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Posted: 18-05-2011 00:47
by Shaydie
"oh how polite you are, but is that all you can come up with hmmmm"
Cardinal couldn't stand looking at him anymore. She pointed her nose toward the floor and locked her eyes there, trying to get the preceding scene out of her head. Eight, thickheaded and strong and short-sighted as he was... screaming. It disturbed her to no end. And here that monster was, taunting her. She licked her lips, breathing but not feeling it. It was as if every breath she took was sucked away from her.
"well i guess you will see when you get back to your pup, train hard now"
Instantly her head snapped up and rage suddenly clawed its way through her body like an angry dragon. Her fear gave way to fury and in less than a second her mood had swung to the other end of the spectrum. She was pissed.


Quiet... He's just finding your buttons.

Her conscience murmured darkly at her, but she couldn't choke down her fury. If that dog put ONE PAW ON KEI, she'd come unglued. War, whether or not Kei was actually hurt. Oh yes, Darcia would pay A HUNDRED FOLD FOR WHATEVER HE DID TO THAT INNOCENT PUP! But in seconds the monster was gone and she was left there, furious, pacing back and forth while the humans readied her training regimen. Once, she ran full speed at the bars of her area where Darcia had pinned Eight, and turned at the last second, delivering an insane back kick with her hindleg... and kept pacing. Anger had taken over her, and at the moment she was trying very hard to harness it and use it for whatever they had planned for her.

At least, she was trying.
Whether or not it was working was anyone's guess...

The click of metal against metal caught her attention finally, though she didn't calm down one bit. Evidently the humans had decided that the most influential training for her would be the same as Eight's - training on-the-job, so to speak. A cage had just opened, revealing a female wolf with the same build as Cardinal's... except this one looked like the others: out of her mind.

"This is what you throw at me? Again!?"

She was disappointed somehow. She wanted something more challenging. Something BIG. She wanted Darcia.

"... Fine. I'll fucking KILL IT!"

And off she went again, full of anger and yet still holding back enough to allow for some precision. It didn't take very long. As soon as they collided, the other female made the huge mistake of leaving her throat open... which Cardinal took advantage of. Her fangs locked around the girl's throat, and without a second thought she spilled the wolf's blood like it was nothing. Too easy. A few humans looked on, impressed but disturbed, and loaded the next wolf into the entry cage.

And Cardinal just waited, silent as death, fire burning in her heart.

But not for wolves. Or dogs. Or humans. Not even Eight or Tsuna or Shade.

For herself. And Kei.
And, in some respect, Ruby and Christian.

Gotta have your priorities...


In the meantime, Blood was enjoying the last hour of freedom before he got shanghaied into the Speed Fight cages. Newly cleaned - almost blindingly - and sporting his starred collar, he walked through the hallways looking for something to do... someone to tear up... He'd promised Spax that he wouldn't fuck anyone before the fights, so he couldn't do that....

Of course... he'd heard Shade had been put back into her cell for the day. Which meant she was all alone. Without Eight to make fun of him.

Quite impressive odds...

Maybe he'd just go find out how she was doing... She hadn't looked good the last time he'd seen her.


Probably a bad idea... He grinned darkly to himself; when had that ever stopped him? Besides, she could do with some friendly attention.

Changing direction slightly, Blood made his way back toward Shade's cellblock.

It took him a while, and he passed a few dogs murmuring something about Triple Eight and how Darcia had... done something, he couldn't quite catch it. It wouldn't be the first time Darcia had injured Eight... or worse. So he didn't think much of it... Until he got closer to the Mistress' cells... and smelled Dice.

For a moment he froze. Why would Dice be around there...? Instinctively he increased his pace, suddenly realizing how quiet it was...

But only for a moment.

Faintly, he heard growling. Barks, snarls... He could smell blood very clearly. Almost there... For some reason he could feel his pulse rising. If Dice was doing what he thought he was doing...

And then, a scream.


He broke into a run, his long legs carrying him far faster than seemed possible. Goddammit!

By the time he reached the right door, he was absolutely sure that Dice was screwing around with Shade. But when he put his head through the dog door (rather silently at that), he still froze, infuriated by what he was seeing...

Dice... pinning Shade... trying to rape her...
His whole body rebelled against it.

A snarl slowly erupted from his throat, the first sound he had made at all so far. That snarl slowly grew louder... into something far more menacing, terrifying, and infuriated. No dog had ever growled like that, had ever made a sound anything like it. The red irises of Bloodhound seemed to constrict his pupils into pinpricks as he stepped into the room fully. He looked, quite accurately in fact, like a demon.

"Get the fuck off of her you sonofabitch..."

His entire body was tense whether or not Dice would turn and fight him... And if he didn't... Blood would make sure he didn't walk out unhurt anyway. He'd BREAK HIS FUCKING LEGS!


Meanwhile, Kei was just enjoying himself, like a pup should.
He licked his lips slightly as John reprimanded him for barking at Nina, but he kept his distance from the new rat anyway, looking at her curiously.

The little tan rodent laughed at Jack, pleased that he agreed to sing with her. She'd been meaning to stretch her vocal chords for a while anyway.

"Okay, here goes... Ready?"

(I'll just write the whole thing. Otherwise it'll drag on for too long if we just take the two parts.)

Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone 'cause
I can't fight it anymore

And I wonder if I
Ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I've lost all control
And I need you now

And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now

Another shot of whiskey
Can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping
In the way you did before

And I wonder if I
Ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one
I'm a little drunk
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I've lost all control
And I need you now

And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now

Whoa, whoa
Guess I'd rather hurt
Than feel nothing at all

It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone
And I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call
But I'm a little drunk
And I need you now

And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now
I just need you now

Oh baby, I need you now

(ALL DONE :D WHEW THAT TOOK FOREVER. And sorry Kisha, it was about time Blood had his time to shine.)

Posted: 18-05-2011 21:11
by Leo
''You be a good boy now... and just sit where you are...'' He walked up and down in front of his bars. ''If you're GOOD... I'll make sure you get a nice TREAT... but hushidy-hush on what you'll see... or I'll be sure to blind you. Got it?''

As Dice spoke scat was looking around the corner of the cage appering not to hear him, he scratched the floor with his paw, a frown on his face and once dice had finished, he reared up and back down again turning as he did, his crazyed smile back on his face.

“A TREAT A TREAT for me”, he seemed to vibrate and the very ider, he made a strange sound throw his teeth and the back of his throat almost like a gag, it sounded existed.

“husdidy hush I shall be for treat make good times, like a chime on a sweet wind”, he said with a existed giggle he was now laying down his head inbatween his paws looking up at Dice like a pup might.

He looked at shade for a second his eyes still crazed and as he did, he opened his mouth wide and let his tung slide out then closed his jaws again. Then out of no wear his tail twitched behind him and it cort his eye, he turned it twitched again then he was off trying to bit it and started what looked like a fight with his own tail.

He missed what they had said and only stopped when Shade snarled and dived for dice, Scat instently stopped and watched on, in a play dow bowning around tail wagging.
“kick him in the balls”, he called then in the same breath, “rip her a knew one”.

Then suddenly scat grow still very still, his eyes serios face like stone, and tense look spread over his body.
''I'M GONNA FUCK YOU THIS TIME... I SWEAR, I'M GONNA FUCK YOU HÁRD...'' He snarled; his anger gave him extra strength. He pulled hard at her rear, lifting only her backside up from the ground; her back legs dangled in the air for a moment. ''AND I DON'T CARE WHO'S WATCHING... BLOODHOUNDS LITTLE BITCH, HUH... WELL, I'LL FUCK YOU FIRST, DAMNIT!!''

