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Posted: 06-12-2010 21:11
by Nakisha
"So we're talking nice now, hm? ... Well I'll just have to humor you and hope you don't try to bite my balls off... What are you confused about?"
"It does stop, eventually. Humans aren't as innately evil as they might seem to you - see?"
Well, he at least had taken her seriously... it somehow gave her a different view on him.

Appearantly... she COULD ask him questions, if need be. That could be a serious advantage, in the future...


"Come on, girl."
As she collapsed in her cage, one ear turned to Cardinal. Her support meant a lot to Shade; she wished she could send her a smile. But instead, she was only capable of a short wag with the very tip of her tail, as she panted like mad, wanting nothing more but to fill her lungs and calm her heart that seemed to pound too hard, to fast...
"You did good, if that means anything. You need practice, but..."

He stopped.
As a response, Shade turned her ears to him.
Had Blood just made her a COMPLIMENT? Once more, she gave a short tailwag, her whole body pumping with her heavy breathing.
Well, that DID mean something. More then Blood could know... especially after Dice's remarks.
Maybe she wasn't as weak and worthless as she had feared... as Dice had sáid...

She had no idea that those hopes would be shattered quickly.

It took Shade a long time to catch her breath, but as she was slowly coming around, she was becoming more sensitive to her envoirnment again. She listened to the sounds of running paws, panting, talking humans...
Someone else was running... Cardinal? She tried to lift her head, but it sunk back down. She needed a little longer to recover....

It wasn't until the bang of a cage told her it was done, that she finally lifted her head to see. Cardinal had to be exhausted... yet, she was hard on herself.
"Not good enough," she said bitterly, more to herself than to Spax.
She perked her ears. Was she KIDDING? She had done great... right?
She suddenly realised, with a bit of shame, that she had missed her entire run. She hadn't seen her preformance... as she had been to exhausted to lift her head.
Maybe she WAS weak...
She sighed, and flopped back down. Slowly, the feeling in her legs began to return, and the aching of her lungs and troath began to fade. But she was still glad she could just lay there... curled up in the small cage.

Her eyes travelled to Bloodhound, but she didn't say a word.

Dice had also seen the preformances of both females.
He had been very displeased to see Shade preform so amazingly. Damned bitch... he wanted her to feel worthless, to feel less then any of the others... he had to slam her down next training. He had to make her feel that she might be fast, but that she was WEAK. A weakling, a feeble little girl, unable to survive around here... before she'd be too confident.

And worse was; he had to do it carefully, unnoticed...

Cardinal had been doing extremely well as well. He had expected great things from her, of course, being Mistress's favourite... but she still amazed him. She showed all the makings of a warrior. She had probably been one, before she was captured...
He had loved to see her red body move; what a sexy piece of tail. He smirked to himself. He could at least rub it in that Cardinal had preformed amazingly as well, thereby putting the earthcoloured female down once more... later.

He was almost sorry as Cardinal's run was over. The sight of her running was a bit of a turn-on...

It was Tsuna's turn; Xor's voice echoed through the room as he told Tsuna to take position.
Dice watched him with interest. As before, Tsuna seemed determined to shine, to stand out... and he did a very nice job at it, too. He licked his lips and nodded. That boy could come far, if he kept this up. He WANTED to be topdog... and that was rare. Most wolves just despised it all... but Tsuna seemed to want to be a champion. He would make sure to encourage that... to train him hard and fair. He knew Xor would probably be in charge of him, and that his own training would only be a part of forming the boy. But he would make sure to do that part well...

He let his eyes stray to Jolene again; hopefully, she'd notice him.... He licked his lips as she stretched, his eyes on her lushious rear. Whát a girl....

Shade's ear turned towards the sounds as Tsuna ran. Time passed, and the longer it took, the more relaxed she became. He was doing well....

Making up her mind she trotted over to him, smiling and curling her tail as she did.
“hay baby hows the show”, she said curling around him like a cat then laying down along side him.
Dice felt a response in his loins the minute Jolene chose to come his way. He wagged slightly in anticipation; whát a girl...
He smiled at her and respectfully dipped his head slightly, but his nose twitched as he took in deep breaths of her feminine scent. Ah... heavenly!

- ''Well hello, beautiful...'' He complimented her. ''So good to see you here, Jolene.'' He enjoyed her presence, circling him, surrounding him with her scent, before laying down next to him. ''A show indeed, huh? The new batch is rather promising... still just wolves, of course...'' His eyes where glued to her. ''Tell me... what do you think of them?''

Shade still panted slowly, but rolled to her side now, to look around. She had regained energy pretty well, and she felt stronger again.
Tsuna had finished... they had all done well. So, they where done now, right?

She expected the cages to be covered once more. To be taken back to the cells. But to her surprise, the humans began to move around... and the next moment, Eight was released.

She gasped and perked her ears. There would be MORE?!! Oh NO...

She stared at Eight. He showed no signs of being tired after the run; he refused to show weakness. She could respect it, but wondered if it would do him any good... how much could they EXPECT of him, in his state?!

She frowned as he put his head through a hoop. What was this about?! It confused her greatly...
But the next moment, it became clear.

Eight suddenly began to pull. He threw in his weight and slowly pulled out the strong bar holding the hoop; he came closer towards them, step by step...

She gulped. So... a test of STRENGTH. This wasn't a good thing for her...

The hoop cut into Eight's skin, she could see it. Drops of blood began to fall to the ground. She turned her ears backwards; this would be painful... scary... And no matter how much force Eight put into it, he couldn't pull forward anymore.
He then slipped; the harness pulled him back with a jank, slamming him into the wall.
She shivered; another human-made torture devise. Nothing to gain... just pain and shocks... all to amuse those terrible humans. To test their ''pets''....

“blood get the harness of his neck”, he said to blood who he had ghestered to accompany him into the arina, the harness had sank a little way into his flesh and as it was pulled off of him it showed a buld and bleeding mark around the front of his chest. Spax grabbed him by the scruff and dragged the parlised eight back to his crate and throw him rufly into it. He suprsed a grunt of effort thow eight was under weight it didn’t change the fact that he was a massive wolf.
Once the crate door slammed shut again the collar turn off allowing eight to move again, stayed were he was panting, once again trying to regain him self throw his sher exusten.
She softly growled to himself. THAT LOWLIFE DOG... she despise Spax more then anyone. Even more then Dice. Spax ENJOYED humiliating them... that BASTARD...
And worse was; even if you did well, they would paralize you. The feeling she hated the most...
There was no gain in this...

