broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 19-04-2011 00:00

“my silent songbird, your are beautiful and deadly, you are made for this, you might not see it, but me and you together will be the most respected women in this place, and this is your second big step”, she spoke softly but it was strong at the same time, but this time spax stood behind them both translating her words into wolf tong.
The words entered the wolf's ears from Spax's tongue, not the Mistress's, but all the same the tone chilled her. An interesting proposition, to be sure, but...

Cardinal watched closely as the Mistress maneuvered the mask above her head. For a moment, her instincts flared as she stared into the dark hollows of the metal slab, and a deep, quiet growl eased out of her throat. But only for a moment; she managed to choke it down, though her ears were flat against her skull and she shied from the mask slightly, in sort of a crouching stance. But in no way was her posture threatening - more like scared. And in some ways, she was. She gave a quick, almost apologetic glance at Spax, knowing he'd already be tense just because she'd growled a little. The last thing she needed was him pinning her down.

Finally the mask lowered to her face, and she closed her eyes as the darkness enveloped her. The cool metal was... sort of soothing... and at the same time terrifying, especially the intense coldness on her scars. Unnatural... When she looked again, her vision had a red tint to it. A flinch wracked her body once, but she took a deep breath - filled with the lingering scent of metal - and made herself stay calm. The Mistress bent down and they touched foreheads...
“watch spax and follow this lead, and learn”, she said her eyes glinting.

The agreement she'd made with this human made her uneasy. Not only was it an uncompromising one, but it was completely foreign to her. She glanced at Spax through red eyes. He seemed to have turned out rather fine from this alliance. Could she possibly gain the same rewards? Her gaze wandered to little Kei - HER Kei... He watched her curiously, calmed now since Blood had left. He seemed to understand the change from warm, caring mother to this masked beast, but it did not frighten him. Instead he looked on in rapture. He was all she had left now, in many ways.

Perhaps it was better to leave the others... let them fade.

And yet she was still a wolf. Loyal to her kind. Yes, she would find them all a way out. Whether she went with them... or not.

The arrival of a second dog, this time rather unlike Bloodhound, caught her attention. She sat pointedly and looked at the window; the curtains still lay open onto the grounds.
“are john good, you are puppy sitting the little one there”, he ghestered his armoured head at the pup.
“yes Spax im glad I fainly have something to do”, he said in a deep gravily voice that showed his age.
Cardinal's ears flicked backwards, listening. So this was the dog that would be watching Kei? Finally she looked toward him, just as the Mistress returned to her chamber. She growled, deep and low, eying the stranger that would be caring for her son while she was away. He approached her, and the growl became more insistent as he came nearer to Kei, who seemed to interested in the goings on to be suspicious of the old dog.
“il take good care of him don’t worry, im not like the others here”

She had stopped growling, but her rasping tone was merciless. She stood suddenly, looking the dog in the eye - or at least eye to eye through the mask.

"I don't give a shit who you are or what you're like. But if one strand of my son's fur is out of place when I return... So help me I'll kill you where you stand."

And she meant it. Perhaps she underestimated the old dog, but he WOULD die if he even so much as pushed Kei around. Still... Even as she examined him further, she began to regret her words. Just an old dog... and seemingly nice... No sneer in his words. Her stance relaxed a bit... then slumped. She was still bone tired from the day before.

"I... I'm sorry... I don't know who to trust here anymore."

She looked down when caught a flash of white near her feet. Kei was there, standing between her forelegs, watching the old dog. He looked up into Cardinal's now red eyes, yapped once, and sniffed noses with her before going to investigate the stranger. She almost leaned down to catch him by the scruff of his neck, but decided not to. Trust him... her heart told her. And she did.
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Post by Leo » 23-04-2011 01:17

When cardinal begain to growl he match her, he wouldn’t do any thing less she made a move but he would be damed if he was about to let her tutch his mistress, and get away with it. He then relaxsed she looked back with a look of apology which surprised him quite a bit, another good sign she was learning it seemed. Then her face was covered, the mask suited her down to the ground and she looked good with it on.

“suits you,” he said as he trotted past into mistress room.
The sharp lines the eched scars, gave her a sinister icey look to her and it looked good well at lest spax thought so, his mind drifting off to dark places with a smile on his face.

Mistress was exstremly happy now apart from the people she had to meet next the day was going very well, she was masked with only minimal hesertense from the her.


She had stopped growling, but her rasping tone was merciless. She stood suddenly, looking the dog in the eye - or at least eye to eye through the mask.

"I don't give a shit who you are or what you're like. But if one strand of my son's fur is out of place when I return... So help me I'll kill you where you stand."

He didn’t react to her threats he had heard so many over his life, he just pasently sat there infront of her, it wasn’t suprising she was being this way, a wolf made to trust dogs when they had done such horras to her, the adjustment was to sudden.
If she wanted to she would strike him down before he could do much to her, he was just to old now to fight, but he didn’t fear his death.

When she slumped down he didn’t change, he remind nuchral, he wouldn’t sneer at her tired, torn mind. He felt for her, he wished this on no creacher but he had no power to change it just help if he could.
Her next words made him instently like her.
"I... I'm sorry... I don't know who to trust here anymore."
She had opened up to him, maybe throw her exhurstgen or thanks to him being old, or just because she need some one to talk to and he had not sneered at her yet.

