broken souls (V, S basicly Mature)

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Post by Leo » 29-09-2010 19:09

"Shut up.. Just.. shut the FUCK up." he snarled angrily. "You don't KNOW me..."
Spax before he left just looked back at the wolf his smile inplace, he would give that wolf hell tomarrow for that out burst he would make it clear not shit could talk to him like that and get away with it.
“I no you better then you think boy”, was all head said, then he left.

"Well, Mr. Legend... As bad as you are in here, you must have picked up some nice girlfriends on the outside..."

He halted for a moment, a sinister grin forming on his muzzle.

"Too bad you left them all alone... Maybe I'll go find them myself... and fuck them senseless since you obviously can't pay up. And afterward I'll show them EXACTLY how I got my name."

Whether or not Eight reacted to it, Blood didn't care. Instead, he turned back to Dice.

"Well, looks like you're already buddy buddy with them. Have at it. I have other things to attend to."

Eight had been sleeping sort of came up from it as he heard Blood walk to his cage and once he said what he did Eights eyes shot open pupils small, he was facing away from him but his ears also shot up to.
His instent reaction was anger and rage, his instince was to dive at the bars and try and reach him throw it, then do any damage he could.

But he controlled him self and didn’t move from his spot. His mind raced, he should have reacted like that, he knew he was only plucking at strings and the dog would never be given the time to go out there and serch. The more he thought the more he relaxsed again.
Kami would be the one to worry about but she was a exstremly bright and clever wolf, she would get her self out of truble but, oasis would never let any dog to do that to her, she would rip it apart. The only way eight could see it happening to her again is if they got a collar on her, but other wise. He pitchered it blood trying to fight her, then his mind played out Blood getting his self torn apart. Then eight imagon oasis raping him with something which wile he thought about it was pretty posserbal when it came to Oasis and that subject.

A Small chucke came from his throat, and as he thought about it more it grow. He Could get the pitcher of oasis kicking his ass out of his head, and he found he could stop laughing. It grow to a point were he stod up still laughing. It wasn’t howling but he looked like he was having a good time.

Jack frowned above him, he had heard what the dog had said and didn’t under stand why eight was laughing so hard, it was a bit freaky to see, he had never seen eight laugh like that.
After a moment Eights laughed died, he coffed a cuple of times then his face went back to blank and unreadabal. For some reason he felt better for laughing, and in his mind he thanked oasis for helping him feel better or lighter at least.

Eight didn’t feel like sleeping any more now, he watching as Tsuna spoke, saying in short he could take any thing they throw at him.
Eight admired his spirit but it wasn’t going to make him win or keep him alive. Eight had seen many wolfs like that and most of them had fallen, not all but most. But he could see what the dogs were going on about, he had servived his first test, gotten the taste of a kill on his tong now all he need was the training.
Training the next day would be very intresting.

"So..." he said quietly. "What ... did you think of it..?"

That was a unexspected quieston, but to Eight was a easy answer.
“same old shit different day, il hold my judgment on you three till tomarrow”, he said in his deep growl. His eyes turned to dice, he had nodded to him when he had been talking back to blood. Eight didn’t care, he wanted him dead like all the rest of the low dogs.

Then a small voice made him look up.

“Well well what have we got going on down here”, Jack finaley spoke up walking out of the darkness with his paw on his hips looking down at them all.
He knew dice, and knew he wouldnt attack him thanks to Spax word.
“R Dice me boy, how ya been, oh that reminds me, I owe ya for that fight I lost the bet it seems”, he said guestaring at George who was still out of it.

He reached back and took out a dog treat, one of the really good ones Jacks rats had chewed there way into one of the store cubords and he used this to some times barter with the dogs, that were the salted beef treats the good ones.

He chucked it down to the dog, he always made bets with Dice, if he one Dice would gain him accsess to the kitchen were some real good food was kept, he couldn’t get in as they had sealed the place up good. But he had bet on blacklight, not george.
He didn’t feel guilty for doing so, it didn’t change he relasonship with those wolves, he often in the past told blacklight and george who he bet on and asked them what they thought. But he was sad they had to fight, he had hoped for the both of them, that they would kill each other so not to brake the other.

“I Hope you ant been getten you self into any truble, dice me boy”, he wouldn’t speak like he normal did with the wolves till dice left.
He now lent on the side of the hole he was looking down from, one leg crossed over the other and his foot resting on his toes in a casual poassion, his normal smile on his face.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 29-09-2010 19:39

"Shut up.. Just.. shut the FUCK up."


“I no you better then you think boy”, was all head said, then he left.
Shade lowered her head. What was it with Tsuna... what had changed him so? She didn't understand. He really seemed... embarrassed. Spax had caught him redhanded, knowing that Tsuna had a taste for the fights. But WHY? Why was the young male suddenly so eager to prove himself, to become a monster..?

It was so confusing. What had they DONE to him, when they had taken him seperatly?

And as Dice spoke, Tsuna only made her worries worse.
"You callin' me a liar?" he asked. "What? Don't believe a newbie like me can handle anything?" he snarled. "Guess again fleabag." he growled. "I bite and bark, let's get that straight. I'm not gunna just sit aorund and mope all day any longer!" he snapped.
Insults did not seem to touch Dice. Instead, he tilted his head very slightly, looking at Tsuna with interest.
The boy was a tad too convident... a little cocky, even. He would be in for some dissapointment, later, no doubt. The path to the top was hard...
Still, training him would be... interesting.

Blood's hears twitched, flicking towards Eight. His expression changed, but he didn't immediately look at the larger fighter. Instead he glared at Tsuna for a moment, without quite meaning to. Then, slowly, he turned, his red eyes flaming with a certain malice only known to him.

The doberman seemed to turn to stone, his shallow, furious breathing barely noticeable. But his anger was nearly palpable, thickening the air around him with a malicious aura as he looked - no, GLARED - back into Eight's eyes. He suddenly resented himself for it - and the others for singling him out amongst the other dogs who had been more cruel than
he had - and urged himself to control his temper. But he noticed Dice's amusement, and found himself unable to calm down.
Shade watched Bloodhound with her ears slightly turned back.
Would they all be shocked again now...?? Would Bloodhound take revenge...?

In her head, another question popped up, and she was surprised she even wondered about it.

