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Posted: 25-05-2011 05:57
by Moon
"Lass, I know what I'm saying is neither comforting nor helpful to ya. But I'm being vague for yer own good. Does neither of us good if I scare ya with the gory details. Ya kin?"

"I do, Jareth. Curiosity killed the cat and I don't intend to change that to wolf." She answered with a nod. However frustrating it might be she knew that she didn't need to know gruesome details. Her fear and paranoia of the future could kill her long before the men or their dogs did the actual job.

"It's nothing. Dun worry bout it,"

Her cellmate's actions were growing odder. Why was he restraining himself like that? It wasn't her place to ask though--Ade was hesitant to encroach on anything personal after the kindness he'd showed her. It was the least she could do. She ignored it and wagged her tail.

"Right you are lass. I'll bet he does. But that's what he gets for messing with ya. Serves him right. The lads here need to learn how to control their hormones. Though it's understandable, with you being beautiful and all, they just can't resist,"

There was the laugh she liked. She savored it, drawing it the joy of the moment to keep with her. Adelaide didn't mind being called beautiful by him. She gave Jae another smile, "You'd be handsome if you laughed more like that." The she wolf noted with a wink. "Seriousness doesn't suit such a pretty face." Was...was she flirting now? Whatever boldness she'd conjured up vanished immediately and she turned away with another blush covering her cheeks.

It was a short lived happiness.

"Alright you lubbers. Time for ya time outside and get rid of the dead. Dogs, move the wolves back while we get the leashes around them,"

Adelaide skittered back, fear and anger showing in her eyes. She watched, terrified, as the humans moved from cell to cell, snapping electric leashes onto the wolves.

"Don't struggle or you'll get 1000 volts coursing through your thick canine skulls," "Don't fight against them. Go willingly, let them collar you and lead you out. If ya don't, you won't be moving for weeks from the shock,"

"Alright..." Her voice wavered and she swallowed. There was no escaping, no fighting, only surrender to their cruel hands. The humans finally came to their cage, putting a metal collar around Jareth's neck before moving to her. He resisted and Adelaide planted her paws on the floor as another human came forward and put the same type of collar around her neck. It was cold and bent her fur the wrong way. Ade watched the human's hands nervously, badly wanting to snap as they lingered for too long.

"We're coming, gotta get the bitch and we'll follow,"

The human gave a vicious tug and Ade walked forward, tail tucked between her legs.

What hell were they to face?

Posted: 26-05-2011 00:32
by K.A.T
"I do, Jareth. Curiosity killed the cat and I don't intend to change that to wolf."

Jareth walked next to Ade and moved his lips very slightly to talk to her, not wanting to attract the unwanted attention of the humans who were tugging them alone. Might he add, the humans didn't really care for them, so they would bump them and drag them and fling them around like they were walking a rag doll instead of living things.

"Well it's yer lucky day lass, ya get to find out what yer missing," he said as he walked along side her, keeping pace with her and her crazy human who was pulling her along relentlessly.

"Seriousness doesn't suit such a pretty face." Was...was she flirting now?

Jareth turned to her and tried to give her a small smile to ease up the tension. "Are you saying I'm ugly lass?" he asked her, a small glint of humor in his eyes as they walked. The sounds of their pawsteps and the footsteps of the humans echoed around the chambers and areas as they were being led to a barbed wire fenced area with also a stone tile flooring and clear ceiling. Really these humans thought of every escape plan and countered it. For stupid humans, they were really desperate to keep their captives.

Jareth went quiet for a while as he tried to keep his head low but his green eyes wandered all over, memorizing the layout of the building so that he could map his escape route when the time came. The human thought wouldn't think twice about him looking. He'd just think some stupid wolf was observing his surroundings. How wrong they were.

Finally the group ahead of them reached a steel door and the lead human unbolted it. The sent the wolves in, shoving them, kicking them, or throwing them inside the area with the electric collars on. Not wanting to be kicked, once the leash was off his collar, he walked into the room obediently, only turning around to wait for Adelaide. In an open area like this were all the wolves roamed free with no restraints besides the collars, he'd have to look out for her.

