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Posted: 02-05-2011 16:56
by Nakisha
While Shade slept her deep sleep, making up for hours lost the night before, Dice made his way through the corridors.

He still felt annoyed. While he had nothing to complain about, especially not after the time he had spend with Jolene lately, he was a little worked up. It wasn't the lost chance to rape her that bothered him; it was the fact that he had been SO close to execute his plan, take it to the next level... yet had been called off at the moment supréme. Muscles tense, ears slightly backwards, he growled at anyone who came too close as he made his way to his master's chamber. Dogs hurried aside, most of them lowranked.

Dang it. He had thought about it for such a long time, and he had ALMOST succeeded in such a shórt time.
Dear BLOODHOUND's girl would be HIS. Hé would have her fírst. Hé'd be the one fucking Blood's favoured girl over and over, until he'd be bored with her. And then... he'd condemn her to the breeding cages. He'd make sure she would never become good... that she'd never reach the top.

Because, if she DID, she could be taken out of his reach. And he couldn't have THAT... at least, not now. If he found Bloodhound truly loosing interest in the bitch, thén he would move on, find something else to amuse him. But for now, he'd take away the girl Blood was interested in.... just to get to him.

All he had to do, was break her. Keep her small. Keep her under the constant impression that she was, indeed, worthless. She had to BELIEVE it, loose her spirit. And since he'd be the one training her, it would be rather easy.
For now, his plan was working just fine... and since Blood was pretty occupied with his own fights coming up, he wouldn't even find out until it was done...

That last thought perked him up a little bit; his tongue ran over his front teeth. Just to get to Blood for once... after all this time of being looked down upon, being sneered at. It would be such a terrific feeling.... It would teach that damned freak to mind his own business...

As he arrived at his master's room, he slipped in as silent as possible.
The door creaked slightly; his master, a tall, dark-skinned man with very short black hair, sat on a couch. He was going through some papers with a very serious face as Dice approached silently.

Without even looking up, his master began to speak.

- ''Ah... Dice. Good boy...''

He stretched out a hand, still not looking. Dice licked it, and the hand softly patted his head.

- ''Seems I'll need you around for a bit... We're going to have some company.''

Dice sat down. He knew what his master meant.

Every now and then, a few of the lesser fighters where sold to other masters, to fight in other places. And his master was one of those with that task; selling lesser wolves. Bargening about their price was sometimes dangerous; it was common for the buyers to bring their best fightingdogs to put some pressure on the selling party.

And, of course, that's where Dice came in.

- ''Are you up to the task, boy?'' Finally, his master looked up. Dice barked. He grinned. ''You're right... nobody wants to roll the dice with a gambler...''

Gambler. It was his master's nickname and very suiting. Dice had never heard another name mentioned when people talked about or to his master. Naming his dog ''Dice'' had been a little joke of his.
Other men had thought him to be a fool to pick a mutt like Dice as his personal dog. Most owned purebreds; powerfull dogs like Akita, rottweiler, mastiff, doberman, german shepherd or even purebred boucheron. But there had been a connection between man and dog the day they met. Dice wasn't the biggest or the strongest dog, and whiles many thought of him to be a dumb joke of a dog, even his fellow dogs, Gambler knew what lay inside Dice. He was way more then he seemed... and that was EXACTLY what he liked in the dog.

- ''Let us go.''

The man got up; Dice followed like a shadow. Silent and unnoticed, but deadly if need be.
A grin played around his maw; yet another thought was playing in his head....

Posted: 04-05-2011 01:43
by Shaydie
When the Mistress flicked her fingers again, Cardinal flicked her ears backwards, listening to the ensuing silence. Spax had stopped, so... Should she stop as well? There was no noise from then on, so she licked her lips, tasting the dog's blood on her muzzle.


She couldn't help herself. Stepping away from the akita - walking backwards as to keep an eye on him - she grinned. It was not a happy grin; this was the toothy, curled smile of someone who was already insane. Not that she was, but tormenting the shit out of the Akita was just too much fun... why stop at punishing him physically? It was much more amusing to make him fear her. Indeed, amusing... Beating the hell out of a dog... It was their kind who had imprisoned her. Now she got to pay them all back.

The thought of it somehow made her extremely happy.

The Akita had many holes in him, and Cardinal had managed to dislocate his jaw somewhere in the flurry of fangs. He now cowered, close to the wall, trying to get as far away from Cardinal as possible. She loved it. The reaction. The fear. She could taste it. So sweet...

Her euphoria was interrupted when the humans started speaking again, now in irritated but submissive tones on the part of the men. The Mistress was confident as always. And well she should be. Otherwise, Cardinal would have no problem killing her right then, already sky high on the blood of the Akita and the adrenaline in her body.

Okay, calm down now... It's over. For the moment...

She took deep breaths as she listened to the conversations and watched two of the humans take their broken dogs away as the third talked rather contentedly with the woman.

In the meantime, there was still the issue of the third dog. Her master seemed to be a friend of the Mistress, and therefore not a threat. Still, Cardinal eyed her through her mask, refusing to trust a dog who had just stood there while two of her kind were torn apart.
“now you cant tell me that wasn’t fun, showing some lower scum who’s boss, and doing mistress bidding is always a great way to start the day don’t you think”, he said his sneer on his face.
She glanced at him partially, but snorted and looked away.

"Tearing your kind apart? Yes. Those two were vermin. I have yet to find a redeeming quality in you, however."

She huffed slightly and gave him her own sneer, half joking and half absent, but not at all serious.

"Better find one quick."
“my name is Spax this is cardinal, it’s a pleaser”, he said his voice relaxsed.
The dog smiled getting up.
“no no the pleaser is mine, my name is Rachel”, she said a voice full of French elegants.
She walked up to spax and did the same as there masters had just done, cheek to cheek, she didn’t mind the blood or the steel, they took each others scents in, she was walking over to cardinal when Spax stepped in.
“im not sure cardinal here would apreshate it as much as I do”.

Rachel stopped waiting cardinal for a sign to stop or contunie
Cardinal had watched as Spax approached the third dog - the female - and simply stood back while they exchanged formalities. She had a strange accent on her, but one that Cardinal had heard once before from a neighboring pack. Still...

Suddenly, the dog began to approach her. The suddenness of it sent her into a low growl, fur bristling. But Spax didn't seem too worried about it... And she seemed nice enough... Nervously, she went silent and shuffled slightly, unsure of what to do or say.

Damn dogs and their strange exchanges...

(By the way, let me know when you want me to have Blood's fight, Leo. I'm up for whenever, or even if we wanna just say it happened without playing it out.)

Posted: 09-05-2011 21:35
by Leo
"Tearing your kind apart? Yes. Those two were vermin. I have yet to find a redeeming quality in you, however."

She huffed slightly and gave him her own sneer, half joking and half absent, but not at all serious.

"Better find one quick."