As spax passed Shades door he stopped and looking in with a sneer.
“your turn little wolf”
Her nose was wrinkled in a silent snarl, but she refused to growl at him openly. He would just punish her for that, she supposed. Besides, she was already on his bad side after her talk with Blacklight...

The memory already seemed so old. As if it happend months ago...

But her cage sprang open, and she knew it was her turn. Damn... she was so unwilling to do this!!
The zap of her collar was a sign to go, but it just made her flinch for a moment. She then hurried towards the hoop, knowing she had no chance to do any good at this. Better get it over with... there was no way she could refuse this test, anyway.

She took a deep breath and pressed her eyes shut; she then put her head through the hoop.
The hoop was large for her small body; it pressed against her chest, not her troath, as she dug her paws in the ground, getting ready to start pulling...

With all her might, she pushed herself forward.
Unlike Eight, she didn't have much weight or size to throw into it. She didn't have much strength either... and as expected, the bar didn't come out, at all.
She snarled to herself and forced herself push harder. Her entire body trembled under the tention she was putting upon herself; she hung forward, her legs stretched out underneath her, as she kept trying to stretch that bar, to go forward...

A mean zap of her collar was a signal to try harder, but instead, it broke her concentration. She let out a yelp of surprise, backing down for a second, but then quickly retook herself.
She slammed herself forward again, struggling, her paws slipping. The hoop pressed painfully into her chest. She took a step forward, but she still didn't manage to make it move...

She then took a deep breath, puffed her chest up and went for it. With all her might, all paws stretched behind her to get as much power as she could, she finally managed to move the bar... but not much. The moment it began to slide out, no further then half an inch, she was suddenly pressed backwards so hard that her paws slipped on the ground as she helplessly tried to push forward once more. Her paws scratched the ground as she slipped and slipped, trying to go foward, but only ending up on the same spot she had begun right away.

- ''Let's stop it. She's not going to move it.'' A human stated, calmly. ''Worthless. Absolutely worthless. Not strong, at all.''

Shade suddenly felt a painful shock hitting her; she collapsed to the ground, shaking, unable to regain control of her muscles. It lasted for quite a few seconds; a punishment for her lousy preformance. The moment it ceased, she scrambled back to her feet and hurried to her cage as fast she could, the hated, cramped space suddenly feeling like a save haven, a place where the humans would no longer have their attention on her...

The cage slammed shut; she was done.
As expected... she had done absolutely terrible.

Her ears turned backwards, her body still trembling slightly from the huge efford and the shocks, as she sat there, silently, dissapointed, her hopes of meeting expectations crushed, and therefor her confidence painfully slammed into the ground.
Maybe she had done good at the run... but she was, indeed, worthless in the end it seemed...

Dice was right....

Posted: 08-12-2010 01:19
by Shaydie
"you not in the fucking forest any more, wolf ways don’t work here, your in the human world now, you in no place to tell me that I must ern your respected, you respect your masters full stop, I can turn it all around on you in a heart beat, kill that pup mistress has in her arms right here and now, I can tell dice to join me in enjoying you, I can make you into a shell a empty soul with nothing left, and if you think im lying look at boney over there, he thought he was unbrakerbal, 3 months he lasted then he fell like ever single wolf dose here”, his eyes were like a knife eage sharp enuf to slice throw steel.

“you are getting a chance that wolves here would kill there mates for, and rember who is helping you get it,”
Surprisingly enough, Cardinal didn't say anything. She didn't even twitch. She was listening, of course, but there was nearly nothing left in her that wanted to fight - at least not with him, and not with words. Words were meaningless; she had learned that long ago, and only now had they become such a temptation. That would have to change soon. So she stayed quiet throughout Spax's triad, glaring but not growling. When he finished and turned to walk away, she turned her amber eyes away and watched Tsuna in his efforts. His next words, surprised her: softer, quieter... praising? She glanced at him, feeling her muscles relax and finally begin to recover. That was... nice of him, she supposed. But it didn't change the fact that she had so much more to show him - so much more to show them all. Was it already over, though? Was that it?

Blood watched their "conversation" as he leaned against Shade's cage. When it was over, he sighed with exasperation and looked around. How boring was this...? Soon enough he found something interesting: Jolene was talking to Dice. Blood snorted, suppressing outright laughter. She only talked to the guy because he was a piece of tail - and a willing one, at that. And lo and behold, Dice was already crooning over her. For a while, he watched them, wondering if the girl would snap his manhood off. But she didn't - yet - and he turned his eyes 'round the arena again. Tsuna, the young wolf, was doing well - running longer than the others but not necessarily as well. He was determined, though. His only weak point might have been his ego, which Spax and Xor would have clipped by the end of his training. He was a persistent little bugger, in any case.

When Tsuna's run was over, Blood felt the wolves seem to relax - the electricity went out of the air... but when the humans revealed their next trick, he even saw Cardinal sit up and take notice.

More, then.
Cardinal inched to the front of her cage. Obviously this had something to do with pulling, and the order would be the same. Eight went first, and she watched carefully, cringing when blood began to drip from his fur...

The albino doberman by the same name caught the fact that Eight was aiming for him, but he didn't think too much of it. Wolves did that all the time in this test - set something to try to get to. In this case, it was him. Not strange at all. He watched for a while, then left Shade where she was and joined Spax with the Mistress. The female human gave him chills, like always, but he managed to sit down next to his friend and watch the last bits of strength go out of Eight's legs.


Diligently, he followed Spax into the arena and carefully removed the harness with his teeth; any wrong move and - if the collar was embedded deep enough - he could cut the jugular and that would be it. But he managed to get it off without much fuss. Inwardly, he was grateful that he had never had to prove his strength to the humans. Instinctively, he left Spax to dealing with the rest - Spax could handle it himself, and besides, if he helped then it might dampen the dog's ego. He smirked a bit, following him out. Always doing things himself...
“what do you think”, he said
The doberman looked at Spax inquisitively, unsure of what to say.