“me a me watchy watchy me want to joiny joiny but me a will waita for a chanca to fuck ya bother ”, he said his mad smile flashing back on his face, and slowly like a owls head it started to turn to the side as he watched.

Eight didn’t move he was still out of it completely if he had been awake the roars would have been defining.
Scats nose twitched.
“the white devil comes to young maydens rescue me thinks”, he said quitly.
His eyes to the door as he saw bloods face enter, he kept quite but his smile widened some what and he cocked his head again. This would be fun.

"Get the fuck off of her you sonofabitch..."

“dose this meany meany I wont get any treaty treaty” Scat said tail wagging wile he watched on.
Dice had a advantage at the moment he had shade in her cage with him, Blood could open it to get to him, but it would take time.

Darcia ignord cardinals words completey she was no threat to him, a untrained wolf with spirit wasn’t much to worry about and even if she was trained he wouldn’t worry for his life he knew he would win just get hurt doing it and well pain was not all that bad to him.

When the alarms went off mistress looked at her collar eyes widened in shock and anger, she looked down at spax
“my main cell go”, and he was off in a shot, he ran straight past Darcia that didn’t seem that bothered things like this did happen rarely but they did ever now and then, it would be under controle soon.
Even when the alarms sessed Spax didn’t stop. What they hell had gone wrong this was bad timing they had a gest, her farther was around.
“SHIT”, he growled in anger.
As he reached the room he sniffed the air, blood, dice, shade, coyote he had been moved he heard mistress tell her workers to do so, hmm blood and dice together never ended well, but what the hell had happened to set the alarms off and why the hell hadn’t any one hit the button to shock the dam wolf and who the hell was it.

(il let you two play out a bit more before spax rushes in)

John loved the song and enjoyed the duet singing, they had great voices and when they finished, he let out a deep but soft bark in appresal.
“that was brillent you two”.

Jack bowed in a over the top manner, and then hugged Nina laughing all the wile.
“well thank ya little laddy, me and the lass here make a mighty good team don’t ya think”, he said winking at the pup and john.
“be I think we need a song were all…..”, he stopped midsentse the alarms were sounding then they went off, that was strange it had been months since they had gone off. Then another rat pocked his head into the room and called down to Jack and Nina his voice had a slight hint of fear.

“jack darcia is on his way here”, he called down.
Jack looked at nina then at john his smile still in place, but his eyes had gone slightly hard,
“well time for us to leave ya both me thinks, well little pup nice to meet ya we will see you again soon lad”, and with that he scurred off.
John smiled back and got to his paws and looked up at the rat who had called down to them.
“why is he coming here”, he asked his voice relxased so to not scear kei.

“I think he has something in mind for ya”, he said catching on to what john was doing.
John nodded and turned to kei.
“well kei time for you to hit sleep for a moment”, he said and didn’t wait for a replie, he nuged the wolf pup to mistress room were the door stood ajar.
Only spax was really aloud in there but it would only be for a moment, he needed kei out of the way he had made a promise and john had a bad feeling that this pup might have something to do with Darcia vistet there was no other reason for him to come here at all.

He licked the pups head once he was in side, and hushed any protests and with that he smiled warmly down at the pup, any worry well hidden from his face.
“il sing you another song if you’re a good boy and stay in there, now off you go, and don’t go messing up any thing in there all right other wise il get into truble”, he winked. And with that he gently closed the door behind him, the handle was a long one he could bit onto and use to open it so he wasn’t worried about that, it was also to high for the pup to reach.
John stood infront of the door and waited.

Darcia entered the room and looked at john.
“the puppy sitter hay”, he said walking in.
John didn’t smile didn’t move, he wouldn’t put up a fight there was no need, Darcia wouldn’t do any thing to over the top in here and nothing as brash as kill him or the pup, he was still his masters dog and couldn’t get away with running his masters daughters apartment.

Darcia smiled at him his evil grin making the old huskys blood run cold.
“were is the pup, I want to speak with him”, he said darkly.
John stood tall tail up.
“he is asleep and sadly you cant see him today”, he spoke clearly his deep voice stedy his fear uncontrole.
“John that is no way to speak to me is it, I respect you, so I grant you a serten amount of slack”, he spoke his voice full of amusment and a slight hint of a warning.

John bowed his head.
“thank you for that, but the you still cant see the pup, im under orders and a promis”, he said to Darcia.
Darcia new this old dog wouldn’t bug he would die before he did, he had change greatly since his youth and now he had come back he seemed to be set in his ways on helping the wolves to a degree and ovesly him and cardinal had talked.
So he wouldn’t be getting to the pup today no matter, he couldn’t get away with killing the old fool or getting into a fight that would trash the place so he deiced on another corse of action. In a quick powful move he charged and slammed the old dog into the door behind him. John fell to the floor and groan in pain, his old body was brittle and fragil in his old age, but he was still quite fit, he would heal from it.

John looked up at him, he didn’t dear growl but his eyes blazed, he would fight if need thow he knew it would make a difference. Darcia grinned and left, but before he went he said in a cold laughing voice.
“tell Cardinal the same await her pup if she dosent learn repect and to watch her back, as il be on it….soon”, and with that he left with a laugh.

John panted, he was bleeding slightly above his eye were he had hit the door frame, and he was acting all down his side were he had hit the door, he waited for a moment regaining him self, then got up suppressing a groan and opened the door again and smiled warmly down at the pup.

“how about that song”, he said with no hint of pain nor worry in his voice.

Posted: 18-05-2011 21:58
by Nakisha
((OMG Scat makes me laugh so hard!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: And Spax is going to be so pissed, especially hearing Shade was too fast to try for Dice to shock her... :P))
“me a me watchy watchy me want to joiny joiny but me a will waita for a chanca to fuck ya bother ”
Shade whimpered, growled. That wolf... it was MAD!!! It scared her almost as much as Dice did....
Dice, however, didn't care for the cheers, the screams...

She was HIS....
A snarl slowly erupted from his throat, the first sound he had made at all so far.
That snarl slowly grew louder... into something far more menacing, terrifying, and infuriated. No dog had ever growled like that, had ever made a sound anything like it. The red irises of Bloodhound seemed to constrict his pupils into pinpricks as he stepped into the room fully. He looked, quite accurately in fact, like a demon.


“the white devil comes to young maydens rescue me thinks”, he said quitly.


"Get the fuck off of her you sonofabitch..."


“dose this meany meany I wont get any treaty treaty” Scat said tail wagging wile he watched on.
Under the noise, screams of Shade, Dice and Scat combined, neither had noticed Blood coming through the dog door; but as his snarl filled the cell, it made both Dice and Shade look his way.

Shade's eyes shot at him; for the first time, she was GLAD to see him!

Dice's eyes shot at him as well; pure frustration took a hold of him as he realized he was, once more, unable to fully execute his plan. But the door of Shade's cell was still closed, the bars between the two dogs... Bloodhound had to open it first...

A smirk came to his face and he grabbed Shade's waist extra tight, trying more desperately to penetrate her.

- ''Want to stop me, Blood...? You better HURRY...'' He grinned.

But keeping his eyes on Bloodhound had been a mistake.

On top of her, Shade had noticed how his attention was caught by Bloodhound's presence. And thus... she took advantage of it.
There was no sound; just the lightning-fast attack that could be expected of her.

Dice felt a sharp tug at the side of his neck, eyes widening in surprise and a scream of anger and pain coming from his maw. Shade had now been the one bending her back further then he thought she could... twisting her neck as she had some of the looser skin between her jaws now, snarling and tugging at it.
In his surprise, he backed down slightly and she tried to lower her hindquarters.

She hung on tight; it was all she COULD do... But Dice still had her in an iron grip, and she knew she wouldn't last long.