He looked at her throw his mask he could feel the joke and sarcasum in her words, he wondered weather this would be the best there relaship would get apart from the privlages he expected of her, ither way it didn’t mater as long as she had respect when it was needed, followed his and there mistress orders there wouldn’t be a problem.

“My kind?”, he said questioningly, his smile showing he was also joking.
“No I am a half breed a hybrid not dog nore wolf, they are not my kind and they are not of this fighting arina so they are scum”, he said watching them as they were carried out the rottwiler and the akita.

The rest of her words made him laugh again, once he had stopped he made a mock thinking.
“how about my charm killer wit and moves”, he pusased again.
“or my good looks”, he said striking a over the top pose.

When cardinal had growled at the other dog he again had let out his own to warn her to keep her temper under controle she was on show for the mistress so there was a serten level of behaver that was expected of her, and he sertanly wished this wasn’t something he wanted to half to exsplane to her as it was oves.
Soon as she stopped how ever so did he and contined to watch interestedly, to see what the dog did next.

The female Rachel meanwile paused for a moment, a flash of surprise on her face that was quckly covered by her smile, but she didn’t push on, but bowed to her and turned back to spax.
“so im sertan that your are your mistress first, what is cardinal storie I can tell she is of wolf blood”, she said pleasantly.
“Cardinal here or silent song bird as humans call her, she learnt that we could offer her more, and a better fucher so decided to join us, with a small pushes here and there, we are hoping that with time she will become a good guard to mistress and trainer to her wolves”, he said looking at cardinal to.

The French dog looked her over not with the juging eyes that the dogs here had but it was passive and no quite respectful but more polite.
“I think she will become a powerful addision to your mistress team”, she said making sure to pick words that wouldn’t steir a fight.
She could tell that her being here wasn’t simple choice there would have been more to it then that.

Mistress and carlos seemed to have finished the starting of there business, and mistress was now offering him to come to training to watch for a wile, which he agreed to with a smile.
She glanced at Spax and cardinal so Spax started off leading the group, he kept up a polite conversion with the dog. Talking about her training fercilitys.

“we came here by plane, but awere arina is high in mountins out of the way and hard to find, but offers exslent training teran”, she told spax.
“yes we don’t use much out sided training methods but there is a mine near by we get some wolves working at, good for muscle building”, he said.

They walked down the corridor then off a door on the right, which lead into a room wich held some breeding frames that nither the human masters, nore spax and Rachel payed any mind at all, then down a cuple of stairs to another door, that lead into a large stair caise but instead of stairs there were ramps at the top was a shutter door, this was were they pushed the wolves to the trainng arina, and the scent of damp earth drifted up.
They walked to the bottom of the ramps were there was a large lift that lead further down, they were now quite far under ground.
When the lifted ended the left and went throw large duble doors back into the training arina that was full of movment and sounds, the scent of blood and death was thick in the air. Eight and Gorge could be heard over the chatter of humans and dogs.

Gorge was currently fighting a wolf that was larger then him self and doing quite well. Eight had just despached a yet another wolf, he saw them all enter and his blood boild as he saw cardinal, it wasn’t the fact that she was there he was going to ignore her after all he was going to behave him self so to stay on good terms and try and not get shock as much all to help him speed up his recovery. But the fact of the matter was Cardinal was wearing a mask, a human made mask. He looked at her with his dead blank eyes, his face not saying if he was angry, sad or happy.

A wolf went to jump him from behind and eight waiting to the last second to turn, he grab the wolf and throw him around at the bars infront of cardinal, the wolf slammed into the bars making them rattle, thow his face was still blank it was his way of sending his massage to cardinal his way of saying if I get the chance that will be you next, she had betrayed her own kind, he didn’t care for a reason, she had thrown her honor aside just when he had devoted him self to them all, she was one of them that was it.

He spat the blood that was in his mouth on the floor and turn his back on her to face his next apponet. He was getting quite annoyed now, they had been sending him the same useless mindless drones agest him, he could string these out but they were bearly a challenge.

Meanwile spax had left the whight dogs side to sit next to cardinal.
“ready for training”, he said it wasn’t a queston really.
“in that cell, time to make mistress proud”, he said then he left her.

Just then Darcia strode in behind them, followed by the high master of the 5th circal, mistress farther. The man stood tall he sent out a ora of power that gain respect with out him needing to try as this man was not one to mess with. Mistress smiled at her farther, Carlos blinked, a flash of uncertantly going over him, but he recovered quickly and shock his hand and all three of them spoke together.

Darcia mean wile walked to cardinal, and blocked her from heading to the trap door that normal her crate stood infront of but now she could pass throw it. He towered over her, his size and power sending out the same as his master and the same sinister evil came off him, but it was twisted.
“so your are what I am to my master, his tool to strike fear into other humans, well you will be with a little work”, he said looking her over.
He liked what he saw, and like spax knew he would get his chance, not that she would no that yet, he would keep it a surprise.

“I heard what you did, all for that pup that now sits in mistress room, il have to go vistet him at some point”, he paused to watch her reaction to that, his face had a slight smile that was as cold and merclyess as any insane killers would be, but his eyes shown with a deeper, there wernt insane eyes, they were together focused, full of a freighting cunning and malevolence.

“make sure he grows up to be one of us truly” the massive white wolf with his steel fangs lowered his head to her level to look into them hard, the smile still there.

“I wonder how deep your loyety to use runs, one that turns sides once can do it again, I hope it runs deep, as I have accsess to any part of the 5th circal including the masters rooms”, he said leaving it at that, he didn’t need to stress any further, he was a being that loved to mess with others, that was pretty much the only reson all those years ago he did what he did to Triple Eight like spax had said earlier, just to mess with him.

“now my little dog in training put on a good show”, he said with a fant trace of a growl.

He moved out of her way and sat beside her trap door so he could watch her the whole time.

John stood up and shock him self off slightly smiling down at the pup, recovering from the slight inbarssment of being cort on his back playing with a pup like that.
“not at all jack, kei this is Jack a friend of mind jack this is Kei”, he said to them both.

Jack didn’t go in any further but suloted from were he stood, he wasn’t sure if he could trust the pup to not try and eat him.
“hows it going there little puppy, is old john there looking after you alright, if he ant il haf to teach him some manners”, he said in his quick and very guestery way of speaking.
He wasn’t sure if the pup would under stand him really.

Posted: 09-05-2011 22:27
by Nakisha
((Skip me for now... Shade is still asleep and what happens between Dice, Gambler and the buyer will be typed out in the next run. ;)))

Posted: 10-05-2011 00:07
by Shaydie
“how about my charm killer wit and moves”, he pusased again.
“or my good looks”, he said striking a over the top pose.
She laughed coldly.

"Keep dreaming."