"Huh? About Eight? I think he's on the right track, but there's something about him that's... wrong... and I don't mean physically. Just watch him when he's with his little friends and you'll see what I mean..."

What he MEANT was that Eight seemed to be getting soft on them. He'd caught the way he'd deliberately tried to demonstrate the test for them, and that usually wasn't how things worked among the captured wolves. Every wolf for themselves. Usually. But Eight... He seemed different than before. Getting soft... perhaps... In any case, there was no reason for him to stick around the Mistress anymore, so he beat it, this time stopping at the end of the arena opposite the harness.

Shade's turn. He managed not to react much, but watched intently. As he had expected, she had very little strength in her. But she tried. Hard. In some ways, Blood was... proud of her, maybe... but they would still have to fix the fact that she couldn't even compete at this test.

Cardinal's turn.

The red wolf sat up now, again raring to go after what she thought was a terrible performance on her part. As the door on her cage went up, she stepped out, testing her legs. For the most part, she was recovered. Maybe not as much as she would have liked, but pulling shouldn't have been a problem...

A small sting from her collar sent her forward, but she didn't run there like Shade did. Instead, she took up a brisk walk that would take her there quickly enough to please the humans but not enough to take her energy away. When she reached the harness, she looked at it closely. From afar, she had gotten the idea that perhaps she could take it in her mouth and pull it that way, reducing the risk of cutting herself. But the ring was much too thin... Looks like she'd be doing this the old fashioned way...

Another shock, this time more intense. She growled a little, as if to say "I'm getting to it," and slipped her head into the ring. It fit all the way to the bottom of her neck, just above her chest. Time to go...

Right from the start, she tried something different. She put all her strength into pulling the harness forward, and managed to get a little farther than Eight on the first round. From then on, she focused more on staying there than pulling forward, but she took steps when she could. The loop was already starting to cut her, but she forced herself not to notice. After a few minutes, she slipped back about two inches, and she growled fiercely. NOT this time.

One step. Back to where she was. But suddenly she was overcome with a rush of sheer adrenaline.

Two steps.





The loss of footing sent her back an inch. Snarling now, and dripping with blood, she took another step. Six.

"One more," she breathed painfully. Her paw left the floor, and she felt the intensity increase.


Her paw slammed back down onto the ground, and she held her place. The effort just to stay standing was insane. There was a small pool of blood about two inches around forming at her paws, but she couldn't move. Not one more step was possible. And when the shock came, she again knew it was coming, but she didn't even have the excess strength to brace herself. So she fell hard when the paralyzing electric current swept through her body.

Even when the shock ended, she didn't get up. Minutes passed, and she didn't move, even when spurred by the collar. The humans could hear her growling and saw her paws moving, but she couldn't move them under her. The pool of blood that she was lying in increased in size slowly, but not by much. It was just that she had been so determined to go as far as she could that she literally drained herself of energy. Finally, after about five minutes, she managed to stand. Murmurs of approval bubbled out of the crowd as she pulled herself out of the harness and almost dragged herself back to her cage. Only when the door shut did she slowly lay down and curl up, wincing when her wound pained her. Her eyes closed, but she did not sleep. She was too stubborn to sleep. Besides, there might have been another test...

So she'd stay awake for now.
Just for now.

Posted: 19-12-2010 19:56
by Nakisha

Posted: 25-12-2010 12:17
by SilverWolf92
merry christmas guys! ]]

Tsuna felt his body finally stopping in his trembling. He took in deep breaths before as he was let go, got to his paws shakily, cringing once as he let his body stretch, claws scraping lightly against the ground while his body seemed to spring back into life, a few bones cracking from being stiff. He was slightly content, since his time had been just only a few moments ahead. It was like /he/ was ahead of the game now. Like he had something to prove... Relieved with this , Tsuna felt like he could somehow relax here. But the relaxing was far from being achievable.

[[and i just realized i'd missed the post about jolene talking with Tsuna OTL;;; fml.]]

His ears perked when in the distance he noticed a female located in the crowd. Surprised that he hadn't noticed her before, perhaps because his mind just had been on other things... he was definately alert now to her presence. Even seemed to perk just a little. His ears however lowered once she started walking away, to Dice nonetheless. Fucking damnit, seriously?

Well, okay he didn't really mind that he figured. It was just that... Freaking damnit, what did it take to get a bit of something his way? He felt like he was a lone soldier or something. Like he was by himself on everything. Which he figured in his own sense, wasn't so bad.. He'd be able to fend for himself in no time, granted that he only focused on himself... Still. It was a bit... lonely and stress filled. Where was his fucking praise? Where the fuck was anything? It was like he worked his tail off and got nothing back while everyone else got a little more. Sure Dice the one who never shut up spoke with him briefly... but.. Damnit. He growled lightly to himself, he felt his teeth almost sink into his bottom lip out of aggrivation. Call him crazy, call him selfish, but he had to wonder how much longer he'd last sane wise in this place.

Xor gave a small huff as he walked over to where Tsuna was, inspecting the boy's attitude now, smirking a little before he gave him a whap across the head. "What'ssa mattah boy? Got yourself tongue tied?" he asked, making Tsuna glare up to the older wolf dog.

"None of your effing business... What do you want anyways?" he snarled lightly.

"Well 'scuse me for asking. It's your fucking fault for going off into la la land when you had a chance to talk with her. Who knows maybe you'll get another chance later after you blew her off the first time." Xor snickered in response.

"I didn't!... Fuck." he mumbled.

"Yeah keep dreaming kid. Keep hoping cuz by the way it looks now you just lost out on some nice-"

"Would you go away!?"

Both ears of both males rose then when suddenly, the clicking of Eight's cell opened once more. Another event? "You gotta be kidding me..." Tsuna mentioned in awe, before Xor snickered. "What, this isn't kiddie camp loser. Get with the program or get OUT." andwith that, Xor moved away to go converse with Dice now. Seemed like Dice had a bit of a thing for Tsuna, so perhaps they could figure out ways to train the boy equally.. without having to fight for time...

"Please, don't mind me. I just need to talk business for a moment." he mentioned as he came over to the two. What a lovely time to interrupt, eh?