Of course there was a surveillance deck above them with humans watching them, but they couldn't care less if the males jumped a female in the area. They'd probably be laughing their asses off. The other males were running around, sniffing at the air, looking out into the wilderness, longing in their eyes. Some were whining, others were trying to dig at the stone floors. Most just sat there and basked in the sun that was long forbidden to them.

Jareth stood near the door and waited, sometimes moving around just to make it seem like he's looking for something and not just waiting for the girl. The humans would be suspicious otherwise.

Posted: 26-05-2011 05:21
by Moon
"Well it's yer lucky day lass, ya get to find out what yer missing,"

Adelaide gagged as the human gave a particularly sharp tug and forced her along, "Hurry it up bitch, or next time it'll be electricity shooting through that pretty little head of your's. " As much as she would have liked to tear the man's hands off she wasn't one to take warnings lightly and instead followed obediently, like a good captive.

"Are you saying I'm ugly lass?"

He flashed her a small smile and Ade did her best to return it. "Just the opposite."

As Jareth went quiet Adelaide copied him, keeping her head low and taking in her surroundings. The humans had gone to a lot of trouble to collect the wolves and clearly they had no intentions of letting them get out. Any exit or escape Ade could think of was boarded up or filled with concrete. They had made sure to fill even the tiniest nooks and crannies.

The group of leashed wolves reached a thick steel door, it was unlocked and one by one the captives were unleashed and shoved in as fast as possible. Again, the she-wolf followed Jae's example and was rewarded with not being kicked. He waited for her and Ade quickly caught up with him. Her best chance of safety was right at his side.

She waited, hesitant to go out into the arena with the other wolves and risk exposure to the males. Behind her she could see the humans getting antsy though and she skittered forward, afraid to be near their wicked hands again.

"Hey, pretty thing--whatchu' doin' here?" A burly looking male snickered at her, flashing a sneer at a couple of smaller males next to him. "I say we give her a little demonstration o' what happens to girlies like yourself here."

The small group advanced forward and Ade snarled at them, her tail tucked between her tail as she backed up, her eyes white with fear. "Jareth..."

Posted: 26-05-2011 07:11
by K.A.T
"Hurry it up bitch, or next time it'll be electricity shooting through that pretty little head of your's. "

Jareth boiled with anger at the human's words. They had no right to treat her or any of them in such a way. Why if he was free of these collars and they had no hold on him, he'd rip their faces off and make them eat it.....yeah he was getting violent down here. He couldn't help it, the humans made him so damn mad.

He thought back to Lili and when she was still alive. He didn't mind humans then, since Lili belonged to them, he tolerated the two legged hairless beings and posed as a dog as he and Lili took trips to the human village. But now those days were over, Lili was gone and these humans have caused him pain beyond belief. And now they were harming this young lass and he couldn't do anything to help her. Jareth felt small and useless.

"Just the opposite."

Jareth smiled slightly at her again, a flash of white teeth in a small grin. "Well I dare hope so lass. I'm sure it isn't my hygiene that's attracting ya," he teased lightly before he was separated from her momentarily inside the new area.

He noticed she wasn't some bubbly female that was always playing damsel in distress. She took her chances and observed her surroundings and mapped out places. She had a good head on her shoulders. And damn if he wasn't attracted already, she was making it worse for him.

She caught up with him quickly and he made sure she stayed by his side as he watched the humans from the corner of his eyes. There was a spot in this area that was in a blind spot from the observation deck above. The observation deck was a room with a window facing the lot so that the humans could keep an eye on the wolves. But Jareth had found the blind spot a year ago and had been using it since. None of the other wolves were smart enough to find out whatever he was doing.

Jareth was quietly making his way towards the blind spot area when he noticed Ade got separated from him. Fear stabbed his heart as he quickly whipped around to see the lass cornered by brutes, horny brutes to boot!

"Hey, pretty thing--whatchu' doin' here?" "I say we give her a little demonstration o' what happens to girlies like yourself here."


