sisters breed with brothers, take the minds from wolves, skin wolves alive”
Finally, FINALLY Shade managed to push away her ugly side, bury it deep, and felt her instincts kick in again.
She wouldn't turn on Cardinal. NEVER.

- ''It's for a pup.''

Her words where louder then she had expected herself, and rang clearly through the room, as if it explained everything. And to her, and probably to Cardinal as well, it did. But to Eight, it was another matter... and as he spoke again, that became utterly clear.
“I truly hope that pup is worth it cardinal, I hope he grows up to become something great, as you sure have sunk low for him”
OUCH... Shade's gaze turned to Cardinal, knowing that hád to hurt. It would have hurt her, too, if it had been her pup.
Suddenly, she felt a gentle tug at her tail and peeked behind her; Lily lay hidden underneath that tail, signalling that she was about to leave. And before Shade could say or do a thing, she rat hurried to a crack in the backwall of her cell and disappeared.

Shade turned her head back to Cardinal, but her thoughts where distracted for just a few seconds.
When would Lily come back? She wanted to speak with her some more... And again, she thought about her beautiful dream, and found herself wondering what Cardinal's pup looked like.

She listened, knowing this all wasn't over yet.

When dice mounted her she pushed her bum up and streached her front legs out, she loved the feeling of the weight on her back it was comforting, exsiting, and electric all at the same time.
She shivered in attisipasion as he dice was finding his way then when he hit gold she gasped, feeling him slide into her and start to grow with in her. She pushed back into meet him and with ever thrust she gasped and moaned in delight, she would make his night like no other bitch could, make him feel a true male once more. He wasn’t on his game as much as normal thanks to his beating but he still felt wonderful, she loved this feeling she was a slave to it, the thrusts that made her rock followed, the fillness the warmth.
“more”, she groaned low.

His thrusts were slow but powerful and she loved it, the force as it pushed her followed, she gasped moan and almost squecked with ever hit.

“ooooo dice”.
Dice's mind clouded in the most pleasant way possible; after his humiliation, he suddenly felt his inner strength return.
His hips began to move faster and he grew fully erect; he shoved the unswollen knot deep into Jolene's warm, inviting tunnel, groaning deeply in delight.

Suddenly, he felt euforic. Bloodhound had kept him from fucking that little wolf... but with Jolene's help, he soon would. And Bloodhound and Mistress had given him a beating... but the wounds would heal, the pain would go... and here he was, fucking the most delightful canine in the whole facility. He didn't give a fuck about the fact that Jolene was easy; she was still amazing and gave him the intense pleasure he wanted, no, NEEDED... She made him feel a male again, his pride filling him up like a warm light as his knot grew big and locked firmly within her.

His grip on her waist got tighter; he suddenly bit down into her neck, without hurting her, but getting a firm grip and displaying a newfound dominance at the same time, the feeling consuming him, making him feel bigger and stronger then ever before.

He grew even stiffer, his rod suddenly pumping itself up like never before, rearing inside of her, as he thought about the revenge they would get. About how Blood would suffer...
A grin crossed his maw, his hips began to hammer against Jolene's wellformed rear as he now took her hard and rough, pure lust, pleasure, euforism...

- ''JOLENE...'' A deep, loud groan forced it's way from his troath. ''Uhhhngg, so CLOSE...!''

Posted: 29-09-2011 07:11
by Shaydie
As Eight began to speak, it became obvious to Cardinal that he was still holding a grudge against her despite the crude explanation she had given to him. The fact that he would shun her after he knew all the facts absolutely disgusted her. Goddamned bastard had no idea what he was doing. He was busy hating her for one action, one act of treachery that may or may not end in a sweeping victory not just for her, but for all of them, She wasn't trying to validate what she had done, make them believe it was a good thing. It was horrible. Terrible. Crazy, insane, disgusting. What she had come here to do was to help them understand her choices, allow her to help them despite her brand of "dog."