'The only dog who doesn't like having a free ride with a female'...

Eight's words made her wonder why. Why was Bloodhound different on that point? He wasn't a rapist, appearantly, like the others.
But how many females would voluntairily give themselves to him? It didn't make sense....

She shook her head; why did she even CARE??!

She watched as Bloodhound approached Eight's cage. But he didn't snarl, he didn't shock them... instead, he whispered something to Eight.

She waited, tense, assuming Eight was asleep, and not hearing his words.
But to her surprise... he began to chuckle. Then, he even laughed out loud. It was... creepy, actually. It was like Eight had just snapped, in front of their eyes... like he had totally lost it.
But it stopped as sudden as it had begun.... and he turned back to his normal self.

Shade felt highly uncomfortable about it all... she wished she could dissapear. She didn't want to be punished again for what someone else did...

Dice chuckled softly, surprised and amused by Eight's outburst, especially since it meant Blood wasn't taken seriously at all... whatever he had said. But he too straightend his face when Blood turned back to him.

"Well, looks like you're already buddy buddy with them. Have at it. I have other things to attend to."

He started for the exit. As he passed Dice, he said something under his breath that the other dog wouldn't hear... then disappeared through the flaps and was gone.
Shade watched him leave with perked ears.
So... they where alone with the new dog....

Somehow, that didn't make her feel any better.

Dice watched Blood leave with a completely blank face. Then, he got up and stretched.

- ''Well... 'jackass' has a few more things to say before leaving.'' He shook his fur.

''Like, for example...''

He walked over to Eight's cage, but kept quite a respectful distance from the actual bars. He wasn't sure if Eight was still listening, or asleep again. But it hardly mattered; What he was about to say, was important for every wolf staying here.

''First of all... It's not the best idea to anger Bloodhound like that. I see why, of course... and I guess I should be... happy, with it. But it'd be a pity for you to get punished over something like this. Honestly, I feel you should save your strength. You'll need it, as you know better then anyone else. Just a word of advice... Do with it as you like.''

He then went on, without waiting for an answer, and without expecting one; Eight hadn't seemed to be in the mood to talk. He also knew Eight despised the dogs as much as the dogs despised the wolves. Eight wasn't new to any of this... the facility was familiar to him. For him, Dice's words had just been stating the obvious. Thus, he didn't really think Eight would take him seriously. He had no illusions.
No matter... he wouldn't be training him, after all.

He had already spotted Cadinal's hostile behaviour towards him. He gritted his teeth for a moment; it seemed Bloodhound had already ruined his reputation when it came to her. Not a scrap of respect from her... Damn.
He didn't feel like showing her what he could do, and perhaps hurting her in the process... he'd rather train her to get the best out of herself. She was obviously favoured by the mistress... and he didn't want to damage her 'toy'.

- ''So...'' He passed Shade's cage without even looking at her; he was intentionally ignoring her. Like she wasn't worth his attention. Like she wasn't even there...

''As for you...'' He walked passed Cardinal's cage, still keeping his distance. ''Don't glare at me like that. I'm sure you don't like me, and the feeling is mutual. But like it or not... you wolves need me.'' He flickered an ear, and walked on. ''I'm here to teach you all to get the best out of yourselves. To be the most you can be. To take your first steps to the top, as you will... at least, if you got what it takes.''

He suddenly looked over his shoulder and grinned at Shade, before walking on and completely ignoring her again.

- ''Some of you will die in the fights. Some of you will not even get close to reaching a decent level; those will perish in the beginner fights. Honestly, there's not much lost to those who do. I can mostly tell who those will be... from the beginning.''

Shade gulped; her ears flattened.
She knew Dice was talking about her. The way he had looked at her... the way he treated her. Like she was worth nothing....

So... he thought she would die? He thought she wouldn't make it...?

She suddenly felt nervous; she backed away to a corner of her cage and sat down.
What if he was right...?

Dice continued. - ''I know, Blackmask, that you don't like your nick. But nicks can change... it all depends on you.''

He then went on to Tsuna.

- ''And then, we have you. Our troublemaker... the most eager one of the bunch... the one who seems determined to make it to the top.'' He sat down in front of Tsuna's cage. ''I must say, it's a good start. I'll have my eye on you. For your sake, I hope I won't be training you too long... because that would mean you're a quick leaner and a good fighter. And I have a strong feeling you will be... You can go far, kid.''

He gazed at George. ''I only train the beginners up to his level. Don't think little of that; it's NOT easy to come that far. I've watched him, and Blacklight. They where fast and efficient... formidable fighters. Looking down upon them, even in my position, would be a mistake. All of you need to become just that, and much more... And, to reach the top, you need to become WAY better then they... George, will ever be.'' He paused, then looked up. ''Oh, and before I forget... I will take a single one of you out to train alone with me from time to time, to see how you have progressed. Don't think it'll be an easy way to kill me off... because it won't be. Many wolves have tried. I expect at least one of you to try it, too. But it's no use. Remember your collars... and just look at poor George.'' He nodded towards him. ''Some of us might not go into the ring ourselves, but that doesn't make us any less of a fighter. Please don't make me prove that to you. I hate unneccessary bloodshed.''

His words discouraged Shade even more.
He thought she wouldn't make it... and the path he layed down for them, sounded downright impossible.
How much better then George and Blacklight could you get?
As good as Triple Eight, perhaps? How many of them would make it to THAT level??
Not her... she didn't have such strength... nor would she ever have it.
How much chance did she have...?

Would she indeed die here...?

- ''Well... that's enough 'song and dance' from me, for now.'' Dice concluded. ''I hope it straightend some things up for you. Any questions? I'm sure you're all pretty confused, after such a busy day...''

Shade softly began to growl.
Oh yes... she had a QUESTION, alright. Like, WHY he didn't believe she'd survive. Or WHY he thought she was so worthless...

But he completely ignored her again, and she couldn't bring herself to speak up.
Why did she feel so LITTLE around this guy?!

At that moment, Tsuna actually asked a question.
"So..." he said quietly. "What ... did you think of it..?"
Dice perked his ears, wondering to whom this question was aimed. He waited for a moment, to see if any of his fellow wolves would decide to answer his question.
“same old shit different day, il hold my judgment on you three till tomarrow”, he said in his deep growl. His eyes turned to dice, he had nodded to him when he had been talking back to blood. Eight didn’t care, he wanted him dead like all the rest of the low dogs.
Eight was the first to respond. Shade perked her ears.

