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Posted: 12-01-2011 17:50
by Leo
he loved her little moans and sobs, it was like when he was playing with is victem before the first cut or strike. he enjoyed her scent of arousle now filling the air, mixing with his own scent and the strong musk of fear. He watched her sobs.

then when he massarged her wings she kicked off again. swearing at him. he didnt remove his hand from her soft spot but curled his other into a fist and brought it down hard into the small of her back hard to stop her.

"now now, no need to get nasty or i will", he said threatningly.
"if you do that again il cut your wings off you got that birdy".

He then moved back to attending her sacred place. this time inserting to fingers, he pushed them in deep, then froz in suprise but only for a second, she was a virgin now that made things a whole lot more fun.

"you got to be kinding me little bird", he said sitting back on his hunches he pulled his fingers out of her and licked her sweet juicse off of them enjoying her sweet taste.

"oh this is my lucky day and a suprise a bird like you in this city dam they make dreamers like you".

He went back down close to her again this time he moved this head down to her inner thiy and took a long breath in throw his nose.

"hmm sweet".

he moved up and licked her sacred folds with his ruff felin tong.
"yeah that taste good", he said coming up this paws now reaching down to his trousers.
"im going to enjoy this".

Posted: 12-01-2011 20:18
by Mak
His fist slammed into the center of her back and her whole body dropped even further to the floor, her legs giving out and her hips hitting the carpet, the moisture from her pussy lips staining it. She was fully sprawled on the floor now, if there weren't any restraints or a psycho on top of her she might've imagined this to be a pleasurable time, but as it was she just felt exhausted.

"now now, no need to get nasty or i will", he said threateningly.
"if you do that again i'll cut your wings off, you got that birdy?"

Rita froze totally, all muscles clamped and wouldn't move. He'd cut off her wings if she tried anything else! Her wings! And she believed he'd do it, too, to it the slowest way possible. Anything was better than being wingless, just the thought of not being able to touch the sky nearly made her mind go blank at the sheer fear of such a possibility. The threat had another affect though, her folds, stimulated by such utter terror, almost worse than the fear of death, produced even more lubricant for his fingers which he now shoved two into, not gentle like before, but jamming up to the knuckle.

It was uncomfortable, not painful, her folds were so tight that any intruder even if it was just a cotton swab would find a difficult fit. Then he hit her hymen and Rita gasped. It was her last defense, the last boundary between her and her virginity. Rita manipulated her front end so she turned around and stared at him with big pleading eyes, cheeks stained with tears and mascara, silently begging him not to continue, fearing that anything vocal, anything not in complete cooperation would lose her her most prized possession. He pulled his fingers out.

"you got to be kinding me little bird"

And licked her juices off. Little bird. That's what she'd become now, a little bird...his little bird. A once proud gryphon, reduced to this, at the mercy of a perverted cat, and her virginity just fueled his passion.

"oh this is my lucky day and a suprise a bird like you in this city dam they make dreamers like you"

His bent down, his nose just about touching her vagina and breathed in. She could smell her own arousal now, and his. Avians didn't have the best noses, but she could smell him clearly. The exhale was just as drawn out, the warmth, contrasting his ice cold nose, made her shudder and release an unwanted moan into the carpet.

"hmm sweet".

Rita sobbed again, and cried out in momentary pain that turned to pleasure and a soft mixture between a groan and a moan as his rough tongue across her entire cavern, hitting her clit again. The absence of anything touching her down there for even a split second made her feel empty, and she hated herself for wishing he'd do it again. This was what he wanted, he wanted her body to betray her, and she was ashamed to admit it was working. She thought she was stronger than this.

"yeah that tastes good. I'm going to enjoy this".

Posted: 16-01-2011 23:39
by Leo
he stod up and removed his trosuers and brefs, his manhood now out for all her to see, He pride was long and thick nothing over the top but any male to have what he had would be in no way dissapointed.

He looked down at her giving her chance to get a good look at him and his member. he loved the scent of this room, he loved her squwerming and moaning. she would be moaning in a second thow. He lent over and pulled out a exstremly evil looking combat knife 11 inches of blade then grabbed on of the soft napkins that had fullen on the floor, he then knelt back down and rolled her over so she was on her back, her bowned hands now agest the floor.

"aaww now thats a sad face", with his left hand that held the cloath he wipped her eyes free of the stained mascara. his right paw clutching the knife.

