broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 16-10-2010 22:06

Cardinal instantly joined in with Eight's snarling, throwing herself against the bars of her cage only once. She did it without hesitation.

"Leave her alone!"

She noticed his glance, but she didn't falter. Eight, however, seemed to calm down, evidently realizing that he was starting to care. She glared at him with the same intensity as she glared at Darcia. She returned her gaze to the massive white wolf that seemed intent on messing with Shade, who had already partially given into his wishes.


His ears folded behind his head and he let out a small snarl, but he said nothing. Hell, he would have ,but Cardinal seemed to already have what looked like a biffle with Darcia.

He finally got down in his gut and after Cardinal had immediately said something, he responded,

"Get away from her you flea bag!"

Eight looked back at Darcia he knew as he bet the others did, it wouldn’t work, he wouldn’t move.

Shade crinched, surprised by the sudden snarls around her, her eyes shooting from left to right as if the snarls where meant for her.
She knew better, of course... but the tention was almost too much to bare. It was horrible, being so close to this unnatural beast...

She wondered if she should have refused to obey the wolf. If she should have stayed back in her cage, where she was safe...
But it was too late now.

And he didn’t. When shade walked up to him he smiled, then put his nose throw the bars and drew in a long breath taking in all of her scents. As he did he closed his eyes flitering throw them, enjoying them savering them as he always did.

“your fear is intoxicating, the aroma is like sweet perfume, I love females like you, a fresh flower plucked from the wild lands, ready to have her thorns sharpened”, he said opening his eyes and looking into her’s with a intense look. His back was to the others his tail swaying slowly.

So... he knew she was afraid. She caught his intense stare, and quickly turned her eyes down.
For a second, she felt like denying. Telling him she wasn't scared.
But she knew it was useless; it wouldn't make a difference... and thus, she just waited, silently, her eyes looking at his chin as she refused to look him straight in the eye again.

He loved females like her... BRILLIANT, damnit... She was in for it now.
She hoped he would loose interest with her quickly....

She was surprised to find a sudden thought pop up in her head; she actually wondered where Bloodhound was, for a second.
That confused her even more; why would she care about THAT? As if hé would HELP her...

“I want to know what give a girl like you pleaser, so I can make you scwerm, and your body betray you”, he said his grin growling now showing off his white fangs.

As she was still staring at his chin, his unusual fangs quickly caught her eye. One of steel... and all unnaturally sharpend.
She suddenly wondered what it would be like if he bit his tongue, and almost chuckled at the thought.

But his unexpected words made her freeze; it send chills down her spine, but only partly because of fear.
Somehow, his words hit a snare somewhere deep inside, a snare she didn't knew she had. She wasn't sure what she felt. Fear... or some kind of strange excitement? Maybe adrenaline? She simply didn't knew how to interpretate her body's response, but it made her feel strange, and restless. And dirty, somehow. As if she was feeling something bad, something forbidden, something she didn't want to feel...

She chose to ignore these feelings, no matter how they confused her, and still stay perfectly still. Part of her wanted to tell him to leave her alone, to forget about even TRYING to give her pleasure, to tell him he wouldn't be able to do ANYTHING that would make her squirm. But she knew he'd laugh at her, just like the other dogs...

The support of the others around her, even now Eight had fallen silent, gave her strength. She knew she just had to stand through this...
And thus, she still refused to speak and just kept looking at his chin blankly. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of showing fear... Not even now.

He moved closer and lick her fur long and slow like a lover might, be for drawing back throw the bars.
“I look followed to see your progress”

The sudden intimacy was unexpected.
Shade nééded fysical contact... it was something that she needed as much as breathing. It was something she couldn't do without... she would wither away and die without it. She needed another living body to touch her every now and then, no matter how innocent the touch. Just touching noses, or sleeping against one another was enough... Like she and George had done...

But this was an unwanted intimacy, and it made her turn her ears back. She supressed a shiver. This time, he didn't stir up the confusing feelings she had felt at his words; this just scared her. Just the thought of this monster touching her... and the intention behind this touch...

