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Posted: 02-06-2012 18:18
by K.A.T
((the sexual tension in the air is soo thick....*gag*))

The tension was so thick in the air you could cut it with just a claw. So thick Ava could taste the tension and frowned at how stuffy it sudden got in the cave. The anger levels of both Crixus and Lilith for that matter were enough to turn the cave into a heat trap and that wasn't going to bode well.

Lilith was usually a level-headed girl, but with the wrong kind of push (was right kind?) in the form of a hot-headed Crixus, she was quick to match his temper. Ava found this rather interesting for her sister as she had never seen Lilith so worked up before, with her hackles raised and her fur fluffed to that extent.

Felony too was staring at Lilith as if she was seeing a new side to her sister. But she brushed it aside as she returned her attention to Crixus, ears going back at his next words.
Crixus's crooked smile now grew, but it was no genuine smile. It was the grin of a predator playing with his prey, the merciless grin without any happyness...

- ''You better teach your sister to hold her tongue, then...'' He commented, his voice cold as ice. ''Before I consider ripping it out...''
Lilith in turn gave him a cold sneer as his words washed over her. Perhaps he couldn't take a joke but he sure responded to her sarcasm earlier.

"It won't happen again, wouldn't want to feel your wrath my Lord," her renowned sarcasm came again as she could just imagine how he would rip into her after all this nice pampering was over.

Half of her anticipated his fury, and half of her would like nothing more than to outmatch him in ferocity.

Damn what was wrong with her? Wanting the enemy....she was out of her mind...

Lilith sent a quick glance at Felony behind her and the youngest nodded her head silently in agreement as then the maroon female returned her gaze to Crixus.

Felony now made a mental note to stay clear of Crixus and just stick with Blue Balls. At least he puts up with her....leaving Brownie to Lilith seemed like a good idea as she seemed to be the only one not afraid to give him her sarcasic reply or match his burning fire.

It seems that Lilith's inner demon had come out to play after meeting Crixus. Her own little secret, she was a sadist and a masochist but by always being with the family that ugly side nver got a chance to say hello to the world. And now after meeting this brute, it seems her demon was so happy to be let out to play. So much so she enjoyed dancing with the devil and egging him on. She would see how far his viciousness would take would not drive her off....or her little demon for that matter.
Crixus's eyes narrowed; instead of looking over his shoulder, cowering or even flinching, his nose began to twitch.
Ava knew the matter would be taken care of now. Crixus would have to down his temper if he was going to get any action.....which should worry her but after seeing this new Lilith, Ava wasn't so worried.
''What on earth is going on here?'' Scorpius's butt arrived first as he dragged the doe in. He then turned and frowned at Crixus.
Ah, ironically their savior. As his rear came into the cave first, a thought flashed through Ava's head and only seconds later did she realize how wrong it sounded.

"Hmm, nice ass," flashed through her mind and immediately she mentally slapped herself for thinking such a thing with her captor. Great....all this lack of hormonal control was affecting her too it seemed. Bah she cursed her slight slip of weakness.

In silence the three sisters watched the exchange between Scorpius and Crixus. Lilith's fur finally flattened out and she stood from her crouching position, her temper also calming down as she watched with some amusement as Crixus got told.
Scorpius rolled his eyes and sighed.

- ''Just give them a moment to eat, Crixus...''
- ''Why the fuck...''

Suddenly, without any growling or snarling, the two males met eyes... and Crixus backed off, falling silent and turning away, his tail dropping only slightly.

Scorpius hardly did a thing. But the glare he send Crixus was clear enough.
At this Ava was surprisingly impressed by Scorpius. Normally she would have been screaming at herself for thinking such a thing but she had to admit, the dominance exerted by Scorpius was something she always admired in a male, the authority to keep those under him in line. And the fact that Scorpius got Crixus to drop the subject with so much as a look spoke volumes.

Ava was kind of glad she choose the leader as her competition. He continued to surprise her.
He then turned to the girls.

- ''Maybe I should have warned you. Crixus has a bad temper.''

He pulled the doe closer, offering them to the girls.

- ''Have as much as you like.''
Ava gave him a smirk as she eyed the doe and then back to him.

"Yes, we've witnessed first-pawed. Warning taken...Fel?" Ava asked and gave her youngest sister a sideways look.

Felony nodded her head.

"I'll behave," was all she said as she flattened her ears out of embarrassment that she also got told.

Lilith shot Crixus a look, a hint of lust and defiance flashing hotly through her eyes but it left as soon as it came and she turned away from him to lay down next to Felony's paws and look from the doe to Scorpius in cautious wary. Mentally she was still kicking her own ass at how weak she was compared to her hormones how they screamed for her to take on Crixus head to head and teach him to treat her like his pussy bitch. But of course her outer image spoke none of the internal war she was having.
He then created some distance between himself and the girls, as Crixus flopped back in place before the entrance. Durango sighed, walked back a little to give the girls space and watched Scorpius.

Scorpius sat down, doing nothing... but looking.
Ava nodded to her sisters and Lilith and Felony walked over to the deer and each tore off a limb while Ava also came up and ripped off another leg, leaving the doe with one limb left but her body in tact.

The three went back to their spot near the wall and Lilith and Felony laid down to each while Ava dropped her piece on the floor but turned to Scorpius to explain their actions.

"Your generosity is appreciated. We'll eat but it's not wise to eat too much before...whatever it is you have planned for us. The rest is yours," she remarked as she eyed him and then joined her sisters in eating.

They ate moderately, not wolfing down but enough so that they could enjoy the quick meal. Felony ate in silence, ripping meat off the flank of her thigh and chewed and swallowed. Lilith, before taking a bite had lightly run her claws over the leg, feeling it up and approved of how nicely it was kept, and then took a bite. Ava ate her meat but her favorite part was the bone and so she wasted no time, moving away from the meatiest part and then wrapping her jaws around the thin leg and crunched down, easily breaking the femur and tibia and began to suck the marrow out. None of them spoke as they ate but once in a while their eyes darted to their captors to watch them and then went back to their food.

Ava felt the heat of Scorpius' gaze and once in a while caught his eyes as he was staring at her. How flattering...he was basically ogling at her. But she couldn't help be attracted to the strong male. As she crunched her bone her eyes fixed on him for a long moment, the icy blue orbs searing him and almost eye humped him before she averted her gaze.
Durango also looked... but even a simple act like watching the girls eat was enough to wind him up again. Now that he no longer had to try and calm Crixus, his own needs where stirring again.
He sat down, his breathing a little faster then usual, and within a minute his manhood came peeking back out. A little drop of pre dribbled down the length and into the fur of his sheath, but he didn't even notice himself as he had eyes for nothing but the girls.
Felony looked once at Durango, her ears flickered at what she saw, how he was basically imagine just raping her right now. A shiver passed through her and once again the fear of losing her virginity like this was a horrifying thought, but she also looked away from the blue male and focused on finishing her food.
He narrowed his eyes slightly as he rested his gaze on Lilith again.