His words were disgusting, but expected of such a beast. Cardinal managed to ignore most of his tirade, returning his dead stare with a live one of her own. But when that bastard opened his mouth and uttered that cursed phrase, she snapped. Hard.
“and tell me this, is that pup full wolf?”
All at once her fur bristled, and her low growl turned into an intense snarl that drowned out anything else he had to say. None of it mattered, she didn't give a shit what he had to say about her and how horrible she was for doing this. My pack would understand, she had wanted to snap at him. My pack has morals that you couldn't possibly drill into that thick head of yours. But now he had insulted KEI. An innocent little boy who was as good as alone in this world and had a strength in him not one of them could comprehend. And he was Cardinal's SON now. Everything in her rebelled against any reason she had, and as soon as Eight stopped ranting on and on about how he always fought for his friends and fought and fought forever, Cardinal stepped forward until she was within an inch of the bars that held him back. When she spoke it was in a rasping whisper, not an exploding snarl. To make you listen.

"Say what you want about me, you fucking bastard. I can take whatever you've got and then some. But I swear to any god there is - if you EVER insult that boy again, regardless of his goddamned pedigree, the next chance I get I will rip your throat out so fast you won't even have time to remember to go to hell."

She let it hang for a moment, just as he had let that insult hang just moments earlier. And then, just like that, her wildfire simmered to a crackling flame. She backed away from Eight, turned, and sat down. She was facing the others now, but her back was to Eight. He was no longer worth her time.

"So then. Do any of you have something to say to me? More insults about how I'm a horrible creature for supposedly changing sides? I haven't. Call me a traitor all you want but I'm still a wolf. Just on the wrong side of the bars."

Nina had watched the whole thing, nervous and unsure of what Cardinal would do, what she was capable of. But now that the fire had died out a little, she stared at Eight with disapproval and sadness. Cardinal had come to make peace, to offer help. But Eight was too tied up in the fact that she was outside and he was in. Weren't comrades the same regardless of where they were? Her ears perked as Cardinal continued, but her eyes remained on Eight.

"I didn't come here to ask forgiveness. I know none of you will give it. I came to offer help. I can see things you cannot. Manipulate things where the rats can't. Eventually I hope to find a way out."

She paused, unsure of how to continue.

"... But as I said, if you hate me still and wish me to leave... You needn't worry about me any longer. Regardless of what you choose, I am still bound to Kei, and thus to the Mistress, and by proxy, Spax. If my son is in danger, I won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to keep him safe."

Her eyes flared again.

"Even if it requires that I hurt one of you, or hurt myself. ... I am sorry. Call me dog if you wish. Hate me, if you need to. Kei is all I have. I am all he has. I want to help all of you, truly. But regardless of whether or not that little boy is wolf or dog or mutt, he is an innocent life that needs guiding. ... And if I smelled right... one of you killed his birthmother..."

If Eight said anything, she'd ignore him, regardless of the contents of his words. As far as she was concerned he was as good as dead. Cardinal had noted earlier that the scent of the mother wolf from the first day they had arrived was nearly the same scent that Kei carried. And that poor wolf wasn't the only one who had contributed to his scent. Or his appearance, either.

"I don't want anyone to be hurt because of something I did. I only wish you to think of me as a wolf. Perhaps not one of you, but... a wolf, nonetheless."


Blood was writhing on the floor, twisting this way and that trying to get to sleep. It had been an hour since he and his master had turned off the lights and gone to bed. After the first few minutes of insomnia, the doberman had jumped quietly from the bed to the floor so as to not wake Riesling. Since then sleep had eluded him as images of Shade danced through his mind. Some of them were normal. Just her face, her movement... Others were of the scene just hours prior, with her hurt and afraid. The latter images were the ones that kept him just barely scraping the surface of sleep.

Finally, he stood up and made his way to the living room and lay down next to the couch where a large beef bone lay half chewed. He indulged in gnawing on it further as he tried to sort through his thoughts.

Shade was fine... They wouldn't let her die. The Mistress was too obsessed with her wolves to do so.

But still...

Posted: 30-09-2011 00:00
by Leo
''EIGHT!'' Shade gasped, in shock; his words helped to pull her out of her confused, angry, jealous state for a moment. ''What on earth does it mátter? The pup...”

Eight looked over at shade at her gasp, he had been about to awesner her when the snarl from cardinal brought his eyes back to her, she was shaking in rage. She moved right up to the bars and he did the same so there were not two inches apart.

"Say what you want about me, you fucking bastard. I can take whatever you've got and then some. But I swear to any god there is - if you EVER insult that boy again, regardless of his goddamned pedigree, the next chance I get I will rip your throat out so fast you won't even have time to remember to go to hell."

