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Posted: 01-06-2011 23:52
by Leo
Spax noticed that Bloods short fur rose at his neck when he asked him the queston, he ignored it but frowned, what was his problem that was a perfectly resabal thing to suggest, after all she was a wolf, a good looking one that blood had been playing quite carmly suggesting he was looking at her in that light, and as rape wasn’t his stile he would go about it the other way. That thought thow kept bugging at him, why would he lose it and now why was he getting so angry with him for suggesting it when it wasn’t out of the queston, even if he wasn’t going to sleep with her tonight thanks to his fight he wouldn’t want the guy he hates the most taking it away from her and doing it so forcefully.


The word was spoken with the smallest hint of aggression. He couldn’t help it. After a moment, he took a breath and continued.

“I’m well aware of what the hell kind of problems I just caused myself. But if you think I was just going to sit back and watch that bastard have his way with her, in HER condition—“

“I’m sorry, alright? I have no goddamn idea what came over me. I just… I can’t even focus right now, AUGH!”

Spax was a bit shocked and taken aback at first, one he was getting so angry about it and to it didn’t add up for him just to lose his head just because he was taking her and she was hurt that was nothing out of the normal and nothing spax him self hadn’t done in the past, a cold relisaion as his fears were relised, it was the only awser. It was spax turn to rasie his hackles up now. His mask was hiding his frown, he turned and looked at shade trying to see what he would see in her, then looked back at blood slowly. This wasn’t good and wasn’t right, this could lead to bad things, this wasn’t suppost to happen and to any dog, normal if spax found out a dog had fallen for a wolf he would be beat the shit out of, and if they kept going the dog would be killed, or the wolf forced to fight each other. But now this was his friend.
As blood snapped at the human Spax sat down not saying a word his mind working.

Mistress was striding quickly with cardinal by her side she had already reach her corridor but before making her way to her own room she stopped at a door with a syimbal of a shower head on it. She did hang around and entered quickly waiting for cardinal to follow.
She had been looking followed to doing this with cardinal in a nice relaxsed way, take it slow and get to know her wolfs body. Spax rarle got that dirty so she didn’t get to do it all that often, well she had a hour and she didn’t need to do much just a change of cloaths and some lunch.
The room wasn’t particlaey big, it was a washing room for the dogs and on acasion well behaved wolves. There was a table on the right with fur grooming equipment next to it. On the other side was a cubord with bottles of shampoo, condisioners teeth cleaning, and claw varnish. And in on the middle wall a shallow basin so low that a dog could step into it and the walls of it would go half way up spax legs. There was two shower nosels comeing out of the walls, four ajusters for hot and cold for each nosel. She lead the wolf over to it and then knelt infront of her, looking into her eyes.
“now be good for me and you will enjoy this”, she said her softer tone coming back now she was on her own, her smile was also back, her green eyes softer but still with that steel to them.

She then very slowly reach out for the mask so not to scar the wolf again, then once she was aloud to she unclipped the strap and pulled it off her face, ignoring the blood and flesk of flesh that were stuck in the metal fangs.
“that’s better, scared beauty back once more”, she said then guided her to the wasing bason

Once the wolf was in the basin she took the first nosel that was the same thing that had rain down on eight and the others with had the cemical in it that cleaned and kept mites fleas tick away. She turned it on, it was perfect in tempcher not to hot not to cold just right, the steam rising up. She ran it over the wolfs body letting it soak into the fur and watching as the matted fur untangled and the richer more nachral red of the wolfs coat came back for all to see. Then again slowly she ran her unclawed fingers throw the wolfs coat, softly at first again testing if the wolf was comfertbal enuf to let her, then if she let her she got a little fermer. Massarging into her coat, Spax always loved this bit, he would strech his back out and enjoy the massarge feeling it reach into ever once of his tens muscles.
Once she had covered most of cardinal she changed nosels for the second which was just normal warm water, that watched the exses chemicals away. Then once she was done, she walked off to a towl rack and pulled a towl of and again knelt back down next to the powerful beast the was cardinal and slowly lay the towl apon her then once she was ok with it she began to dry and like with the scrubing she got stederly harder massaging her body once more. But thow she was being gental there was always that steel to her eyes, even thow they were softer then they ever had been, and her claws and braclet were never fair away if the wolf deiced to attack.

Once they were done she got to her feet, now soaked smiling down at her silent songbird. She looked better then she had done now she had had a real wash. Her coat looked better then when she first arrived at the 5th circal nothing like a humans tuch she thought. So only wished she had been able to use her shampoos on her to and go throw a whole wash but that would have to do.
“now if looks could kill you would win the champship with out bearing a fang”, she said with a small laugh. She turned to the door and ghestered for them to leave her face going back to business once more.

They headed back to her room opened the door and peered in hoping as she thought about it that the old husky had kept the pup in cheak. She peused by the door thow looking at her braclet, when she got near her room her braclet would automaticly unlock the door and tell her if the door had been opened and what not, and it was telling her that darcia had been here.
“hmmm”, she looked up and walked down the hallway briskly to her lounge. There was the puppy and the husky who was laying down infront of the pup, he turned and looked her his ears going back and his chin on the floor tail wagging slowly, submission. His eye brow had been cut open quite badly it wasn’t bleeding any more.

Her first thought was anger. If he had gotten blood ever were there would be truble but there wasn’t any around. She relaxsed a little, she did have a slight soft spot for the old dog, she patted him on the head and walked to her room, looking back at cardinal smiling.
“we got 15 minets so take a brake”, she said closing the door to her room as she got changed.

John looked at cardinal and smiled.
“I hope you son is to you liking not a peace of fur out of place as you can see”, he said still hiding the pain in his side.
“we have been singing songs and telling stories playing, haven’t we”, he said looking down at the pup, with his old warm smile.

He wondered if cardinal knew any thing about why darcia had come here.

“Looks like I’m done here, then. Anything else bothering you?”

Spax turned his head slightly looking back over his shoulder, his mask hiding his scowl.
“no were not”, he said darkly no anger in his voice just a dark rumble.
He got up and turned to his friend looking him in the eye, now he wished he wasn’t wearing the dam mask.

“Can I trust you?”, he said sternly with out fulter.
“You not going to do anything stupid”, he said his head flicking back to shade.
“other wise I don’t know what will happen”, he said and acherly meant it, friends even for the dogs, real ones that was were hard to come by, hence why spax hadn’t just gone off the rals, he had spent the last minets thinking about what he should do.

He waited for the awsner and if he didn’t have to say any more he left, if he did he would awsner then leave.

Once both dogs and the humans had left the cell went quite, Scat had cleared up and gone to sleep, but even in sleep he didn’t stop moving he twitched and jurked in his sleep.
Minets went by only the sounds of rats scurring throw the walks, the hum of the light bulb to fill the emptiness.

“……Li ….li”, came a quite voice.
Eight was swimming in his foggy mind, he was swimming up to conseness then sinking again. He was back in the clearing, scent of blood and fear in the air, his pack had been wiped out. He was struggerling to stay awake as he weakly called out for his sister who was is last blood family, she was all that was good in him. He could smell her, but she was no longer whole, she isn’t alive, said a small voice in his mind. Your not in the clearing.

His mind was starting to clear the fog starting to retreat back. He wasn’t on soft stick earth that had been the blood soaked ground of the clearing, he was on the hard cold floor of what was in cage.

Something had happened what was it, there had been a fight, he sniffed again. The scent was simuler to his sisters but it wasn’t hers.
“…shade….shade”, he said in the same voice.

She had been attack and he hadn’t been able to help her.
He opened his eyes then cloased them quickly as the fake light of the bulb hurt his eyes, then after a moment he opened them again, and the world swam back to him. His body throbbed, his brand ached terrbly but he could tollrate it enuf now.
“shade are you ok”, he said his voice growing stronger.

He moved his head up not lifting it to look at were shade should be, he saw li for a moment, he blinked again and shade was there, fur fare to light to be the dark grays of li’s thow shade wasn’t fare of just a little lighter.
“shade talk to me”, he said his voice soft, but now with his normal strength back into it. Now that they were alone and the other wolf that was in the room was asleep, he spoke with a softness that was unlike any thing he had used yet, last time he had spoken like this was when he had gone back to the grounds were his pack had been masscered, after he had healed and spoken to the remans that was his sister and the rest of his pack, and before that he had only spoke like this when he was with one of his pack when there were on there own and needed comfort.
It was the sort of voice that a grandfather might have or a old father, full of deep power and strength but had been softened to be comforting supporting, and for eight to talk like that was exceptionally rare.

