A Second Chance at Love [PRP with Nakisha]

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Post by K.A.T » 01-06-2012 22:48

Felony had felt Durango follow her as she bolted to her sister's aid, but she couldn't care less about the blue male now as her attention was focused on her sister.

It hurt....

It hurt so much to see her eldest sister being pinned to the ground like a ragdoll by her throat. The fact that Felony knew something was wrong just made it worse.

But the look that Ava sent her, the look that made her keep silent about what was on her mind, made sure Felony stayed quiet. It was not a good idea to let the males know that Ava, the strongest opposition had a weakness. It wouldn't help the girls' case much, probably only make it worse for them and better for the three males.
As Felony froze, Durango simply came to her side. Knowing this was probably his only chance to contain her without bloodspill, he took the moment of confusion to copy Scorpius's grip; he took her neck between his jaws.

But he did not bite down hard. It was simply a way to hold her, without any intention to harm her.
As Felony stood there watching Ava, she felt Durango take a grip on her neck but she didn't move, like Ava, she didn't struggle and didn't want to risk hurting herself in a situation like that. She felt that his grip was just to hold her in place, it wasn't forceful, but she didn't like the feeling of his fangs around her neck....or his saliva dripping down her neck for that matter.

But she did nothing as she sat there waiting, waiting for the males' next move. She allowed Durango to hold her and knew in her mind that he didn't want to hurt her, rather he wanted to have her in once piece so he could have his way with her.

With a scowl, Felony realized that they had lost the fight. They were defeated and were now at the mercy of the males. Just great...
Crixus, unlike Durango, took the unexpected opening without question and without mercy.... and lunged.
He simply slammed her to her side, pressing a paw down on her throat to kéép her down. And while he didn't use excessive force in doing so, it was still a firm pressure.

His other front paw calmly came forward and pushed down on her ribcage, his weight on his hindlegs as he held her like that, growling only very softly.

- ''You lost focus...'' He whispered, his body tensing slightly with excitement. His arrousal could clearly be seen underneath him, as his manhood had sunken partly from it's sheath, and there was no way he could hide it.
Lilith expected no less from Brownie. She felt the full impact of his large tank body hitting hers, knocking the wind out of her smaller body and she went sprawling in the ground on her back. She felt his large paw come down on her throat and she glared up at him in defiance but didn't struggle as she hated the position she was in. She felt so weak and helpless, and distressed as he could have raped her anytime and she wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.

It was painful to admit such reality.

His hold wasn't painful, but his weight made her breathing a bit difficult but she was hanging on as then she felt his other paw being pressed onto her stomach, her ribcage and she winced visibly at how his mass affected her.

Her emerald eyes glared at him hotly, wanting to simply kill him with her glare, but she moved her attention to glance at Ava and Felony and saw that their situations weren't any better.

As Brownie spoke she turned to him quicky and smirked, although painfully.

"My...you sure are the gentleman. I feel just...pampered," sarcasm dripped lethally from her words as she gave him a once over, seeing his arousal, her eyes widening and she averted her gaze. Though she may be a hothead, she hadn't had such a close up personal meeting with a dick before.

This was very awkward for her. So she choose to turn her head slightly to see what Grey Brat, who was the leader, would do now.

All the while Lilith cursed and screamed in her head how she hated such a vulnerable position. She hated being dominated and if she were to ever find a mate, she would be the one on top.
''Ah... Impressive... sentiment. I guess.'' Crixus commented, still gazing down on Lilith with unhidden hunger.
Lilith glanced at him quickly and shivered at the unleashed hunger in his eyes. It made her skin crawl from the way he looked at her as if she was some prime cut steak that he would just enjoy to feast upon. But his comment about their loyalty to her sister made her fix her eyes on him for just a moment.

"You wouldn't understand this..sentiment as you put it," she replied tersely as she tried to adjust her neck so that he wasn't pushing down straight on her windpipe. Though he wasn't using force, as if he was she'd probably be dead by now, but still the weight of his paw was enough to cause her to gasp for breath at times due to their size difference.
Scorpius growled softly, and as he spoke, it was a little smuthered by his grip on Ava's neck.

- ''Now listen... and listen closely.'' His voice was darker then before. ''You girls will come with us. Calmly and quietly, or we'll be far less nice then we have been up 'till now...''

Crixus began to pant, but still did not move further. Durango did not change; he just held gently.

Scorpius continued.

- ''I will drag you if you won't walk with me quietly...'' He warned Ava. ''If you do as I say, none of you will get hurt. You three will be our guests... for a while.''
He was so close to her, so close she could smell his male musk as well as the scent of his arousal. It didn't please her but she had no choice.

Her ice blue eyes stared into his, the shear intensity of her gaze as she fixed him with a glare. His voice was harsh and a bit muffled as he had a mouthful of her neck in his jaws.

Hating the situation she was in and she put her sisters in, Ava nodded stiffly at his demand.

"Your win, our loss. We'll go...without a fight," she voiced out to him, the strength still not leaving her voice as it was a silent vow that this would not be the end of things. That although they may have lost this dominance fight, there was no way they were going to be the males' bitch toys.

No way in hell....
Crixus growled softly; his eyes shot at Scorpius.
Lilith heard the exchange between the Grey one and her sister and when her captor growled she glanced at him and knew immediately what was on Brownie's mind. Oh yeah...this guy wouldn't mind just fucking her raw right there at the moment. This made Lilith even more conscious of her positon as her entire underside was exposed to him. She moved slightly so that she was on her side and less like an open dinner invitation.
And thus, Scorpius simply raised his head, still gently, pulling Ava back up... and began to move out.
As she was jerked upward, Ava growled as she had to try not to flex her throat muscles to loosen his grip. But she glared at her captor and growled out.

"We have legs, we can walk fine. I gave you my word we wouldn't run," was her statement as it was a silent demand that they stop man-handling them like prey. She didn't like being man-handled, it made her feel like the males were egotistical and it irked her to no end.

She halted in her walking as she silently fought with Grey Brat about this.

"Unhand us...and we'll follow...cooperatively," she said yet again, emphasizing her point as her eyes locked with his.
Durango tried to follow, holding Felony in his still rather loose grip.
Felony moved with Durango but fixed him a glare too as she tried to get out of his grip.

"Let go Bluey, I can walk just fine without you," she said calmly but still with determination. She would follow her sister's example. If Ava wasn't going to run and go quietly, so would she.
Crixus growled louder, but removed his paw from Lilith's ribcage.
- ''Well then... you heard him.'' He grumbled. ''Let's go.''
Lilith had to stop herself from gasping from breath once Brownie's paw came off her ribcage. She stood up to her feet and shot the male a glare but walked with him without argument. She was half glad he wasn't thinking to copy his mates and grab her by the neck cuz that would set her off. She of all three of them did not like to be treated like a slab of meat.

"As you wish...Lord Impatient and Horny," she said tersely to him with venom as she walked towards the others and waited to see if the other two would release her sisters like they asked.
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Post by Nakisha » 01-06-2012 23:14

Where Felony had taken Durango's mild grip quite calmly, Lilith sure had a little more fire to breath... just how Crixus liked it.
His hold wasn't painful, but his weight made her breathing a bit difficult but she was hanging on as then she felt his other paw being pressed onto her stomach, her ribcage and she winced visibly at how his mass affected her.