As the next excercize had begun, Tsuna watched carefully how the others treated it. Apparently you had to be strapped in a harness, and pull yourself as far as you could. Poor Shade couldn't even make it too far... Poor girl. Cardinal however, well, she made it pretty far. Not far enough from Triple Eight, but far enough. When it was his turn to go, the boy hesitantly walked up to the harness and examined it a moment.

If he was able to prove he had the speed, he could easily move this.... right? He was shocked just a little toget a move on, before getting himself into position of the harness. It felt.... rigid, and very uncomfortable. Couldn't they make it less ... hard? Then again this /was/ the ring; so of course there wouldn't be any room for comfy things.

Struggling, he began to move. HIs legs were already burning from the ru nbeforehan,d and this didn't make it any better. He stared ahead, his eyes seemed to be in focus. With all of his strength, he began to move, taking a step forward. It made him grunt, and for a second he almost felt like he was going to miss a step. Damn this thing was so heavy... and so suffocating. But he couldn't give. What was he if he didn't keep pressing forward? A big. fat. pussy. Pretty much that's what he could highly imagine Xor, even Dice, and Spax too, were thinking. And he couldn't let them be right.

Another step...
Two steps...

Each step was like biting nails to continue forward. The harness began to seep into his fur, cutting deep into the flesh the more he continued.


Seven steps total had Tsuna totally exhausted. The run from earlier had made him a bit more tired than he wanted, and as his legs shook, he tried to take one more step until... The cable ripped into his skin, blood drips fell to the floor before Tsuna was swung back. He almost hit the wall, but stopped himself the best he could with his paws, forcing his claws to rake against the rough concrete before, exhausted, panted for breath, legs still trembling before they gave in, and he lay there a few moments before straining to remove himself both from the harness and from where he had been pulled roughly back.

Hopefully... it would prove enough. Did it? He could only wonder until told.

Posted: 27-12-2010 00:24
by Leo
''Well hello, beautiful...'' He complimented her. ''So good to see you here, Jolene.'' He enjoyed her presence, circling him, surrounding him with her scent, before laying down next to him. ''A show indeed, huh? The new batch is rather promising... still just wolves, of course...'' His eyes where glued to her. ''Tell me... what do you think of them?''

She looked up at him from were she was laying down her ears up her tail swaying to and fro, she shock her head fluffing out her neck fur and getting rid of the dust. She giggled.
“good to see you and yeah they seem to have what it take to please the mistress”, she said her eyes looking from each of them.
The red one stronge and bold, Spax seemed to have something in mind for her. The young male, Xor was talking to him he seemed to be very willing to learn, a rare and strange trate indeed, the small female seemed timid sceared like most new wolves of her size, then Eight never changed.

“I think they will do well with the right… incuragement”, the last word she said to dice him self looking at him up and down.
She got up and rubbed her self along side him, she was in a good mood her duty’s had gone well. She went under his chin circaled once rubbing her lushes tail under his nose.
“how about you show me your promis later on, after we put these little wolves to bed”, she said with a glint in her eyes.

Another dog making his way over made her look around. It was Xor one of the trainers, he was a hard training and a good one.
"Please, don't mind me. I just need to talk business for a moment."

“no worrys suger”, she said with her checky smiled she turned to dice that glint back in her eye.
“see you later baby”, then a flick of her tail she tortted off.
As she past Spax and blood, she winked and flashed her flirty smile at them both, more the merrier. Then she left the room to get on with what eals she had to do.

Spax was watching them from were he was with mistress, Blood with him. He didn’t mind what they got up to as long as there jobs came first but his still chuckled. They all had had Jolene and enjoyed her, she was very sharp and knew what she wanted. When she had winked and grined at them he laughed and smiled back.

"Huh? About Eight? I think he's on the right track, but there's something about him that's... wrong... and I don't mean physically. Just watch him when he's with his little friends and you'll see what I mean..."

“hmm”, he knew what he ment by that, he was grow close to them the time he had spent out there had ovesly warmed him up to others, it made him think what he had seen and done, it didn’t matter thow, to spax’s eyes it was not a problem but a gift it ment that later if he needed to he had something to use agest eight. He good use the others to get what he wanted out of eight.
He laughed again and looked at his friend with a smile.
“well it will mean more leverage for us my friend and more fun”, he said looking back and as he did Shade was now going over to do some pulling and he frowned.
Blood seemed close to her which was all well and good, he ovesly had something in mind he proberbly wanted her, and he didn’t like the forced stuff, but it didn’t change the fact that work came first.

“blood next time you she is under cover in her crate lift up the sheets and remind her who she anwers to, her words with blacklight I have let go, but not forgotten”, he said with a stern look in his eyes. He was asking blood to do it as he knew if he did it he would harm the wolf and at this stage in there training he didn’t what her to be usless tomarrow, and as blood had something for her, he might do it with a little soft paw and it might give a very sutle reminder that he had noticed that blood had been favoring her.

He then nodded and smiled at his friend as he walked off.

Eight was complty out of it he missed all the runs the others did, he was exsursted. His body was burning. He lay on the ground his eyes shut panting but apart from that his face was carm no sign of the pain he felt or his feelings.

Mistress watched the wolves progress, Eight had done well again suprsiing he had done well in the pulling after his run, he still had that endurance he was famous for.
When the small female had gone out she had fround, she was weaker in strength then she had thought, she had bearly been able to pull the bar out at all. It didn’t worry her to badly she had saved her self thanks to her speed. She looked over at a human standing near by.
“we will have to make sure to train her in strength, I want her on a proten diet well in rich it”, she nodded then looked back. But the small thing had a lot of will to do good and that ment she could learn, good.

Next her girl, she moved closer to the bars, stroking the now sleeping pup in her arms. She pulled matching eight and passing him, good. Then she stayed just manting her spot, she held it well. Mistress could help but smile, she would be perfect for having as her personal wolf like her fathers Darcia, Beautful, and deadly.

She then looked at the young male, now he was going to hopfuly be her new star. He pulled well and showed his promise, this was going well she had four sold wolves all show good strengths place to grow. When the young male had finaly been pulled back and gotten back in his crate she looked down at Spax who was watching him self.
He was pleased to.