“that’s ok I can imagon this is exstremly hard for you, but I am one of the few in here that isn’t her to make your life hard”, he said carmly with a small smile, he douted she would belve him but he spoke the truth.

“il take good care of him, iv been lucky to have had pups of my own”, he said rembering his days in the sled team.
He saw the young pup at his mother paws, he then lowered his head then layed down, his joints groaning with the movements, one bone popped painfully but he only paused for a moment before setterling now at the pups level.

He was cute young and innocent and to add to that exstremly lucky. John looked back up at his mother, he knew those eyes the pup had and so knew it wasn’t her son in blood but that ment little.
“he is lucky to have found a mother like you”, he said with his smile slightly sad smile that he always had.
“whats his name?”

He looked back at the pup, letting the pup do what he wanted at first sniffing and what not.
“tell me little one, do you like songs”, he said with humor in his voice.
He looked back at cardinal then past her as spax had returned with mistress standing behind him, his smile was inplace under the mask, they were ready to make a move now.

“lets go silent songbird we have some humans to put in place”, he said as if it was something exstremly exsiting.
They then both walked off to the door, john looked back at cardinal before she left.
“don’t worry il take good care of him, you have me word and if you want more then that, you can have my life if you like”, he said with his sad warm smile.
“my name is john”.

(next post il do is the meeting :D il let you replie to this first as its quite fun I think :D )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
The Shadow Hound
Posts: 879
Joined: 08-07-2009 20:17

Post by Shaydie » 23-04-2011 04:50

“that’s ok I can imagon this is exstremly hard for you, but I am one of the few in here that isn’t her to make your life hard”, he said carmly with a small smile

“il take good care of him, iv been lucky to have had pups of my own”
Behind her mask, tears welled in Cardinal's eyes.

For a moment, she couldn't believe herself. Crying, at a time like this. But she couldn't help it. After all this stress, fighting, killing, being ripped away from her daughter and acquiring a son whose life was eternally hanging by a thread, FINALLY somone who didn't think of her as a wolf or a dog or a means to an end. Finally someone who thought of her as a simple creature that deserved kindness. Eight, Tsuna, and Shade were all out for themselves, and it was understandable... But finally, someone who would help.

She managed to blink away the drops before they fell, hiding her emotions from the dog as best she could. She liked him... very much. He reminded her of Christian... Always eager to make a positive difference.

"Thank you."

The words were soft, both in volume and tone. And as she said them, a great weight was lifted from her, as if she could now go on. She had to. For Kei. And Shade. And Tsuna.

And Eight?

As John lowered himself to Kei's level, Cardinal watched the pup squirm playfully and then jump around the dog's head, giggling. She couldn't help but smile. He was so cute and innocent. For now, at least. She hoped he would enjoy himself while she was gone.
“he is lucky to have found a mother like you”, he said with his smile slightly sad smile that he always had.
“whats his name?”
"Kei," she said, a little broken laugh escaping her in the process. My Kei...

When John asked if he liked songs, Kei stopped and tilted his head, gazing at the eyes that were as big as one of his paws. He chewed his tongue a bit.


At that moment, the Mistress and Spax re-entered the room, and instantly Cardinal tensed up again. Kei seemed to sense it, and ran back under his mother, pressing close to her foreleg.


Cardinal just looked down at him, unsure of what to say.
“lets go silent songbird we have some humans to put in place”,
"Cardinal," she spat, and hurriedly nuzzled the tiny pup. "I'll be back soon, stay here, he'll take care of you."

She began to follow them out the door, but at the last moment, as the two disappeared into the hall, she hesitated and looked back...
“don’t worry il take good care of him, you have me word and if you want more then that, you can have my life if you like”, he said with his sad warm smile.
“my name is john”.

Almost mechanically, she walked back over to him... and licked his muzzle in thanks. It wasn't sensual in any way, just a thank you for what he was doing.

"I... I think I trust you... John."

She rolled the name around with her tongue. John. Yes. She trusted him. Motherly instinct perhaps. But before she left, she gave him a sly, broken smile.

"But my terms still stand."

And with that she hurried out, catching up with Spax and the Mistress as best she could.

It was nice to have someone to trust here. It was empowering.
And it was also nice to be herself.
Like with Christian.

(I like this post. Cardinal's not such a hardass after all. ;3)
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Post by Leo » 27-04-2011 22:08

thank you”. he smiled at her his warm sad smile that was full of age, and a look that a kind grandfather would have.
When the young pup started bounding around his head, he laughed, a deep old laugh. He moved his head following him quickly as if the pup was trying to find away to catch him not looking.

John looked back up at her and smiled again, he liked that name suited him.
“yes songs il teach you some later if you are a good pup”m he stopped talking when mistress and spax rentered the room.

He stayed out of the words they exchanged, it was none of his business any more, what spax did, what Cardinal did was not his concern, spax was evil to his own ends and that of his mistress, Cardinal was good but was being made or will be made to do dark things to care for a pup a higher perpos. He didn’t jug either of them, he had lived a life from both sides of the fense, in this place and out. Good and evil. He had seen and done it all in his younger years but thanks to sertan wolves he had changed his ways, and managed to keep him self alive and on the good side with the dogs at the same time.

