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Posted: 29-07-2011 20:31
by Shaydie
Cardinal was still seething as the two femme fatales proceeded down the hallway. Of all the dogs in the facility besides Darcia, DICE was the one she would have loved to get her teeth into. The other dogs were mere irritants compared to him. And he was WEAK. His human - the Gambler, her Mistress had called him - was far from incompetent... So why did he keep such a pup? Perhaps Dice had some strength that Cardinal had underestimated, but she vowed to test that theory soon enough.

When Spax fell in next to her, she acknowledged his presence with an irritated glance, but didn't break stride. Only when he spoke did she sigh and relent.
“what a day huh”, he said to her not caring if she didn’t respond.

“bet you have had a good one haven’t you?”, he looked at her with smile.
"How much did you bet? I'll be taking that from you shortly."

She rolled her eyes. If Spax wasn't in business-mode, he was either strict or just annoying.

"... I'd have had a better day if I got to thrash Dice. But no, the Lady had the pleasure of doing it herself."

The red wolf left the subject at that, preferring silence until they arrived back at the Mistress' chambers.


Kei listened to John's explanation of the unmoving wolf, though he didn't move his gaze from the thing's eyes. They were glassy. Not like Momma's eyes. Momma's eyes were bright and full of happy, at least when she looked at him. But the eyes on the wolf before him were cold and empty. Thus went his first understanding of death.

Nina nodded to Jack as he left, remaining on the cupboard for a while. She listened to John's explanation, approving of how he went about it. Soon, however, she heard the clicking of two sets of claws and one set of shoes outside the door, and in a flash she was gone.


Luckily for John, Cardinal returned before Kei could ask another question. She trailed behind the Mistress and in front of Spax as they passed through the doorway, eagerly edging out from behind the girl as soon as she could to go shower Kei in licks and nuzzles. Kei's melancholy expression changed to glee as soon as he saw his mother's bright red coat and happy eyes. He saw Spax's smile and wink and returned a grin, but saved his true happiness for his mother.


Soon he was wrapped in his mother's tongue as she rolled it over him, both cleaning the pup from whatever small grime he'd gotten into as well as smothering him in affection. Even if she hadn't given birth to him, Kei was as much a son to her as Ruby...

...had been...

Her smile faltered only slightly. She wondered briefly how her daughter was. Alive, no doubt; she was her mother's child after all. But, back to the present. Kei was here now. She had to be a mother to him. So she nudged him over finally, sending him tumbling to the floor with a fit of giggles. A glance upward found John smiling at her.
“I was just telling kai here that this was Torak and he was a good fighter but died of a illness and this is a model of him”
Cardinal blinked and recoiled very slightly, half in shock and half in apprehension. She looked at the stuffed wolf, the scent of old death swelling in her nostrils again, then back at John. She wasn't angry with him at all. Kei had probably asked and he'd seen fit to explain without ruining the pup's innocence. Cardinal offered a small smile and nodded.

"Ah, I see."

Kei piped up immediately.

"And he was a GREAT fighter and he won at everything! Oh, and Momma, I learned a song today and Miss Nina sang with Mister Jack and we had lots of fun!"

Cardinal's smile widened considerably as Kei went on and on about his day, apparently having forgotten the near disaster with Darcia. He was a good boy, at least. Unaffected by any prior stress in his life. For a moment, Cardinal forgot the world around her and lay down on the spot, allowing Kei to climb on her and tell all his stories, even though some of them were made up and he repeated some points at times.


By this time, Bloodhound was safely back in his rooms, curled up on the couch after a brief bath and blow dry. His coat was solid white again, as if it had never been stained red with blood. Beside him, Riesling was watching television - nothing work-related, just some show about technology and the history of certain things. He was reasonably relaxed after the day's events, having taken care of business concerning Blood's fight and apologizing to the appropriate people. At the moment he was stroking his dog's neck, to which the doberman's reply was a soft, pleased growling more akin to a purr.

Blood's eyes were closed, but he wasn't sleeping. He was thinking about Shade. Wondering if she was alright. The thought occurred to him that he should visit her and find out for himself, but he doubted Riesling would let him leave in his condition. It would have to be tomorrow...

Posted: 30-07-2011 23:18
by Leo
Jolene... I wish you hadn't seen me like this. I've been an idiot.''
She smiled at him her smile soft and sympathetic, she liked dice he had brains that the normal dogs didn’t have but he wasn’t so far up his own ass as spax or blood was.
She layed down next to him, she had heard what he had done, she didn’t care for the wolf he had gone for nore his fude with blood she liked to see him get what he wanted and she liked to stire up truble when she could it was fun for her.
“oh baby don’t be silly, iv seen worse”, she said flicking her tail and grinning at him, he had lost his cool that was silly but he was trying to take something from blood which she was well up for, and messing with wolves in any way she could the crule the mess the more fun it was.

She nuzzled him as he spoke letting him get it all of his chest.