Jareth was at her side in an instant. The big burly male was taller than him, but not by much as Jareth was tall himself. The orange male narrowed his green eyes, the emerald orbs turning cold and relentless, menacing as he bared his fangs at the males.

"Get lost ya mutts. Lay a paw on her and I'll have ta surgically remove yer little jewels, not that they're all that impressive anyway so I'm doing ya a favor," he snarled at them.

Some other wolves had gathered to watch the exchange, itching for a fight as it was boring as hell in the place. The big burly male turned red as he glared at Jareth, who glared back. Truthfully the burly male was a bully and pervert, and so he was scared by the alpha attitude Jareth possessed.

"Bruno you gonna take that pal? That flea bag just insulted your small bits," his small, and dimwitted friend said, causing other wolves to laugh at them. Jareth sneered at them. "Why dun you listen to yer little friend there--Bruno? Seems like he thinks with his big brain and not his little one," Jareth pressed on with his verbal beatings.

Some wolves winced, feeling the stab of the words themselves even if the words weren't for them. Bruno colored and with his tail between his legs, marched off with his friends. "Just watch it Orange, it ain't over yet. I'll get the girl, she'll want me over you any day," he said and scurried away.

Jareth lifted a lip. He didn't know why anything negative directed towards the girl made him so mad. He wanted to tear Bruno's eyes out and shove them up his ass. He was feeling very protective of Adelaide and he had a hunch it wasn't just because she was new.

"Dammit Jareth. Geta hold o' yerself. Don't bloody scare the girl away. And don't blood make a move on her either," he scolded himself. Jareth turned and looked at the rest of the males in the area.

"Anyone else have a fancy on the girl? Speak up now so I can jump ya," he said as he looked at the males, each one at a time. Almost everyone of them lowered their gaze when Jareth looked at them, not wanting to hold his glare or face his wrath. Jareth was known in the prisons, no one wanted to mess with him.

Satisfied, Jareth moved towards Ade's side and pressed his fur against hers for comfort. "Sorry lass, lost ya for a second and look what I did ta ya. C'mon, move quietly with me over to the blind spot," he said as he quietly moved with her.

Oh gods....walking so close to her was soo not a good idea. With the feel of her fur against his body, her heat, he could feel her heart racing. Subtly he moved away an inch so that he wasn't full on touching her. He was afraid that if he touched her again, he wouldn't be able to control himself. Much less control other males.

Posted: 27-05-2011 05:05
by Moon
. "Well I dare hope so lass. I'm sure it isn't my hygiene that's attracting ya,"

She stifled a laugh. He wasn't exactly exaggerating either, though it seemed like he kept himself in a better condition then most here.

The wall brushed her back and swallowed, trying to drum up courage and step forward to defend herself. It wasn't necessary though, Jareth was by her side in seconds, baring his teeth at the group. Emboldened by his presence Adelaide did the same. She wasn't just some doll they could push around!

"Get lost ya mutts. Lay a paw on her and I'll have ta surgically remove yer little jewels, not that they're all that impressive anyway so I'm doing ya a favor,"

The burly male initiated a glaring match, but Adelaide could already tell his heart wasn't in it by his body language. He may have put on a brave face for his buddies, but his muscles were tight, his body rigid like he was unconfident or scared.

"Bruno you gonna take that pal? That flea bag just insulted your small bits," "Why dun you listen to yer little friend there--Bruno? Seems like he thinks with his big brain and not his little one,"

"Anyone else have a fancy on the girl? Speak up now so I can jump ya,"

Ade snickered, maybe she was egging them on, but it felt good to watch the guys who'd threaten her wilt under Jareth's attitude. She watched as the wolves winced and Bruno marched off with his tail tucked firmly between his legs. Inside she sighed with relief--she knew things could have gone a lot worse and that she would have been powerless to stop them.

Once again Adelaide thanked whatever gods that existed that she had ended up in Jareth's cell. She didn't know what hell she was going to face at the human's hands, but she'd been lucky to find him.