- ''I...'' She began. But Dice suddenly turned his head to her, and her words just seemed to die in her mouth.
She growled and turned her head away, for a moment, to avoid his gaze.

- ''I found them disgusting.'' She answered, honestly.
She wasn't willing to tell Tsuna how shocked she had been. How she had thrown a few fits, and how agressive she had became herself watching all those horrors. How hurt she had been, watching the fight between Blacklight and George, unable to look away....

... because, if she told him all that... Dice would know, too.

Her eyes strayed back to George, in the cage besides her.
He looked horrible... How she wished she could curl up against him, let him know he was not alone. It would do both of them a lot of good. But she was alone in a cage of concrete and bars, unable to touch any of her fellow wolves, and with the eyes of the dogs on them most of the time.

Spax would be back. Maybe even with punishment in store for her. Bloodhound would be back... agitated and angry after all the challenging they had done. And Dice would be here... to train them, probably taking a sickening delight in doing so.
It was like there was no privacy here, even though they had some time without the dogs each day.

She couldn't even speak her mind....

Dice grinned slightly and let out a very short chuckle at Shade's answer.
Disgusting.... ha, just as he thought. Pathetic. The female would be an easy target...
Oh yes.. he would take pleasure in slowly ripping her apart, mentally... Bloodhound's little favourite...

“Well well what have we got going on down here”, Jack finaley spoke up walking out of the darkness with his paw on his hips looking down at them all.
He knew dice, and knew he wouldnt attack him thanks to Spax word.
“R Dice me boy, how ya been, oh that reminds me, I owe ya for that fight I lost the bet it seems”, he said guestaring at George who was still out of it.
Dice looked up as the rat came down.
Unlike most of the dogs, he didn't really dislike the rats. In fact... he had seen how useful they could be, both to him as to anyone else.
It was important to keep them close... give them some respect, before they'd decide to turn sides.

He snickered.

- ''Good to see you again, Jack.'' He didn't get up, but he did look at him with perked ears, adressing him properly. ''Yeah... well.'' His eyes flashed to George, and back to Jack again. ''Pity, huh. What can we do.''
He then licked his lips unintentionally; he knew what was coming...
He reached back and took out a dog treat, one of the really good ones Jacks rats had chewed there way into one of the store cubords and he used this to some times barter with the dogs, that were the salted beef treats the good ones.

He chucked it down to the dog.

“I Hope you ant been getten you self into any truble, dice me boy”, he wouldn’t speak like he normal did with the wolves till dice left.
He now lent on the side of the hole he was looking down from, one leg crossed over the other and his foot resting on his toes in a casual poassion, his normal smile on his face.
Dice took his snack carefully, chewed longer then neccessary, and finally swallowed, followed by some more lip-licking.
- ''Ah... wonderful.'' He smiled. ''Thanks. Don't you worry, Jack, you'll surely win one of our bets again so enough. I know how clever you are.''

He then perked his ears again. ''Didn't get myself in trouble... yet.'' He answered, before grinning again.

Trouble... Oh yes. There would be LOTS of trouble again, soon....
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
The Shadow Hound
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Joined: 08-07-2009 20:17

Post by Shaydie » 30-09-2010 01:12

(Kisha, you DO realize that if Cardinal doesn't rip Dice's throat out, Blood WILL if he screws with Shade long enough.)

Cardinal lay on the floor of her cell, watching the events unfold before her. She didn't discover much more than she already knew - Dice was a bastard, Blood was... interesting, Shade was unsure of herself, Tsuna was running on pure testosterone and Eight was as terrifyingly crazy as usual. But on one point she pondered - why exactly Blood refused to rape another canine. Eight had mentioned it, but in such a way that he snapped it out like an insult. Cardinal couldn't find a reason to hate the doberman for this. It seemed to her that he respected females, instead of treating them like chew toys like the other worthless dogs around there. Somehow... she found it a little endearing. As a female wolf, and one older than Shade, she had that unique feminine affinity for subtle respect. Bloodhound was still just as much of a bastard as Spax and Dice, but she felt that he could be trusted... to a point.

Unlike the idiot that waltzed before them like a rooster.
''First of all... It's not the best idea to anger Bloodhound like that. I see why, of course... and I guess I should be... happy, with it. But it'd be a pity for you to get punished over something like this. Honestly, I feel you should save your strength. You'll need it, as you know better then anyone else. Just a word of advice... Do with it as you like.''
She snickered, not caring if Dice heard - for all she cared he could kiss his own ass. So he WAS afraid of the other dog. No fool would say something like that to a top fighter if he wasn't afraid. And she'd give him something else to be afraid of--
''As for you...'' He walked passed Cardinal's cage, still keeping his distance. ''Don't glare at me like that. I'm sure you don't like me, and the feeling is mutual. But like it or not... you wolves need me.''
The hell we do. Cardinal thought, her fur bristling quietly. But she said nothing, her eyes still locked savagely on his.
He suddenly looked over his shoulder and grinned at Shade, before walking on and completely ignoring her again.

- ''Some of you will die in the fights. Some of you will not even get close to reaching a decent level; those will perish in the beginner fights. Honestly, there's not much lost to those who do. I can mostly tell who those will be... from the beginning.''
Shade seemed to realize who he was talking to as quickly as Cardinal did, and this time the red female began to growl. How dare he! But then the growl was dismissed and she glanced coldly at Shade. She would be fine, for sure - if she was still here, why wouldn't she be able to survive? They all had it in them... they were WOLVES for Okami's sake! Born and bred to fight and kill and make their own way. So if that dog wanted to underestimate them, fine - it'd be the last thing he ever did!
''I know, Blackmask, that you don't like your nick. But nicks can change... it all depends on you.''
"You'll be calling me 'Monster' when I'm done with your ass you sorry mistake of a furball."

She'd muttered it to herself whilst the dog continued on to Tsuna, but perhaps Dice heard, or maybe he didn't. She didn't particularly care. What none of these wolves knew is that she already had her own technique, her own experience, her own blackness at the bottom of her heart. She'd maimed and killed too many wolves to count - all that was left now was to harness that darkness and make it a permanent part of her. She would make them understand that... she would MAKE them.
''Well... that's enough 'song and dance' from me, for now.'' Dice concluded. ''I hope it straightend some things up for you. Any questions? I'm sure you're all pretty confused, after such a busy day...''
"Yeah I do. When do we get to kick your ass?"