''I've done stupid things. Really stupid things. I guess I just got what I deserved.'' He sighed. ''I ruined it. With my master, with Mistress, with just about everyone, I guess... But I will NEVER be such a fool again... I can assure you.''

She let him finish before she spoke, she let her beautiful voice flow throw there air full of care and incoragement they were on there own this was the time she could be soft with him like this.

“oh honey stop, you haven’t ruined any thing with the masters, humans forget things quickly if you do good things, pluss blood runined you chances of a lay I would be annoyed to”, she said liking his muzzle gently, they both shared the same sex drive.

“pluss that little bitch wolf needs a good seeing to along with mistress new pet”, her eyes now held a glint that showed that she wanted to play her games.
“I think we should see to you getting your turn as I want to be there two nothing like a threesome hay?”, she said now getting up and walking infront of him flicking her tail seductively.

She then layed down facing him.
“its about time you got some real fun for change not the bottom wolves, and that gose the same for me”, she grinned at him waiting for his response.

Spax grinned at shade his mask still on unlike her she had had it removed and by the looks of her she had been bathed if he hadn’t been so tired he would have defiantly picked that night to take what he wanted, well he could do that when ever and how many times he wanted no need to rush.
"... I'd have had a better day if I got to thrash Dice. But no, the Lady had the pleasure of doing it herself."
His grin widded at that and he glanced up at mistress.
“I see mistress been flexing her mucel good show?, and don’t worry im sure you will get your chance soon enuf”.

John watched Cardinal play with her pup, licking him and rolling him over, it was a joy to see and he held on to it in the place they were in the small joys had to be held on to with care, as they were few and far between. When he had asked her the queston he watch her his ears flicking nervesly he hoped he hadn’t said the wrong thing he would learn soon to soon but they had to hold on to his inasents as long as they could, he knew that spax would take that away soon maybe with in a cuple of days.

He looked back at spax making sure that his presents hadn’t been called to end but spax was getting his ears scatched by mistress then she went off to get the wolf and dogs food ready and spax meanwile had sat down next to her. She quickly bent down and removed his mask and put it to one side. Spax shock his head and then looked at john his smile dark and sinister, it felt like spax had read his mind as spax eyes focrsed past him to cardinal and the pup, but he quickly looked back to mistress.

"Ah, I see."

Kei piped up immediately.

"And he was a GREAT fighter and he won at everything! Oh, and Momma, I learned a song today and Miss Nina sang with Mister Jack and we had lots of fun!"

John turned back to them pushing his worry to one side for now, but his ears flicked again. He was happy cardinal was happy with the awnser he had given the pup and sat and lisened to the pups stories of the day, adding a comment here and there.

This was so pressos yet it was going to be so short lived, there was no way of saying how life here would affect cardinal and kei in a cuple of days time they could be very different, spax no dout would want cardinal soon, and that wouldn’t help. Then his heart felt cold there was darica as well who well had nearly ever female here when ever he wanted. Darcia John could suppress a sudder at the thought of him, he took male and female a like young or other wise, then there had been earlier ovesly that wouldn’t be the end of it.

Mistress voice cort his ear that drove the thoughts from him as he looked around.

“dinner time you lot”, she said.

John was supprised to see a bowl for him self, he let the others approach first before he did and made sure he was the last to bend down and eat.
Mistress stopped him before he could start, she knelt down next to him her eyes hard her voice quite but icy and sharp, he looked down and croched down slightly.

“you are making a good pup sitter, so you may stay until we sleep then I want you here when we leave in the morning”, her eyes told him there was no room for a mess up, he liked her finger to show he under stood then she got up and got her own food ready, he bent down to his own meal. He was getting to old for this life and his body was telling him that he wouldn’t be around all that long now, best make the most of it.

George layed in his cell he hadn’t sleppet like the others had, when dice had attack shade he had snarl and growled bang him self into the bars but dice ignored him, ever one had ignored him, so he had gone to his own conrer and let his mind go, and of corse blacklight swam to his mind, he had lost his other half, lost his voice the one who could speak for him, and now he had noticed as the humans had, he had lost his eage in fighting and that ment he wouldn’t surive much longer, it wasn’t him giving up it was just the way things were there was something missing in his focuse and strength. He swolled as blacklights smiling face was in his minds eye, he had killed him, he had don’t it his only family now dead gone, and it was “his own fangs” that had done it. A tear fell to the floor of his cage making a fant tac sound.

He heard movment in the cell but didn’t move, he just put his tail tighter around him self, drawing him self more into him self in his lonely corner, night was always the loneliest this was when him and blacklight would talk together or just lay there side to side throw the bars.
What was he now in the dark place, some peace of meat that soon would meet his end in the fighting arina, to be worked hard to earn enuf as much money out of until his life ended.
His tail felt sharp agest his scared face but he didn’t care, with his scars facing the world they could see him for what he was, but he couldn’t see them.