“im here”, he didn’t no what had happened to her but by the scent she could guess, and the way she had been before training she need support and as fare as he was concered she was now part of his pack, as much as Li had been, was.

Posted: 02-06-2011 21:33
by Nakisha
“I’m well aware of what the hell kind of problems I just caused myself. But if you think I was just going to sit back and watch that bastard have his way with her, in HER condition—“
Shade's ears moved a little; she was still hardly conscious, but the dart hadn't taken full effect. She was already awaking, but slowly. Not that it mattered much; the collar kept her down. But she wished she would have stayed out... the pain and the horrific feeling of the paralyzation was almost too much to take.

Still, she heard some of Blood's words. Her mind tried to grasp the meaning of them while her heart somehow did. As if there was a hidden message, just for her...

Then, she sunk back into the darkness, but... only briefly.

“You not going to do anything stupid”...“other wise I don’t know what will happen”
Spax's voice; who was he talking to? A wolf...? Or, Blood?
She tried to open her eyes; to her surprise, her vision wasn't blurry. She saw the two dogs standing there, but the light hurt her still sensitive eyes.

Then, she once more sunk back into a chemical sleep.


Gambler made his way through the corridors, hurrying. The moment his beeper had went off, his heart had skipped a beat.
It was time... to sit down with Riesling and the Mistress and talk about what had happened earlier.

He was no coward. He would face this like a man. But he wasn't looking forward to this; not a single bit....
Goddamnit. GODDAMNIT. Riesling was going to be so pissed.
No more pissed then he was himself, probably... but still.

In his head, Gambler cursed his damned dog, for the first time in his life. He had always been very fond of Dice, trusting him with his very life... and now this.

He stopped at the door of their conference room, then took a deep breath. A short knock... and he opened to door and stepped in.

He was surprised to be the first to arrive.

He would have to face facts. And, just out of respect... he wouldn't speak first. Riesling and Mistress would surely do the talking.
And he would let them talk... and tell them what he had seen on the camera's images. Then, they'd decide what punishment was needed for Dice... together.

With a sigh, Gambler sat down in a chair and waited patiently. They would come...

He had decided against chemical castration, for now. The vet had been right; it could make Dice useless for his work and he couldn't do without the dog. But he wasn't sure what Mistress and Riesling would ask of him. And while he would never do anything against Dice that he couldn't consent with... he'd still take it seriously.


Dice lay silently on a large pillow. He was, under the circumstances, comfortable; painkillers and just a hint of valium had been enough to take the edge of it all.

But he was in deep thought. Regrets and worry clouded his mind.

He had been so goddamned determined to hurt Blood, to get back at him after Blood had looked down upon him for so long. And while that feeling was still there... he now realized he had gone too far.
He had méant to be the SMART one. Well, he had to admit it; he was the biggest dumbass ever. What he had done was no less that absolutely moronic.

Why had he allowed himself to get in such a rage?! Why hadn't he accepted defeat? A new opportunity would have risen later...

He just had been so goddamn frustrated....

What had it brought him? Nothing but a lot of trouble. He still hadn't fucked Shade, he still hadn't done anything to Blood. In fact, Blood had just kicked his ass once more and remembered him of his position.. What had he been THINKING... Well, he knew the answer to thát; he hádn't been thinking. He had just snapped. Looking back, it had never been his intention to KILL her... yet, his actions could have easily resulted in just that.

He let out a very deep sigh.

He still desired Shade, more then ever now... but for another reason then just lust. It was the fact that she was unreachable, untouchable for him. And of course, still to get back at Blood. She was special to him, somehow, and he wanted nothing more then to keep her out of his reach, if he could. To frustrate him as hé had been frustrated.

She was becoming an obsession now, something worth way more then she should be...
He wanted to have what he couldn't have. And maybe... there was still a chance.

But this time, he had to be more careful about it. Maybe he would even have to lay off her for a while... keep his distance. For a while...

IF he was éver allowed to come near her again, that was.

He gulped; would he be forbidden to train her now? It would make everything nearly impossible.

Then, he suddenly thought about Cardinal.

So beautiful... and just as unreachable... another challenge. Oh, what he would give to touch her... To win her as well. To get BOTH girls underneath him. To show them all what a ''clown'' could do...

He groaned softly. He had never desired the wolves this much. Sure, it felt great to fuck them... but this was DIFFERENT. This time, females he could never have where involved. Shade because of the fight that had just happened and the fact that either Spax or Blood would be around to keep an eye on her when he was around, probably. And Cardinal because the Mistress favored her, because she was out of his reach....

He hád to have them.... He HAD to.


The vets rounded up their work with Shade; they packed their belongings and left her cage.

- ''Amazing... surprising...'' Words where whispered through the cell.
“……Li ….li”, came a quite voice.
Eight's voice...

Shade slowly began to wake once more. Her eyelids fluttered slightly.
Then, the horrible feeling of the paralyzing collar was gone.

- ''How in the world did she come out without any lasting damage? She'll even be able to do light training. Amazing. Just amazing. Such luck.''
- ''I heard they want her to get some more muscle...''
- ''Yeah, she can still do the dragging-training... They'll be pleased. The serious work will be resumed in a week, two weeks tops...''

While Shade had no idea what the humans said to one another, she just listened quietly at their voices.

They left the cells; a door slammed shut.

“…shade….shade”, he said in the same voice.

“shade are you ok”, he said his voice growing stronger.
Shade's eyes blinked slightly; she turned her head Eight's way without lifting it off the floor, her cheek brushing over the concrete.
“shade talk to me”, he said his voice soft, but now with his normal strength back into it.
He was looking at her, his voice different then ever before. She smiled slightly; she felt saver now. The danger was gone and Eight was back.

- ''I'm here...'' Her voice sounded a little odd, hoarse; her throat was dry. ''I'm okay...''
“im here”
She refused to give in to her injuries.
Without realizing it, she had already changed so much since her arrival at the facility. She was more determined, stronger. Refusing to give into weakness and pain.

She lifted herself back to her paws slowly, swaggering, unstable, but standing.

She suddenly noticed Eight's injuries.

- ''What have they DONE to you?'' She asked, as she slowly dragged herself to her waterbowl to drink. The feeling in the back of her body was returning; she no longer felt half-paralyzed as before.

Dice had HURT her... but he hadn't broken her body.

But she knew all too well whom she owed for that. Without Blood...

She lapped up some water, slightly swaying on her legs, as she waited for Eight's answer.

Posted: 03-06-2011 00:27
by Shaydie
“no were not”
Bloodhound tensed suddenly, ears back. He had heard that tone before, but never directed at him. His red eyes stared back into Spax's black orbs, every hint that might have been a challenge doused in respect for the dog. Nevertheless, he recoiled a little, a part of him wanting to be as far away from Spax as possible, wanting to avoid punishment or reprimand. Nevertheless, he stayed seated and still.
“Can I trust you?”
His ears pricked again, confusion appearing on his face.

"Yeah, of course. You know that."
“You not going to do anything stupid”, he said his head flicking back to shade.
“other wise I don’t know what will happen
The doberman's face softened. Though they were friends, he had expected some anger from the shepherd mix. But it turned out he was concerned. Of course Blood caught the subtle warning, but still. He sighed, waited a second, then smiled slyly.

"I can't promise you I won't do anything stupid, Spax. After all, my skull's thicker than yours, remember? ... But yes, I get your meaning..."

He looked over his shoulder at Shade, watching as the humans worked on her. Is that what love felt like? Just seeing someone... making you happy? Strange. He hadn't felt like that for a very long time. A long time indeed. He turned back to Spax, a more serious look on his face.

"I promise I won't give you anything to worry about."

And if anything... I'll go right down to hell with her if it comes to that.

He waited a moment for Spax's response, then walked around him and out the dog door, limping only slightly.

Riesling would not be pleased.


The man so aptly named was also tense, sitting in his chair as he watched the security tapes from the fifth circle cells. They had been brought to him as he had asked just a few minutes ago. Now, watching them, he felt rage boiling in his chest. Dice and his frivolous games... and then Bloodhound. His dog seemed adamant about the situation, and from the tapes it looked like he lost it rather quickly. Still, after Dice also lost it and tried to kill the Mistress' injured wolf, Blood interfered.

And that was enough to keep Blood reasonably out of trouble. At least from the Mistress herself. Gambler might be different, but Riesling knew that any problem they had would have to be settled later. And much more brutally, perhaps.

He ran a hand through his short hair, trying to grasp the reality of the situation. Dice apparently got a hold of Blood's paw. That probably meant he'd be out of commission for at least a week, unable to fight. It really didn't matter much to him at this point - Blood was a champion and Riesling himself was more than influential in the inner workings of the facility. As long as the hurt paw was the extent of the damage, the albino doberman could reenter the Speed Fights the following week. Until then, Riesling did not have a problem with having him rest for a few days and then get back to work as security for a time.

