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Posted: 28-01-2011 02:23
by Mak
He increased his speed to a fervent pace, to the point where he was just about rutting her, the tip of his cock hitting her G-spot with each and every thrust. She hated to admit it but the pleasure was building, her insides tingling like her blood was made of soda bubbles. It didn't take long for her to break, her eyes rolling to the top of her skull, her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth, moaning like a common bitch in heat as he fucked her senseless. She just rode the wave of pleasure as it built to frightening proportions, her mind just about blank. He would pause between each thrust, grinding in as deep as possible, massaging her insides until everything around his cock seemed to turn to jelly and Rita was starting to drool into the carpet.

Her mind was so addled in it's haze that she didn't register what was happening, the little twitches in his cock, the clamping of her pussy walls and then hot jets of warmth filled her. He just...just...oh God! Her mind was disgusted, but her body ignored her as her walls milked him for all he was worth, the contractions getting every last drop. But then he was gone...and Rita's heart leaped. It was over, the ordeal was over and yet...she cried. and shivered. She hadn't finished, and the thought that after all that, after making her body betray her she wouldn't get the release her body craved. She couldn't do anything as she lay there bound as his cum leaked out of her abused cunt onto the carpet, lay there as his sick mind admired his handiwork.

"birdy that was quite something", he said panting getting his breath back.
"lucky you have a beck other wise id get you to clean me up after".

Her mind reeled. If you're that anxious to lose your cock, I'd happily oblige you! She thought, but couldn't find the strength to utter the words, instead she just looked at him, pleading with her eyes as he cleaned himself off, no energy left to move as he cleaned up and dressed himself.

"Please" She moaned, horrified at what was coming out of her mouth, "Please, I...I haven't...Oh God don't leave me like this!" Her sex-hazed mind made her words almost gibberish, but she was so close, so close! To be denied now was just more torture than her body could take and it was eating away at her mind. She instantly shut up as he picked up his knife once more, the fear for her life back, just barely overriding her need for her first ever orgasm.

"dont want to put this away yet, till i no what were going to do with you".

She whimpered, her mind back to thinking of an escape plan, but she knew it was over. She was spent in both body and mind, she couldn't focus on anything other than her snatch and her slowly fading orgasm. "You've had your fun, just let me go" She tried one last time, hoping he would forget about her last whorish outbreak and let her leave with a shred of dignity.

Posted: 28-01-2011 21:54
by Leo
, "Please, I...I haven't...Oh God don't leave me like this!"
He watcher her on the ground, her pleading ringing in his ears, he like the females to enjoy them selfs to, he had never faled to bring a female off. Had she just pleaded to his better nacher.

“hmmm”, he thought, he wasn’t up for licking her down there his own seed and what was left of her cherry blood was there, not really his taste but then a ider hit him, how could he have forgotten this was a privet room were all sorts of things happened and as shut they were all well proppered for any type of entertament. He walked to were the drinks were and knelt down to a small draw that was set near the bottom. He opened it, toys of all sorts vibrators, strapons anal beed’s the works.
(sorry I couldn’t resisted XD )

"You've had your fun, just let me go"

He lisened to her as he picked the toy, one simple vibrater nothing over the top, and the vibrating egg that was attached to a wire then to a remote.
“birdy it isn’t my choice what is done with you”, he said with a little air of inpasents as if she should no that, he throw the knife back into the ground again. The sound of it hitting the floor rang around the room.

“now lets see if can finish you off”.

He knelt down behind her and pulled her back into posission with her ass in the air. He rubbed the vibrator along her pussy playing close attention to her clit, he then pushed it into her and turned it up, then left it were it was. He then went to the egg, he covered it in his and her juices then placed it over her ass.

“this might be a little uncomfterbal at first”, he said enjoying this, he wasn’t helping her out out of pitty he was just messing with her now. It wouldn’t hurt for say just be uncomfterbal for a little bit. He worked it in slowly then once in place he turned that on to, on a high setting, he then took a step back and watched.

“so tell me again about the let me go thing”

(im crule i no XD )

Posted: 07-02-2011 15:20
by Mak
(Sorry, short on time and low on muse)

He walked over to a drawer, opened it and pulled out something Rita couldn't see

“birdy it isn’t my choice what is done with you

Rita knew that, but she had been hoping to plead to his better nature, if he had a better nature...he had to have some say somewhere, the way he spoke to the others about getting his briefcase.

“now lets see if can finish you off”

Her mind panicked as he threw the knife down, half-expecting it to land in her neck, but it didn't, and her heart raced as he pulled her back into position with her ass in the air. Her mind hated it, couldn't believe she had practically begged for round two but she craved it, needed it if she was to keep her sanity, she was so close! But he didn't put his cock back, instead she felt a small plastic egg. A vibrator! She squirmed, moving her ass, she couldn't believe she'd prefer his dick to something like this, but she had no choice. He massaged her clit with it before inserting it and turning it on.