Posted: 01-08-2011 01:37
by Nakisha
She smiled at him her smile soft and sympathetic.
She layed down next to him.
“oh baby don’t be silly, iv seen worse”, she said flicking her tail and grinning at him.

She nuzzled him as he spoke letting him get it all of his chest.
Jolene... the only one who didn't think as low of him. She was a gem, and her words where the perfect cure for his hurt pride.
Such a wonderful girl...

But he hadn't expected what came next.

She let him finish before she spoke, she let her beautiful voice flow throw there air full of care and incoragement they were on there own this was the time she could be soft with him like this.

“oh honey stop, you haven’t ruined any thing with the masters, humans forget things quickly if you do good things, pluss blood runined you chances of a lay I would be annoyed to”, she said liking his muzzle gently, they both shared the same sex drive.

“pluss that little bitch wolf needs a good seeing to along with mistress new pet”, her eyes now held a glint that showed that she wanted to play her games.
“I think we should see to you getting your turn as I want to be there two nothing like a threesome hay?”, she said now getting up and walking infront of him flicking her tail seductively.
Dice was genuinly surprised by her. Sure, he knew Jolene didn't give a damn with whom he fucked. He never had a problem with her having her fun around the facility, either. They both knew how to enjoy good company and enjoy one another without any silly jealousy. And even as she made the naughty suggestion of a threesome, he wasn't shocked or even really surprised.
But... she was willing to help him? Getting back at Blood... at Shade... and even Cardinal?

His ears perked as he listened to her, showing his genuine interest in her proposal.
With Jolene at his side... things could become far more interesting for everyone involved...
She then layed down facing him.
“its about time you got some real fun for change not the bottom wolves, and that gose the same for me”, she grinned at him waiting for his response.
- ''Hmmm....'' He didn't hide his surprise, but a grin curled around his maw. ''Tell me more... what do you have in mind?'' He was curious to hear it. She wanted more..? He was curious what it was she seeked. What did shé want out of this? ''Well, Jolene... any help from you would be greatly appriciated, as always... and you knów you can count on me to help you get what it is you seek, my beauty... So tell me everything.'' His tail even found a little wag.

AMAZING... even now, she could lift his spirit!


Shade stood silently, watching George quite unnoticed. She saw it all. The look in his eyes, the tear that rolled over his cheek, and how he curled himself up tight.
But she knew better by now then just barging into someone's grief. Around here, they all needed their space from time to time. And she respected George, more then anyone, somehow.

Shade suddenly remembered Cardinal; the fact that she had been abscent for a whole day already worried her. Where could she be... and WHY?

She longingly glanced through the bars, to the door of the cell, more aware then ever of the breathing of the others around her; Eight, asleep. George, in deep thought... and the new guy, calm for a change. Oh, if only Cardinal was here too... and if only.... if only...

Then, suddenly... a soothing memory came to her. So out of the blue... like a warm wave of beauty in a place that lacked any. A memory from the time when she had just been a little pup...

In her pack, it hadn't been unusual for many wolves to sleep together, in one cave, adults and pups together. Mothers often sang to their puppies, each having their own unique song for them. And on nights she had been scared, for whatever reason... her mother had sung to her. And usually, the pack would join in, singing with her.

Her mother... she had had one of the most beautiful voices in the whole pack...

And now, she suddenly remembered... and sunk deep into her memory.

It was night... a warm summer night, too warm. Unpleasantly warm, actually. She couldn't sleep, and had listened to the sounds outside the cave, laying besides her mother. Hours had past, and a soft breeze had picked up. Moments later, rain began to trickle down on the sand, finally... but the rain was coming faster, harder, until it drummed all around her.

And then... the horrible flashes and the loud thunder suddenly scared her like nothing had ever done before.

- ''MOMMY...'' She pressed close to her mother. Her warm, beautiful mother...
- ''Shade..?'' Her sleepy voice answered. ''What is it, my darling...''
- ''It's... roaring.''
- ''What is?''
- ''Outside... the skies.''
The smile of her mother could easily be seen as another flash lit up the entire cave, making her press herself tightly against her, trying to hide from the unknown danger that made so much noise.
- ''Oh Shade... it's a thunderstorm....''
- ''I'm scared...''
- ''Shhh... don't be...''

She felt the warm nose of her mother gently nuzzling her. And then... her beautiful voice... as she began to sing her song...

As she heard the song, clear in her head as if her mother was besides her once more, feeling herself like a little puppy again... she softly began to hum with it.

((Hear this: Original from Snowpatrol, but this cover fits beter, this is how Shade's mother sounded.))

''I'll sing it one last time for you...
Then we really have to go...
You've been the only thing that's right... in our lifetime...''

Mother's voice was frail, but pure; not one tone was out of tune. Deep, warm, gentle...
Shade kept humming with the tune, her eyes closed. She didn't even notice a tear escaping her.

''And I can barely look at you,
But every single time I do...
I know we'll make it anywhere...
away from here...''