The man tilted his head toward the door as he heard the dog door swing open and Blood enter. The dog immediately went to his master's side, but was startled as the human stood up quite suddenly. It was a fluid movement, but quick enough to make Blood stumble backwards. Even so, he waited patiently as Riesling walked over and examined his dog, noting the split paw. There were other small bite marks, but nothing serious. Good.

Bloodhound watched him nervously as Riesling worked him over, noting every scratch, every mark. Then, checking the time on the clock just above the front door to his chambers, the man stood and went back to his desk. He rummaged through some papers as Blood followed him and stuck by his side, interested by the sudden intensity of his human. After a few moments, Riesling's gaze alighted on a singular sheet of paper. He read it for perhaps a half minute, then wrote something on it and pushed it aside, opting to open a drawer on the desk. Out of said drawer he lifted Blood's brand new mask.

Like Cardinal's and Spax's masks, the albino's was made of a silvery metal - in this case a titanium alloy - with two extra-long razor fangs. Etched on it in black was a tribal design with an eye on the forehead. In the center of this eye was a genuine ruby - a tribute to Blood's natural red irises. Riesling studied the mask for a while, realizing that he was truly lucky to have a healthy albino doberman. Most of his kind were often sickly, but Blood? He was as strong as a bull, almost literally. Perhaps that was part of the reason he was Riesling's favorite. The finest of wines among dogs. Fast, agile, intelligent. Everything his dog should be. A proud smirk on his face, the man lowered the mask to Blood's head and clipped it around his neck. When the mask was securely in place, he stepped back, admiring the handiwork.

"Quite a handsome thing, aren't you? Just like your master, hm?"

Blood's murmuring bark presented his agreement to the fact. Riesling laughed coldly.

"We'll leave the blood there, I think. We have things to deal with, and the effect will be nice... Ready to go neuter our friend Dice?"

At once a deep, rumbling growl erupted from Blood's throat. Ohhh yes. He was definitely ready to rip that dog's BALLS OFF. Oh, he'd get his... oh yes...


Meanwhile, Cardinal trotted obediently at the Mistress' side, ears flat against her skull. She was still amped up from her "training," angry adrenaline rushing through her body. She needed to KILL something else. Instinctively her eyes flashed at the Mistress, but even at the thought of it her blood ran cold.

Off limits, girl.

Almost on cue, the Mistress made a sharp turn into a room, and Cardinal had to backtrack to keep with her. The room she entered smelled faintly of mold, mostly water... But the scent about it was strange. Almost like the chemicals they had used on her wounds the previous day. Come to think of it, how long had it been? How long had it been since she had felt grass beneath her feet or tasted fresh air? It felt like years. Decades, even. As the Mistress strode further into the depths of the strange room, Cardinal was suddenly suspicious. She crouched down slightly, muscles tense. Instead of following the Mistress as closely as before, she kept close to the edges of the room, hugging the wall as she stared out into the room with bright eyes and coiled muscles.

Still, it wasn't long before the Mistress beckoned to her, and she slowly approached, still wary of the chemical smell.
She lead the wolf over to it and then knelt infront of her, looking into her eyes.
“now be good for me and you will enjoy this”, she said her softer tone coming back now she was on her own, her smile was also back, her green eyes softer but still with that steel to them.
Cardinal flicked her ears. That soft, soothing tone again. Almost pretty. She shuddered slightly, but nevertheless she waited for the mask to come of and stepped carefully into the basin as she was told, tail held straight down - not quite between her legs. What came next both astonished and pleased her.

First, warm water. It was a bit strange at first - they'd never had warm water in the forest, only icy cold creeks and lukewarm puddles. This water, though treated with chemicals as far as she could smell, was pleasing to say the least. As it ran over her fur and seeped down through her skin, she growled slightly - except it was more like a purr than a ferocious snarl. Blood was washed from her fur, revealing her natural color in a more vibrant hue than she had ever seen. Then, as the water turned off, the Mistress bent to pet her... but the sensation was different. It felt amazing... As she again purred her approval, the massaging sensation increased. It was almost like a thousand mother's tongues washing all over her. Ah, it was fantastic.

After that, the warm water returned for a moment and then ceased. The Mistress left her there, dripping wet, and Cardinal almost jumped from the basin to join her, not quite understanding what was happening. But the girl came back with some sort of fuzzy cloth that was draped over her. At first, she growled a little, this time actually showing apprehension and a hint of aggression. But as she came to realize that the cloth would do nothing to hurt her, she let the Mistress work over her with the towel, drying most of her fur.

When they were done, Cardinal shook, ridding herself of the rest of the moisture. A glance downward showed her reflection in a puddle of water.

Well, would you look there... Not bad...

The Mistress said something to her and seemed to laugh, but Cardinal couldn't catch the drift of it and just looked up, ears perked. They departed then, newly clean Cardinal following close behind, gathering interested glances from passing dogs. She still snapped wrathfully at any who got too close to either herself or the Mistress, but... she was beginning to enjoy the attention. After all, she was still female, despite her warrior-esque attitude.

But like all good things, her good mood vanished into darkness as she reentered the Mistress' chambers... and smelled Darcia.

Instantly her hackles went up and she darted around the Mistress, intent on finding Kei.

By gods, if he's hurt my baby...

But Kei came running from one of the adjoining rooms, John on his heels. The puppy looked ecstatic to see her, jumping around and still full of life.

"Momma, momma! John's been teaching me songs!"

Momentarily lost in herself, Cardinal chuckled slightly and washed Kei's face with her tongue.

"Is that so, my son? Maybe you should sing one to me later."

That said, she looked up, her eyes searching for John. When she found him, worry seeped into her gaze. The mark over his eye and Darcia's scent told her all she needed to know. When the Mistress was through with him, she padded up to him, her head held lower than his in respect.
“I hope you son is to you liking not a peace of fur out of place as you can see”, he said still hiding the pain in his side.
“we have been singing songs and telling stories playing, haven’t we”, he said looking down at the pup, with his old warm smile.

Though Kei was still bouncing around on his wobbly legs, happy to see his mother, Cardinal herself regarded John with shame. She'd done this...

"I... I'm sorry... He was here because of me. I wasn't..."

She paused, disgusted.

"I wasn't respectful enough for him... Maybe I should have just... rolled over and... and acted like a good girl."

She was being incredibly sarcastic, which was evident in her tone, but her gaze was still aimed at the ground.

"Thank you for protecting my son, John."

(WAY TOO LONG AUGH. Okay, that should do it. I might have forgotten something, sorry.)

Posted: 13-06-2011 23:49
by Leo
Shades small smile made eight relaxes the ghoast of his sister disserpring completely.
''I'm here...'' Her voice sounded a little odd, hoarse; her throat was dry. ''I'm okay...''

He watched her as she got to her paws and stabled, she had more in her then she knew that much was clear to eight. It dorned on eight that this was the first time they had been alone and able to chat since they had been here. Scat didn’t count as he was fast asleep and appered to be running after something in his dream, kicking out as he rolled over. Eight now tried to get to his own paws, it went well till he put weight on his branded leg that then collapsed on him, making him suck in air which he instently regretted being infront of some one eals. He tried again and this time kept his left leg off the ground some what, his body hurt all over but he was ok apart from his brand.

''What have they DONE to you?''

He turned back to her then looked to his own water boil, he limped over to it and cursed him self angrily he hated appering so weak.

“Darcia thought it best to remind me of my place or he was just enjoying him self”, eight said his voice slightly bitter. What he would give to kill darcia the only wolf he had faced who could beat him so easly he wasn’t natral he was human made, but that thought didn’t make eight feel any better, he was a fighter and who ever he looked apone as a enemy a apponaent he wanted to beat, and the knowing that he could never do it on his own no matter how hard he trained or frought made his insides cringe. Darcia had put him throw hell the worst and most horrbal places of it, just for his own amusments, he was evil no other word for it.

He looked back at her, he had been looking down into his own water bowl looking into his own dead eyes, he smiled at her, it was a relief after all these months of being on his own in this cell to have another wolf he could let his guard down with, it had been a very long time since he had been able to do that with another wolf.

“Don’t worry about me thow, he is nothing I cant handle, his weakness is that he is on a lesh, he wont be able to do me any lasting damage to me as long as im useful to our mistress”, his smile grow darker, now he could smile he could show his sinister grin it did the opposite to his normal smile it made his scars and face look demonic in a way, his ragged ears looking like sharp spikes.