Hmm... she would be sorry for her sister's cheeky remarks... as he couldn't wait to tie the bitch up and réally scare her.
Lilith felt the heat of a stare and she lifted her eyes from her food to fix them on Crixus as he stared at her from his spot near the crack. The fury in his eyes was hard to hide and she had a feeling he was going to take his frustration out on her later.

"Bring it on," her own emerald eyes shot back to him, giving him a taste that she wasn't going to be as easy or scared as he hoped she would be. She bit down on the bone of her leg, cracked it for emphasis as she then tore her gaze from him.

Posted: 02-06-2012 19:12
by Nakisha
K.A.T wrote:((the sexual tension in the air is soo thick....*gag*))
ROFL... :lol:
Lilith in turn gave him a cold sneer as his words washed over her. Perhaps he couldn't take a joke but he sure responded to her sarcasm earlier.

"It won't happen again, wouldn't want to feel your wrath my Lord," her renowned sarcasm came again as she could just imagine how he would rip into her after all this nice pampering was over.
Oh... she was testing him alright...
Crixus stared at her, his anger matched in her eyes as she stood there, fluffed up and furious...

He was about to burst out at her sarcastic sneer, but...
Lilith sent a quick glance at Felony behind her and the youngest nodded her head silently in agreement as then the maroon female returned her gaze to Crixus.

Felony now made a mental note to stay clear of Crixus and just stick with Blue Balls. At least he puts up with her....leaving Brownie to Lilith seemed like a good idea as she seemed to be the only one not afraid to give him her sarcasic reply or match his burning fire.
Satisfied enough to see Felony back down, Crixus slightly relaxed... and held in his anger.

Durango let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. Phew... He didn't fancy the idea of Crixus messing up Felony. He had been so careful not to harm her, the idea of Crixus kicking her lovely butt around now didn't sit well with him. But it seemed the moment had passed now... especially now Ava piped in.

((LOLLLLL for Ava's thoughts... appearantly the male's horniness hormones are flying around.. :lol: Oh oh for pheromones!))
In silence the three sisters watched the exchange between Scorpius and Crixus. Lilith's fur finally flattened out and she stood from her crouching position, her temper also calming down as she watched with some amusement as Crixus got told.
Where Crixus could take Scorpius's calm correction, the fact that Lilith was obviously rather amused at him being put back in place only increased his anger.

And he was forced to suck it up...

All the harder it would come out later!!

And he was the only one to catch the fact that Ava seemed impressed by Scorpius. He growled softly to himself; if only she knew how their relationships where... She would know why he, unwillingly, accepted Scorpius's authority...

Well, it didn't matter anyway... It was not like those girls would UNDERSTAND him, anyway....
Ava gave him a smirk as she eyed the doe and then back to him.

"Yes, we've witnessed first-pawed. Warning taken...Fel?" Ava asked and gave her youngest sister a sideways look.

Felony nodded her head.

"I'll behave," was all she said as she flattened her ears out of embarrassment that she also got told.
Scorpius nodded, a bit of understanding in his eyes. Durango's ears shot back up, happy the tention was now out of the air... well, at least, the ANGRY tention... and, even though he wouldn't admit it, Felony's promise to behave was soothing to even Crixus's injured pride. Not that it cured his agitation...
Lilith shot Crixus a look, a hint of lust and defiance flashing hotly through her eyes but it left as soon as it came and she turned away from him to lay down next to Felony's paws and look from the doe to Scorpius in cautious wary.
Crixus's ears suddenly shot up straight, something that was rather unusual.
He almost never showed emotion or even being affected by something. Yet... he had just spotted something that réally caught his interest...

Instantly, bloodrush came to his sheath and he shifted a little, hiding his arousal from sight for the moment. He had trouble now to hide his anxiety. He wanted so bad to go at her... to have her... to CLAIM her!

And while he still seemed rather calm at the surface, his eyes where now burning with intense desire.

Scorpius noticed Crixus's ears popping up suddenly, and while he frowned for a moment, he didn't go into it any further. It seemed they had fought the very girls that had their interest... making deciding who-would-get-who a lot easier...
Ava nodded to her sisters and Lilith and Felony walked over to the deer and each tore off a limb while Ava also came up and ripped off another leg, leaving the doe with one limb left but her body in tact.

The three went back to their spot near the wall and Lilith and Felony laid down to each while Ava dropped her piece on the floor but turned to Scorpius to explain their actions.

"Your generosity is appreciated. We'll eat but it's not wise to eat too much before...whatever it is you have planned for us. The rest is yours," she remarked as she eyed him and then joined her sisters in eating.
Scorpius nodded calmly.
- ''As you wish...''

Durango shot a look at the meat, but then back to Felony. Crixus didn't even give the kill a look... and Scorpius himself had to admit it as well... Food was not on their minds right now.

He gulped and repositioned a little.
They ate moderately, not wolfing down but enough so that they could enjoy the quick meal. Felony ate in silence, ripping meat off the flank of her thigh and chewed and swallowed. Lilith, before taking a bite had lightly run her claws over the leg, feeling it up and approved of how nicely it was kept, and then took a bite. Ava ate her meat but her favorite part was the bone and so she wasted no time, moving away from the meatiest part and then wrapping her jaws around the thin leg and crunched down, easily breaking the femur and tibia and began to suck the marrow out. None of them spoke as they ate but once in a while their eyes darted to their captors to watch them and then went back to their food.
Never before had any of the males considered eating females erotic in any way. But now... Scorpius did.
The way Ava sucked the marrow from the deer's bones... it was almost intoxicating.

He layed down, hiding his manhood that was now sliding out further then before. Damn... what a female! His eyes focussed on her mouth... her tongue...

He could already imagine what it COULD be like... to feel that tongue.... on his own hot flesh...
Ava felt the heat of Scorpius' gaze and once in a while caught his eyes as he was staring at her. How flattering...he was basically ogling at her. But she couldn't help be attracted to the strong male. As she crunched her bone her eyes fixed on him for a long moment, the icy blue orbs searing him and almost eye humped him before she averted her gaze.
The erotic moment got even more intense as their eyes met. Once again, he had to gulp and he felt his manhood slip out even further. Goddamn, if he had to get up now, it would be awkward to walk...