Her emerald eyes glared at him hotly, wanting to simply kill him with her glare, but she moved her attention to glance at Ava and Felony and saw that their situations weren't any better.

As Brownie spoke she turned to him quicky and smirked, although painfully.

"My...you sure are the gentleman. I feel just...pampered," sarcasm dripped lethally from her words as she gave him a once over, seeing his arousal, her eyes widening and she averted her gaze. Though she may be a hothead, she hadn't had such a close up personal meeting with a dick before.
- ''Hmm... no more talk of sausages now, hm...?'' Crixus hummed softly near her ear. He grinned to himself as he saw the moment of shock as she noticed his arousal. Seemed she wasn't thát brave now things became serious....

It only made his feeling of power grow even more...

Hmm.. maybe she was inexperienced? Oh, all the more enjoyable... a rare gem...? Could he be that lucky?
Lilith glanced at him quickly and shivered at the unleashed hunger in his eyes. It made her skin crawl from the way he looked at her as if she was some prime cut steak that he would just enjoy to feast upon. But his comment about their loyalty to her sister made her fix her eyes on him for just a moment.

"You wouldn't understand this..sentiment as you put it," she replied tersely as she tried to adjust her neck so that he wasn't pushing down straight on her windpipe. Though he wasn't using force, as if he was she'd probably be dead by now, but still the weight of his paw was enough to cause her to gasp for breath at times due to their size difference.
Sensing her discomfort, he only mildly shifted his paw. He didn't mind her being uncomfortable, but he didn't need her to be gasping either.

However, toying with his prey felt... magnificent. Dominant. All MALE...

- ''No... I wouldn't.'' He answered, his voice soft and dark. He smiled slightly. ''I always go for survival. I can't help my brothers survive if I let myself me captured as well... but oh, don't let mé put you off your decision... It suits me just fine...''

He slowly lowered his head, wanting to get a taste of her, wanting to run his tongue over her muzzle... but he controlled himself. Not yet... this was not the right moment...

Instead, his breath gently brushed over her muzzle before he lifted his head again.


Not his best thing...
He was so close to her, so close she could smell his male musk as well as the scent of his arousal. It didn't please her but she had no choice.

Her ice blue eyes stared into his, the shear intensity of her gaze as she fixed him with a glare. His voice was harsh and a bit muffled as he had a mouthful of her neck in his jaws.

Hating the situation she was in and she put her sisters in, Ava nodded stiffly at his demand.

"Your win, our loss. We'll go...without a fight," she voiced out to him, the strength still not leaving her voice as it was a silent vow that this would not be the end of things. That although they may have lost this dominance fight, there was no way they were going to be the males' bitch toys.

No way in hell....
Scorpius looked straight back at her, her eyes full of fire. She was impressive indeed and without a doubt the most dangerous female he had ever had. He would watch his step with this one...

He couldn't wait to get hér tied up...
Lilith heard the exchange between the Grey one and her sister and when her captor growled she glanced at him and knew immediately what was on Brownie's mind. Oh yeah...this guy wouldn't mind just fucking her raw right there at the moment. This made Lilith even more conscious of her positon as her entire underside was exposed to him. She moved slightly so that she was on her side and less like an open dinner invitation.
Crixus noticed every detail in her moves, every moment of bodylanguage... and enjoyed it. Oh yes... he did. She was trying to shelter herself from his lust... but that would be futile.

Oh, how he lusted for her...! And her sudden loss of bravery now only aroused him more. She was a fierce little thing and all but a damsel in distress... and the fact that he could phase hér, maybe even scare her... it made him feel powerful and dominant. Just the way he loved it...

He would enjoy taking her... claiming her...
As she was jerked upward, Ava growled as she had to try not to flex her throat muscles to loosen his grip. But she glared at her captor and growled out.

"We have legs, we can walk fine. I gave you my word we wouldn't run," was her statement as it was a silent demand that they stop man-handling them like prey. She didn't like being man-handled, it made her feel like the males were egotistical and it irked her to no end.

She halted in her walking as she silently fought with Grey Brat about this.
Scorpius growled louder as she clearly wasn't willing to cooperate as long as he had her firmly in his jaws. She was annoying him now... and he would have none of it.

Did she think he was an idiot?!!
"Unhand us...and we'll follow...cooperatively," she said yet again, emphasizing her point as her eyes locked with his.
- ''Yeah... I don't think so.'' He growled, still holding on, but relaxing his grip a little none the less. ''I'm not taking chances with a lady who just tried to maim my snout. Come on, stop fussing...''

He then tried to walk on, but didn't tug. Instead, he gave her the initative to move, if she insisted in having it. As long as she came with him... he'd be happy enough.
But letting her go now seemed the fastest way to a sure castration to him. After all.. the sisters where only willing to submit because of hér....

No... releasing her completely was out of the question. At least, for now...
Felony moved with Durango but fixed him a glare too as she tried to get out of his grip.

"Let go Bluey, I can walk just fine without you," she said calmly but still with determination. She would follow her sister's example. If Ava wasn't going to run and go quietly, so would she.
Unlike Scorpius, Durango had no hesitation in letting Felony walk on her own and released calmly.

- ''As you wish. You might wanna start calling me Durango though.'' He grinned. After you... my lady Felony.''

He stayed very close, though. No way he'd give her chance to run for it....

He could hardly believe his luck... a girl, just for him! And such an amazing one...
Never before had they all had a girl for themselves...
Lilith had to stop herself from gasping from breath once Brownie's paw came off her ribcage. She stood up to her feet and shot the male a glare but walked with him without argument. She was half glad he wasn't thinking to copy his mates and grab her by the neck cuz that would set her off. She of all three of them did not like to be treated like a slab of meat.

"As you wish...Lord Impatient and Horny," she said tersely to him with venom as she walked towards the others and waited to see if the other two would release her sisters like they asked.
One of Crixus's very rare, short laughs rasked in his throat at her nickname for him; he sticked even closer to her then Durango to Felony though, his shoulder touching her flank as she walked. He was not the kind of male to trust easily... and he would not give her any chance to escape him or even trý to make a run for it.

- ''Impatient... indeed.'' He said, softly, enjoying his newfound power over her. ''You'll see exactly hów impatient when we get there...''

He steerder her towards her sister, keeping both Lilith and Felony right between himself and Durango. That was probably the safest way to ensure she could not run....

Scorpius was still at the front, though, and even though his grip on Ava was much more relaxed then it had been before, he half and half expected her to try and go for him again... and to prevent that, he wasn't willing to let go.

Hopefully, he could get her to come with him wíthout releasing her completely.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
Posts: 1285
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Post by K.A.T » 02-06-2012 00:05

''Hmm... no more talk of sausages now, hm...?'' Crixus hummed softly near her ear. He grinned to himself as he saw the moment of shock as she noticed his arousal. Seemed she wasn't thát brave now things became serious....
Lilith had a feeling she was letting her fear and nervousness how more than she wished. Immediately she reigned in her fear and exchanged her anxious expression for a more colder one, one that was less inviting and more glare and heat.

"Don't count on it. I might just decide to have sausage for dinner if you decide to slip up somewhere," she told him pointedly but made no attempts of running away. Like Felony she wasn't about to leave her sisters to fight these brutes on her own.
''No... I wouldn't.'' He answered, his voice soft and dark. He smiled slightly. ''I always go for survival. I can't help my brothers survive if I let myself me captured as well... but oh, don't let mé put you off your decision... It suits me just fine...''