Why was he even interested in her?
Dice had believed she was worthless, why didn't Darcia think the same?
It was so... confusing...

Without meaning to, she took a slight step backward, to avoid his tongue, even though it was already too late. She ignored the strong urge to flee from him and rush back to the back of her cage; instead, she finally turned her eyes back up again, looking him straight in the eye for a moment. But there was no emotion in those big, green eyes; just an emptyness as she hid her feelings.

But as sudden as his tongue had touched her... hell broke loose.
Eight throw him self agest the bars exstremly hard forgetting about what harm it could do to his body that he should be looking after.
But his didn’t growl or bear his fangs but his hackles were up. He was falling back into his old self and he knew he must.

“Don’t you dare do that again”, eight said in a low voice.

Darcia looked around at each of them, time to teach them some respect.
“Or what Eight, you were never able to stop me back then and you cant now”he smiled as he spoke moking eight.

Eight growled deep in his chest but still he didn’t change his face, no beared fangs, but his eyes made it clear what he would do if he were let out of his cell.
Oh, she was SO glad to hear Eight stand up for her.
She didn't knew WHY... and she didn't really care, either. She was just happy that someone would draw Darcia's attention away from her... And that it WORKED.

Darcia turned away from he and went up to Tsuna straight up to his door.
His body langwiged change from when he had been with Shade, he moved quicker sharper. Eyes wide and aggressive.

“you want to prove your self boy!. Back up your words we will see whos the flea bag”, he spat and then he moved his tail up down then around.

Jack who had been watching with a sad look gasped. “shit” he whispered.

The door to his cell clicked and opened with a screech.
Darcia chatged followed towering above tsuna.
''W... WHAT? NO!'' Shade screamed out, before even realising it.
She then turned her ears backwards entirely and lowered her head; she had been so glad that Darcia had lost interest in her... she shouldn't provoke him and redraw attention to herself. But she couldn't bare the thought of him attacking Tsuna!!

Unsure of what to do, she took a few steps backwards and one forward again, her ears moving restlessly.
Eight slammed his body agest the bars again.
“Give him hell kid”, he growled, he knew he wouldn’t win but he should fight any way.
Never back down, never surreneder.
HE also knew Darcia wouldn’t hurt him to much other wise he would get in truble, they needed to be trained not hurt.

Darcia went to headbutt Tsuna right in the side, moving like a bullet, like he wasn’t as big as he was, the speed didn’t seem to fit his size. And he gave no pause he ran in and lunged, he would make this pup whine in submission.
Shade's eyes shot with Darcia's moves, able to follow them since she was used to fight with speed herself.
He was amazingly fast for a wolf that size and build... how could that be? EVERYTHING about him was unnatural....
Still, she wondered if she wouldn't be faster, if she tried...

- ''Darcia, LEAVE HIM!'' She realised her call was a cross between an angry growl and a whine. Yes, she was scared... but she also wanted to protect Tsuna, somehow.

Inside her head, her thoughts swirled. WHY did she wish to protect the others...? WHY had they wished to protect hér just minutes ago? Something had bonded them already. They where like family... and Tsuna was like a brother to her, she realised.

But what could she do...?

She began to turn in circles in her cage pretty fast, unable to rush to Tsuna's aid, and unable to just stand and watch...
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
Posts: 1501
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Post by Leo » 21-10-2010 00:11

live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 21-10-2010 00:50

None of their growling and snarling did any good... and in a way, Cardinal wasn't in the least bit surprised. She guessed it was more of a moral thing... something you had to try even though you knew it wouldn't work. She couldn't protect Shade. She couldn't protect any of them. The mother in her whimpered and whined, suddenly in a state of complete terror, being unable to save someone should they need it. Tsuna and Shade... they were both so young. Strong, but so young. And she couldn't do a thing to help either of them. Eight, of course, was another story, but she couldn't have cared less. He was as unnatural as this Darcia creature, and thus of no concern to her.