She then, suddenly, Shade lifted her head and began to sing; she sung soft but clear, her voice warm and full of spirit.

''Light up, light up... as if you have a choice...
Even if you cannot hear my voice...
I'll be right besides you, dear....''

And then, the memory spat into a thousand pieces, like a bubble.

Suddenly, the cold cell was back. The memory faded and the sound of her mother's voice died away.
Shade bowed her head, and silently allowed the tears to escape.

Unnoticed, high above her head, someone had listened to her song.
Someone small and invisible, yet very interested.

She wondered about the wolves. Oh, the creatures weren't new to her. She knew what Jack did for them. But she had never shown herself to any canine just yet. She had never dared.
But this wolf, with the warm voice and beautiful song, had her interest.


Posted: 02-08-2011 01:53
by Shaydie
(Nothing much to react to this time around. I'll ramble a bit in this post, methinks. Sorry. Eheh...)

Cardinal was content to let Kei crawl all over her until it was time to sleep. He was a lively little thing, and Cardinal had also discovered his strength when he pulled at her tail with his teeth. Of course he hadn't managed to drag her anywhere, but that sort of strength in a pup - enough to make her sit up - was unheard of where she came from. It puzzled her for a moment, but after a little thought she banished it from her mind, satisfied to assume that it was some sort of human doing. They talked for quite a while, the three of them. Cardinal found that she liked John. Very much so. Not quite love, but an intense trust that usually she reserved only for friends she had known for quite a bit longer than him. But he was kind and gentle and wise... a perfect father figure for her pup, but not a mate. She laughed quietly at the thought. No. None for her but Christian, her lost one.

The call to meal from the Mistress brought them all out of their innocent little chat. Cardinal hesitated, not wanting to wander away from these happier moments, but her stomach rumbled uncomfortably - much to the amusement of Kei, who rolled off of her and bounced around, waiting for his new mother to join him at the food bowls. She watched him for a moment, then smiled warmly and stood up.

"Come, then, darling. I bet you're hungry after your adventures."

Kei yipped and ran circles around her as she stepped over to the night's meal.

"Yes, yes! 'M very hungry, Momma. I could eat and eat and eat and eat..."

He went on and on until Cardinal began eating, at which point he shoved his face into her bowl instead of his own (but was returned to his place after a gentle nudge) and continued murmuring nonsense through mouthfuls of food. Cardinal smiled between swallows of her own... until the Mistress began talking to John. Instantly her head went up and she watched intensely through amber eyes. She thought about growling... Thankfully, she didn't, and after a short chat their "conversation" was over. Reluctantly, Cardinal went back to her food as if nothing had happened...


Nina, in the meantime, was making her way through the many passageways that the rats had made to traverse the intricate maze of halls in the Facility with a little more ease than usual. At present she was scurrying along the pipelines, some of which ran directly over the hallways. Below her, dogs and humans alike passed unaware of her presence. She was thankful for it. Unlike most of her kin, she did not correspond with the resident dogs. Instead, she made it her business to know ALL the business going on behind closed doors without the need of any direct contact with one of those infernal beasts. Therefore, besides speaking with the trusted canines - few as they were - Nina preferred to keep to herself and to the shadows.

Eavesdropping was her usual task. Most of the information going around the facility was of things going on on the outside. More wolves to be had, lions and big cats being brought in from the surrounding area that weren't indigenous to the region. Something about an interesting Cheetah...

It was all irrelevant to her. What she liked to hear was information about what would be going on INSIDE. Today, talk was scarce.

Sighing, Nina came to a stop on a small outcropping of pipes where she could listen in on passersby. Earlier she'd heard talk of Bloodhound's mishap, but again, it was irrelevant.


Once Cardinal had finished her food, she edged away from the others and sat near the Mistress, just out of the way of her feet as she moved around the kitchen. Nothing interesting happened in these down times, and Kei had not yet finished eating, so Cardinal began to watch her master intently. Not really to learn, but just for entertainment. Her mind was forever curious, and any new information was like nectar to it.

Besides, it wasn't as if she'd rather talk with Spax...

Posted: 04-08-2011 00:16
by Leo
''Well, Jolene... any help from you would be greatly appriciated, as always... and you knów you can count on me to help you get what it is you seek, my beauty... So tell me everything.''

She grin at him happy to see his spirits raise, the plans were not full formed in her mind as of yet but with the both of them together she knew they could come up with a good plan.
“Well I think it starts with us raseing are game for the humans, put awere playing aside for a wile, get back in there good books”.

Her grin was taking on a darker more sinister look it was still beautiful but in a different way.
“once they are please with us we should start to make awere moves, the more please with us the less they will blev we are up to something and would look over us playing with the wolves, we should take them one at a time, the little she wolf will be fun to start with I think”, she paused thinking.

“We need to get spax and blood diverted I think, to give us all the time we will need to get to her, she will become bolder with time as she becomes stronger, that will prove to problems, she will become to much for us to handle with her healthy second she will be stronger in mind, as she learns to deal with this place”, are eyes flashed as she got to the darker point of her plan.