He slowly lowered his head, wanting to get a taste of her, wanting to run his tongue over her muzzle... but he controlled himself. Not yet... this was not the right moment...

Instead, his breath gently brushed over her muzzle before he lifted his head again.
She glared at him for making an argument against him. Of course as a male he would take loyalty to friends in a whole other meaning. True that perhaps if one of them got away they could bring the family, but the thing was the their family was prideful and very independent.

The idea of bringing the cavalry to the rescue scared them more than the prospect of being raped by the guys. Their family name was not one to be sullied. It wouldn't end well...

The minute Brownie lowered his head towards her though Lilith felt her breath hitch in her throat as she inexpliciably felt a desire running through her.

Well fuck her.....

She couldn't believe that this guy actually turned her on.....yes his strength did...perhaps not his brutality but his strength did indeed turn her on and with his oh so powerful male scent she felt aroused but made sure to not give such an idea away. She scared herself with these desires and was definitely sure Brownie would take advantage of her if he knew of them.

Lilith saw the obvious lust in his eyes and damn it to hell it set a fire ablaze in the pit of her stomach. A flash of lust went through her own eyes before she extinguished the flame and glared hatred at him instead, finding it much easier to hate him than to want him.

His breath hit her muzzle and she almost instinctively reached out tongue out to lick her maw but she restrained her impulse as that would just egg him on further. She didn't need to encourage him.

She could just imagine....if he was this fierce on the battlefield, how could would he be in the sack? A violent fucking method suits him perfectly.....

Lilith shook her head to clear the perverted thoughts that tainted it and went back to glaring daggers at him, making sure he didn't get a hint of her lust for him. That would just spell trouble.
''Yeah... I don't think so.'' He growled, still holding on, but relaxing his grip a little none the less. ''I'm not taking chances with a lady who just tried to maim my snout. Come on, stop fussing...''

He then tried to walk on, but didn't tug. Instead, he gave her the initative to move, if she insisted in having it. As long as she came with him... he'd be happy enough.
But letting her go now seemed the fastest way to a sure castration to him. After all.. the sisters where only willing to submit because of hér....
Ava growled slightly back at him as his refusal to trust her word. But then again, if she was in his place (not that she ever would be) she understood why he was desperate to keep her in check as she was the only reason her sisters weren't bolting or attacking the other two.

"Obviously trust is not one of your strengths," she replied crisply to him as she had no choice to but to go along but at least felt a tinsy better he relaxed his grip a bit.

She was obviously not as low as he and would do dirty to get her way. She was honorable but she knew he wasn't so she decided to humor him and follow along....not that she liked it though. She walked alongside him, awkwardly as her neck was bent towards him and she walked oddly. But as long as he wasn't complaining and whining about it.

The fact that she lost to a younger male displeased her, the fact that the young male was clearly dragging her along more so....yet she had to suck up her pride and deal with it. It was clear he didn't trust her to keep her word...thick headed male...
''As you wish. You might wanna start calling me Durango though.'' He grinned. After you... my lady Felony.''
She scoffed and rolled her eyes as she walked with him looming beside her.

"How about DerangedEgo instead? That seems to fit you better than Durango, but I still like Blue Balls. Keep talking Blue Balls, you ain't getting near my bits," she mocked him as she walked a little faster to keep a steady pace behind Ava and her captor.

Felony's eyes narrowed as she saw the way Grey Boy was handling her sister and she didn't like it. But when Ava didn't voice a complaint Fel decided it was best if she didn't either. No need to say anything that could make this situation worse than it already was.
One of Crixus's very rare, short laughs rasked in his throat at her nickname for him; he sticked even closer to her then Durango to Felony though, his shoulder touching her flank as she walked. He was not the kind of male to trust easily... and he would not give her any chance to escape him or even trý to make a run for it.

- ''Impatient... indeed.'' He said, softly, enjoying his newfound power over her. ''You'll see exactly hów impatient when we get there...''

He steerder her towards her sister, keeping both Lilith and Felony right between himself and Durango. That was probably the safest way to ensure she could not run....
Mentally Lilith couldn't deny how his words set the fire up again and she hated it oh so much. How he could make her lust for him that badly. Well given that fact that she was a virgin and had no experience (no way in fuck was she ever going to let him know that) it was understandable in a way as he was probably the first male she had encountered that she could not best and had immense strength, and she was always a sucker for physically strong males. It gave her a challenge....

But fuck him to hell for making her lust.....She turned that lust into anger, hate, and frustration as she showed him a bit of teeth but left it at that.

"Oh joy, you make a girl swoon my Lord *yeah right*" she said the last part to herself as she also rolled her eyes and was herded towards Felony and then sandwiched between the males with her sister.

The slight contact of Brownie's shoulder against hers made her shudder in revulsion and want but she made it seem more like disgust. Yeah that was all she needed, for Brownie to know that she wanted his dick....she'd never live it down....or probably survive their next encounter for that matter....
Scorpius was still at the front, though, and even though his grip on Ava was much more relaxed then it had been before, he half and half expected her to try and go for him again... and to prevent that, he wasn't willing to let go.
Ava walked quietly along but after a while her neck was starting to crink and she glanced at her from the corner of her eyes.

"...How far are we going? I don't know about you but this isn't the most favorable of walking styles," she commented icily as she shifted slightly so her neck wasn't bent at such an awkward angle but didn't try to escape or make a move to attack him.
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 02-06-2012 00:22

Lilith had a feeling she was letting her fear and nervousness how more than she wished. Immediately she reigned in her fear and exchanged her anxious expression for a more colder one, one that was less inviting and more glare and heat.

"Don't count on it. I might just decide to have sausage for dinner if you decide to slip up somewhere," she told him pointedly but made no attempts of running away. Like Felony she wasn't about to leave her sisters to fight these brutes on her own.
Crixus grinned, feeling the change in her attitude. No matter; he would be sure to take things to a whole new level... and see how long she'd hold up...
The minute Brownie lowered his head towards her though Lilith felt her breath hitch in her throat as she inexpliciably felt a desire running through her.

Lilith shook her head to clear the perverted thoughts that tainted it and went back to glaring daggers at him, making sure he didn't get a hint of her lust for him. That would just spell trouble.
Just the fact that her very breath hitched for a moment said enough... he didn't live her unphased. Of course, he had no idea what her emotion behind it was... but it once again pleased him to no end.

Oh, he was going to have SO much fun with her...
Ava growled slightly back at him as his refusal to trust her word. But then again, if she was in his place (not that she ever would be) she understood why he was desperate to keep her in check as she was the only reason her sisters weren't bolting or attacking the other two.

"Obviously trust is not one of your strengths," she replied crisply to him as she had no choice to but to go along but at least felt a tinsy better he relaxed his grip a bit.
- ''Obviously.'' Scorpius growled softly. ''I have learned the hard way females cannot be trusted.''

He left it at that, not wishing to go into the subject any further.
She was obviously not as low as he and would do dirty to get her way. She was honorable but she knew he wasn't so she decided to humor him and follow along....not that she liked it though. She walked alongside him, awkwardly as her neck was bent towards him and she walked oddly. But as long as he wasn't complaining and whining about it.