“before me life is out il look down on his corps and smile”, he said then as if he relised what he was doing he relaxsed his face changing like a light switch back to gentle soft his smile back to the one that made him look so much younger and more alive.

He took a drink, the cold water spreading throw him clearing his mind. He then walked to the bars that met shades and layed down so he could look at her, making sure to make his branded leg comfertbal.

“more importantly how are you, you feeling better”, he asked.

“you suprsie me, I was exspecting you to ask many more questions then you have, wile we were here before, there is no better time then now, knowlage is power or so they say”, he said chuckerling a little.

"Yeah, of course. You know that."
“You not going to do anything stupid”, he said his head flicking back to shade.
“other wise I don’t know what will happen

"I can't promise you I won't do anything stupid, Spax. After all, my skull's thicker than yours, remember? ... But yes, I get your meaning..."

"I promise I won't give you anything to worry about."

Spax looked at him throw his mask, his face deadly serios not that it could be seen. He would be the one called in to deal with blood if it got out of hand. He wouldn’t be able to stop blood from seeing her he would do it regardless. For god sake to feel for a wolf who they were suppost to be braking and remaking into the best fighters known was so stupid, he growled and looked away.

“good”, he said looking back at him. Then a ider came to him, maybe this could be useful get her to proforme better and latter give him a tool to bargan with.
He wouldn’t talk to blood about it now he needed to think it over more, so he left it.

As blood was walking out he called him again and smiled at his friend.
“if nothing eals cheers you up at least you got to show dice whos boss you no he wont quit that easy thow”, and with that he let him leave then left him self shortly after.


Though Kei was still bouncing around on his wobbly legs, happy to see his mother, Cardinal herself regarded John with shame. She'd done this...

"I... I'm sorry... He was here because of me. I wasn't..."

She paused, disgusted.

"I wasn't respectful enough for him... Maybe I should have just... rolled over and... and acted like a good girl."

She was being incredibly sarcastic, which was evident in her tone, but her gaze was still aimed at the ground.

"Thank you for protecting my son, John."

John smiled at her warmly her worry tuched him, guess some still care for you in this place john, he thought to him self. She had been clean to she looked stunning her fur bright and full of luster, he admired her but didn’t lust for her, he was to old for all of that now.

John walked up to her.
“don’t worry you did what you felt was right, to please him you would have to give up much”, he said then he put his head around her neck in a hug, his head resting on the side of her neck.
He then stepped back smiling warmly.

“he didn’t do me much harm, nothing that wont heal given a good rest, and your very welcome its nice to do something good in this place”, he said smiling and looking down at kei hopefully he would be a big part in this pups young life and he might be able to help him stay good.

Mistress walked back out of her room, she had just watched what had happened with dice and shade and she wasn’t impressed, she didn’t care that he had wanted to mate her, but loseing it and then hurting her property was something she couldn’t stand it she had worked hard for all she had, the money she had brought those wolves with didn’t come from the air she had ernt it.

She saw John and cardinal with the pup and suddenly wondered weather or not to take cardinal with her, but at the end of the day she need her there by her side, spax had been working throw the night and now all throw that day, he needed his rest.

Mistress walked past them all to the front door and patted her leg.
“last job of the day songbird then we are done”, she said in her softer voice. Once she was with her she started down the corridor to the meeting room, she didn’t knock when she got there it was her own room so she didn’t need to. She was back to her cold hard business way now and was happy to see that she was second to arrive not last. Gambler was there waiting, she gleared at him coldly for a moment then walked in to her normal seat at the head of the table.

“Some shit your dog has stiered up gambler”, her voice was carm but full of venom that showed how pissed she was.
“but before I find out what the hell was going throw the mind of your dog and what we are going to do with it, we will wait for Riesling”, she then sat in her seat watching him all the wile.

Posted: 17-06-2011 16:41
by Nakisha
Shades small smile made eight relaxes the ghoast of his sister disserpring completely.

He watched her as she got to her paws and stabled, she had more in her then she knew that much was clear to eight.

Eight now tried to get to his own paws, it went well till he put weight on his branded leg that then collapsed on him, making him suck in air which he instently regretted being infront of some one eals. He tried again and this time kept his left leg off the ground some what, his body hurt all over but he was ok apart from his brand.

He turned back to her then looked to his own water boil, he limped over to it and cursed him self angrily he hated appering so weak.
Her eyes turned back at him, a little water still running down her chin. She licked her lips and tilted her head slightly.
Eight was hurt... maybe even moreso then herself. She had never seen a scrap of weakness before, but... one leg seemed to be particulairy painful. The one with the brand on the shoulder...

... why?

“Darcia thought it best to remind me of my place or he was just enjoying him self”, eight said his voice slightly bitter.
- ''Hmmm... seems all the dogs here think we're here for their amusement.'' She said, bitterly.

But the fight with Dice... Blood coming to her rescue... It had at least helped her out of her selfpity and depression. She was sicking tired of this place. But she wanted to SURVIVE... no matter what it would take.

She knew that, now.

He looked back at her, he had been looking down into his own water bowl looking into his own dead eyes, he smiled at her, it was a relief after all these months of being on his own in this cell to have another wolf he could let his guard down with, it had been a very long time since he had been able to do that with another wolf.

“Don’t worry about me thow, he is nothing I cant handle, his weakness is that he is on a lesh, he wont be able to do me any lasting damage to me as long as im useful to our mistress”, his smile grow darker, now he could smile he could show his sinister grin it did the opposite to his normal smile it made his scars and face look demonic in a way, his ragged ears looking like sharp spikes.

“before me life is out il look down on his corps and smile”, he said then as if he relised what he was doing he relaxsed his face changing like a light switch back to gentle soft his smile back to the one that made him look so much younger and more alive.
Just 24 hours ago, the change in Eight's expression would have spooked her slightly. Now... she just UNDERSTOOD.

- ''I'd gladly assist you with thát.'' She said, slowly laying down. Ouch... her poor muscles. Dice had bitten down hard; if she hadn't had trained so much, he would have killed her. She realized that all her training was doing hér favours now. That... and the jucky, but rich food she ate. She was beginning to change....
He took a drink, the cold water spreading throw him clearing his mind. He then walked to the bars that met shades and layed down so he could look at her, making sure to make his branded leg comfertbal.

“more importantly how are you, you feeling better”, he asked.

“you suprsie me, I was exspecting you to ask many more questions then you have, wile we were here before, there is no better time then now, knowlage is power or so they say”, he said chuckerling a little.
Her ears perked.

- ''I'll be fine... But it was a terrible experience. I never thought one of these bastards would actually try and KILL me... Wound me, sure. Hurt me, of course. Rape me, no surprise... but KILL me... if it...''

She fell silent.
*If it wasn't for Blood...* She thought silently, but she didn't add those words. It wasn't something anyone really had to understand... but she was thankful. She owed him one. And she never forgot a good deed....

- ''Well, anyway. Hurt, but not broken.'' She smiled. ''I'll be right as rain soon enough... and I got to admit, these dispicable humans have good ways to heal you...'' She sighed.

She then thought for a moment; her eyes turned to her paws.

- ''You know, Eight... I hardly know what to ask. This place is so STRANGE. It's unlike anything I ever knew. My old life seems so far away... and yet, I still don't know what to expect of this place, at all. I just know the humans keep us for their entertainment, that we need to become strong fighters and that they train us for that purpose... and that the dogs and the collars are just to keep us in check. And that those... those DOGS can just toy around with us and our bodies, as long as they don't do too much damage. They can torture... but not maime or kill...''

She paused, then looked back up.

Something in her green eyes had changed. She had just seen death in the eyes. She had been about to die, without being able to save herself, for the first time. Even in the fight with the dog or the wolf, fights on life and death, she had never been so close to dying then the moment Dice's fangs had been about to end her life. And it had changed her forgood, inside. Something was different now. She was still scared, but.. she seemed to realize that her LIFE was the only things she could truly loose in here.

- ''Honestly... I know now that they can hurt us, torture us, fight us... rape us, if they please, breed with us even. But if we can survive all of that... I just hope there'll be a chance we'll get out of this place. I need to believe that... or I'll die.''

But she knew there was another threat facing her. The threat of being deprived of contact with others. Fysical contact, touches, just friendly or maybe even loving. That warm contact she needed so much to stay strong...

She had felt a spark of it; as Blood had sheltered her wounded body with his, she had felt save. She had felt the warmth radiating of his body. It had been EXACTLY what she needed.

Now, she tried to enjoy the warmth of Eight's body through the bars.

She just hoped it'd be enough, somehow.