- ''YOU LITTLE...!'' All his frustration and anger suddenly came out.
Knowing that he was too late to get what he had wanted, rage exploded inside of him. It became red before his eyes; he forgot all around him, even Bloodhound. He released her waist, but sunk his teeth into her back so hard that she screamed in pain. Blood began to run down her fur; Dice seriously meant to break her spine now, too furious to be crossed once too many times....

Shade didn't really realize what she was doing anymore. Her green eyes shot at Bloodhound, and they weren't empty. It was a plead for mercy, knowing that he was her only chance.... to LIVE.

Posted: 19-05-2011 00:59
by Shaydie
(Let's say Cardinal's still training. We'll get back to her in a bit.)
''Want to stop me, Blood...? You better HURRY...'' He grinned.
The bone-chilling snarl returned and he bared his fangs fully, claws nearly digging into the concrete. With speed to be expected from a champion, he whirled and stood on his hind legs before smashing down the button to open Shade's cage. Oh it was ON!



Then, to everyone's surprise, Shade turned... and somehow got her fangs around the fleshy part of Dice's neck. For a moment, Blood stopped and stared, jaw slightly ajar. Now THAT was a fighter! Maybe she still had it in her after all! A dark grin spread on his face akin to Darcia's. She was fighting back, and well for being in such a position. Dice had picked the wrong girl... for two reasons.



Two BIG reasons.
One, Shade was a wolf. Blood knew that she wouldn't have sat back and let him rap her even if she'd been fatally injured.
And TWO...
Blood was as pissed as the devil himself.

Well... so much for going behind his back... Dice would be facing his fangs HEAD ON!



Just a few more seconds...
''YOU LITTLE...!'' All his frustration and anger suddenly came out.
Knowing that he was too late to get what he had wanted, rage exploded inside of him. It became red before his eyes; he forgot all around him, even Bloodhound. He released her waist, but sunk his teeth into her back so hard that she screamed in pain. Blood began to run down her fur; Dice seriously meant to break her spine now, too furious to be crossed once too many times....



Even as Dice's jaws wrapped around Shade's back, Blood let out something similar to a barking roar and darted forward, toward the slowly opening cell bars. When he started, he wouldn't have fit... But as he neared them, it was just enough...



He slipped underneath the bars like water under a bridge... and then jumped.

(Godmodding for a second! I figure since Dice has his mouth full...)

He came down full speed and fangs first on Dice's neck, his own jaws crunching down on the bastard's spinal cord and claws digging into his face and shoulder.

Even if Blood didn't manage to kill him... Dice wouldn't walk away without some serious injuries.

The albino tightened his grip as they went down, working to crush rather than slice or puncture.

And that would be PLENTY.


Kei grinned and laughed as the two rats celebrated the success of their duet. Finally, he reapproached Nina (after she stopped hugging Jack) and sat in front of her, his big red eyes gleaming.

"Um... Sorry for... um..."

Nina giggled and patted his nose affectionately.

"It's okay big guy. But next time keep the greetin' to a minimum. Not a lot of rats like that kinda stuff. Okay?"

The pup nodded vigorously and ran back to John, sitting once more on his paw.

The arrival of a third rat caught everyone's attention.
“jack darcia is on his way here”, he called down.
Jack looked at nina then at john his smile still in place, but his eyes had gone slightly hard,
“well time for us to leave ya both me thinks, well little pup nice to meet ya we will see you again soon lad”, and with that he scurred off.
Nina nodded and went to leave... But instead hesitated and looked back. Poor pup... if Darcia was coming here... it could only have something to do with him. She watched as John ushered Kei toward the door, the pup protesting the whole time that he wasn't sleepy but obeying just the same. After a moment of inner conflict, Nina rushed back toward John and Kei, slipping into the Mistress' quarters after the pup. She looked up at John, determination on her face.

"I'll keep him quiet, don't worry."

The door shut, and suddenly she and Kei were alone.

The pup almost sniffed her again, but luckily decided against it and looked at her curiously. Nina took a deep breath and turned, a smile on her face.

"Well now! We don't need to sleep just yet, do we? You said you're not tired, right?"

"NOPE! I want another song!"

Nina's smile grew a little. He was cute... for a canine. She heard Darcia come into the room on the other side of the door. Instinctively, she lowered her voice to a whisper.

"Well, you know not all songs have noise. If you listen, there's songs everywhere. Ones that you don't have to sing. Now, if we're really quiet, maybe we can hear some. But you have to be REALLY quiet. No matter what. Okay? Otherwise you might scare them off."

A little confused but eager to try out Nina's theory, Kei nodded and for a while they sat in silence. Nina could hear Darcia talking outside, but the pup didn't seem too bothered by it. He was busy listening to the quiet... and... Yes, he could hear it! The soft sounds of silence that echoed throughout a room. It was almost musical...

A very, VERY loud thump on the door made them both look up. For a very long time, they were both tense. Kei whimpered quietly, but Nina patted his nose absently, trying to keep him quiet.

She couldn't hear John anymore... The rat put a paw over her chest, fearing the worst...

But then John reentered the room, and she exhaled sharply.
“how about that song”, he said with no hint of pain nor worry in his voice.
Kei tilted his head, obviously worried.

"John...? Wh... why are you bleeding?"

Nina watched the look of fearful concern on the pup's face. It crushed her to see him like that. But there was nothing for her to say.

Posted: 24-05-2011 22:56
by Leo
Spax snarled in rage hearing the snarls getting louder, what the hell was going on he didnt like not knowing. He got to the door his collar unlocking the door flap automaticly, he slammed in making the door rattle and bang and quickly took in the sean, eight out cold, scat ranting exsitedly. Shade on the floor with dice jaws deep in her back, bloodhound jumping throw the shutting doors attacking dice.

he was guessing that dice had made a move on shade and blood as he already knew wanted her first, and had gotten angry at finding him, what didnt add up was why dice had lost controle, blood was doing the right thing in trying to stop him, he was going to far him self what with his own fight that night and they were on the same side.

Spax let out a loud growling bark to try and get there atsion.
"GET A GRIP THE BOTH OF YOU",he was pissed one of mistress wolves was now badly injured and they day had not being going well, had dice fuck up hence the alarm, he was in truble now.

He charge up to the door to shades cell and barked at them both again, it looked like they were in a blood frenze now.
he the way the door had been opening for blood made it look like it was broken if it was opening so slowly and shutting the same way, so he didnt want to open it, he looked at the buttons of the floor and growled.

he would have to shock all of them dogs included.
he walked over his face contoreted with rage he didnt need this right now.
"you have one more chance to stop you fools", he snarled and if they didnt, he pushed the safty cover off the button and pushed it, this one would shock any thing wearing a collar in the room, dog and wolf, the only one spared would be the one pushing it.

he held it down for a good three seconds watching them all fall to the floor, throw the dark eyes of his mask.

Scat screcked and started laughing histericly, Triple Eights eyes shot open and then screwed shut throw the pain, he let out his own growl to join in with the others.

soon as spax let off eight stopped growling and closed his eyes, what the hell had been going one, he could smell shade, blood, anger, dice and bloodhond spax of corse.
his foggy mind was struggerling to put it all together.

scat was still sniggering.

"zap zap fry fry the big bad dogs, a good good sight, nothing like a hot hot dog", he laughed in a sing song voice panting from his shock, his eyes were still as mad as ever but the held a hidden in venom. his eyes then settled on Shades, and a softness spread into them like the light that slowly massarges the morning skys.

"damsle was a strong fighter, a brave a fight, dont worry you be safe now", he said carmly then his eyes blinked at diffrent times one after the other.

Spax growled ignoring the deranged wolf.
"GET A GRIP THE BOTH OF YOU", he said hitting the button to open the door to shades cell.
"MOVE AGAIN WOLF AND IL FINISH WHAT HE STARTED", he snarled. he was as angry as he had been with george when he had attack mistress.