And that gave him no right to juge others.

When she walked off he looked down at kei but then noticed she was walking back to him, he looked up and she licked his muzzle in thanks, he was surprised for a moment, he hadn’t had that in a long time, he then smiled again, there was nothing behind it but prue gratitude, and he was happy he could make her feel that.

"I... I think I trust you... John."

She rolled the name around with her tongue. John. Yes. She trusted him. Motherly instinct perhaps. But before she left, she gave him a sly, broken smile.

"But my terms still stand."

He laughed out loud again, and nodded.
“il bear that in mind, don’t worry im more worried about my self to be honest”, he joked looking down at the pup.
He would sleep well that night he knew that.

Spax was waiting for her by the front door, his mask in place and gleaming, she seemed tuchy about her name, which was a bit pathtic when silentsong bird wasn’t a bad name and was the name there mistress had given her. She would have to get use to it.

Once she came back, mistress opened the door and walked off down the corridor. Her cold face on, spax one her right side.
cardinal, you walk on her left side, and match my walk”, he said noting looking at her as they walked.
Again like the day before humans stopped to talk to her, nodded as they past but mostly ignored spax and cardinal. Wile dogs looked a little more worried then humans, with spax with his mask on, and the same with cardinal they painted a intmdating pitcher. There were still those that looked at cardinal as if she was meat, making sure to look at her ass as she past.

They were nearing the end of the corridor already thay had walked past Cardinals old home. When a old male human stopped them, it was the mistress right hand man, who delt with training when she wasn’t around. They started talking ovesly about traning that was going on, mistress smiled at the male human who didn’t return it, as he spoke she lost her smile.

Spax sat lisening in, then growled to him self.
“looks like the small wolf you sherd a cell with has gotten her self sick, and dosent want to train”, he growled again.
“mistress dosent need this, she started off so strong, and before you guys came along she was struggling to get wolves of good quality, the small one started full of spirit”, he was talking with him self, his mind now working on how to give her a bit more spunk back. Using force or well placed positive nuges find want she wanted and giver her a little of it then threten to take it away if she didn’t go with it.

Mistress rubbed the brige of her nose and eyes, sighing.
The male human waited pasently for her descion, he had been with her for a long time, throw the good and the bad, she like him as he was to the point and didn’t beat about the bush, he did what she told him and also discusted training with her to help her out.

Mistress didn’t need this she had a down spell since her last promising wolf had died thanks to her falling ill strangly, since then she had struggled to find wolves of good proformces, but the small wolf had talent in her that was sertan she could tell.

“right keep going till you think she needs rest then put her back in her cage, I don’t need a wolf dieing on me again, get her well then get her in gear”, she said angrly.

Then walked on.

Spax mimicked her mood to.

She reached the end of the coridoor were there was steel door heavy and well locked, she then went to a well varnished door to the right of it, she stopped looked down at spax then cardinal, took a deep breath composed her self, rage was pumping throw, the humans that she would be meeting were taking the out of her, and a small part of her was thinking that one of them was the reason her last promising wolf died.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Post by Nakisha » 28-04-2011 14:27

- ''Enough. Take her back to her cage.''

Shade didn't understand the human's words, but she realised she could stop. Her muscles ached from dragging the heavy block around and as she stopped, she panted slightly.

What they had asked of her, was fair. Doable. But even so, she was exhausted after all her ordeals. She wanted nothing more then rest, sleep....

She waited to be paralyzed, and as it happened, she didn't even try to fight it. Somehow, it made it a LITTLE less worse... just relaxing your muscles somehow made the horrific feeling less horrific. But she would always hate it netherless... more then anything.
The harness was strapped loose, and before she knew it, several hands dragged her back into the cage. The door was shut...

She was done. It was over.

She sat up straight the moment the collar released her. She shook her fur and panted, staring at the doors of the arena, hoping to be brought back to her cell. She was so tired... she needed SLEEP, more then anything....

Jolene looked back at her watching her pull her weight around, if the female didn’t get out of the slump she would be useless and soon would be made to be a breeder and a training for with no sanity left at all.

“she seems to be, she better get with it or mistress wont be happy”, she said, then turning to look at dice at his next words a smile spreading her face.

“any thing I can help with baby”, she said again rubbing her tail down his body, she enjoyed messing with wolves it was always good fun.
Dice grinned as he watched Shade being dragged back to her cage.

- ''Jolene, my dear... I might need you to help me with this one soon. But not this time... not this moment. For now... it's time to lay down the RULES for her... Teach her a little LESSON....''

And with those words, he licked Jolene's cheek, winked at her, then walked up to Shade's cage and barked to the humans.

Shade's eyes widened. Dice?! What the hell did hé want now?
She felt a shiver running down her spine; something in her gut told her this was bad news...

Her cage was being rolled away, but Dice's body steered the humans in their every move. And for some reason, the humans did his bidding. Shade had no idea why; weren't the HUMANS the masters around here...?

She couldn't know that dogs like Spax, Bloodhound, Xor and even Dice where allowed to work independently. Because they followed orders from higher-ranked humans.... and that the lower-ranked humans would even follow the commands of the higher ranked dógs.

Before she knew it, the cage rolled passed the cellblock, and straight on into another corridor.