Eights face didn’t change but again in side another wave of anger, no not this time now he was just annoyed, insult, it hadn’t been a insult he had asked her a queston, about the canine and she had complety ignored the rest of what he said to her. If he had wanted to insult a puppy he have said something a bit worse then is it a dog or a wolf.

“Well then if that’s the cases go ahead”, he had enuf of this female, she was happy to turn agest them help the very evil in this place pup or no pup, you looked after you pack first not some one ealses, they had broken her if she thought so or not, found her weakness and exsploted it to get her to do as they wished, she was just luck the mistress liked her so much.
She knew nothing of the horrors in this place, how many pups were born into this hell and killed or died ever day, and she had saved one and over a night come to look at it as her own, she had thrown the wolves in this cell, her pride her honour, her old pack into the dirt all for one pup that in the grand sceam of things will become what ever mistress and spax want it to be.

“the buttons are over there im sure mistress will let you use them, if your so willing to kill me do it, send me to my pack, go on dog then you can go back to you presos puppy in mistress warm home, happy knowing the wolf that “insulted” you pup is dead”, he said in his dead hard voice.
“life is cheap here, they will find another wolf to make them there money, maybe yours”.

She then turned from him he turned away and went to his water bowl took a drink and sat down watching her talk to the others, she was ovesly done with him and him her, these wolves in here was his main concern now, he wouldn’t waste his time on a delioded dog, he wondered what she would think after she was trusted enuf to go on a grand tour of the rest of the 5th circal, and not just mistress block.

Mean time George and scat had watch this unfold, scat had giggled and jumped around the inter time till that point, now he was dead still his sharp mad eyes focused on cardinal.
“yummy yummy puppy puppy, wolfy now doggy doggy, will you set us free free”, he said his mind was no were near still enuf not together to really grasp what had just gone on or been said, all he could gather was her rud fur was in the empty cage next to his, triple eight said she had gone with humans, and see said it was for a puppy, if mind thought that was good or bad, he acted on instint really.

“hehehe me want to frighty doggy, doggy didn’t bring scamp his treaty dicy promised him”, he said silver dripping from his open maw.

George on the other hand could under stand full what was going on, he under stood why the female had done what she had done, to save a puppys life fair point, not that he would do it him self, he saw what eight was saying, in this place the wolfs be your side were everthing they never got to visit any other wolves no see any thing bar training, there cell and the fighting arinas, so the wolves you shared you cells with became you pack, life and to go agest that and them was to help humans pup or no pup was wrong, but on the flip side how long had they known one anther, had they formed that bond yet?

He him self like eight and scat, had killed pups before they were to do it in some types of fights when a parent, normal female would protect a pup and the ider was to kill the pup, two ways of going around it kill the perant or injury them so you can get to the pup ither way wins the fight, or had been told to do so, pups were born ever day here, they were like the rest of wolf life in this place, cheap werthless in there numbers, only the breed top wolves pups held value, he him self had breed twise already, he had never kown his pups nore did he much care, it was best not to think of such things. The thing was, the mothers didn’t keep the pups as soon as they were born there taken away, and weined by hand then in small hutch like cages, there milk full of human things to make them grow better and stronger, not drugs but humans own ingredients.
So for this red wolf to have a pup was unheard of to george. He rembed that little hutch, he was in far off the floor high up many pups in there own little boxes all around him, his first memorys went of a mother wet nose just cold steel, then after sometime when he could eat solds and couldn’t fit in his own box he was moved into a cell like the one they were in that’s were he first met…….blacklight.

Those humans had frosed them both to fight each other, his sick human master who he had killed, then the mistress spax. He felt his heart sink his ears went back with the memorie of it all. His brothers face, his sigh, him saying he was happy it was george who had done it.
And now the red wolf was helping humans as well, for one puppy if it had been a driffrent time would it have been her stopping him from killing mistress and tearing his old master apart. Right or wrong a spark of anger awoke In his chest.
He under stood why this female had done it, but didn’t agree with it, he turned his head slightly so more of his scared missing face was showing. He wish he could talk thow, so he could tell her he understood but didn’t like it.
“I undskaast rut, I hasskkkte huumannss and dookkksss” he slurped out slowly more drool dripping from his mutlated face.