The way the female dog looked at her, however, made her smile inwardly. Surprise, perhaps slight fear. But Cardinal had no doubt in her mind that this one had more strength in her than she let on. Otherwise the show of force earlier would have her on her toes. Thus, she listened quietly and somewhat contentedly as Spax tried to explain her background to Rachel. It was sketchy, to say the least, but that was to be expected since Spax didn't know her true background. Perhaps he'd have more respect for her if he did. Besides, Rachel was only being told the basics. Not why exactly she had chosen this life. And that was the whole thing, wasn't it? Why she had even chosen to live? Not for her own sake, but for others' sake. Ruby, Kei, Shade, and at one time Triple Eight and Tsuna. It would be a while until they all fully understood, maybe never. Until then, play the part.
“I think she will become a powerful addision to your mistress team”, she said making sure to pick words that wouldn’t steir a fight.
Cardinal looked at her through the mask's red eyes. A compliment, to be sure, but not one that she hadn't expected. Absently, she nodded in half thanks, watching the Mistress as she talked to Rachel's human.

Not a long time after that, they were already marching back down the halls, Cardinal trailing Spax slightly as he talked with the new girl. Once, they passed a room full of strange contraptions. Cardinal sniffed as they passed; the whole room smelled of rape. Still, no time to hover, she continued on.

Once they were in the arena, Cardinal instantly found Eight in the ring. After that, she made it a point not to see him again. She turned her eyes away, as she knew he would be doing for the next few minutes. Even as she passed close to the ring and Eight threw a wolf at the mesh next to her, Cardinal didn't even flinch. He hated her for her so-called "betrayal", she hated him for not understanding. Why dwell on it any longer?

It wasn't long until Spax said something that she was entirely expecting.
“ready for training”, he said it wasn’t a queston really.
“in that cell, time to make mistress proud”, he said then he left her.
She glared at him for just a second, then went to step toward the trap door as if she hadn't even heard him...

Until she saw the big white paw step in front of her.

The red wolf froze, suddenly tense and boiling with anger. Darcia. She looked up at him slowly, trying very desperately not to try and rip out his throat. It would have been futile anyway. Tsuna hadn't even scratched the guy.
“so your are what I am to my master, his tool to strike fear into other humans, well you will be with a little work”, he said looking her over.
Fear? Yes. Like him? No.
“I heard what you did, all for that pup that now sits in mistress room, il have to go vistet him at some point”
At that instant, Cardinal's fur flared up and an uncontrolled growl escaped her throat. She didn't care what he did to her, but if he EVER touched Kei, he'd regret it. One way or another.
“make sure he grows up to be one of us truly” the massive white wolf with his steel fangs lowered his head to her level to look into them hard, the smile still there.

“I wonder how deep your loyety to use runs, one that turns sides once can do it again, I hope it runs deep, as I have accsess to any part of the 5th circal including the masters rooms”, he said leaving it at that, he didn’t need to stress any further, he was a being that loved to mess with others, that was pretty much the only reson all those years ago he did what he did to Triple Eight like spax had said earlier, just to mess with him.

“now my little dog in training put on a good show”, he said with a fant trace of a growl.

He moved out of her way and sat beside her trap door so he could watch her the whole time.
As soon as he stepped out of her way, she pushed past him, still growling and nearly breaking into a snarl. Darcia was not Spax. Darcia was not the Mistress. As far as she cared, he was fair game as far as hostility went. Honestly, they couldn't expect her not to say anything to that bastard.

She'd rather be Spax's pretty little girl than be anywhere near that monster.
And, unfortunately, that was the truth.

She walked into her cell faster than she'd have preferred, but anything to get away from Darcia, at least for a moment.

Her ears flicked once as her eyes looked around. Now what?


Kei tumbled off of John as he stood up, landing quite contentedly on his back. He stayed there for a second, wondering why his new friend had pushed him off so suddenly... Until he saw the thing that John called "Jack."

It was almost as big as he was, maybe a little smaller. The pup rolled to his feet, big red eyes watching the rat curiously. It talked a lot, and fast. Kei could only make out and understand a few words, but managed to catch the drift. He giggled innocently and positioned himself on top of one of John's paws, sitting down on it without hesitation.

"John says he's gonna teach me, um... songs?"

He chewed his tongue and looked at the old dog for help. It was "songs" wasn't it?

(Kei's too cute c:)

Posted: 11-05-2011 21:10
by Leo
Darcia chuckeld darkly as she growled pushing past him into the arina, she hadn’t learnt respect yet, how to controle her self, how to “submit” to her masters which were pretty much and one as high or higher then mistress and her dogs.
“now now that’s no way to behave around me”, he said as soon as her door to her training room had shut.

“I think you need a lesson in respect and submission, I think I will go and see your little pup, oh don’t worry I wont eat or hurt him to much”, he said darkly his twisted smile playing over his monstro face.

He turned to look at eight who so far had been dealing with another mad wolf so hadn’t noticed Darcia being there.
“but frist I think il play with Triple Eight a bit”, he walked away from Cardinal not paying her any more mind, if she spat threats at him he would just laugh darkly with out looking at her.

Eight slammed down his foe taking his life, giving the broken wolf freedom to go to the gates of paradise, he scent had been bothering him dueing that fight, but he hadn’t been able to sort it, but now he could figger out who it was and as it clicked into place, his hackles stood on end, strange reachion for one like eight who stayed unreadabal at all times. His face didn’t change nore did his breathing but his heart had started to beat harder.
He turned to face the white wolf, which overy the many years eight had been there had done so much to him and the ones he loved for no other reason then to have fun get kicks.

“Hello Triple Eight, Spax been telling me that you and him were reminising about awere past”, Darcia said softly and quitle his head down to eights level.
Eight went very still but other wise didn’t change.

There was a silence as the humans were watching.
Darica master that was so much like his wolf took his cigar out of his mouth and looked at his draughter.
“Let Triple Eight have a spar with a more powerful adversary”, it was a stament that didn’t leave much room for agument, mistress nodded.
“no problem as long as he dosent do any lasting damage, its about time eight worked a little harder”, she said smiling at her farther and carlos.
Rachel the dog watched interestedly from afar, that white wolf gave her shivers he seemed to be made of prue evil.

“looks like my little friend we are going to play for a bit”, Darcia said with a his smile as the door to Eight arina opened up. Darcia stepped in having to lower his head and body to fit throw, it slammed shut behind him.
“don’t worry Triple Eight, you can try and kill me and il just spar with you”, he said a amused tone in his voice.

A horrbal feeling was spreading throw out Eights body, it was a feeling he wasn’t use to one he hated, Fear.
Eight didn’t fear death so he had never feared any living thing as the worst the could do to him was kill him, and he didn’t fear that so he didn’t fear them but this wolf. This wolf was different, since eight had been so young this wolf had been there torchering him, doing horrific things to him and the ones he had cared for, and thanks to the things humans had done to him, no matter how good eight had become, he could never kill him, not even when him self and his closest friend the cloest thing he had had to a brother Triple Six had pulled to gether to try and kill it, they had failed and Triple Six was as good as Eight.
Eights mucels felt like lead was being pored into them, his heart was thundering away to the beat of a great stamped. Yet his face and body apart from going still didn’t change.

Darcia knew how to read him and smiled horribly.
“your move little boy”, he said to Eight.