He took a step back so they could stand infront of him no matter what there wounds.

"now you two better have a fucking good reason for this shit storm, Blood you got a fight later and dice this better not be one of your shnagans", he said suppresing his anger for a moment so his voice shock.

"do i have to remind you both that we have gest mistress his entertaning".

"ooooooo you tooo in tttrrrruuubbblllllleee", scat sang in the back ground.
Spax snarled and turned his head slightly to look back at the wolf who didnt stop smiling but lay low to the ground and didnt say another word.

John smiled down at the young pup.
"no its fine just me and a old friend having a little tussle around", he said making it seem like it was nothing.

He gestered for them both to leave mistress room and as they did he closed the door behind them both he then sat down conseling a wince of pain, his ribs were hurting somthing bad.

"now kei im going to sing you another song now, and i wont you to rember this one, and sing it to your mother some time, she would love that", he said grinning at the young pup, he already loved this pup like he was his own. he had never had that much spare time to hang around with his own pups as they had been trainning to pull sleges and he had been working as well.
the down side to living with humans.

Well, I won't back down, no I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of Hell
But I won't back down

Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
Gonna stand my ground and I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey, I will stand my ground and I won't back down

Well, I know what's right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
But I stand my ground and I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey, I will stand my ground and I won't back down
No, I won't back down

once he had finished he smiled at the young pup wondering weather he would rember it and if it would help him and his mother get throw this life, song was one of the few ways john felt he could help these wolves.

"what do you think of that one?".

he then looked at nina.
"and duets you would like to sing with me", he said happerly.
he was still trying to hid the growing throab in his ribs, it was only bursed not broken but it hurt, he was fare to old to get thrown around like that, his wound wasnt bleeding that badly now.

(nakisha if you want to write your replie to bloods attacks before spax steps in feel free :D )

Posted: 24-05-2011 23:39
by Nakisha
Even as Dice's jaws wrapped around Shade's back, Blood let out something similar to a barking roar and darted forward, toward the slowly opening cell bars. When he started, he wouldn't have fit... But as he neared them, it was just enough...
A whimper of dispair; blood gushing down her back as Dice's teeth where ripping her skin...

He slipped underneath the bars like water under a bridge... and then jumped.

He came down full speed and fangs first on Dice's neck, his own jaws crunching down on the bastard's spinal cord and claws digging into his face and shoulder.

The albino tightened his grip as they went down, working to crush rather than slice or puncture.
Dice's overloaded mind didn't seem to work well. He knew Blood was coming, but he was determined to kill, to rip, to tear.... to focused on Shade to keep his defense up.

But Shade's muscles had changed since her stay here. Strong muscles in her back where protecting her spine from breaking as his teeth put so much pressure on her. She tensed them all, knowingly, hoping to save her life....

And then... Bloodhound's attacked saved her from further damage.

Dice felt the horrible pain in his neck; he was blinded as a paw on his face slammed into one of his eyes. He snarled; he was too furious to think straight. He should have known he couldn't take Bloodhound on... but he was in a rage, throwing a complete fit.

He released Shade; she dropped to the floor in a panting, bleeding heap of fur. She tried to get back up right away, but she was too drained. She sunk back to the floor with a soft whimper, and layed perfectly still on her side, panting. She stared at the two fighting dogs. Whatever would happen now... she was save. Dice could not attack her again... and obviously, Blood hadn't came to fight with hér. And thus, she closed her eyes and just lay there, unable to move much as the sharp pain cut through her body.

((OK slight godmodding coming!))
He got to the door his collar unlocking the door flap automaticly, he slammed in making the door rattle and bang and quickly took in the sean, eight out cold, scat ranting exsitedly. Shade on the floor with dice jaws deep in her back, bloodhound jumping throw the shutting doors attacking dice.
Dice snarled out in rage; he heard nothing but the snarls of himself and Bloodhound and the drumming of his blood in his ears. He reared up on his hindlegs, something he could have never done with Blood's weight upon him under normal circumstances. But he couldn't stay balanced; both dogs slammed hard into the bars behind them, Bloodhound's body hitting it hardest with Dice's body falling on him.

Then, it really went wrong.

Dice was as determined as Bloodhound and the two got it on; furious snarls and growls seemed to fill the air. Dice too tensed the muscles in his neck in an attempt to save his vital parts from taking the blow, but that wouldn't save him for long. Yet, he kept fighting; he snarled, he growled, he bit and only managed to sink his teeth into Blood's front paw briefly....
Spax let out a loud growling bark to try and get there atsion.
Shade heard the growls, the snarls, the screaming. Her eyes opened slightly and her tongue rested on the floor as she just panted.

She was trying to feel her body; she wiggled her toes, she moved her tail. She scanned herself for vital injury, but couldn't find any. Even the slow responses in her back-half seemed to get better slowly.

But she knew the only reason she was still alive, was the fact that Bloodhound had came... júst in time.

Suddenly, the sound of feet, húman feet, grew stronger from the corridors. Someone was coming... RUNNING.
Shade's ears perked for a moment; her eyes opened only slightly...

Then, the door suddenly slammed wide open.

- ''DICE!!''

It was Gambler. His voice boomed through the room, commanding, démanding obedience.
But Dice didn't hear....
He charge up to the door to shades cell and barked at them both again, it looked like they were in a blood frenze now.
he the way the door had been opening for blood made it look like it was broken if it was opening so slowly and shutting the same way, so he didnt want to open it, he looked at the buttons of the floor and growled.

"you have one more chance to stop you fools", he snarled and if they didnt, he pushed the safty cover off the button and pushed it, this one would shock any thing wearing a collar in the room, dog and wolf, the only one spared would be the one pushing it.
he held it down for a good three seconds watching them all fall to the floor, throw the dark eyes of his mask.
Dice didn't stop, thereby hardly giving Blood the chance to stop either. He was still to enraged, his mind clouded by frustration and anger to stop. His constant snarling and growling where deafening as he kept fighting Blood with all he had.

One glance at the fighting dober and mixedbreed, and the wounded wolf on the floor, was enough to make Gambler realize how serious this fight was. Those dogs would tear each other to shréds....

- ''DICE!!! DOWN, DAMNIT, DÓWN!!!'' Gambler rushed forward; he pulled hard at the door of Shade's cell to open it wider. ''DAMNIT, STUPID MUTTS, STOP!! DÓWN DAMN YOU!!''

But then, Spax solved it all.
Scat screcked and started laughing histericly, Triple Eights eyes shot open and then screwed shut throw the pain, he let out his own growl to join in with the others.
The collars sparked to life; Shade let out a very sharp whimper as her tortured muscles stiffened from the collar and the pain became almost unbareable.
Dice also stiffened and fell to the ground; he foamed at the mouth in sheer madness. His tongue hung on the floor and his eyes where bulging.
scat was still sniggering.

"zap zap fry fry the big bad dogs, a good good sight, nothing like a hot hot dog", he laughed in a sing song voice panting from his shock, his eyes were still as mad as ever but the held a hidden in venom. his eyes then settled on Shades, and a softness spread into them like the light that slowly massarges the morning skys.

"damsle was a strong fighter, a brave a fight, dont worry you be safe now", he said carmly then his eyes blinked at diffrent times one after the other.

Spax growled ignoring the deranged wolf.
"GET A GRIP THE BOTH OF YOU", he said hitting the button to open the door to shades cell.
"MOVE AGAIN WOLF AND IL FINISH WHAT HE STARTED", he snarled. he was as angry as he had been with george when he had attack mistress.