“Spax lets preper the next training exsersize”, she said giving the pup to the human she had spoken to earlier. She then lent down and scrached spax behind the ears, he licked her hand then trotted off and left the room.

The humans then begain to move again, wondering here and there talking and exchanging notes. Eight was starting to feel his breath coming back to him.
“Lunch time wolves”, came a young humans sneer.
He throw a large peace of meat infront of Eight who went for it like a bullet out of a gun but froz and inch from it. He was starving the training had emptyed him out of enagy and food. But the scent of it made him stop.

It was wolf meat, there was blood seeping from it it was covered in it and still had the scent of life on it, the wolf who that had belonged to had been killed and cut up not 5minets before. The human throw a large peace of meat into shades, cardinal and tsuna crate, then walked away.

Eight looked away from it his mind wering, he had eaten the flesh of his own kind many times, after most fights he won. It was something he first started doing after his blood rush then it became a sort of trade mark, another thing that dogs and wolves muttered with fear in the voices. Triple Eight who ate the flesh of his own. But he had changed. Kami Oasis had changened him.
He looked back at it.
The scent of blood and meat his his nose again. Survival that was ever thing here. He was tired and exhursted he needed meat. He ate nothing but crappy pelts of dired crap.

He growled to him self and snatched up the meat, he turned his back on the others and stood wile he did it. Tearing chuncks away. He made sure to swallow only the meat not the blood. It made his eating look horrific blood streaming from his jaws.
Dogs staired and muttered to each other he ignored them.
This was life here he could be him self but survival was key he had to get back to Oasis, and if this is what it meant he had to do it. Once he finished he licked the blood from around his maw and then spat it on the ground out side he crate. He felt so much better real meat, real. In its self that felt good. He silently thank the wolf who had died to give him strength and promised who ever it had been he wouldn’t let it go to waste.

Spax returned looking pleased, he just cort Eight finishing his lunch. He walked over.
“good to see you haven’t lost you appertite”, he sneered.
Eight looked at him his dead eyes boring into spax who held his gaz his sneer planted.
Spax then trotted away to his mistress and ruffed at her, she patted him on the head then signalled to two humans, who entered the arina and put the harness away then went to the far wall opened a flap that went all the way to the celing.
Then pulled out a wall made of bars and ran on tiny train like wheels that sat on a track that was dug into the floor. It split the arina in half.

Triple Eight and shayed on one side, Cardinal and Tsuna on the other.

Spax then walked in.
“hope you enjoyed you lunch brake but now the shit hits the fan, a test of endorence and to see if you have that killer instanced”, he said with a sneer.

“Stay alive that’s all you need to no”, then he left and sat ready to watch.

Eight was now on his paws. His legs and body was still burning and he knew what was coming. He felt stronger thanks to the food, he cracked his shoulders.

This time when the doors screeched out the way it wasn’t just one.
All of them lifted. They would fight alone or as a two wolf team. Eight walked out facing the opasit wall, he was ready he was ready to kill.
He hoped his partner shade had it in her.
Focuse on your self and your self only fool.

“don’t kill each other now you hear”, spax called.
Now this was going to be exsiting.

He wondered if Cardinal and tsuna would fight together or solo.

Posted: 27-12-2010 00:24
by Leo
''Well hello, beautiful...'' He complimented her. ''So good to see you here, Jolene.'' He enjoyed her presence, circling him, surrounding him with her scent, before laying down next to him. ''A show indeed, huh? The new batch is rather promising... still just wolves, of course...'' His eyes where glued to her. ''Tell me... what do you think of them?''

She looked up at him from were she was laying down her ears up her tail swaying to and fro, she shock her head fluffing out her neck fur and getting rid of the dust. She giggled.
“good to see you and yeah they seem to have what it take to please the mistress”, she said her eyes looking from each of them.
The red one stronge and bold, Spax seemed to have something in mind for her. The young male, Xor was talking to him he seemed to be very willing to learn, a rare and strange trate indeed, the small female seemed timid sceared like most new wolves of her size, then Eight never changed.

“I think they will do well with the right… incuragement”, the last word she said to dice him self looking at him up and down.
She got up and rubbed her self along side him, she was in a good mood her duty’s had gone well. She went under his chin circaled once rubbing her lushes tail under his nose.
“how about you show me your promis later on, after we put these little wolves to bed”, she said with a glint in her eyes.

Another dog making his way over made her look around. It was Xor one of the trainers, he was a hard training and a good one.
"Please, don't mind me. I just need to talk business for a moment."

“no worrys suger”, she said with her checky smiled she turned to dice that glint back in her eye.
“see you later baby”, then a flick of her tail she tortted off.
As she past Spax and blood, she winked and flashed her flirty smile at them both, more the merrier. Then she left the room to get on with what eals she had to do.

Spax was watching them from were he was with mistress, Blood with him. He didn’t mind what they got up to as long as there jobs came first but his still chuckled. They all had had Jolene and enjoyed her, she was very sharp and knew what she wanted. When she had winked and grined at them he laughed and smiled back.

"Huh? About Eight? I think he's on the right track, but there's something about him that's... wrong... and I don't mean physically. Just watch him when he's with his little friends and you'll see what I mean..."

“hmm”, he knew what he ment by that, he was grow close to them the time he had spent out there had ovesly warmed him up to others, it made him think what he had seen and done, it didn’t matter thow, to spax’s eyes it was not a problem but a gift it ment that later if he needed to he had something to use agest eight. He good use the others to get what he wanted out of eight.
He laughed again and looked at his friend with a smile.
“well it will mean more leverage for us my friend and more fun”, he said looking back and as he did Shade was now going over to do some pulling and he frowned.
Blood seemed close to her which was all well and good, he ovesly had something in mind he proberbly wanted her, and he didn’t like the forced stuff, but it didn’t change the fact that work came first.

“blood next time you she is under cover in her crate lift up the sheets and remind her who she anwers to, her words with blacklight I have let go, but not forgotten”, he said with a stern look in his eyes. He was asking blood to do it as he knew if he did it he would harm the wolf and at this stage in there training he didn’t what her to be usless tomarrow, and as blood had something for her, he might do it with a little soft paw and it might give a very sutle reminder that he had noticed that blood had been favoring her.