All the things that made others think eight was so strong so powerful came nacherly to eight, it was just him so he had sometimes worried that his power and strength wernt what others and him self thought they were, but he had to now prove his strength to him self and fight throw this fear, he could just let the blood rush take him over, and he could fight his fear with rage, but he didn’t want to do that, he wanted to figtht it him self. He closed his eyes for a moment.

Spax who was watching on rasied a eye brow, eight doing something like that was very strange.

Eight snapped them open and dived for Darcia.
Darica jumped away and span around to face eight once more, eight didn’t waste any time before going for the twisted wolf. Darcia let out a snicker as he skipped back then with blinding speed stricked.

The humans suddenly went silent, Spax got to his paws frowning, mistress didn’t look pleased, and eight eyes were wide with shock. The giant that was Darcia stood next to him, darcia jaws rapped around Eights neck. Darica didn’t draw blood he was mearly sparing which ment when going for a killing strick one would peause like this and the other would do the same as both would no the score.
Eight cursed to him self, if this had been a true fight he would be dead now, his fear was trashing around his system like a flash flood, he was to tense he need to care down.

Darcia laughed darkly.
“disspointing eight, whats wrong you sceared eight, do I make you feel small and weak, do you need to be my bitch again”, he said softly in eights ear, he then let him go and took a step back.

Eight turned again to face him, those words had sent a chill down his spine.
“come on Triple Eight, show me what you got, KILL ME” Darcia growled at him.

Eights eyes hardened and he took a deep breath, time to show that he was everthing that his old lenged said he was, time to concer his fear, he needed to spar to learn to become stronger and who better to spar with, one who was better then him so he had to work harder, the only one who could be him, eight thought.

Eight dived for him but this time he was relaxsed like water, he flowed moved with out thought with out hesertasion then when need powed down with the power of raging rappeds, a strom tossed sea.

The only way to fight a wolf so strong was with speed which in normal casie they lacked, so eight did just that, he stayed on the move, jumped diving and spriting around the wolf. The problem with this was Darcia was no normal wolf, he had speed that wasn’t natchral for a beast his size. But his size Eight knew was still his weakness. Eight charge at him from his flank after doing a faint, but instead of going for a strick to his side, he layed down at fall speed and slid under the great wolf and as he did, he used his claws and slashed at his belly, he was moving to fast to do and big damage but he had drawn blood.

Darcia jumped away then went for eight, eight dodge but only just, but before he could finish his dodge Darica had slammed into him sending eight sprawling. Eight skidded across the floor and back to his paws, not pausing to feel the damage done, he dived back in and begain to dance around darcia, he could bear get a hit in, the beast was just to fast.

Mistress watched on and so did ever one eals, George had stopped as the humans were to destracked to send new wolves for him to fight. Darica didn’t fight often so it was existing to watch and eight was oversly being watched and studided.
His exsprence and champion title showed, his moves were smooth, he knew what he was doing, and how to fight the wolf to a exstent. But again it was his health letting him down so much, he was slower and weaker then he had ever had been, but his form was nearly flawless.
Mistress smiled, He was still the Old Triple Eight and she would make good money off him, he couldn’t become a champion again as it didn’t work like that, but he could fight other champions and other wolves.

Eight jumped back then tried something different he ran at the monster, and just before he was on top of him he stopped dead, dug the claws of his front right paw into the ground, and spun on it, he kick darcia in the face with his back paw, in a strange almost brake dance stile move, he had learnt that from a annoying black panther.
Wile Darcia was slightly off balance he darted away and again went under him slidding and cut the wound deeper, then skidded again, and this time landed a good blow, it wasn’t deep or really that damaging but it was in a good spot, his throat, as he sprinted past he snapped his jaws and cort it, but only just.

Eight face was hard, eye wide but apart from that as blank as normal, no beard fangs no growls, this was how he fought when not under the blood rush. Often unnerved other fights but it wouldn’t darcia. Eight now feeling he might have go momentum came in for another attack, but just as he reach Darcia, he knew it had been a mistake, Darcia turned to him and eight cort a flash of a sinister grin before he felt jaws clamp around his neck once more, and this time he was throw hard and fast into the bars, that separated Eights and Cardinals arinas.

The bars rattled under the blow, and eight hit the ground he panting hard, his body still unfit had near reach its limet, he was about to get up and go again, ignoring the wolf in the arina behind him, but darcia moved fast and slammed his paw down on his side holding him down.

“good to see your still the wolf I rember Triple Eight, but you no I think you little act has been seen throw by the wolf you had for a moment, let into your heart”, he said cruly. Eights face remanded blank, his mouth was slightly open still panting, his eyes were dead and unreadbal.
He knew he was talking about cardinal.

“well im going to give her a gift and show her how weak you are, take any dounts out of her mind so to speak”, he sneered. He was playing with Eight now, it was to much fun, he loved it.

Eight suddenly relised to late what the monster had had in mind for him, Darcia rested his paw gently on eights brand, Eight made a strange gasping snarl, like he had been about to gasp in pain but cut him self off. His eyes winced very slightly and his teeth were now beard a little, his teeth gritted.

The lines of the unhealed brand cracked open slightly and a nasty mix of blood and puss dibbled out of the wound, it smelled nasty, this was Eight akillys heal.
Darcia laughed softly, lowering his maw to Eights face.
“cardinal why don’t you tell eight here how pathtic he really is”, he sneered.

He said he paused to see if she would do it, after she did or didn’t he pushed his claws and his weight into the brand, Eights eyes went wide, pupils small, and he yelled out in pain.
Eight could block out nearly all pain, mind over matter, but this old rank wound seemed to cut throw his tolrence with easy, weather it was just the shear pain of the wound or a mental thing was unsertan, but right now Eight was so blinded by pain he new nothing but pain.

He didn’t no his own name, the ones he had onced loved, were he was why he was there, what he had done, all he knew was pain. Darcia smile had taken on a slightly insane age to it as the gleared down at the rithing wolf. He twisted his paw, now eights brand had opened up the eights bleeding once more, but the blood was discoloured by the puss. Eight now let out a yell that was the closet thing to a scream he ever got to.

“Darcia”, came his humans masters voice, not a shout of anger it was just spoken.
He stopped instently and eight fell still his body twitching slightly, his eyes wide and glassy, his breath gasping.

Darcia looked up at Cardinal that smile still on his face.
“rember that, it might come in handy one day”, he walked out of the arina as human came in to collect Eight.

“tell me silent songbird why should I go and meet your son”, the sick wolf said he was having a lot of fun now, he would mess with these wolves as much as he could for the fuck of it, and now his blood was pumping hard he was up for it.

“and remember, respect”.

John smiled at the young pup, he then looked up at jack who was also smiling warmly.
Jack loved pups who were speard from the horrers of this place for a wile, it ment they could be real kids and jack loved kids.

“is that so songs hay now ant that a good ider little laddy”, now he was happy the puppy would skin him and eat him jack scampered into the room up to john and the pup, john now lay behind the young pup smiling.