“but I no how we can brake her if only for a moment, gorges George we get him killed she will be heart broken there close, there is awere first attack, second il be able to use the buttons to weaken her still shock her down a little, I think you privlage with those might have been cut off for the time being, then honey we can go in and enjoy her together”, she licked his muzzle.

Then she frowned thinking on the problem the missing link in her plan.

“only problem is how do we get blood and spax out of the way, we can set up a disterbence on the other side of the facility but how”, she looked up at Dice then smiled.

“If I work on George with you help you work on the distcration as il help with that too”

“think about it baby, not only will you get to fuck her brains out, you will get back at blood at the same time, and if we become important enuf with the humans he wouldn’t be able to get to you to badly, plus we should think of a way to get to him as well, maybe weaken him some how so you can put him in his place”, as she said this she laughed then thought she might be a key to weaken blood a little, maybe make a move on him take him by surprise and slip him something.

“then that leaves mistress little pet il have to dig up some information on that bitch”, she said the last part with a bit more feeling then she ment to, she would do any thing to be what she was to mistress, and that stuck up wolf whore was her new trusted pet. Maybe get darcia involved with her a bit more.

She looked at dice her eyes glinting, she had told him all she had so far, so she got to her paws walked to his side layed back down and nuged him to lay more on his side once he had done that she nuzzled his sheath then slide her toung up it wetting the fur curling her toung around it.
“so baby what you think”, she would work on his member she he spoke, make him work to get the words out.
Tease him a bit.

Back in the cell, as the humming filled the cell both george and eight heard and felt it.
George looked over turning his head to look over at Shade with his good eye, the humming was beautiful and as it floated throw the air like ribbens of heaven he felt his dark thoughts of blackice fade some what, he watched her thow the tires kept flowing.
She was beautiful he wish he met her in the wild he would have loved her with all his heart, but he wasn’t in the wild and bars separated them it might as well be miles to him in that moment. Then as she sang to the ceiling of the cell, no the stars above them that he had never seen he felt his spirit rise with it, those words she spoke tuch him, He would live as long as he could for her, be a warmth throw the bars he didn’t have much fight left in him but what he had left he would give to her give her his courage of old, his strength his dweindling spirit some how he would give it all to her, if that was the only way to show her how much he had fullen for her beauty it would be enuf for him.

Eight was lost in his dark dreams, he was back on the driver of fire and on the other bank was all those he had killed and let die, he was looking into the dead eyes of those he had once loved the mutlated bodys blaming him for ther deaths, but then that humming came in to his ears, his suddering breaths steadied and carmed. The river change to prue blue, the opposite bank turned to lush green grass, the corpse vanshied as a brezz blow them away in a cloud of dust. He saw him self the same but different the scars on his body but a lush life to his movments and a new bright light to his eyes. There were more to a pack of wolves dancing around in the grassy place, shade was there cardinal was there but for some reason it didn’t anger him, she was happy she had a pup with her no two, there were more wolves to all showing the signs of humans crulty but not letting it bother there happiness, was this what was to come well it didn’t matter, he sat on the opposite bank and watched, lost in a sweet dream.

After John had his moment with mistress he glanced at Cardinal to see if she had been watching, when he saw her looking he smiled at her, and shrugged trying to say with out words not to worry about him, he then ate along side Kai, he ate slow enjoying the better food, he lisened to the pups babbling making comments here and there and reminding him to eat.

Spax meanwile had finished and had jumped up on the couch and fullen to sleep instently.
Mistress was making paster dish with a cheese sourse and bacon. She moved around wile doing what needed to be done, vagly away of song birds eyes on her, she didn’t pay it any mind. She picked her laptop and started to go throw things wile cooking as well, sent some emails then put her food on a plate and sat down next to spax to eat, he didn’t wake up. Only then did she look up and meet her wolfs eyes.

“so my silent songbird”, she said her voice lighter relaxsed, she wasn’t in work mod any more.
“how did you first day”, she asked watching her.
John under stood her, not sure weather he should speak for her or leave cardinal to react in kind, he deiced to wait and see if Cardinal wanted him to.

“how can I get you to trust me I wonder”, the human girl said to her taking a delicate bit of food.
Her eyes drifted to Kai, she smiled more of a aww that’s cute type of a smile, she had been carrying him with her for a wile before songbird was here and played with him, she tapped the sofa next to her and held out a chuck of bacon for him.

“this pup has found a soft spot in me like spax when he was a pup”, she glanced at the picher on the wall of the younger girl with a big eyed puppy with its tong hanging out its big ears up tail wagging in a bright sunny fild them both sitting next each other looking up at the camra which the girl was holding point it back at them.

She then looked down at the inosent looking spax next to her and smiled foundly scratching him behind the ear with her clawed hand, spax sighed happily and turned his head in his sleep enjoying it.