Shade was glad the shocks stopped; she panted hard and her eyes once more opened slightly.
She heard the words of the strange, deranged wolf and to her surprise, they where rather soothing...

Her eyes moved slightly, looking at Bloodhound... then, finally realizing a HUMAN had joined them.

To Gambler, the noises where just barks and yips and growls. He finally managed to get the celldoor to open wide enough and rushed into the cage, grabbing Dice by the scruff of his neck before he could get up.
His leg stretched towards Bloodhound, ready to KICK him away if he would try again. He then dragged Dice out of the cage roughly, making him whimper in pain from his already injured neck.

- ''VETS! BRING ME THE VETS, DAMNIT!'' Gambler's voice boomed through the cells. He sat on his haunches, still pinning Dice to the ground.
He took a step back so they could stand infront of him no matter what there wounds.

"now you two better have a fucking good reason for this shit storm, Blood you got a fight later and dice this better not be one of your shnagans", he said suppresing his anger for a moment so his voice shock.

"do i have to remind you both that we have gest mistress his entertaning".
Dice could only whimper softly; his master was here... furious at him. Spax was here, also furious at him. He had fucked up good. Especially with Gambler....
He now finally felt the severeness of his injuries; he didn't even try to move anymore.
"ooooooo you tooo in tttrrrruuubbblllllleee", scat sang in the back ground.
Spax snarled and turned his head slightly to look back at the wolf who didnt stop smiling but lay low to the ground and didnt say another word.
- ''VETS!!!'' Gambler voice boomed once more.
Then, finally, men rushed into the cellblock, hurrying to interfere.

- ''Take Dice to the sickbay.'' Gambler ordered. ''And have Blood checked up... Damnit, his master will kill me if this was Dice's fault...'' His eyes shot at the wounded wolf. ''I want the images from the cell camera's and I want them NOW. If my dog caused this, I'll goddamn NEUTER him!'' He spat, anger boiling up from deep within. He then marched back into the wolf's cell.

She was bleeding pretty hard; he expected her to be down and stay down....

But as Shade noticed the presence of a HUMAN in her cell, she did something extraordinairy.

She began to growl; then, suddenly, she rolled to her side.

Gambler stopped; he froze.

Slowly, Shade began to rise to her feet. She ignored her injuries, her exhaustion and her pain. And while she was unstable, wobbling on trembling legs, she stood and growled furiously at the human. She did not attack; she just warned him....

- ''Hmmm...'' Gambler slowly stepped backwards and left the cell. Shade's eyes followed him, but the moment he stepped behind the cage's door, she shuddered and fell back to her side, panting heavily.

- ''What shall we do with her, sir?'' The vet asked. ''Shall we take her, too?''
- ''No... She's a wólf, not a dog.'' Gambler answered, still staring at the wolf in amazement. ''She'd freak out in the sickbay. Needless stress... treat her for her injuries here.''
- ''Yes sir.''

Gambler grumbled slightly. He then turned, and glanced at Spax. And as he made his way back to the door, he gave him a casual pat on the back.

- ''Good dog, Spax. Good boy.''

And as the vets began to carry Dice from the room, others coming towards Blood to check on him, and the rest slipping into Shade's cage to give her a sedative, Gambler's voice once more ordered:

- ''The camera images... in my room, NOW.''

Posted: 25-05-2011 02:44
by Shaydie
As Dice started trying to struggle against him, Blood only bit down harder, determined to literally crush the life out of the bastard. He wasn't even supposed to be there! Messing with the Mistress' wolves, much less trying to kill one! Dice was going to die right then and there... whether he had to sit for hours choking the damn dog or not! Growling viciously, he hung on as Dice somehow lifted them both off of the floor... and slammed back into solid ground having lacked balance. Blood landed first, and Dice on top of him. The albino felt his spine lurch, shocked by the sudden impact, but he wasn't thinking about the pain now. He was focused only on killing the bastard who nearly killed Shade!

(Since you didn't flesh out the fight, I'll do a little more.)

Dice got a hold of one of his front paws, and in the heat of things Blood lost his grip on Dice's neck, snarling in pain. That was when they finally got to the REAL fight. Over and over again they snapped at each other, every so often managing to rip at their foe's flesh with claws or fangs. In the back of his mind, Blood could hear Spax telling him to stop, but he couldn't. His own little bloodrush, nearly like Eight's... Except he had eyes only for Dice's damn NECK! Twice he tried to get his fangs back around, but each time he missed out of rage and tore at Dice's fur.
''DICE!!! DOWN, DAMNIT, DÓWN!!!'' Gambler rushed forward; he pulled hard at the door of Shade's cell to open it wider. ''DAMNIT, STUPID MUTTS, STOP!! DÓWN DAMN YOU!!''
Gambler? Dice's master...

The moment of clarity resonated in Blood's mind for only a moment before he was hit head on with the shock of his life. Literally.

Instantly, he fell to the floor, writhing in pain but eerily silent with his mouth and eyes wide open. The electricity flowing through him from his smaller collar had less voltage than the wolf collars, but with his lithe body it was just as painful. He couldn't think, couldn't breathe...

And then it stopped.
"zap zap fry fry the big bad dogs, a good good sight, nothing like a hot hot dog",
"damsle was a strong fighter, a brave a fight, dont worry you be safe now", he said carmly then his eyes blinked at diffrent times one after the other.
The doberman growled as he rolled onto his belly. Crazy-ass...

Suddenly he remembered why he was there. His demonic snarl returned slowly and he now stood looming over Shade, his body shielding her from any further attack. He was still growling at Dice when Spax's voice silenced them both.
"GET A GRIP THE BOTH OF YOU", he said hitting the button to open the door to shades cell.
"MOVE AGAIN WOLF AND IL FINISH WHAT HE STARTED", he snarled. he was as angry as he had been with george when he had attack mistress.

His ears went back. Spax was pissed... As well he should be. But Blood had only been protecting the Mistress' property... But...


The Mistress had company today. He'd forgotten. And now, having fought Dice, he was bloody and bruised. In no condition for the fight in less than thirty minutes.


Irritated and still fuming and eager to get back to killing Dice, he exited the cage reluctantly, leaving Shade by herself. He glared at Gambler as he dragged Dice away and made as if to kick him, but he didn't move against the human at all. Gambler was not his enemy - only the human's dog.
"now you two better have a fucking good reason for this shit storm, Blood you got a fight later and dice this better not be one of your shnagans", he said suppresing his anger for a moment so his voice shock.

"do i have to remind you both that we have gest mistress his entertaning".
The doberman remained silent while Gambler roughly handled Dice, eying them both in case Dice's throat presented itself. When it didn't, Blood gave Spax a look of apology and fury, ears turned back.

"I just happened along when Dipshit tried damaging the Mistress' property. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure a broken back doesn't do well for most fighters."

He glanced back at Shade as she defied the very nature of the Facility and stood against Gambler, smiled grimly... then focused entirely on Spax and what he'd say next. Of course there'd be reprimands... but he was ready for them.

It was worth it. Maybe Shade wouldn't think of him as such a bastard anymore.

Inwardly, he wondered why he cared... but deeper inward still, he knew that he cared about her. Very much. It was just that the rest of him refused to recognize it.

Blood flinched as human hands began to touch him, but he didn't snap at any of them. He was done. For now.

(Alright, I'm thinking the Master will have to meet Gambler next post. ;3 He'll be angry, but at least we'll get a name for him then.)


Kei listened intently, still unsure of John's true condition but determined to remember the song so he could teach it to his mama. When the old dog stopped, he ran through it in his mind and found it easy to remember. Smiling halfheartedly, he nodded when John asked him how he liked it. Other than that, he seemed rather distressed. Nina noticed it and patted the boy on the head, which seemed to cheer him up a bit. The puppy gently licked the rat's cheek and layed down, letting her rub his belly.
"and duets you would like to sing with me", he said happerly.
Nina tilted her head, trying to find one. After a moment, she came up empty and shook her head.