Jack from high above was still watching throw the crack in the corner of the celing.
He could see what was happening, the wild wolves, cardinal and shade had a different logic to the wolves that were rasied or born in the 5th, different standered and iders on loytey, nether were wrong or bad, just different. Cardinal and shade had yet to see and feel the worst of this place, he worried for them both, if cardinal was to acsdently upset mistress or go agest her it would end up her back in a cage and the Kei most likely dead, then there was the problem of when both the females came into heat, they would breed them no two ways around it and take the pups away no matter what.

"I didn't come here to ask forgiveness. I know none of you will give it. I came to offer help. I can see things you cannot. Manipulate things where the rats can't. Eventually I hope to find a way out."

At that line jack looked down at Nina, he sighed to him self, for some rats it was hard to find that balance, the art of not careing to much about the wolves, as the rats, his colony had and always would be mostly on the side of the dogs, it was the way things worked. Jack had learnt how not to worry to much but he would do his best to look after sertan wolves he liked, not give out to much of there infomasion, ever wolf in the 5th knew were the rats loyoalts lied mainly, but they also knew that the rats played the game and helped if they wanted to and depending from rat to rat, help the wolves were they could.

Like when Triple Eight had first gotten out, jack had taken a massive risk on turning a blind eye and ear to what his pack had planned and done, luckerly the dogs had never found out and bleved what he had told them, but the other rats had voiced there concern on how risky that move had been.

Jack also knew that cardinal wasn’t quite there to manipulating things yet, but the more she warmed up to mistress and the more mistress trusted her the more freedoms she would get, and if she truly proved her self she would have the same powers as spax, if not more.

"Even if it requires that I hurt one of you, or hurt myself. ... I am sorry. Call me dog if you wish. Hate me, if you need to. Kei is all I have. I am all he has. I want to help all of you, truly. But regardless of whether or not that little boy is wolf or dog or mutt, he is an innocent life that needs guiding. ... And if I smelled right... one of you killed his birthmother..."

Jack frowned at that, he should have known that peace of info, what cardinal had said didn’t bother jack to much he made sure not to invest to much emosions into wolves aguments he would just go in after and help them feel better, if he got angry him self it would to much of a distraction but that was quite a thing she had just said.

George frowned at that as well, so she would go as far as drawing blood on them in the room for that pup, he thought of shade first and it was his turn to growl faintly, the missing half of his face was facing cardinal now so all she could see was the zombie like face.

Eight felt his anger rasie but he didn’t rise with it, he also felt that rench at his heart, he rembered the female well her taste what the humans had done to him to make “sure” he had killed her, forced him into his blood rush. He had held onto his honour pride and the freedom the death of his pack had granted him, and in turn that mother had lost all of her pups to the jaws of spax. Then she had said if it took it she would hurt them if it ment protecting that pup. His anger rose again and this time he spoke, it was his turned to get angry like she had done.
But he wouldn’t threaten her, it was pointless when bars were batwen them.
She would proberbly ignore him any way.

“and il wonder if you “son”, will ever find out that the dog that killed his brothers and sisters and even to a bit out of one is sleeping in the same room as him”, he said blankly looking at cardinal but not much caring if she reacted or not, he wondered if she would go for one of the buttons.

He had broken for that pup and it hadn’t mattered at all, it had stilled died, but now he was healing thanks to the humans and he would turn that on them one day.

Scat giggled loudly and did a strange little roll wile going for his tail, he grabbed it in his mouth and throw the scabby tail the words.
“yummy yummy puppy puppy”, could be heard.

Jolene had started to push back agest dice hard member, she was away in heaven ever hit sending bolts of lighting throw her body, she loved this, she loved being fucked by a good strong male, letting them take her body, and as dice was getting going a new strength seemed to come from him and he started to plouge harder into her wet moust folds, all she could do was moan and groan in lust, all propitys now gone she was his dirty little fuck at that moment.
“come on baby ….give me your knot”, and as she said it she felt her self streach and fill hear up.

She half screamed half groaned out in pleaser.
“Dice fuck me, fill me up bady, fuck me hard”, she breathed out.

She felt his jaws on her scruff and a new wave of exstersy flushed throw her.

She could feel it building with in her, they would reach there climax together.
''JOLENE...'' A deep, loud groan forced it's way from his troath. ''Uhhhngg, so CLOSE...!''

“rrrrrrr I cant wait to see you fuck that little bitch of a wolf”, she gasped out trying to get him to reach new highs.
“il make sure that bitch fucks you good”, she groaned up to dice.

“fill me up …baby”.