She suddenly let out a deep sigh and slowly rolled to her side.
The intense pain was making her tired....


Gambler's fingers softly drummed on the table. His sunglasses now hung on the pocket of his jeans.
He was deep in thought, seeing the entire happening before his eyes, over and over again, trying to find an explanation for Dice's behaviour. But there wás none. Dice had snapped; a horrible thing for a working dog of his class. They weren't supposed to snap....

Suddenly, the sound of the door caught his attention. He sat straight in his chair, heart pounding.

Despite it all... he was sure now. He didn't want to give up on Dice.
She was back to her cold hard business way now and was happy to see that she was second to arrive not last. Gambler was there waiting, she gleared at him coldly for a moment then walked in to her normal seat at the head of the table.

“Some shit your dog has stiered up gambler”, her voice was carm but full of venom that showed how pissed she was.
“but before I find out what the hell was going throw the mind of your dog and what we are going to do with it, we will wait for Riesling”, she then sat in her seat watching him all the wile.
- ''Yes ma'am.'' He slightly nodded his head down in respect. He wished he could just say more... but he respected Mistress too much to start speaking. If she wished to wait for Riesling's arrival before saying more, he would go with that.

((Ohhh I wonder what Spax thought off... ))

Posted: 17-06-2011 20:00
by Shaydie
Riesling checked his watch; yes, they were already a little late. But he'd still had to get a few things squared away for the rest of the day - treatments for his wolves and dogs, food regimens, fight schedules... And the rescheduling of Blood's debut in the speed fights. Not such a big deal at first glance, but when you looked at the big picture - Blood's reputation AND Rieslings, cash flow, opportunities lost - it became a little more serious. And that was why they were going to speak with the Gambler. The Mistress most likely wanted to them both there to talk about her damaged property - that little wolf she'd acquired. What was her name? Dancing Devil? Tiny thing showed promise, but if Dice had seriously wounded her...

A cold grin grew on Riesling's face. No doubt poor Gambler was trying so hard to think up an excuse, some defense. There wouldn't be any.

Blood was curled up on the floor at the moment, wounded paw angled outward so he wasn't putting any pressure on it. Damn, the longer he was on it, the more it hurt. It was possible he was splitting it more and more as he walked.

Worth it.

The conviction was sudden, but he understood it now. His red eyes glanced up through his mask as Riesling crossed the living room of his chambers and toward the door. Only when the man issued a quick whistle did his dog get to his feet and follow. The pace they took up in the corridors suggested to Blood that they were late. For exactly what he didn't know. All he cared about was that Dice was getting what was coming to him. FINALLY.

“don’t worry you did what you felt was right, to please him you would have to give up much”, he said then he put his head around her neck in a hug, his head resting on the side of her neck.
Cardinal returned the hug halfheartedly. She was happy that he wasn't angry at her - she couldn't afford to lose a friend like him, if he could be called a friend. Ha. More like a punching bag. The thought wilted her spirits again, but she put on a happy face and gave him another friendly lick on his muzzle as he pulled away.
“he didn’t do me much harm, nothing that wont heal given a good rest, and your very welcome its nice to do something good in this place”
This time she really did smile. John had a good heart, she was sure of it. As for her heart... she wasn't quite sure of its current situation. Her ears flicked as they felt something touch them; a glance downward proved it to be Kei, trying to bat her ears by jumping up and swinging his paws. The only true result he got was a tendency to land on his face. Grinning now, Cardinal used her nose and flipped the pup over onto his belly, nuzzling his soft fur. Kei giggled and yipped, obviously ticklish.

"M-momma! Aahahaha! Stop it!"

Cardinal answered his pitiful pleas with more tickling, which served to rile up the pup even more, and before long he had managed to flip onto his belly again and darted across the room seeking shelter from his newly-appointed mother. Laughing, Cardinal watched him wiggle beneath the couch, then looked back to John.

"You, sir, are a godsend. I... I really am thankful for your help."

Her ears flicked back at the sound of the Mistress beckoning her. Her smile faded and was replaced with a disappointed frown. Again her eyes found John's as she sighed.

"I suppose I'm being called again. I'll be back as soon as I can. And... Thank you again."

Thank you so much.

The red wolf, newly cleaned and dried, left the Mistress' chambers once more, following her master down the corridors until they reached a room similar to the one they had been in earlier, where she'd had the pleasure of ripping apart a dog - whom she hoped wouldn't recover any time soon. But in this room there were no dogs, though the scent of that bastard Dice wafted off of the single human who sat in a chair at the table. When the Mistress sat, Cardinal took up a position next to her, sitting up straight and casting alternating glances at the other human and the door. Since nothing was happening just yet, perhaps they were waiting for someone else.

Minutes passed, and silence was the only norm. Cardinal grew tense. What the hell was everyone waiting for?

Then, footsteps followed closely by the clicking of claws against the floor came from outside the door. A growl rumbled from her throat for a moment - at least until the third human walked in. He was tall and lean - perhaps a few inches taller than the Mistress - and had short, blonde (almost white) hair. He reminded her vaguely of--


As if on cue, the doberman walked in behind his master, sporting scratches and red splotches galore. Cardinal tilted her head. What the hell? He hadn't been fighting, for sure. She couldn't smell any new scents off of him. Just him and Dice...

Oh, so that was it? He and Dice had finally gotten into it? Her confused look turned into a smirk. Blood saw it and returned it, perhaps for a different reason.

"Sorry I'm late."

Riesling's voice broke the silence as he took a seat opposite the Gambler and Blood sat beside him on the floor, favoring his wounded paw.

"I had things to square away since all of my plans for the next week are now void."

He cast a cold glance at the Gambler, but that look only lasted a fraction of a second before he clasped his hands together over the table and looked back at the Mistress, a little more of an amiable expression on his face.

"But... Now that we're all here, I think the first move goes to the lady."

Cardinal listened to and watched the exchanges with interest. But her main concern was Blood. She wasn't sure she'd be able to fight him if she had to. He'd definitely be faster than she was, she supposed, but she had more power. And he had more experience. At the end of it, he had a definite advantage. She cast her gaze somewhere else when he looked at her, but that only served to draw a snicker from him.

Quite the pretty devil, isn't she? he thought. Old Spax'll be all over that later.

Posted: 20-06-2011 21:22
by Leo
''Hmmm... seems all the dogs here think we're here for their amusement.'' She said, bitterly.
Eight chuckled a bit at that.

“we are in a way we are there payment for there work for the humans, we are the joys they get, we are lucky thow that we are owned by mistress other wise all the lower ranking dogs could get at us to”, he said in a matter of fact voice

''I'd gladly assist you with thát.''

Eight smiled as he looked up at her at that point, he could picher it them standing over his lifless form maws bloody bodys battered but victors.
“im sure you will in the end”, he said his tail swaying slightly. This felt like old times with his old pack even thow it was only one wolf instead of many.

''I'll be fine... But it was a terrible experience. I never thought one of these bastards would actually try and KILL me... Wound me, sure. Hurt me, of course. Rape me, no surprise... but KILL me... if it...''

- ''Well, anyway. Hurt, but not broken.'' She smiled. ''I'll be right as rain soon enough... and I got to admit, these dispicable humans have good ways to heal you...'' She sighed.

- ''You know, Eight... I hardly know what to ask. This place is so STRANGE. It's unlike anything I ever knew. My old life seems so far away... and yet, I still don't know what to expect of this place, at all. I just know the humans keep us for their entertainment, that we need to become strong fighters and that they train us for that purpose... and that the dogs and the collars are just to keep us in check. And that those... those DOGS can just toy around with us and our bodies, as long as they don't do too much damage. They can torture... but not maime or kill...''

- ''Honestly... I know now that they can hurt us, torture us, fight us... rape us, if they please, breed with us even. But if we can survive all of that... I just hope there'll be a chance we'll get out of this place. I need to believe that... or I'll die.''

He Lisened to her talking, as he layed by her side there warmth passing throw the cold steel. It was sad but also at the same time made him smile. She had just come to the point that all wolves that all wolves who wanted to servive need to get to.

That moment were what they need to do and what they needed to stay together came clear, now the real fight begain, they knew what they must do and need it was no serviving it all.

“they arnt suppost to kill you unless they are ordered to, he snapped lost his controle”, he said to her now looking at her serioly.

“and I know it isn’t much he will be getting whats comeing to him for what he is done, but beside that he has shown you something very dangros, he has shown you a weakness, females you can use that agest him, also he is stupied when angry”, he said to her, this felt good as well teaching in a way what he had learn throw his life there.