The fact that she lost to a younger male displeased her, the fact that the young male was clearly dragging her along more so....yet she had to suck up her pride and deal with it. It was clear he didn't trust her to keep her word...thick headed male...
Pleased with the fact she was coming along, his grip once more relaxed a little further.
It seemed she was willing to do her best at least... now that she had lost to him. And while he was determined enough in his decision what to do with her, he already knew of a way to reward such behaviour.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes as she walked with him looming beside her.

"How about DerangedEgo instead? That seems to fit you better than Durango, but I still like Blue Balls. Keep talking Blue Balls, you ain't getting near my bits," she mocked him as she walked a little faster to keep a steady pace behind Ava and her captor.
Durango laughed.
- ''We'll see about your bits when we get there, alright?'' He snickered. ''For now... I shall do as you wish... Even wíth my ''deranged ego''.''

He licked his lips again, a sign of his clear anticipation, but he had to hold his cool.... a little longer.

He followed her gaze at her sister.
Clearly, she worried for her... and he could understand. He cared for Scorpius and Crixus too, even though they where an odd band of males. And thus, he decided not to adress the subject... and leave her in peace, for now.
She turned that lust into anger, hate, and frustration as she showed him a bit of teeth but left it at that.

"Oh joy, you make a girl swoon my Lord *yeah right*" she said the last part to herself as she also rolled her eyes and was herded towards Felony and then sandwiched between the males with her sister.

The slight contact of Brownie's shoulder against hers made her shudder in revulsion and want but she made it seem more like disgust. Yeah that was all she needed, for Brownie to know that she wanted his dick....she'd never live it down....or probably survive their next encounter for that matter....
Crixus didn't answer; he just made sure to keep her where he wanted. But each move of her, each look in her eyes and each involuntairy muscle tremble made him more anxious.

He wanted her. He didn't feel like walking back, even though it wasn't far. He wanted her NOW....

He would have to hold on.

Gritting his teeth in hidden frustration, he stayed silent.
Ava walked quietly along but after a while her neck was starting to crink and she glanced at her from the corner of her eyes.

"...How far are we going? I don't know about you but this isn't the most favorable of walking styles," she commented icily as she shifted slightly so her neck wasn't bent at such an awkward angle but didn't try to escape or make a move to attack him.
Scorpius did not try to stop her as she shifted; instead, he just hummed softly.

- ''We're almost there.'' He commented, calmly. ''Surely a brave girl like you can last that long...''

Crixus lifted his head and narrowed his eyes. The cave was in sight... but for the girls, it probably just looked like a large, rock wall...

Scorpius took them closer, and as they arrived at the entrance, Durango's tail began to wag in excitement and Crixus gritted his teeth so hard that the sound could faintly be heard.

- ''We're here.''

Scorpius gently pulled Ava's neck, positioning her right before the crack in the wall. Then, he finally let go of her, but locked her body up between himself and the entrance.

- ''Ladies first....''

This was it... just getting them inside... and they'd have them...

Durango's eyes shot from the entrance to Felony, as a slight pant worked into his breath.
Crixus pushed his shoulder up against Lilith just a little harder, wanting nothing to go wrong at this final moment... and waiting for Ava to go first, he guided her towards her sister.

- ''Just follow her.'' He instructed, his voice a little hoarse now. ''And don't worry about any odd scents... there's nothing dangerous in there.''

Durango lined up Felony as well, but was much gentler about it then Scorpius and Crixus had been; just a calm guidance with his own body.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
Posts: 1285
Joined: 10-04-2011 02:21

Post by K.A.T » 02-06-2012 01:24

A feeling of dread was soon beginning to wash over the sisters, in particular Lilith and Felony as they had a feeling that once they reached their "destination" Brownie and Durango were going to be upon them like famished demons have their first morsel of food in forever.

While that thought slightly turned Lilith on, Felony shivered as a frown came over her face. She was the youngest baby and she has never taken the time to actually contemplate on love and relationships. Not that this would count of course...

This was the farthest thing from relationship Fel could think of as she just picture with horror as she was raped, her virginity stolen from her before she could even appreciate it. A shiver passed through her body and she shot a glance at the blue male beside her before looking away, a pensive yet horrified look on her face.

So this is how she was to lose her virginty....she laughed at how sad it was.

Good god of their family could see them now....they'd be the laughing stock of the entire show. Felony had always had the desire to be like her mother and her grandmother; strong ferocious women who choose men who could stand by their side proudly.

Again she glanced at Durango and just imagine her mother giving her an earful at how she could get herself into such a situation. Her dad too would probably kill her but that would be after killing Durango though. Felony was daddy's little girl. Damien did not take kindly to other males taking his girls away from him, especially raping them.

Lilith was thinking the same thing as her sister. If they family ever saw them, the males in the house would be upon these three like mad demons straight from hell, tearing and ripping and they wouldn't stop until balls, literal balls would go flying.

The maroon female cast a glance at the tall brown male at her side and once again scowled at him, more so angry that she was excited by him but then also wanting to rip his throat out for making her feel this way.

To think, her very first experience in lust and desire and it just had to be with this brute of a male....she could tell she was not going to like how the future was looking for her. After seeing how eager Brownie had been to ravage her right there in the grass, Lilith doubted he was going to hold an ounce back once they reached home....

While these raging thoughts were coursing through the younger sisters' heads, Ava was silent as she assessed the situation. Obviously escape was futile as given the issues, she couldn't get away without turning herself headless and the other two males would likely catch her sisters before they could bolt. Yeah...things weren't looking so hot for them.
''Obviously.'' Scorpius growled softly. ''I have learned the hard way females cannot be trusted.''
At his words Ava glanced at him, hearing the hard edge he had as he clipped that certain conversation to a dead stop. Yeah...obviously he was sulking over something in the past....that was the most reasonable guess for his terse way of saying he had women issues.

She sighed mentally as she kept walking with him.

But she couldn't help one little jab at him, "Sounds like a personal problem," she voiced but didn't press on, respectful of his privacy even if he didn't deserve it.
Pleased with the fact she was coming along, his grip once more relaxed a little further.
She could feel his grip loosen and she once again wiggled to be more comfortable in their walk. Having a neck cramp was the last thing she need in a situation like this.

This was not how Ava planned on finding the man of her dreams....no way in hell. To think that a brat bested her was not the most comforting fact for her pride and ego.

But for some strange, odd, out-of-this-world, reason...Ava had the feeling that things would not go as they are planning it to go. It was weird, but she had that gut feeling. That perhaps this was meant to happen for a reason....whatever the fuck that reason would be she had no damn clue.
''We'll see about your bits when we get there, alright?'' He snickered. ''For now... I shall do as you wish... Even wíth my ''deranged ego''.''

He licked his lips again, a sign of his clear anticipation, but he had to hold his cool.... a little longer.
How quaint....a male that would actually play along with her jibs and mocking jokes. That was a new one. This guy certainly knew how to weave around her attitude and that upsetted her somewhat that she was unable to faze him with her sharp verbal abuse. Most other males would be cringing or hiding away from her venomous assault but this guy just smiled on and always had to get the last word....how infurtiating yet she actually enjoyed this...banter if she could call it that....

She half wondered if he would kill her from excessive talking as he raped her....that would certainly be a marvelous way to end her existene. Death by talking....yeah...sounded great....*sarcasm*.

"You don't give up do you Blue Balls?" she said to him as she huffed in defeat and now had her eyes trained on Ava ahead of her.

More than for herself, much much more. Felony was extremely worried about Ava as she was not sure that something out of the ordinary was bothering her eldest sister.