"thats better you dont look like a slut now, nothing worse then smered makup, now you look clean up lets open them up and show me the sweet spot", he moved the knife were her legs were and brushed the flat eage down her inner thie, being carful not to cut her.

if she rufused he would stab the knife hard into the floor right next to her wings if she didnt and opened her legs like a good girl he would stab the knife into the floor a little way off and above her.

"see if you hadnt of been silly we could have enjoyed this with you willing, well willing at first", he sneered.

He moved his cock and rubbed it up and down her lips putting only a very slight presser on.

"enjoying your self?".

Posted: 17-01-2011 00:01
by Mak
"aaww now thats a sad face"

He flipped her over onto her back, he knees up in the air closed as tight as she could get them, but the sight of that combat knife opened her eyes in pure terror. Would he mutilate her even if she complied? Would she have any incentive to be 'willing' or was that just an illusion? He talked and acted tenderly, wiping away her stained mascara and speaking as if he honestly cared about what she was going through, and had he not held that big knife she might even believe that was the case.

"thats better you dont look like a slut now, nothing worse then smered makup, now you look clean up lets open them up and show me the sweet spot"

She glared at him, but didn't dare to do anything else. She hated it, but being a virgin it seemed a slut was exactly what he'd turn her into if he had his say, and by the way he had interacted with the other club members it seemed he'd get a very big say. He was giving her one last chance to cooperate, to be 'willing'...she whimpered, but as he brought the cold edge of the blade against her thigh, she whimpered and slowly but surely parted her knees with a sob. She turned her head away, too disgusted to even look at him, her rapist.

He moved quickly and Rita squirmed as the knife sank into the carpeted floor above her elbow.

"see if you hadnt of been silly we could have enjoyed this with you willing, well willing at first"

If only she'd been stronger. She couldn't help it, it was like looking at a horrible car wreck, she had to look, his pink meat rubbing up and down her vagina, puffy and swollen with need. She'd have to watch as he did the dirty deed, even if he was her rapist, it was her first time...she had to see...had to.

"enjoying your self?"

"What answer would make you happier, you sick freak?"

Posted: 18-01-2011 20:15
by Leo
"What answer would make you happier, you sick freak?"

Now that made him smile as he smeared her jucse all over his cock. With one quick furm push, he pushed the head of his member into her folds, she was tight exstremly tight, it was heaven. But all he could do was smile at her as what ever sound she made would answer her own queston.

“Well lets so how you think about this then hmmm”, he said feeling his own heart rate start to clime now.
He pushed in slowly, feeling her warm envelop him, he pulled out slightly then push in, then pulled back the pushed in, until he hit that helm of hers. He had his eyes close until that point enjoying ever sensasion her breathing moans, crys. He looked at her his smile still on his face.
“hope your ready, you ant going to get this back”.

And with that he slammed the rest of his lenth into her braking her helm. His thrusting started off slow and worked up in speed and power. His started to pant now.
Ever push was exstersy the sounds smells of mating was his one of his best ways to relaxes and this was fantastic he could do what he wanted with her and not worry at all. She was his to use.

He reached followed had fondled her breasts with one paw. He growled and added his own moans to the mix of sounds, she was exstremly tight almost painfully so, it was amazing.

Posted: 18-01-2011 23:59
by Mak
She could see his cock, primed and firm and rearing to go. She couldn't tell how big it was compared to anyone else, being her first, but she knew it was going to hurt, and it needed all the lube it could get. He got into position, she could feel the head at her entrance and she braced herself as best she could, whimpering. It seemed to take some effort to push past her initial resistance, but when he popped through she gasped. She'd never felt anything like this down there, never even experimented, saving it for her true love, and now she was penetrated by a thick cock stretching her more than she'd been stretched.

“Well lets so how you think about this then hmmm”

He went slow at first, allowing them both to get accommodated, for her to stretch to fit him. She sobbed, large wracking sobs shook her body, forlorn cries signaling a loss of all hope falling on deaf ears. It was uncomfortable, even slow as it was, to be speared when she was unwilling and somewhat dry. It would've been much worse had he not be kind enough to toy with her first. She groaned in pain as he thrust forward slowly, it felt like a cramp in her belly, but unlike a cramp this wouldn't go away with time or stretching, it would just get worse. "Nnnnnnnnggg!!" followed by an intake of breath as she tried to deal with the pain by holding her breath.