She was deadly serious, although she didn't expect a simple reply. No doubt he'd have some smart comment to go along with it, or maybe he'd just snap at her and not inform her of when she'd get a shot at him.

Tsuna also had a question, although it was directed at all of them rather than just Dice. What did they think of it he'd inquired. Eight's response was predictable - cold, heartless. She found herself hating him more than the dogs. Shade's was much more tolerable. Disgusting, she'd said. Dice seemed to take pleasure in such a response. Cardinal declined the obligation to answer the question, and instead rolled onto her side, seeking more comfort than the concrete floor could offer.
“Well well what have we got going on down here”
She glanced up, watching as Jack materialized out of the shadows of the hole he'd disappeared into earlier. She looked at him for a few seconds, then closed her eyes again and relaxed, eager to get some sleep before the dogs got another snap at them.


He was almost high on his emotions.

A mixture of expectancy, rage, pleasure, and tension filled him to the brim. He trotted down the cold hallways with an air of certainty that made all passing dogs stare. This time, he paid them no attention. He was getting back into the fights - he would be playing God again, deciding who lived and who died.

Of course, every dog he got his fangs in during a fight... died.

His new collar - a black one with two silver stars that identified him as a Speed Fighter - felt as if it were gold. And it was, in a sense. He treasured this position above all others. And to celebrate this new-found glory, he needed a female's comforts... and he knew just where to find it.

He turned into a room reserved for former breeding females. Now infertile, they were mostly used as bait for fighting wolves like Triple Eight. But most survived quite well as long as they knew how to manipulate the males with influence.. like himself and Spax - Master's Dogs, some called them; the favorite of each powerful human. Almost as soon as he stepped in, a few females rushed to the fronts of the cages, whining, calling... A few others didn't move at all, too proud to offer themselves as collateral. But there was only one that he could find that he wanted. The doberman strode to the back of the line of cages, and licked his muzzle in expectation.

"Hello, Darcy, how are you today?"

He meant what he asked. This was one of the females that willingly submitted to him, wanted him. The other femmes would take any dog that would come their way, all too desperate to think. Darcy, an Akita with a lush orange and creme coat, met him at the front of her cage with a smile that made his blood run hot. She licked his nose through the bars.

"Well, I'm just fine, Sugar. What can I do for you today? ... Ah, what a lovely new collar! Looks like I've got myself a fighter again, baby."

She licked his nose again, and he smiled, blocking out the growls of the other girls. They were all doomed if they couldn't find a friend in high places, and they knew it. But it was no concern of his. He returned Darcy's gesture and nodded.

"Just as you say, sweetheart. I think this calls for a celebration.. don't you agree?"

The akita blinked, then licked her lips, chuckling.

"It's been a while. You sure you're up to it?"

"Ready if you are."

Blood pushed a button on the wall next to Darcy's cage, and crawled underneath the small gap that opened up beneath the bars.

Such a sweet warmth...

(And there's your answer to how Blood gets his girls. He's already got a few under his paws. And yes! Darcy has a Southern accent. She's quite the charmer.)[/quote]
Silver of the Mist
Posts: 2297
Joined: 12-01-2009 03:01

Post by SilverWolf92 » 08-10-2010 09:35

urf i'm sorry guys crap post literally i just couldn't think of anything cuz of wrk and all but i didn't wnat to hold this up any longer. []]

"I know you better than you think boy."

Sure, it was all that Spax had said. But the fact of the matter was... Tsuna could suddenly feel all the blood drain from his body; and he felt his legs start to give way before he pulled himself together. What pained Tsuna the most was that yes, Spax was probably right. And in being right, Spax was also correct that Tsuna was becoming more like the others. That confirmation now from the older dog made Tsuna's lips curl. This was bad... very, very, bad.

Enough was enough however. Tsuna couldn't dwell on the past or the mixed feelings he had for this situation... He'd have to go with it, and in doing so he'd have to come to terms with yes, he was becoming a killer. Couldn't handle it? Well, there was always that saying about how if you couldn't stand the heat to get out of the fire...
- ''And then, we have you. Our troublemaker... the most eager one of the bunch... the one who seems determined to make it to the top.'' He sat down in front of Tsuna's cage. ''I must say, it's a good start. I'll have my eye on you. For your sake, I hope I won't be training you too long... because that would mean you're a quick leaner and a good fighter. And I have a strong feeling you will be... You can go far, kid.''

His ears perked when Dice had yet again spoken to him. He had to agree with everyone else up until this point. Did that dog ever shut the fuck up? His eyes narrowed and he stared, a pout across his face. Great he had to stare at the dumb ass but somehow the words intruiged the boy. He snickered at the comment. "I can handle it... It may be hard, but I'll be able to manage. You'll see." he managed a toothy smile.

Afterward, he merely listened to what the others had to say after asking the question; quietly thinking to himself.

Posts: 1501
Joined: 24-03-2009 03:00

Post by Leo » 09-10-2010 01:18

''Good to see you again, Jack.'' He didn't get up, but he did look at him with perked ears, adressing him properly. ''Yeah... well.'' His eyes flashed to George, and back to Jack again. ''Pity, huh. What can we do.''

''Ah... wonderful.'' He smiled. ''Thanks. Don't you worry, Jack, you'll surely win one of our bets again so enough. I know how clever you are.''

He then perked his ears again. ''Didn't get myself in trouble... yet.'' He answered, before grinning again.

Jack grinned looking down at George to, he wanted to talk to him when he came around, he left so sorry for him, Blacklight and him had been together since they were born. As the spoke blacklight was rotting with the other wolves in the pit.

All of that was hidden behind the rats dark eyes.

“Well for starters lad you can train them harder, than I might be better poisoned to make me self some better bets”

He watched as dice grinned in the way that said some poor barstard some were in this place was in for a ruff night.

“rrr I bet lad, your always in bother or putting some one eals in bother”, he laughed with a grin.