Avarice, the eldest sister, the Ice Princess, does not make mistakes like that....like EVER!!!

So the mere fact that she missed a full on open throat chance was something that upset Felony and probably Lilith too. But with the males around there was going to be no chance for her to find out the exact problem until it was too late.

She prayed that her eldest sister's captive would be a more level-headed fellow and see the damage before it was too late...but who was she kidding? Trusting her sister's life in the paws of a horny male....not likely to result in good things...sadly...
''We're almost there.'' He commented, calmly. ''Surely a brave girl like you can last that long...''
Ava gave a slight laugh at his quib. Oh how lovely, they were bantering....great...

But she preferred talking to him rather than him raping her that's for sure.

"Oh goodie. And I can handle it...it's just not the best thing to have a neck cramp when you're about to be served on a silver platter to a hungry male," she retorted lightly and calmly, matching his attitude as soon she saw that they were approaching a large slab of rock in the side of a mountain.
''We're here.''
That simple phrase made all three girls tense up actually as now the dreaded time was at hand and there was nothing more they could to to stall it. They already gave their word they wouldn't escape, and now it seems they were going to pay for their pride.
Scorpius gently pulled Ava's neck, positioning her right before the crack in the wall. Then, he finally let go of her, but locked her body up between himself and the entrance.

- ''Ladies first....''
He finally released her and Ava spent a moment moving her neck from side to side and popping a few bones as she eyed the crack but sighed in defeat.

"Such gentleman," she voiced with sarcasm as she pushed her way through the crack and was immediately met with a rank smell of old humans and domestic dog.

Her nose wrinkled in distaste as she moved aside to let her siblings in.
Durango's eyes shot from the entrance to Felony, as a slight pant worked into his breath.
Felony saw Durango's reaction and she rolled her eyes as she waited for Lilith to go second.

"Keep the sausage in the bun Blue Balls, I'm not even settled yet," she remarked crassly.
Crixus pushed his shoulder up against Lilith just a little harder, wanting nothing to go wrong at this final moment... and waiting for Ava to go first, he guided her towards her sister.

- ''Just follow her.'' He instructed, his voice a little hoarse now. ''And don't worry about any odd scents... there's nothing dangerous in there.''
Lilith growled a bit at the insistant push that Brownie gave her but followed after Ava anyway, pushing her way into the crack and then disappearing.

Felony now went up, without the pushing from Durango and then leaped through.

Once in the three sisters stuck to one side together as they sniffed suspiciously at the cave and waited for their captors to follow them in. Obviously, things were not looking good for the three girls.

"Girl's it's been a pleasure being your sister," Ava cracked a joke and both Lilith and Felony laughed at the dark humor their eldest threw into the situation.
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Post by Nakisha » 02-06-2012 13:02

A shiver passed through her body and she shot a glance at the blue male beside her before looking away, a pensive yet horrified look on her face.
While Durango knew better then to tell such a proud female... he caught this look. And while he looked away casually to hide the fact he had... he wondered.
She had been so brave so far. But now... he had seen fear.

Of course, fear was nothing new to him. The three had caught girls before and most had been scared, even to a point where it became almost pathetic.

But... it was out of character for this one.

He wondered....
But she couldn't help one little jab at him, "Sounds like a personal problem," she voiced but didn't press on, respectful of his privacy even if he didn't deserve it.
Scorpius eyes flashed with anger for a moment, but he forced himself to stay calm.
He had been stupid enough to give the opening; only fair she took it. Besides, she didn't go into it any further.... And part of him was thankful for that.
"You don't give up do you Blue Balls?" she said to him as she huffed in defeat and now had her eyes trained on Ava ahead of her.
Durango had to admit; she hid her fears well.
And honestly, he liked her better like this. She played the game with him... she was the first. He liked teasing and playing, much more then being mean and harsh like Crixus was. Durango was so different from him, yet the two had came to a mutual understanding, respecting their differences.

He then caught yet another look from Felony to her sister... and looked away again.

Why did she worry about her so? After all, the three where all in the same boat... yet, the reaction of the two girls implicated the biggest of the three had more problems then they had....

He casted the thought away, for now.
"Oh goodie. And I can handle it...it's just not the best thing to have a neck cramp when you're about to be served on a silver platter to a hungry male," she retorted lightly and calmly, matching his attitude as soon she saw that they were approaching a large slab of rock in the side of a mountain.


That simple phrase made all three girls tense up actually as now the dreaded time was at hand and there was nothing more they could to to stall it. They already gave their word they wouldn't escape, and now it seems they were going to pay for their pride.
Hungry male... well, she had gotten thát right.
All three where as tense as the girls, only for different reasons.
He finally released her and Ava spent a moment moving her neck from side to side and popping a few bones as she eyed the crack but sighed in defeat.

"Such gentleman," she voiced with sarcasm as she pushed her way through the crack.
She... did it. She went in.

Scorpius had to admit; he was surprised. She had given her word, but he had not believed for a second she would keep it. He had expected another struggle....

Yet... here she was, simply doing as he requested.
Felony saw Durango's reaction and she rolled her eyes as she waited for Lilith to go second.

"Keep the sausage in the bun Blue Balls, I'm not even settled yet," she remarked crassly.
With a soft chuckle, Durango watched her go.
Snarky little thing... but he didn't mind it a single bit...

As soon as she was out of sight, his tongue lolled out of his mouth and he panted slightly.

ALMOST, now....
Lilith growled a bit at the insistant push that Brownie gave her but followed after Ava anyway, pushing her way into the crack and then disappearing.

Felony now went up, without the pushing from Durango and then leaped through.

Once in the three sisters stuck to one side together as they sniffed suspiciously at the cave and waited for their captors to follow them in. Obviously, things were not looking good for the three girls.

"Girl's it's been a pleasure being your sister," Ava cracked a joke and both Lilith and Felony laughed at the dark humor their eldest threw into the situation.
Scorpius was the first to follow the three and came in right behind them, his ear turning towards them.

- ''Oh, don't be so dramatic.'' He shook his fur to try and relief some tention himself. ''We're not gonna éat you. In fact...''

Behind him, Crixus and Durango entered, too. And Crixus especially seemed very determined about what to do next; he came at Lilith without delay.

- ''CRIXUS...''

Scorpius's sharp voice slowed Crixus's moves down; he groaned and looked over his shoulder.

- '''Whát?''

- ''Let's get out guests comfortable, first.''

Crixus rolled his eyes in annoyance, trotting up to the bar.

It was made of steel, with several rings attached to it.
Attached to each ring was a flexible steel cable... and at the end of each cable lay nylon collars, with special clamps.

He lifted one of the collars, but to his surprise, Scorpius shook his head.

- ''I didn't mean that. Not yet. Let's get them something to eat, first.''

- ''EXCUSE me?!'' Crixus's eyes widened as he dropped the collar, and he then let out a frustrated growl. ''Well, what else? A bath? Something to sharp their nails? Oh, or perhaps a long grooming?''

Scorpius snarled loudly at Crixus's sharp remark; he came his way and Crixus turned his head away at Scorpius's furious glare, knowing better then to challenge him.

- ''ENOUGH. The girls have behaved perfectly well, coming with us without struggle. I feel a token of appriciation is in order.''

Durango said nothing; his tongue slipped back into his mouth.
No fun yet....