"None that I can think of, old boy."

For a while she kept scratching Kei's belly, lost in thought. Then, finally, she stretched and looked up at John, concern and determination in her eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

(Last post until we get back to ol' Cardinal.)

Posted: 26-05-2011 23:13
by Leo
Spax heard gambler Dice master enter and try and carm things down, but he didnt move for the human he kept his mind on what he was doing and by the looks of it the shock had worked as it always did. He was angry that he had to shock his friend but he had no choice as they were both lost in there blood thirst.

if dice had been trying to rape the wolf he didnt care that was his problem as long as he didnt do any lasting damage but he had just fucked that right up, shade was now bleeding badly and looked hurt.

Dice human then ordered him off to the sickbay and Spax masked eyes followed dice progress out of the door, he then turned back to the dorbormen.
I just happened along when Dipshit tried damaging the Mistress' property. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure a broken back doesn't do well for most fighters."

Spax thought on that for a moment, dice wouldn’t hurt a wolf for no resone espashly if it was mistress and his own wolves he knew his life wasn’t werth that much, he looked over at shade, his mask turning very slightly as he looked past blood at her.

“this wasn’t about who got to her first is it”, he asked in a straight strong voice.
His worrys about blood falling for her were nagging at him again. The only thing was that blood would have stepped in like he had done even if he didn’t but it was just nagging at him.

At that exsact moment Scat giggled.
“oooo who wants to fuck her first, that … the question dicy dicy made the first move, promising me a treat…” then he stopped his eyes flashing his mad mind was working, he knew not to tell any more then he needed other wise he wouldn’t get his treat.

Spax growled at the wolfs words he knew his game and knew how to work with this nut job of a wolf.
To play the wolfs little games was the best way to get what he need out of him, then use force were it was needed.
Spax glanced at blood, he trusted his friend, he wouldn’t let his judgment be clouded, and he knew it, but he needed to no what happened before hand, and for that matter if blood had wanted her first he didn’t blame him for fighting for it but why had it gone so far was what he wanted to no.

He nodded and blood and smiled a little at him, then turned to the crazy wolf and put his masked face right up to the crazy wolfs, the smaller wolf lowered him self to the floor submitting, he might shout his mouth off and be off his nut, but he knew what was expected of him.

“so you want a treat hay”, scat nodded his head excitedly sending flex of drool ever were.

“I would like a runny time in the pens with little missy over there”, he said nodding at shade.
Spax was sprised to hear he wanted to take shade, he didn’t normal want company when he got a chance to go out side.
“no deal coyote, she isn’t aloud out side”, he said calling by he real name, with a slight growl in his voice, warning that the wolf was getting cheeky.

There was more to it then that, she was injuryed and scat was to unprodicterbal, he might want to chat with her, rape her or kill her, there was no telling with him, nor spax thought that the wolf him self knew why.

Scat giggled, not bothered at all.
“how aboutys you give me a puppy to play with”, he said still giggerling.
Spax growled now.
“the last pup you had to play with you chewed up, your pushing your luck coyote now before i….”
Scat interrupted him.
“oks oks I will tell I will tell as long as I get me a toy a TOY”, he said excitedly, almost trembling with the very thought of a toy to play with.

“done now talk”.

“well mister dice wanted little wolfy he wanted to fuck her good not that I blame him’s look at that girl sheeeeeee naice”, he said winking at shade.
He then rolled onto his back and started rolling around try to scratch a ich.
Spax waited pasently, he had worked with this wolf long enuf to no that this wolf would ramble threats or not.
“but then our white knight, came out of the deep black, like the specktys he is”, he said looking up at them wile still on his back.
“he then saved they day, me thinks scat thinks here I think here I do I do, that dicey was up set then wile my good firend my best chum had diceys attsion the damsel took the moment and made it her own, and tried to spill the dogs throat’all guts on the ground. THEN”, scat jumped back to his paws so quick it was a blur.

“blood attack charge, layed siege, sprang his trap, molestered, assaulted and positively exploded into attack”, spax turned away from the wolf now as he was rambling one with his words.

So dice had wanted shade, blood had stopped him.
“blood if you wanted her first, its fair that you had a fight, but its unlike you to lose your cool, and quite frankly I don’t like it when you do”, he said to his friend seriously but hopped he wouldn’t get pissed off.
But that was the reason he was worried, he never normal went that fare even if it was dice nicking a bitch he wanted.
“and now you are injured what of your about your fight”, he said.

Humans were now tending to shade and eight after parlising them both with there collars, they pushed the blue healing past that burned like hell into there wounds, Eight had fallen back into his unconses state so he made no sound when the blue past started to sizzle in his brand. The humans looked worried about shade at first but then after they looked at her closely they didn’t seem as worried so that made spax feel a little better.

Back in the training arina mistress looked like she was ready to kill. Carlos was now off with her farther, and there meeting even thow with all that had happened with the alarms had gone well. But she had just been informed what had happened in the cells, and her green eyes were ablaz with anger, she didn’t give a fuck if the dogs fucked her wolves, as long as there wernt in heat or did any lasting damage, but they looks of it things had gotten out of controle and shade was now injuryed, and she had just healed from her fever and started to work at lest a little, and now this, she was near a metal locker were she was lent up agest the wall watching george and her slient song bird train. She was pleased with her songbird greatly, she moved well any with more training would be exstremly deadly.

She smashed her fist into the locker making all the humans stop and look at her, she was angry real angry.
“we’re done for the day, get that fucking wolf back in the cell”, she said pointing at George, give me his report this evening.
She then hit her braclet righting a message to gambler and bloods owner to meet her in the conference room were she had been that morning, in a hour.
Then she walked over to the bars were cardinal was, she lent down next to them so she was at the same hight as the wolf.
“why do every one around here need to be so fucking usless”, she said.
“I think its time for my self to get serios, im not fucking with you songbird, I want to be the best around here I want nothing but the best, I cant have any thing less, you were a leader once I can see it in your eyes”, she said now looking into cardinals eyes, her own eyes were on fire with anger and something eals.

“and you no what im talking about, I know you don’t trust me fully yet, you wouldn’t bet let me make it clear, me and you could be something big in here, to females that no man would fuck with wouldn’t dare cross us, both powerful and wealthy”, she was talking to this wolf quitly but with passion, not because she thought the wolf would understand and trust her, but to her self as well, and maybe the wolf would hear some of it, with a little luck, this wolf was speshal she could tell, she saw it in her eyes the first moment she had seen her, they were both beautiful females that had been scared, had been pushed and now stood for no shit.
She was also opening up so much thanks to the anger in her, thow the meeting with carlos had gone well, once her father had started talking she lost her grip on carlos and the two of them went off together, her father could be a fucker some times.

“now lets find out what the fuck is going on with my employees and my wolves”, she then stood up and hit the button to let cardinal out of her training arier. She would stop off at her apartment, clean up a bit then leave to the meeting room.
She strode of exspecting the wolf to be by her heal.

John could tell both the pup and the rat were worried about him and he crused him self for not acting well enuf to hide it.
“yeah yeah im fine, just because im old dosent mean im fragile”, he said walking away from them to prove the point, then back over to them, he worked hard to hide the pain in his ribs.

“now little pup what would you like to do, we can play a game, sing some more, or maybe tell some stories”, he grined down at them both and winking at Nina.

Posted: 28-05-2011 17:35
by Nakisha
Instantly, he fell to the floor, writhing in pain but eerily silent with his mouth and eyes wide open. The electricity flowing through him from his smaller collar had less voltage than the wolf collars, but with his lithe body it was just as painful. He couldn't think, couldn't breathe...