He glanced at them all down there his eyes lingering on tsuna and Cardinal. He was impressed by the pups heart, he needed some polishing up but he had a lot of guts. As for Cardinal he had just being doing some info gathering for Spax on Cardinal behalf and was back to talk to her about it. He then looked down at shade and gave her a quick wink.

“Dice me boy what you think of awere new brew nice ay”, he said opeining his arms guestering to them all.

Meanwile Eight was laying there thinking about all of this. He could feel looking around at them all that he wanted to worry about them like he use to the last time he was here. Have the pack back. But he didn’t want the hurt that could come with it. He didn’t want to lose them again. The old horra that happened in his played before his dead eyes. And like it was on cue a scent reached his nose. Instently he stood up with out relising it. And looked towords the door of the cell.

He rembered that scent. His hackles stood on end, which never happened unless he was under the blood rush but this guy could make it happen.
In this place a lot of new wolves went on about the goddess of the wolves “Okami”, she was the one who loved all wolves and guided them to hevan paradise. Eight hated her with all his heart. If she was indeed the top god, the one that loved them all and created all, then why did she let all these horrors happen to them. The only two gods Eight truly repected was the goddess of death, and the devil who went by the name of darcia.

As this was hell it wasn’t suprising he walk here. That why Eight bleved in the gods and respected Darcia it was because he was real.

Jake spotted the change in eight and froze him self looking to the door. He back away into the darkness of the crack in the wall looking on with out being seen. He spoke to this wolf like he did Spax, but hated it.
The human who owned the 5th cercal, had his own wolf, like how mistress had Spax. And this wolf was unnachral he had been pumped with all sorts of human things to make him the way he was. The wolves around the place thought he was the devil. He wasn’t he was just a wolf that was changed by man. But he was leathal and exstreamly dangeros. Jake spoke to him like he was royoalty, wouldn’t joke or be light hearted. This wolf was the top dog of the place, along with his master.

The dog door slide open and a massive figer walked in and stood up properly after stooping to get throw the flap.
It was a white wolf, massive in form, made Eight look small in comparison. Its eyes were freaky as hell, his eye colour was black but his pupils were white. He was strangly beautiful he ficherls handsom. And he was pure wolf not a half breed and he didn’t have a collar on at all.
He was serios mucle.
Eight stood ferm looking strait into the wolfs eyes. Him and Six had dreamed of the day they could take him on and kill him. They had talked about it and how they would do it. They had known that they would have need both of them to do it. Triple Six had been the biggest wolf eight had ever known. But this wolf made even him look small in comparison. He was more the size of a lion or tiger. It was unachral on ever level.
It was heartless crule.

The wolf looked around with his freaky eyes looking at each wolf in turn then at eight, puseing then onto dice.

“hmm Spax had told me he had new charges, who knew it would be wolves like this”, it said in a proper well spoken voice. It sent sivers up Eight’s spine. The voice had no warmth at all nothing, it was evil.

“Triple Eight, see you finaly got a grip all that fight was for nothing, shame thow I was enjoying awere little sessions together”, it said smiling.
It was indeed good looking.
Eight mean wile growled.
“You and me both Darcia, I cant wait to have my strength back so I can tear you throat open”, he said in a quiter voice then normal.
The wolf mearly smiled and looked away, he walked up to Cardinal looking her over, then over to Shade.
“at lest my masters draughter has got some good looking wolves for a change, wonder if il get a chance to play”, he said breathing in the scent of fear that was growing in the room.
He then turned to Tsuna giving him a good look over.

“a good bach all of them”, he said turning to Dice.
He looked down at dice as if looking at something a little to his disliking like a meal he didn’t like.
“Train them well”, he said.
He was about to walk out when he stopped at Shades cage and looked back in at her, he put his head close to the bars and put it down to her level.

“come here”, he said in a quite but deadly voice.

Eight snarled.

“leave them alone”, he said matching the wolfs voice.
Darcia ignored him.

What am I doing Eight thought, there not my concern.

Darcia glanced at the other female, he wanted to play with that one to but the his masters draughter had something in mind for that, he would wait before playing with her.
He would visit the young male before he left to.
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Post by Nakisha » 09-10-2010 13:31

She snickered, not caring if Dice heard.

The hell we do. Cardinal thought, her fur bristling quietly. But she said nothing, her eyes still locked savagely on his.

Shade seemed to realize who he was talking to as quickly as Cardinal did, and this time the red female began to growl. How dare he! But then the growl was dismissed and she glanced coldly at Shade.

"You'll be calling me 'Monster' when I'm done with your ass you sorry mistake of a furball." She'd muttered it to herself whilst the dog continued on to Tsuna, but perhaps Dice heard, or maybe he didn't. She didn't particularly care.
Dice's ear turned, but he didn't pay more attention to her.
He registrated it all, though.... he would remember it.

But as soon as he had finished, Cardinal decided to challenge him openly.

"Yeah I do. When do we get to kick your ass?"

She was deadly serious, although she didn't expect a simple reply. No doubt he'd have some smart comment to go along with it, or maybe he'd just snap at her and not inform her of when she'd get a shot at him.
Dice sighed. As he feared... Bloodhound's sneers had given the wolves the impression he was worthless, not to be taken seriously. Just a stooge, a low dog, bossed around by Spax and Blood, without skill of his own. He knew she would give him a hard time the next training. That she would be the one seriously trying to damage him.

- ''You get that chance first thing tomorrow.'' He answered, ignoring the sarcastic sneer it really was from her and simply adressing it seriously. ''You can try. If you manage, I'll congratulate you on stepping up all those levels at once. And I'll mean it. It would mean you're a force to be reckoned with. It would mean you're as good as George and Blacklight. It would mean you're ready for the fights... and that you'll be fought very soon.''

He paused, then narrowed his eyes slightly. ''So... are you?''

Shade watched Cardinal. She wished she had her confidence...
Still, watching the older, more experienced female handle this, she tried to remember her ways. She could learn from Cardinal... he could learn how to handle herself around here. Cardinal wasn't given so much attention by ''the mistress'' for nothing, no doubt. Even though Shade didn't really knew what the human wanted from her... it was a sign that Cardinal was something special. How or why was unknown, at least, for now.

"I can handle it... It may be hard, but I'll be able to manage. You'll see." he managed a toothy smile.
Dice grinned happily at Tsuna's answer. ''That's what I'd like to hear!'' He gave a short nod.