She tensed; she catched a glimpse of Dice's evil grin.
- ''No....'' She whispered, knowing that something horrible was about to happen.

The cage rolled on and before she knew it, she was in another room. A medium sized, empty one. No bright arena lights, no training equipment... nothing. Only a large, red button on the floor... and a few smaller ones, in several colors. She recognized them right away; they where there to control her collar... just like Spax did in the cellblock.
The light in the room was dim; it would have been a nice place to SLEEP. But she knew she wouldn't be allowed any rest....

She gulped; she tensed even more. Humans opened the door of her cage, then left quickly.
The door of the room was slammed shut.

A deep, haunting silence fell.

For a second, she thought she was alone. She couldn't hear or see Dice, and though the entire room SMELLED like him... it was completely silent.

She stayed in the cage at first, looking around. Too many dark corners to hide in... if someone WAS here, there was little way of knowing. Her ears turned backwards; a deep fear overcame her.
While it was nice to feel SOMETHING, after her hours of loosing all will to live, it was also haunting. Knowing that there was a scrap of will left, a little piece of her trying to hang on to life...

Minutes went by. And finally, she slowly got up, and hesitantly placed a paw down on the floor. As if in slowmotion, her body slid out of the cage and with her belly low to the floor, she crouched a few steps....

- ''Pure weakness. That's what you are.''

Dice's sudden voice startled her; being weakened from the lack of food, lack of sleep and the heavy training, she didn't even manage to turn as fast as she would have liked. Still, she growled at him as he emerged from the shadows. Her voice sounded oddly highpitched, out of pure fear, when she spoke.

- ''What do you want from me?''

His paw slammed down on the red button; a sharp pain hit her and her body slammed to the floor, paralyzed once more. This time, she DID fight it... but it was useless. Her muscles painfully cramped as she tried to bare with it. Eyes widened in shock, she could do nothing but watch Dice staring at her.

- ''You will only speak when you're told.'' Dice's voice was dangerously calm. ''You will listen and be a good girl. You will not talk back, or I'll rip out your tongue.''

He released the red button; Shade struggled to get up. But as she did, he slammed his paw down once more; she fell back with a thud and shivered all over, her paws spasming.

- ''Did I tell you to get up?! You won't move a MUSCLE without me saying so. STAY.''

He once more released the button. Shade forced herself to lay perfectly still, even though her heart hammered like mad in her chest.

- ''So.... seems you cán learn fast.'' Dice said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. ''Good girl.''

He came at her, circling her like a hungry vulture. Shade stayed perfectly still; her blood rushed through her veins, her ears filled with the sound.

- ''Shade... little Shade. It seems it's time for a heart-to-heart.'' Dice kept circling her, very slowly. ''You see... In this facility, there are all sorts of canines. The higherranked, dogs like me. Appreciated by their masters, and even obeyed by some humans.''
He paused, staring down at her, continuing his constant circling.
''Then... we have the strong, promising wolves... the interesting ones, like Cardinal and Eight. Wolves that will be desired and respected by others... loved by the mistresses and masters. Wolves that'll climb high.''

His tail was high up to remind her of his power of her.

- ''Of course... we also have the midranked wolves. Canonfudder, actually. Lasting in the fights as long as they can... only to be killed by better ones in the end. Nothing much... but théy at least DO serve a FUNCTION still...''

Shade's eyes followed the constantly moving legs around her.

- ''And then, we have the WEAK, inferior... LESSER canines. Not even good enough to fight. Like YOU. Unwanted, unloved and uninteresting to anyone. Nobody gives a shit about them... about you. Not even your fellow wolves could find a scrap of respect for you. A worthless being, thát's what you are.''

Shade suddenly felt the cold grip of depression and pain around her heart once more. She felt herself sinking away, drowning in the black emptyness once more. Her rapid pumping heart calmed down as her fear numbed and her eyes became empty once more.

Dice grinned at the sight.

- ''Yes, Shade... you understand correctly. You're indeed worth nothing around here. Not good enough to waste TIME on, even. Now tell me, what do you have to say for yourself?''

Shade forced herself to speak; her voice was oddly twisted, rasking.
- ''It... seems you're wasting time on me....''

- ''Oh yes, but it'll be the first and last time... it doesn't seem like you have any worth or talent, not even déép within. Training you is useless... None of the dogs will have any interest in you anymore from now on, mark my words.''

- ''I....'' She said, softly, but then fell silent; Dice hadn't allowed her to speak.
- ''Yes...?''

- ''I... was under the impression that at least ONE dog had... professional, interest in me...''

- ''Oh, really?'' Dice's voice changed; he sounded awefully amused. ''Who?''
- ''B... Bloodhound...''

Dice let out a booming laugh; he kept laughing for seconds, and Shade felt as if she was becoming more and more tiny with every passing second.

- ''Oh you poor, dumb, naive little girl...'' Dice snickered and suddenly placed a paw on her shoulder, as she still lay there on her side. ''Bloodhound? You obviously know NOTHING.... Bloodhound isn't entertained by any girl for long. He only wants the BEST. You where just a new toy... something that séémed nice, at the time, for a few seconds. But you should have noticed by know that he already lost interested in you. Naturally, you weren't even good enough to kéép his attention, he didn't even decide to stick long enough to fuck you... Thát's how insignificant you are!!''