“what song should we start with Johnny me boy”.

John thought a moment, a childs song one came to his mind which his pups had enjoyed a lot.
“this is a song about a nasty man called dan”, he said with a chuckle, Jack sat down next to the puppy like a human child might and looked up at john, being the sameish size as the puppy ment most likey the pup might like him more.

Nasty Dan was the meanest man I ever knew
He's stomp and scream and be real mean the whole day through
He'd frown a bunch he ate nails for lunch and he'd never laugh
He'd growl and yell and I hard tell that he never took a bath
Nasty Dan was a nasty man hard to understand that Nasty Dan
Now Nasty Dan was a nasty man the whole day long
He'd go where he could he'd try real good to make things go wrong
He'd jump for joy when a little boy would trip and fall
And the only words that he ever said were I don't like you at all
Nasty Dan was a nasty man hard to understand that Nasty Dan
Now a real interesting thing that I want you to know about is this here
Because it's the most important thing it concerns a girl and things like that
Now Nasty Pearl was a nasty girl that met Dan somehow
She said you like me rotten as can be let's get married now
So they went and they did and had a nasty kid
And I must confess that Dan pretty much leaves everyone alone now
And he doesn't bother anybody anymore cause he just lives in his nasty ol' house
With his nasty ol' wife and his nasty ol' kid in nasty happiness
Nasty Dan was a nasty man hard to understand that Nasty Dan

He sang his song with his he deep old voice full of humor and fun, as the song was a funny joke really.
After he finished his tone he looked at the pup and jack.
“what did you think of that, jack knows some songs as well, why don’t you pick one or maybe another rat can”, he said smiling at them both.

(if shay or nakisha want to come in with your own rats and sing a tune feel free :P )

Posted: 12-05-2011 18:47
by Nakisha
- ''I won't pay more then threehundred. You've wrecked that beast.''
- ''Eighthundred is a very fair price for her.'' Gambler leaned against the wall. ''She'll still make a great breeding wolf and she's doing fine in the fights. With a little care she'll be good as new in a few weeks.''

The wolf in the cage was a female, five years of age. She was strong and big, but wounded. She hadn't done too well in her last fight; she looked rather ragged. But Gambler knew that she'd be good as new soon enough, and that she was worth double when she was healed. Unfortunately, the section she had been kept in didn't have enough cages left to keep all wolves that needed to be nursed back to health. This animal was one of the first ones to go. But she was still a fine specimen...

At the buyers feet, a pittbull sat. A large, muscled male with a lean build and large head. He panted and stared daggers at Dice, who completely ignored him and kept his eyes on his master, looking up constantly, almost like a statue at Gambler's feet.

- ''Fourhundred.''
- ''I won't hassle over this one. And I have nothing for sale under fivehundred, anyway.''

The buyer lit a cigarette.

- ''You're too confident... I'm not leaving without a good wolf.''
- ''That is not my problem.''
- ''You might want to strike a different tone....''

Gambler's eyes narrowed.

- ''I won't be threatened.''

The next moment, the buyer made a small move with his hand and the pittbull sprung to life. He barked furiously at Dice; only his chain kept him from sinking his teeth into the mutt. Dice's ears turned slightly, but he still refused to even LOOK at the dog.

- ''And I won't have you threaten my dog, either.'' Gambler continued, without flinching.
- ''Then be more reasonable.''

Gambler clicked his fingers, while his hand just hung casually besides his body.

Within a second, Dice had moved. But instead of going anywhere NEAR the buyers dog, he flew right at the man's throat.

The man screamed; he backed down just fast enough as teeth slammed shut too close to his jugular with a hard clicking sound. Dice landed back on all fours and returned to his master's side right away, as if nothing had happened. He had taken back his initial position in a flash. The pittbull barked furiously and foamed at the mouth, but he hadn't managed to come close enough to Dice to bite him.

- ''That... that dog should be put down.''
- ''Same goes for yours. Well?''
- ''Fine... fine. Eighthundred it is. But keep those tricks to yourself, or I'll tell Romulus to finish your mutt off.''
- ''Romulus wouldn't be able to touch a hair on Dice.'' Gambler opened his hand to take the money. ''There... deal. Take her.''

Man and dog watched as the buyer and his own dog left, handlers taking the crate.

- ''Tough crowd.'' Gambled mumbled, as his fingers scratched thoughtlessly behind Dice's ear. ''Seems we're making a good profit tonight though. To bad the boss will take most of it... but there should be something in it for us.'' He grinned. ''Anything you want, boy? Maybe those beef-treats you like...'' He snickered. ''I'd buy you a bitch if I thought you nééded one...''

Dice barked; Gambler laughed softly.
- ''Yeah... I know.''


Inside the cages, unawares of Eight's horrible struggle or Cardinal's new position, Shade finally awoke.

How long had she slept for? She wasn't sure, but she knew it had to be hours, given the change in daylight....

She slowly got up, stretching her sore muscles. She then walked to her bowl and began to eat the food without thought, too hungry to do anything else. She coughed, nearly choking in the dry pallets and rushed to drink first, get her dry mouth wet again.

She finished half her waterbowl at once; then, she ate all the pallets and sat down.

She checked her wounds; they already looked a lot better. She had survived.... she had killed. She had slept, eaten... and she felt a little better, at least... her body did.

The depression was still there.

Her green, sad eyes looked around her. George's cage was still empty, and so where Eight's and Cardinal's. She was all alone here...

She sighed.

What was there to live for around here...? She longed for the touch of a warm, kind body. To curl up to someone again. She needed that far more then food or water. To live without it, was almost the same as living without breathing. It would make her soul wither....

She whined softly and sat there, waiting... until she could take it no more.

She then slowly lifted her head, letting out a desperate, frail howl of pure loneliness.


- ''There, we're home...''

Gambler walked in first; Dice followed quickly. He licked his lips constantly; Gambler frowned.
- ''You want a beef treat... or are you this worked up about something else?'' He asked, as he tore the package of the treats open.

Dice looked from the treats to the door and back, almost nervously.

- ''You got somewhere to go, hm?'' Gambler tossed a treat Dice's way; he snapped it right out of the air. ''Well, alrighty, have fun... I'll call you when I need you.''

Dice licked his master's hand quickly; then, he rushed out of the door.


Hopefully, that big oaf Bloodhound wouldn't be back yet... he had lost too many hours already.

Posted: 14-05-2011 02:19
by Shaydie
“now now that’s no way to behave around me”, he said as soon as her door to her training room had shut.

“I think you need a lesson in respect and submission, I think I will go and see your little pup, oh don’t worry I wont eat or hurt him to much”, he said darkly his twisted smile playing over his monstro face.
Cardinal's heart sunk like a rock in her chest as he said those words. THAT BASTARD! Saying things like that when she's behind bars, unable to do anything to stop him! She stared at Darcia, almost not believing that he'd said it, not knowing how to counter it without inevitably killing Kei. Thankfully enough, he turned away, remarking that he'd bother Eight first. A temporary comfort for her, at least. Until she watched him talk to Eight... There was something between them, definitely. Could it be true? That Darcia had...