Still bristling and glaring, but no longer growling or even showing her teeth, Cardinal watched. She was sure he couldn't reach the girl enough to wound her... it'd be okay... at least, that's what she tried to convince herself.
When shade walked up to him he smiled, then put his nose throw the bars and drew in a long breath taking in all of her scents. As he did he closed his eyes flitering throw them, enjoying them savering them as he always did.

“your fear is intoxicating, the aroma is like sweet perfume, I love females like you, a fresh flower plucked from the wild lands, ready to have her thorns sharpened”, he said opening his eyes and looking into her’s with a intense look. His back was to the others his tail swaying slowly.

“I want to know what give a girl like you pleaser, so I can make you scwerm, and your body betray you”, he said his grin growling now showing off his white fangs.
The one thing she hadn't showed yet, one of the differences between herself and the earthen female in the next cell. Yet, it was in both of them. Cardinal was sure that even Darcia knew it, though he had yet to say anything. But when that bastard grinned...

Those fangs. So... strange. Again that eager part of her crooned softly, yearning for fangs like those, for the ability that came with them. The rest of her, however, far outweighing that one small darkness, rebelled against that feeling, and she showed her own fangs, a soft growl growing in her throat.

And then he... he licked her.

In a flash her whole body went rigid. The shock of the thing left her in a state of rage, yet she couldn't bring herself to move. There was an inferno in her eyes, but no further did it creep. It was as if she was frozen. Slowly the ice thawed, however, and by the time Darcia had turned she was snarling again, nearly pressing against the bars that separated her from Shade. If she ever got the chance, she'd make him pay. In one way or another... even if it meant she would be punished, no matter the cost.

She calmed down after that, even as Darcia challenged Tsuna. This was different. Tsuna could defend himself, and no doubt Darcia wouldn't kill a wolf that had yet to show his full potential. No, she suspected this was a trial run... Still, she sat down, attentive. No more growling or anger. That was gone, locked away for another time. Now as the moment for attention... If there would be anything useful in the next few seconds, it would be a look into how Darcia moved... just in case.

(God that was so lame. But I've been stalling long enough I guess. School is sapping my muse, I'm afraid. Anyway, there ya go. Not much for poor Red to do. :c)
Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 21-10-2010 06:12

With eyes widened, Tsuna felt his chest heave and his breathing bared. He could feel the blood begin to boil inside of him all too well. The adrenaline that coursed through his veins popped to his head, and as Darcia had licked her fur. Of course it enraged him; but not in the way that he felt Shade was /his/ female. Oh no, that wasnt the case at all. But anyone who touched her or Cardinal for that matter... Well... Tsuna snapped lunging at his cage, almost hitting the top of his head against the ceiling as his paws raked and clankered between the bars, paws flailing in the air as he let out a few madenning snarls and grunts of displeasure. It was like he was indeed saying, 'touch her you DIE'. Of course, his stance had drastically changed when he stood in front of his cage door, and, surprised, saw Darcia coming FORWARD. He took a backstep behind him, but then stopped. NO. He couldn't run away. He was going to stand there, and he would stare Darcia /DOWN/.

If Tsuna were a human, he could feel the beads of sweat roll down the side of his face as this massive beast approached him, but he still did not give way from his stance. He stood there, like a deer in headlights, but his eyes and facial expression did not once change. He refrained from pulling his ears back, and as Darcia came forward he felt his lips curl back into a snarl as Tsuna's head lowered a little.

"Back up your words and we'll see who's the flea bag!"

The screaming wolf spat, tail spinning. Tsuna, still with his head lowered, looked like he had been in a crouching position. What was Darcia going to do to him through bars..? His question had been answered when the doors to his cell creaked open, and his eyes widened. Shit... an attack. He snarled lowly and took a small step backward, stopping himself again. No. He'd fight.

"Give him hell kid."

Triple Eight's voice gave Tsuna confidence. Sure, this was a higher up ranked mutt, but it didn't stop the fact that Tsuna had his passion of the fight and of his own soul deep within. He was going to stand tall and proud and take it like an Alpha would. Of course, Tsuna was barely prepared. Darcia had already charged at him, his speed an incredible velocity, quite opposite compared to the massive size. With thinking, Tsuna exited out of his cage before he was headbutted straight to the side.