Dice lowered his maw to her ear.

- ''... and do you know WHY, my dear...? Because Bloodhound has numerous BETTER girls. Girls he will visit whenever he feels the urge... Like his beloved Darcy. Trust me, little Shade... his ''interest'' in you was shortlived... and meant NOTHING. You have NOTHING to offer... not to him, not to the mistress, not to the fights....''

Shade pressed her eyes shut and shivered; why did those words still hurt, somehow? What did it matter...?

A sudden chuckle came from somewhere deep in his chest as Dice licked his lips; he suddenly changed position. His paw still pressed down on his shoulder, he now stood over her. She could feel his hot breath on her shoulders and neck.

- ''But you know, my little Shade... even someone as completely worthless and uninteresting like YOU cóuld get a higher purpose... Getting someone to find the goodness in his heart to take a LITTLE interest in you at least, if you TRY...''

Shade shivered; she didn't open her eyes. She knew EXACTLY what he meant...

((Cliffhanger! Rest will happen next reply. :) If anyone happens to feels like interfering, let's say the door will stay shut and won't open until after my next reply.))
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
Posts: 879
Joined: 08-07-2009 20:17

Post by Shaydie » 28-04-2011 23:55

Without much resistance, Cardinal did what she was told, matching the pace of the Mistress and the step of Spax. Somehow it felt almost natural. Not that she was complaining. Safety for her pup and the ability to go about unmolested was by far worth a few minutes of servitude every day. And besides, she would be fighting even if she hadn't bared her fangs against her own.

Every time an overzealous dog passed, she watched them from the corner of her eye without turning her head. Almost every male there that still had his manhood passed while staring under her tail, and she took notice of it with a sort of tolerance. That is, until one seemed a little too ambitious. They had rounded a corner, and there stood a German Shepherd, not unlike Spax. He halted at the sight of the three, but his gaze had shifted to Cardinal and suddenly he was staring as they passed. Cardinal saw him lick his lips and from the corner of her eye she saw him step toward her side as they made to pass him. Instantly she whirled on him, snarling. Just the show of force sent him running down the hall, and in less than a second she was in step with the Mistress again as if nothing had happened.

The fear she struck into these dogs... It felt good. Perhaps she'd learn to enjoy the job itself. Maybe the Mistress, someday. But never Spax. The heartless bastard.

Abruptly another human appeared, and she and Spax stopped, standing there, watching the male human speak to the Mistress. Cardinal tilted her head, understanding wisps of the conversation - as much as she had already learned from listening to Spax's translations. She didn't quite grasp the gravity of the situation until her "partner" told her.
“looks like the small wolf you sherd a cell with has gotten her self sick, and dosent want to train”, he growled again.
“mistress dosent need this, she started off so strong, and before you guys came along she was struggling to get wolves of good quality, the small one started full of spirit”
She frowned.

Such a nice girl. Not meant for some place like this. But in any other situation, Cardinal would have loved to have her around. She would have been a splendid addition to her pack.

Would be. They were getting out. End of story.

She just has to survive.

After a few moments, they traveled on, down the corridor and past a thousand doors. Then, finally, their pace slowed. At first, Cardinal thought they were entering the gleaming metal door, and she shuddered, suddenly apprehensive. But instead they went on to a wooden one, and halted there.

Cardinal felt the Mistress' eyes on her, and she looked up - and there they were, those icy eyes. And in those eyes, fury. Not at her, but at whatever was behind the door. Cardinal let out a brief, cold huff of laughter and looked at the door again. Time to do business...

Whatever that meant.
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Joined: 24-03-2009 03:00

Post by Leo » 29-04-2011 18:27

Mistress opened the door face serios and ferm. The room was small but well decorated, carpet, pichers on the wall, bet kept a very defined business tone to it. Large glass table stood in the middle with tables all around it with three humans already there.
Three male humans to of them in suits well cut and tailored, the threed in what looked like his ever day work cloaths, like mistress.
The sat next to each other and at there feet sat there dogs all strong and powerful them selves.

The human in the middle wore a beautiful suit and held a sertan ora of power the most of the three, he was ovesly a powerful man were he was from, his dog was a rockwiler big and as power as his owner, and had battle scars to prove it. The man to his right was smaller in stacher but his suit was much finer the watch the glasses, it all made the impression he was trying to make up for something he lacked throw his wealth, maybe his size, His dog was a White Akita.

Third man was olive skin and looked like he came from far off, he for jeans, and had put on a smart shirt on for the acsion. He was clearly a hard worker, his arms and hands bore the scars.
His dog was slender long leg, and the only female dog amongst the vistiers. She had wolf blood in her that was for sure, from the muzzle and ears, but there was a mix of sheperd and maybe lab in there.

All of the dogs were laying at there masters feet, all of them rised and stood when mistress, spax and cardinal entered. The only human to rise in respect was the one on the left the working man, the business men stayed sitting and look bored and unimpressed. Mistress paused looking at them all, then there dogs, Her pearcing eyes juging and taking in ever little detal.
She sat oppisit them and spax did the same.
Spax sneered at the rockwiler throw his mask.
“again follow what I do Cardinal, and lisen out for when she flicks her fingers”, he said with a smile.