He then nodded and smiled at his friend as he walked off.

Eight was complty out of it he missed all the runs the others did, he was exsursted. His body was burning. He lay on the ground his eyes shut panting but apart from that his face was carm no sign of the pain he felt or his feelings.

Mistress watched the wolves progress, Eight had done well again suprsiing he had done well in the pulling after his run, he still had that endurance he was famous for.
When the small female had gone out she had fround, she was weaker in strength then she had thought, she had bearly been able to pull the bar out at all. It didn’t worry her to badly she had saved her self thanks to her speed. She looked over at a human standing near by.
“we will have to make sure to train her in strength, I want her on a proten diet well in rich it”, she nodded then looked back. But the small thing had a lot of will to do good and that ment she could learn, good.

Next her girl, she moved closer to the bars, stroking the now sleeping pup in her arms. She pulled matching eight and passing him, good. Then she stayed just manting her spot, she held it well. Mistress could help but smile, she would be perfect for having as her personal wolf like her fathers Darcia, Beautful, and deadly.

She then looked at the young male, now he was going to hopfuly be her new star. He pulled well and showed his promise, this was going well she had four sold wolves all show good strengths place to grow. When the young male had finaly been pulled back and gotten back in his crate she looked down at Spax who was watching him self.
He was pleased to.

“Spax lets preper the next training exsersize”, she said giving the pup to the human she had spoken to earlier. She then lent down and scrached spax behind the ears, he licked her hand then trotted off and left the room.

The humans then begain to move again, wondering here and there talking and exchanging notes. Eight was starting to feel his breath coming back to him.
“Lunch time wolves”, came a young humans sneer.
He throw a large peace of meat infront of Eight who went for it like a bullet out of a gun but froz and inch from it. He was starving the training had emptyed him out of enagy and food. But the scent of it made him stop.

It was wolf meat, there was blood seeping from it it was covered in it and still had the scent of life on it, the wolf who that had belonged to had been killed and cut up not 5minets before. The human throw a large peace of meat into shades, cardinal and tsuna crate, then walked away.

Eight looked away from it his mind wering, he had eaten the flesh of his own kind many times, after most fights he won. It was something he first started doing after his blood rush then it became a sort of trade mark, another thing that dogs and wolves muttered with fear in the voices. Triple Eight who ate the flesh of his own. But he had changed. Kami Oasis had changened him.
He looked back at it.
The scent of blood and meat his his nose again. Survival that was ever thing here. He was tired and exhursted he needed meat. He ate nothing but crappy pelts of dired crap.

He growled to him self and snatched up the meat, he turned his back on the others and stood wile he did it. Tearing chuncks away. He made sure to swallow only the meat not the blood. It made his eating look horrific blood streaming from his jaws.
Dogs staired and muttered to each other he ignored them.
This was life here he could be him self but survival was key he had to get back to Oasis, and if this is what it meant he had to do it. Once he finished he licked the blood from around his maw and then spat it on the ground out side he crate. He felt so much better real meat, real. In its self that felt good. He silently thank the wolf who had died to give him strength and promised who ever it had been he wouldn’t let it go to waste.

Spax returned looking pleased, he just cort Eight finishing his lunch. He walked over.
“good to see you haven’t lost you appertite”, he sneered.
Eight looked at him his dead eyes boring into spax who held his gaz his sneer planted.
Spax then trotted away to his mistress and ruffed at her, she patted him on the head then signalled to two humans, who entered the arina and put the harness away then went to the far wall opened a flap that went all the way to the celing.
Then pulled out a wall made of bars and ran on tiny train like wheels that sat on a track that was dug into the floor. It split the arina in half.

Triple Eight and shayed on one side, Cardinal and Tsuna on the other.

Spax then walked in.
“hope you enjoyed you lunch brake but now the shit hits the fan, a test of endorence and to see if you have that killer instanced”, he said with a sneer.

“Stay alive that’s all you need to no”, then he left and sat ready to watch.

Eight was now on his paws. His legs and body was still burning and he knew what was coming. He felt stronger thanks to the food, he cracked his shoulders.

This time when the doors screeched out the way it wasn’t just one.
All of them lifted. They would fight alone or as a two wolf team. Eight walked out facing the opasit wall, he was ready he was ready to kill.
He hoped his partner shade had it in her.
Focuse on your self and your self only fool.

“don’t kill each other now you hear”, spax called.
Now this was going to be exsiting.

He wondered if Cardinal and tsuna would fight together or solo.

Posted: 01-01-2011 18:54
by Nakisha
She looked up at him from were she was laying down her ears up her tail swaying to and fro, she shock her head fluffing out her neck fur and getting rid of the dust. She giggled.
“good to see you and yeah they seem to have what it take to please the mistress”, she said her eyes looking from each of them.

“I think they will do well with the right… incuragement”, the last word she said to dice him self looking at him up and down.
She got up and rubbed her self along side him, she was in a good mood her duty’s had gone well. She went under his chin circaled once rubbing her lushes tail under his nose.
“how about you show me your promis later on, after we put these little wolves to bed”, she said with a glint in her eyes.
Dice was hardly able to contain his excitement as Jolene made her intentions clear. He felt how his manhood awoke, coming to peek out of his sheath, hopeful. He licked his lips and held in a slight groan.
- ''Well... I'd love to, darling...'' He smiled, ears still slightly down, knowing better then to be arrogant around her. ''Anything you wish... I'll happily comp....''

But before he could finish, Xor decided to spoil his fun.
"Please, don't mind me. I just need to talk business for a moment." he mentioned as he came over to the two.
Dice only just held in a frustrated growl. But hey, Jolene had already promised him a GREAT time in a few... so he just glared for a second.
“no worrys suger”, she said with her checky smiled she turned to dice that glint back in her eye.
“see you later baby”, then a flick of her tail she tortted off.
As she past Spax and blood, she winked and flashed her flirty smile at them both, more the merrier. Then she left the room to get on with what eals she had to do.
He smiled at her, licked his lips and winked. ''Sure thing... I wouldn't miss it.''

He then sighed, watching her leave, before turning to Xor.