Crixus moved his weight from one front leg to the other, ears turning back and forth in annoyance and tention.

- ''And... how did you picture that? I'm not going out to hunt right now...''
- ''You don't have to.'' Scorpius threw a look at Durango. ''You two stay here. Feel free to tie 'em up, but leave them be for now. I warn you...'' He stared at Crixus, who showed his teeth but didn't look at Scorpius directly. ''... no claiming the girls until I return.''

With a short nod, Crixus accepted Scorpius's terms... but clearly under protest.

Scorpius turned to the girls.

- ''Well then. I'll be off, getting you girls a decent meal. After that, we will take you to get a drink...''

Crixus shot Scorpius another glare. Sure... take them out for strolls now they júst had them... But Scorpius ignored him and continued.

- ''... you'll have nothing to worry about for now. I'll be back in a bit.''

And with those words... he turned, and left the cave.

The moment Scorpius was gone, Durango cheered up again; Crixus, however, was now in a downright foul mood.

- ''Well, welcome to our humble home, I guess.'' Durango's tail wagged. ''You're pretty lucky. Scorpius usually doesn't really care about getting guests this comfortable...''

- ''He's an idiot.'' Crixus snarled, as he walked back up to the bar. ''Well, ladies, this will be the spot where you...''

- ''Crixus!'' Durango interrupted. ''No use for that now. They'll go out for some water right after the meal after all...''

Crixus's body began to tremble with held in anger. His eyes shot fire as he stared at Durango.

- ''I KNOW...'' He seethed the words slowly. ''But I don't want them to get áway!''

Durango gave the girls a big smile.

- ''They won't. They gave us their word and they've been true to their word so far.'' He wagged his tail.

Crixus felt like slamming something to bits; loud growling thundered and echoed through the cave as he walked back to the entrance and flopped down right in front of it, as if to make a statement that nobody would go passed him. He looked away from everyone, but underneath his tense lips, a bit of teeth showed.

Durango watched him for a moment and shrugged; he turned back to the girls.

- ''So... Felony I just met... but who are you girls?''
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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Post by K.A.T » 02-06-2012 16:16

As the three sisters stood near each other and sniffed cautiously at their surrounding, their noses wrinkled in distaste as they soon caught sight of some contraption near the wall of the cave. It looked like some bar with chains attached to it with metal hoops.

Anxiety told them what they feared those hoops were: collars.

So the males feared them running away? They probably used it on the other females they caught too. Seems like a smart way to keep your captives in place without having to worry about chasing then down if they did escape.

The sight of the collars made Felony frown and Lilith surpress a shiver. Ava just stared at it with nonchalance as she then nudged her sisters to turn their attention to the guys who were not making their way into the cave along with them.
Scorpius was the first to follow the three and came in right behind them, his ear turning towards them.

- ''Oh, don't be so dramatic.'' He shook his fur to try and relief some tention himself. ''We're not gonna éat you. In fact...''
Ava couldn't help smirk at his response to her joke to her sisters. They weren't afraid of being eaten, just the prospect of being raped and without the ability to fight back. And who knows, if the males decided to keep them long enough or perhaps got tired and killed one off, then it would be very dramatic.

But of course they'd never let the males know the thoughts they were thinking. No need to fuel their already enlarged egos...and dicks for that matter.
Behind him, Crixus and Durango entered, too. And Crixus especially seemed very determined about what to do next; he came at Lilith without delay.
At the sight of the huge Brownie coming towards her without stopping, Lilith immediately pressed her body lower, flattened her ears back and showed her fangs to him. She didn't expect him to be so eager but knowing how impatient and horny he was, she didn't expect less from him.

Anticipating him to practically jump on her, Lilith growled out and felt a huge rush of relief when the leader ordered Brownie to a stop.

Scorpius's sharp voice slowed Crixus's moves down; he groaned and looked over his shoulder.

- '''Whát?''

- ''Let's get out guests comfortable, first.''
The girls were surprised to say the least. They didn't expect the leader to hold the other two back but he did. And now they were wondering what the guys were up to. Surely like the other two the leader was probably eager to shove his rod in where it counted yet here he was....taking the time to get them comfortable?

Was this a joke? A trap? A ploy to get them to trust them and lower their guards so they could rape them in a blink of an eye?

Seems reasonable....yet Ava had her doubts he was using this as a method to get under their fur.
He lifted one of the collars, but to his surprise, Scorpius shook his head.

- ''I didn't mean that. Not yet. Let's get them something to eat, first.''

- ''EXCUSE me?!'' Crixus's eyes widened as he dropped the collar, and he then let out a frustrated growl. ''Well, what else? A bath? Something to sharp their nails? Oh, or perhaps a long grooming?''

Scorpius snarled loudly at Crixus's sharp remark; he came his way and Crixus turned his head away at Scorpius's furious glare, knowing better then to challenge him.

- ''ENOUGH. The girls have behaved perfectly well, coming with us without struggle. I feel a token of appriciation is in order.''
Well this at least confirmed the fact that the chains were in fact collars. This only made the situation a little darker but the fact that they haven't been forced into them was a plus.

Brownie's response to the leader's order was humorous as the three girls decided to sit down close to each other and see what the leader had in mind. A token of appreciation? What was raping them going to be a reward to the girls? But when Grey Brat mentioned something to eat....the surprise were hard to hide on the three girls' faces.
''And... how did you picture that? I'm not going out to hunt right now...''
- ''You don't have to.'' Scorpius threw a look at Durango. ''You two stay here. Feel free to tie 'em up, but leave them be for now. I warn you...'' He stared at Crixus, who showed his teeth but didn't look at Scorpius directly. ''... no claiming the girls until I return.''
Throughout the exchange the three sisters stayed quiet, not wanting to get between the guys' argument. Brownie obviously had other plans in mind than playing nice to the girls. Durango was obviously disappointed that he couldn't have his fun yet.

But now the sensible one, Grey Brat, was going to leave the girls in the paws of the two most horny....that seemed like a bad idea but when the two obeyed his orders the girls were yet again surprised.
''Well then. I'll be off, getting you girls a decent meal. After that, we will take you to get a drink...''

Crixus shot Scorpius another glare. Sure... take them out for strolls now they júst had them... But Scorpius ignored him and continued.

- ''... you'll have nothing to worry about for now. I'll be back in a bit.''

And with those words... he turned, and left the cave.
Ava rolled her eyes slightly. Of course Grey Brat wanted to join in the fun, so of course no rapage he was there to partake in it. Another flash of blindness hit her but Ava scarcely gave a hint that it happened as she merely stared off at the crack where Grey Brat disappeared.

Oh joy....they were going to be pampered...
''Well, welcome to our humble home, I guess.'' Durango's tail wagged. ''You're pretty lucky. Scorpius usually doesn't really care about getting guests this comfortable...''

- ''He's an idiot.'' Crixus snarled, as he walked back up to the bar. ''Well, ladies, this will be the spot where you...''

- ''Crixus!'' Durango interrupted. ''No use for that now. They'll go out for some water right after the meal after all...''

Crixus's body began to tremble with held in anger. His eyes shot fire as he stared at Durango.

- ''I KNOW...'' He seethed the words slowly. ''But I don't want them to get áway!''

Durango gave the girls a big smile.