Posted: 30-09-2011 00:50
by Nakisha
All at once her fur bristled, and her low growl turned into an intense snarl that drowned out anything else he had to say. Cardinal stepped forward until she was within an inch of the bars that held him back. When she spoke it was in a rasping whisper, not an exploding snarl. To make you listen.

"Say what you want about me, you fucking bastard. I can take whatever you've got and then some. But I swear to any god there is - if you EVER insult that boy again, regardless of his goddamned pedigree, the next chance I get I will rip your throat out so fast you won't even have time to remember to go to hell."

She let it hang for a moment, just as he had let that insult hang just moments earlier. And then, just like that, her wildfire simmered to a crackling flame. She backed away from Eight, turned, and sat down. She was facing the others now, but her back was to Eight. He was no longer worth her time.


Eights face didn’t change.

“Well then if that’s the cases go ahead”

“the buttons are over there im sure mistress will let you use them, if your so willing to kill me do it, send me to my pack, go on dog then you can go back to you presos puppy in mistress warm home, happy knowing the wolf that “insulted” you pup is dead”, he said in his dead hard voice.
“life is cheap here, they will find another wolf to make them there money, maybe yours”.

She then turned from him he turned away and went to his water bowl took a drink and sat down watching her talk to the others.
Shade realized that Eight and Cardinal where so focussed on their anger at one another that they hardly even noticed her; yet, she wanted to scream to them both to stop this useless bickering and think. But instead, she huffed and turned away from them both, walking to her own water bowl, taking a quick sip, then turning her angry gaze at the ground.

Those two where so busy fighting that they didn't even see the possibilities here...

There was no way they would listen to her now, though.
"So then. Do any of you have something to say to me? More insults about how I'm a horrible creature for supposedly changing sides? I haven't. Call me a traitor all you want but I'm still a wolf. Just on the wrong side of the bars."


Mean time George and scat had watch this unfold, scat had giggled and jumped around the inter time till that point, now he was dead still his sharp mad eyes focused on cardinal.
“yummy yummy puppy puppy, wolfy now doggy doggy, will you set us free free”

“hehehe me want to frighty doggy, doggy didn’t bring scamp his treaty dicy promised him”, he said silver dripping from his open maw.
Shade shot a glare at the insane animal, then sighed and sat down. She tore her mind off thoughts about puppies and walking free; she now solemnly found herself thinking of the opportunities that this situation cóuld present...


Because how could she be sure that Cardinal was really still on their side? If she was to spie for the humans, for the dogs... it would be a bad idea to tell her the plans that unfolded in her head...

Decisions, decisions.... Timing would be essential...

“I undskaast rut, I hasskkkte huumannss and dookkksss” he slurped out slowly more drool dripping from his mutlated face.
Shade turned her head to George, a slight moment of shock overtaking her as he had turned the horrific bad side of his face her way. She could see it, the teeth, the jaw, the bone... and even though she liked him a lot, it was a sight that she hadn't gotten used to just yet. But her feelings for the male where enough to calm her, relax her right away. No injury could be shocking enough for her to turn away from him, or any of them, for that matter... well, excluding that one that lost his mind, of course.

She wasn't exactly sure what he had said; to her, it had been something like; 'I understand it, I hate humans and dogs'... or wasn't it?

"I didn't come here to ask forgiveness. I know none of you will give it. I came to offer help. I can see things you cannot. Manipulate things where the rats can't. Eventually I hope to find a way out."

She paused, unsure of how to continue.

"... But as I said, if you hate me still and wish me to leave... You needn't worry about me any longer. Regardless of what you choose, I am still bound to Kei, and thus to the Mistress, and by proxy, Spax. If my son is in danger, I won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to keep him safe."

Her eyes flared again.

"Even if it requires that I hurt one of you, or hurt myself. ... I am sorry. Call me dog if you wish. Hate me, if you need to. Kei is all I have. I am all he has. I want to help all of you, truly. But regardless of whether or not that little boy is wolf or dog or mutt, he is an innocent life that needs guiding. ... And if I smelled right... one of you killed his birthmother..."

"I don't want anyone to be hurt because of something I did. I only wish you to think of me as a wolf. Perhaps not one of you, but... a wolf, nonetheless."
Shade's ears perked; intense curiousity rose once more as Cardinal spoke about her pup... her son, Kei. He had a name now... Becoming real, like all of the wolves in this room.