John’s own ears went back as he rembered his time with the human sled team, and how his masters had cared for him back then, he missed those times, He had finished eating and right on cue mistress looked over at him, he Gave a Kei a small lick.

“goodnight behave ya self”, he said to the pup then padded of smiling at cardinal before he left.

Mistress looked back at cardinal and smiled her self.

Posted: 12-08-2011 01:50
by Nakisha
Gambler sat behind his pc, the light of the screen showing the hard lines of his face as he was fully concentrated.
There was a market... in a few hours, not too far away. A market that, as it was said... had special creatures for sale. Animals you wouldn't come across much. Of course, the prices where as such as well.

He sighed. He didn't feel like going anywhere without the protection of Dice... at áll. But these markets where, usually, less rough then the markets he usually dealt on. And he wanted his debt to Riesling payed in as soon as possible...

With another sigh, he shove his chair back and turned the pc off; then, he grabbed his coat and left his room.


At the same moment, Dice was blissfully unawares of his master's plans. He only had eyes and ears for Jolene, for different reasons then usual for a change.
She grin at him happy to see his spirits raise, the plans were not full formed in her mind as of yet but with the both of them together she knew they could come up with a good plan.
“Well I think it starts with us raseing are game for the humans, put awere playing aside for a wile, get back in there good books”.
For one moment, his ears turned back. But he was so eager to hear more that he was easily able to cast the spark of dissapointment aside. Besides, he knew hé had to change anyway.. after what had happened. Both mistress and master had made clear that his balls where very much on the line...
Her grin was taking on a darker more sinister look it was still beautiful but in a different way.
“once they are please with us we should start to make awere moves, the more please with us the less they will blev we are up to something and would look over us playing with the wolves, we should take them one at a time, the little she wolf will be fun to start with I think”, she paused thinking.
His ears began to quiver slightly with excitement as he listened to her. Her idea was, so far, very much like his own.
Oh, he had another plan to get back at Shade and Blood... but he wouldn't tell a soul, not even someone as trusted as Jolene. If his plan would work... Bloodhound would be sure never to see that little bitch again...
“We need to get spax and blood diverted I think, to give us all the time we will need to get to her, she will become bolder with time as she becomes stronger, that will prove to problems, she will become to much for us to handle with her healthy second she will be stronger in mind, as she learns to deal with this place”, are eyes flashed as she got to the darker point of her plan.
He nodded; so far, he totally agreed. He was amazed that she had thought this all through; after all, what did Shade matter to hér? But instead of asking himself questions, he just listened quietly.
“but I no how we can brake her if only for a moment, gorges George we get him killed she will be heart broken there close, there is awere first attack, second il be able to use the buttons to weaken her still shock her down a little, I think you privlage with those might have been cut off for the time being, then honey we can go in and enjoy her together”, she licked his muzzle.
Oh gods... he felt a shiver running through his body and, for a moment, he felt a familiar warmth between his legs. This female... she was extraordinairy! Such a devious mind...

He grinned.

- ''You, baby... are a clever little girl...''
Then she frowned thinking on the problem the missing link in her plan.

“only problem is how do we get blood and spax out of the way, we can set up a disterbence on the other side of the facility but how”, she looked up at Dice then smiled.

“If I work on George with you help you work on the distcration as il help with that too”
- ''Hmmm... I suspect they'll loose interest in Shade sooner or later anyway. She's still new now... but hopefully, their interest will wear off. If not... well...'' An evil grin crept on his maw. ''Then I'll be sure to think of something GOOD when the time comes... And this time, I won't mess up...''

His tail tingled; the thought of breaking Blood's spirit was satifying. And if he could even give Spax a pinch, he'd be even more thrilled. Both had always looked down on him... and he wouldn't mind getting his revenge on them.

Yes... this would be a long-term thing. Very long term, in fact. But this time... he was PATIENT...
“think about it baby, not only will you get to fuck her brains out, you will get back at blood at the same time, and if we become important enuf with the humans he wouldn’t be able to get to you to badly, plus we should think of a way to get to him as well, maybe weaken him some how so you can put him in his place”, as she said this she laughed then thought she might be a key to weaken blood a little, maybe make a move on him take him by surprise and slip him something.
- ''I love your thinking, babe...'' He mumbled, as he stood straight and placed his head on her shoulders for a little cuddle. ''You sure have a wondereous mind...''
“then that leaves mistress little pet il have to dig up some information on that bitch”, she said the last part with a bit more feeling then she ment to, she would do any thing to be what she was to mistress, and that stuck up wolf whore was her new trusted pet. Maybe get darcia involved with her a bit more.
Finally; finally, a piece of information why Jolene was so willing to help. She too wanted rank; she wanted what CARDINAL had...