- ''They won't. They gave us their word and they've been true to their word so far.'' He wagged his tail.
The three sisters turned their gazes onto Durango and Brownie, now apparented they knew his name was Crixus. And the leader...his name was apprently Scorpius, joy now they at least could put names to the faces of their captors.

Felony couldn't help but pipe up at their arguing.

"Listen to Blue Balls Brownie. We said we weren't going to run, and we haven't," she retorted with slight annoyance at how Crixus was acting.

Lilith didn't say a word as she laid onto her stomach on the floor of the cave and watched both males with steady green eyes.

Ava nudged Felony a bit and the younger sister turned to look at her eldest.

"No need to add fuel to the fire. We should enjoy their....hospitality while it lasts.....who knows....maybe this'll be the only time we get pampered before getting eaten," she said with a smirk and Felony chuckled at the humor in her statement.

They made no attempts to run, staying true to their word and proving to the males that they stuck to their word strictly.

As they watched Crixus make a fuss, flop down and proceed to sulk, Durango spoke up and the three sisters turned their gazes on the blue male.
''So... Felony I just met... but who are you girls?''
Ava and Lilith both looked at Felony oddly and the youngest gave them a strange look.

"What? He gave his name, so I gave mine," she replied simply and both her sisters nodded in understanding.

Ava looked up at the blue male and her icy eyes speared him.

"I'm Ava," she said.

"And I'm Lilith," Lilith said from next to her sister's paws.

"And Brownie is Crixus, Grey Brat is Scorpius, and you are Durango...am I correct?" Ava asked him as she looked at both Durango and then at Crixus.
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Post by Nakisha » 02-06-2012 16:40

The three sisters turned their gazes onto Durango and Brownie, now apparented they knew his name was Crixus. And the leader...his name was apprently Scorpius, joy now they at least could put names to the faces of their captors.

Felony couldn't help but pipe up at their arguing.

"Listen to Blue Balls Brownie. We said we weren't going to run, and we haven't," she retorted with slight annoyance at how Crixus was acting.
Crixus's eyes shot at Felony; his teeth showed a little further.
Then, he slowly got up.... and while his teeth no longer showed, his body was tense as he calmly walked their way.
Lilith didn't say a word as she laid onto her stomach on the floor of the cave and watched both males with steady green eyes.

Ava nudged Felony a bit and the younger sister turned to look at her eldest.

"No need to add fuel to the fire. We should enjoy their....hospitality while it lasts.....who knows....maybe this'll be the only time we get pampered before getting eaten," she said with a smirk and Felony chuckled at the humor in her statement.

They made no attempts to run, staying true to their word and proving to the males that they stuck to their word strictly.
Durango flattened his ears as he heard Crixus get up... and slowly approach. He could guess where this was going...

And even Ava's soothing words didn't make it better....
Ava and Lilith both looked at Felony oddly and the youngest gave them a strange look.

"What? He gave his name, so I gave mine," she replied simply and both her sisters nodded in understanding.

Ava looked up at the blue male and her icy eyes speared him.

"I'm Ava," she said.

"And I'm Lilith," Lilith said from next to her sister's paws.
Durango wagged his tail, but his ears where still flattened and he was now clearly nervous; Crixus was coming at them almost as if stalking a prey... slowly, eyes focussed on Felony after her remark. There was no open hostility in his approach; no growling, no teeth showing... But Durango could féél Crixus's anger vibrating through the room.

- ''Beautiful names...'' Durango nervously complimented, but he then turned Crixus's way.
"And Brownie is Crixus, Grey Brat is Scorpius, and you are Durango...am I correct?" Ava asked him as she looked at both Durango and then at Crixus.
- ''Uh-hu... yeah.. we...'' Durango fell silent, now sensing Crixus's presence a little too close... and Durango playfully hopped at him, tugging his ear gently in an attempt to calm him down a little.

But Crixus was NOT in the mood for games.

He completely ignored Durango as he stared at the sisters and finally came to a stop, ten inches from them.

For a moment, he was silent... but then, a little, crooked smile curled up one corner of his mouth.

- ''Oh, aren't you girls hilarious... such big mouths and such cute little nicknames...''

Durango tugged his ear a little harder; a growling told him to stop, and he let go and backed down, nervously gulping and sending the girls a look of warning.

- ''Now... girls...'' Crixus slowly continued, his hungry eyes shooting back at Lilith for a moment, before once more adressing them all. ''Let me lay down a few rules for you, to keep things... ''proper''..''

He now came even closer.

- ''Surely you can joke around with Durango... and maybe even with Scorpius. But I will NOT accept this kind of behaviour.''

He licked his lips, his eyes shooting back at Lilith and now staring at her openly.

- ''I don't see why I should even wait w...''
- ''Crixus..'' Durango interrupted softly. ''Scorpius said...''
- ''To hell with Scorpius!'' Crixus snarled at Durango as he finally, though controlled, let his anger come to the surfice for a moment. ''What's he going to do?'' His eyes rested on Lilith once again and he regained his selfcontrol. ''Besides... This isn't exactly a matter in which he has a voice...''

Durango felt it was going to go wrong... and fact was that Crixus was stronger then he was. He nudged his shoulder, once again trying to calm him down a little.

- ''Ahw come on. You'll have her soon enough... just relax a little, hm?''
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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Post by K.A.T » 02-06-2012 17:22

As Crixus stood up and was stalking towards them, Felony realized how her words must have struck a nerve.....a pretty big-ass nerve by the way he was coming at them. But more than frighten her she was miffed at how childish he was acting. Some balls he has if he can't even take a slight jab like that. At least Durango takes her insults with a smile and retorts back.

At the movement of Crixus, Lilith immediately stood up as she felt that he was her competition and went around Ava to stand near Felony. Brownie wasn't going to touch a hair on her baby sister's head if she had anything to do with it.

Ava sat calmly but the blaze of her icy eyes spoke more volumes than words as they were locked on Crixus and watched his every move. Her white fur showed how her body was tense, muscles coiled up at any hint of attack from him and she'd be upon him. Despite Scorpius being the leader, Ava had a feeling Crixus had plans to obey and she'd be damned if she let Brown Boy attack her sisteres.
Durango wagged his tail, but his ears where still flattened and he was now clearly nervous; Crixus was coming at them almost as if stalking a prey... slowly, eyes focussed on Felony after her remark. There was no open hostility in his approach; no growling, no teeth showing...

''Beautiful names...'' Durango nervously complimented, but he then turned Crixus's way.
The three sisters barely near Durango's comment as their focus was on Crixus and his approach. The anger in his eyes was unconcealed and they were directed at Felony. Lilith narrowed her eyes. True her baby sister sometimes didn't know when to not pipe up but still, Brownie had no right to puff out his chest and be so male about it.
''Uh-hu... yeah.. we...'' Durango fell silent, now sensing Crixus's presence a little too close... and Durango playfully hopped at him, tugging his ear gently in an attempt to calm him down a little.

But Crixus was NOT in the mood for games.

He completely ignored Durango as he stared at the sisters and finally came to a stop, ten inches from them.

For a moment, he was silent... but then, a little, crooked smile curled up one corner of his mouth.

- ''Oh, aren't you girls hilarious... such big mouths and such cute little nicknames...''
Once again Durango's attempts to soothe is friend were futile as Crixus ignored him and came closer yet again, this time now stopping less than a foot from them. Lilith's fur puffed up from her raised hackles and she looked bigger than she normally was, her emerald eyes ablaze as she silently bared her fangs at Crixus, just daring him to make a move.