He had to regain his cool.... somehow...
Felony looked once at Durango, her ears flickered at what she saw, how he was basically imagine just raping her right now. A shiver passed through her and once again the fear of losing her virginity like this was a horrifying thought, but she also looked away from the blue male and focused on finishing her food.
She... shivered.
Durango wondered why. It wasn't cold here...
Yet, he found her looking away and focusing on her meal again.

And once again... he wondered...

Licking his lips, he decided on his plan on how to handle her.
Lilith felt the heat of a stare and she lifted her eyes from her food to fix them on Crixus as he stared at her from his spot near the crack. The fury in his eyes was hard to hide and she had a feeling he was going to take his frustration out on her later.

"Bring it on," her own emerald eyes shot back to him, giving him a taste that she wasn't going to be as easy or scared as he hoped she would be. She bit down on the bone of her leg, cracked it for emphasis as she then tore her gaze from him.
Crixus couldn't help but feel even more aroused as her eyes challenged him. Oh, if it hadn't been for Scorpius...! He would have loved to leap up and take that challenge right there and then....

He didn't even notice that he began to pant. Nor did he notice that, despite his effords to keep it from sight, his manhood was swelling enough to peek through his fur a little, even in his strategic position....

Durango cleared his throat suddenly.

- ''The...'' His voice was a little off and he cleared his throat again. ''The stream is not far from here. Right behind our cave, actually... If... eh... when, you wish to visit...''

Scorpius grinned slightly. Durango was just as anxious as they where....

Posted: 02-06-2012 19:48
by K.A.T
((good god....I'm sitting here typing and all that sexual tension is radiating off my computer and I'm sitting in my room getting stuffy *turned on the fan* damn my girls must be sweating in there lol))

Oh....if any of the girls had words to describe the situation they were in....sexual tension came to all their minds. Once again the air around then was so thick it was almost suffocating. More than once Lilith and Ava had the idea of jumping on their respective males themselves just to get the lust out of their system. But then again they knew that with this level of attraction, once was not going to be enough...

....and that thought frightened the two girls beyond their wildest dreams.

Felony was a bit more innocent in that aspect, more fearful of being raped by Durango than anything despite her tough exterior. She was shying away at the prospect of being raped and then having to have pups afterward with an uncaring male who just donated sperm. That thought never sat well with her as she had always dreamed of having her mate to be someone who could be by her side.

And now faced with the threat of losing her virginity by rape, her dream seemed like an unreachable star.

For Lilith and Ava, this level of desire was new to them, but with them being older than Felony, they understood somewhat of what they were feeling and were slightly turned on by the aspect of rough sex....for some strange reason...

And more than once the two sisters found the undeniable desire to tease their males...just slightly...they could see how hard it was for the males to hide their arousal and it was making them hot and bothered as they realized this fact.

The silence of the six wolves hung in the air, none of them speaking yet thoughts could be easily predicted as the three girls ate and the three guys just sat and watched the girls eat.

Truthfully, in normal circumstances, the girls thought they'd rather be repulsed at how they were handling the situation, but after thinking about Lilith and Ava, the prospect of tangoing with these males seemed rather interesting and fun....arousing too....for poor Felony...her mind was far from thinking the same as her older sisters.
Instantly, bloodrush came to his sheath and he shifted a little, hiding his arousal from sight for the moment. He had trouble now to hide his anxiety. He wanted so bad to go at her... to have her... to CLAIM her!

And while he still seemed rather calm at the surface, his eyes where now burning with intense desire.
Lilith felt her eyes being drawn to the brown male once again and this time she noticed his arousal that he tried to hide but was failing. The slight movement he made in attempt to hide his cock made her almost smile at him in teasing. And the burn of his eyes on made her wanting down south but she reigned in her hormones, it would not be good letting Crixus see how much she was wanting him. And like the boys, if she wasn't careful, her arousal would be evident as well.
Scorpius nodded calmly.
- ''As you wish...''

Durango shot a look at the meat, but then back to Felony. Crixus didn't even give the kill a look... and Scorpius himself had to admit it as well... Food was not on their minds right now.

He gulped and repositioned a little.
THe boys were easy to read. None of them touched or made a move for the deer, for why go for food when there was definitely far better things to look at in front of them? Once again all three sisters felt the intense heat of the males' stares and wondered if stares would really burn holes.

Ava saw the slight movement Scorpius made and now kept her eyes on him.

The sisters, Ava and Lilith were eying their respective males hotly while Felony kept her eyes down, so none of them saw the looks their other sisters had and if they did they'd be shocked beyond belief.
He layed down, hiding his manhood that was now sliding out further then before. Damn... what a female! His eyes focussed on her mouth... her tongue...

He could already imagine what it COULD be like... to feel that tongue.... on his own hot flesh...

The erotic moment got even more intense as their eyes met. Once again, he had to gulp and he felt his manhood slip out even further. Goddamn, if he had to get up now, it would be awkward to walk...
Oh, Ava couldn't deny the opportunity to tease him a little. She had ripped the skin off the femur of the deer and was now running her tongue up and down the length of the white bone, her eyes burning into Scorpius'. Part of the bone was cracked and the marrow was showing and after running her tongue slowly, languidly over the length and even nibbling here and there, her mouth came to rest on the open part and she sucked lightly, drawing the marrow into her mouth and swallowed, her throat moving as she downed the delicious marrow and then licked her red lips before going back to licking the bone again. A small tiny moan of pleasure from the delicious food escape from her lips as she ate.

If she was going to feel hot and bothered by his gaze, she'd return the favor right to him. With a promise of how she'd handle him if he choose to do what she thought he would do in due time.

Her icy eyes twinkled in amusement at how rigid he looked laying there with an obvious boner, and yet he couldn't move in fear of showing his arousal or feeling pain in moving around with a hard-on. Ah...she could get use to seeing actually flattered her slightly that he was aroused by her and yet hadn't become some wild animal and ravaged her yet....keyword yet....
Crixus couldn't help but feel even more aroused as her eyes challenged him. Oh, if it hadn't been for Scorpius...! He would have loved to leap up and take that challenge right there and then....

He didn't even notice that he began to pant. Nor did he notice that, despite his effords to keep it from sight, his manhood was swelling enough to peek through his fur a little, even in his strategic position....
Perhaps he himself didn't notice, but Lilith noticed quite well how she was affecting him and his cock. And it pleased her see him struggle with an erection with her just fixing her eyes on him. And she knew very well that if Scorpius had not stopped Crixus, she would not be here just slowly munching on food, she'd probably be on her feet or back with him fucking her raw from the intensity of his desire.