“hmmm old life”, he said trying to rember a old life he had, if he tried which he very rarely did so he could rember a mothers warmth, a father then it all turn dark, gun shots screams of pain and blood so much of it dripping down like rain, it all seemed like a dream.

“you are pretty much on the right track, but remember there is always freedom look at me I managed it if not for a wile, and the humans train us is a good thing they make us stronger to there own aims but when the chance come we can turn that agest them”, he said trying his best to put a positive spin on things.
“I promis you one day you will feel the grass under your paws again, il do all I can to help you do it”, he said smiling warmly at her, again the change to him was striking his scared face looking more like caring old face that has seen it all.

“but first you must become stronger you have a lot already but you will become better, and to help you want it il tell you this much, once you are train to a sertan level dice wont have any thing agest you, when they day comes and your both face to face, he will quake as he will no he is a weakling to one like you”, he said laughing at the very thought of it.

They were all the same spax, blood, dice they were high and mighty but if he ever got lose and was at full strength that wouldn’t be able to stop him, only darcia would be able to do that, but first eight had to find away to concer the collars and that was going to be a hard one.

He would stay awake till she was asleep give her that comfort of a wolf that would be there to warn her wile she tried for sleep once she had then he would look for his own sleep, the warmth of her body hopfuly giving him a peaceful night.

"You, sir, are a godsend. I... I really am thankful for your help."

Her ears flicked back at the sound of the Mistress beckoning her. Her smile faded and was replaced with a disappointed frown. Again her eyes found John's as she sighed.

"I suppose I'm being called again. I'll be back as soon as I can. And... Thank you again."

John shock his head smiling, he was enjoying it so it was no bother for him at all.
“please the pleser is all mine”, he then looked down at the pup still smiling and took over the tickerling game and scampering after the pup the best he could.

"I had things to square away since all of my plans for the next week are now void."

He cast a cold glance at the Gambler, but that look only lasted a fraction of a second before he clasped his hands together over the table and looked back at the Mistress, a little more of an amiable expression on his face.

"But... Now that we're all here, I think the first move goes to the lady."

Now that they were all present she waited a moment regarding them both closely. Riesling was a trainer like her, they had a good working relaship and respect for one another, gambler (correct me if im wrong) work for her father and her self.

She tapped her clawed hand on the table one last time then spoke.
“im guessing we have all watched the vid of what took place in my cell bloke”, she glanced at them both to comferm her belif.

“so we no that dice has fucked up in a big way”, she was now glearing at gamblier.
“we all no I don’t care what the dogs do with my females as long as they don’t to any damage so not only did he brake that rule he also injured bloodhound to the point he has missed his fight, and I don’t think I must remind you at how serios that is, bets have to be repaid, fights have to be changed and that’s a big no no in this place, it leads to suppishon and ill trust and makes Riesling here look bad” she said her voice sharp as steel.

“then there is the damage to my female, il exspect compension for the damage gambler”, she said her eyes saying that there was no agument in that, she knew that Riesling would more then likely ask the same thing which would mean a lot of money.

“what are you doing with your dog gambler”, as she said it she put her hand gently on Cardinals head stroking her ears softly making very subtitle threat, on what she would like to do.
She never took her green eyes off gamblers except to acknowledge Riesling.

Posted: 20-06-2011 22:25
by Nakisha
Eight chuckled a bit at that.

“we are in a way we are there payment for there work for the humans, we are the joys they get, we are lucky thow that we are owned by mistress other wise all the lower ranking dogs could get at us to”, he said in a matter of fact voice
Shade huffed. She had seen that by now, but she would never LIKE it... nor even accept it.

This place was a hellhole.
“im sure you will in the end”, he said his tail swaying slightly.
It was clear to her that getting to Darcia was Eight's most important goal... well, besides getting out of here, of course.
She hoped they would manage to escape some day...
“they arnt suppost to kill you unless they are ordered to, he snapped lost his controle”, he said to her now looking at her serioly.

“and I know it isn’t much he will be getting whats comeing to him for what he is done, but beside that he has shown you something very dangros, he has shown you a weakness, females you can use that agest him, also he is stupied when angry”, he said to her.
Laying on her side now, taken by the pain after the fight, she listened.
Dice indeed had a weak spot for the girls. His hormones where his worse enemy. He would never pass up on an opportunity to fuck, it seemed.
Eight was right; she had to remember that... maybe she could use it later.

But she wondered if he'd be dumb enough to get enraged again. She could only imagine how the humans would feel about what he had done....
“hmmm old life”, “you are pretty much on the right track, but remember there is always freedom look at me I managed it if not for a wile, and the humans train us is a good thing they make us stronger to there own aims but when the chance come we can turn that agest them”, he said trying his best to put a positive spin on things.
“I promis you one day you will feel the grass under your paws again, il do all I can to help you do it”, he said smiling warmly at her, again the change to him was striking his scared face looking more like caring old face that has seen it all.
She forced a smile. It was a beautiful promise... but it seemed so far away, laying her on the concrete. She looked at him. He seemed to be either a bloodthirsty, cold killer, or a caring fatherfigure. Go figure. But she didn't mind; she liked this last Eight better then the Eight she had seen before....
“but first you must become stronger you have a lot already but you will become better, and to help you want it il tell you this much, once you are train to a sertan level dice wont have any thing agest you, when they day comes and your both face to face, he will quake as he will no he is a weakling to one like you”, he said laughing at the very thought of it.
She too chuckled softly. The thought of being able to overpower Dice was nice; she suddenly wondered if she could ever get strong enough to overpower dogs like Spax or Blood. Probably not. But maybe she'd be FAST enough to do so....

She let out a deep sigh. She saw he was watching over her; she knew he would wait for her to fall asleep.

- ''I'm just glad I'm not alone.'' He said, softly. She turned her head for a moment, to look at George as well. Then, she flopped back down and let out a very deep sigh, her eyes closing. ''Thanks... Eight.''

Sleep mercifully came and took the pain away.


Gambler saw her the moment she made her appearance... The gorgeous red shewolf. The new wolf of the Mistress.
He whistled softly between his teeth in admiration as she took position besides her human. She was amazing; blazing red coat, wonderful build. Mistress sure knew how to pick 'em....

He then turned his head at the sound of Riesling and Bloodhound approaching. He couldn't wait to see how Blood was doing now; hopefully, Bloodhound's injuries where indeed not as bad as could have been.
"Sorry I'm late."
Gambler nodded in repect, this time for Riesling. It was good to have everyone present; it took a bit of tension off for him. Now, things would be settled. And that would take a HUGE load of his shoulders...

He glanced at Bloodhound. The dog indeed seemed alright... except for a very sore paw. He wasn't in fighting condition right now, that part was ruined... but at least no lasting damage was done. Riesling would have NEVER forgiven him if it had... and he would have been surely forced to either retire Dice... or even put him to sleep.
Riesling's voice broke the silence as he took a seat opposite the Gambler and Blood sat beside him on the floor, favoring his wounded paw.

"I had things to square away since all of my plans for the next week are now void."

He cast a cold glance at the Gambler, but that look only lasted a fraction of a second before he clasped his hands together over the table and looked back at the Mistress, a little more of an amiable expression on his face.

"But... Now that we're all here, I think the first move goes to the lady."
Gambler didn't flinch at the sneer Riesling gave him. He had expected as much... and besides, if it had been him, he would have felt the exact same way. He just gave another nod, to show he understood.

He didn't feel like making up excuses. He had been as shocked by his dog's behavior as the rest of them. There WAS no excuse.
She tapped her clawed hand on the table one last time then spoke.
“im guessing we have all watched the vid of what took place in my cell bloke”, she glanced at them both to comferm her belif.
Gambler once more nodded silently, folding his hands together, fingertips resting against one another. He seemed at ease, but a muscle twitching near his jaw showed that he was in fact a little tense.
Mistress could make or break Dice. Not that he would go along with it easily if she decided on the latter.... but still.
“so we no that dice has fucked up in a big way”, she was now glearing at gamblier.
“we all no I don’t care what the dogs do with my females as long as they don’t to any damage so not only did he brake that rule he also injured bloodhound to the point he has missed his fight, and I don’t think I must remind you at how serios that is, bets have to be repaid, fights have to be changed and that’s a big no no in this place, it leads to suppishon and ill trust and makes Riesling here look bad” she said her voice sharp as steel.
Still, Gambler did not flinch. Just another very serious nod. So far... they just agreed. He had never underestimated the seriousness of all of this... and he knew there would be dire consequences. Especially financially.
“then there is the damage to my female, il exspect compension for the damage gambler”, she said her eyes saying that there was no agument in that, she knew that Riesling would more then likely ask the same thing which would mean a lot of money.
Another nod, one at her, and one at Riesling. Gambler did not interrupt her at any time. He had expected this much, and this part hadn't been the part he was fearing. He would compensate for the wolf, and for Blood's lost income. No problem there... Well, except for a major blow on his bankaccount. But that wasn't his biggest worry.