None of them said a word as they could feel he wasn't done talking yet and there was no need to provoke him to attack.
Durango tugged his ear a little harder; a growling told him to stop, and he let go and backed down, nervously gulping and sending the girls a look of warning.

- ''Now... girls...'' Crixus slowly continued, his hungry eyes shooting back at Lilith for a moment, before once more adressing them all. ''Let me lay down a few rules for you, to keep things... ''proper''..''

He now came even closer.

- ''Surely you can joke around with Durango... and maybe even with Scorpius. But I will NOT accept this kind of behaviour.''
Lilith felt her body bristle at his look at her. The desire rearing its fugly head again but her anger at his childish behavior was turning her off which was a plus for her.
He licked his lips, his eyes shooting back at Lilith and now staring at her openly.

- ''I don't see why I should even wait w...''
- ''Crixus..'' Durango interrupted softly. ''Scorpius said...''
- ''To hell with Scorpius!'' Crixus snarled at Durango as he finally, though controlled, let his anger come to the surfice for a moment. ''What's he going to do?'' His eyes rested on Lilith once again and he regained his selfcontrol. ''Besides... This isn't exactly a matter in which he has a voice...''

Durango felt it was going to go wrong... and fact was that Crixus was stronger then he was. He nudged his shoulder, once again trying to calm him down a little.

- ''Ahw come on. You'll have her soon enough... just relax a little, hm?''
Obviously...Crixus had authority issues from the looks of it. It was surprising that he would even listen to Scorpius' orders but then again, Felony did provoke him and stab a gigantic nerve in that ego of his.

Ava wasn't impressed and silently hoped that Scorpius would get his ass back here and deal with his hotheaded friend. Forget the food, if this kept going down the path it was, she wouldn't be sorry if she went to teach Crixus a lesson.

His lustful glances at her was making her annoyed as she felt a fire in the pit of her stomach, but she directed that fire up to her mind as she stood her ground against him, like how she did in their fight earlier. He didn't scare her...and she was not backing down.

Felony learned her lesson and choose to shut her mouth for now as she stood behind Lilith, her second sister taller than her and Ava was preventing Crixus from getting any closer to her.

Lilith growled at him a bit and her eyes never left his as she spoke to him in a low tightly controlled voice that promised something bad would happen if he chose to follow up actions with his words.

"Your brawl is with me, leave my sisters out of it," she said to him, her firing matching his.

(lol got a plan, have Scorpius appear soon :lol: )

Ava's eyes shot towards the crack behind the two and she smirked as she returned her gaze to Crixus.

"If you have a problem with your leader's orders, why don't you take it up with him now?" she asked him with a smirk as she just saw Scorpius' grey fur flash through the crack.

Lilith's gaze didn't leave Crixus but she heard what her sister said though it didn't make her hackles lower and Felony was looking behind Durango and Crixus to see what Ava was talking about.
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Alpha of Hekaya
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Post by Nakisha » 02-06-2012 17:42

Durango gulped as the sisters bravely took a defensive stand.
Crixus wasn't the kind of male to mess with. He himself could take a joke... Scorpius had control over his temper... but Crixus was another matter.

He was cold, harsh, downright mean sometimes. And worse of all... agressive.

The sister's glared; Lilith's hackles raised and Durango felt this was going to go wrong.

He had to admit; they sure where brave. They had the guts to stand up against Crixus and that said something. But bravery could sometimes be in the way of common sense...
Felony learned her lesson and choose to shut her mouth for now as she stood behind Lilith, her second sister taller than her and Ava was preventing Crixus from getting any closer to her.

Lilith growled at him a bit and her eyes never left his as she spoke to him in a low tightly controlled voice that promised something bad would happen if he chose to follow up actions with his words.

"Your brawl is with me, leave my sisters out of it," she said to him, her firing matching his.
Crixus's crooked smile now grew, but it was no genuine smile. It was the grin of a predator playing with his prey, the merciless grin without any happyness...

- ''You better teach your sister to hold her tongue, then...'' He commented, his voice cold as ice. ''Before I consider ripping it out...''

Durango gulped again.

- ''Hey... come on now... No need for all of this...'' He tried, but he could see Crixus nor the sisters where too willing to stand down...


Not far from there, Scorpius dragged a rather large doe from their storage to the cave. It would make a fine meal for three fullgrown females... even though his ówn hunger concerned other matters.

But he had promised them food and water first... and he would stick to that.

But as he arrived back at the entrance, his ears shot up....
Ava's eyes shot towards the crack behind the two and she smirked as she returned her gaze to Crixus.

"If you have a problem with your leader's orders, why don't you take it up with him now?" she asked him with a smirk as she just saw Scorpius' grey fur flash through the crack.

Lilith's gaze didn't leave Crixus but she heard what her sister said though it didn't make her hackles lower and Felony was looking behind Durango and Crixus to see what Ava was talking about.
Crixus's eyes narrowed; instead of looking over his shoulder, cowering or even flinching, his nose began to twitch.

Damned little... she was right...

- ''What on earth is going on here?'' Scorpius's butt arrived first as he dragged the doe in. He then turned and frowned at Crixus.

Crixus didn't bother to look back.

- ''These girls where becoming... cheeky.''
- ''I see... And what order of mine bothered you, if I might ask?''
- ''Waiting.''

Durango wasn't sure what to do. Scorpius's eyes turned at him and he shrugged, with a look at Crixus.

- ''Is that so. Well, I hope you still DID, Crixus?''
- ''I did..'' Crixus now finally turned away from the females to face Scorpius. ''But I wouldn't have much longer. Why is this all necessary, anyway? Man, I'm about to POP. I just want to fuck that bitch...''

Scorpius rolled his eyes and sighed.

- ''Just give them a moment to eat, Crixus...''
- ''Why the fuck...''

Suddenly, without any growling or snarling, the two males met eyes... and Crixus backed off, falling silent and turning away, his tail dropping only slightly.

Scorpius hardly did a thing. But the glare he send Crixus was clear enough.

He then turned to the girls.

- ''Maybe I should have warned you. Crixus has a bad temper.''

He pulled the doe closer, offering them to the girls.

- ''Have as much as you like.''

He then created some distance between himself and the girls, as Crixus flopped back in place before the entrance. Durango sighed, walked back a little to give the girls space and watched Scorpius.

Scorpius sat down, doing nothing... but looking.

He looked at Ava.

She was a beauty of a female, but without a doubt also the most dangerous female he had ever came across.
Part of him scréamed to claim her here and now... but the other part of him, the sensible one, warned him not to get too close to those jaws again.

Durango also looked... but even a simple act like watching the girls eat was enough to wind him up again. Now that he no longer had to try and calm Crixus, his own needs where stirring again.
He sat down, his breathing a little faster then usual, and within a minute his manhood came peeking back out. A little drop of pre dribbled down the length and into the fur of his sheath, but he didn't even notice himself as he had eyes for nothing but the girls.

As for Crixus; his attitude was becoming worse by the minute.
Not only had the girls openly challenged him... but they also had ratted him out with Scorpius... and he still had nothing to fuck.

But they'd regret it...

He narrowed his eyes slightly as he rested his gaze on Lilith again.

Hmm... she would be sorry for her sister's cheeky remarks... as he couldn't wait to tie the bitch up and réally scare her.
~When darkness comes, you know I'm never far~
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