Her emerald eyes darted to the evidence showing between his legs despite his best efforts to hide it and she smirked slightly against the meat of her deer leg. She nibbled along the length of the flesh of the deer as her eyes roamed up his body to stare at his eyes, seeing him pant in want for her.
Durango cleared his throat suddenly.

- ''The...'' His voice was a little off and he cleared his throat again. ''The stream is not far from here. Right behind our cave, actually... If... eh... when, you wish to visit...''
Felony snapped her head up, glad to be given an opening for her to get out and get some air.

She shot a look at Ava and luckily the white female's eyes and torn away from Scorpius to look at her and then back at the males.

"If you three would permit us, a drink of water would sound....very nice right now," she said in a tone that held underlying meanings and she finished off her meal and stood up, her muscles moving as she did.

Felony all but forgot her half-eaten food as she also stood and couldn't wait to get out of the cave and away from all the thick tension in the air. She did not fail to notice the arousal of all three males and wanted nothing more than to dip her head into a cold stream to clear her head.

Lilith also finished her food and stood up as well, all the while her eyes not leaving Crixus as she slowly, every so slowly ran her pink tongue over her red lips and then gave him a smirk.

Ava smirked, knowing the painful positions of the boys but decided to speak anyway.

"Are you boys going to follow us? We haven't run and we won't as I said, but maybe...if it's too painful for you boys to move..." she suggested as she waited with her sisters in her spot, not making any moves towards the crack as she really wasn't trying to escape.

Posted: 02-06-2012 20:18
by Nakisha
((Ah, the fun of some GOOD mature RP... Rrawrr... :love: It's what it does. And I'm lovin' it. :lol:))
Ava saw the slight movement Scorpius made and now kept her eyes on him.

The sisters, Ava and Lilith were eying their respective males hotly while Felony kept her eyes down, so none of them saw the looks their other sisters had and if they did they'd be shocked beyond belief.
Of course, the fact that the girls where now staring right back only made things worse for Scorpius and Crixus.
An odd, vibrating, very deep humming sound suddenly began to fill the cave; Scorpius knew exactly what it was. He shot Crixus a look from the corner of his eyes; he was growling, but not even noticing. A lustful sound that he usually only made during mating itself...

It said a lot.

His eyes shot back at Ava, licking his lips tensely.
He wasn't sure WHY... but it almost seemed the girls where challenging him and Crixus... or... was that his imagination..?

It had to be...
Oh, Ava couldn't deny the opportunity to tease him a little. She had ripped the skin off the femur of the deer and was now running her tongue up and down the length of the white bone, her eyes burning into Scorpius'. Part of the bone was cracked and the marrow was showing and after running her tongue slowly, languidly over the length and even nibbling here and there, her mouth came to rest on the open part and she sucked lightly, drawing the marrow into her mouth and swallowed, her throat moving as she downed the delicious marrow and then licked her red lips before going back to licking the bone again. A small tiny moan of pleasure from the delicious food escape from her lips as she ate.
Scorpius eyes began to fixate, and he too now began to pant without realizing it. Fuck... this girl was driving him mád!!!
She wasn't doing this on purpose... right...? Or was she...

He felt himself growing a little uncomfortably large underneath. He shifted, but even the pressure of his own body on his flesh was pleasant now... and he had to grit his teeth not to moan.

Damn... if she kept this up, he would be absolutely unable to hold himself back until he had fulfilled his promise...!!

And he could see she knew it. Oh damn... she knew it. She wás doing this on purpose!!! Oh... the little... sexy... sneaky...

He could hardly believe it. Never before had ány captured girl CHALLENGED him sexually! After all, they had been afraid enough to get raped... and now she was challenging him....

Oh for fucks sake... how would he keep his selfcontrol?!
Was this some kind of trap?!

He'd better tie her up...
Perhaps he himself didn't notice, but Lilith noticed quite well how she was affecting him and his cock. And it pleased her see him struggle with an erection with her just fixing her eyes on him. And she knew very well that if Scorpius had not stopped Crixus, she would not be here just slowly munching on food, she'd probably be on her feet or back with him fucking her raw from the intensity of his desire.

Her emerald eyes darted to the evidence showing between his legs despite his best efforts to hide it and she smirked slightly against the meat of her deer leg. She nibbled along the length of the flesh of the deer as her eyes roamed up his body to stare at his eyes, seeing him pant in want for her.
Crixus's odd, vibrating growl of lust grew a little stronger as their eyes met.

Unlike Scorpius, he had no trouble figuring out that she wás, indeed, challenging him...

Why? Wasn't she scared anymore? Pah, she was probably just teasing him... but as soon as he'd lay paw on her, she'd probably drop the act and beg for mercy..

He couldn't wait....
Felony snapped her head up, glad to be given an opening for her to get out and get some air.

She shot a look at Ava and luckily the white female's eyes and torn away from Scorpius to look at her and then back at the males.

"If you three would permit us, a drink of water would sound....very nice right now," she said in a tone that held underlying meanings and she finished off her meal and stood up, her muscles moving as she did.
For a short moment, the spell was broken; Scorpius cleared his throat and he felt his manhood retreat.

Water. Of course...

But the arousal was far from gone and as he got up, a tip still showed.

Crixus didn't get up yet; he knew more then just a tip showed with him right now...

Durango smiled brightly. He too still had a tip showing, but he didn't seem to notice himself. However, it was hard enough to hide the mood as he looked longingly at Felony.
Felony all but forgot her half-eaten food as she also stood and couldn't wait to get out of the cave and away from all the thick tension in the air. She did not fail to notice the arousal of all three males and wanted nothing more than to dip her head into a cold stream to clear her head.

Lilith also finished her food and stood up as well, all the while her eyes not leaving Crixus as she slowly, every so slowly ran her pink tongue over her red lips and then gave him a smirk.

Ava smirked, knowing the painful positions of the boys but decided to speak anyway.

"Are you boys going to follow us? We haven't run and we won't as I said, but maybe...if it's too painful for you boys to move..." she suggested as she waited with her sisters in her spot, not making any moves towards the crack as she really wasn't trying to escape.
Scorpius gave her a bit of a smirk.

- ''We'll come with you...''

Damn, was he glad his cock had retreated fast enough. He wouldn't give her that satisfaction...

But he noticed from the corner of his eye that Crixus, laying in front of the entrance, was gritting his teeth and still hadn't gotten up.

Durango panted slightly.
- ''Well? Out of the way, Crix.''

Crixus grumbled something; he shifted uncomfortably. But he knew he couldn't keep laying there... and as he finally did get up, almost half the length before the knot was swaying underneath him. His ears where back and his teeth clenched as he didn't look at the girls and moved out of the way.