The other dogs were lisening but spax really didn’t care he loved this, a chance to show off to new faces, they always underestmated him and he loved it.
The rockwiler stared daggers at Spax, Cardinal, the akita didn’t seem bothered bored really and the white female was just lisening in, and keeping passive.

“so you have called us all here to your “fathers” fercility, we are here what do y…..”, the middle human started but mistress interuted him, which he didn’t look happy about.
“please put your argents away for a second will you, you no dam well why you are here, you owe me a lot of money, and you think you can just ignore me”, the two suited men frowned, annoyed with her wording.

“you betted with me on a fight you lost, iv tried to contact you normaly but you thought I would just leave it alone once I had given up trying to contact you”.

The two suited men exstanged looks, wile the guy from over seas had streached back a bit watching closely, he wasn’t part of the problem he had been invited here to watch and so he was, he didn’t owe any one money. And so fare he was enjoying the show.

Spax looked over at cardinal at that point.
“you want me to translate”.

The human small human now spoke up.
“Lisen to me, we have been in this game for years, we no your father well, but just because you are his draughter dosent mean you can shout your mouth of to us, you little bitch”, he said glearing at her.

Mistress didn’t react at all her gaz traviled then to the other suited human.
“you come in here thinking you are untucherbal thanks to you father, well guess what your not, you’ve had a handful of champions we have had many, who the fuck do you think you are little girl, I don’t owe you any thing”, he said leaning back agest his chair.

Spax wasn’t growling but his hackles were now on end, and the akita and rockwiler were no tense.
Mistress then did something quite suprising she smiled quite pleasantly really but it didn’t hide that ice cold glint in her eyes.
“you no why I were this”, she said holding up her clawed hand.
“the first wolf I ever got, attacked me when he first arrived, you no the one, the one that became a champion”, she said making a note to rub that in there faces her first wolf she ever train became a champ.

“well he got his jaws around my hand and did some nasty damage”, she undid a clip at her rist and the claws slide off her hand like a glove, showing a rather deformed ugly human hand, the fingers still worked some how, but its oves that they had been broken, one looked like it had been sown back on, she also couldn’t make a flat palm as her fingers couldn’t go straight very well.

The claws clattered loudly as they hit the glass table, she then lent over the table putting her fingers together her eyes now very cold and feris.

“you owe me money gentmen and you will pay me one way or another”, she said and with that she flicked her mutlated fingers.
Spax was up and lunged and the rockwiler in a heart beat, it was clear he wasn’t trying to kill it just beat the shit out of it. The to humans wareing suits leaped back in shock.
The olive human didn’t really move at all, he knew he wasn’t going to be attack nore his dog.
The akita had just recovered from its shock and was lunging for spax.

Mistress smiled at the humans that were lost for what to do.
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Post by Nakisha » 29-04-2011 19:38

Shade had lost the will to fight him. Dice's body hung over her like the devil himself.

- ''Get up, Shade.'' She could hear by the tone of his voice how amused he was.

She heard his voice in her ears. But she had no intention to help him to succeed in his plans with her. She turned her ears backwards, but didn't move.

- ''Get up, NOW.'' His voice changed; the amused tone was replaced by an angry one.

- ''Do what you must.'' She simply replied. She closed her eyes again; she didn't want to have ANYTHING to do with hím, or what would happen next.

- ''Stupid, ignorant bitch... I'll do it myself.''

She felt him tug at her; he tried to prop her rear up. She didn't move, at first. She just let him claw and pull at her, his nail raking against her waist, her thies. But as she felt his hips bumping against her bum, just for a second, her eyes suddenly flew wide open.


Suddenly, fourtyeight hours of misery and pain came out like an explosion. Her jaws went straight for his troath without a sound, so fast that Dice was almost taken by surprise. She missed by a hair as he janked his head away just in time, his paws loosing his grip on her. Shade got up, growling like thunder. She turned towards him with her usual speed, facing him. Her eyes where small with anger, flaming green orbs of aggression, her teeth bared.

To her surprise, he laughed; he licked his lips as he prepared to fight.

- ''Ah... a little bit of life left in you, huh?! Well, let's see about THAT!''

He lunged at her; she dodged. She snapped at him; he dodged.
A cat-and-mouse game followed; each time she made her move, he was fast enough to either dodge or block her. And each time he made a move, she was fast enough to stay out of his way.

But it couldn't go on forever. She knew that; she was too exhausted, to famished to hold on. A night without sleep and too long without food....
Her speed failed her; she became slow. His teeth raked her left hindleg, leaving only a painful scratch.

She realised she was at the end of her rope. It was either killing him now... or loosing.
Her eyes stared, focused, trying to find a spot that he couldn't cover.

And thus, in a last desperate attempt, she suddenly made her move, and tried to attack him in the flank, ready to tear flesh and spill his organs.

But he turned, and instead slammed his body into hers so hard that she was smashed to her side. All air was knocked out of her lungs; she gasped, eyes widened and teeth still bared, tongue lolling on the side of her mouth.

As she tried to get back up, pulling her legs under her body, she felt his paw slamming down between her shoulders. He hung over her once more, laughing.