She felt him hit her hymen and her eyes shot open, her heart beat started to race with her breathing, fear and anxiety building up.
“hope your ready, you aint going to get this back”. And with one large thrust he truly stole her virginity, popped her cherry, the ripping of her inner barrier, had her throw her head back and scream a shrill, bloodcurdling cry of absolute pain. She'd heard of friends who'd had their hymen broken gently, romantically, he just powered through causing as much pain as possible.

The thrusts after that initial big one started off slow, but her untouched passages weren't ready like the area before her hymen, and the sudden massive intruder ripped and teared, being forced impossibly wide and was shredded as a result, multiplying the pain caused by the removal of her hymen. It wasn't long before he picked up the pace, the blood from her poor cave allowing for easier passage of his disgusting cock, but the large intruder was no rubbing raw her ripped passage and Rita cried out in pain at each thrust. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ngg! Ah! Ah! Ah!" She silently pleaded for some small miracle, she'd heard some rape victims feeling pleasure, and despite the humiliation she found herself begging for some comfort from the assault on her body, but other than the softest twitch there was no pleasure in the dirty deed.

He started panting, his face contorted into one of pure bliss, a sight that just made her hate him more. He reached forward and cupped her breast in his paw, fondling it. She couldn't focus on anything but the pain between her hips, she didn't know the blood from her torn passage was leaking out past his dick with each thrust. She hoped he'd be done soon, so that her torture would end, but he showed no signs of even slowing, and her torment went on, her cries starting to sound like pants they came with such frequency. Tears streamed down her eyes as she was brutally raped and in between cries one could hear her sobs still wracking her body underneath the pitch black panther.

Posted: 22-01-2011 20:54
by Leo
"girl your unreal", he panted opening his eyes to look at her tear stained face.
He watched here with ever thrust, her pain showing throw it did nothing but make him more exsited but thats wasnt what he wanted he wanted for her to beg for it, he wanted her to fall pray to him, all her talk of being some hot shot hunter. he slowed down his thrusts and made them softer more to a romaic beat, he thrust in slow and gently.

"i cant have you not enjoying your self", he purred moving his paw that was still on her brest down to her pussy.
He rubbed it gently over her clit as he pushed into her, he was well exsprenced in love making and knew how to go for a long amount of time.

he pushed into her pusing for a moment enjoying her heat then pulled out of her completly but kept rubbing her clit.
"your a fine catch little birdy", he lent down on her and started licking her brests playing close attenion to her nipples.
He then licked her neck and nipped her lightly breathing in her fear tasting it. He loved it all of it, he loved his job and the new exsprense it brought like this one, he douted he make a habbit out of rape, still want his thing but it didnt stop it being fun. he liked the mind games when it came to his killing and prefered his sex partnaers to want it. so joining the two together make her enjoy it make her beg for him to push it back in her.

he wasnt some mindless male, he could wait play it slow... hmm maybe some flattery.

"Your feathers so soft", he purred.

"how the hell did you stay a vergin so long and why", he licked up her neck again then down to her brest, all the wile playing softly with her pussy.

Posted: 23-01-2011 21:22
by Mak
"girl you're unreal"

Well at least one of them was getting something out of this. Rita hated him, hated every fiber of his being, and she cursed herself for being hasty and thinking she was smart by seducing him to get VIP access, thinking she could get out of her seductive role easily and finding her target. The panther slowed down considerably, and her stretched pussy felt less inflamed, less raw, the pain from her bloodied passage was lessening, but there was still no pleasure.

"i cant have you not enjoying your self"

His paw left her breast and rubbed the space over where his cock entered her cunt and rubbed the clit, a wave of pleasure made her gasp out and arch her back. She cursed silently, her body was betraying her! The combined thrust and massaging of her sensitive clit made her heart beat in a different way, a warmth started in her nethers and started to made its way up her body. "There's a's called rape. Oh fuck! Ah! Do all your...unh! victims enjoy being...aaahahh...butchered?" Her labored breathing becoming less pained as the warmth spread to her chest and she started tingling, it was feeling good and she didn't want it to feel good. She hated it feeling good, while glad it wasn't as painful.

But he paused and pulled out completely, and she gave out an involuntary whine, ashamed immediately as she did so, hoping against all hope he hadn't heard, but he kept rubbing her clitoris and she squirmed, wanting to get away from his constant attentions while her body wanted her to push into it.