Jack grinned looking down at George to.
“Well for starters lad you can train them harder, than I might be better poisoned to make me self some better bets”

He watched as dice grinned in the way that said some poor barstard some were in this place was in for a ruff night.

“rrr I bet lad, your always in bother or putting some one eals in bother”, he laughed with a grin.
Dice licked his lips and looked at the wolves. ''Oh, I promise you I'll train them as best as I can... After that, it'll be up to the other trainers. But they'll at least have some skill then.'' He snickered softly. ''It's in my own interest to get this lot to a decent level... Earns me the chance for some more of those tasty snacks...'' He winked at Jack.

He then looked down at shade and gave her a quick wink.

“Dice me boy what you think of awere new brew nice ay”, he said opeining his arms guestering to them all.
Shade felt slightly reassured as she saw Jack wink at her. Odd, though... what concelation was a rat's wink? But it did make her feel NOTICED... which made her feel better. Maybe Jáck didn't feel she was just bait after all...

''Hmm.... yes, most of them.'' Dice answered. Shade turned her ears back again. She knew thát was meant for her... She tried to ignore it. She had to keep faith... like Cardinal...

But... she wasn't néarly as good as Cardinal....

And like it was on cue a scent reached his nose. Instently he stood up with out relising it. And looked towords the door of the cell.

Jake spotted the change in eight and froze him self looking to the door. He back away into the darkness of the crack in the wall looking on with out being seen.
The sudden change in Eight startled Shade; she then saw Jack back away as well.
Dice also suddenly perked his ears and raised his head, before taking a spot well away from the dog door, slightly in the shadows.

They all knew something... and it made Shade's heart race.
Something was happening....
Instinctively, she backed down in her cage....
The dog door slide open and a massive figer walked in and stood up properly after stooping to get throw the flap.
It was a white wolf, massive in form, made Eight look small in comparison. Its eyes were freaky as hell, his eye colour was black but his pupils were white. He was strangly beautiful he ficherls handsom. And he was pure wolf not a half breed and he didn’t have a collar on at all.
He was serios mucle.
The sight of the monsterous wolf made Shade's blood run cold. She held in a gasp, refusing to show her feelings anymore in this place.
An aura of pure power and dominance was all around his wolf... as if he was filling the whole room with his presence. He was someone important... someone mighty. That much was clear. But worse of it all... He was downright UNNATURAL.

She had never seen a beast like this. She hardly recognized him as a fellow wolf... yet, another part of her did. In a way... he was handsome. But at the same time, he was the most terrifying wolf in the world... And frankly, the sight of him scared her to death. Yet, she refused to show that. Instead, she sat down and stared at the floor, watching him only from the corner of her eyes, staying in the back of the cage...

Eight stood ferm looking strait into the wolfs eyes.

The wolf looked around with his freaky eyes looking at each wolf in turn then at eight, puseing then onto dice.

“hmm Spax had told me he had new charges, who knew it would be wolves like this”, it said in a proper well spoken voice. It sent sivers up Eight’s spine. The voice had no warmth at all nothing, it was evil.
Dice held his head slightly low, in proper respect.
- ''I'm glad you're pleased with them.'' He said, his voice calm and respectful. ''I hope they'll live up to your expectations.''

Then, he fell silent again. He wouldn't speak out of term around him.

“Triple Eight, see you finaly got a grip all that fight was for nothing, shame thow I was enjoying awere little sessions together”, it said smiling.
It was indeed good looking.
Eight mean wile growled.
“You and me both Darcia, I cant wait to have my strength back so I can tear you throat open”, he said in a quiter voice then normal.
Shade wished she could dissapear in thin air as Eight said that. Damnit, had he no respect for ANYONE around here??? This wolf looked like he could take their lives in a second... Like he was something really important around here. Yet, Eight challenged him. Damn him... didn't he think about the others?!!

But she shivered as she saw the large wolf move.... and realised where to.
The wolf mearly smiled and looked away, he walked up to Cardinal looking her over, then over to Shade.
“at lest my masters daughter has got some good looking wolves for a change, wonder if il get a chance to play”, he said breathing in the scent of fear that was growing in the room.
He then turned to Tsuna giving him a good look over.
A... a chance to PLAY?!!!
Now Shade's blood really did run cold. Her breathing got shallow; she didn't want to make a sound around this guy. She didn't want him to notice her... and she refused to look at him....

“a good bach all of them”, he said turning to Dice.
He looked down at dice as if looking at something a little to his disliking like a meal he didn’t like.
“Train them well”, he said.
- ''Yes, sir. I will.'' Dice stated, his head still low.

Suddenly, a beep on his collar caught his attention. The silent room seemed to be filled with the sudden sound.
That was his call... he had to go, now.

He quickly got up, and without saying another word, he dissapeared through the flap, silently.
Actually... he was glad to leave.

He was about to walk out when he stopped at Shades cage and looked back in at her, he put his head close to the bars and put it down to her level. “come here”, he said in a quite but deadly voice.

Eight snarled.

“leave them alone”, he said matching the wolfs voice.
Darcia ignored him.

Darcia glanced at the other female.
Shade froze as the wolf stopped in front of her cage, clearly showing interest... and called for her.
Her green eyes unintentionally shot up at him, staring in surprise and shock.

She didn't WANT to come close...

What did he WANT from her...?!!

Eight snarled out, but the wolf ignored him. The fact that Eight didn't like this scared her even more... Something was DEFINATLY wrong. She saw how he turned his attention to Cardinal, and for a second, she hoped he'd move on...

But he didn't....

She knew she couldn't refuse. She realised all to well that this guy wasn't used to get 'no' for an answer.
Besides... there where still bars between them... and she didn't want to show fear again...

*Be brave, Shade... Be brave...* She thought.

And thus, she slowly got up. Her heart pounded so hard that she feared he'd hear it; she slowly came up to the bars, head slightly lowered, cautious. Insides, she was dying of fear, but outside, she didn't show it.
What did he WANT with her...?
Why her...

She stopped right in front of the bars, forcing herself to look up at him.
His eyes scared her, like everything else about him. She focussed on another spot, right under his eyes, which was only respectful... and waited, without a word, to see what he wanted with her.... as her heart raced on like mad.