- ''I will assist you in any way possible.'' He promised. ''You should get what you deserve... rank, respect...''
She looked at dice her eyes glinting, she had told him all she had so far, so she got to her paws walked to his side layed back down and nuged him to lay more on his side once he had done that she nuzzled his sheath then slide her toung up it wetting the fur curling her toung around it.
“so baby what you think”, she would work on his member she he spoke, make him work to get the words out.
Tease him a bit.
He easily allowed her to get him to lay down, and as she even played with his manhood, a pleasured groan escaped him.

- ''What do I think...?'' He gasped, a shudder running down his spine. ''Baby... I'm am your willing servant... And this time... We wíll succeed...''

Then, he closed his eyes and gave in to the intense pleasure, as he felt his manhood grow.


Shade was unawares of what her singing did to others.
She had never believed she had inherited her mother's singing talent... but she hád. And she couldn't know that George's spirit was lifted, that Eight's horrible nightmare was soothed to a pleasant dream.

All she knew, was that it at least made her feel a little better...

She sighed, the tears finally stopped coming. She then layed down and closed her eyes to rest; she wouldn't sleep this time. She would watch over Eight and George for as long as needed....

But before she knew it... she actually drifted off to a short nap... and a dream came.

- '''MOMMY... MOMMY... MOMMY!''
- ''Hmmm...''

The pup... was it her? Herself..?
Why did the humming sound so... familiar? It wasn't her mother...

- ''Mommy... I'm scared...''
- ''Don't worry, my darling... it's just the thunder...''

Shade was shocked; the second voice... it was her ówn...! But... was... was the pup... hers?

A deep longing suddenly filled her entire body. The longing for a pup of her own, something she had never felt before...

The dream-Shade opened her eyes, and looked straight into the huge eyes of a puppy. A puppy in black and tan...
She gasped; the pup... it reminded her, of... of...

- ''Will you sing for me, mommy...? Please..?''
- ''Of course... Fax...'' Her own tongue brushed over the soft puppy fur, the scent of pup filling her nostrils. And for a moment, she felt an intense warmth, a satisfaction she had never felt before...

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and she sucked air into her lungs.
A new feeling filled her up entirely. A feeling she had never felt before; it was something she never even seriously thóught about before...

Herself... a mother? A pup, of her own?

NO! The humans would just take her pups. They would raise them to fight for them... NO....

She let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes again.

Posted: 16-08-2011 00:51
by Leo

Posted: 24-08-2011 23:49
by Shaydie
(Gonna get this done even though I'm not quite at full speed yet. I feel bad for making everyone wait for me. :c Also, LEO! Is Cardinal allowed to wander the facility by herself during the night? I was thinking she'd visit Shade and the others for a bit, maybe try to explain herself. Might also give Jolene and Dice something to work with. >;3)

Cardinal continued to watch the Mistress as she went about her business. The scents coming from the kitchen were almost mesmerizing, and provided some sort of sensory pleasure during the red wolf's examination of her new master. It occurred to her that it had only been a few days since her capture and subsequent - and in some ways voluntary - enslavement to the humans and fleabag dogs. She had given up so quickly, it seemed... Others had raged this war for the duration of their time in this hell, and yet... though her life had taught her that honor was above all things, she had rolled over and showed her belly to this devil. Presumably for the sake of an innocent, but... Was that really the reason? Philosophically, wolves had been damned from the beginning. Dogs were only the descendents of the first wolves that threw in their lot with the humans. So why couldn't it be that wolves would again ally themselves here? It was just a clash of beliefs, perhaps...

Quietly, Cardinal chided herself. Thinking was her only retreat now, but overthinking was just as bad as not thinking at all. She was subconsciously trying to validate her choices with her mind rather than her heart. Understandable in most cases...

Suddenly the girl moved from the kitchen to the living room, where Spax had already fallen asleep. Cardinal turned to head to watch, but didn't shift her body in any other way. Even when the strange human spoke to her, she didn't move much, didn't blink.
“so my silent songbird”, she said her voice lighter relaxsed, she wasn’t in work mod any more.
“how did you first day”, she asked watching her.
She sensed John's gaze, knowing that he was offering to translate. She left him alone this time, not intensely eager to know what the girl was babbling on about now that no dirty work was available to be done. Instead she just stared. Her gaze was solid, questioning, feral, but not hostile. The look of a true wolf. A survivor.
“how can I get you to trust me I wonder”, the human girl said to her taking a delicate bit of food.
Her eyes drifted to Kai, she smiled more of a aww that’s cute type of a smile
As soon as the Mistress looked to Kei, Cardinal moved. She was on her feet in a flash, but only took a single step towards the pup while keeping her eyes on the Mistress. Kei, oblivious to the tension in his mother, raised his head from his half-empty bowl and burped with a smug grin. Full, he waddled over to Cardinal, wove between her legs for a bit... then noticed the Mistress offering some bacon. Like all children that are very full but eager for treats, he waddled clumsily to the couch with Cardinal close behind and still watching the human. Unafraid, he took the bacon in his mouth, waited for the Mistress to release it, then rolled to the floor, chewing at the bacon as he lay on his back. Cardinal finally took her eyes off the Mistress and rolled Kei back to his round tummy. The girl kept talking about something, but for the most part Cardinal ignored her.

