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Let me warm you.... (Alakai!)

Posted: 18-11-2020 01:20
by Nakisha

Yeah, just something that popped into my head so I decided to make it.
It's a little intimate moment between Alakai and Kisha. Guess it's a semi-romantic thingie there, with Kisha not being used to the freezing temperatures and about to experience hypothermia, Alakai just wanting to keep her warm, they start frolicking happily to warm up and end up in a bit of an... unexpected position. But neither really minds.

Just for cutesies. :oops:

Re: Let me warm you.... (Alakai!)

Posted: 18-11-2020 02:09
by alakai
I freaking love it!! Definitely something intimate going on ;) But platonic love is just as amazing and can share the same amount of affection! <3 <3