- ''Seems you can't fight me. Surprised? I told you before... you're WORTHLESS, Shade. A lesser canine. Inferior. You can NEVER win... you'd loose to even our WEAKEST wolves..''

She let out a desperate snarl; her eyes where huge as she tried to bite at him. She kicked her legs, forcing herself back up; her back slammed against his chest and belly. She quickly dropped herself again, knowing that standing would only be in Dice's favour. She tried to bite his front leg, but it quickly wrapped against her waist as she tried.

- ''Tssh... still fighting?''

She suddenly screamed out loud as his teeth bit down in her neck; he simply pulled her up, and her front half was lifted of the ground like a dangling puppy. He placed both front legs back on the ground to keep his balance. She screamed and struggled; blood began to drip down to the ground.

He suddenly let go; she slammed into the ground hard. She once more tried to get away; she tried to claw her way out from underneath him. But it was no use; once more, a paw slammed down between her shoulders.

- ''Be a good girl, now...''
- ''NO!''

She had expected about anything, but not what happened next. Dice suddenly jumped away; she was free to get back up. But as she did, she spotted where he was... and froze.

His paw dangled right above the buttons.

- ''With this... I can do anything I want. And you know it.''

Shade stared at him. She knew he was right; she knew she stood no chance..... She shivered. She knew he was in charge... and that she was just delaying the inevitable.

- ''You're mine, Shade...'' Dice's tongue slowly brushed over his lips. ''You're mine to play with. My little toy. And when I get bored of you, I'll....''

Suddenly, a beep came from Dice's collar.
One ear turned backwards.

Another beep.

Dice growled; his master was calling... That meant something important was up. He couldn't stay... and he couldn't play around with Shade some more. DANG it...

- ''Seems you're saved by the bell.'' He grumbled, as yet another beep from his collar echoed through the room.

Shade didn't understand; she turned her ears back and stared at him.

- ''Go back into your cage... before I change my mind...'' Dice growled, obviously frustrated now that he was forced to let his prey go. For now, at least.

Shade didn't hesitate. She trotted to the cage, rushed in and as Dice jumped on top and slammed the door down, she felt relieved. He couldn't harm her anymore.... It was over, for now.

She watched him walk to the door, and hitting a button to make it swing wide open. And at that moment, she couldn't help herself.

- ''Better run along indeed, Dice... Your MASTER is calling.''

Dice's head turned to her sharply; fangs bared, he growled at her. So... she understood what the beeps where for?

- ''You'll regret your insolence later...''

And with those words, he walked out.

Only a minute later, two humans came to collect her cage. They rolled her back to her cell, and before she knew it, the door opened and let her back into her cell... a place that, compared to Dice's room, seemed like HEAVEN. She stumbled in, and finally flopped down on the concrete.

Had she been taken here right after the training, she would have ate something. But now, she was even too exhausted to do that.
She closed her eyes, and to her surprise, saw no more flashes of the horrific fight from the day before. And within mere seconds, unawares of the others in the cell, she was asleep.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 01-05-2011 15:51

Flanking the Mistress as she walked into this new room, Cardinal noted several things. The first was that this room was even less desirable than the long corridor outside. It seemed sterile to her. Cold. Even her cell had more soul than this. The second, of course, was the plethora of humans; at this fact, she flinched, a growl already forming in her throat. Damned things were everywhere.

The third note, however, was the fact that there were three dogs in the room. Two males and one female. Instantly she silenced, but not in fear. They would know fear soon enough if what she had deducted was true. Spax seemed just as eager to get at them.

But that was beside the point. The point at the moment was to follow orders. At the moment. So she sat obediently by the Mistress, opposite Spax.
“again follow what I do Cardinal, and lisen out for when she flicks her fingers”, he said with a smile.
The red wolf nodded briefly, keeping her eyes on the three dogs. The first - big and bulky - was openly hostile. Good. More of a challenge. The second seemed bored, which didn't surprise her at all. What a strange little fluff ball. It looked like a pup to her.

The third, however... Respectful. Passive. Neither here nor there.

Perhaps there was more to this than she'd thought.

Cardinal straightened up, ears flicking back and forth as the conversation started. At first it sounded rather nonchalant and businesslike, but soon it escalated into a tone that she recognized as anger. Reflexively, her fur stood on end as she watched through the red eyes of her mask.
Spax looked over at cardinal at that point.
“you want me to translate”.
She glanced at him briefly, annoyance in her eyes.

"I think I can determine where this is going."

As if to accentuate this, the room suddenly went silent.
Deadly silent.
Mistress then did something quite suprising she smiled quite pleasantly really but it didn’t hide that ice cold glint in her eyes.
“you no why I were this”, she said holding up her clawed hand.
“the first wolf I ever got, attacked me when he first arrived, you no the one, the one that became a champion”, she said making a note to rub that in there faces her first wolf she ever train became a champ.

“well he got his jaws around my hand and did some nasty damage”, she undid a clip at her rist and the claws slide off her hand like a glove, showing a rather deformed ugly human hand, the fingers still worked some how, but its oves that they had been broken, one looked like it had been sown back on, she also couldn’t make a flat palm as her fingers couldn’t go straight very well.

The claws clattered loudly as they hit the glass table, she then lent over the table putting her fingers together her eyes now very cold and feris.