But then, the subject he really wanted to talk about, was finally touched.
“what are you doing with your dog gambler”, as she said it she put her hand gently on Cardinals head stroking her ears softly making very subtitle threat, on what she would like to do.
She never took her green eyes off gamblers except to acknowledge Riesling.
Gambler sat up a little straighter, and finally spoke.

- ''Let me start with saying I agree totally. Dice has snapped; I had never expected that to happen. NEVER.'' He drummed his fingertips against eachother. ''I wouldn't have taken that dog to work with if I had. I picked Dice for a reason, and I'm extremely disappointed with his current behavior. I thought he was more reliable.''

He leaned forward, hands still folded. ''Of course, I will pay for all damage done. Both of you..'' His eyes turned at Riesling. ''... have my sincerest apologies for what has happened. And I also assure you it will NOT happen again.''

He then cracked his shoulders, and turned his eyes back at Mistress.

- ''As for what to do with Dice. I thought long and hard about it. My first thought was neutering him... but that would make him useless as a workingdog. I need him to be sharp, to keep his edge... Or I might as just pick another dog.'' He paused, clearing his throat. ''Chemical castration was also opted... but I am, at this point, still on the fence about that, since it'll take him out of the running for as long as it's active as well. But I will need your opinions on that.''

He looked from one to the other; he was calmer now, the muscle in his jaw no longer twitching.

''In any case; I don't want Dice to have access to the cellblocks anymore, for a month or two to start with. I'll take him near wolves, females mostly, myself in that time and observe his behavior while I'm present. I want to work on patience and self-restrained with him. Dice needs to stay in control of himself, no matter how worked up he is. If I see any sign during the time I'll work with him that he does NOT have that restrained, I will retire him as a workingdog. You have my promise on that. I can't use him if he snaps that easily, anyway.''

He paused, then looked at Riesling.

- ''And then there's the matter of Dice and Bloodhound. We already knew the two don't like one another... and things have gotten out of hand this time. Blood was right to come and protect the Mistress's property, but I'm sure it has tensed things up between them forgood. Therefor, I need to see them together in our presence later. I need to know if they'll be flying at one another's throats on sight, or if they can keep their cool. I will also train with Dice; he knows he's not allowed to fight the higherranked dogs and he should not have even considered doing so. And, as I said before; if I see any sign that he cannot behave himself around Bloodhound, I will retire him from work as well.''

He sighed and looked at this hands.

- ''I'm sure both of you wonder why I even keep him after this. But Dice has been a great workingdog for me until this happened. He has been doing good work when buying and selling wolves, and he has done good work training wolves for the fights. Usually, he can work independently and I want that back. It would be a shame if I had to give him up after one incident, no matter how serious it is. I wish to give him one last chance to redeem himself. That is... if both of you can agree.''

He looked up at the both of them.

He had done what he had to do. He had not made any excuses; he had not tried to defend what couldn't be defended. He had, and WOULD, take responsibility. But he had been honest about his own desires in this matter, the wish to give Dice another chance, and he could only hope the two others at the table would agree with it.

((Yep Leo you're right; Gambler works for Mistress and her dad, doing the stuff that needs to be done. Not yet a trainer; maybe later.))

Posted: 21-06-2011 00:16
by Shaydie
Nearly unaware that his mother had disappeared again, Kei struggled to get away from John, darting this way and that on his clumsy paws. Once or twice he fell, only to scramble to his paws and start over again.

Having been hidden elsewhere in the chambers while the Mistress had been present, Nina watched from atop a cupboard, giggling quietly to herself. John was really a big puppy when it came down to it. It made her happy that he finally had something to do other than wander about the Facility.


Blood and Cardinal listened quietly to their masters' conversation, both intensely aware of the tension between them all, especially from the Gambler. After all, it was his dog who had screwed up. Bloodhound was only there as an example and Cardinal was the Mistress' new bodyguard. Dice was thankfully absent for the whole ordeal, something both present canines could be thankful for - although Blood was disappointed that he wouldn't get another chance at tearing Dice apart.

Riesling ignored the brief nod that came from the other man, keeping his attention on the Mistress... for more than one reason. Of course, she was the daughter of the most powerful man in the entire compound and therefore must be respected - something many men didn't quite comprehend - but Riesling also found himself quite intrigued by her. She really was quite beautiful, at least to him. Not that he could see himself with her at all, but surely his interest was more than just business. If anything, she was something to be admired from afar, like a beautiful jewel - but not coveted.
“im guessing we have all watched the vid of what took place in my cell bloke”, she glanced at them both to comferm her belif.
Riesling nodded briskly. Of course he'd seen them. He wouldn't be there if he hadn't.
“so we no that dice has fucked up in a big way”, she was now glearing at gamblier.
“we all no I don’t care what the dogs do with my females as long as they don’t to any damage so not only did he brake that rule he also injured bloodhound to the point he has missed his fight, and I don’t think I must remind you at how serios that is, bets have to be repaid, fights have to be changed and that’s a big no no in this place, it leads to suppishon and ill trust and makes Riesling here look bad” she said her voice sharp as steel.
He smirked slightly - not at what she had said or her in general, just at how she'd worded it. Riesling couldn't care less about who else had their lives fucked up by Dice's little escapade - bets would be repaid as needed. As for the change in fights, yes, it was a pain in the ass. But it couldn't be helped, at least on Riesling's end. No one except an imbecile (or the girl's father when concerning Darcia, he supposed) would send an injured dog or wolf into a fight to the death. Any blame for that would be left to the Gambler, so Riesling had no problem there. As for his reputation... Unless they hadn't heard about the fight between Bloodhound and Dice, Riesling was sure that anyone who mattered wouldn't give a damn about which fights Blood entered and which ones he didn't. The doberman was a winner, and that was what mattered.

All that considered, the Mistress was being a little dramatic, at least how Riesling saw it. She might not feel the same way, however.
“then there is the damage to my female, il exspect compension for the damage gambler”, she said her eyes saying that there was no agument in that
Not surprising. Riesling was sure the man across from him had seen that coming, as did he.
“what are you doing with your dog gambler”
As the Mistress stroked her ears, Cardinal purred softly, though it came out as a threatening growl to anyone other than her, just loud enough to punctuate the subtle threat her human had made.

Blood smirked again, and this time Cardinal caught it.

"Something funny?"

The doberman tilted his head briefly and looked away, as if to say, "Nothing."

"You're just awfully comfortable over there is all."

Cardinal exhaled sharply, unamused.

"I'm finding it less painful than you think."

"Oh? Well. You figure out human speech yet, lovely?"

"... I can infer what they're talking about... but no, not like your kind can."

"Short story is that Dice and I got into it after he tried fucking your little friend Shade. ... Oh, so you remember her? Don't give me that look - I was only there to check on her. Damn guy pisses me off. So I got rid of him for her. Satisfied?"


Blood frowned and gave an irritated sigh.

"Anyway. We're all here to find a punishment for old Dice. Would you like to bite his balls off or should I?"
''Let me start with saying I agree totally. Dice has snapped; I had never expected that to happen. NEVER.'' He drummed his fingertips against eachother. ''I wouldn't have taken that dog to work with if I had. I picked Dice for a reason, and I'm extremely disappointed with his current behavior. I thought he was more reliable.''