- ''So... what did you wish to see me about?'' The annoyance was gone and his ears perked in genuine interest. He had a feeling this would be about Tsuna... and he wás interested in the young wolf's training.

And with the prospect of having some great fun with Jolene, his mood wouldn't be ruined.


Shade, after her lousy preformance at pulling, had sat silently in her cage, watching the much more impressive accompishments of her new friends. But she hardly registrated it... her bitter dissapointment still stinging painfully.
She had to grow stronger.... she had to train. She had to become more like Tsuna, more like Cardinal... more like Eight....

She wished there was room to lay down...

The humans then began to move again, wondering here and there talking and exchanging notes.
“Lunch time wolves”, came a young humans sneer.

It was wolf meat, there was blood seeping from it it was covered in it and still had the scent of life on it, the wolf who that had belonged to had been killed and cut up not 5minets before. The human throw a large peace of meat into shades, cardinal and tsuna crate, then walked away.
Shade's nose had told her what kind of meat it was seconds before it even landed in her cage.
Pure horror flickered in her eyes; then, determined and without a scrap of doubt, she slammed a paw against the meat and pushed it right through the bars. Away from her.
It flopped on the ground with a sickening, sucking sound.


She'd rather STARVE then eat THAT.

But the sheer insulance of offering her meat of her own kind enfuriated her; a mental state that could help her at the next test, even though she didn't knew it yet.
She curled up her lip and snarled without much sound at any human she saw, frozen in rage as she stared daggers at them, clearly showing how she felt about the offered food, that was now laying on the floor.

She didn't even see how Eight devoured it.

The next moment, the arena was suddenly changed... split in half. And only her and Eight where suddenly left on their side.

Her ears moved restlessly. Why where they doing this? What did they want..?
Eight had brute strength... she had sheer speed. She wondered....

Spax then walked in.
“hope you enjoyed you lunch brake but now the shit hits the fan, a test of endorence and to see if you have that killer instanced”, he said with a sneer.

“Stay alive that’s all you need to no”, then he left and sat ready to watch.
Her ears perked, her snarl dissapeared. She didn't want to get on Spax's bad side again....
But she wondered. Test of endurance...? Killer instinct...?

Stay ALIVE...

She glanced besides her; Eight seemed on edge, ready. But ready for WHAT?

She flinched as her door opened with the loud, metal screech she still couldn't get used to.
Eight was out in seconds; she followed, slightly insecure, refusing to show fear. Her ears flickered. She glanced at him, hoping for some kind of answer to her unspoken question.
“don’t kill each other now you hear”, spax called.
Wait a second....

She could hardly believe it, but it seemed pretty obvious... no other way to explain it. They expected them to FIGHT... against one another...??

She glances besides her again. Was she to fight AGAINST Eight? No... they wouldn't. The results where too obvious; he was much stronger and more experienced.... No challenge. She had learned by now that humans wanted to see something exciting, something more spectaculair.

It seemed they had to team up...

She growled softly, a little unsure, but still angry, insulted, after being offered the meat of her own kind. Her jaw clattered for a moment; fear agression. Her tongue flashed out of her mouth a few times and her lips where just slightly pulled up, showing only a glimpse of her teeth.

Suddenly, it hit her.

Where they to fight... against TSUNA and CARDINAL?!

Posted: 05-01-2011 02:46
by Shaydie
Tsuna's pull eluded Cardinal's eyes, but she listened to the murmurs of praise from the humans and knew that he had done well. Strange... the sounds seemed so far away. Somewhere in her, she knew that was because she was so exhausted, but she had little energy to care. The clang of Tsuna's cage made her ears flick. One more training session finished. Would there be more? She hoped not. In this condition, she would not last long in another round...

Blood, on the other hand, was just getting excited. The next round would be a fight - the REAL test of these wolves. He watched from his space opposite the harness that was being put away. His long tail thumped slowly, rhythmically on the hard floor. Eight would probably have time to give them a little lesson on how things worked around there, but the boy and the pretty red femme fatale were promising. Shade had virtually no chance by herself, but the humans would probably pair them for that reason. So who would pair with who?

And for that matter, how was he going to do what Spax told him to... remind Shade who was boss? He frowned, a hardened look on his face. She'd just have to take it - in any case, he knew Spax had seen how he had been treating her differently than the others, and he could not continue to favor her so. He didn't know why he wasn't always snarling at her anyway. Maybe getting soft... Jolene passed by and he licked his muzzle, temporarily distracted. What a beautiful piece of ass she was, and yet entirely unavailable unless SHE wanted it, unlike Darcy, who was always up for a little fun...

A sneering call from a nearby human lifted the lids on Cardinal's eyes, but it wasn't until the meat flopped down into her cage that she perked up a little. But such an offering was suspicious in itself. She glanced over, saw Eight rush at it, and stop just before sinking his fangs into the fresh meat. What had stopped him? She took a deep breath, sniffing at the meat. The resulting scent sent her instantly to her feet, snarling wrathfully despite her exhaustion. Wolf meat.


Her yellow eyes glared angrily out at the humans, her teeth borne in a snarl of rage. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Eight ripping into the meat, but she refused to register such a despicable action - not that she hadn't seen it before.

By the time the arena split and the cages opened, she was seething to the point of leaping blindly at the borders of the arena to get to the humans. Luckily enough, she restrained herself and stepped out cautiously, eying the fence across the ring... and Eight who stood on the other side. Blood still dripped lazily from her neck, but it did not flow like before. No doubt she would have worse wounds by the end of... whatever this was.

Speaking of which, what was going on?

Cardinal had been so angry that she had not cared to examine the indications of the situation. Now, somewhat calmer, she went through the possibilities. She vaguely remembered registering Spax saying something about staying alive. A fight, then. Her heart leaped in a strange, burning desire to release energy in a more familiar way. Finally, she thought, eyes on fire. My forte. But she glanced over and saw Tsuna beside her... and Shade with Eight on the other side. The poor girl seemed to register what Cardinal had now realized - they were fighting two on two; she with Tsuna, and Shade with Eight. An interesting but legitimate combination.