Scorpius had a hard time not to grin. Hell... this wás funny... and the girls seemed to enjoy this game as much as they did...

Durango however was not as tactic and stared openly at the swaying part of swollen flesh hanging from Crixus's sheath, before quickly turning his eyes to the ground, but smuthering a chuckle none the less.

- ''Coming, ladies?'' Scorpius moved out, knowing they'd follow.

They'd be back soon enough...

And then...

Crixus sat down, his back turned to the group.

- ''I'll be there in a sec..'' He grumbled softly.

Posted: 02-06-2012 21:00
by K.A.T
((ahahaha oh this is rich!!! I love how the boys are reacting!!))

There was no way the tension in the air was decreasing, and adding the sexual part was just making things worse. Ava and Lilith didn't know when the situation started turning into a game for the two of them. They rather liked this game, a game where they got to try and dominate the boys. The two weren't afraid as they have been itching for some good competition....

...And what better competition than some males who could prove their worth? It was an adrenaline pumping situation for the two older sisters. It'd been a long long time since they met any males who posed a challenge for them...or excited them to this level.

Actually in truth the reason Lilith even went on the trip with Ava was to try and find a male worthy of her. Ava too was getting to a point where she'd like to find a mate that was good enough by her standards.

Perhaps if things went a different direction, at least Ava and Lilith now knew their standard for a male was laying in front of them....they didn't know if another chance like this could come by despite the context of the situation they were in.

Maybe...just maybe....things happened this way for a very very good reason....

Young Felony was still trying to get a grip on the situation and saw nothing funny in this as she was rejecting the thought of being a product of rape.
An odd, vibrating, very deep humming sound suddenly began to fill the cave; Scorpius knew exactly what it was. He shot Crixus a look from the corner of his eyes; he was growling, but not even noticing.
This sound didn't go unheard by Lilith as her ears flickered ever so slightly at the sound Crixus was producing from his throat. A low hum that was music to her ears. And the best part was he didn't even realize that he was making the made Lilith feel empowered that she had this influence over him...and not just because she was a female that he could fuck...but that she could challenge him and make him even more excited...
Scorpius eyes began to fixate, and he too now began to pant without realizing it. Fuck... this girl was driving him mád!!!

He felt himself growing a little uncomfortably large underneath. He shifted, but even the pressure of his own body on his flesh was pleasant now... and he had to grit his teeth not to moan.
Ava just smirked and relished in the fact that he was so affected by her. She had to admit teasing him was rather fun and she couldn't deny the attraction she held for him....a strong dominant male..

He started panting and her eyes glinted as she saw this. Did he even know how worked up he was himself? And the fact that he was gritting his teeth, and his odd position, Ava could tell that he was hard and ready and just dying not to jump her right there and then.
Crixus's odd, vibrating growl of lust grew a little stronger as their eyes met.

Unlike Scorpius, he had no trouble figuring out that she wás, indeed, challenging him...
Unknowing to Crixus, Lilith had actually gotten over her fear of him and of her situation already. Right when she felt the desire for him, her fear of her desire made her scared more than her fear of him.

The fact that she had this uncontrollable urge to just fuck him as much as he wanted to fuck her scared the blood out of her. But the adrenaline kept the blood pumping right back.

Let's see if he wanted to give her a fright, she was so ready to give him the biggest surprise of his life.

As Ava realized Scorpius broke out of his trance, she chuckled lightly to herself as she waited for the males to accompany them outside as she knew they wouldn't let them wander on their own.
Durango smiled brightly. He too still had a tip showing, but he didn't seem to notice himself. However, it was hard enough to hide the mood as he looked longingly at Felony.
Felony gave a once glance at Durango, felt her cheeks pink a bit, her eyes gave him a fiery glare of defiance and she turned her head away, huffing as she felt so weirded out by everything.
Scorpius gave her a bit of a smirk.

- ''We'll come with you...''
The leader spoke just as Ava predicted he would. But she made no comment as she nodded her head and then urged Felony to follow him and then followed behind her with Lilith bringing up the rear of the three.
Durango panted slightly.
- ''Well? Out of the way, Crix.''

Crixus grumbled something; he shifted uncomfortably. But he knew he couldn't keep laying there... and as he finally did get up, almost half the length before the knot was swaying underneath him. His ears where back and his teeth clenched as he didn't look at the girls and moved out of the way.
The brown male was blocking the crack and entrance and still he wouldn't move. Lilith's eyes flashed a hint of desire as she knew perfectly well why he couldn't move.

And when he did move her eyes couldn't help but admire his girth as a smirk came over her face at his situation. Lust flared again inside her but she toned it down as they were about to leave the cave for some water.

Ava had a small grin on her face at Crixus' predictament but didn't say anything as she saw Scorpius try hard not to laugh and Durango stiffle a laugh.

Felony was not looking at Crixus and a good thing she wasn't.
''Coming, ladies?'' Scorpius moved out, knowing they'd follow.

They'd be back soon enough...

And then...

Crixus sat down, his back turned to the group.

- ''I'll be there in a sec..'' He grumbled softly.
Ava returned her gaze to him and nodded his head. Scorpius went out first and Ava nudged Felony to follow after first since she could feel how uncomfortable her baby sister was getting.

Without much urging Felony leaped through the crack and then Ava pushed her way through. Lilith darted one last quick glance at Crixus before follow her sisters out.

Outside the three followed Scorpius to the stream. Felony was sandwiched between her two sisters and was trying to hide her discomfort from them as she moved along in unison.

Posted: 02-06-2012 21:18
by Nakisha
Felony gave a once glance at Durango, felt her cheeks pink a bit, her eyes gave him a fiery glare of defiance and she turned her head away, huffing as she felt so weirded out by everything.
Durango, by now, had gotten some notice of the game played between his friends and the two girls... yet, his girl seemed the only one still putting up a fight.

Not that it tempered his lust for her.. but he did feel a little jealous of the other two, as it seemed they would have it easier.

Well, maybe he could surprise the girl... as he began to get a hunch why she was so unwilling to even look at him....
And when he did move her eyes couldn't help but admire his girth as a smirk came over her face at his situation.

Ava had a small grin on her face at Crixus' predictament but didn't say anything as she saw Scorpius try hard not to laugh and Durango stiffle a laugh.

Felony was not looking at Crixus and a good thing she wasn't.
Crixus, for the first time in his life, felt a little embarrassed, something that didn't help in his already impatient, frustrated and lusting mind. Damn it... he could hear the stiffled laugh of Durango and he could just féél the gazes of the girls...
Ava returned her gaze to him and nodded his head. Scorpius went out first and Ava nudged Felony to follow after first since she could feel how uncomfortable her baby sister was getting.