The thought of it sickened her. That monster was twisted...

Her ears flicked as the room went silent... and the human that she assumed was Darcia's said something. The white monster was let into Eight's training cell... So... They were to fight?

She should have grinned. Finally, Eight would be getting what was coming to him. But she didn't. Something grew in her chest that wasn't malevolence - she was not yet capable of such an emotion yet. It was some sort of apathy mixed with a cold fear. As if she didn't cared what happened to Eight but... not like that.

Before she knew it, they were off. And in less than ten seconds, it was already over, it seemed. Cardinal found herself on her feet, absolutely stunned, jaw open in shock. In a split second, Darcia had gotten his fangs around Eight's throat; a killing move. The only reason Eight wasn't already dead was because this was "training." Sparring. No killing blows. And yet... it made it worse.

After Darcia released Eight, they went at it again. It was a brilliant and yet terrifying spectacle for all those involved. This time Eight lasted much longer than Cardinal expected... But it ended nearly the same. Darcia clamped his jaws around Eight's neck and slammed him into the bars directly in front of Cardinal. She flinched but didn't move, too shocked to do anything but look into Eight's eyes through the red pupils of her mask.
“good to see your still the wolf I rember Triple Eight, but you no I think you little act has been seen throw by the wolf you had for a moment, let into your heart”, he said cruly. Eights face remanded blank, his mouth was slightly open still panting, his eyes were dead and unreadbal.
He knew he was talking about cardinal.

“well im going to give her a gift and show her how weak you are, take any dounts out of her mind so to speak”, he sneered. He was playing with Eight now, it was to much fun, he loved it.

Eight suddenly relised to late what the monster had had in mind for him, Darcia rested his paw gently on eights brand, Eight made a strange gasping snarl, like he had been about to gasp in pain but cut him self off. His eyes winced very slightly and his teeth were now beard a little, his teeth gritted.

The lines of the unhealed brand cracked open slightly and a nasty mix of blood and puss dibbled out of the wound, it smelled nasty, this was Eight akillys heal.
Darcia laughed softly, lowering his maw to Eights face.
“cardinal why don’t you tell eight here how pathtic he really is”, he sneered.
Cardinal watched in horror, still rooted to the spot by nothing but terror. Why was he doing this?! As a wolf built more on honor than success, she couldn't understand the ferocity and evil in this thing the humans had created. She heard Darcia's question, but she had lost the will to speak. She trembled slightly, imagining the pain...

And suddenly that monster stepped over the line, pushing into Eight's brand as hard as he could. The wolf's screams finally sent her over the edge, and she cried out, her voice suddenly very clear over the noise, pure and almost beautiful, like a songbird.


She was shaking all over now, but angry and terrified and remorseful all at once, fur bristling.
“Darcia”, came his humans masters voice, not a shout of anger it was just spoken.
He stopped instently and eight fell still his body twitching slightly, his eyes wide and glassy, his breath gasping.

Darcia looked up at Cardinal that smile still on his face.
“rember that, it might come in handy one day”, he walked out of the arina as human came in to collect Eight.
Although she had only watched, inches away and behind bars, Cardinal was breathing heavily and shaking all over. She was in the presence of pure evil. Suddenly, despite herself, she wanted someone to protect her. Because eventually... that would be her. There, on the ground, screaming in pain under the paw of Darcia the Monster.

She watched as the humans took Eight away, resisting the urge to whine and ask if he was okay. He hates you, remember? You can't waste time on him.
“tell me silent songbird why should I go and meet your son”, the sick wolf said he was having a lot of fun now,

“and remember, respect”.
The red wolf didn't look at him, didn't even glance. Her ears stayed up, one turned toward him.


"... Please....... Please don't..."

My Kei...


The Jack Thing scurried into the room, and instantly Kei stood up, waiting patiently for the rat to get close enough for him to sniff. He did so casually, making sure he wasn't actually touching Jack with his nose. He smelled funny, he noticed. Not like John or Momma or Mister Spax. Nope. Not at all.

He watched as they talked for a moment, asking among themselves which song they should do. Finally they decided on one, and Kei wiggled a bit, his little tail wagging a mile a minute.

As they sang, Kei listened in complete Rapture.
So THAT was what a song was!

When John finished, the pup barked and giggled. Nasty Dan, huh?
“what did you think of that, jack knows some songs as well, why don’t you pick one or maybe another rat can”, he said smiling at them both.
"I like that one!"

He grinned widely, looking at Jack as if to say "pick another one quick!"

In the meantime, another rat appeared from out behind the cupboard, having heard John's deep voice singing from halfway across the compound. This one was female, with smooth tan fur and a white face. She was called Nina, and the fact that she was a little shy belied her confidence around other rats. It was Kei that noticed her first; he barked, but in a friendly way. Nina ducked back behind the cupboard again, only to reappear a few seconds later.

"U-uh... You guys singing to the little guy?"

Slowly, she made her way toward the puppy, getting the same greeting that Jack did. In fact, Kei was so insistent in his sniffing that Nina finally grabbed his nose between her paws and held him at arms length.

"Stop it."

Stunned, Kei obeyed, sitting back down by John and looking at Nina with newfound interest. The female rat smiled at him, slightly apologetic, and put her forepaws on her hips.

"Well! Either of you... up to a duet?"

She looked at Jack, grinning.

"Remember Need You Now? Come on, it doesn't mean anything, we're just having fun. Besides, I'd rather not have to explain to your mate."

She laughed, her tiny voice like tinkling bells.

(This is the one they'll be singing. Just so you know. ANYWAY. Next post I'm bringing Blood back. Dice better show up quick!)

Posted: 17-05-2011 21:20
by Leo
A Large Black lab cross staff was looking around looking for a high ranked dog to supervise the moving of a wolf who had just lost it in its cell and killed its last and only friend, the wolf in queston was unhinged and that was putting it lightly but what put him apart from the other wolves that had lost there minds he seemed to have kept his abilty to fight with a mind.
the humans had contacted mistress throw the braclets they wear and asked her what to do, the wolf was to be moved into the same cell as Triple Eight and the new wolves for a short will, but a move couldnt take place with out a high ranking dog to act as a leader to the dogs and if the wolf was to get lose but that had never happend but they always to the procorsen. As the lab staff cross rounded the corner he saw dice hurrying down the corridor.

"dice, we need a ranked dog to superives a wolfs move into mistress main cell were Triple Eight and new wolves are", the dog nodded his respect to the dog, he hoped one day he would have a real master and a rank like that so he was a hard, and ruthless worker.

(for give me for god moding here just to move it a long)

They walked to place beind the cell bloke were there crates met the back wall of there cages, the wolf was already in its crate and a sheet was over it blocking it from view and for the moment it was quite. they walked it throw the corridors that were beind the each of the cells till they reached mistress main cell block, the put the crate to a door, the crate locked into place, then the door to the cage shoot open and the wolf shoot out like a bat out of hell.