Instantly her body reacted, her consciousness retreating back into the blank sex-crazed state as her body was getting the attention it deserved. Her overstimulated cunt leaked more and more juices onto the carpet as waves of pleasure rocked her body. Then she felt something touch her ass, and the terror barely cut through her haze but all she could utter was a shrill squawk before quieting down and just enjoying it.

“this might be a little uncomfterbal at first”

Her rational mind didn't comprehend his words at all but as he worked it into her tightest hole with some difficulty Rita squirmed her eyes going wide in a mixture of pain and ecstasy. With a vibrator in her ass and pussy, the strangeness of her violated tail hole just made it seem more erotic and she was soon bucking her hips, pushing back trying to push it deeper, trying to get her rapist to fuck her senseless again, but he wouldn't. He left her to squirm, the pleasure building to dizzying strength.

“so tell me again about the let me go thing”

She couldn't think with the dual vibrators, just moan out like a whore, needing her release yet never wanting it to end. "Y-you...'ve haaaaahhhh...had your....OH GOD! Nnng! fun. Can we....forget this a-AAAAAAHHH!! all happened?" And that's when it happened, the contractions in her pussy, involuntary, the waves of pleasure that assaulted her mind, heaven. It felt as if her cunt would crush the eggs into powder and the snow gryphon gave out one long drawn out scream of pure pleasure that faded into a moan as she just collapsed there on the floor, enjoying the afterglow, her mind thousands of miles away in a happy place.

Posted: 10-02-2011 21:04
by Leo
"Y-you...'ve haaaaahhhh...had your....OH GOD! Nnng! fun. Can we....forget this a-AAAAAAHHH!! all happened?"[i/]

He watched her have her first orgasam and couldn’t help but laugh as she tried to talk to him throw it, that was never going to work. Once she was done enjoying the after glow he pulled the vibraters out of her and throw them in to the bin.

He pulled grabbed another towl and started to clean her up a bit, who ever this higher up was who was coming to decide what to do with her wouldn’t care about what he did, but he douted they would want to see the mess.

Wile he was wipping her clean he spoke to her, he didn’t care what happened to her, if he was ordered to cut her up he’ed happerly do it with out a second thought.
“out of my paws birdy, and a tip for you when you using your body to woo a target you got to be prepared to use it and concider it might take days if not weeks to build up a trust so you can start exsploring”.

He finished with her left her tied up and started cleaning up the room, he throw his shirt back on and gave him self a quick clean up.

“if wondering whats going to be done with you my guess is that you ither be killed or made into a whore or something, so look at the brighter side, your first made sure you finished and you got to enjoy it a bit”, he said with a wicked smile. He picked up his knife and lent back agest the table and waited. After a cuple of minets a knock came at the door, he looked up.

“Yeah”, it opened and the lyinx from before entered followed by a very profeisnal cheetah, who was a very important member of the Sakima gang, he wasn’t in the inner cousal but he was the one that would inform them of the on goings that were happening in the fild.

He wore a very exspensive suit and had a cold couclating presents about him, he was missing to fingers and had a nasty scar on the other hand and one that run up the side of his muzzle. He moved with perpos, he had no time to wast evering had to be delt with quickly there was to much going on, a cop who had gotten to nosy was a serios matter, he would be seeing the chief commisnor straight after this and giving him a reminder to keep his pigs in order. He knew she had atted of her own accord but it didn’t change the fact that she was a cop who wanted to be a hero and there wasn’t room for cops like that in this city.

He looked at jag then down at the girl on the floor, the scent of sex was heavy in the air, but he payed it no mind. He knelt down infront of her and grabbed her face and lifted it so he could get a good look at her.

Jag knew this cat well and knew he wasn’t one to fuck with, he got a lot of his jobs from him, and they had a natral respect for each other, he didn’t need to be there any more but if he wanted her killed he wanted first dibs.

The cheetah turned her head this way and that but didn’t say a word, he then looked over her body.
Jag mean wile span his knife absent mindedly on the table point down watching closely.
it could be heard in the quite of the room.
He mossioned to the liynx to pull the bird to a her feet. He did so and stood behind her incase she tried any thing. The cheetah looked her in the eyes, his own had no pitty no humor just that ice look that said your life has no value.
With out warning his slapped her exstremly hard across the face, then with out a pause turned to the lyinx.

“Sell her to a whore house were she will not escape or be found, and clip her wings”, he said in a biuness like way then left with out another word.

Jag felt a little disappointed but shrugged it off, he smiled at the bird.
“thanks for the good night il be sure to visit you in your new home”, then left him self. The lyinx called for some of his mucle to take her away.

(right I was thinking we could time skip and you could write about her knew new life a bit have some fun with it be a bit of a storie maybe get you out of your block lol then I can write back with the escape lol its up to you when can play the whore house if you want  )