Without much urging Felony leaped through the crack and then Ava pushed her way through. Lilith darted one last quick glance at Crixus before follow her sisters out.

Outside the three followed Scorpius to the stream. Felony was sandwiched between her two sisters and was trying to hide her discomfort from them as she moved along in unison.
As the group left the cave, Scorpius led them around the cave calmly. Durango followed the group and closed the line right behind Lilith.

But only minutes later, Crixus appeared as well and came after them in a trot. Taking position right besides the three girls, he trotted along without a word and without looking at them, for a moment, as he feared the mere sight of them would only bring him in an awkward situation yet again.

Durango had a little less luck, finding himself unable to keep his eyes of the swaying hips of the girls before him... and feeling the effect it had on him.

Right behind the cave, a nice stream calmly flowed over large pebbles. The water was so clear that you could even see a fish swimming by from time to time.

Scorpius stopped and turned to the girls.

- ''Well... here it is.'' He sat down. ''Since you've already proven not to run off, I shall not try to restrain you... but don't get idea's.''

Crixus underlined those last words with an agitated glare shot the girl's way. He stayed on all fours, not feeling comfortable with the idea of relaxing as long as they could attempt to run....

Durango panted slightly; even out here it was hard to resist those girls... and he still had his eyes on their rumps.

Posted: 02-06-2012 21:45
by K.A.T
As the group left the cave, Scorpius led them around the cave calmly. Durango followed the group and closed the line right behind Lilith.

But only minutes later, Crixus appeared as well and came after them in a trot. Taking position right besides the three girls, he trotted along without a word and without looking at them, for a moment, as he feared the mere sight of them would only bring him in an awkward situation yet again.
The girls followed Scorpius out the cave and around as he led them to a stream. Durango was behind them and by now they guessed Crixus and joined them. Lilith felt his presense and glanced backwards to indeed see him walking alongside them but refusing to look at them.

This make her smirk to herself knowing why he wouldn't look as it might make his little friend very happy to see them again. Keeping this to herself, she walked along with her two sisters after the leader.

Ava was walking quietly along but in her mind she was trying to plan how she could turn this bad situation into a good for herself and her sisters. wasn't called rape if both parties enjoyed it....and it would lessen the psychological affect it had on their prides. Now the problem was actually enjoying having sex with a male they clearly had no more feelings for than physical desire and lust.

And to make things worse, Ava realized that if they kept the interest of the males for long, the longer they would make her and her sisters stay with them to keep them entertained and physically satisfied. There might be no way to escape this....or perhaps would the males relent after just one long round? That's all they wanted right? Just to fuck them?

So after fucking would they let them go? Ava for one didn't think she would find letting Scorpius go so easily. She had found a worthy male...why would she give up on him? Perhaps if they stayed long enough...and this was a really really farfetched idea....perhaps the males could come to have some sort of sincere feeling for them?

Yeah right.....

But it was a nice thought...and worth the try but then again...Ava didn't know how long she could last in her condition and wasn't about to risk her own health trying to find out. Another flash of blindness hit her unexpectedly and her step faltered just slightly but she fell back into step as if nothing happened and she hoped that none of the males noticed her slight.

Shit....this brought her back to her problem...she didn't need to be here entertaining a male, she needed to get her ass up into the mountains to find her cure...fuck and if she didn't she would lose her sight forever...and no male was going to want a female that had no vision..she'd be a handicap for the rest of her life and that was not something she looked forward to..

"Fuck...I can't stay here," she whispered to herself mainly as she shook her head to clear her vision.

But she also couldn't leave her two sisters and run off by herself either...shit she was in a dilemma.

Felony heard a bit of her sister's whisper and looked up to see the pained expression on Ava's face.

"Sis?" she whispered quietly to have Ava look at her and force a reassuring smile.

Felony knew to drop the subject but she still had a urge to go up to Scorpius and reason with him to let at least Ava go so that she could help herself....but that was unlikely.
Right behind the cave, a nice stream calmly flowed over large pebbles. The water was so clear that you could even see a fish swimming by from time to time.

Scorpius stopped and turned to the girls.

- ''Well... here it is.'' He sat down. ''Since you've already proven not to run off, I shall not try to restrain you... but don't get idea's.''
Ava turned her eyes to him and gave him a calm look, but with a small smirk.

"Wouldn't dream of it," she told him as she walked forward to the stream and dipped her muzzle in to clean the blood off from their quick meal.

Felony followed suit but as she was going to take a drink, Lilith, with a smile shoved Felony until she stumbled into the stream and got splashed with some water.

"Wake up baby girl, no time for daydreaming," Lilith told Felony as she used her paws to splash water in Felony's face.

Felony took the water to the face to clear her head and soon her entire body was wet and she shook herself to get rid of the water. But this only resulted in her fur clinging nicely to her body and showing off the firm body she had beneath her fluffy fur.

With each move she made her clinging fur betrayed the nicely toned muscles Felony had underneath as she got out of the stream and shook her fur out. She had no idea how much of an affect she was having on Durango.

Lilith turned away from Felony who was busy drying her fur and now turned her attention to her eldest sister.

Ava looked up from drinking water and Lilith moved close enough so that their noses were almost touching as she stared hard into her big sister's eyes, trying to see what was wrong with her.

In fear of Lilith finding out, Ava playfully shoved her away and splashed water on her to shoo her.

"Paws off Lily, take advantage of this chance and drink up," she said as she returned to washing her muzzle.

Lilith sighed as she couldn't get a straight answer out of her sister and turned to stick her own muzzle into the water to wash the blood off.

"Gotcha!" Felony called as she now shoved Lilith into the water, tackling her and making her sister just as soaked as her.

"Hey!" Lilith pushed Felony off and the baby moved away with a smile as Lilith was now soaked from tail to nose. She got to her feet, her fur dripping with water and in the same case as Felony, her maroon fur clung to her lean frame and she shook the water out of her fur, her odd bangs now stuck away from to reveal both of her emerald eyes where before her bangs hung over her right side.

Her currently appearance probably wasn't going to help much for Crixus' problem.

Ava smiled at how her sisters could have fun in such a situation and they almost forgot the males were there.

But Ava glanced at what the males were doing while she and her sisters enjoyed the fresh air.

Posted: 02-06-2012 22:09
by Nakisha
Another flash of blindness hit her unexpectedly and her step faltered just slightly but she fell back into step as if nothing happened and she hoped that none of the males noticed her slight.

"Fuck...I can't stay here," she whispered to herself mainly as she shook her head to clear her vision.
Scorpius's one ear turned as the faint sound of a slight stumble behind him caught his attention. He listened, but the steps behind him where regular again...