The wolf looked around the cell block and spotted a small wolf oppisit him, he then in quick and twichy movments looked around him, next to him was a cage that was empty but had red fur on the floor, then after that at the end of the room was a cage were black fur lay, oppisit him and to the side of her was a cage witch he could smell from here, George he knew that wolf.

This wolf sniggered and giggled a very jittery sound, his moves were quick and small, his eyes were crazyed as he looked around, his eye balls moving as fast as his head was but strangly they often moved in the oppisit dircsion to his head, as to with it like any normal thing. He had a coyote look about him, he was slender smaller then a normal wolf, but his mucels were tonned and tuff, one ear flopped down wile the other was torn and ripped, it looked like it had been chewed on a lot and for a long time. he had the normal scars that all the fighting wolves had over there muzzles, but a distingwishing scar ran down his cheek from his eye that gave it a very sharp looking adding to his insane look, his fur was made up ofs bays, browns and blacks. his tail had a kink in it and his fur was matted and uneven it looked like he tewed at it and pulled it out.

"ooo what do we have hereeeee", he said in a high pitch voice, he spoke fast and as he did he scatched the side of his face unsserly and overly hard, making some fur come out.
"ooo a ikell wolf like me hehee", he laugh again he made a sound like a evil buggie might make if it laughed.

He then rasied his nose to the air quickly as if he had completly forgotten what he had been thinking only a heart beat before hand, he then lowered it his face rexlasing, looking almost normal till his strange mad smile crept back over his face, as if he had been thinking and found the awnser to his question.

"il smelled mister dice he arounds around hhhheeerrreee", he drawed out the last word in a creepy way.


George who had been watching as the humans had forgotten him for the moment looked at her with his good side of his face, how strange he thought, that didnt add up right only the last day she had turned on them all, and now she looked shocked at Eights torcher by Darcia, even fearful asking him to stop. It was clear that she hadnt changed sides for a simple reason, he looked at her questonly chocking his head slightly.

Spax frowned at her as well, was there still feelings for her old cell mates, if that was so how come she bearly knew them, or was it more the fact that Dracia was hurting one of her kind, but that didnt add up ither, or was it something Darcia was doing to her now that was proberbal as he loved to mess with wolves for the fun of it. he would have to ask about it later he thought, he turned for now back to Rachel as Dracia left the arina and eight was dragged off.

Darica stopped to hear Cardinals replie about her pup, a smile on his face, his eyes alight with the fun he was having.

"... Please....... Please don't..."

He laughed gently and darkly it was a laugh that would but ice up any wolf or dogs spine.
"oh how polite you are, but is that all you can come up with hmmmm", he tought still wondering weather not he would do it, and if he did what would he do, leave a good scar over a eye maybe, take a ear or a bit of it a tail, or just scear him. or maybe even cruler still be nice acted and start to try and turn the young pup into one such as him self spax and the other guards of the 5th circal.

"well i guess you will see when you get back to your pup, train hard now", he said laughing again and he strode off and out of the trainning room, in a sutle way with out tuching her he was messing with her, playing mind games.

John smiled as the pup seemed to love his song, and asked for more in johns mind musice and song were inportant part in a pups growth and helped pups grow into good wolves and dogs, made them better in mind and soul. and when the female rat ran out into the room, john beemed even more, but when the pup got overly exsited and sceared the rat he lowered his head next to the pup, and spoke kindly and gently, he deep voice rumbling in a comforting way.

"be carful kei, you might be think your small next to me but you are hug to them, be polite", he said nugging the pup playful with the side of his own head.

Jack grinned at Nina with his normal cockly grin.
"nina how you going little lassy and of corse id sing with ya, me mate wont mind what i sang its what i do what gets me in ta troble", he winked at them all, he then clapped his paws together in exsitment at the ider.

"right i no that song lass", he rapped a army around the other rat and got ready to sing, and when he did, his accsent lost its cockny eage to it and he voice was one that didnt match his size, he had a good voice younger then johns, him and his colany loved song and often had big gigs and songs it was how rats told stoires and became closer as familys, it was all part of there cultcher.

Darcia meanwile was already one his way to mistress corters, he was still about ten minets off and a rat was already way a head of him to warn jack and the others that he was heading there way.

Eight was also pushed back into his own cage, but he was now unconsiones, so was unawere what was going on in the cell, if dice was there, the new arivle or what was happening to shade.

Posted: 17-05-2011 22:40
by Nakisha
"dice, we need a ranked dog to superives a wolfs move into mistress main cell were Triple Eight and new wolves are", the dog nodded his respect to the dog.
Dice had been running; he wanted so bad to reach the cellblock befóre Triple Eight would be returned there. Now, nobody was there but Shade... and it was perfect to execute his plan....

He could already hear her howls down the corridor....

But it seemed this just wasn't his day!!!

He skidded; he groaned at the message.

- ''Uhhrrghh... does that need to happen NOW?'' He growled. ''Hmmpff... well, fine, fine...'' He sighed. It was not the other dog's fault...

He threw one more longing look down the corridor; then, snarling to himself, his mood dropping below zero... he followed the other dog.

They walked to place beind the cell bloke were there crates met the back wall of there cages, the wolf was already in its crate and a sheet was over it blocking it from view and for the moment it was quite. they walked it throw the corridors that were beind the each of the cells till they reached mistress main cell block, the put the crate to a door, the crate locked into place, then the door to the cage shoot open and the wolf shoot out like a bat out of hell.
Shade crinched as Dice and the other dog came into the cellblock; she ceased howling and backed down; she didn't want to draw any attention to herself...

... but she had no idea what was happening.

Dice had trouble to hide his frustration and interest in Shade as they released the wolf to his new cell. But he had to admit; as he SAW him, his attention wás drawn to him... groaning out loud as he recognized him.

The wolf looked around the cell block and spotted a small wolf oppisit him, he then in quick and twichy movments looked around him, next to him was a cage that was empty but had red fur on the floor, then after that at the end of the room was a cage were black fur lay, oppisit him and to the side of her was a cage witch he could smell from here, George he knew that wolf.

This wolf sniggered and giggled a very jittery sound, his moves were quick and small, his eyes were crazyed as he looked around, his eye balls moving as fast as his head was but strangly they often moved in the oppisit dircsion to his head, as to with it like any normal thing. He had a coyote look about him, he was slender smaller then a normal wolf, but his mucels were tonned and tuff, one ear flopped down wile the other was torn and ripped, it looked like it had been chewed on a lot and for a long time. he had the normal scars that all the fighting wolves had over there muzzles, but a distingwishing scar ran down his cheek from his eye that gave it a very sharp looking adding to his insane look, his fur was made up ofs bays, browns and blacks. his tail had a kink in it and his fur was matted and uneven it looked like he tewed at it and pulled it out.