It felt like a moving truck had just slammed into the boy's body. There went Tsuna, tumbling as he let his claws open and rake against the cold floor, stopping the skid before panting. Damnit, even a hit like that and already he felt slightly winded.

"W...WHAT?! NO! Darcia... LEAVE HIM!"

His eyes burst open as he got to his paws, and for a moment he wanted to glare at Shade, tell her to shut up. Of course, he realized that her intentions were for his own well being. He was certain that she was just concerned about him now considering the circumstances he was facing. Still, it was almost saying that Tsuna was incapable of holding his own, and that was something the boy would never let down. He had pride damnit, and he was going to use it. He was a Fighter now wether he liked it or not, and Fighters /never/ backed down.

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT I'M MADE OF!" he roared before , like a bull, seemed to prepare himself, and then charged. He ran straight for Darcia, before with a crouching stance moved downard before pouncing up, leaping to the lug, and aiming for the back of Darcia's neck for his jaws to sink into, his claws to rake at the bigger beast's ears and face.

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Post by Leo » 22-10-2010 20:59

Eight watched as Tsuna rolled back onto his paws after a heavy blow to the side, he recovered well rolling to his paws and skidding to a hult nice form, he could see places he could polish but for a rookei that was good.

Darcia noticed his recover as well, but wasnt inpressed, he was still a wild wolf with no talent running on spirit thow he had lots of it.

As the wolf counted at Darcia shouting his anger and defince a crazed grin crossed his face, he looked truly insane, evil.
"thats it boy come and get some", he growled.

He saw as the boy went low then pounced up going for his neck, Darcia froze his smile and his eyes widening in a crazed grin. Tsuna's attack hit his neck and found his flesh. it was so rare for him to be able to fight, and pain was all apart of the joy he rare got to feel it and strangly he like it. The pup had a lot to learn about aim and bite tecnic there was more to it then stabbing fangs into flesh there was a art to ever thing.
"haha is that all you got", he hissed.

"LET GO OF HIM FOOL", eight snarled, to Tsuna the scent of blood making his hackles rise up, and his own blood start to pump.

but to late Darcia had acted.

He moved his head so vilontly to bit into Tsuna's back, he would perce the skin but not do any serios damage, he would then throw the wolf across the cell into Cardinal's cage, to make the bars rattle and ring.

"Speed, attack him with quick attacks", Eight said across the room now with a carm voice, he had forgotten that he didnt want to care for the young wolf but now it was the moment he forgot him self almost. His eyes were stronge and cold but he was looking intently at the young male.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
Silver of the Mist
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Joined: 12-01-2009 03:01

Post by SilverWolf92 » 25-10-2010 15:46

As Tsuna's teeth had connected with Darcia's flesh, the sudden warmth of body heat shared between the two made Tsuna's blood boil. He wanted to rip and tear right now ,but he felt it hard. Biting into Darcia's flesh though it seemed like an easy, accomplishable task was in fact, harder than it seemed. The flesh felt more like rubber than anything else, unable to be penetrated so quickly that in reality you needed something even bigger to be able to take it down.

He couldnt believe how freaking hard it was to bite this guy's skin. It was like trying to bite a brick...


The sudden snarl from Triple Eight caught his attention and he snapped out of his state of shock. Remember, rule number one, the words of George had popped into his head. Don't ever let yourself open... and never bite for too long. /Shit!/ he cursed to himself. He'd forgotten that rule so easily once he had been able to grasp onto the flesh.

Haha, is that all you got?"

The words sent chills up the wolf's spine, but not enough to cast him down. Perhaps the smile, a little bit. But other than that there was nothing more than spite. He was about to let go when suddenly he had let out an automatic yelp having been grabbed on the back of his neck. He winced once before his body went flying into the air a couple of inches away before tumbling; smacking right into Cardinals cage. He let out a rigid gasp of breath as his back connected with the cold bars, but shakily got back up. He was about to go for another head on attack, but he stopped in his tracks once Triple Eight spoke again.