Part of her, that very moment, changed. She felt as if she was part of it all; like an aunt, or another kind of family member, her heart accepted Kei into her small pack in a heartbeat, without ever having layed eyes on the boy.

Little could she know what a shock it would be, once she wóuld see him.

She knew nothing yet about the horrors pups born in this facility faced, about the way they where raised. Although, something in the back of her head nagged that newborns probably would not be allowed to stay with their mothers, who where expected to fight for the humans. But... Cardinal's situation had given her hope. She wánted to believe that there was a way to have someone to love... someone to care for....

She once again tore herself loose from her deseperate, rapidly growing desires and thought about her first words. Cardinal offered her help. Her eyes, her mind... Finding a way OUT....

- ''I don't want you to go.''

Finally, her words came through loud and clear. And now that she had started, the rest of the words came more easily then she had expected.

- ''I don't care wether we all agree, or not. I give her the benefit of the doubt, for now. And I understand her reasons, as any female would. I refuse to believe she has turned on us.'' She straightend herself; her newfound gut made her feel better, stronger, and it shone off her. For the first time in her life, she felt MATURE, deep inside, and confident about her decision. ''I... I do need some time to think this all over. It's a lot to take in, and it's hard.'' She admitted. ''Netherless, I refuse to turn my back on ANY...'' Her gaze turned to George, to Eight, whom it rested on for several seconds, then back to Cardinal, ''... of my packmembers. You are all the family I have now. And even though you're considered a black sheep by Eight, Cardinal, I will withold judgement and see who you are. I want to believe you're the one I think you are. I múst believe that.''

She felt strangely calm after saying just that. It was a newfound strength to say these things out loud. A new maturity.

However, she still struggled with her feelings of jealousy and desire, and she knew she had to learn to control them, to survive... But it would be a hard, long road to get there.

“come on baby ….give me your knot”, and as she said it she felt her self streach and fill hear up.

She half screamed half groaned out in pleaser.
“Dice fuck me, fill me up bady, fuck me hard”, she breathed out.

She felt his jaws on her scruff and a new wave of exstersy flushed throw her.

She could feel it building with in her, they would reach there climax together.
Her moans and pleads drove him further, further to that edge of ultimate extacy, ultimate pleasure...
But as he was on the very edge, about to cum, her next words send a shiver of newfound pleasure through him as she made his intense dream of revenge almost tásteable.
“rrrrrrr I cant wait to see you fuck that little bitch of a wolf”, she gasped out trying to get him to reach new highs.
“il make sure that bitch fucks you good”, she groaned up to dice.

“fill me up …baby”.
THE WOLF... Sháde... that BITCH... BLOODHOUND'S BITCH.. HE WOULD HAVE HER, SQUIRMING UNDERNEATH HIM LIKE JOLENE... He would force his cum into her depths!!

He howled out loud in intense pleasure as he exploded in orgasmic bliss; his cock swelled to it's limits, rearing and hard as stone, then shot his load into Jolene's waiting, willing body. His hips kept hammering away, feeling the first slight contractions, the signs her orgasm was close and inevitable as well... Just for a second, as he looked down on her, her colors seemed different to him, and an eurforic, dominant feeling filled his entire body as he saw the earthen colors of Shade underneath him, just for a blink of an eye.
Images of a shocked, hurt Bloodhound, gazing upon them, humiliated and helpless, Shade squirming in pleasure with his cock pumping sperm into her, his dominance over her overpowering and thereby dominanting that damn dobermann...

Pleasure just kicked up a notch, his body on fire and his erect manhood more sensitive then ever before as he hammered on and on, as his orgasm didn't let up just yet, black spots dancing in front of his eyes and a short, crazy chuckle came over his lips, the images pleasing him to no end, then seeing the beauty of Jolene underneath him again as he stuffed her snug slit full of his semen...

- ''YES...'' He hissed, his voice thick with intense, orgasmic pleasure as wave after wave of cum shot into Jolene's body. ''YES... YOU SHALL SEE IT...''

((Someone needs to see a therapist))


At the same time, in his room, Gambler fell down on his couch, kicking off his shoes. He stretched himself out comfortably, and grabbed his cellphone.

He wondered where Dice was. Maybe he would beep the dog up later...

His fingers began to move rapidly over the buttons, sending a textmessage to Riesling.

''Got something interesting to show you. Let me know when you're available. G.''