Until he heard the whisper.

He wasn't sure why she said that. Despair, probably, like all girls....
He casted the thought aside, and walked on.
Felony heard a bit of her sister's whisper and looked up to see the pained expression on Ava's face.

"Sis?" she whispered quietly to have Ava look at her and force a reassuring smile.
While Durango had heard nothing, he was alert when the girls spoke for a moment. After all, he had to be certain they weren't plotting to get away...
Ava turned her eyes to him and gave him a calm look, but with a small smirk.

"Wouldn't dream of it," she told him as she walked forward to the stream and dipped her muzzle in to clean the blood off from their quick meal.
Scorpius watched her... and even her simple change of position to drink made him feel hot all over.
Damn... it was getting bad... Maybe he shóuld have listened to Crixus and Durango...
Felony followed suit but as she was going to take a drink, Lilith, with a smile shoved Felony until she stumbled into the stream and got splashed with some water.

"Wake up baby girl, no time for daydreaming," Lilith told Felony as she used her paws to splash water in Felony's face.
Durango chuckled as the girls played around a little and Felony fell into the water; Crixus just perked his ears. Scorpius still didn't take his eyes of Ava.
Felony took the water to the face to clear her head and soon her entire body was wet and she shook herself to get rid of the water. But this only resulted in her fur clinging nicely to her body and showing off the firm body she had beneath her fluffy fur.
Instantly, Durango was done chuckling. She came out of the water... and all her feminine curves where now wonderfully complimented...

He had to suppress a whine of lust just looking at her. His eyes widened and he felt, once again, his manhood becoming warm and tingly...
With each move she made her clinging fur betrayed the nicely toned muscles Felony had underneath as she got out of the stream and shook her fur out. She had no idea how much of an affect she was having on Durango.
Durango could do nothing but stare at her, tensing as the red tip once again slid from his sheath a little further.

She was SO beautiful...

He was about to come forward, but remembered just in time he could not touch her yet....

Oh damn, this was getting hard...
Lilith turned away from Felony who was busy drying her fur and now turned her attention to her eldest sister.

Ava looked up from drinking water and Lilith moved close enough so that their noses were almost touching as she stared hard into her big sister's eyes, trying to see what was wrong with her.

In fear of Lilith finding out, Ava playfully shoved her away and splashed water on her to shoo her.

"Paws off Lily, take advantage of this chance and drink up," she said as she returned to washing her muzzle.
Scorpius watched them... wondering silently what exactly was happening there.
He too wondered if the girls where trying to plot an escape...

Crixus, however, couldn't keep himself from looking too... especially at Lilith's rump as she bend down for a sip of water...
Lilith sighed as she couldn't get a straight answer out of her sister and turned to stick her own muzzle into the water to wash the blood off.

"Gotcha!" Felony called as she now shoved Lilith into the water, tackling her and making her sister just as soaked as her.

"Hey!" Lilith pushed Felony off and the baby moved away with a smile as Lilith was now soaked from tail to nose. She got to her feet, her fur dripping with water and in the same case as Felony, her maroon fur clung to her lean frame and she shook the water out of her fur, her odd bangs now stuck away from to reveal both of her emerald eyes where before her bangs hung over her right side.

Her currently appearance probably wasn't going to help much for Crixus' problem.

Ava smiled at how her sisters could have fun in such a situation and they almost forgot the males were there.

But Ava glanced at what the males were doing while she and her sisters enjoyed the fresh air.
Crixus forgot to breath for a moment and his eyes widened.
Lilith... she was... all... all... VISIBLE. Even more visible then before... all her curves...

Her bangs looked so nice, stuck to her face... and those eyes...

He felt himself swell again and quickly swayed his head to the side. But he couldn't just keep looking away; he still wanted to make sure they wouldn't run...

However, there was no stopping it; he was swelling again... and standing like this, they would certainly see...

He walked up to Scorpius, nudging his shoulder with his own.

- ''How...'' He cleared his throat as his voice was very hoarse. ''Eh, how much longer..?''

Posted: 02-06-2012 22:36
by K.A.T
As the eldest gazed at her two younger sisters playing, another flash of blindness hit her and for a moment she stared at nothing. Even though she knew she was looking at the direction of Felony and Lilith, Ava saw nothing in her vision and for the the very first time in her life--she was scared shitless.

Her breath became a bit uneven as fear overtook her, but her stance was rigid as she tried to play if off, to wait for her vision to return to her. And soon it did, Fel and Lily came back into her line of sight and Ava let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

She bent her head, drinking water but when she looked at her own reflection in the stream, she saw her own pain in her eyes, the fear and she wanted to slap at the reflection of her weakness but she refrained in case it drew the males' attention.

"I'm....I'm going blind..." was her frightful thought as she blinked her eyes slowly, once, twice, and then looked up at the sky, then looked at the stream, the scenary, then at the males, and then lastly at her sisters.

If she never got away from this place, she would never get to see the smile on her sisters' faces again. Her icy eyes narrowed as she gritted her teeth. She had to think of something...perhaps she could promise Scorpius one night of intense pleasure, and then plead with him to let her go but that she would return....though she highly doubt that he would trust her word. It was better, he was letting them walk around currently without much fear of them running...but she didn't think he was willing to let her go just yet.

Quickly she removed the pain and fear from her facial expression as she turned her attention to watching over her little sisters.

Ava laughed lightly as she saw her two sisters having some fun before the dread came back to haunt them. But as she glanced at the males, she caught Scorpius looking at her, which she found fine but as she looked at the other two males, their reactions made her eyes widen.
Instantly, Durango was done chuckling. She came out of the water... and all her feminine curves where now wonderfully complimented...

He had to suppress a whine of lust just looking at her. His eyes widened and he felt, once again, his manhood becoming warm and tingly...

Durango could do nothing but stare at her, tensing as the red tip once again slid from his sheath a little further.
Durango was blatantly staring at....Ava followed his gaze....Felony. Ava narrowed her eyes as she took in Felony's appearance at the moment and she understood why Durango was having such a hard time keeping his member inside his sheath....Felony was a real looker when her fur wasn't disguising her toned body.

From the way the blue male was reacting, Ava knew that he was having a very strong reaction to Felony, but to what extent she didn't know. If it was purely physical attraction it was understandable but Ava didn't feel safe just leaving Felony to a guy who only wanted her to fuck with.

If the evidence of his growing erection wasn't enough, Ava didn't know what to think of the blue male as he drooled over her baby sister.
Crixus forgot to breath for a moment and his eyes widened.