But that also meant she had another body to worry about. She cursed under her breath and cast a searing glare at Tsuna - but it wasn't anger in her eyes, more of a dark excitement. She had perhaps seconds to talk to the boy, decide how things would go, but she knew that prior experience would win this one. None of them except Eight was trained in this brutal, humanized warfare. Still, wouldn't hurt to prioritize...

"Shade is just another body, Tsuna. I know it hurts to think that way, but that's the way it is for now. I need you to focus on Eight and Eight only. I will deal with Shade and help you when I can."

She looked back at the other two, a sort of apologizing "I'm sorry, but I won't hold back" look in her golden eyes. She told Tsuna to handle Eight not because she was afraid to do it herself, but because she was afraid to let Tsuna fight Shade. This fight was no doubt about learning, and Cardinal was adept at teaching the ways of battle. Shade would need a swift, accurate, unyielding teacher. Tsuna, while obviously strong, had a personality that was quickly changing, and that unnerved the red female. There was no telling how far gone he was. In that way, he was a perfect match for Eight; she had no doubts about his ability, just his restraint.

So, for now, she would let the boys fight it out and have a go at Shade. Unless of course Eight demanded her attention... In that case, she would not lay down and die. Not ever.

Blood watched as Cardinal slowly eased into a fighting stance he had not seen before. It was flatter than usual, her belly close to the ground. In all other stances, such a closeness usually indicated the beginnings of a pounce, but Cardinal's stature was different: instead of her back paws tucked under her, one was stretched out, tense and seemingly ready to send her into an instant sprint. The opposite forepaw was also extended. It was almost like a stalking position, but surely she didn't intend to crawl around the ring... did she?

Oh yes, this would be very interesting.

Posted: 12-01-2011 15:36
by Leo
bump )

Posted: 16-01-2011 05:45
by SilverWolf92
Xor snickered, watching as, (with the request he had to speak with Dice a success) Jolene had passed. He watched as the wolfess flicked her tail before walking off, and in particular took notice to Spax and Blood's reactions before looking back now to Dice. He half wanted to say for the mongrel to keep his saliva from dripping, but refrained from doing so. He found it slightly funny that most of these brutes were turned on by a single woman. Not that Xor disliked females, oh no. He just wasn't as into them as he wanted to be sometimes. He could live without. He loved the sex, really he did, but all the time? Well, he supposed ,beggers couldn't be choosers now could they? He actually slightly almost snickered as Dice looked on at him with a glare, a frustrated growl emitting afterward. Oh how he loved pushing the buttons of his fellow subordinates.

The one thing that Xor liked about Dice was that he wasn't a whiner, nor was he a freaking dramatic like the other wolf dog trainers they had to work with and deal with. If he had something to say he'd listen and not get so sullen. 'Ahem'ing himself, he sat where he was then before glancing over to Tsuna's way, and further back to Dice.

"As you know, I'm assigned to the boy. I'm suppose to help him out with the basics. He /was/ after all in my unit." he paused. "But, I need extra paws. That's where you come in. I'm sure you've been assigned to him too am I right? If that's the case, we're going to have to split the time. Cuz I'm certain once we get that boy to know the basics of this joint, the higher of the food chain Spax is gunna take over." he mentioned. "So, what do you wanna take over?" he decided to ask. "Unless we want to just work as a simple team... Either way, we have to get him to the right spot for when Spax wants to prepare him.." he said.


Tsuna, having been taken back to his crate now, had sat there. His breathing came in either large heaps of inhales, or soft, irregular beats. His mind was spinning. He felt like he was about to lose all strength when suddenly... something was thrown into his crate... into all of their crates. It was meat, that was for certain... but what kind of meat you say? Well, it was the kind that would make your stomach churn.

Wolf meat.

Just the stench of it reaked to Tsuna, yet it was also something he had sensed before back when the first event of his own training had begun. The scent of decayed wolves all around, those half still alive from the fighting, the scent of their bodies had wreaked that part of the young wolf could hardly believe that this is what the remaining food would be. Still, it was something he had to get used to. And he needed this meat to survive now didn't he? Lowering his neck to sniff the carcass' remains, the poor boy let his tongue lag one moment, hesitating wether he should be the first to eat or not, or rather, if he'd be the /only/ one to eat this... He didn't want to be seen as a monster, really there was no denial in that. But still, had they known what he had seen before they even tasted the liquids taste, maybe they'd know why Tsuna himself knew that they had to eat this, otherwise where was their strength other than the will power? Sure it took will power, but one mustn't forget, it was strength and physical status that aided the will to go on. He looked around him to see what the others were doing, and finally, without hesitance and not much care of their opinion in whatever they had chosen to do, closed his eyes and dug in. He made sure not to see what he was doing. He knew if he opened up his eyes, he would probably puke on the floor the remains of whatever part he had devoured.

This made him feel sick to his stomach. A horrible feeling it was. When he was finished, he licked his maw hoping to clean off the remains of what he had just eaten mere seconds ago. IT seemed only he was the one bold enough to eat something he realized would be an essential part to their diet. Might as well get used to it now than never right..? He only wished the girls would not see him as fully changed yet.. It was mere revelation to him really that he needed to do this to survive. If he could live off of his own kind's meat, he would. But this.. his life was at stake. He couldn't afford to lose it.

Once that had been done and over with, suddenly there was something... being done. Sudenly, Cardinal had been carried over to his side, while Shade and Triple Eight went to the other. What was going on? Were they to tag team... against each other? //lucky wolf...// he thought, to have Triple Eight on her side was a blessing in this case. They wouldn't stand the chance to defeat the legendary ring leader. Still... Cardinal was pretty good, and Tsuna himself wasn't about to let this opportunity of a life time escape his grasp.

He looked to Cardinal who had told him all Shade was, was merely a body. His ears flattened a moment, but who was he to argue? It was true... A sad truth, but truth nonetheless. She needed him to focus on Triple Eight. He gulped once. So, himself against the tough guy eh? Why couldn't he go for the easier one? That way, if Shade were to go down easily, they could tag team AGAINST Triple Eight? It sounded right, it sounded like a good plan, but he figured one on one would be enough.. Nodding his head and registering it all he spoke, "I won't go lightly either." he paused. "Its good you and I were paired." he mentioned. "We'll teach them what we're made of huh?" he almost seemed to smirk.