"Don't eat like that. You'll choke."

"Yes mama."

"Is it good?"

"Mmmm yes!"

"I'm glad. Now, its time for bed."

Instantly Kei's lighthearted mood sank. He looked up at his surrogate mother with a look of hurt on his face.

"But mamma--!"

Cardinal chuffed and nudged him toward their bed.

"No buts. Don't you want to play as much as you can tomorrow?"

This seemed to placate the pup a little. He thought about it for a bit, tongue hanging from his mouth. Then, with a little yawn (which he tried to suppress but failed to, much to Cardinal's motherly amusement), he nodded.

"Then you need to sleep. Now's the best time, since you're full."

Reluctantly, Kei waddled off to bed, licking his lips to score the last few crumbs of bacon from his muzzle. John was leaving at that point, and the pup and the old mutt exchanged a few words (Kei gave John a little friendly lick in the nose) before John gave the pup's mother a smile and vanished into the hallway. Cardinal watched until Kei climbed into the covers and buried himself in them, then retreated some distance from the Mistress and sat down again to watch her. The girl was a mystery to her, much more so than other humans. The man called Riesling and the one known as the Gambler - Bloodhound and Dice's owners respectively - were much easier to figure out. But this girl...

Her eyes reminded her vaguely of her own.

Posted: 26-08-2011 23:25
by Leo
''You, baby... are a clever little girl...''
She smiled at him wile she spoke of her plan and loved the fire that seemed to reignite behind his eyes, her own fire was blazing at the iders forming in both there minds it would be fun to play there game slow and stedy watch as the humans start to trust and idmire there hard work, then watch the wolves faces as the plan come’s to its flowishon, she could almost tast that females fear, sex and shock when both her and dice come to call.

''Hmmm... I suspect they'll loose interest in Shade sooner or later anyway. She's still new now... but hopefully, their interest will wear off. If not... well...'' An evil grin crept on his maw. ''Then I'll be sure to think of something GOOD when the time comes... And this time, I won't mess up...''

''I love your thinking, babe...'' ''You sure have a wondereous mind...''

She laughed softly enjoying his embrace, a strong male’s embrace never failed to make her fur tingle she loved it and dice was her equel in this place, they were both high ranking in many ways but scoffed and looked down apon by ever one that was above them, there was no respect for ither of them, they handnt been handed the power by humans they were working for it, and for that they both get shunned well not for long.

“yes I bet they will but that makes things to easy, I like a “good” work out”, she said licking her lips seductively, the talk was starting to make her fire up not just in the eyes.

''What do I think...?'' He gasped, a shudder running down his spine. ''Baby... I'm am your willing servant... And this time... We wíll succeed...''

“that we will … and yes you are”, she said blowing a cool breath over his erect member, then she then took it in her muzzle watching her teeth as always, and let her tong feel around his member, then as she came up she sucked lightly on it. Once she was off of him she grinned and turned around in a play bow facing away from him.

“want to seal the deal stud, or did mistress knock it out of you tonight”, she said eyes glinting. To night would be a fun night she thought.

Mistress watch her wolf as she spoke, her eyes were still very wild, she didn’t mind that to much but she hoped that soon those eyes would sofen to her and trust her, she wouldn’t tolrate any thing less, but she wouldn’t get this one with force she knew that, it was the old earn thing, and silent song bird would have to do the same with her when it came to sertan things.

Once the pup had been sent to its bed she looked away from her wolf slightly displeased with the wolfs protective maner with the pup, she had had the pup for long wile before she was around, she didn’t much mind thow. Mistress took hold of her remote and turned on her tv again, watching some old fight, this time between to mistrey wolves that were very evenly matched. She watched and eat making subconses notes on the wolves mistakes and strengths with out even relising it, was a trate she had gained throw her own training of her wolves.

The gasp made eights eyes snap open, he didn’t raise his head, he was facing the wall, if any one was in there corsing problems he didn’t want them to no he was awake just yet so he lisened for a moment then heard Shades sight, he relaxsed some what at that, old habits die hard he thought rembering that he use to do that with his old pack in this place. He didn’t want to disberb shade at this point so he closed his eyes again. The dream he had been having had been a good one and it had made him feel a lot more relaxsed then normal in the cold hard cell room.
It didn’t take him long to be carried away again this time the dream came back to him good. But he wasn’t with his pack or the others but on a snow covered hill looking over a forest, he loved snow and how pure it was, and it was always so peaceful.
(sorry for how short it is but orginal by now i thought ever one would be asleep XD but i like shays ider on cardinal going to meet the others so until then i ant got much apart from with dice and jolene :P )

Posted: 27-08-2011 14:55
by Nakisha
((I ain't got much either, except for Dice and Jolene, so please Shaydie, do your thing and I'll adress Dice & Jolene + Gambler at the market the next post. :) It'll get more interesting...))