He leaned forward, hands still folded. ''Of course, I will pay for all damage done. Both of you..'' His eyes turned at Riesling. ''... have my sincerest apologies for what has happened. And I also assure you it will NOT happen again.''
Riesling leaned back and looked straight forward (away from the Gambler) as he listened to the dead man walking, so to speak. His story was convincing... He gave a soft, exhaling chuckle when his "colleague" offered to pay damages for Blood's injuries and such, but Riesling said nothing, letting the man continue on about possible castrations, traditional or chemical. That was one thing that Riesling was surprised about; he didn't think the guy would even consider castrating his primary dog. Usually it destroyed any useful aspects of male dogs. As for females, it got rid of some of their ferocity and all of their heat, but usually they could still work, if not fight. Dice? Castrated? A bad idea, all things considered. Riesling wasn't after Dice, really. He wanted compensation, not a worthless dog taking up space.
''And then there's the matter of Dice and Bloodhound. We already knew the two don't like one another... and things have gotten out of hand this time. Blood was right to come and protect the Mistress's property, but I'm sure it has tensed things up between them forgood. Therefor, I need to see them together in our presence later. I need to know if they'll be flying at one another's throats on sight, or if they can keep their cool. I will also train with Dice; he knows he's not allowed to fight the higherranked dogs and he should not have even considered doing so. And, as I said before; if I see any sign that he cannot behave himself around Bloodhound, I will retire him from work as well.''
Blood smirked. If Dice was gonna lunge at him again, there wouldn't be any need for retiring him... That dog would be dead as a doornail. Riesling seemed to know it too, and kept silent... kept from laughing. What a joke. Dice would be decommissioned permanently if it was his dog. Perhaps not killed but definitely sent elsewhere. Alas, Dice belonged to another man, and thus he was unable to make any real decisions about his treatment, even in this situation.
''I'm sure both of you wonder why I even keep him after this. But Dice has been a great workingdog for me until this happened. He has been doing good work when buying and selling wolves, and he has done good work training wolves for the fights. Usually, he can work independently and I want that back. It would be a shame if I had to give him up after one incident, no matter how serious it is. I wish to give him one last chance to redeem himself. That is... if both of you can agree.''
The silence that proceeded was enough to make Riesling sit forward and clear his throat. Blood tensed, unsure of what his master would decide.

"Quite an admirable request, Gambler. To be honest I didn't take you for someone who would consider castrating a perfectly able dog, but please, do as you wish in Dice's respect. I have no interest in your overeager dog other than that he actively challenged mine. Any injuries on his part - due to his scuffle with Bloodhound or otherwise - are of no concern of mine either."

He paused, glanced at the Gambler, then continued.

"Neither do I want your money, honestly. I have enough as it is from my other venues and wolves. Blood's paw will be treated and will heal in a few weeks time. In the meantime, I won't have a dog in the speed fights and the Mistress has an injured wolf - from what I hear, an extremely expensive injured wolf."

He leaned back in his chair again, linking his lands together over his chest.

"Therefore, my requests are as such. First, that you pay the good lady her compensation as she likes. Second... If you get your hands on any promising animal in your line of work - particularly a wolf, if you please - I'd like it offered to me first, regardless of who's first in line. A simple request, don't you think? Just one good dog or wolf... or otherwise. I hear you come across a few exotic animals every so often. And after that I will bother you no further, so long as Dice can keep himself in check."

He was letting him off quite easy. Everyone in the room knew it. But Riesling couldn't think of one thing in the world that the Gambler had that he wanted other than another fine animal to add to his collection. Blood was seething by now, irritated that Dice wasn't getting nearly as much punishment as he'd like. Fine. Next time that dumbass even looked at him wrong there'd be trouble... And if he EVER went after Shade again... he'd be DEAD.

Cardinal caught Blood's body language and guessed Dice was getting off easy. It didn't matter much to her, so long as Shade was okay. Meanwhile, Riesling continued.

"That said, Blood here will no doubt have some... discrimination against Dice from now on, but I have no doubt that he won't make any trouble unless Dice deserves it completely. Isn't that right, Blood?"

The doberman wuffed, though it was with such irritation that Cardinal couldn't help but smile ruefully.

(I think I have another character for this RP... And he's not a wolf. Or a dog. >;3 Leo, lemme know if that's okay. He won't be fighting, but he'll work closely with Blood and act as a training object for speed fighters. Anyone remember Therius?)

Posted: 23-06-2011 22:02
by Leo
''I'm just glad I'm not alone.''
''Thanks... Eight.''

Eight smiled at her as she layed her head down and for the frist time so far sleep came quickly for her, he watched her for a wile lost in his own thoughts.
Who would have thought all this would have happen in such a short time it wasn’t a week ago he had been on his own In the here now he had company and even a pack thow a small one. He wondered how Oasis was doing would she get the message he had asked jack to send out by bird, he would get out of here the was no queston in his mind, then he would find her and come back and take this place down. He wanted to see this place dead.

He then lowered his own head, but first he would become stronger and make the wolf next to him stronger as well, try and help george if he could. God he was tired he hadn’t relised until now, his own sleep came to him just as fast as shades, and to bless him further his dreams was plesent.

Jack was scurring back to john and the pup now, he had finished his business eals were and was going to have more fun with the pup now mistress and cardinal had left once again, Spax would be back soon so he would have to be bref, as he got to mistress home he noticed nina and a smile spread across his face again as a ider came to his mind, he wounded if she would catch on quickly she new this song and ontop of this cubord it would be the perfect place for his song.

Just before he got there and she noticed him he let his singing voice out loud and clear, john and the pup would get a kick out of this he knew it.

Jack :
Love is a many splendored thing
Love lifts us up where we belong
All you need is love

Please don't start that again
Jack :
All you need is love
A girl has got to eat
Jack :
All you need is love
She'll end up on the street
Jack :
All you need is love
Love is just a game
Jack :
I was made for loving you baby
You were made for loving me
The only way of loving me baby
Is to pay a lovely fee
Jack :
Just one night
Just one night
There's no way
Cause you can't pay
Jack :
In the name of love
One night in the name of love
You crazy fool
I won't give in to you
Jack :
Don't leave me this way
I can't survive without your sweet love
Oh baby don't leave me this way
You think that people would have enough of silly love songs
Jack :
I look around me and I see it isn't so, oh no
Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs
Jack :
Well what's wrong with that
I'd like to know

Cause here I go again
Jack :
love lifts us up where we belong
Where the eagles fly
On a mountain high
Love makes us act like we are fools
Throw our lives away
For one happy day
Jack :
We can be heroes
Just for one day
You, you will be mean
Jack :
No I won't
And I, I'll drink all the time
Jack :
We should be lovers
We can't do that
Jack :
We should be lovers
And that's a fact
Though nothing will keep us together
Jack :
We could steal time
Jack & Nina:
Just for one day
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Jack :
Just because I, and I will always love you
I and I
can't help loving...
Jack :
How wonderful life is now
Jack and Nina:
You're in the world

( )

When john heard jack he looked up to the cubord and smiled broadly and nuged Kai to look up to, then he layed down next to the pup and watched them sing, in the back of his mind he wondered what jacks mate would do to him, it made him chuckle.

Mistress lisened to Gamble and Riesling talk, she was impressed with Gambles words no the less, he was being proper about the situasion and she was happy with what he proposed to a degree, Riesling was being a little arrogant but that was nothing odd in there line of work all the trainers were to a level, this wasn’t a place of nice people only a handful of trainers got a long with others. Lots of dirty deeds took place off the fighting floor, foul play her own top wolf her first had died of a illness not in the ring and she was sure even to this day that his illness wasn’t accidental.

High stakes played in this world, there wolves entertained priminsters, presdents, kings, dictors crime loads, hence why blood missing a fight or any wolf for that matter at the last second was so surius. The deal that Riesling had said to gamblier was up for them to decide on she for the most part was happy with compensation as he was her employee and a good one at that, but and there was a but in this Dice had done something agest her, in a way he was her dog in a sense. And any one who did any thing agest her got punished servily why cardinal and spax had seen to that this very morning with fool he hadn’t paid up now they had paid in full. After they had finished she tapped her claw on the table again her face dark her eyes cold as her heart was.

“well it seems to me you both have reached a deal, and im happy with what you propos gambler and I don’t think castrasion his the right thing at this point not that I haven’t thought about it, but as you no how I work things here I don’t alou things to go unpunished, he damaged my propity and I wont my pound of flesh”, she said her voice like a viper beautiful but oh so deadly.

“Il exspect him in the empty cell bloke with in the next 15 minets and il deal with him personal, don’t worry he wouldn’t have any serios lasting damage”, she said now pleased she had put on her sharper clawed hand.

Her eyes then went over to Riesling and they didn’t change at all.
“im pleased that blood protected my wolves, I have great trust in him and faith that’s why I let him into my block and my cells, he dose great work. But I exspect when he is dealing with my employees work dogs or any of the dogs or wolves in my block, that he restrains not kills unless he has orders to do so”, she said nodding to Riesling in respect her words were cold but she didn’t want dogs fighting to the death in her cells just because they don’t like each other, she was very grateful for blood stepping in, but she didn’t need dogs being killed by other dogs in her place, that might happen eals were but not in her camp, if she wanted one dead she would order it with a flick of her finger, but alas this dogs even in her part of the fercility often did kill each other, and if they wernt ranked and there was no reason for it, the other dog would learn his lesson.

After this she would return to her courters it was no getting on and she wanted to have a evening.
She waited for the men to conclod there business here or say what they wanted, she would awnser or hold the conversation if they wanted then she would head to give dice a friendly reminder.