And then it stopped.
Shade had been unable to do more then watch the fighting dogs as she lay there. But seeing thém being shocked, dropping to the floor like she had dropped to the floor so many times... it was a sight she wouldn't forget. Dice, foaming at the mouth, Blood, laying there with wide open eyes. They both now surely knew how the wolves felt that they had shocked so many times...

But she wished it would stop. Not for herself... but for the one that had just saved her from certain death.

The doberman growled as he rolled onto his belly. Crazy-ass...

Suddenly he remembered why he was there. His demonic snarl returned slowly and he now stood looming over Shade, his body shielding her from any further attack. He was still growling at Dice when Spax's voice silenced them both.
A warmth, as she felt saver then éver before, washed over her like a warm blanket as Blood took his protective stand above her. She lifted her head; her green eyes shot up at the much larger male. Somehow, it touched her deep... and at that moment, something inside her changed... something she couldn't comprehend just yet.
Then, her eyes shot back at Dice, afraid of what would happen. But nothing was going to happen, not anymore; it was réally over now...

Dice's owner was dragging the dog away.

She felt sheltered underneath Blood... Save...

She sunk to her side slowly, panting heavily.

His ears went back. Spax was pissed... As well he should be. But Blood had only been protecting the Mistress' property... But...

Irritated and still fuming and eager to get back to killing Dice, he exited the cage reluctantly, leaving Shade by herself. He glared at Gambler as he dragged Dice away and made as if to kick him, but he didn't move against the human at all. Gambler was not his enemy - only the human's dog.
Shade suddenly felt naked; Blood's strong presence left as Spax ordered him out of the cage. She shuddered unintentionally.

She found herself wishing he would have stayed...

She felt so damn volunerable now.

The doberman remained silent while Gambler roughly handled Dice, eying them both in case Dice's throat presented itself. When it didn't, Blood gave Spax a look of apology and fury, ears turned back.

"I just happened along when Dipshit tried damaging the Mistress' property. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure a broken back doesn't do well for most fighters."

He glanced back at Shade as she defied the very nature of the Facility and stood against Gambler, smiled grimly... then focused entirely on Spax and what he'd say next. Of course there'd be reprimands... but he was ready for them.


“this wasn’t about who got to her first is it”, he asked in a straight strong voice.
Shade listened at Blood's and Spax's words. Saving her, because she was property that could not be damaged. And Spax, questioning if the fight could have been about 'who had her first'.

*That's all.* She thought, mostly trying to convince herself. *Don't get mushy. Don't think he cares, girl. Think about what Dice said... about... Darcy, was it? Blood is like the rest... he has to be...*

But she was too tired to really think about it more; she hardly felt how a dart with a sedative hit her. She heard Scat's voice rambling in the distance...
She was out within seconds. She didn't even notice anymore how she was shocked to make sure she'd stay down, how her wounds where treated with the horrible stuff....


Gambler slammed the door of his room shut; he then hurried to his TV and chose the right channel. As expected... the video was ready.

He hit the button....

Images of Dice entering the room. Pacing about in front of the wolf's cage, the wolf growling at him... then opening the cell door.

Up to that point... it was something Dice was ALLOWED to do. As one of the canine staff of the facility, it was fine for him to put wolves in place. Somehow, the canines seemed to be better in fixing these things amongst themselves then any human could...

Gambler's eyes widened as he watched Shade's lightning-fast escape, turning the sound down as the alarms blared from his speakers. He watched the two fight; Dice throwing her back into the cage and going after her...

He had to admit; he was impressed. The wolf seemed to have some promise... a good candidate for the speedfights, maybe....

He frowned slightly as he watched Dice's violent attempt to rape the wolf. He shook his head; in this place, everyone was more or less fucked up, sure. And he knew Dice had his fun with the females. It was allowed. But to see him act so violently about it....
But even thát wasn't forbidden. He wasn't doing damage....

But things where getting out of hand. Dice was too rough; Gambler grumbled to himself, feeling anger boiling up. STUPID dog...

And then Blood appeared...

Gambler gasped in surprise as he witnessed the wolf's last impressive attack to get Dice of her back... and his dog going for the kill...

- ''GODDAMNIT!'' He tossed the remote on the couch and came closer to the screen, eyes widened, not missing a moment. Dice seemed to be really determined to break the wolf's neck.... and that's where Blood attacked him.

He sighed. He rewinded and looked again. And again.

- ''For fuck's sake, Dice...'' He mumbled to himself. Never, éver had he imagined his dog... snapping like that....

At that moment, the door opened.

- ''Gambler, sir?''

Gambler turned; one of the vets stood in the dooropening.

- ''Well?''
- ''Blood is fine, under the circumstances. Some bitewounds, bruises, maybe a few strains. But I don't think he'll be able to fight this afternoon, like his owner had planned. As for the wolf; they're working on her, but they found no severe injuries. She'll be fine within a week or so, and she'll be able to do light training while she recovers.''

Gambler sighed in relief; at least no lasting damage seemed to be done. But still, he knew he'd be in trouble for this... Blood's owner would be mighty angry about Blood being unable to fight this important fight... probably missing money too. And Mistress would surely be just as angry about her wolf getting injured....

Goddamnit. This would be a shitstorm...

- ''Good... and Dice?''
- ''Blood got him good, but he'll be fine. No lasting damage either. He'll be sore and stiff, and maybe limping for a long while though. His neck was hit pretty good...''
- ''Good thing too...'' Gambler grumbled between gritted teeth. ''Stupid dog... I want to see him.''
- ''Right this way...''

Gambler followed the vet back to the sickbay. He was still steaming with anger; he could feel his beeper burning against his hip. It couldn't be long before Mistress of Blood's owner would DEMAND a meeting. And while he wanted to explain himself and make his apologies of course, he didn't look forward to it...

Dice lay on a table, panting hard. He was treated for his wounds and there where bandaids wrapped around his neck. He whimpered softly when the door opened.

His master....

He gulped; his tail tucked between his legs and he raised his head, whimpering. Now that the adrenaline had died down, and he realized what he had done, he knéw he was in huge trouble...

- ''STUPID MUTT!'' Gambler's eyes where shooting fire as he walked up to his dog. He grabbed Dice's neck, at the same place where Blood had bit him, determined to hurt him. Dice let out a sound between a whimper and a scream as Gambler's iron grip caused an immense pain. ''I SHOULD HAVE YOU CASTRATED, YOU IDIOT!''

He then let go; Dice whimpered and tried to back down; one of the vets grabbed him to make sure he wouldn't fall of the table.

- ''Put that worthless canine on the ground.'' Gambler ordered.

Dice was lifted from the table and placed back on his paws; he whimpered and held his right leg up. He was obviously in pain. But he limped towards Gambler, ears flattened, whimpering. He lost his balance and fell, whining loudly, but got back up. Right before Gambler's feet, he tried to roll on his back for him, show his submission, but it hurt so much he cried out loud once more.

- ''Serves you right, you stupid beast.'' Gambler grumbled, but he sunk through his knees to pet his dog. ''What am I to do with you? Any idea what you did?! What trouble you caused?''

Dice whimpered and placed his head on his master's knee; Gambler scratched behind his ears and sighed. He then looked up at the vet.

- ''How about chemical castration?''
- ''Are you sure, sir..? It would make him worthless as a working dog as long as he's under the influence of it. He'll most likely loose his sharpness...''
- ''Hmmm....''

Gambler stared down at his dog. Dice gulped; he instinctively knéw what his master was thinking about....