"Speed... attack him with quick attacks."

Had been the command. For one, Tsuna couldn't process why Eight said it so calmly. Did this mean the wolf had faith in him? Or was he just trying to help the boy when he knew that Tsuna was going to lose? Either way, the advice had been taken. Tsuna seemed to have bucked once, lifting his paw up and getting low to is stomach before he pounced once more. He rushed straight for Darcia, but then he began to take quick, sharp turns. He was dodging and moving like a zig zag all over the place.

He had come straight for Darcia, but his movements were off and he dashed to the side, jumping up and actually going across the wolf's body, his claws nipping at the tufts of fur before he dashed again, this time to tear a piece of either fur or flesh from the shoulder before backing down again. He'd try this approach,... and if this didn't work... well? He'd think of something else in due time...

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Post by Leo » 25-10-2010 22:37

Darcia Laughed as the wolf hit the bars and got back to its paws. This was a lot of fun, he might have to start getting more involved.
“That’s mucle boy, grow some of your own then you might be able to scratch me”, he sneered. But the pup got back to his feet looking a little worse for were but ready for round 2.
“exslent good tack more punishment il tear you in half”, he said in a sinister crazyed laugh.

It was a bluff but he wanted to stear hell in his heart, be a demon that he would always feared, he wished he didn’t have to worry about his training so he could ster the fear of hell in him.

Then eight spoke about speed attacks, he wasn’t angry with him for trying to help the pup, it was all for training but he would log down that eight was helping for later use, care was building up. Bigger the target the more you had to use speed unless you had smiuler muscles mass.

The pup came at him jumping moving at all the speed he could muster, he had taken to it fast, he had a lot to learn in form and ablity but he was a quick learner at lest.

Darcia held fast his smile not fading he got hit from the left right shoulder flank.
Until he had enuf he then matched his move, so his face was right in front of Tsuna.
“not fast enuf boy”, he then let the pup move off again, and again he watched clockled then matched his move, sticking his face right were he would strike blocking him, and if he went to go for his face he own jaws were ready.

Then as he went back for more Darcia span around in a flash and went to kick the pup in the face hard with his back paw.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
Silver of the Mist
Posts: 2297
Joined: 12-01-2009 03:01

Post by SilverWolf92 » 27-10-2010 02:53

As soon as Tsuna's teeth had connected with Darcia's flesh, (even if it had been a snip of it; it was still considered a hit to the boy) he felt the rush start to pull him over. His plan of attacking from the sides with quick movements and backing down seemed to be working. His confidence began to boost, even if it was just a little. Like he was able to actually be able to be a good fighter compared to this monster. Of course, he hadn't been thinking about the ranks during this little sparring match. It wasn't until Darcia stopped with the kiddie games and matched his own speed that Tsuna realized who he was truly dealing with; An elite of all things.

He was surprised the moment that Darcia had cut him off. So startled, that he almost skidded in his tracks to try and dodge to the left or right as soon as he had been roughly stopped. This was of course all in vein as Darcia's moves proved to be quicker, and in being so he was instantly cut off anywhere he went. Sudden anxiety came over the wolf, and he let out low grumbling snarls of frustration and slight intimidation.

He watched Darcia like a hawk, but his eyes widened when suddenly the big wolf spun toward him, and all too soon his back leg extended, stretching itself as the claws on the paw reached at him. Tsuna quickly closed his eyes violently before turning away as fast as he could, but not before he felt something sting right across his maw. He hissed and drew back a few feet, holding in his whine as he shook his head as if to sneeze, holding his paw to the now bleeding wound inflicted on him. His ears folded, Tsuna didn't take long to take a few steps back, tail bristing as he wasn't sure what to do now.

The scent of his own blood filled his nostrils, and he held back the urge to... have a taste. Feeling like he was suddenly becoming delusional, he wondered to himself why it felt like the right thing to do. Just one taste. It couldn't hurt, right? Maybe it'd help him... like it helped Triple Eight. /Nonsense Tsuna. You're talking bull shit../ he thought to himself, eyes narrowing as he stared at Darcia, breath heavy and his legs feeling like they were about to give out like jell-o any second now...