"Sorry lass, lost ya for a second and look what I did ta ya. C'mon, move quietly with me over to the blind spot,"

Adelaide smiled softly, "Thank you, Jareth. " She nuzzled him briefly, hoping that it wasn't a step too far, but she had to thank him somehow.

Posted: 27-05-2011 16:26
by K.A.T
Jareth was still a bit miffed at the previous encounter he had with the males. They were bound to cause trouble for him. If he left Ade alone in this area for more than 5 minutes, they'd be on her like hellhounds. These were males who were deprived of a female and of pleasure for years. It was understandable that a single female, and a beautiful female to boot, would set them on edge. He himself had a little difficulty; he found his eyes always drawn back to her and not leaving. But he made sure to pull away in time for her not to catch him ogling her.

The last thing this poor girl needed was to know that he cellmate desired her as well. That would certainly put her on her guard 24/7, literally. He glanced back towards the other wolves and no one seemed to see them slip away. Good. They so didn't need other males finding out about the blind spot. It was to be their training and exercise ground, no one else. The humans usually let the wolves stay out for a day while they clean the dead from the prisons, but that was all they did. They didn't give them new hay or clean out anything else.

Jareth caught Bruno in a huddle with his jerk friends and narrowed his eyes. Oh yeah, that one was gonna give him some issues. An annoying pest issue. Jaret let out a low small growl at the thought of that Bruno getting anywhere near his Adelaid.



Did he just say his Adelaid? Oh Gods.....he mentally slapped himself over and over again. No no no no. He will not think of her that way. She was not Lili, she isn't and she never will. Jareth was having an interal war with himself. One half wanted to protect her like she was his mate, love her and care for her forever. The other half was beating himself up and saying that she deserved better than him and he as too old and that he still loved Lili.

"Thank you, Jareth. "

Jareth turned and at that moment felt before he saw Adelaid nuzzle him. That set his whole body on fire but he quickly quenched his desire before it started to physically show down south. No he wouldn't let his hormones get the best of him. He was better than that. A gentleman, he was a gentleman. And gentlemen don't get hard-ons when the girl they want just nuzzled them.

Jareth blushed, the feeling of her touch lingering on his body where she touched him. He averted his eyes and nodded his head. "No biggy. I'm glad you're alright," he said to her and tried to calm himself down. But hit was hard as his whole body was tense, his muscles bunched up as he tried to push his lust down. Finally his body seemed to listen to him and he was able to relax and face her once more.

"Right, let's go. First off we'll see how much you know. Come at me with everything you've got lass. No holding back but don't make too much noise," Jareth said as now they were well inside the blind spot and it was a pretty decent area to train. He walked ahead, turned and was now facing her head on. He lowered his body in a defensive stance and nodded his head. "Whenever yer ready Ade," he said, preparing for her strike.

Posted: 28-05-2011 02:29
by Moon
"No biggy. I'm glad you're alright,"

She watched him look away and silently pursed her lips. Maybe she had gone too far. She didn't know anything about him and Ade could understand how quickly touch could develop into a bad thing here. The things these wolves had to endure... Ade could hide it behind all the smiles she wanted, but inside she was counting down. Trying to savor these moments before her time was up and the humans needed a new brood bitch.

Caught up in her thoughts, Adelaide didn't notice the tensing of Jareth's body, instead staring out into the arena as they walked to the blind spot.

"Right, let's go. First off we'll see how much you know. Come at me with everything you've got lass. No holding back but don't make too much noise,"

Adelaide blinked at him blankly for a moment, his words slowly trickling through her head. Wrinkling her nose she shook her head a few times, "Uh, sorry, Jae. Just thinking." She didn't like being caught unawares anymore then the next. Jareth took on a defensive stance, lowering his head with bunched muscles, ready to spring. Adelaide copied him, tensing the strong muscles in her back legs. Without warning she kicked off, charging towards him with bared teeth. She turned slightly at the last moment, attempting to sink her teeth into the side of his neck and pull him down.