((Shaydie; let me know if the vet's report about Blood was right or not. If not I can alter it. ;)))

Posted: 29-05-2011 22:18
by Shaydie
“this wasn’t about who got to her first is it”, he asked in a straight strong voice.
Suddenly the doberman’s fur bristled noticeably. He didn’t make a habit of showing aggression against his friends – especially not against Spax – but for Spax to accuse him of beating the shit out of Dice just because he wanted inside a girl first was… insulting. Spax knew him very well, yes. And so Bloodhound had expected him to realize that such irrational behavior from a trained professional had nothing to do with the pleasures of sex. Please. How dumb did he think he was?! He gritted his teeth slightly and sort of glared at Spax, but sat there, reasonably expressionless and silent through the next few events.

He listened carefully as Scat reenacted the violence in the past few minutes with his own words. Put lightly, the story was mildly entertaining. White Knight, huh? Indeed, if nothing else, Scat was an entertaining piece of mangy fur. And yet, he told it reasonably true to life: Dice had tried to get busy with Shade… and he… just happened to be there… and proceeded to try to kill the ratty scumbag. The evidence was incriminating, to say the least. No doubt Spax would put two and two together eventually, but what could he do? The worst Blood could ever imagine happening is a sharp reprimand and an order to stay away… But he could always see her… in the ring…
“blood if you wanted her first, its fair that you had a fight, but its unlike you to lose your cool, and quite frankly I don’t like it when you do “and now you are injured what of your about your fight”, he said.
A small growl finally escaped from his throat.


The word was spoken with the smallest hint of aggression. He couldn’t help it. After a moment, he took a breath and continued.

“I’m well aware of what the hell kind of problems I just caused myself. But if you think I was just going to sit back and watch that bastard have his way with her, in HER condition—“

His voice was growing louder by the second. Again he paused, trying to calm himself. He didn’t want to yell at Spax, and not just because he was higher ranked. They were friends after all. A sigh escaped him.

“I’m sorry, alright? I have no goddamn idea what came over me. I just… I can’t even focus right now, AUGH!”

He snapped angrily at one of the humans examining him, and in response the man reeled backwards, yelling curses as he fell to the floor. The second human laughed and helped him up, carefully patting Blood on the head. The Doberman took it without much reaction, still riled up from Dice, until they examined his hurt paw. It didn’t hurt so much until the guy splayed it out in his hand, revealing a split part where the toes were webbed together. It was bleeding a little, dying the paw red. Blood snatched it away, placing it gingerly back on the floor.

Well, so much for that…

The Master was watching the progress of his own dogs – a few very large wolf hybrids, mostly German Shepherd and Doberman crosses – when the sirens went off. He paid them very little attention. If there was a true emergency, people would be running a mile a minute trying to get dogs out of the facility or back into their cages depending on the style of the crisis. The lack of such intensity told him that it was a concentrated incident, most likely in the Mistress’ corridors since the entire alarm system was going off. It happened every so often of course, but the fact that it was happening today, when Carlos was there… It made him chuckle darkly. Poor thing. Must be pissed by now. He crossed his arms and continued to watch the flurries of fur, conversing with the trainers as they came up to him to discuss training regimens.

A thought crossed his mind as he looked at the clock. A speed fight in thirty minutes. Blood was not around.

It was unlike the dog to be late. Any other human would swear to the Master’s insanity if he ever told them about Bloodhound’s punctuality. But the man knew his dog. His dog was never late unless something important happened. Perhaps it had something to do with the sirens? His face darkened. Although the human doubted it, if Blood was the instigator of the trouble… he’d regret it.

A few minutes passed and the sirens faded, but still Blood did not arrive. It was only when his slim cell phone vibrated in his pocket and he read the message that he finally lost his temper. He was required to meet the Mistress in an hour… And the message was copied to the Gambler.

“That son of a bitch.”

The man next to him, his lead trainer, looked at him with confusion.


“Ian, have the dogs put away. They’re done for the day. And give them all fluoride for their teeth.”

“Mister Riesling—“

The Master, known as Riesling to all except a chosen few (probably because of his extremely picky attitude about his dog’s appearances and fighting style as well as skill), whirled on the trainer so fast that the man stumbled back, holding his arms up as if to defend himself.

“I said… put the dogs away. I have business to attend to.”

And with not another word he walked away.

Riesling knew all too well that his dog and the Gambler’s did not get along. At all. The two men themselves were acquaintances at best, sharing a slight distaste for one another. But they both knew that Blood and Dice were ticking time bombs. They worked closely with each other and both had a reputation for… removing the problems. The only difference between them was that Bloodhound was built for speed and Dice for power. And if Riesling was right… in a small space like the corridors and cell blocks of the Mistress’ section of the Facility, Blood would have a disadvantage after the first few seconds.

If Blood’s hurt… right before his fight…

Riesling was fuming now. Bloodhound was his champion. A money maker AND his most trusted friend and body guard in the Facility. He pressed a button on his phone similar to the different devices the Gambler and the Mistress used to call their favorite dogs. In a few moments, Blood’s starred collar would beep quietly and summon him back to Riesling’s chambers. And there, they’d have a little chat…


Blood was still wrangling with the medics when his collar whispered quietly to him. His ears pricked and something bred halfway between dread and anticipation surged through his body. One of his stars lit up bright red, and the humans took it for what it was – a summons. The dog waited impatiently for them to finish up treating his paw, then looked at Spax.

“Looks like I’m done here, then. Anything else bothering you?”

His tone was bitter, but he knew that if Spax had something to ask, he’d have to ask right then. Master Riesling did not like to be kept waiting.


Back in the arena, Cardinal’s area was covered in bodies. She had lost sight of what purpose she had in fighting these blasted dogs: training. Instead she was blindly disposing of them as fast as possible. So fast, in fact, that there was a line of training wolves behind the loading bay because she was going through them so quickly. Not even the humans could gather enough courage to enter the arena and drag the bodies out as they fell to Cardinal’s bloody rage. She didn’t even seem to tire, didn’t notice the sirens as they went off and silenced minutes later. Instead she focused purely on killing. Killing in any way possible. Only once did she take the time to prolong her enemy’s suffering, breaking both of his forelegs before shattering his spine. And after that, no more wolves came to fight her.

Not immediately realizing it was over, she stood there, whirling and snarling, waiting for another set of fangs to silence. But finally the absence of bodies to cut up made it into her consciousness, and she calmed down, breathing hard and literally covered in blood.

This is what I have become.

This time, the thought didn’t bother her. It couldn’t. A fact she had to accept. So she did.

Cardinal noticed the Mistress at the bars. Gingerly, she stepped over the bodies of her former comrades toward the girl, looking at her through her mask’s red eyes.
“why do every one around here need to be so fucking usless”, she said.
“I think its time for my self to get serios, im not fucking with you songbird, I want to be the best around here I want nothing but the best, I cant have any thing less, you were a leader once I can see it in your eyes”, she said now looking into cardinals eyes, her own eyes were on fire with anger and something eals.

“and you no what im talking about, I know you don’t trust me fully yet, you wouldn’t bet let me make it clear, me and you could be something big in here, to females that no man would fuck with wouldn’t dare cross us, both powerful and wealthy”

“now lets find out what the fuck is going on with my employees and my wolves”
The red wolf listened to the words, not understanding the sounds themselves but catching the meaning quite well. Having listened to Spax for the entire duration of her stay, she was learning how to interpret human speech. Or at least the Mistress’.

When the arena door opened, Cardinal exited through it, following the Mistress obediently. There was something in the girl’s step that was in it earlier. Something was going down, and Cardinal would have great pleasure in having a part in it.

(That should answer your question, Kisha. Don’t worry too much about it. Aaaand Leo you might wanna clean Cardinal off before they go off to the meeting. X3 When I said covered in blood I meant covered.)