Once more, she wished she could dissapear into thin air....
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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Post by Leo » 12-10-2010 17:18

( gentle but exsited bump )
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
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The Shadow Hound
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Post by Shaydie » 13-10-2010 02:36

(Haha, okay okay, I'll quit stalling. Nah, truth is I'm kinda worn out today. Tomorrow is a late start for school, though, so hopefully I'll get some well deserved rest. But on to posting! I might edit this later to make it better (because I know this is gonna suck) so keep an eye on the fanchat thread.)
''You get that chance first thing tomorrow.'' He answered, ignoring the sarcastic sneer it really was from her and simply adressing it seriously. ''You can try. If you manage, I'll congratulate you on stepping up all those levels at once. And I'll mean it. It would mean you're a force to be reckoned with. It would mean you're as good as George and Blacklight. It would mean you're ready for the fights... and that you'll be fought very soon.''

He paused, then narrowed his eyes slightly. ''So... are you?''
She bristled again, amber eyes flashing brightly against the earthy red of her coat. She doubted that she was as good as Blacklight, much less George... The way they had fought, the ruthlessness of it, was not yet in her blood. But it would be. And she was no doubt ready to prove that... to herself, if no one else. She snapped her jaws together, making a clicking sound so loud that if anything had been in her mouth it would have been crushed.

"You're just gonna have to find out, huh, you furry little bastard?"

Cardinal knew she was being foolish, challenging a dog that may or may not be stronger than she perceived. But somehow she wished for his death so strongly that the urge usurped that of her lust for the death of Spax. It was a strange feeling, one that she hadn't felt in a very long time. Perhaps it was because before, no one questioned her authority. Now, in this place, things were expected of her, but she was poked and prodded anyway. She wished to bite that dog's face off... so that he'd never underestimate ANY of them EVER AGAIN!

But as the dog's attention was diverted, so was hers, and thus she had slipped into that melancholy position on the floor, chasing sleep as it quietly evaded her.

A little while later, perhaps a few minutes, Dice was still talking with Jack when Cardinal heard Eight scramble to his feet. She flinched, knowing that not much can get a monster on its feet that quickly. She didn't move much other than turning her head towards the door. She continued to stare at it, wondering what had gotten Eight in such a strange mood...
The dog door slide open and a massive figer walked in and stood up properly after stooping to get throw the flap.
It was a white wolf, massive in form, made Eight look small in comparison. Its eyes were freaky as hell, his eye colour was black but his pupils were white. He was strangly beautiful he ficherls handsom. And he was pure wolf not a half breed and he didn’t have a collar on at all.
He was serios mucle.
Strangely, she didn't feel afraid. Instead, she felt strangely drawn to the wolf in the same way that she felt drawn to the Mistress. It was only when she stood up that she realized how big he was, and her ears went back. There was no pressing against the bars to touch him, like the events with the human girl. No, this was a different interest. A warrior seeing the superior strength of another. Teach me, her subconscious crooned, even though she knew that there was no way the wolf was natural. The humans had done something to him that she would never obtain. His was a strength that no wolf could surpass. But his eyes... they were cold. Repulsive.

If I am to die, he shall be the one to kill me.

The thought entered and exited her mind without her calling for it. It was like a subconscious reach into her fate, as if she had seen her death and changed it. Why in Okami's name had she decided her killer was mystifying, even to her, but she kept quiet, standing in the middle of her cell and just.. watching. She locked eyes with him as he glanced over her for the first time, but his attention waned and soon she was just observing again.
“hmm Spax had told me he had new charges, who knew it would be wolves like this”
The voice made her shudder... but then she cursed herself for doing so. Show no weakness, silly girl.

She listened as the wolf spoke, how Eight called him Darcia. She blinked once, but no more. There was something about this "Darcia's" demeanor that was off... evil, maybe.. but entirely wrong either way. Cocky, but not like Tsuna. It was just... wrong.

She realized then that if she were ever to be placed into a ring with that brute, it would be the end of her. It would only be expected of her to die, and to do as much pitiful damage as she could in the process... And as such, she worried intensely over the others. What of them?
He was about to walk out when he stopped at Shades cage and looked back in at her, he put his head close to the bars and put it down to her level.

“come here”, he said in a quite but deadly voice.

Eight snarled.

“leave them alone”, he said matching the wolfs voice.
Darcia ignored him.
Cardinal instantly joined in with Eight's snarling, throwing herself against the bars of her cage only once. She did it without hesitation. Yes, he would be her killer, but she'd be damned if she let him screw around with Shade in the meantime. She had enough to worry about now. Besides, it looked like he knew the Mistress had a special interest in her - she would remember this advantage for later.

"Leave her alone!"

She noticed his glance, but she didn't falter. Eight, however, seemed to calm down, evidently realizing that he was starting to care. She glared at him with the same intensity as she glared at Darcia. Weak minded monster, she thought savagely, and returned her gaze to the massive white wolf that seemed intent on messing with Shade, who had already partially given into his wishes.

Silver of the Mist
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Post by SilverWolf92 » 14-10-2010 20:31

His thoughts had been interrupted as he listened to what everyone else had been saying. An unfamiliar scent had wafted toward them, faint, but there. Somehow, the fact that his eyes wandered to Triple Eight who had just stood up, ears alert and his face staring at that door, it meant bad news for Tsuna, and he gave a small whine that had been barely audible. What more did they need now? What 'fun' surprise were they given? Hadn't they had enough? What with it being from Blacklight's death, to seeing Eight covered in blood, the rage, the fury, the madness..? What more could they possibly want or need? Was it too much to ask for a fucking break and have some peace and quiet for the night to think about everything?
The dog door slide open and a massive figer walked in and stood up properly after stooping to get throw the flap.
It was a white wolf, massive in form, made Eight look small in comparison. Its eyes were freaky as hell, his eye colour was black but his pupils were white. He was strangly beautiful he ficherls handsom. And he was pure wolf not a half breed and he didn’t have a collar on at all.
He was serios mucle.
Eight stood ferm looking strait into the wolfs eyes. Him and Six had dreamed of the day they could take him on and kill him. They had talked about it and how they would do it. They had known that they would have need both of them to do it. Triple Six had been the biggest wolf eight had ever known. But this wolf made even him look small in comparison. He was more the size of a lion or tiger. It was unachral on ever level.
It was heartless crule.
The moment the beast had walked into the room, Tsuna felt like all had gone still. Like this wolf's mere prescence encompassed them all. He for one was indeed silent. So much Tsuna had praised Triple Eight... but now, with this wolf? This... this large wolf that Eight actually seemed to have a small dispute with (and not in his favor) was... a threat. Tsuna could feel his bones begin to break down mentally, his insides churning. Just staring at this guy gave him goose bumps all over. What was this mysterious power that the wolf suddenly had over him? Actually, it made Tsuna wonder. Did the others have the same feeling he did about this guy...?