Posted: 28-05-2011 03:27
by K.A.T
Jareth was so focused on making sure that Ade didn't notice his odd movements that he didn't notice her facial expressions. If he did, he'd be beating himself for making her feel uncomfortable. It was that he didn't like her, heck he really liked her, but he was having an internal dilemma at the moment and wasn't sure if making a move on her was a good idea, especially taking in to consideration their current environment.

He silent cursed. He was beginning to care for the girl more than he wished. One day she would be taken away from the dungeon to put with the other brood females, and he'd have to watch helplessly. The more he attached himself to her, the more they were both going to be hurt when that day came.

In the back of his mind, he was hoping that perhaps they could escape before that day arrived. But chances of escape looked slim at the moment. Silently he growled to himself. It was a bad thing for her to be with him. The more time he spent with her, the more he was going to desire her. It was going to come to a point where he would be hard for him to even be near her.

But he couldn't be cold to her. He wouldn't force her away to save himself. No, she needed him. He wouldn't leave her by herself in this hell, Jareth wasn't cruel. He'd kill himself before he ever hurt her, emotionally or physically. That was a promise.

"Uh, sorry, Jae. Just thinking."

Jareth looked at her. She was distracted, but by what? Did she noticed him shrink away from her touch? No that couldn't be...He shoved those thoughts out of his head as he watched her ready herself, copying his stance. He waited...and she charged at him, her fangs going for his neck to bring him down.

But Jareth was nimble, right when she was close enough to grab him, he ducked his head and headbutted her on her lower half, pushing up and aiming to send her flipping backwards into the air.

Posted: 28-05-2011 08:40
by Moon
She hadn't expected to actually hit her target though. Jareth was an old pro at this, he had to be in order to survive and a green noobie like herself was going to be lucky to even skim fur with her teeth. Nonetheless it was a surprise when Jae came at her, sending her back with a head butt.

Adelaide landed on her back, temporarily stunned as the breath was knocked out of her lungs by the landing. As soon as she was able to the shewolf scrambled to her feet, panting, with the heat of fight showing in her eyes. She stood, gulping down air before she closed her mouth, pressing her lips into a stubborn line and charging again. This time as she neared him Ade ducked her head, hoping to catch the soft skin of his belly.

This was vital. Every minute of training she had was important--it might mean the difference between escape and being stuck here for the rest of her life. If the humans saw her ability as a fighter it might buy her some time.

Adelaide gritted her teeth. Anything. Anything to stave off her future as a brood bitch.

Posted: 29-05-2011 03:42
by K.A.T
Jareth saw his trick work, his headbutt sending her tail over ears as she landed with a small thud on her back. He winced mentally, scared he might hurt her, but he shoved those thoughts out of his head. He was not going to be of any help to her if he kept holding back. But that did not mean intentionally hurt her. This training was about her attacking him. He was only defending himself.

He watched her carefully as she was stunned momentarily, but then scrambled to her paws, breathing heavily as she eyed him. Awaiting her next move, his tail flicked back and forth slightly in anticipation. Jareth couldn't help but smile a little as he saw the fire in her eyes, the fight and the determination. Ah that's what separated her from Lili, Ade was a fighter; Lili was more of a pacifist and didn't involve herself in any kind of conflict. She was almost too hesitant to stop anything. Weak-minded....

Jareth mentally slapped himself. Was he thinking bad of his late mate? No that was wrong of him. He quickly shook those thoughts out his head and was in time to see Ade charge again and this time age for his underside.

He stayed calm and thought of something. She was too close to move out of range from. There was one way to avoid her fangs. He jumped into the air, narrowly missing her muzzle and landed to her side. Jareth pushed her to offset her sense of balance and then put some space in between then.

She was almost fighting with a sort of...desperation. Which was understandable. No female wanted to become a brood bitch and he knew where her desperation came from. She was young and had yet to experience many things the world had to offer her. It would be a terrible shame if he didn't break her out of this hell before the time came.

Then the thought hit him...he was going to break her out....yes...he was going to find a way to save her and perhaps himself. If Whiskers came back tonight with the information he needed, his plan would be on its way. He just had to hope that his friend didn't fail him. For his sake and Adelaide's.