"your a fine catch little birdy"

Rita found herself unable to respond, and now her senses were being overwhelmed as he leaned down close and licked her breasts, making them hard as he circled the nipples tantalizingly. She was unable to hold back a sensuous moan. "Ooooh fuck" he moved to her neck and nipped it, drawing a little blood, but the fear just sent a shiver down her spine, ultimately adding to the pleasure and pressure that was building down below. She started panting, the pain gone and forgotten, only an aching need for release.

"Your feathers so soft", he purred.

"And your heart is so black" She managed to breath out between her panting. She started bucking her hips, she needed more needed something more than his teasing, although the pressure and pleasure her clit was sending throughout her body was building to unbearable strength, her first ever orgasm was coming and it was going to be massive after all this time waiting. His neck was so close to hers now, if her head was clear she'd have driven the tip of her beak right into his jugular, but then she'd never get her release.

"how the hell did you stay a vergin so long and why"

Oh why did he insist on talking, she didn't want to take her mind off the need of her snatch. "Just shut up and fuck me, get it over with"

Posted: 25-01-2011 00:14
by Leo
"There's a's called rape. Oh fuck! Ah! Do all your...unh! victims enjoy being...aaahahh...butchered?"

Now this was more like it now he was enjoying him self, she was starting to like it, she was falling trap to her own bodys games, perfect.

“I don’t know I guess it depends on how fast my client wants them to die”, he said with a evil glint in his eyes.
As he rubbed her, the blood that had come out of her was stopping it was only a popped cherry after all but she would be exstremly sour after all of that.

He heard her wine of disappointment thow and it made him grin, he would hold off for a little longer make her wait for it a little more, but he kept rubbing.

"And your heart is so black"

“why thank you”, he said with very concincing sincerity or maybe he ment it.
He was tessing her now not giving her enuf to get off on but keeping the pleaser well and truly there always making her cring. Then the words came from her mouth the ones he had wanted to hear.

"Just shut up and fuck me, get it over with"

He chuckled and now turned her over so she was on her front chest agest the floor ass in the air, in the doggy posisin just not able to hold her front end up. He ran his paw down her spin throw the feathers inbatwwen her wings, almost dearing her to kick up a fuss again. Giving those mucles another massage before moving his paw back up her back. He lifted her tail up and aside looking at both her wholes. Maybe one day he would get the chance to pop her other cherry. He ran his finger from the basie of her tail over her ass then to her pussy gaveing her clit another rub. Then he lent up and started to push his cock slowly back into her, filling her up once more, he entered a lot easyer this time.

He pushed all the way into her and started to thrust again slower and gentler and this time building the speed slower and the force at a stedy pass guided by her moans.

“come on little birds lets see if I can make her bug for more”.

(bit weak sorry lol )

Posted: 25-01-2011 00:58
by Mak
He grasped her and turned her over, her face digging into the carpet once more as he lifted her ass into the air. He rubbed her spine between her wings and the wings themselves, it was so tempting to just try and what him with her wings again, avians could knock out a normal person with their strong wings, but it hadn't worked last time and it took all she had tono do it this time, but the fact he was touching her wings made them twitch. She was taught to treasure her wings, only a family or a lover should touch there, just like it would be a lover to deflower her. She'd just have to put up with it.

He lifted her tail and Rita immediately reacted, attempted to crawl away as he ran his finger over her ass. He wouldn't! "No! No please God not there!" But thankfully he just passed over it to her pussy again, stroking it and brushing her clit, making her shiver again. She didn't think she could survive her ass being penetrated. His cock returned, and Rita instinctively moved her ass into him, shocked that she would do such a thing. Her now-lubricated passage made it easier for him to slip in, the pain in her passage now a dull ache, like a bruise. He insisted on going slowly, and she could hardly stand it, all the attentions and she was being denied her release to he could torture her more. The warmth in her body was spreading and she couldn't help but moan as much as she tried to stifle it.

He increased his speed and her moans came faster and faster to the point she was panting like a common whore, pushing her hips back into him with each thrust, needing his cock deeper into her pussy, until she felt his ballsack slapping against her, a lewd feeling that just made her feel dirtier.

“come on little bird lets see if I can make you bug for more”

A part of her mind flared in anger. "Never!" She still had the slight remains of her pride, she would never beg for his cock like a street slut, he was driving her wild, but she still had that shred of her sanity left that she refused to let him spoil.