"Damnit.." he cursed under his breath. What now..? He went on the defensive, stance held firm until he could figure out what to do.. Or maybe admit defeat now and live another day...

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Post by Leo » 27-10-2010 19:40

Darcia laughed smiling at the now stasionay wolf. he loved the look of confusion on his face it was pricless, what he would do to get aggressive now and really start tearing.
"whats wrong little wolf, lost your way cant think of any thing eals to do", he said carmly.
"how about i show you how true fighters move", he said.
"a little lesson for you".

He then with out warning jumped at the wolf, again going for a head but, and if that connected he would jump back turn and in a heartbeat come back for another, the swing and hit him with the shide of his head. He wouldnt use his fangs to make any nasty cuts, nore would he hit him hard enuf to brake bone. but he would beat the shit out of him till the pup wouldnt be able to stand. He kept up his barrage not stopping hit after hit, if he missed he would go back and come for another.

Eight was watching still inpressed with the young pup, he watched with his hard dead eyes as the fight went on. he had seen others getting beatten in front of him, family, friends. he had seen worst get done to them, he always wanted to prevent it but when it kicked off and his fellow was losing as long as he or she wasnt about to die he would go quite, with drawn and just watch saving all the emoissions for the day he would bit back. and at that moment watching Tsuna fight for his pride and to prove him self, and now the tables had turn eight fell into the old habit.

Jack was leaning on the wall in his dark hole his small fits clenched. he liked these wolves a lot and that young male espshaly and now he was getting his ass handed to him. Darcia was enjoying this to much jack could normal take all of this but when it was Darcia it could get out of hand and go to fare and it was heading that way.

Darcia finaly stopped, finaly had enuf, he looked down at Tsuna wether he was standing or laying.
"learn how to bit before you bark boy", he said as carmly as if he had just woken from a good night sleep. He then walked fallowed guestering for Tsuna to get back in his cage or if he was unable to stand he picked him up by the scruff and throw him back in. The cage door screaching shut being him.

He then turned rolling his shoulders, relaxing his mucles.
His eyes fell on Cardinal.
He walked up to her cage and looked down at her.
"now thats a pritty peace of ass, i no why Spax has his eyes on you so much", he bent down lower fixing his black eyes on her.
"and i wonder wether that nice peaces of ass has made her mind up yet", he said with out whispering and not letting the others hear ither.
"why dont you come here and tell me what you think, do you want a little puppy to call your own again, i can help that happen as well you no, spax can get you one, but i can make sure you get to ither "pick" which one you want or make sure you get choice of males", he said his smile getting wider, his eyes intense.
"come here and tell me or show me that it is werth my time to get you a pick of the litter", he said quitly loving the fact the others could only ponder at what was being said.

(silver if you replie next :) and then we can let the others get back in :P love the one on one with ya most exslent and hope things are going well for you kick ass in you classes girl )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Joined: 11-01-2009 21:47

Post by Nakisha » 28-10-2010 23:18

Shade had watched it all, silently after her first scream of fear, but pacing up and down her cage.

She had been impressed by Tsuna; he had followed Eight's advise and fought very well... but they all had known in advance that there was no way he'd beat Darcia. And, as expected, he got a good beating.
Netherless... he had put up a great fight. She wondered if Tsuna would outgrow the beginners fast. He seemed to have what it took. But... if he did, what would happen to him?

She sighed, then retreated to the back of her cage, hoping to stay away from Darcia.

He then turned rolling his shoulders, relaxing his mucles.
His eyes fell on Cardinal.
He walked up to her cage and looked down at her.
"now thats a pritty peace of ass, i no why Spax has his eyes on you so much", he bent down lower fixing his black eyes on her.
She growled softly as he now intimidated Cardinal. Seems he was sexually interested in her as well. All these males here... they where pigs. But he then began to whisper to her. No matter how she tried... she couldn't hear what he said. And she didn't dare to come closer...

She waited silently, trying to stay unnoticed...
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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