“you owe me money gentmen and you will pay me one way or another”, she said and with that she flicked her mutlated fingers.

She knew that was the signal to... do something, but for the life of her she couldn't quite process it faster than Spax. She watched as he lunged at the larger dog, as they tangled into a mass of raging fur. That left two dogs. Which was the priority?

Then the fluff ball realized what was happening and went for Spax. The next was reflexive: Cardinal was suddenly on her feet, darting for the dog's throat like a bat out of hell. She caught it around the back of his neck and proceeded forward, forcing the dog against the wall and colliding with it with a loud crash.

Satisfied with how far away he was from his ally, Cardinal released his neck and let herself go. In an instant she was on top of him, ripping at his flesh just deep enough to cause permanent damage but not death.

And Great Wolf did it feel so good!
Posts: 1501
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Post by Leo » 02-05-2011 14:53

The roars and snarls, yelps and crys didn’t change mistress face, she stayed smiling watching the two in suits, she didn’t even flinch as a little blood spattered the bottom of the table, she let it go one for a few more heart bets then slowly raised her mutilated hand and flicked them. Instantly Spax stopped and walked backwards facing the rockwiler, he hit the ground groaning in pain. He wouldn’t be walking out of the room, one leg looked broken and there were nasty wounds all over his body. Spax laughed darkly.

“not so big now are you” he said blood dripping from the fangs on his mask, they made mince meat of the dogs flesh, an extra line of weapons to do great amounts of damage.

When all the movement had died down and the room had gone silent as it could be with to dogs whining.
The to humans were ageist the wall looking very pale.
“Gentlemen, im not one you should be fucking with, I expect the money to be in my account with in the hour, or my two friends here will deal with you in front of a crowed”, she said pleasantly.

The large one of the two humans went down to his bleeding dog then looked up rage all over his face.
“You little bitch when I tell your fath….”.
“my father gave me blessing to do this, when you disrespect me you disrespect my family and that means my father, and I wont stand for that”, she said her voice like ice.

Spax growled softly to empthsise the point.

She then turned to the other human who was leaning back in his seat a slight smile on his face.
“Nice of you to come all the way from Europe Carlos, how’s the rings down there”, she said holding out a hand to him are good one. He got to his feet and shrugged.

“its been a good trip first class all the way here and they are doing well, my wolves are progressing nicely ”, he embracing her and kissing each of her cheeks, his voice was full of the fire of youth and a Italian accent.

They both started talking with each other ignoring the two other humans that were now carring there dogs away with help from there workers, Spax meanwhile was sitting next to mistress once more looking at Cardinal.

“now you cant tell me that wasn’t fun, showing some lower scum who’s boss, and doing mistress bidding is always a great way to start the day don’t you think”, he said his sneer on his face.

The other female dog was still laying were she was watching passively, she hadn’t been called so hadn’t moved.
Spax turned to the other female his smile a little more normal now.
“my name is Spax this is cardinal, it’s a pleaser”, he said his voice relaxsed.
The dog smiled getting up.
“no no the pleaser is mine, my name is Rachel”, she said a voice full of French elegants.
She walked up to spax and did the same as there masters had just done, cheek to cheek, she didn’t mind the blood or the steel, they took each others scents in, she was walking over to cardinal when Spax stepped in.
“im not sure cardinal here would apreshate it as much as I do”.

Rachel stopped waiting cardinal for a sign to stop or contunie. Meanwile there master and mistress were no starting to talk business it sound like they were orgnising fights between there wolves, laying down money on it, it was all small stuff at the moment, not important wolves just low down ones as it was the start of there business relasonship.

Eight Throw his “training” partner to the ground and this time it didn’t get up, he was panting he had been keeping it going for some time, but was happy with the way his body was going. He felt a lot better then he had he was starting to move better, his body more sure of its self, he looked around cheaking on Shade and George. George seemed as if he was doing well but Shade had gone, he cursed at him self, he had missed what had happened and instently worry started to bit at his heals, there was no blood and there hadn’t been any real cromsion that he had noticed, he hoped she had just been taken away due to her ill health it would more then likely be that. He was not happy with him self, missing things like that wasn’t unexsuerbal, and could lead to them getting hurt, and mistakes later.
The humans throw in some meat, again turning out to be wolf meat, which he ate with out a second thought, lunch and a short brake, then back to work.

Jack was scurring throw the walls heading for Shade he had been watching them train and had been worried about her, but as he popped his head out of a crack in the cell wall he saw she was fast asleep. She looked so at ease sleeping like that, like all the worrys had been lifted from her, he smiled, cute wolf as they went. He would disturb her if she was sleeping, so he went back into the wall and scurred off to his next port of call and a place he never normal went, he got there and poked his head out from behind a cubord.

“John my laddy were you at”, he said not going out any furtherl.

John seemed to be play fighting with a small ball of fluff who was on johns bell as he was on his back, legs in the air and laughing at the same time, hearing jack he turned blushing very slightly, jack seeing the pup stayed were he was but stood up on his back legs paws on his hips again his normal cheeky grin on his face.
“well now little laddy have I cort you at a bad time”, he laugh.

(please dont laugh i cant right in italian and french accents lol XD again if any one wants to play char i chreate please tell me and you cant take them over human or dog/wolf )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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