He felt himself swell again and quickly swayed his head to the side. But he couldn't just keep looking away; he still wanted to make sure they wouldn't run...

However, there was no stopping it; he was swelling again... and standing like this, they would certainly see...
And Durango wasn't the only one blatantly ogling. Ava caught sight of the brute Crixus practically lusting after Lilith in all her glory. Well given the fact that she also came out of the water with her fur plastered to her body and showing off years of hard training....what sane guy could resist?

Crixus had a reaction similar to Durango, his little friend couldn't stay hidden and had to come to have a look at Lilith herself.

Ava glanced at Felony and Lilith and were relieved to see that they were tustling together and not paying much attention to the guys and their problems.

But what she didn't expect was for both Felony and Lilith to leap at her and shove her into the water as well.

"What-!!" was all Ava had time to get out before she was in the water too and hearing the laughter of her two sisters.

With a grin the white female shoved her sisters off easily and stood to her tall height and she was quite a sight to behold.

Her white fur, like the others, clung to her body wetly and revealed the smooth lines of muscles her body contained. Plus the sunlight hit her white fur and made her almost sparkle. And as she made a move to get her sisters back, the muscles beneath her fur rippled like magic as she did. Her fluffy fur on her head was now slicked back by the water, letting her eyes show a lot more and when she shook her head to clear the water, the sultry look in her eyes was enough to make any male weak in the knees. A few water droplets ran down her snout and were about to drip off her nose, but her long tongue came out to lick the droplets of water away and even that little act was enough to elicit some reactions.

Ava used a paw and ran it through the fur on her head as she glanced at the males and caught Scorpius looking. With a smirk she shook her fur clean of dripping water but basically allowed the sun to dry her fur as she gave a look to her sisters that promised revenge later. all three sisters were basically eye candy for their male counterparts to ogle at.

Posted: 02-06-2012 22:50
by Nakisha
As the eldest gazed at her two younger sisters playing, another flash of blindness hit her and for a moment she stared at nothing. Even though she knew she was looking at the direction of Felony and Lilith, Ava saw nothing in her vision and for the the very first time in her life--she was scared shitless.

Her breath became a bit uneven as fear overtook her, but her stance was rigid as she tried to play if off, to wait for her vision to return to her. And soon it did, Fel and Lily came back into her line of sight and Ava let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

She bent her head, drinking water but when she looked at her own reflection in the stream, she saw her own pain in her eyes, the fear and she wanted to slap at the reflection of her weakness but she refrained in case it drew the males' attention.

"I'm....I'm going blind..." was her frightful thought as she blinked her eyes slowly, once, twice, and then looked up at the sky, then looked at the stream, the scenary, then at the males, and then lastly at her sisters.
This time, Ava's odd behaviour was too clear to miss for Scorpius.
He frowned; it began with staring at her sisters... longer then he had expected. Nothing too odd yet. But then... she looked different. Afraid.

She seemed bothered by something...

Was it the prospect of what was about to happen? Or...?

She began to look around. Odd....

When she finally returned her gaze to her sisters, her scared look was gone...

Scorpius tilted his head slightly.
Something was off...
Ava laughed lightly as she saw her two sisters having some fun before the dread came back to haunt them. But as she glanced at the males, she caught Scorpius looking at her, which she found fine but as she looked at the other two males, their reactions made her eyes widen.

Durango was blatantly staring at....Ava followed his gaze....Felony. Ava narrowed her eyes as she took in Felony's appearance at the moment and she understood why Durango was having such a hard time keeping his member inside his sheath....Felony was a real looker when her fur wasn't disguising her toned body.

And Durango wasn't the only one blatantly ogling. Ava caught sight of the brute Crixus practically lusting after Lilith in all her glory. Well given the fact that she also came out of the water with her fur plastered to her body and showing off years of hard training....what sane guy could resist?

Crixus had a reaction similar to Durango, his little friend couldn't stay hidden and had to come to have a look at Lilith herself.

Ava glanced at Felony and Lilith and were relieved to see that they were tustling together and not paying much attention to the guys and their problems.
Scorpius still kept his eyes on Ava... noticing everything.
She was keeping an eye out for her sister's welfare it seemed... not that that would change anything...

Durango and Crixus where unawares of Ava's looks, though, as they where still completely enchanted by her sisters.
But what she didn't expect was for both Felony and Lilith to leap at her and shove her into the water as well.

"What-!!" was all Ava had time to get out before she was in the water too and hearing the laughter of her two sisters.

With a grin the white female shoved her sisters off easily and stood to her tall height and she was quite a sight to behold.

Her white fur, like the others, clung to her body wetly and revealed the smooth lines of muscles her body contained. Plus the sunlight hit her white fur and made her almost sparkle. And as she made a move to get her sisters back, the muscles beneath her fur rippled like magic as she did. Her fluffy fur on her head was now slicked back by the water, letting her eyes show a lot more and when she shook her head to clear the water, the sultry look in her eyes was enough to make any male weak in the knees. A few water droplets ran down her snout and were about to drip off her nose, but her long tongue came out to lick the droplets of water away and even that little act was enough to elicit some reactions.
Now... it was Scorpius's turn to widen his eyes, skip a breath... and watch it all, as if it happened in slowmotion.

Intense lust suddenly shot through his body with force; he got up, tensing, as his manhood too awoke and began to slide from his sheath.

DAMN it... as if he didn't want her bad enough already...

Her tongue... that tongue... He thought back at how she had sucked the marrow from the deer's bones and found himself very much in the predicament Crixus had been in just earlier. His manhood swelled faster then he liked, sinking out slowly but surely and bulging....
But he couldn't take his eyes of her...
Ava used a paw and ran it through the fur on her head as she glanced at the males and caught Scorpius looking. With a smirk she shook her fur clean of dripping water but basically allowed the sun to dry her fur as she gave a look to her sisters that promised revenge later. all three sisters were basically eye candy for their male counterparts to ogle at.
As Crixus nudged him, Scorpius did his best to snap out of it... but it was a little too late...

- ''Yes... we... should go back.'' He answered, his voice even hoarser then Crixus's. ''Now... I think...''

He growled and slightly crossed his hindlegs, wanting the bloodflow to stop. This was HIGHLY, HIGHLY inconvenient...

But it seemed Ava intended to dry up in the sun first...

- ''Scorpius...'' Crixus hissed softly. ''We háve to go back... seriously! I'm about to snap...''
- ''Yeah. I case you didn't notice... I'm not doing any better, nor is Durango.'' Scorpius hissed back.

Durango was, indeed, in about the same state as the other two, staring openly and frozen to the ground, one paw already lifted as he wanted nothing more then to come forward...