His ears perked as this wolf spoke. Darcia's voice sounded so... so sophisticated and deep. Baritone,... and deadly. His voice just... flowed. It was a flow that you wanted to get out of otherwise you'd be pulled in. Why, just hearing how Darcia sounded now sent shivers up the boy's spine. Was this what it felt like to be in absolute fear of a wolf you'd just met only by looks and sound alone? Darcia hadn't even done anything to them other than spectate, yet the boy could just sense that this wolf was the "Big Kahuna". He made Triple Eight look small, and that was just plain /bad/. Hell, even this entire ring was petty compared to Darcia.

As the wolf had looked to them all at least once, Tsuna felt his body go rigid and stiff. It was like Darcia's own prescense had slowly been suffocating the entire room as all eyes were onto him. He wondered how long this demon.... this unnatural force would stay here.
“a good bach all of them”, he said turning to Dice.
He looked down at dice as if looking at something a little to his disliking like a meal he didn’t like.
“Train them well”, he said.
Tsuna felt his chest heave, relaxing a little as it seemed that Darcia was about to leave. But all too quickly the tides had turned...
As all eyes had been on Darcia, once the wolf had looked to Dice, for a moment the sand colored wolf
He was about to walk out when he stopped at Shades cage and looked back in at her, he put his head close to the bars and put it down to her level.
“come here”, he said in a quite but deadly voice.
Eight snarled.
“leave them alone”, he said matching the wolfs voice.
In all honesty, when Eight had spoken up for them Tsuna turned to the older wolf. So... he did care? A little bit of a small crooked smile formed with the sandy wolf before it left quickly. His attention turned to Darcia who had come over to Shade's cage. His ears folded behind his head and he let out a small snarl, but he said nothing. Hell, he would have ,but Cardinal seemed to already have what looked like a biffle with Darcia. And it wasn't like they could just gang up on this wolf. True he did have to agree to leave Shade alone, but at the same time what could he do? They were just three wolves that weren't even professionals up against a wolf that was all so high and mighty. It was like a lose lose situation, and Tsuna did not want to get into something like that.

Of course, if he didn't say anything, wouldn't he look like a coward? Or maybe even worse. If paranoia was indeed setting into him, he could honestly say that what if the others felt that he wasn't truly sticking up for them? God damnit, why was he thinking about something like that now? All of this confusion was messing with his mind. He finally got down in his gut and after Cardinal had immediately said something, he responded,

"Get away from her you flea bag!"

But in honesty.... he had to wonder why they were even shouting? They were... technically safe in the cages, right? The fact that shade actually WILLINGLY got up and over toward the bars ... He shook his head. No. No blaming today.. It was just, they had to stick together and that was final.

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Post by Leo » 16-10-2010 19:44

Eight lisened as the other two shouted at him to leave her alone, it made him feel a little strange, they had united if not properly but in some way all 3 of them wanted the same thing. Shade to be left alone.

"Leave her alone!"
"Get away from her you flea bag!"

Eight looked back at Darcia he knew as he bet the others did, it wouldn’t work, he wouldn’t move.

And he didn’t. When shade walked up to him he smiled, then put his nose throw the bars and drew in a long breath taking in all of her scents. As he did he closed his eyes flitering throw them, enjoying them savering them as he always did.

“your fear is intoxicating, the aroma is like sweet perfume, I love females like you, a fresh flower plucked from the wild lands, ready to have her thorns sharpened”, he said opening his eyes and looking into her’s with a intense look. His back was to the others his tail swaying slowly.

“I want to know what give a girl like you pleaser, so I can make you scwerm, and your body betray you”, he said his grin growling now showing off his white fangs. Even them wernt nachral. Wolves normaly had slightly blunt fangs, not blunt but round tips, his his were fild to knife age like points, and one of his canines were fauls, made of steel and slightly surated.

He moved closer and lick her fur long and slow like a lover might, be for drawing back throw the bars.
“I look followed to see your progress”

Eights eyes widened as he licked her, a flash back of his past went throw his mind like a gun shot. Li darcia, what he had done.

Eight throw him self agest the bars exstremly hard forgetting about what harm it could do to his body that he should be looking after.
But his didn’t growl or bear his fangs but his hackles were up. He was falling back into his old self and he knew he must.

“Don’t you dare do that again”, eight said in a low voice.
The memory still plaging his mind, Darcia use to take Li, Raven all of the females in his old pack, and they never had a choice other wise he would kill another, always blackmail with Darcia or he would use is brute strength.

Darcia looked around at each of them, time to teach them some respect.
“Or what Eight, you were never able to stop me back then and you cant now”he smiled as he spoke moking eight.

Eight growled deep in his chest but still he didn’t change his face, no beared fangs, but his eyes made it clear what he would do if he were let out of his cell.
Darcia turned away from he and went up to Tsuna straight up to his door.
His body langwiged change from when he had been with Shade, he moved quicker sharper. Eyes wide and aggressive.

“you want to prove your self boy!. Back up your words we will see whos the flea bag”, he spat and then he moved his tail up down then around.

Jack who had been watching with a sad look gasped. “shit” he whispered.

The door to his cell clicked and opened with a screech.
Darcia chatged followed towering above tsuna.

Eight slammed his body agest the bars again.
“Give him hell kid”, he growled, he knew he wouldn’t win but he should fight any way.
Never back down, never surreneder.
HE also knew Darcia wouldn’t hurt him to much other wise he would get in truble, they needed to be trained not hurt.

Darcia went to headbutt Tsuna right in the side, moving like a bullet, like he wasn’t as big as he was, the speed didn’t seem to fit his size. And he gave no pause he ran in and lunged, he would make this pup whine in submission.
live fast, die young in a nice pair of shorts.
plz for give my spelling Image
umm you all rock :D
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