"ooo what do we have hereeeee", he said in a high pitch voice, he spoke fast and as he did he scatched the side of his face unsserly and overly hard, making some fur come out.
"ooo a ikell wolf like me hehee", he laugh again he made a sound like a evil buggie might make if it laughed.
Shade's eyes widened and she backed down further.
After her first fight in the arena, she had seen the first crazed wolves... but this one was even WEIRDER. He wasn't aggressively-crazy... just... EXTREMELY crazy!!

Dice growled softly. Why had they moved THIS nutcase in with this fresh batch?!!!
He then rasied his nose to the air quickly as if he had completly forgotten what he had been thinking only a heart beat before hand, he then lowered it his face rexlasing, looking almost normal till his strange mad smile crept back over his face, as if he had been thinking and found the awnser to his question.

"il smelled mister dice he arounds around hhhheeerrreee", he drawed out the last word in a creepy way.
- ''Yeah, I'm here you nutcase.'' He grumbled.
He then turned to the lab mix. ''For as far as I'm concerned, you can leave now... I intend to stay here for a bit, so... I can watch him.''

He licked his lips. He intended to do something élse then watch that idiot in his cell....

That message made the fur on Shade's back stand right up.

((OK my turn for slight godmodding))

He watched the lab leave; then, he grinned at Coyote.

- ''You be a good boy now... and just sit where you are...'' He walked up and down in front of his bars. ''If you're GOOD... I'll make sure you get a nice TREAT... but hushidy-hush on what you'll see... or I'll be sure to blind you. Got it?''

But then, a sudden noise behind him surprised him as well; he turned sharply.
Eight was also pushed back into his own cage, but he was now unconsiones, so was unawere what was going on in the cell, if dice was there, the new arivle or what was happening to shade.
Dice growled softly, but as he noticed that Eight was out for the count... he grinned.

- ''Well, well...''

He slowly turned towards Shade's cell; she had already backed down to the walls of her cage.

- ''Seems we won't be ALONE... like I HOPED...'' He growled. He knew that Coyote for one would be sure to comment on what he was about to do. But nobody would take interest in the words of THAT goofball... and he couldn't afford to loose more time.

It had to do.

- ''It was too bad that we where INTERRUPTED earlier... don't you agree..?'' He snickered, as he walked up to her bars. ''But I'm back now, darling... I thought about taking you back to my room... do some more... TRAINING...''

He began to pace up and down in front of her cell. Shade growled softly.

- ''But... why waste time?'' He grinned and licked his lips. ''I don't want to take chances of being interrupted AGAIN....''

He knew George was still missing. But waiting for him would also just mean a loss of time... and he didn't want to be around and wait for Bloodhound's return.

If he wanted to do this... He had to do it FAST.

Shade's maw turned into a silent snarl, her eyes cold. She could already see the proof of his growing arousal underneath him.
He had returned only to finish what he had started a few hours ago...!

But not here!! He couldn't do that... Invade her cell, make this place a hellhole as much as the other rooms!! This was, even though it was horrific enough as is, the only place she still felt a LITTLE save.... even though Blood had fought her here, once... It was the only place she found some peace and quiet. He couldn't take that from her!!

Her eyes shot at Eight and then at Coyote. But even with their presence, she felt all alone... Eight was out cold... and Coyote surely wouldn't be any help....

Dice's paw suddenly hit the button that controlled her celldoor with a loud thump, and she already saw the door of her cage sliding upwards slightly....

She knew she had to fight again. But this time... she would surprise HIM!!!
She got ready; legs slightly spread, she tensed.

And surprise him she did.

As Dice's growling warned her to stay behind her bars as he approached, waiting for the dog door to go up high enough to allow him passage... she decided to face his fury.

With her usual speed, that had returned to her after some sleep and a good meal, she lunged herself forward. She was small enough; she flattened herself to the floor at full speed and skidded right underneath it.

Alarms began to blare as she escaped her cell; lights on her collar began to flash. Dice snarled infuriated, and attacked her straight away.


She turned in a flash, and the two got it on.

Dice hadn't expected this. Just hours ago, she had been far weaker... and far more docile. Now, she was fighting like a lioness, giving it all. She intentionally attacked him; she wasn't just defending herself anymore. She was coming for him, meaning to injure him, meaning to KILL him.
He had to dodge fast; her teeth came right for his throat, and dangerously close too as he whirled around to avoid her, using one back leg as a centerpoint.
This time, not all of her attacks missed as she fought for what she was worth. He didn't got a chance to strike her back; her teeth had ripped a painful cut into his front leg before he could stop her. Then, he felt a sharp tug to his side; she drew blood again...

... and as an answer, he showed her what HE was made of... being far better trained then she was.

He didn't dodge anymore; instead, he faced her straight on. Strength against speed; they crashed into one another. They wrestled, they rolled over the concrete, snarling and snapping. Smears of blood coated the floor as their bodies rolled around. And even in the midst of their fight, Dice managed to slam his paw on the button again. The door of Shade's cell opened wider.

- ''YOU...''

He suddenly tore himself free from her grasp, a deep wound torn in his shoulder as her fangs sunk into him; he whirled around. She had never seen that move yet, and she was unprepared... She gasped as she realized her mistake. Dice surprised her; he bend his back further then she thought he could. He grabbed the scruff of her neck....

- ''GET THE HÉLL....''

She felt a sharp tug to her neck and back; Dice lifted her off the floor entirely, lifting himself on his hind legs, the whipped his head to the side full force.


She was thrown with all his strength; her back hit the backwall of her cage so hard that she couldn't get up right away; all the air was knocked from her lungs, and she gasped desperatly to get some oxygen.
The alarms fell quiet; Dice's paw slammed on another button; then, he too ran forward and skidded as the door of the cell came down fast. He just managed to get in fast enough. Behind them, the bars slammed shut.


Shade drew a sharp, painful breath, forcing her lungs to fill once more, and tried to rush back to her paws. But he jumped right on top of her when she was only half-way up, one paw between her shoulders, smashing her back down.

- ''I'M GONNA FUCK YOU THIS TIME... I SWEAR, I'M GONNA FUCK YOU HÁRD...'' He snarled; his anger gave him extra strength. He pulled hard at her rear, lifting only her backside up from the ground; her back legs dangled in the air for a moment. ''AND I DON'T CARE WHO'S WATCHING... BLOODHOUNDS LITTLE BITCH, HUH... WELL, I'LL FUCK YOU FIRST, DAMNIT!!''

She squirmed and struggled, she twisted in his grasp, trying everything to stop him. Her back ached; she couldn't get full control over her legs, somehow. She tried, she fought, but she couldn't. All her movements seemed delayed, as if her body wasn't her own, as if she was controlling it from a distance.

Had he injured her spine?! Was this... PERMANENT...?

She now screamed out loud, both in anger and fear. This couldn't happen!! HE COULDN'T DO THIS!!!!!

She felt Dice's hips slam against hers a few times; she could feel the tip of his manhood trying to find the right spot to penetrate....

She clenched her eyes shut; it wás going to happen... and there was nothing more she could do...